ATTACKED BY PEPPER SPRAY I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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that's mace oh right that was really dumb it's going to be a hails of a great day yet again today as we stay safe here at the what the Hales warehouse as we go through the 1800s and the $1,700 storage units and if you want to help us make sure you hashtag hashtag 200k before May invite all your friends and all your family to join in the fun with what the Hales let's all subscribe [Music] Brian solo today as we come into the camera frame George is gonna go get her nephew he's gonna hang out with us for a few days this week hey why not have a ton of fun with auntie and this guy so we got to get this wagon if you remember in the previous episode she wanted this wagon home for him so he could play this utility wagon it's a great wagon we've got it all cleaned out but I found some other cool stuff in there that I have to show you okay number one stainless steel letter e in the back it's labeled e in town here I'm going to show you all right and so they were obviously collecting this was in a sign I got to tell you the way I'm looking at it right now this ski doesn't stand for the e in town it stands for e-z money in this unit these units are so incredible I found something else in that cart that we didn't show you because remember we found all the coins I'm like oh man we got coins I'm sure we're probably gonna find more money today we keep finding money every day but I found this huge well it's not even huge it's just heavy check this pail out okay this is a really cool pail now I know that says something I can't read it but I can read down here and this says something something something something white lead and oil works this thing is so heavy this thing is laden with lead on the inside can you see it all this got to be one of the heaviest small little 1 quart 2 quart little pots I've ever seen I think this is an actual working piece from this place in Pittsburgh super super cool it's so heavy that came out of that cart as well but you know the video before that we found a ton of stuff but we found I think was a jewelry chest in this tote when we found the carbon monoxide alarm electable toys but we never went through the rest of the tote until now this pandemic is closed my barbershop down in my hair is out of control so when it gets this way most of you go man he's got the Trump comb-over I think tomorrow for April schools I should probably take this brand-new machete and just try and chop it all off as a matter of fact I think I am gonna cut my own hair tomorrow cuz I already reached out to my barber to see if you would do a home visit nope alright let's see what's inside here okay let's oh I've seen something already let's just sit look at this look at this I'm gonna I'm gonna pull this out and then put the lid on okay look at this I'm taking the gloves off whether you like it or not gloves are coming off look at this antique car it's a toy alright you see this lever here what there's a spring inside okay look inside the door right there you see the spring inside and it looks like there's a wind-up key and then this would be the release and then we've got portions of it here too on the bumpers so super super cool man that's amazing I love it absolutely love it let's see number one it sold ten let's see if we can find any maker mark switch right now I'm not seeing we got to see if we can find the key and see if this thing actually works okay let's we'll set that aside for now opener back oh that's super cool hey let's just know what that is we've got some books in here Elizabeth takes off oh that's some weight gain now the important thing with books especially in units like this older people who lived through the depression check every page for hidden money so if Elizabeth was taking off wait was she putting in money I don't see a we've got some other books in here as well the day Kennedy was shot and kare-kare and repair of antiques so obviously again we know we know they were antique lovers because we have found so many already I don't see any money in there we're gonna check this one too I just think there's gonna be more hidden money when you find money in a in a garden cart when you find money in everything we're finishing restoring antiques I mean there's there's no where we haven't found money it was in this tote that we found the oldest coin we have ever found 1832 pre Civil War 50-cent piece smaller than a dime so cool here's another book here and again this is on Antiques treasures at home that's what that book is Zita just do it out of a zane grey the redheaded outfield okay maybe this is just an antique book this could be worth something let's take a peek in here so children's books sell for a lot I'm trying to look for a publication date obviously you always want to look for first edition and you want to look for your publication date copyright 1920 but we have another date of 1948 so this isn't the first publishing but I think I see dr. diet this is something on a diet I mean we're just gonna have to look through every book I'll do that more thoroughly okay I see a purse to see another oh my oh my oh my oh my I see oh my okay I don't know the best way to do this alright let's do this let's um I'm gonna see if I can put this stuff over here there is a ton of rap stuff in here and it looks like it's gonna be it looks like it's gonna be money when isn't it and there's these units right all right all right we definitely there's a bunch of rap stuff all right let's move this back over here all right we've got an antique full of alarm not sure how it works it is a I can't even it's a baby been by you tell me you probably know better than I do there you go there's the back we'll set that aside what is this here Oh check this out look at this this is an old school old school jewelry ring holder old old school I don't think I've ever seen one I'm just trying to alright I got to see if I can get inside there and see if anything's hidden or not okay we've got that looks like it's a piece of a vacuum handkerchief George actually has look at this Wow all linen okay George actually is putting together a beautiful handkerchief lot for the Sunday night q and A's and that'll go in the handkerchief lock so what she does is she selling to youtubers all the viewers at box so that you can sell and make money online as well as just awesome style you put in a bid all right we've got a fanny pack wouldn't we call this a fanny pack I think we would call it a fanny pack maybe not quite a fanny with that but definitely some personal hygiene care right there we've got some clippers and nail file that's probably not all that old but what this what is no way oh my goodness look at this look at this this is an old it's beautiful okay now unfortunately we're missing a piece you see from here to here man how cool is that look at that piece that is so stinking cool and then you would probably I'm guessing you would pull it okay now this makes the horse go up and down you see how it's off tilt or so it would look like the horse it looked like the horse was going like this man that is an awesome piece Wow if you don't know I love toys and oh you know what I bet you when it goes off okay when it goes off kilter she actually bounces back and forth how cool how cool all right all right we got to see what else is in here Oh perfect look at this these are for actually cutting hair and it still works are you seeing the hairs go look look I'm telling you I need a haircut bad look at this look at this guys it still works yep I'm getting my haircut for sure I ain't I ain't waiting any longer that is cool okay I'll finish the haircut later here look at this here's an old school I've never seen them like wood before look this is a this dowel has a joint in the arm that's wild see any markings checking the bum not seeing anything all I see is an original that's all I see here is a wooden dowel hey you know what I can actually say dowel for this one because it's a wooden dowel let up dump Ching and that's another antique what is this look at this look at this another toy no way old tin toy oh look if you'll wind up okay let's see if he still works we're gonna minimal wind up right here and how do we oh he works look at that no way that is so cool I love it this shirt is caught up in the wind up there we go there we go okay he's old-school he's really old-school definitely gonna have to look him up Wow okay man I love there's another scarf that'll go in George's scarf lot what did I do with the other one I don't even know what I did with it we'll set that up there there's too much cool stuff right now Man Alive what is this this is in some kind of plastic baggie George is missing out just missing out oh I think we got a Noah's Ark because there's two giraffes I got two giraffes right there and look at all the animals look and there's Noah we got a couple dogs there's no uh there's Noah's wife I'm not sure why Noah is yellow and she's red but there they are this is there you go you can see there I don't know if that's significant but only super cool no I'm never gonna be able to get everything back in here probably nothing that's probably why the two giraffes were out you can't get everything back in there with the giraffes I know maybe you can go like that like that and boom alright we're gonna set noah's ark over there got some kind of I don't even know what that is here's a brand new purse Sasson not an assassin but assassin Sehun it's a phone some kind of key or something there you go that's what it looks like there hopefully you can see this is not always the easiest doing by yourself here's another beautiful handkerchief it says love and I am loving these units ok piece of depression glass there a vase beautiful beside what we have in here look at this we've got an entire village set up here so really cool not marked handmade for sure set that aside ok another vase install the ones it's got a partner was this come on come on come on whoa that is pretty that's pretty I don't know if that's for alcohol or maybe that's an inkwell check that out it's awesome whatever it is not sure what it is but it does look cool that's well there's another handkerchief that'll go in her antique handkerchief flaw so we'll set that over there and then here is here's another toy okay you turn its head with its tail you see what I'm doing here old toy I'm not sure what you do with but apparently yeah yeah that's what you would do is tail his tail would actually turn its head kind of cool there you know how I like the old toy here's another oh it broke something broke right there something the top broke but it's not oh yeah it is in here say it's not in here but it is in there alright that's broken I don't know what that is alright we got one more bag let's see what we have in here oh there's a lot of smalls look at this what are we looking at what are we oh my goodness this is I bet you I bet you this is old I don't know I bet you it's old I was gonna say Dow house is this little Dow house made in USA I don't even know with some of this stuff check that out how cool here's a set of sandals Wow super cool I would think this is old-school dot oh my goodness this is old-school dow old porcelain missing a leg and here's another one porcelain well Indian girl she's porcelain yeah well there's there's a couple more Indian girls right there maybe those are Eskimo I think we got yeah we got one more up little Holland we still haven't gone through any of this none of that right there this that's all going back for store credit that that's all going back for store credit this we haven't gone through any of that either and then we have this huge huge wall of just everything I think what I'm gonna do I'm gonna pick something from here and we're gonna go over to the sorting table right over there I got a big box and I cannot lie all these other boxes they they can't deny when a big old box get you right in your face man you got to get in that thing alright so that's what we're gonna do it's labeled kitchen can't find Micah knife but I still a knife that was found earlier remember safety first always always cut away from the sausage and let's see all this is kitchen stuff but this is like yeah I hope you guys are ready because I everything else was antiques and old but this is you guess brand-new drink up because of Corona I want you guys to stay healthy and hydrated okay look at here we got more stuff being shipped all right we've got more bed risers there's a brand new set of bed risers right there mainstay that is Walmart we'll set that over here ah that's the works box but I'd be willing to bet hope there's only two in there huh that's weird okay but it does look like they're brand new some kind of bolt thing okay what's this what do we have here we've got it's not brand new because it was opened now I I think they were traveling you know I know they had a bust business but I think they were RV traveling as well I'm curious what that could be I'm really sure on that one but look it's USB duh what is that what do you call that coax cable that aside we've got yes brand-new lock hmm okay for a guy like me who buy storage units for a living this is pure gold and it's brand-new brand-new right there okay that's definitely going home while it's actually going in the truck sky wire TV antenna you know I think these guys were I think this is four look at there there's a Lynch pin but I think this was for traveling in an RV I really do sky wire TV antenna right there thank you for choosing sky or antenna enjoy your free TV follow these instructions easy set up I'm reading that paperwork right there so I don't know exactly what sky wire TV is but there's one right here I'm guessing that piece comes with it here's another one the sky wire and look at this we've got look at that that's uh that's a Reese hitch lock I really think these guys were going on the road full time so that's for towing you put that on so people don't actually steal your ball okay not a good thing to ever have your ball stolen never a good thing look at this brand stinking new this is an entire actually I don't know what that is but but Bath Beauty accessories okay whole little kit right there get the little massager right oh that feels good in the tendinitis oh that actually does I feels really good in the tendinitis so maybe this one's going in the camper as well or maybe it was just a decoration but then we also have we have where darken eyes go here we go we got the black collection the modern design sandwich maker let's see if it's in here no nobody can never go wrong with a sandwich maker the best sandwiches are over the fire as a matter of fact George and I have videos on the channel of us making sandwiches over the fire we teach a house there are a lot of fun to make and they taste so good and it's not brand new it's used definitely used took the plates out swap the plates out okay let's look at I'm gonna set this stuff aside we'll just I'll sort this better bring up a new a new box here okay I got another box this one says the big 2018 only 2018 new that new year 2020 coronaviruses own in it this year 2018 that's nothing all right here we've got red skeleton let's let's just slice this I'm just gonna slice that right open and we're gonna see what this is this is that is a clown picture that's what that is so clown picture now I think this is probably gonna be of the Red Skelton Museum that's compliments of the museum so I think this is gonna be like a ton of freebies they got a ton of freebies traveling to different conferences so for example we've seen French Lick Resort before here's brand-new bags they got from the French Lick Resort here's another one and you and when I'm saying they you're probably going to Jeremy what do you mean they well actually a husband and wife team traveling and I know that from all the other stuff that I found as well I think I can take my gloves off because this is all brand new all right we've got French Lick Resort brand new water bottle actually we got three of them there's three right there we should do like a water bottle giveaway or something going on faith traveling talks so this is probably more bus tour stuff would be my guess oh here we go here we go visit this is the cool stuff they got so much cool stuff actually George is putting together another lot for the auctions of all stress balls so that'll be good for 2020 who doesn't need some stress balls right now right no I'm saying we got the cup koozies or the cozies we just sold a lot of those last Sunday but we can add those in there too bonus cup cozies we've got postcards yep postcards George putting together a postcard lot - it's gonna be really cool so we've got group tools there's just all kinds of freebie stuff like actually I can't even read that right now I can't read anything because my eyes I looked at the flash Panama City I'm trying well you guys can read it you guys can see you didn't have to stare at the flash but who doesn't love a good elf and squeeze right you know what I mean yes squeeze that thing oh you feel the stress melting away already but there's a ton of cool stuff in here this is postcards this this I think is for you know getting tops of lids off you know the freebies for getting tops of lids off we got all kinds of cool stuff ashtray I need that paper that's the Daytona Beach - look at this look at this you've got deck of cards that were actually used at the casino date the 18th 18th when it was in when it was out you also have look at that there are died that were actually used one two three four here's four that were actually used at the casino and then drilled out as well so cool I grabbed a couple boxes labeled kitchen now you may be thinking man that's not typically you Jeremy that doesn't sound exciting but remember when I found the coins I don't know I'm like every tote remember when I found the coins with tools remember when I found the coins with it goes on and on so I can't help but think that there's probably coins within these boxes as well so let's see what we have here all right we have yes we have brand-new unfortunately the Kinect went a little bit far and I actually sliced the cardboard but it's still brand-new jimping three piece cast iron skillets look at that this is just since this is insane this is just insane to me I just can't believe it these got to be the greatest units I have ever purchased Wow okay well set that aside I mean some people call themselves the greatest some people say they purchased the greatest but you beat the judge you be the judge but for me in Ohio maybe we found Harley Davidson you found jewelry we found I mean we find stuff all the time but like this you know hi oh aiiah is just amazing to me alright let's see what we have in here this one says kitchen there's baby seal try not to go too deep this time don't want to cut the Jim Beam either you never go towards the sausage and never torch the Jim Beam alright let's see what we have oh this is gonna be this is gonna be exciting I don't care who you are this was gonna be exciting this is gonna be exciting you were thinking kitchen yeah I'm thinking kitchen because I know this unit look at this right here we got orange delicious orange this is collectible soda yeah that sounds so good right now this is gonna be a collectible box I guarantee it I bet you we're gonna find money even ever bright I'm not sure whatever bright is but there it is I think it's bright forever I think you actually put that up it gets it gets solar light and that oh man look at this there's a root beer root beer bottle look at that even everything's collectible look we're not what's rubbermaid okay we have a cup kuzey right in with raymond whoever that is we've got ziplock bags these are going home we've been used we use these for sorting okay so everything that goes home with us that gets sorted in the Ziploc bags that makes it really nice there is another shot glass look at that we just sold a lot of shot glasses it's a bullet shot glass made with genuine maybe with a genuine bullet right there there's a bullet in the shot glass let's see is there I don't know it's called lucky shot but that'll go home - that'll be put in a in a unit for everybody shots fired I'm down no I'm good good all right that'll be put in another unit we just sold the shot glass lot last Sunday it was a ton of fun went for a great price buffalo melted snow anybody want some melted snow from Buffalo because there it is that's actually kind of cool that's very marketing I like that that's really good marketing oh man hefty State George is gonna love this especially with Isaac coming over these are going home easy store microwavable those are going home for sure it's not only are the things worth money but there are things that save me money I don't have to spend money oh yeah not any napkins guys this is Vanity Fair but I'm using this four napkin miss going in the bathroom warehouse bathroom we'll set up a sting operation and we'll make sure nobody nobody steals our toilet paper again or would the sting operation we'll find out exactly who has been stealing the toilet paper all right what else do we have we've got this crazy thing that looks like depression glass for sure so thanks I see jewelry down here too of course why wouldn't we see jewelry we find anything everywhere there's some more buffalo snow some melted snow brand-new sealed Tic Tacs minion Tic Tac that's going home it's not quite snack time yo I actually am loving this there is a Joe's Crab Shack jar right there Joe's Crab Shack okay there's a lot of good stuff in here okay when we have it this bag we've got we got the lids of something don't know what we'll find out what but there is a lid to something I almost feel it you know what you just start feeling there's good stuff but this whole unit is good like look here's there's more stress ball stuff here's a stress house Howard Hannah here is here's a little bit now this is vintage this actually is vintage Tupperware you would put your slice of your sandwich in there right there or piece of pizza that's vintage Tupperware right there this is wild I think this is a shot glass this is Kentucky Horse not a shot glass what is it can is that Kentucky Derby okay so that's a pin that is definitely a pin and then on here there's there's I don't know I'm not I'm not a drinker but then it's a candle I don't know that that one's not making much sense I'll figure that one out [Applause] I'm too pure for a lot of this stuff so yeah I got a I got to do some googling there's uh I don't know what you would call that I mean honestly this looks more like a an adult toy that you would sit on because why would you need this for anything else I'm not sure what that is this is garlic stuffed olives that's another jar got a oh here we go here we go we've got a snap easy there's a kunai sharpener nice I'm gonna put that with all my lost connives so I can use this too we've got an old ice tray tray um pop them up that's really cool this is a great block okay what else what else put up with some nice box really cool stuff look at that we got a little horse thing with Sabarsky elements fabricated in the USA this is like a decorative some kind of decor horse thing yeah sweet United States Coast Guard look at this it was purchased for $18 so $18 brand-new we just get a military lot Sunday they'll go in the military lot look at this oh there is there's a shot glass 12-gauge shot glass that I'm going another shot glass lot there's a tractor squishy that'll go in a lot is all this stuff laser eyes what's oh look at that saber so that's tactical stuff oh holy cow that's mace Oh holes like it holds it and I'm just maced by itself I just I have to just space myself on accident alright that was really dumb I actually sprayed it at the wind took it right back at my eyes so I can't really see right now I'm gonna have to go home and I'm gonna have to get cleaned up if I can't make it home so we'll go through the rest of this in the next episode oh good [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 51,124
Rating: 4.9037066 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 0jb1yKA9DDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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