RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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voting for change a change in storage unit buying all over the world today a change for you a change for me if you're a fan of what the Hales you know we have a little bit of an accident yesterday but I'm doing okay now and I even got my hair cut with the stuff that we found yesterday so there's no telling what we'll find on any given day which is why we want to get to 200k before may subscribers make sure you share what the Hales with all your family and friends help us get there and prep for the option it's gonna be April 25th now let's get digging into some treasure because you never know what the Hales were gonna find [Music] it's only money ladies and gentlemen hate you now 19 how you make up you don't sweat it 18 1989 1989 1990 nest 1999 June 1989 90 left rather call 1800 now 1900 last phone call in all Doug 1907 away $1,800 right 1817 on are now 18 18 years 17 under now 18 now 18 18 years 80 now 80 now 18 18 all we learned on the gas empty now 18 us at D now 18 so me money something now 18 all in all dirt 1800 yes selling away $1,700 goes old we're back and look at this look at that Christian look at these eyes you see those pretty hazel eyes they're perfect and you may not have seen the last episode since you weren't here with me Christian but I pepper sprayed myself so that's why we are in the middle of this box right here oh here we go we're starting already captain fumble nuts is starting already all right no accidents today no accidents we're not gonna break anything let's see what we have let's just dig right into it there's some pretty cool stuff in here those look like more shot glasses is that like a shot glass with candle you know anything about this stuff mm-hmm yeah me either another one in there and there's stuff in this box really is another glass set that over there this looks like another glass as well definitely like a little goblet yeah a little Goblet glass right there that might be for beer taste testing maybe I don't know I know there's a well look at that Hard Rock Cafe Niagara Falls New York that's kind of cool so here's the other one we found the Jose Krabs Crab Shack yesterday I wonder if these are all collectible check out the value on those okay let's dig down a little bit further I think we got a shot glass didn't we oh that's another lucky shot this aluminum shell casing is authentic look at that we got a CoA on it certificate of authenticity right there that's crazy all right we'll keep that we'll keep that CoA with it that's going this is going in the auction on Sunday you guys saw the other lucky shop with the bullet in the glass there's gonna be a bunch of them that one's nice and heavy there's gonna be this is going in the auction okay Sunday night Sunday's sunday sunday we definitely have Lou queen how're you guys doing on food yeah we good all right if you need new greenie just say something I'll help you out there no charge all of these Ziploc bags go home to help sort backs paper a sealed brand-new that's gonna save me a buck or two so that'll go home look at this there's another there's a 12 12-gauge shot glass right there right there that'll go in the auction Oh Mitch I thought I thought we just found it I thought we found hidden money again and no we found I saw I saw gold and then all of a sudden okay we got a West clock timer let's see what happens but ding the episodes over sighs not over we're still going we're still going all right all right but but just maybe we should just time it we should be like all right 25-minute episode and let's see when it actually goes off we'll set it over here we'll find out when it goes off I'll put it right down there see how long it takes us to go through 25 minutes Oh spaghetti more spaghetti oh man this is actually good right now this stuff is good what about toothpicks do you need a tank you fix maybe actually we're gonna have to check it all though because they were hiding money everywhere oh my goodness they're gonna be shot glasses galore more shot glasses what's this one that one is Fort Bragg's North Carolina check that out there are a ton of collectibles in here this box was just labeled kitchen what's this one can you can you read it Stony Creek Ranch yeah at a resort some kind of resort okay they were definitely doing some resort living so what do you put in your kitchen box spaghetti thin spaghetti and a ton of shot glasses right here's another one is that one labeled that one's labeled - oh that's a SOF canine Memorial huh interesting there's a bunch in here okay but look at this we got keychains - national bus system oh we do know we know he was a we know he was a bus driver - a bus driver check that out we'll put that in a keychain lot more more keychains but the money the money is what we think we're gonna find in here more keychains okay see these is just erasers no look at that these are NASCAR erasers how random dude you aren't here to see it but this box was labeled kitchen and we have NASCAR erasers in there it's crazy this shot glass looks like it's something collectible here it is the USS North Carolina that's really cool battleship there Man Alive you didn't think I'd get all this in the kitchen there's a Hard Rock Cafe Boston okay and where are these just coasters what you think it's like a coaster [Music] yeah we'll just set those aside I don't know if those are is this it is this the money we've been looking for whoa whoa whoa hey patience Christian has something he wants to give to you okay give this to him later and ask her to marry you it's April Fool's today say hey baby see if you don't find him marry me in here okay all right we'll set that aside that's for you later okay and we got bunny rabbits we've got bunny rabbit coasters not my thing not my thing what else do we have crazy dude if we get if we get hungry later though we're so eating some of these and then you can find them marry me for her okay okay okay let's see we've got [Music] hometown I have no idea CLT on tap general what is it no not control I don't know what it is beats me it's gonna be a drinking glass right well something's wrapped up in a towel every time we find something in a towel wrapped up it's good and I have no idea what that is a butter dish maybe butter dish oh you know what I bet you it's all pie racks yeah right there dude that's it look at the old Pyrex pattern check that out that's beautiful we talked about the value of Pyrex and an episode last week that's a nice piece you're probably too young to remember this this is ice cube trays before they had rubber and stuff so what you will do is once it was ice you would pull that back and it would crack the ice and then you would have all the cubes these are pretty collectible that's the second one out of there we have found something in uh something in a towel again and look at that it's a top two something I bet just the top of this it is Fire King and there it is there's the top right there Fire King some old glassware in there okay and you put a smile in my heart oh my goodness you know what they stole this have you ever seen some of these you hide these rocks around Ohio they're like geocaching and then yury hide it somebody's small heart I can't believe it put it in a kitchen box of all places all right we got more we got more look at that Niagara Falls that's pretty sharp man it actually is a sure okay we've got a few more in here most of them look like shot glasses look at this one this is battle battleship that says battleship right yep battleship it's a beautiful cobalt blue alright some country gravy no alright we'll set that aside well what's this this this is looking like Santa Claus trying to get in here no this is a parrot look at this hanging out in Ohio oh it's not even a parrot is that a cardinal look there's a creepy baby in there too creepy baby I'm giving that to George given that actually that's about the color our baby would be if we had a baby right there that would be us caramel and I'm the dark one in the relationship there's a NASCAR Hall of Fame NASCAR check that out okay we got more we got more a little bit more there's another one of those and then we have we have here we have is there red in there there's some kind of red in there is that a lobster yeah I'm colorblind you can see it better than I can all right well it's going in the lot we can tell you that okay and then maybe maybe quote madam I'm not sure but maybe you think maybe that's the shot glass to you just pour a little and then Christian I actually think that's particularly entire time since you've been at the warehouse oh they just psych you and me maybe maybe next time I got that kitchen box from this pile over here we still haven't been through all of this flip around real quick Christian show them everything else we still haven't been through this is just insane it's a tower it's a mountain we got it on both sides so why don't we just for the fun of it why don't we see what we actually have in these boxes over here this says be careful kitchen as well we may find more collectible shot glasses we may find money most importantly though always remember safety first forget cutting towards the sausage never spray pepper spray in your eyes that's not good definitely not good there okay all right come on steak knife all right let's see what we have in turn let's see we'll just go down here we got newspaper let's just look at the newspaper really quick all right April 8 2018 so that gives us a date of when this was probably put in the box not that long ago we got Dickey's Barbecue Pit got shredded newspaper in there the big cup all right we also what is this we've got more big cups party cup sweat-proof dishwasher-safe odd odd they even have the stuff in a box or what I'm thinking but why all the shredded paper in there you know what I'm looking for I'm looking for the hidden shaft there's been so much hidden money in here this this might actually be the first box from these units that there's nothing where I'm like oh collectable I mean that could be but this might be just like real stuff like everyday what we call house stuff let's move that aside this is a big box here let's see what's in here oh it's already open - it says Ron oh wait glass frames that's what it says let's see is it glass frame you know you know it could be in here could be military glass frames could be anything or could be clothing like we're seeing right now t-shirts t-shirts is this military issue this could be military issue that is double axe I'm getting so fat George's made me so fat I need a triple axel now but but you know what helps slim down the look when you cut your own hair cuz the barber is gonna be closed until summer okay there's definitely not glass frames in here we can say that for sure this is a huge IQ bag that is okay so there's a huge IKEA bag for groceries brand new gourmet surgical stainless steel cutlery huh that that is a set of connives right there my friend set that aside wait here's some poster board we've got poster board I don't know why that would be in something labeled whoa there's something down here wait till I show it to you there's definitely something down there here is a buttload there's polo ties these are actually if you look at ties on eBay these are actually worth money you know what I'm thinking Christian I'm thinking for once here at what the Hales we should go a little higher class what you think I agree let's just let's just dress it up a little bit okay we'll go high class what do we have here we got a glass piece whoa we have something we do have something okay all right we definitely have something I'm gonna set this aside I'm gonna set it aside there's money in here there is money in there that's a money box and let's let's flip this thing I don't know what this is I have a feeling it's all right this is a buttload of coffee from every hotel they stayed at that is a ton of coffee but this is the money right here okay here it is for sure there are all the ties in here but I saw money I'm gonna show it to you right now all right this is awesome now most people would be going Jeremy what the Hales are you going crazy over but I'm not most people if you know your presidential pins pins in themselves are worth a ton of money this is an entire look at this there is a Kennedy and Johnson look at this this is a presidential pin collection for those of you who have not watched national treasure maybe now's the time because we're not gonna steal the Declaration of Independence but how's Nicolas Cage get the girl with a presidential pin and mainly Christian you should try this with patients instead of a conversation heart let's look at the others there's John Glenn Bush and Quayle remember Bush and Quayle 88 were you born yet no you weren't even born there's Reagan and Bush here's oh my goodness the old I'm for Nixon pin there's so much freakin money in here wrote this is crazy what was this box labeled this box was labeled glass frames glass frames we have a presidential pin collection there's Kennedy a Roosevelt this is insane Wallace there's so much money here there is a United Mineworkers John Lewis look at this look at this there's Dewey with the old look at that that is the presidential pin that is the the Republican elephant there's a Roosevelt oh my goodness I can't believe this we could have you're not gonna believe this how much money you think this is give me a guest Christian Oh five hundred dollars okay probably a ton more believe it or not Clark for senator all the way with whoever that is I don't know there's another Kennedy these Kennedy's alone look at this oh no way okay you guys see this welcome buddy welcome buddy right there so buddy if I am not mistaken and I know all of you guys on YouTube you'll correct me if I am buddy is the president is the president's son so Kennedy's son buddy who had buddy beer and gas stations look at that there's another Roosevelt this is insane there's a 1984 for ever for Vice President you were oh my goodness look at this Nixon Richard Nixon our next president there's a Red Cross pin I can't believe this I literally cannot believe this I this is so crazy all right we've got a this is crazy labor for Carter do you know who that dude is right there No yeah neither do I so anybody who knows who this dude is let us know down in the comments and say dude is and then whatever his name is okay look at this one this Teddy for president oh my good if Kennedy runs I'll whip his that's a get yeah Jimmy and 1980 all right here's a Bill Clinton you see Monica in there at all Monica in that picture up Monica's back in there okay here is a gold what in 64 oh here's another Goldwater I'm for Goldwater and Miller here look at this here's another little Roosevelt third million Wilkie third million pin this is crazy forget these gloves off reason so we got to see this stuff oh look at this John Kennedy our next president Mondale 84 this is history there's a centennial right there holy cow with governor 72 look at this Roosevelt the lucky years Meyers furred for Senator look at this old Roosevelt one holy cow look at the back there's something stamped in the back we're not gonna be able to read it right now but this is so freakin cool look at there there's a Democratic donkey we had an elephant in there somewhere right this is United services organization pin this is so crazy there's so much money here here is a reelect Morgan in Congress Wow distributors retailers drivers so CIO United Mall beverages here's another drug this is draft draft Roosevelt draft him here is a this is cool the comic weekly club if you thought all of these politicians were funny look at this clown look at that how cool ouch but worth it here's a teddy bear for president this is insane there's this is insane I cannot believe this here's a Wallace for president there's more but wait there's more this is crazy we are walking through history right now you weren't even born for most of this stuff this is crazy there's Carter I was their 1976 Carter I was born in in 77 so I was a little live for that one welcome to the freedom 1981 god bless america here's a cosmopolitan man don't worry that's not completely nude we're okay there here's another I think that's that is that F D I think that's FDR here's a Carter look at all of these these are crazy / ow Ross Perot in 92 no way all right youth for Roosevelt look at all these Roosevelt pins Nixon now Wilkie and McNally and our leader Franklin Roosevelt Wow all I can say is this is the best glass picture frame box I have ever opened ever this year when you go to the election poll I want you to think what the Hales am i doing and you should be voting for change a change in storage unit buying all over the world today a change for you a change for me together together we are going to beat this virus and the way we're gonna do it is we're gonna do it through treasure hunting I've got to get back in these kits and boxes come on you like the tie right it works yeah I think we can make a button of me all right let's get it let's get in okay look at this look at this here if we can find another kitchen box as good as that one oh man okay glass be careful kitchen glass be careful kitchen okay let's just let's not be careful let's just dig right in okay all right and in one of my first promises and in my presidential campaign is safety first that all Americans cut away from the sausage do as I say not as I do alright let's dig in here we go come on big money big big big big money I see something already there's more money in here how cool will that be okay some kind of crazy Cup some kind of crazy Cup I just want to find more presidential pins now do you think Christian can I get your vote for president yeah 2020 sure eight more cups yes to say that he's getting paid all right I'm not I'm not below paying for it vote more crazy cups what is this that is would we call this a giant water bottle I mean we just water bottles for everyone that would be my other my other campaign pledge is I would I would make water bottles for everyone everyone because you got to stay hydrated every time I say brand-new that one looks brand-new okay what do we have oh we got something brand-new right here we do we do it's from just in time for for Easter it looks like it's a wild flower growing kit right there I don't think we can eat it it's I I would love a little snack right now but yeah it's a wild flower growing kit and do a little bunny I'm gonna set that aside continue to make my message everywhere this is heavy this is heavy it is more shot glasses that's a big what would you call that would that be a double or triple shot glass it's a big one it's gonna be all bunch more shot glasses with wheeling Island Hotel Casino it may be said with everywhere these guys have more shot glasses look at that one put-in-bay that one's pretty isn't it have you and patience been up to put in BAE ever no oh it's beautiful beautiful okay I spent I spent my childhood in my early 20s up on Lake Erie there we go here's another one another put in bay one it's beautiful now that all of these shot glasses are gonna be going up for auction Sunday night during the live stream so we'll do our Q&A first segment and then we'll do we'll do the option during the second segment there's a bunny probably work them the Bonnie the bunny another bunny I mean this is kind of perfect for Easter coming up and here we go here's another one here is does that what I think it is I'm pretty pure but I think that is you know who I should give this to Oh storage legends actually just hands down we've got the story legends all right we got some more this paper is getting tougher or I'm getting older that there's another bunny some kind of bunny ash but maybe we should do a bunny lot this Sunday night all these bunnies a bunny don't want to come out there's a bunny and then I'll talk to George I'll first walk to do a bunny off this doesn't look like a kitchen this looks like a crazy bunny lot there's a bunny and then we got alright there's another bunny let's dig into this one whoo I have one more campaign pledge that we will never ever run out of storage unit boxes or totes to go through we're gonna call this pledge the totes mcgoats pledge let's do it let's get inside glass be careful come on more campaign pins more campaign pins what the Hales for president oh look at that now this is you know what it is right Christian it's nice cube tray it's well snap but it's also brand new brand new drink up my friend drink up it's brand new here is another one now this is the the new school trays for the ice cubes we saw the old school earlier that was $2.99 $2.99 looks like there's gonna be all brand-new stuff and there is it's all brand no freakin way do you know what this is all right this is pure vodka alright for those who don't know for those that don't know this is vodka this comes out of Canada dan Aykroyd you know Danny Aykroyd the comedian and he was in Ghostbusters the whole deal he came out with this stuff look at that crystal head it's sealed we actually have we have a empty crystal head going in the auction this Sunday with two crystal head shot glasses as well so this one is sealed it's brand new more alcohol my goodness you know what there's gonna be more there is this is crazy oh wait wait by the way by the way as your as your as your your potential president also the next campaign promise that I would make is that whenever somebody says brand-new we all stay hydrated do you know what this is do you have any idea what this is no you don't know what this is me either no I actually think all right Oh Jackson say it that's what I was thinking is Michael Jackson's hat it's a bobble head but it's a Michael Jackson bobble hand you know what that makes me say ah so I think that's Michael Jackson's hat in hand I'm gonna set it over there so promo piece was shirtless this is just crazy this is crazy here is a Raju jar okay so what we have brand new vodka but now we have a ragu jar ragu how you say it ragu ragu this is just both more shot glasses I think that's a mixer I have no clue I think I don't do put table shots what do you do pickle shots I have no idea oh we found the ship in a bottle there is the u.s. Coast Guard eagle we have seen a lot of Coast Guard stuff in here and there's more facts that out I am making a pile of paper over here okay I have a feeling I have a feeling BAM another shot glass and then BAM one more shot glass remember people make sure you get out to the polls if we can ever get out of our houses again [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 21,147
Rating: 4.9365497 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 3vts9hpW1yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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