THIS FAN WENT OVERBOARD / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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anyone know it's terrible what's terrible i was looking at all the other things in the unit but i seen jeremy focusing on this so that got my focus i was the one that chewed you off on it i was the one that chewed you off cause nobody else saw it i missed this box you were behind me were you behind me when i was flashing in i am back out on the auction run today 16 units here in chiefly that's 10 minutes from home so i didn't even bring the trailer unfortunately i didn't bring my lucky george either so my georges george is in ohio with all of her appointments i'll meet up with her soon hopefully we can score big here in chiefland and make some serious money so george can be happy now we're going to start with 57 we're going to go through it looks like there's 14 or 15 units i like to go back over them all um only one paid up with number five that's the only one that's paid up so far that i see so there's still 14 units it looks like there's going to be 15 buyers premium any unit you buy so make sure if you want to bid 100 bucks don't go 100 if that's all you got today you need to bet about 85. because there is 15 buyers premium and you will have to pay tax if you don't have a tax number i'm a local been doing this for about 12 years yeah you just came across one of your videos about three weeks ago nice which video do you remember i'm not even quite sure i've watched so many since then oh nice but yeah you keep popping up on my newsfeed and watching religiously i appreciate you watching tom i don't know what they were thinking but remember always tell everybody you see garbage i see coconuts back there don't tell them what you actually see interesting here's the one thing look at that i see gold but it's been opened i see gold in there i'm gonna go for it 2 30 again sir 220 now 230 here but get 230 on 230. my goodness fans are betting against me on on allow me to get them on the mountain to get 270 270 270 now 280 here to get 280. what the hell no go for it it's yours todd go 280 i won't bid again i won't bid again but you got to show me what's inside you got 280 280 said you're call his it's all his and he's going to show me what's inside 290. oh no somebody else came out of the woodwork you got to go again 300 i'll go 300 down 3 10 310 300 now to get 310 300 sold it to you 300 you got it this is the most epic unit ever this must have been owned by the post office look at this stamp box after stamp box there has to be hundreds of them there could be money there could be stamps there could be thousands of dollars thousands and just stamps alone not not to mention oh my goodness collective value this is crazy i'm betting him to get 15. 1200 to get 15. where'd he go yeah 15. there he is 15. now i'm going to get 17. now i'm going to get two to get two 17 able to get two but he get two but again you want to go 18 1800 yeah 1800 down 1900 18 2002 i got 2 000. now you got to get 2200 22 22 22 24 24 26. 28 yep 28 now three three thousand three thousand three three you're out down here too three three thousand i got twenty eight hundred three thousand twenty three thousand here and i have sold todd is already in the unit this is the unit todd and i were bidding back and forth on is that the jewelry box oh my goodness over here over here over here you got good news you got good news well i know that's 14k my eyes can't tell the rest and i do know that there's a lot of sterling and coins you got a coin collection too nothing major okay couple commemoratives that's kind of cool there how much did you end up paying for this unit uh this one was three just over three with uh over 300. who bit you who bid you up man oh that was a guy named jeremy hill i think that's that's his name yeah dang i know so this is going to be that's going to be 14k right there that matches that one i know that's 14. okay so you got 14k there and uh there's one or two other pieces that i was looking at that that one definitely looks like yeah yep yep so there's going to be a little bit of gold before i even get to the unit it's always pleasant that might be yeah can change yeah that's probably nice uh so theoretically this box pays for the whole unit that's probably holy water and that's why i would that's why i was actually bidding because i thought this box right there that would pay for the entire unit and i didn't care if i had to trash everything else it was all about this box anyone know it's terrible what's terrible i was looking at all the other things in the unit but i seen jeremy focusing on this so that got my focus i was the one that chewed you off on it i was the one that chewed you off because nobody else saw it i missed this box you were behind me were you behind me when i was flashing in there and i was whispering i was like there's gold and i saw gold i couldn't oh my goodness i see what you were focusing on you saw me gave away my clues again dude too long my friend i gave it all away look at that i gave it away todd just said that i could actually help dig all right so he's digging over here and we got brett digging over there look at here's an old samsonite so i solved this a lot of times people will will hide their best stuff in a suitcase and a lot of times the worst stuff all right you ready in three two oh i'm just gonna faking him out right now because he took my golden silver so i think we got the truck around what is this it's gonna be okay that's odd it's pictures i think these are old uh pottery molds yeah look at this look at this old pottery molds right there so there's going to be files there's going to be paperwork in here remember paper can be worth a lot of money so todd might actually have some good paper i'm just looking i'm just looking right now i'm just looking right now for any uh for good paper or or any hidden uh different kinds of monetary cash or bills since he got the coins so that's a really good sign he got the coin collection a little bit of a coin collection there in the jewelry there's probably even more totally faked out it covered this it's not a tv i thought it was a big screen tv i think i even said when i was filming it there's a big tv back there what's it say what's that say i don't want to put a bad name on things but that almost looks like a setup god bless this home and all who enter i can utilize that god bless this storage unit and all who climbed through it todd is climbing and so i'm gonna get brave there you go and climb with him well they wrapped it something's wrapped in there crown royal that's usually where they hide all the good stuff in the bags smell bad i love that story of smell nasty does it smell like man butt i have not been there before i don't know oh okay okay well i'm got i'm not saying mine's so bad that i've smelled it before i'm just i'm just asking this looks interesting this looks really interesting indian indian vase artifact i don't think i think it's contemporary a little bit newer however i collect artifacts so hopefully there's that would be amazing absolutely what do you think about the coconut boxes now we'll take a look for you put the lime in the coconut mix above coconuts by matisse a lot of mail that's bad and that looks shoes interesting new brand new that's good you got money there absolutely there's money yes yeah a little used but still looking good and marquee is that glass it's heavy enough to be it it sounds like glass it looks like glass it's glass i think it's uranium yeah probably not uranium brand new those in the box look at this back here this is crazy all right these are the fun units these are the crazy fun units that's in the box that's awesome okay so he's in he's in the box got the got the router there empty or is it in there he's in there nice this unit will pay off nice who knows what we're all standing on all right i'm gonna help you dig some out we'll get some out of this door here look at this there's so much in the door nice disinfectant no way no way no way no way he just opened it baseball cards all kinds baseball basketball yeah i'll have to go through this one is that cavs i think i see cavs old school cavs right there is it that's my man mark price okay dude you're doing really good i still agree um i i think that was a good idea to bid once you saw me bidding and um we we got a good we got a good compromise you got to you got to get the unit which you were going to get it no matter what anyway weren't you yeah you were you were just going to keep bidding yeah i didn't think no limit whatsoever i knew people would stop especially eventually everybody stops when the money runs out come on come on big money big money big money back to the box oh so close so close yeah guy who bought the stamp unit come on get in there it's usually the court wow okay there it is this is gonna be an interesting unit interesting dig for sure got some small totes here look at this look at this this might actually be another jewelry chest todd's back's turned right back his turn todd what are you excited about todd what'd you find dude dude you know what i'm gonna make you wait i'm gonna make you wait i'm gonna open this first i'm gonna i'm gonna open this first okay um and remember todd you can if you think you can that's that's for you hold that in your pocket i'm gonna carry with me and for me next time we meet again i'll uh i'll bring that out right now for me i need to just breathe okay all right there's some cool stuff in here for sure all right come on let's see what's in there dude this is another jewelry chest there's definitely there's there's a little something in here might be uh might be a little something there okay let's see what we got okay we got this here you know what before we get into that i want to get into this he's terrible i want to get into this there could be i'm gonna have to push him over on the ground this could be you hate the anticipation don't you remember it's a beautiful dance there you go oh look at that okay is it sterling okay let's find out let's find out if this is sterling if it's sterling he's got a great piece here let's see i'll add that to the other 300 pounds i had at the house that would be nice wouldn't it and it's a beautiful piece i don't see any markings doesn't mean it's not real doesn't mean it's not real just means just means i don't have a magnifying glass wait hold a second hold a second does that say diamonds does that say diamond diamond cross that says diamond dude there you go let's hope it's real okay you know you probably should just put it right back in there huh wait where's my where's my stone where's my stone okay okay focus that's your new stone hopeless okay here we go dude are you ready i'm ready reveal and i think we have silver for sure okay let's see what we have that big build up for that no no no there's there's still uh something underneath there's something underneath here we go come on wham i think yeah i think mr hill vintage air but wait wait wait wait wait todd don't give up yet because look there's this thing i don't even know what this thing is yet it is another jewelry box i didn't say there was going to be jewelry in it enough drugs to start up his own pharmacy right there i just found this too prestige prime 10 es and look at that it is it's in there it's absolutely in there look bam wow how cool is that so good unit you guys all know i only bid on one out of every 100 units that i potentially see today just for fun i've been on a handful this was one of them it scared me because i see so much stuff that i didn't want but it thrilled me because i saw the gold and i'm thrilled that todd's finding plenty of it todd i got good news for you it's not these earrings it's this right here and it's a signifier there there might be one in there absolutely gotta go and find it oh there's more than change dude there's some good stuff back here that's what i was hoping behind dude some really good stuff back here okay here we go there's a lot keeping this oh man oh dude you're gonna like it you're gonna like it okay i'm not sure if i'm too stable to stabilize it all right look at this we got the bedroom drawer you know they keep the good stuff in the bedroom drawers like usually it's the adult toys stir ups okay okay i see i see i see change already okay the good stuff is always in here we just got to dig a little bit all right we got the bible i want to check for money we got the bookmark where we at ephesians that's always a good one remember paul wrote that to the church of ephesus and that's why it's called ephesians okay let's see what we have we've got something in here something in here glucometer no it is it is one of the things that you always find in a storage unit there it is right there there it is that's that's pleasant absolutely all right that's that's yours i didn't bring my gloves you bring yours okay that's usually what you find in the bedroom drawer you find that you find some other things that are stimulating stimulating that's probably the right word you find things that are stimulating maybe hidden in dude look at this look at this in the pencil box look at all those crochet um what do you call them crochet happy man yeah they're gonna like that we got a brand new purse here you find that a bunch of people want to dig through that one okay nelly oh um i found the drugstore so just out of curiosity like a lot of people may want this right brand new purse how would they find you online todd ah actually for my local friends in the high springs fort white area it's just todd musto on facebook uh you'll see me uh my pick will come up the hat on my favorite okay i've got a lot of followers everybody that is on my friend's list they see something they like they just chimed in i sit in the side for them to get first shot at it so your friends on facebook they get they get to buy first they're shot on everything all right there you go find them on facebook look at this i don't know if it's harley drive-by drive-by drive-by if it's not harley it's super cool regardless it's old you know what actually i i got to lose a little bit more weight but yeah you know what forget losing the weight there we go choker oh how much you want for that gator how much you want for the gold gator right there look at that look at that more jewelry dude you know how i'm dying right now i should have bought this unit i should have bought this unit it's a brooch that's what it is yeah dude how much how much tell me tell me i need that i need that for my gator scouting vest how much well i got a great way to help you help me uh unload the unit okay if you find it george 24 minutes until lunch a nice box nothing in there didn't find the gold gator but i did find this box that might be golden let's see what we have in here a little bit of a mess you got towels what's that duck dynasty right there duck dynasty happy happy happy that's what that's what i am when i'm in a storage unit whether it's mine or not whether i bought it or somebody else bought it this makes me so happy happy happy all right we've got all kinds of stuff in here okay let's see what we got down here we got more meds chantix what is chantix for stop smoking oh okay so we had a smoker potentially hot hands what are hot hands for to um put in your pocket when it's cold okay awesome what's this for it looks like a rainbow okay what's this for hired help it's hard to get good health who knows what everything is but this is a wallet uh let's see what we got let's hope let's hope that he's got okay this is a fossil this is like a fossil watch this is a fossil wallet let's hope he actually has some um some gift cards which she's got a buyer's club card one buyer's club okay now gift cards are a ton of fun to find there's a bunch of different papers in here a bunch of different papers no way that's not like anything no way where'd you find that dude here i am trying to find you money and you're finding it yourself what's this oh there's a little black book okay there's definitely a money bag there you know what we should do we should just get out of this box but i gotta know you know what let's just get out of this box let's figure out let's figure it out how much you think is in here todd there might be enough money in here to actually pay for the entire unit here we go let's find out am i being a whole separate it is it's in a whole separate bag oh wow oh wow dude they sound kind of light like silver dude why did i let you get away with buying this unit i think you're doing okay this one looks like silver nope he's doing all right he's doing really well so i was i was smart i was a genius and bidding on this but i was an idiot for not continuing to bit on it we've dug a hole all the way to the back fragility there's some some french words there interesting dolphins so some kind of thing down there i mean there's just there's an afghan that's a good 50 bucks right there wow new shoes everywhere there's just there's stuff everywhere literally everywhere each other later we're wondering where the pew could be todd more purses man and i heard i heard stuff in it oh yeah oh man i see gold i see gold fell out like right there my box fell right out on us that's how i saw the jewelry box because it fell out and then you put it back in that's what happened i think you set it up okay so we're thinking maybe maybe the pq maybe the pew pew is right there okay now the owner of the facility did tell us that the individual who owned nope it's empty no way me the individual who owned the unit with the postal boxes he died he passed away and um and she also said that they tried getting the unit to the family the everything they couldn't get it to him they got no contact whatsoever he lived in orlando but he was actually renting up here and they did everything they could now the guy actually bought it for three grand when you're in line he's like he i was telling the facility owner i was like they're not worth that much he's like they're worth 15 000 a piece okay he said originally there were 150 000 i don't know what he's on but he definitely ain't online he ain't online selling that's for sure todd more shoes purses i think i'd rather have shoes interesting interesting i checked i checked there that's empty what else is down here is that is that some kind of box right there is that a box or ah it feels like a sticker stuff a lance that's the risk we take that is all right he's definitely there's something todd's looking in there papers we still think there's potential of a pew pew in here i may be late and i may not get there all right there they're dog they're asking about lunch okay they're worried because george is in ohio and i'm not eating because george isn't here because i'm too lazy to make food for myself this is an interesting unit for sure what is it man it's a little stain h gibson looks cool whatever it is clean that up actually i like it all right just found this down here so todd todd found that right there hondura collection let's see what we got we got a sweet little bag see look at this pandora he'll come if i go he drove me out here interesting let's see what's inside we haven't see if i can get something some i don't know if that's real nothing else in there nothing else in there doesn't mean we're done digging that's for sure though todd i'm watching todd i'm watching todd i just found a lock box dude dude it's probably in here i'll give you point two percent about anything you find in there point two percent okay all right all right first we gotta see if it's unlocked come on baby come on baby stuff is falling down on me man okay i got it i got it todd we're getting closer we're getting closer lots of hints okay lots and lots of hints but i gotta be careful i don't want to show any personal information see what do we have what do we have we have that was empty not a bad lock box though still good lock box fine todd todd todd todd it's better this time i promise god i bet i promise it's better this time here's your lock box all righty okay yeah that's heavy seriously have you taught this todd is better this time i promise dude oh i should have never let you get this unit not that anybody ever lets anybody get a unit the highest bidder always wins i'm just speaking out loud i'm thrilled he got it i'm thrilled he got it todd you got yourself a laptop with a messed up keyboard but nonetheless you still have a laptop i thought it was better than the lockbox all right he says he's got somebody so i'm gonna keep digging i haven't got to find where that pew is we're digging funnest thing in the world is to dig look at there there is from barbie that is christy so that's a christie right there that is really cool in the box still that's probably i don't know what the current value is but i'm guessing anywhere from 20 25 i'm guessing i didn't look it up remember i see hundreds and hundreds of thousands of items every single year and i have to know a little bit about everything i'm not an expert in barbies i just know enough to be dangerous all right there's some boxes in here what's going on with these boxes that is a ton of paperwork a ton of paperwork and dude todd todd come here come here come here come here come here todd's actually loading okay look at this look at this 1969 carbine look okay so this is no interesting this is amazing yes what do we got there what do we got there what do you want to do and a result of all this though okay we know he had interesting receipt book okay okay there's it's got to be in here man absolutely has to be got to be in here okay i'll tell you what i'm gonna i'm gonna hand that over there there's a couple more boxes that usually hide the best stuff in the corners and i'm getting really close to the back corner that we don't have a personal paperwork let's see what do we got in here we got oh okay check that out check that out there's a gator now i can't i can't hand this off to todd because if i do we already know what he's going to do he's going to go and throw it and i didn't find the gold gator look at that look at these tusks yes what do you think these are from wild boar i think that's wild boar yes which tells me he's a hunter so now we have even more something in there that gold let's find out that is a rattlesnake tail that's probably eastern diamondback right there okay oh wait it's it's actually it's labeled what does that say skp snake something we're definitely getting we're getting closer here's a skull not sure what kind of skull but we got a skull in here we got some board some boar tusk got some shells okay anything more shells okay gator gator's cool something's in here it's glass i believe oh this could be something look at that look at that nothing there okay we're definitely getting closer oh man look at dude check that out i've never seen anything like it before stainless steel flower sager i mean that box alone for dude that's a thirty dollar box you did incredible that's a 30 dollar box you did absolutely incredible there's another box under there i gotta see what's in there it is some kind of blender what's this okay what could this be oh i see another box in there too okay let's see what this is okay we got a whole bunch of all right that is that's for computer stuff all right we might we might be on to something good stuff is always hidden in the back and not typically the under the cabinet light but we are we are getting some light shed on things all right here we go here we go could be something right in here another purse and i don't have my gloves so we got to be really really careful there's something in here something there's something in here there's there's definitely something in here dude there's definitely some come on man i know all right he was right he was absolutely right todd was right there's a bunch of kids there he's been doing this for a while and there's a bunch of more keys right there so he was right on the keys okay let's see now a lot of times we find all these feminine products lotions and things like that and what we find with it is jewelry so it's usually all the stuff that was in the bathroom they take their jewelry off in the bathroom they set it down in the bathroom so a lot of times this is where we can actually find the most expensive stuff and so i'm interested in looking for sure might just be a junk box it's getting intense in here okay oh that's what i use and if you get scared or know you gotta be prepared stay hydrated thank you sir i appreciate that oh thanks absolutely christy you need some here you go you're gonna go baby drink up all right now i see one more box under there i may be fat but i'm nimble nimble like a frog you know what that sounds either like like either sounds like metal or sounds like glass and it is definitely glass the hunt continues digging a little bit further in here look at this these might be what we've been looking for might be what we're looking for okay but before we get there i'm like i'm gonna be screaming for tom god all right let's see we got a camera and i always like to see what's on the actual cards let's see if there's yep card is something just shot at me do you see that that thing just shot right out at me it's like you ain't seen it all right so uh the card is in there so todd will have some fun figuring that out um there are other pieces in here some patches i wouldn't something you for practice wait hold a second i wouldn't i wouldn't up you for practice my little guy likes you what part of what part of kiss i don't you understand eaton ain't cheating all right i don't i don't even know what any of that stuff means but not the kind of patches i'm gonna put on my gator so we'll set that aside you know what you know what you know what you know what let's just figure it out let's get in here we go here we go not bad not bad but not what i was looking for probably right here spider webs all over my hands right now fresh cobwebs it's worth it and you know what searching searching for that pew pew in here is really starting to screw me you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 68,947
Rating: 4.9124765 out of 5
Id: oKstvlAE2Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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