FOUND MONEY COIN COLLECTION I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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oh wow more I'm gonna have to untangle it all huh what a unit a lot of you may go German you got so excited you found all the coin collection the gold the silver this is somebody who passed away this is just a reminder to us life here on earth is so temporary I'm in Loudoun Ville which is part of Holmes County one of well actually it is the largest Amish population in the world and I got to tell you I love this area of Ohio I love the people I love the products meaning doughnuts and cheese but I love the storage unit auctions as well because there's no doubt we are gonna find some amazing stuff here and we're gonna make some new friends too so make sure you subscribe make sure you hit that Bell icon looks like that right like there hit all notifications if you're on your Apple product make sure you allow notifications on your Apple product and when you get a survey at the end make sure you say you were extremely satisfied because you love what the Hales and you never know you just never ever know what the Hales were gonna find let's go treasure huntin [Music] 12 units here tom 12 units here anyhow - only that's the tank in your pocket you do not have time to leave the property and go to a bank or someplace else to get money it has to be what you have with you till noon on Saturday till Monday any questions this all goes to the highest bidder we got a big group out here it is Wednesday morning 10:00 a.m. cloudy skies 12 at this location there's chop-o there's Guapo there's Rob saw a big cloud of dust come out of that door when it went up it's got to be a good sign ya see a box us has danger monsters see Cookie Monster see the number 81 on the box that's usually indicative that a good indicator that it was bought at auction and that was probably their bitter number thirty thirty now thirty five now five give me thirty five got a $30 bill right there now 35 at thirty-five seen a five give me 35 now five give me 35 35 40 40 45 now 50 50 now 50 now 55 to your 55 now 66 to 69 five 65 now 77 to 79 75 now 80 80 now 85 sir at 85 sir I got 80 now five eighty now 85 now five give me 85 you're done I gotta do gotta be $85 right there at $80 at $80 got it you know what to do from here we're back at the unit and this one's gonna be interesting because there are some key identifier x' that i saw that made me bid knowing that I can make my money back and profit let's open it up okay here we go take a look just take a look what do you see all right just peek just a little bit do you see all this dust do you see it right there just layers and layers of dust cobwebs everywhere this thing is untouched but we're gonna take a little bit of a deeper look and we're gonna find out exactly where the money is when I was bidding it was easy to see all the dust just like you can see it but what I also see is everything is brand-new yeah another unit with brand new stuff okay so here let's just set this aside okay we're gonna set that aside that aside all right we've got Fabri we're a professional apple peeler or swivel peeler all right we'll just say dollar on that but here we go pizza crisper there's five dollars on that brand-new make it better right there Wilton that's five dollars now I know it's more than that but you see what I'm getting at this stuff is brand-new I saw the crock-pot see the sticker is still on it this crock-pot is brand spanking new all right that crock-pot has the timer we're probably looking we're gonna say $25 even though I know it's a real low estimate we got a Rachael Ray 10 piece set hard enamel cookware guess what see the sticker I did when I was bidding brand new okay so we're gonna go $50 on the set here oh by the way we have an entire dinnerware set right here mainstay what do you want to guess how much do you want to bet it's brand new it's all brand new here okay all right and here Hampton Forge high carbon steel strength 14 piece set let's check it let's check it okay oh and I guarantee you absolutely this is why I bought the unit everything the sealed brand-new it's all in there all brand-new this unit this unit who the Hales knows what else is back there and what's in these totes oh we're in a profit already I've been wondering probably just as much as you what's in this tote it is filled with cobwebs which is now all over me okay first let's move this bag look at all the dust I think that's just clothing now we can open this thing up there we go what do we okay let's see what we have here we definitely oh my goodness we have more look at this more brand-new cooking utensils supplies Fabri we're so either they were I get a lot of people that comment when I find units like this that people were shoplifting there's a brand new pizza cutter doesn't call this is great here's a can opener brant brand-new brand-new brand-new brand-new everything everything is brand new measuring cup okay so this is all in a Walmart bag I'm gonna guess that they didn't shoplift it in a Walmart bag that it actually came from Walmart and they purchased it we've got a look at that we got Gold's Gym ThighMaster but better than that we got Skechers they'll see shape ups I'm not sure what a shape-up is but size-12 I wear 13 double one I was gonna hope that it was my size all right look at this more spatula set I mean everything they famous for the kitchen there we go we got Pyrex brand new oh my goodness okay justjust hold a second here there is stuff under here that no way okay I promise we'll get to it okay Pyrex and Pyrex lids right here we got video games down here okay so brand new Pyrex man I'm gonna make our community this is amazing cook works Percy sweet treats and this is this is some kind of poster if I can George photography actually it's a photography I'm just gonna set that aside I'll look at that later okay looks like scrapbooking oh my goodness more Walmart here's an entire here's an entire flatware set with organizer Wow there's just so much okay this is what I screamed at we've got the Atari flashback I have never found one in the box come on I'll probably take this home yeah I will probably take this home and play with it even though I could get a good 25 plus bucks for it I think this is worth taking home and having some fun relive in some childhood memories we've got she's got Scrabble we got a straight talk box what else what else come on come on I have a feeling there's gonna be gold and silver collectible money maybe okay we got backgammon right there okay mousetrap go pump some kind of pump I'm not sure what that is looks like we may have this might be scrapbooking let's see this is okay that is personal so I'm not gonna show that what's this one and this one this one is personal photos as well Wow okay this tote didn't disappoint and there's a lot more let's keep treasure hunting this was another reason why I actually bought the unit it looked like you see the number 81 danger monsters I saw Cookie Monster I thought there's got to be some good collectible stuff in here now this is typical of going to an auction they'll write your bidder number on there let's oh no way Prada Prada sport Luna Rossa all right I'm gonna have to assume that to George find out what that is I don't know what it is but I think Prada is supposed to be good and there's got to be some other good stuff let's just let's let's bring this down okay let's just oh I see marble collection no way I see a marble collection do you guys see it too this is looking good this is looking really all right I don't know what all this stuff is what could be in here this is I don't know incense burner maybe looks like something's missing all right let's set that aside all right we're gonna move that over there there is oh there's a there's an old beanie baby beanie baby buddy look here's a whole that's cool here is a marble collection all right I'm gonna have to get this I'll get that to our marble guy and see what we have in here probably shouldn't jump those around like that since marbles can be worth a lot of money if you have the right one but you know we've got ty ku I'm not sure what that is jagemeister okay I know that's alcohol all right we've got dynamite plant oh look at this look at this this is roll plane this is this is big money this is video games big money what are we having here I can't get it open I think that's perfume this is that's good dry cracked hands in the winter nothing in there see some money what's this the natural feel hey Carlos all right we're getting some good signs of good role-playing stuff for video games and if there's if there's vintage video games like we already saw the Atari flash but we're looking at thousands of dollars let's keep digging I get a good ten dollars for this lamp right here especially with the nice bulbs in there hey my area it sells I'm gonna pull some of this furniture out here is a TV stand this is solid solid oak this right here this shelf so that will actually sell okay that right there huh look at this we got a we got another new classic wooden game collection look at that this was there is a brand new Cup set and four Slice long shot there's a brand new toaster down there - four slices know what hey okay this is this is a start do a great thing let's look at this box real quick oh look at that danger monsters again okay I'm gonna let's open this box and then I'm gonna move this furniture yeah look at this this is these are video game guides which means the Elder Scrolls which means we're probably gonna find the games in here so these these books can go for a ton of money that's that's some big money right there what else do we have in here then five and ninety five come on video games video games oh we these are your books oops oh man just damaged that one Game of Thrones what else is in here holy cow this looks like a lord of the Rays plaque this definitely looks like a Lord of the Rings bought for 399 this looks like all-seeing eye yes for sure oh this is good stuff all right this really is no no did we just find I thought it was a balloon is it yeah it's a balloon we found a balloon it's a balloon you taste apparently never new balloons taste okay what else do we have in here yellow snow Terminator yellow snow magic urine what the Hales is this yellow snow authentic appearance easy an effective novelty magic kit okay that's a that's a novelty magic kit that's good marble sign peppermint and okay all right let me get let me get this out of here I'm gonna move some of the furniture as well then we're gonna dig in some more totes I was able to move all the big furniture out so I got that out of the way which unveiled this beautiful furniture and some of its even covered up something in here this long there's a reason and I'm pretty sure I found it as a matter of fact this piece of furniture right here this has the answer that we're looking for as far as where the former unit owner is what happened the answer is all right there and we'll get to it first I want to look at some of these pieces back here because this is man this is beautiful I'm an idiot this is beautifully made Amish furniture and Here I am jeez I'm destroying it look at these end pieces this is this is mint this is a $250 right here and then what else do we have alright we've got a look at that look at that beautiful desk this is all Amish made furniture here in Holmes County desks with a chair let's undid it I'll load this stuff up since I already screwed it up on accident and then we'll see what's inside the actual desk I think these two matches well don't they maybe maybe not believe it or not I got it loaded up without too much damage Ashley I'm starting to think this individual made this stuff himself as I'm looking at it further look at the beauty on this I love it look at this ah nothing in the desk okay so I'm easily $100 here $50 here this is just beautiful craftsmanship and it's being resold as well what we still have to go through is all of this and we got to figure out what that is this is the process of loading up so I don't have the trailer with me today and that's okay because I think we are gonna get this all in one load let's figure out what to dig into next how about this looks good total rewards all right and we have the desk here and we've got the Crown Royal bag oh there's something down in check what is it what be kidding me we have this wallet okay we do we have as Wallace as usual and this would be I I can understand this based on that magnet yeah that's a magnet I can understand this based on what I'm about to show you I don't see any cash in there maybe some gift cards so anything else in here let's see looks like there's some more things in here what do we have looks like this is that Joe what is it Joe it's a nametag Joe loo I don't know I don't think that's his name Joe lube because look that's us Steven I think this name is actually Steven what else is in here anything else was this strength training all right looks like we've got looks like we got a bowling ball in here Joe's bowling ball what is this a Garmin in a bowling it sure is oh my goodness we're gonna have to check everything it's an old garment in the bowling ball case now is there anything else in here I could get this oh yeah we got Mountain Dew Mountain Dew can and gym shorts all right we all know the good stuffs gonna be down in there we've got to topes here Rubbermaid let's dig inside we've got look at this somebody was keeping a an article from March 14th 1996 okay and we got Mardi Gras we're still looking for the video games look at that we got Mardi Gras Bud Light all right we've got some beautiful ties oh here we go we got some et that's good et right there is this original 1982 it is its original how cool and it still walks ET walks nice how cool is that okay this oh I can't believe it okay let's see what we have here all right okay we've got we've got a susan b anthony and we've got a silver dollar we've got a look at this we've got an 1896 Silver Dollar Wow it's over a hundred years old check that out okay all right okay what else is gonna be in here oh my goodness we're hitting jackpot we're hitting the jackpot with Optical I'm gonna set that aside Ichi I gotta be now does not know what I'm gonna get into okay we've got a hummingbird we got some glass work here all right more points come on more points this is okay collectibles it's like we got a Japanese made little thing and there's a pencil sharpener all right so this is this is obviously the collectibles right here we're getting into it we've got the Lion King it's in there so Lion King watch from the original Lion King all right so we got a collectable Lion King watch I'd love to find some more coins and I know you guys all want to buy them actually they're all I told chefs my oldest that she could have all the points for her collection so Puerto Rico okay what else is hidden in here glass glass jewelry maybe that was tassel there's a graduation tassel and this is Jostens as a gold SBP is it gold I'm not seeing gold markings anywhere that is Jostens alright so that was obviously from somebody's graduation all right we got an Omega we got money right here here's an Omega and then a Madras okay so we got two nice watches the Omega is probably worth the most and I'm right on a highway we've got old toys remember these Boing Boing OH just drops off okay I like I like I like I like this tote all right that's Avon go through it a little bit quicker oh this could be a jewelry chest something's in here this is this is like a jewelry chest here we go here we go [Music] okay we're not going to show you that there okay music somebody moves into music there's a ring is it it is marked I think it's real give me one second let me set this down it is marked it's marked right in there can you guys read the markings see the markings can you read it I'm not sure if it's real oh I just lost it just lost the ring okay see what I think there's more coins down here there are there are there's more coins down here look at this look at this okay look at that he's got a Heinz pickle look at this we got buffalo nickels you got buffalo nickels I think we got some foreign there's a 50-cent Dutch I think that's a Dutch right there okay very cool very very cool okay is that it though it's just the top anything else come out very cool very cool all right I must set that aside man this is the tote we needed to start with huh this tote oh my goodness it's real it's real I can't believe it it's real that is a huge piece this is probably $200 right there this unit oh I can't believe it oh I can't believe it this alone this is beautiful the crackle glass I love that look at the crackle mmm I'm okay with the snap in the top two looks like we got an original troll okay so we got a troll and do we have any more coins in dinner okay no coins in there I must let that aside I'm excited when I get excited I start shaking oh nice oh nice look at that another et collectible how cool oh man this and there's a whole tote underneath it as well Oh beautiful piece of glass I love the blue the cold but glass I'll help keep that oh this is mm-hmm no I love it that's piece of pottery miniature dollhouse type things there's a bird Daleks handmade oh yes look at that look at that there's a bank come on open up no way no way it's filled with jewelry oh look at this it's filled with jewelry and coins no way that's gold that's gold right there okay so we got one gold we're gonna do this we're gonna do this okay all right here's what I'm gonna do all right here's what I'm gonna do right there I'm gonna yep all silver I see silver all right move this given look at this given to mother by dad during wartime World War two from Hawaii oh wow let's take a look at it it's beautiful it's beautiful it's a broach and you guys all know oh it's sterling look it's marked you guys all know I love Dodos you see the marking right there it's sterling it's beautiful this this one brooch this one piece could actually pay for the entire unit and I'm sure I'm absolutely sure that it probably it probably will and is the whole deal this is so incredible this is so incredible this is it is the carrot is it's rubbed off a little bit this is gold okay so this chain is gold I have to get it under the actual I'll have to get it under the actual magnifying glass to find out there's a silver quarter all here's a bunch of silver quarters no way there's another one right there another one right there there's another dollar susan b anthony here's more silver quarters there's one here's one oh wow more I know all you clean collectors are just going crazy right now because they're touching okay here's two rings let's find out what they are this is a wedding band this one is two it looks like Harley design there's something written in here I can't I can't read it Wow Wow okay I love it absolutely love it all right what else could be in here as if this wasn't enough already this tote in itself oh that's family photo this tote in itself could be a video in itself okay Las Vegas here is a car key that's a shot glass Wow oh my goodness this is amazing okay ty ku there is some kind of fume here is some kind of landscape guys we saw totes and boxes to go through even after this here is no way Phantom of the Opera okay there's a bunch of jewelry in there oh it's a it's a music box let's see what it plays I think I see another music box right here all right let's see what happens I've never found one of these before either Wow [Music] we just shot glass filled with cash we literally just found a shot glass filled with cast and no way look at this look at this there's a whole website ww-where George calm you have got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me and we have I don't know how many dollars we have but we have it there's a website Where's George calm I think we probably also check it out no way we're finding coins we're finding cash I just found something oh here's okay here's chips from Vegas and what else do we have here is bunny last funny okay here's the last one I think this is a box too pink oh it is it is uh it's a music box Wow that last tote was so good I can't wait to see what's in this one and I'm hoping personal personal I'm hoping more money let's see what we got here well this is a good start male models handbook for my hands because I have impeccable hands built for my The Killing gift one minute manager great book there oh I see money I see money basic Elson great basic readers who cares I just found more money alright here we go there's one Canadian paper dollar right there okay so if that's in here we found stuff hidden everywhere else oh look at this we got a kunai we have is this a filet knife sure is look at that look at that whoo that's a sharp one we got to be for that knife okay if that's in here what else is gonna be in here you got Canadian money okay we got glassware we've got Applebee's that must have been bartenders guide okay must have been working at Applebee's at one point there is an Applebee's up north in Worcester so anyone would go north I'm not sure what that is it's cool maybe to build a ship in a bottle oh I'm seeing some more stuff look at that some quarrel Norwegian okay oh I just found a bunch of jewelry and I just dumped it all over ah come on Jeremy I'm sure there's more gold and silver in here too there's probably more coins okay not sure there's a rock all right I'm gonna put that back in there let's set that aside we're gonna find out some kind of sequence thing we've got whoo oh that is beautiful look at that that's authentic right there and we're gonna yeah oh wow that's authentic - Wow beautiful okay all right here we go here we go oh man here we go what do we have what do we have what do we have okay we've got welcome to Davidson okay so this is I'm not sure what that is this is some type of ashtray it looks to be missing part of it and we've got packs of cards with some kind of stuff okay so like check the pieces down there all right see high school and oh that's Joe Lube again Joe Lube all right I did dump all this jewelry over I think there's a there's definitely a jewelry box in there Oh myself together want to know what's in it okay cake holder set that aside and oh here's one of those nail things there you go okay you're gonna start to see the jewelry that I jumped over on accident this is paperwork and I'll set that aside all I'm hearing something this may be more coins this is more coins oh yes look at this you got more coins for the coin collection got more gold look at that look at that right there oh nice oh man I'm getting too excited there's more rings it's just gold this is from gold this one does not look gold but it is oh my goodness it's silver it's 925 it's marked right there 925 that huge thing is silver with the cross Wow okay so we got a ton a ton of coins lucky you know this is what I think I am a lot of the time just downright lucky I don't you know there's some skill to this but there's also luck to it and you'll see you see right here I jumped all this jewelry over all right let's it's right in here and it's golden of silver I guarantee it the guarantee we'll see what this is really quick buy another glass one I just I'm looking for more money right now and is there more in here somebody made this there is some stuff in there all right and then there's a glow all right let's see what we have here this is what I knocked over we definitely this looks like gold for sure and let's see is it marked sure is sure is 18 karat right there all right this gold chain that's 18 karat what about this is this silver and sure is 95 right there Oh gold chain silver chain I can't believe it I cannot believe it I love it I love it I love it I love it all right what about another one there's more in here this is this one is not what about the rest of it what about the wrap I'm gonna have to untangle it all oh what a unit man and we're not even done here's the real story in this unit this here is a shrine it's a memorial to the individual who actually owned all these things and inside of it gives the obituary I'm showing you the outside so I do want to show you some things and honor this individual I know a lot of you may go Jeremy you got so excited you found all the coin collection the gold the silver this is somebody who passed away this is just a reminder to us life here on earth is so temporary eternity is forever here is temporary you can't take any of it with you so you might as well figure out where it is you're going afterwards and pass it on to other people can appreciate it [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 43,263
Rating: 4.8923154 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 17wLv-VxlYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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