FOUND WAR POISON Magnet Fishing For Sunken Treasure In Ocean / Magnet Fishing Best Finds Ever

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geez oh there it is okay it definitely feels heavier we're at a bridge in florida crystal rivers and we've learned that most people in florida throw guns off a bridge where there aren't high guards today we're gonna do some magnet fishing and try not to fall and try and find a gun [Music] we're gonna go with our smallest magnet first i think that's like 300 and some pounds of pressure george is gonna film try not to get hit by cars by the way there is a sign it says no jumping or diving from the bridge have to keep that in mind for sure that's an important sign we're not diving we're magnet fishing row number one since people are so apt to throw weapons out of their vehicle on a you know a very low ledged bridge i thought they would probably throw a weapon out on this side because this road is a u-turn it's a u-turn it goes like this i figured they would throw it this way first then u-turn and then they would you know high-tail it out of here you know here's here's what i think we're gonna do we're gonna have to actually throw out and i'm going to walk up and down i'm going to kind of grid it and see what happens with the magnet because there we got absolutely nothing call this one the no look toss nice splash and i feel like i've hit some things let's uh i mean you can feel you can feel the vibration and the tension like did you just hear it splash yeah like it the it was up against the thumb bench it was up against the bridge like it's under right now let's see if we have anything i think we had something but i think we lost it on the edge of the bridge pier we actually as much as i hate to my theory is that people threw stuff over here because this is before the actual u-turn i have a feeling we're gonna have to throw over here because that's the way the current is going if we're gonna drag which is the goal boat's getting closer boat is getting a lot closer okay captain looks like he's talking to his participants they're on their three-hour tour oh george the boat is getting close getting so close okay and right now they're looking at me like what's this idiot doing they're probably calling the federal government the local authorities the local authorities the federal government and just like yukon cornelius he slowed the motor down not only did he slow he stopped coming to the other side of the bridge with a bigger magnet we don't got the big big boy yet we got to find the sweet spot on the bridge so we're gonna throw this one next captain passed us the the currents going that way let's see what we can actually do maybe we'll even catch the car that's about to pass us in three two and just joking on that one and this time here we go redo decent splash i like that i have good splashage good splashing skills i do what do you think i walk it this time yeah let's walk it out or just pull it in okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna tie it to my wrist now okay and i'm gonna walk you could see the rope the red rope and jeremy's walking it out jeremy's walking back what do you think you feel i anything another boat coming another captain definitely hitting the bottom but that's typical i'm always hitting the bottom the rope is long let's see we have we got nothing all right too many pontoons here i think we need to go find another bridge time to get in and on the water who the hails knows what we're gonna see today with everything crazy in the world we thought we would take our chances with the gators in the river see this here george we got a bridge fish hero bridge and what do we know about bridges murder weapons that's what we know about perfect place to throw there's again that railing is about waist high if not a little bit lower that's where people throw off the weapons whether they're knives guns doesn't matter what it is they throw it off we're gonna throw some magnets and see what we can find we're gonna throw some magnets here current is going down this way and that's going to the gulf so we figure anything that was thrown out of the the actual bridge should be flowing this way as well hopefully we get it with the wukong toss got a couple magnets going on right now give it a little toss out there nice splash are we 20 feet we're 23 feet 23 feet all right little let her drop and let her drop hopefully a giant sturgeon actually gets on it there are sturgeon as a matter of fact there are signs warning you of jumping sturgeon all right i'm on the bottom be afraid be very very very afraid dun dun dun you feel it okay you feeling it are you just feeling that wind i'm feeling the wind feeling a little bit of rocking i'm praying not to get motivated you stay tuned to this entire video at one point george is going to throw up what felt something wait wait yeah i do i get motion sickness so something grabbed it's like a gator chomped on it or something right a gator or a surgeon i'm on something you can tell by the bites a gator bites a certain way as surgeon sturgeon bites a certain way i was on something but it was too big to pull it up maybe i got a piece of it it's definitely on something let's see what i got let's see what i got look at you nicely bringing in the rope let us see how you keep it untangled and i lost it i was on something i'm gonna give it another shot new plan we're gonna drop it in and we're gonna troll through the eaves of the bridge so off to the side all right all right all right all right i see what you're doing here okay so now we're going to troll we're going to go slow not youtube troll just uh boating troll boating trolling we'll see if we catch something here we go getting close to the bottom of the bridge how's your trolling coming along well i'm not as good as some trolls on youtube but i still i'm still learning i'm still learning i definitely can feel it hitting bottom you feel anything i feel a nice winter breeze i feel that a nice winter breeze here in florida in a january feeling lucky that's what i'm feeling are you feeling froggy i know i'm feeling feeling lucky all right we're definitely under the bridge there you go you're so close again we're in 20 plus feet of water we're just we're trolling [Music] you see that sunlight yeah sun's hitting it directly and today is just not my day not a not a single murder weapon who would have thunk it my new theory the water's moving really fast i'm gonna try and throw the magnet in between the piers between the pillars yeah and i think i think metal would have got caught in there so here we go watch this throw okay whoa hit it down the water should take it let's see what happens definitely got that concrete smacking a face right in the face i was talking about my mom's mustache had to teach it a little bit i cut something i feel something you feel something i feel sorry all right i'm on something i'm on something for real look i'm pulling the boat oh wow look i am pulling the boat i'm on something what do you think it is i don't know oh i just lost it yeah he said i think it was a giant safe i was on something big i was pulling the boat i was definitely pulling the boat do you think you should up the magnet or are you afraid it's going to get if i up the magnet too much and it's definitely a giant safe we won't get the magnet back and that's a really expensive magnet let's see if i got anything here i was on something big yeah you were whether it was a jumping sturgeon whatever it was i was on it could have been a shipwreck which we've magnet fished over shipwrecks before that was back in ohio in the lake lake area i lost it not even magnetic sand just a little bit we haven't had so much luck at other locations but we just had a huge storm like three inches of water in one day in our area and we thought why not come out to cedar key cedar key is home to the oyster clam and farming it's the capital of the world in regards to that and it has this huge beautiful dock check this out just there's people everywhere so here's what i was thinking george uh we love watching the dolphin out here cedar key is home to a pot of about 500 dolphin unique in the way they hunt the only pods of dolphin to hunt the way that they do is right here in this area of the world we love watching them so why not do a little treasure hunting while we watch them i'm going to throw the medium magnet in first here and i'm just going to do the drag i'm going to go along and drag instead of throw so i'll just drag along let's see if anybody has dropped anything or anything washed up with the storm look into my magnet george look behind you look what's already been brought up right down on the ground there you go okay so there's some netting that's been washed in kind of odd and here we go we're gonna plop it okay the rope rope is going okay now i got bottom i hit bottom like a i'm already on something for real i feel something already okay so we're going to use the drag method using the drag method just like this you feel anything else i feel a lot and the current's taking me out you can feel the current oh big time i'm right on the pillar right now oh oh oh oh okay holy cow oh i was on something oh yeah you were i felt i saw the tension in the roach okay i'm gonna drop it back i was on something so stinking big it could have been could have been a car could have been a boat you think it was the loch ness um in cedar key in the gulf yeah probably that'd be yeah that's probably right oh man i'm on something huge again i'm on somebody whatever it is all right here we go it broke off i saw i i could definitely see the tension in the row okay let's go out a little bit whatever it is this magnet is not is not strong enough to bring it up we'll have to go with the higher tension magnet okay here we go lost you oh there you go oh i'm down it's a beautiful day for magnet fishing it is not only is it a fun treasure hunt it's a good spectator sport but you know what we're going to have to toss on the other side because the current keeps taking me over there okay all right let's go to the other side let's see if we have anything let's do a switch let's see if we have anything we have man i was on something so stinking big all right i'm gonna i'm gonna go over here okay and then we'll we'll go this way we'll drag this way because current is pushing so here we go all right you see this here here we go ready yep saw the splash now jeremy's walking it out it's like he's walking his pet magnet does your magnet have a name yeah magpi the life of magpi feel anything nothing yet yeah maybe there's quite a few people out here on the on the pier fishing now this is the best part people are here to fish they're all staring like crazy right now they're like what the hell's he doing what's he throwing in there we're trying to pull him out not throw him in so let's see what we got here we do we have a lot of eyeballs on us right now we have an audience and it's not the chicken this time all right let's see what we got okay here we go like everybody is looking like what the hell do they think they're doing must be out of towners definitely little do they know okay here we go here we go we have something for real okay we have magnetic rock and then we have that's probably a piece of steel that rusted off of something part of the pier yeah it could be a part of anything see how magnetic it is boom boom okay here's what i'm thinking we'll probably get more drag with the bigger magnet why don't we just go ahead we'll upgrade to the big boy let's upgrade here we go upgrading because size matters right hails to the yes got the big boy now here's the one thing i'm concerned of george we've thrown this magnet enough that the the binder here is actually rusted now normally what we would do is we'd unhook that and then we twist this and we lock it in but it's too rusted right now i didn't bring any tools out here with me so we're literally going to throw the most expensive magnet worth hundreds of dollars and hope that this binder doesn't come undone i mean come on this is gonna be fun right oh yeah what if we just do a full launch come with me okay well if we just do a full launch let's go like this instead of the drag what if we you know what i'm saying like this it's out there that was a huge splash it's definitely out there now okay now here's what i think the smartest thing to do is is to tie off so we're going to tie off right here we'll just kind of do a loop-de-loop tie off here what's the name of this tie-off knot that you're doing i call this the redneck nacho knot you know why because it sounds good redneck nacho not and you love redneck nachos from barbecues i do love me some redness oh my goodness look at this the the tide is taking it everywhere already oh wow yeah you're under the pier now i'm under the pier so whatever i'm on something oh it just came up from the water look george it's on it's on the water right there uh-huh you ready yes a couple flakes huh okay you know what we gotta do right what are you thinking i'm thinking throw over there okay all right so hopefully nobody gets upset but just one of these here all right okay now we're gonna pull in now everybody is staring right now like who are these idiots throwing stuff nobody's been brave enough to come and ask yet i'm on something yet i'm on something someone will someone usually does yeah somebody's just like i think that netting right there is preventing them to come over here to talk to us you know what the netting being there stopped them all i'm on something i know i'm on something um oh my goodness i'm on something huge look oh wow look i'm on something huge something's taken something's taking it for real something's taking it wait wait it's just like wait it's on it again it's on it again do you need more man i don't know what it is okay okay holy cow it's like literally something has a grab on it you can [ __ ] that like a guitar cord oh my god this one's got it someone's got a whole second it's on it it's on it it's on it it's on it you're struggling over there something's moving should we get one of the people that are staring come home there is something big under there it's on it on it off okay all right let's see it's off of it now it let go whatever it was how many fishing poles do you think we could bring up uh i don't know but the current just took it under that basket let's see what we got someone that they're asking now from across the way what are they asking you dig around something what is that a binder clip okay no that's for fishing that's for fishing this i bet you this is whatever we were on we were on something big for sure you think you can hit it again at the same spot i hit that spot non-stop watch this watch this let me clean it off i'm gonna clean it off right here and you ready yeah no fishing lines in there right nope all right [Applause] all right whatever it was it was big it felt like something was biting onto it and dragging it like like a shark or okay i'm not on it yet there's something huge down there this is our biggest magnet i'm on it i'm alright i hit the spot again i'm on it again i'm right on it you see the tension yeah look at that holy cow oh wow it's like it's trying it's like holy cow it's like it's moving look at that look at look at the line look at the line it's literally moving it's moving whatever it is it's moving look at the line babe i'm telling you it's moving it's taking the look it's taking the line holy cow oh my gosh what do you think it is i don't know feel my arm shaking from just fighting it feel it feel my arms shaking from fighting wow you really are feel this feel this feel pulled it feel this oh my goodness yeah there's something big down there oh it just let loose look at this it just let loose look see that yeah whatever had it just tension's gone let me see let's see what we got i don't know if an animal is grabbing it you know a lot of people don't know this but a crocodile and alligator stomach acids are they're strong enough to actually dissolve metal so if there's a gator down there and grab it onto it he could just be like snack time okay well we got some more rock stuff here's what i'm thinking i'm thinking you should toss it my turn let's see that egyptian strength in action all right she's gloving up okay looks like she's ready i'm so ready i'm gonna try and hit that same spot okay now i got it i got it but i'm skilled okay so let's see that egyptian skill in action watch me lose the man no don't lose the magnet well i have no control if i lose it all right i'm ready here she goes um definitely she just got scared that she was gonna leave the rope definitely didn't hit the spot she got scared she was gonna or did i you definitely did you didn't go far enough you might be on something else but i feel something i think you got something yeah well hold up let's see she she just freaked out she's like oh no i'm gonna lose the whole thing she forgot i have it tied off i forgot that right there the redneck knot the redneck nacho knot okay she's pulling you up anything it feels like there's something on there because it's heavier than when i first threw it in there and nothing okay nothing you've got to go like right up there in the middle and you got to go farther than what you just did because i hit it twice all right i'm just warming up warming up ready do it did you get some in your mouth it went on my tongue nice oh i think i hit it you got it i think so you want it oh my goodness what is that do you feel how strong it is yeah oh look you see it moving look at all that um something's definitely pulling in is something pulling it i'm telling you it's like something's chomping on it and then spitting it out oh my god well look at all the dust that's like mudding up you see it yeah i see it oh my god there's something definitely on there i'm on the spot i'm on it i'm shaking i'm like trembling because what if it pulls me in mama's not a strong swimmer i am not a strong swimmer if this thing pulls me out you go in you're on your own you wouldn't save me no look at the tension look at it moving the line look at it moving the line there's something definitely right there in that spot it's literally moving the line how crazy how crazy is it right now okay you think it's a mermaid cedar keys known for mermaids i thought they were known for oysters there's something definitely down there are you gonna oh my god look at it look at it look at it moving it's it's like a guitar chord it's like boom holy cow there's something definitely there it's moving it it's and it's driving me nuts that i can't see because the water's so murky look at all the mud that it's pulling up look at all this i'm not sure it's gonna translate on the camera but there's like mud and merc something's down there stirring all the water did up just let go it just let go whatever it is it just like no it's still pulling what whatever's on her line it's still pulling all right let's go and let go this time it let go jeez oh there it is okay it definitely feels heavier than i did when i threw it in you definitely don't have an animal on it that's for sure come on please let it be a mermaid please let it be a mermaid empty you can see that from that time oh holy oh my god what is all that bring it down bring it down bring it down here oh my gosh what is all that i don't know but you were on something oh my god this heart take off you were on something i can take this off the magnet the other ones that bottle is stuck on there try and pull that off it's hard here hold hold what does that say does that say laboratories i see laboratories right there does that say p is that poison i can't tell it's rusty yeah does that oh my gosh it says poison does that say poison oh my gosh why would someone do that wait was it p-o-i-s-o-n poison what's the rest of it i can't see a whole lot i just see laboratories what's it say on the way laboratories directions ah [Music] i'm not sure what this is shake it is there anything in there i'm not shaking it you shake it oh my goodness it just i've just lost it you shake it oh that's on there tight you got gloves that's on there tight [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 40,967
Rating: 4.8782506 out of 5
Id: 0naXkK6Maa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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