REAL LIFE TREASURE HUNT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction Storage Wars

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look at this whoa wait wait hold a second let me put that there look at this oh my goodness George is gonna be so happy that is going in the Easter basket you taking a break from exhausted from lucky well you've been all over three floors so far just think we're treasure hunters I got it tomorrow is Easter's and I still don't have a basket for George so here's the plan I'm back at the $95 unit that I got and a live auction a secret live auction in Worcester Ohio and I'm gonna see what items can I get today to put in an Easter basket for George to find later I'm gonna give her a basket early and we're gonna see what she thinks about it you want to see what treasures we find make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the bell for notifications cuz you never know what the Hales were gonna find [Music] 25:25 i'll go 20 if you want me to Bob's gonna give you 25 65 75 85 95 usually that's a threshold for people Easter it's on its way and I don't even have chocolate for George yet so I'm gonna see what we can find inside so I can put in a basket for George and almost mouse droppings we found yesterday that might work for chocolate but not this time almost wrapped myself okay now I got most of this stuff yesterday I got it loaded up in the trailer but today we've got a we got to focus on my Easter basket stuff okay now I know George better than anybody she has the most unusual awkward weird taste you name it if it's weird she'll love it okay so we'll see what we have here remember yesterday we we kept finding remnants of Nintendo switches and also we use so hopefully if we can find something else I don't know she'll like I chewed on full noodle hopefully we can find something else she's into tall nerdy men that won't work unfortunately no I mean fortunately that won't work because she's into nerdy guys so we've got to have I'm hoping I can find the Nintendo switch and we can put that oh look at that that's like an egg of yarn I don't have actual Easter eggs but an egg of yarn yeah this is this is going in I don't know what it's attached to down here okay it's attached to this which is even more unusual but I have an egg alert so that's our first thing that's definitely going in the Easter basket I must set that aside over here and we're gonna have to find a basket to actually what if I just I wonder if I'm strong enough to just I am there we go Easter Egg hahaha this is actually going pretty well I didn't figure I'd find an Easter Egg first thing come on come on take a look down in here this looks like a lot of there's Halloween this looks like a lot of toys and stuff oh you think George would like this well ball all right all right that'll go in the Easter basket - okay oh whoa what about that Peter Rabbit okay that's going in all right we got a ball we got so we got a toy we got okay this is candy is it candy helicopters LED lights yeah Hales yes yeah she'll be all about that that's going in okay and hmm okay I see Legos she should just spinners but hey oh wait wait that fidget figures good thing Rob isn't here he's Batman so Batman's broken right now that can't go in okay that's enough for here let's look at something else maybe this has a basket maybe not that would be because I'm gonna make her look and hunt for a basket she's gonna have to find it so if it's disguised as furniture that might actually work to see what we have here we've got this looks like an Amazon Prime box oh we've been looking for the Nintendo switch look at that there's a pre-owned dragon fighters to Dragonball fighters come on baby come on baby come on baby 34:19 oh it's gotta be in here somewhere it's got to be in here somewhere here is brand new Crayola Crayons that's worth something here is here's another set of Crayola crayons okay she she definitely she likes puzzles she's like this she thinks she's so hit but she thinks she's so you know into today's you know young kids and all of that but she likes puzzles I don't think she's into coloring though so I was thinking maybe the markers but I'm gonna say no on that okay look at this look at this coconut cream organic coconut cream the one thing I know she's definitely into coconut oil and this is a good substitute this is going in the Easter basket oh my goodness this is gonna be perfect tuna chunky kuna no not for her green beans yeah yep you know what green beans do for you neither do i all right but she always says something about them diced tomatoes no pumpkin this is going in you know why cuz okay so that's going in the basket maybe this could be the basket maybe not maybe not maybe that's a bad idea too let's see what we have here kidney beans who doesn't need a new kidney chicken and rice she's she's uh corn corn sweet corn it's the gift that keeps giving after you eat it it comes right back so that's going in that is definitely going in okay Oh what about the chickpeas she's a chick yeah for sure chickpeas and garbanzos okay so that's going in the Easter basket okay let's shift and find some more I don't think it'll fit in an Easter basket but who doesn't love a good trampoline that's right on the concrete it doesn't work at all stall the legs that's good for short people and George is short so we'll see but then again look there's another one this one might work look at this such 13 don't full wads my jump and get a hole right okay not that that's not gonna work that's not her thing oh I thought a basket I found a basket this might work perfect although I'm not sure the chickpeas and hummus are gonna fit in here so let's set this we'll put this in the pile of the stuff that we're thinking of and we'll see if we find anything else there's the pile right down there that's what we have so far all right whoa look down here look at this I said look at this not my crotch not my beautiful jeans my this right here okay all right here we go yes she loves broken glass she's always telling me will you please just go out and play in the road with broken grass and rusty razor blades so this actually might be perfect let's set that aside as a baby okay security envelopes does somebody call security maybe okay let's see what oh yeah pretty good this lots of glass this might be perfect actually but yeah I'm a little scared to find out what else is in this box so let's set that and the security we're gonna set that aside over here that's a shame that looked like a nice nice piece okay what do we have here fit for quality t CBS 5 ok I don't know why would you put one mug in one tote that seems a little that's okay looking over here okay check this out I found a flash drive eight gig yeah look at this I found that you see here I well how many gives o it is one gig this is an STD card who knows what's on this so we're gonna check this STD card out and this flash drive on Sunday night during our live 9:00 p.m. will tell you exactly what we find on here and frankly George loves this kind of stuff she likes digging through that and finding out the information of the previous owners so that's going in the Easter basket there we go it's in okay okay we found a hundred dollars but look here's another so we definitely we have our we have our purchase price and nerf guns alone now Georgia has had a nerf gun fight before and I had about ten guns hidden all around her house and she got the noisy cricket with one shot let's just say I won regardless okay and I don't think she's ready for a rematch so I'm gonna say no on the nerf guns she's probably not up for that or she still has a little Vendetta oh man what is it with this unit and broken glass just [Music] okay it might be me breaking it I'm not sure let's get lunch a glass look at this this is these are old well they're not even old this is a local company that still delivers milk here in Worcester these are all milk bottles whoa still not getting on my door but whoa I think I just yeah sure did I just found the stand to the but there's a keyboard over here do you see this Casio keyboard so that could be how good in all reality that's probably $100 right there so at a bare minimum I'm playing me some chopsticks for George so that would be good that'd be a nice little Easter celebration the only song I play we get that all the way what do you think's in here you thinking what I'm thinking because this is a bedroom side table all right let's not go there yet let's look over here look here's the mirror that actually goes to the to the dressers oh that's a big long dresser I thought it was a side table that's a big long dresser here's the mirror and here look at this look at this oh wait wait hold a second let me put that there look at this oh my goodness George is gonna be so happy it is dumb wrong 48 oh my goodness yes yes yes can we buy looking we buy them Easter basket and Easter toilet paper this is amazing now she can finally get that stuff out of her tomb and be clean afterwards okay let's see what else we have to get through some of this to get back in there not sure we have here oh look look look we've got Shearwood Hocking Sherwood hockey let's see what that's all about okay probably you think the maybe maybe the switches in here or maybe there is a ton of ice hockey yep ice hockey gear ice hockey gear I can't believe it look at that that's got to be worth two ninety five dollars just to buy this thing all this ice hockey gear completely and totally filled with ice hockey gear and it is the the Worcester Oilers hmm that's I've never heard of the Oilers before that's okay I'll just set that aside I don't think there's anything in there Georgia's gonna appreciate but if there's some adult diapers in here with turned state of the world I think she'll appreciate it you know one so here we go Oh My Little House on the Prairie Michael Landon who spent all day watching these when I wasn't and I haven't yeah well just you know what that's probably too much information that's TMI let's see do we have their Sleeping Beauty there's air buddy Rugrats I'm looking for you guys know which one I'm looking for flipper flipper faster than okay not the one we were looking for we are looking for the Little Mermaid we're looking for the band cover it's not in this box so George has about five of them right now since we didn't find it over there but we did find hmm wife made the beef stew again last night we've got a whole bunch of whole bunch of stuff here more more more more I'm sure it goes with the beef stew that is definitely going in the Easter basket okay we got a bigger basket okay let's clean this mess up so we can actually get ourselves situated find more cool stuff we definitely have a pre-lit Christmas tree here it looks like it's a 6.5 feet right there so 6.5 feet Christmas tree they're all duct tape just like normal and take a peek in hey hey eyes up here all right trees right here there's some lumber right here for you to stare at let's keep it going we got an encyclopedia set here oh my goodness so hard to find good help the new book of knowledge I don't think anybody uses this anymore the Encyclopedia set now is called Google maybe you think there's that's a maybe there's one e let's see if we can find the e and see if we can find Egypt ABCDE see if we can find Egypt and if so okay let's see eels oh I found it okay there it is right there there it is I found Egypt alright this is going in right there check this out I got a good Easter basket going right there so that's going in there to Egypt all right let's take a peek here um it's a wrapper some kind of wrapper from something and and I don't mean music that could be some kind of weird sock Hales the Hales is this I don't know what this is but it's screaming Easter to me that's going in the basket Thanks there we go right there in the basket and then it looks like some kind of musical toy for the snake charmer she'll need this to Rotorua well that's like that's a coupon magnet for wrote a rumor she can save $25 so that's going into Easter basket I just talked that over there are your things down here some diapers and whoever whoever this is I'm not sure who that is Pete oh that's PJ masks okay PJ masks I'll sit down right there okay there's some totes there's some tote and you know totes I'm go let's see what we got come on let's peek in here we got a purse now I just gave her I gave her a purse kind of purse was that I think it's a it might be a coach purse this is a coach purse I don't know anybody remembers seeing George with a coach purse or not but I think it might be that or or might be some other kind oh my goodness that diapers stuck to that purse that's downright nasty that nasty all right let's go on the other area here and underwear and feathers that's kind of gross kind of gross - okay let's see what we have here I have a little pencil box Oh oh yeah George loves sorting all the change that we find but we put it through a point order so that's that's not gonna help us but that's good because that could mean that there's an actual there's actual coin collection here somewhere let's see yes really nothing no stinking way no way yes way look at that that is going in the Easter basket does it go this does it go with this some kind of dragon maybe does it go like this I think it's supposed to go like this okay the dragon's hand is broken off George's just getting the sword okay that's it that's it so I'm gonna put the sword over here as well so the sword goes in next to the to the Pied Piper flute first when she wants to charm the old snake and there's a little D a WL alright sooo else we have in here oh there's another magic card another magic card that is not the one that Rob told us we should be looking for all right oh let's see let's see what we have in here see if we can find something for George in here okay her her her Easter basket her Easter baskets getting pretty cool pretty full now remember we're gonna hide it and we're gonna have her find it as well so you want to see if she finds it what she thinks as well all right so we've got that sacrum Quran Quran okay all right I thought that was maybe a response kit for something else you never know you never know okay we got a bunch of purses a bunch of purses why do we always find so many purses in storage we've got another craftsman oh look at this remember when I said I thought there'd be coinage there we go yeah there's something in here there is something in here I think this is a viral survival kit because look at this purified water it may be flat no carbonation but it's still sealed purified water that is going in her Easter basket take a look at how cool that Easter basket is right now that has got some great stuff great stuff here there's some more monies I found another there's another quarter she loves shiny quarters trust me well I'll get that one later there is a simple Vera I don't even know what that means and none of these maybe maybe I should throw that down that for maybe maybe not is that a dune in Berkeley or a Dooney and Bourke Dooney and Bourke that's what it is a Dooney and Bourke okay I'm thinking I'm thinking we almost have that basket full I need that one more special item kind of just to tie the whole thing together and I think I found it right over here on the washer/dryer set it's this it's a smoke detector because she's so smoking hot alright let's go home let's hide it and let's see if she can find it Oh George oh you did take that tape from that unit didn't you okay well I've got something else for you to take and it's in the form of an Easter basket it's Easter celebration I hid it just like true treasure hunting form and you have to find it it's somewhere here and the what the Hales mansion and it's not up on these shelves filled with video games our our supercool painting us a $400 painting there all right you ready to serve it's gonna be huge go big or go home you laundering money all right what about the dryer what about the dryer and scary scary dungeon basement done where are you lookin next oh she likes her snacky snacks uh you hangry right now now I what are you looking for seriously go big or go home you really seriously think I would give you garbage I would never put it in the garbage can holder really garbage maybe kidding just a little bit is it in the fireplace if it was you'd be getting hot but why would I put it in a fireplace why would I put it in there I got it I got it figured out why is it why is it every time you come home you look behind the shower curtain to see if there's a murderer what are you gonna do if there actually is a murderer or one day yeah you be in the right room but you were wrong not in there you taking a break exhausted from well you've been all over three floors so far just think we're treasure hunters I got it what I got it what right at it what you and I both love junk in the trunk well I like junk in the trunk more than you do but we're treasure hunters and that came from a storage unit we found that storage unit this winter oh look at all that look at all that I didn't think so at all I ain't stupid I ain't stupid dumb I know I don't know but it sure did look eastery give me those pants hand them over right now are you being serious all right if you're gonna be like that this Sunday my holy pants for church [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 32,662
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: IqoEvMUa60A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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