THEY LEFT IT ALL I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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maybe wave is this war history what is this this looks like more history no this is curling old curling iron I should take this home to Jorge so she could curl her hair so you yeah you put it over the fire heat it up what do you think it is I'm back at the warehouse finally working on the $1,800 unit and the $1,700 unit we took a little break because we went to a live auction and we got that amazing $95 unit with two Nintendo switches Nintendo Wii U and the list goes on and on but there's no money to be found here so make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the bell icon so you always know when we upload and when we go live cuz you never know what the hell we're gonna find [Music] I hear from a lot of the lady viewers that size matters so therefore we're gonna have to start with this big boy what do you think Christians sounds good this one is giant it's a big black tote all right here we go we're gonna get inside here we go pillows lots and lots of pills my pillow what is this world's record pillow a my pillow what isn't my pillow no idea me either wait here's another my pillow lasers to world record pillow for what medium Phil all right so whatever there is there's one two three four my pillows with medium Phil apparently they're there world record pillows whatever that means we've got a furniture protector ogre Agrella grip I have no idea what that means but did you ever go to your grandparents hell by the way it's brand new you ever go to your grandparents and their furniture had the plastic on it and they never took the plastic off bad new that is good stuff going that your grandparents house like that and a blanket it's cold you want the blanket Christian or should I use it yeah you can use it all right like it's going with me let's get into the next tote I don't know how much those pillows are worth but knowing me I probably already looked them up and i flashed the amount - what video should we go tall because size matters or should we go small because size matters we think I'm feeling tall all right Oh good thing I'm a big man here we go look this blanket in here check this out brand-new rugged woodland camo you know what I was gonna use it because I'm cold now I'm gonna I'm gonna put it back in there we'll sell them no sense in using that all right here we go here we go oh we peaked at this before I picked up this with George and I didn't want to actually look at it maybe I should have because of Easter so there's the Easter Bunny was in a bag I should probably keep it in the bag alright here's our scale you think this scale has any any value to it hmm should we dare find out how much I weigh now do it okay but as we step on the scale I want everybody to know this when I met George I weighed 200 pounds that woman is an eating machine so if we're gonna check which we can here we go you're gonna see exactly what she's done to me I was 200 pounds holy do you see that that's not good that's not good at all that's not Christian I used to be as I used to be a slim and trim as you okay we've got come on be another Tiger King plate we've got a collectable plate in here tiger king no Mother's Day 1978 Norman Rockwell check that out it's kind of cool okay Aion we've got a scrapbook which chances are maybe we wave is this war history what is this this looks like war history war 1776 war 1763 this is a war history look at this this is a war history scrapbook no stinking way look at this this is all war history oh my Christian you're 21 yes you can't even read cursive anymore can you what your generation knows how to read cursive some what oh come on some people's Christmas is crazy yeah well this is kind of crazy don't you think I read this this is an entire war wow wow wow wow okay we'll set those we'll set that aside okay we're gonna have to be really careful with that is this who I think it is it is it is look at this the one the only all the ladies are gonna go Oh shiver and shake right now do you know who that is Christian I do that all right so let's teach Christian who this is let us know down in the comments below who this actually is okay and I'll have Christian go and look later so let him know who that is so way way before his generation we got another scrapbook it looks like is this another war scrapbook this looks said look at that Scouts of America for cents this looks Chinese for sure oh wow Wow look at this we should have gotten to this look at that old truck yeah there you go military their 1939 military for sure oh wow okay there's some super cool stuff in here we're gonna have to go through that later with a fine-tooth comb Wow Burt Reynolds Burt Reynolds military and another little baby I'll take that little baby home to George we got one more thing a couple more things oh this is all the little babies with the tote challenge that we did this is the tote they came you know what this is come on give me guess okay that's we're putting in your ear so you can hear better no yeah you're right it's not see the calf huh I have no idea what it is but I'm sure somebody else will rise here we go all right hopefully no more scales we don't need to talk about my rapid night game so Oh there's Santa Claus so we have seen Santa once before I think he's motion detected let's see nope no ho ho ho from Santa that's a shame but that's okay there's other things to find what's this what is this look at this okay all right we're gonna have to stand up at something what is it this is a shower curtain what's this a Christian Ryder Cup what's the Ryder Cup for golf let's go all right you know golf but you don't know burl Bertrand I cheated all right if you look at the top of the trophy it's a golfer oh yeah you're right you're right okay well there's a flag there's a Ryder Cup 2019 flag never thought we'd find one of those but then again that's that's the thing with these two units there's anything and everything you could ever think of there's some garlic like look here's more towels they've wrapped they wrapped good stuff up in towels so come on be money big big big big big new yep this is an angel all right so that's Christmas tree angel topper we're gonna set now some of these can be worth a lot of money we're gonna set her aside we'll look her up later by later probably five years from now but this one was his father Christmas here sure is all right there's Santa Claus yeah we're gonna have to look him up for sure made in China all right I think this is definitely a Christmas tote and right now the weather in Ohio with the wind is feeling like Christmas isn't it freezing oh all right we have in here we have check it's a candle with peppermints in it that's probably another one there all right I think this is all Christmas which is great around Christmas time oh wow you smell that take a whiff of that it smells so good and that lets them smell that smells so good it is called hobnail no vanilla cupcake man we could just quit filming right now and I could just sniff this for the rest of the day go take a nap does well nice that was good yeah okay that's probably all gonna be Christmas stuff let's set that aside and you know what how about want to get one of those back there nobody can reach five well while I'm here I just got this one this is the work arrow cat Genuine Accessories and it's brand new it attaches in seconds but the other thing this thing can do you can reach another box for me all right here we go all right swing back here I hear metal I definitely hear metal okay d 96 customer okay let's see there's something in here what do you think alright you've seen it already you seen it Christian we already know we found so much collectible money in here and look what we're finding already and we heard metal oh come on is there gonna be more money in here oh this is gonna be amazing if this was the box to pick okay wait what is this this is like a hairpiece I think this does something like this take it out of the bank I want to see there's gotta be there's gotta be I think there's money in here whose what's that grand something alright porcelain down not important not important okay okay we got 50 cent pennies remember all the crazy stuff we found all right porcelain porcelain look at this here's a money clip Union is something something something I don't know what it is alright okay here's another kind of it was wrapped up in this and I'll wrap it back up but wait there's more porcelain these are the old porcelain dolls before they had Barbies kids would actually play with these look at that more porcelain made in Japan now that's that's plastic that's the old plastic that's probably worth it pretty penny all right set it aside something's wrapped up in here gotta be kidding me so random oh look at that it says it's an old sand dollar they wrapped an old sand dollar up in here okay here is the key to something the key to something okay what do you think this for this first blue blue one okay all right not sure I can get the blue one first okay but now I know what it is it is metal it's definitely metal all right let's get the blue one here we go with the blue one come on please please be what I think you are please be what I think you are alright look at this presidential commemorative spoon collection okay what I thought it was there you go they bought it for $45 what I thought it was was a pure silver spoon set if this was pure silver we would have been looking at three four thousand dollars this is a lot of people collect spoons and this is a spoon for each president when this set actually came out what do you think should we have George we should probably have George actually auction this off don't you think yeah so the rest of the spoons they're down in here here take a pink there they are down in here I just they spilled out when I moved them so all the spoons are here wow that's kind of cool I thought for sure I kept hearing like silver which we were we were hearing that and I thought we're gonna be hitting a ton of money but still is still a great box great great box we should get another I'm gonna put the work assembly attachment to work again I see a Rubbermaid box back here I can't exactly reach it so I was thinking maybe all right I don't know what they built this thing well actually I do know what they build it for but I've got a new use for sure okay we've got a nice Rubbermaid box back here let's just write here old-school style down on our knees rip it you ever wonder why I have holes in the knees of my pants just just out of curiosity if you're ever wondering this this is why that old key holder okay so the lock there you would hang your keys on that got paper and we you know what this is it's mean to tape yeah this is an old tape dispenser it's a snail it's an it is literally it's a snail ceramic tape dispenser how cool really cool okay that whole thing probably left a snail trail despise uh-oh okay what do you think that is no idea I'm guessing I'm guessing saddle you know where you put your foot in the saddle yeah I don't know be a cool decoration though thanks we have old pottery mug yep it's so amazing we've been going over these units probably this is probably the 20th episode that's how much amazing stuff is in that's these units look at that there's another shot glass we just sold like our vision shot laughing it's amazing how much brand-new stuff there is and how much vintage old antiques there is basically how much money there is this crystal that's crystal you got a partner one right there there's so much money in here and so little garbage oh there's rubbermaid little mixer mate okay looks like we're getting down to the maybe the drinking portion that's if somebody has a the letter e as their last name that B is nice little cost okay we have here we've got laughs laughs I don't know might be old shot laughing stop for bigger was that another eke up that is it looks like we got a set of beat up in here okay we got a lope handle if I can get Santa Claus to keep that flap from flappin there we go hold it down Santa Sam's doing a good job and he's got more more shot glasses season's greetings shot glasses whoops for those who collect shot glasses we will have another shot glass option lot coming up it's a c-cup it's a c-cup huh I mean hey if you can't find your D cup C cup will do just as well right Christian yep okay more glass in there let's grab a tote what you say yeah all right here we go all right and oh we got tools we got tools lots and lots of tools we we Pete we peaked at this taupe in one of our previous episodes we just peeked at it but we didn't actually look at it look at it look at there's a brand new Scotch thermal laminator that's amazing there's the craftsman drill bits as if we don't have enough drill bits all right here right we also have okay that is the cobalt 210 piece look at that that's all bit pieces and then this is okay you see that there it is a heavy weight tailgate mat I don't know why but mine's just sprayed in like the Rhino stuff okay we've got all the thing we need most gloves lots and lots of gloves you never have enough gloves I'm gonna dig diggity dig a little bit okay I'm peeking a little bit look at this what I just found this isn't a box that I want okay but this has gotta be that's the base to something awesome a little vase that's the only thing in this box though it was just like that okay I'll set that one down cuz I'm still diggity digging all right I don't know what that's worth I have no clue [Music] I think we money this time to the camper site what will be hit this one let's set this one down over here what about what about onion rings how do you think onion rings will do and look look see what it's labeled cell cell which they did they sold it at auction and I bought it oh all right let's figure out what the hails could possibly be in here attrition what do we do with our tonight man I know this piece of coral might work actually that worked perfect I'm using coral from here on out to coral not aconite okay what do we have here all right arts and crafts well Brett now they'll able to sell on this so obviously obviously they remember they were antique viewers so there's something about this stuff I have a mental depression glass lid that piece like piece of depression glass right there Rob from second sense is actually in the warehouse right now he's taking a picture of a bunch of depression glass that's going up for auction at our Hales auction which is April 25th we go to second fence calm you can bid on a lot of it and some of these pieces you might be able to see there as well you can own a part of Hales history you never know what you're gonna find there's another piece of depression right glasses broke on that one there that's uh I might have got a little bit got a mite got a little bit reckless yeah that is what is that say on the back Malaysia no there's three so that's a set of three remember this was gonna sell box they were okay some people they eat this stuff up the reason why they eat this stuff up is because it's work so much money so she's a normal person URI Christian we would just be looking at this weird like what's the big deal about that person that knows what this stuff is sees it and sees hundred dollars and thousand dollars and all of that what is that you know what this is old curling iron I should take this home to George so she could curl her hair so you yeah you put it over the fire heat it up and curl your hair just like that I just lost some more see old curling iron man right there whoa this is heavy whatever it is it's heavy old lamp yep old lamp okay there it is and all of its glory oh it's cracked see there he's cracked still beautiful piece but this crack and hope you know what another old lamp look at that so you'd actually hang that one up that one would be up on the wall you'd hang that straight up and that would be your side wall like just like actually I think you have one of these in your hallway in your apartment you got a side side a light on the side wall yeah or maybe in your dining area that's the same way those would hang all right let's see was in here because we have found so much brand-new alcohol already so this is probably part of the decanter set who knows how much alcohols gonna be in here oh yeah yep and you know it's crystal too especially with these people here you know how you can tell you hear that ding you hear that clean ding yeah that's a clean ding remember remember don't say I never taught you anything you don't ever want a dirty ding always make sure you have a clean ding all right let's see what else better put these gloves on don't put these gloves on all right this that's part of it as well we've got this Cracker Barrel and that sounds really good right now Cracker Barrel sounds amazing right now what is it oh no oh no no no no oh my goodness look at that look at that little lead bunny that was in my hand and then what is this like an acorn or do you put the bunny in there is a crystal egg crystal egg there you go it's a crystal egg and I don't know crystal dish oh I don't know maybe the asking for the eggs maybe or maybe it's something maybe it's something for drinking I don't know I don't drink so let's see okay holy holy cow that is a serious decanter right there or should we call it a deep Cantor or a deep pan turn [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 38,942
Rating: 4.9192166 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: p0_TdE614yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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