Asmongold Reacts to "World of Warcraft is Perfectly Balanced" | By MadSeasonShow

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balance and world of warcraft well this is a really good start it's showing a warrior and classic and a demon hunter and bfa all right well we've got a lot to look forward to here yeah real real short video [Music] rogues are a powder never beat a hunter why paladins will get nerfed to give warriors a chance versus druids world of warcraft will be the worst game ever true dude so that guy was right pizza square thanks for five subs appreciate perfect world everything is completely even with each other yeah paladins are just as good as shamans yeah the alliance ratios are perfectly even with the hordes both factions are on an equal footing and the only variable in performance is between the keyboard and the computer chair it's perfect balance and in the world of rpgs in my opinion it's also bad game design it is and in this video i'm going to share my argument why i think balance in the game it's like here's the thing is you want to give people their time in the sun and like you want to rotate it around where like some classes are really good but you'd never want to have like the class that's always good like that's what sucks is like whenever you just have the class it's just constantly [ __ ] op perfect balance is boring though you're definitely right about that like swapping things around and like every season there's like new good comps and classes that are a little bit better off and different things like i think that makes it more interesting the beginning before the game's launched in 2004 players rushed to the forums with tears streaming down their face god damn it blizzard the reason i just died in pvp isn't because i suck just because it sucks yeah that's right why is it class that you can play with the garage door opener soloing me with ease it is true i mean it it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] true like [ __ ] i just also nerfed post after post after post yeah shamans are stupid but every class is incredibly weak and also incredibly overpowered absolutely except for what i'm playing of course yes no one understands the depth of knowledge and skill it takes to play my class very true so true i put so much time and effort into building my character and this is where the main argument of this video will be based around yup rpgs since their birth are built around two major features story and character development is this focusing more on the ladder here leveling talents skills and gear these are terms that are synonymous with the genre and the longer you play the stronger you become there it is if you forsake this you forsake the rpg genre as a whole now i will be comparing current world of warcraft how he says that and then he just puts the [ __ ] the [ __ ] picture of shadowheads like right there it's right there in front oh my god bicycle lot here not only because that's what the channel is focused on yeah but also i think they're just really good examples in general for exhibit a and we have classic yeah balance is seldom found in both pve and pvp that's right and it's pretty much the wild west it's the best tanks yes they are the best healers and pvps you'll charge into a fight and die faster than you can say [ __ ] shamans classic is a perfect example of anarchy in terms of balance and current is the exact opposite you know those overprotective parents that have bubble wrap on every square inch of that oh those are the absorption shields yeah current is the perfect example of breastfeeding your 30 year old child okay that was nasty i apologize both have their flaws and strengths of course and okay so retail wow the problem is like retail wow isn't balanced either like that's what i think a lot of people don't understand it's not balanced either but because you can't just out gear the imbalances it feels worse so like for example if you're a warrior and you go up against like a t1 mage and like a blue geared mage and you've got full [ __ ] 2.5 you're gonna kill him because he's gonna run out of mana before you die so you're gonna you're gonna still win so whenever you have like the [ __ ] scaling [ __ ] you don't have that situation where you win fights that you should lose because you just completely out gear the person so like you're kind of set in like your destiny it's like your destiny is to lose to a death knight and it doesn't matter how much gear you get or anything because of pvp scaling you will always lose to a death knight that's it effort of constructiveness yeah first list stuff the good sides for both all right oh look at those numbers dude look at those numbers dude it's the definition of let the kids play these classes have these abilities these strengths and these weaknesses and the players will obviously find what works and what doesn't of course in regards to pvp it's more of a rock paper scissors style it's certainly certain classes have clear advantages over others mages oh [ __ ] you well i have to show that and hunter's conor warlacks yeah one versus one pvp it's a complete mass but in group objective oriented pvp it creates an aspect of strategy of forming an optimal team composition druids are of course the best flight carriers and rogues and hunters are great defenders paladin's good stallers makes sense you're rewarded and punished intensely for building teams certain ways because all of these classes have their strengths and weaknesses yeah i'd say that's pretty true i mean like overall i don't think it's really as open as you might believe i think that a lot of times you kind of have like that that optimum comp that you want to go with and i think the lack of a competitive scene in classic is what gives people the illusion that there are a lot of comps that you can go with but i think that whenever you actually get into like a very if you had a very competitive if you had something that had the same level of competition that like let's say the mdi has i think you'd see a lot of the same comps coming uh you know over and over and over even in classic and then as soon as you saw that then you'd see people in game trying to emulate that because they feel like that's the best comp in the game uh that's really what it is and not to stick on pvp here too much and pve as well if you're the only one who can provide this buff or yeah or if you're the best tank in class that's me killing a niche by the way it feels good it's not without its downsides as we'll discuss but there are some positive things to be drawn from it but of course changed substantially over the past 15 years certainly has today and that gap of balance has been narrowed down sort of speed boost that makes them decent flag carriers and most classes are capable of stalling because everyone has a big defensive cooldown everyone is much more adaptable versatile especially with the ease of changing specs and talents on the fly and gear adapting with you i think so many classes now in retail like i don't like defensives in the game i know that might sound weird but i don't like really like a lot of defensives like for example i was talking the other day and i thought that like dispersion shouldn't heal you like it should just make you like not take a lot of damage like i don't like having rage regeneration not only stops you from uh like not only allows you to heal a lot from your blood thirst but also on top of that it gives you a damage reduction like it's both of them at the same time and i feel like that's what really kind of sucks about like defensives is that you have like these defensives that's compound on each other and they're effectively immunities like i think some classes should have immunities but at this point in the game it feels like every class has effectively an immunity like not only are you taking 30 less damage but you're also healing for 40 of your health every three seconds so it's like how the [ __ ] do you deal with that it's impossible right a typical warrior man well no i'm saying like warrior would like die by the sword or something like that like i don't think die by sword diamond sword is a kind of more it's more nuanced because arms doesn't really have that much defensive in general but i don't think they should have defensive stance i hate how you just have defensive stance and you just sit in defensive stance that's so boring to me i i hate that everything's much more flexible and convenient no longer do you have to rely on only warriors to tank yeah and pre-certainly steelers by far for pve and so on and so forth yeah the balancing classic versus the balancing current are complete polar opposites it's about right that's why they're such good examples ultimately it's preference of what you like more of course at first glance most people will likely choose balance over imbalance yeah it makes sense i mean it sounds straightforward enough yeah i i think that's what people would do to lose importance certain aspects that make rpg special if you take away these things they make the class special by giving it to everyone like heroism or battle rez or buffs or every healer is pretty good at aoe healing it makes the classes that excelled at these roles or held these abilities less unique yeah i i completely agree with that i think that like really like for example i always looked at like healing where it's like paladins were like the god mode single target healers druids were like the god mode heal over time people uh shamans were like the god mode uh like aoe healers and then priests were like the god mode uh absorbs right so like they made sure that like damage didn't happen and they also had really strong heels so like i i feel like every class was supposed to have like its own thing that they were really good at and like a uh i guess like a monk kind of does like what paladins do now right which is like kind of unfortunate and like now like for tanks for example like warriors were the god mode physical mitigation class uh paladins were the god mode damage class for for tanks uh druids were the god mode uh like physical damage or high intake damage like so a big like cast because druids had a high health pool dk's were the god mode magic mitigation class and so it just felt good like if you were going to do sartherian three drakes bro you want to bring a [ __ ] guardian druid or you want to bring a dk because warriors don't have the health pool to deal with it and they don't have three different magic communities like that is one of the coolest [ __ ] things man dodge and hp gods yeah yeah exactly price for making the game competitive well it what it did make the game competitive because you'd use different tools for different situations and you could bring in different people and other people could play off specs and just spec over to that instead for the raid there are no guardians back then uh no i i remember very clearly there were a good amount of guardian druids at level 80. yeah demon hers are the solo gods yeah demon hunters uh i feel like demon hunters don't really have like a place because it was like way after uh they had like that meta in this case it's done mainly to make forming raids easier back in bc you needed that shaman because you needed heroism [ __ ] yeah and if your shaman wasn't online well you're screwed you're mad but again on the flip side one could make the argument that forming a proper composition and recruiting can also be considered a skill obviously you can get out of hand and you don't want it to be a situation where you stack 90 of the same class but it's yeah i mean like obviously this is what's gonna happen like here's what's funny about it is like you can look at retail wow and you can say oh wow classes are unbalanced but look at the classic wow [ __ ] speed clear like i'm just gonna pull this up real quick okay i i don't want to make too much of a of a derail here but um bwl fastest clear like look at this real quick look at this comp okay look at all the warriors like half the whole raid is warriors that's it the druids just there for the [ __ ] buff so it's the kind of the same thing man and uh how it should be yeah of course like this would be fine if they were all warriors still a legitimate tactical element that i think is diminished when you start creating these items that give hallmark class abilities to everyone or every class being adaptable to any circumstance i think they really did that i think that the abilities being kind of they started homogenizing i started i think it started happening in cataclysm like in in in wrath i think classes were complete and then in cataclysm blizzard said okay well we're going to give warriors the paladin thing and we're going to get paladins to warrior thing and we're going to give mages the warlock thing and like that's what i really didn't like and it felt like each class at that point was just beginning to be more homogenized i i didn't like that at all a little pvp dude a little bit of pvp we're going to do that in just a minute another great example is the pvp scaling and current oh no i don't pretend by any means to be an expert in anything pvp related cataclysm was really the last expansion where i enjoyed it personally yeah but it's nearly unrecognizable today when you zone in your stats are skilled differently and you don't even do the damage that you think you're dealing all right wait watch this again ready chat 73 000 hit points this is so cute dude for 189k doesn't die see like 73 i i kind of you know you want to hear like something that i feel was like really kind of meta is that doing reaping flames in bgs and being able to calculate somebody's item level based off of their total effective health and then mathematically decide based off of that total amount of health how much health they need to have in order for you to kill them with reaping flames is actually kind of a cool meta but just because it's a cool meta doesn't mean that it should be a cool meta that should not [ __ ] happen i should be able to just look at their health and see my reefing flame says 200k damage they've got 190k they're [ __ ] dead like it should just be that simple i i don't know man some hit points look at that i hit him for 189k doesn't die so stupid like literally cut in half to balance things out if you're a higher high level player your damage is actually scale today what a [ __ ] of a game a lower high level player for example a game person for 50 000 he'll take 25 000 on his screen yeah you're still stronger but overall that gap is shortened it's done to balance the game because it's just not fair for the fresh player except that it is fair it's the very definition of the word fair in fact that the player who spends more time in the game should have an overwhelming advantage to a character who just hit the max level it's on i'm gonna oh let's listen to that one more i want to listen that again i i i want to hear that again should have an overwhelming advantage to a fair in fact except that it is to balance the game because it's just not fair for the fresh player [ __ ] them except that it is fair so it's the very definition of the warfare in fact player who spends more time in the game should have an overwhelming advantage to a character who just hit the max level it's unfair to artificially shorten this gap for the sake of balance it's anti that's right of course and like here's the thing is like at a certain point it becomes ridiculous like with corruptions and like all the other like essences etc i think that you should have to spend a lot of time to be really good and really geared but you should only have to spend that time on one character and after you do that on one character all the secondary progression systems at max level should be more more or less account wide like think about how much better the game would be if you had corruptions available to all of your classes based off of how many you've gotten on your main think about how much better it would be if you would be able to just use all of your essences on all of your characters like it would just be universally [ __ ] better like i would i would play the game more that's the ultimate outcome it's like i would play the game a lot more do you really think that i wouldn't roll a [ __ ] warlock and drop these like massive chaos bolts on people [ __ ] no man i would love to do that that's awesome i i i get excited just thinking about it but am i going to spend four days 10 days farming out visions for that [ __ ] no of course not i i just i don't understand it at all like if they had made dude corruptions are so [ __ ] fun man and you only get to experience them on one character like like you see another class like vin rookie on like a full mastery fire mage just like deleting something with like a 300k burst that's [ __ ] awesome that's really really cool but like the amount of investment you have to do that on it's like doing that all over again on another character [ __ ] that man like it's unnecessary it's completely unnecessary you can't farm out for an alt at all yeah i mean like the all [ __ ] really killed this expansion man it really did i hope blizzard sees that i think they do though yeah i think that they i think they definitely do competitive and its anti-character progression and the genre that's centered on character progression giving the detroit lions a 50-point handicap every game doesn't make things fair oh no if you're a fresh max level and you're into an arena and expect anything other being made to be somebody's girlfriend the problem is with you and not the game yeah it's so indirect and micromanaged you do arena and your stats are scaled all over the place trinket effects are nerfed trade effects are nerfed abilities deal more they had to nerf the traits to be realistic i mean the thing is that in order for the traits to feel really good in pve they have to nerf them in pvp like they were just like testimite or something like that imagine having full strength testimony in an arena like you're just gonna one-shot somebody with a slam which does actually sound pretty cool but uh it's not really going to work uh that that that is a problem less damage nothing is what it seems yeah not even dealing the damage you think you're dealing no let me know it's all alive what happened to building and gearing your character and then zoning in with all of your correct stats and when you deal 100 damage the enemy takes 100 damage they overthought it that's what happened is they just completely overthought the entire situation they overthink everything and they try to like over design things whenever people just want a simple game like look at classic wow for example i mean the game is still very successful i mean it just turned off layering there's like hundreds of thousands of people to play the game and like why is that it's because the game is simple and it's fair in a lot of ways and i don't understand how blizzard doesn't see that i think that they do now now that classical is out and they have like that parallel the juxtaposition i think they see it but it's taken so long it's the next expansion every time you use an ability you have to make a customer service ticket and ask if it's okay yep the best way to describe pvp and current is it's one of those madcatz controllers with 10 extra buttons and joysticks half of them stick the joystick has you permanently coasting to the left and this is the piece of crap your friend hands to you when you're over at their house it's like why can't i use that controller because screw you that's why look at all the great features this one has well yeah exactly you get to yeah you you have like somebody come over and you make them use the busted ass madcatz controller that your little brother smeared peanut butter over like eight different times and like meanwhile you get to use like the baseline [ __ ] you know actual like box controller that's what it is man the loot the [ __ ] loot man as i mentioned and loot is a huge part of your development i touched on this in my old bfa review but i still think it's worth exploring more because i think it's one of the biggest issues with the current game it's not really talked about too much the luton current is the perfect example of when balance and homogenization is taken away way too far what's this piece main stat stamina secondary one secondary two what about this one main stat stamina second is this stupid for me to say that i actually liked it whenever gear didn't have stamina on it i thought that was really cool that you had like certain items that didn't [ __ ] have stamina on it dairy one secondary two this good service going crazy this one i'll figure it out stamina secondary one secondary two world quests dungeons exciting warframes pvp emissaries it doesn't matter mainstay stamina secondary one secondary two crazy every single piece i swear and the closest thing we have to george orwell's 1984 is the loot system in current world of warcraft it's almost as depressing as my voice i like with classic and just rpgs in general is the variety in mood sucks some of it's okay and some of it is oh my god i will sacrifice my left testicle for this yeah the one thing they all share in common though is that so you're saying mcconnell so you're saying that i you know maybe mcconnell doesn't uh you know i'm just saying you know they're unique each piece is different from the last how so well there are way more stats first off you have hit crit spirit weapon skill spell penetration resistances plus damage plus healing thorns tier sets that was a good part of the game modernization different weapon types matter because of weapon skill racials and talents and the speeds can be different which is very important the slower the better because ability damage is usually based around weapon damage and ultimately with the way that stats are allocated i need to get those items and there are bad items they're garbage for pve and amazing in pvp these two items drop from the same raid one is complete garbage and the other one you use for the rest of the game it's unbalanced i have a friend named los who i get into debates between current and classic all the time and i had a good gotcha moment with them what is that he played the original back in all four to o7 okay and he was one of the officers in my guild he played a rogue and sticked with the game pretty steadily over the years playing most expansions a good bit that's a good boy and when classic came out he didn't have any interest in it because he just didn't want to go back to it again yeah but one day i was having a chat with another friend who actually did pick up classic and lost jumped in the channel we're talking about our enyxia raid that day and we're talking about what luke was going to drop and one of us mentioned viscaj and lost chimed in and reminisced he was like oh yeah this cash that's the annix i i know where the story is going he's going to ask the guy what he what weapon he currently has equipped i i guarantee you that's what it's going to be see a drop it's the blue and red recolor of the dollar instead yep i remember that was amazing back in the day it sure was damaged every rogue wanted one yep so here's a guy who hasn't touched classic in 15 years yup he never played private servers he doesn't keep up with classic or any aspect of it his classic experience started in 2004 and ended in 2007 and yet still he remembers this weapon from 15 years ago because well it's memorable it was good at this point we both still raided the current and he happened to get a dagger drop just a day or two before this i asked him the name of the weapon he got and he could not answer me why you knew what it was going to be everybody knew what it was going to be it's forgettable yeah it's [ __ ] forgettable man girth to lack i mean i probably remember like but yeah i don't think you should look at me as like a standard of oh well at least asthma and gold remembers it i remember tons of [ __ ] that i shouldn't remember gaku yeah i mean of course gataku right gataku is probably one of the unique items in the game though i think that's the exception and not the rule well aside from maybe his age of getting the best of them it's because the luton current is so generic and forgettable that it doesn't matter what's the difference between this and the other 20 carbon copies that you get from dungeons or world quests or loot caches this guy can remember a one-handed sword in a game he hadn't played in 15 years and he couldn't remember the name of the dagger he got two days ago there's no gravity to 90 of your equipment anymore because uniqueness and fun has been balanced out of it yeah we don't want people to feel like they need this weapon type and ignore all the rest so we'll go that's actually what happens though is like obviously i think that corruptions i know that i go back to this right but i think actually corruptions are really cool like i i really like stat amp corruptions i really like things like um i guess it's mostly the stat amps that i like really you guys don't like it i think they're really cool like you can just like [ __ ] just like deep dick into one stat and just have it be like ridiculously powerful i don't know man like i really think that's fun and i like the customization aspect of it i like all the different play styles that it can support i don't know i i think that yeah they're imbalanced and there's like bad things that come along with them but the core idea behind them is really good people don't like yeah people don't like the rng and like the acquisition method but i'm talking about the corruptions in the way that they influence your game play in certain ways like things like twilight devastation is really cool uh the only problem is it's just too powerful for just being a random proc uh that's the issue 900 damage is fun for noobs i get that but like i don't know like only enchants and gems please well what about reforging well what about like all the other things that the games had that are cool what about item upgrades like i don't want to have it like all the game never grow beyond classic i just think that it should grow in a good way too much rng well i mean i'm talking about stat amps that's what i'm saying like there's no rng with that at all go ahead and make them all the same we don't want people to ignore these fast weapons so we'll just make them all have the same speed yep they're all three points i don't want people to choose between different types of gems so just remove it all and make all gems match all sockets we don't want players to make a decision to break tier set bonuses when getting the new set you don't have so we're just gonna remove tier sets [ __ ] it dude blizzard just seems so deathly afraid of the player having to make a decision the player no longer adapts to the game the game now adapts to the player items that's actually probably one of the best way to look at it i really like that a lot like i i really i really like that uh that idea besides yeah uh that's [ __ ] great i don't like how you guys make that comparison with covenants because i think that it's disingenuous i think the problem that people have with covenants is not being able to go back and do different things whereas like in the past in the game you were able to go back and do different things with relatively no friction so like if you were a dps warrior you could build a tank set and you could just respect the tank whenever you wanted like it's not you don't have to sit through a two week time gate or something like that you just go and respect immediately and you can go play what you want it just takes more time and money like that's what i like uh yeah i i like that a lot what you get from the literal old god of the deep 50 jews are essentially the same as the ones you get from a generic soloable world quest yep and one time same exact thing corruption systems are in the game it could be just as good as far as i know though that's going away in shadowlands that's a good thing so you got to give him credit there it has negative effects in other ways too because the move is all over the place in classic there are some amazing pieces even in the early raid tiers such as molten core and even when the final raid next rammus is out players still have a reason to go to the molten core this adds replayability maybe i mean i don't know thunder fury is best for the whole expansion choker the fire ward is this uh the shoulders from domo for healing are pretty good the belt gets replaced onslaught gets replaced by vesuvius belt uh there's a few other yeah onslaught no resuvious belt's better because resivious belt gives less strength than onslaught but it also gives 20 agility which makes it another critical strike chance and at that point you have so much innate hit on your gear by using conquerors legs or maybe use titanic leggings depending on like how how effective you want to go and how much health you want to have you have like conquerors draws you have so much like passive hit on your gear and also because you only need six percent hit now because of the way that heroic strike works uh there's no reason to to go for that as at all so bre i don't know bre is not better than might have menthol in any way it's also not better than the uh the claymore of unholy might there's just like zero way like maybe it's better against the clothing in a team fight in or at the basin like that it's so situational and like i think it's mighty methyl it just doesn't really show up in a way that in my opinion is more healthy and natural for the game it seems to me that current relies on replayability in forced and awkward methods such as artifact power dailies or daily quest hubs or the other 20 things with daily or weekly timers arbitrarily tacked onto them another problem i have with the game is a monumental amount of daily chores that it sets you on a lot of the times it feels like you're forced into this mindless routine of grinding out dailies to feed into engagement and tricks rather than actually playing the game that's good it's just a huge good development resources yeah is amazing it's insane boss fights are great and that's very true my opinion they're incredible i always maintain that as far as mechanics and boss design is concerned they do a great job so to completely abandon raid tears as soon as the next one releases just seems like a big waste to me raiding is the mainstay end game activity for nearly every mmo in existence so having replayability tied to that in my opinion feels much more natural and fun bring back progressive rating i think so many people sleep on how important that is helping the turtles make it to the water for the 10 000th time i like the crab one but i don't like that one competitive but that's the name of the game for mmos yeah i'm just saying that rating feels more like you're actually playing the game and daily quests and all this busy work just sort of fills the time while you wait for your next raid to reset just look at classic it's a 15 year old game and it's as basic as it gets your weekly itinerary isn't grinding azerite or daily reputation hubs or world quests it's doing raids that are as easy as your mom and yet still it's a juggernaut because that's what the whole mmorpg genre is all about yeah the main point i'm getting is true is that this is all quite dilute the reason why these raid tiers are immediately abandoned is because the loot is so simple everything is replaced if everything is main stand exactly and think about the things that didn't get replaced this expansion what didn't get replaced font of power that's not simple at all ash veins razor coral that's not simple at all like the more unique items getaku is not simple at all uh yeah that's a what's it's pretty simple right but like overall like they have special unique items that do cool things i love that [ __ ] man yeah i [ __ ] love this font [ __ ] sucks by the way really i think font is cool i don't really play i'm not playing mage but i think the idea of it is cool stamina secondary one secondary two and right yeah that's it and then everything is main stat stamina secondary one secondary two but just a little bit higher and ready to be why would you ever go back to raid a i swear that blizzard would balance chess if given the chance you know we've read that the pawn piece is a little undertuned and it isn't as versatile as the other pieces so we're giving them the ability to move in straight and diagonal directions unlimited just like the queen and it's the same with the knight yeah now they can move to other places that other pieces can of course we don't want players having to choose between moving their queen and moving their knight yeah so we're just gonna make the knight the same as the queen two makes sense it makes sense for certain genres i think fps games are a great example if two players are using the same gun they better have the same fire rate recoil and bloom as each other and the person with the better reaction time and aim should win because that's where the genre shines well i think actually like warzone did a great job like kind of they gave people the ability to have guns that did different things in warzone and that actually i think made the game they gave it a lot more longevity with the loadouts and being able to customize your loadout weapons i thought that was really [ __ ] good and the difference is like yeah you had like things like the bruin i think was like really [ __ ] overpowered and like pub g had this issue too with its rifles where like the m4 for a long time was like just really really [ __ ] good it's like better than all the other guns basically and so like most people would always just go for an m4 because it just had the most well-rounded outcome and that's not good but i think warzone did a great job by allowing people to customize their loadouts and not having certain things be like ridiculously overpowered uh m4 still kind of is it is but it was it was like just way [ __ ] better like like there are some people that could play the other guns with a very very high technical like skill level and like be better right like shroud with an ak or something like that but for like 99 of players like m4 was the best gun like [ __ ] period like and this was in pub g uh in in warzone i like at the beginning what was the gun that was like super [ __ ] op and war zone that like everybody used i forgot even what it was it might have also was it also just the m4 the growl uh maybe it was that one i don't know but like yeah everybody [ __ ] used it and like that's what games need to stop uh stop letting it happen great gun play the end and the m5 was really good and of course teamwork yeah there you go got it right crooked right right right he's going thanks for the a oh [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] however the same balance on an rpg yeah something that's so reliant on character progression and customization exactly it's like trying to fit a square pig through a round hole exactly all you end up with is a messed up peg and a messed up hole and that's no fun for anyone i think the game would benefit from a rest spin of all of the fun being balanced out of everything you can sum up this 20 minute video to let the kids play this 15 year old game or one classic global so literally any other class every three minutes and has a loot system that's all over the place is thriving i think it's i don't think that the loot system in classic is as dynamic as mad susan thinks that it is i think that the loot system in classic is basically the same thing as in retail and um i don't think loot was really interesting until like there are very few times where loot has actually been interesting in the game i think that was kind of interesting in terms of an upgrade model in uh what do you call it in nope it's not wait you think that loot is more in is wait what how is loot not boring and classic wow like i'm sorry but it kind of is there's like three different stats that you could get and everything else was like just basically a checklist i don't know i really don't think so at all wooden classic is awesome it's not about it being awesome or not it's about the diversity of items and the diversity of items being actual like diversity or just seeming diversity because the reality is that you don't want to have a lot of the items in the game they're just not good i'm so confused retails is better than classical well i think that retail has some good items too but overall i mean classic items are relatively the same thing yeah compared to retail i don't know i felt like in mr pandaria you had much more upgrades that you could do on your gear and like much more investment you can make in your gear with like gyms with like item upgrades and and like reforging and everything and enchants and i guess you had enchanted classic two right but you had like ring enchants at that point and everything else like that i thought was way cooler than just picking up one piece of gear and then just using it so like that that's basically it i'm not saying that like looting classic is bad i'm just saying that it's not really as interesting as other things in a game like that's all i'm saying uh tbc yeah tbc was was really cool too i loved tbc loot uh it was much better than i don't know if it's better than classic it might have been better than classic the only thing that i thought was interesting about classic is like a few very minor things like the way agility would affect critical strike chance and balancing getting agility versus crit but the rest of like hit rating and stuff that was usually just a balancing act it wasn't it was like pseudo-interest it was like it was pseudo complexity because you actually just needed to meet this benchmark and then you could just move forward okay for the enemy to take the actual damage you're dealing to them yeah and i think it's okay to have more than four stats or have some classes that excel in some areas and suck and others like i said at the start of the video neither ends of the spectrum are perfect that's true the only difference is that classic is a 15 year old game with a community who doxes each other for suggesting guilt banks so i don't want to know what will happen if blizzard actually changes balance yeah we'll have gaping flies and the best would be a mix of the two in my opinion i agree would it be ironic to say that the best balance would be a balance between the two yeah these days if you haven't noticed but hopefully it comes from a place of constructiveness the frustrations and changes i shared in this video i ultimately feel would improve the game the successive classic shows that there's value in the game resembling more of an rpg i'm not saying to go as far as mimicking it completely or pretending it's flawless yup just that there's a demand in the player adapting to the game instead of the game adapting to the player i'm well aware that i've talked about this stuff before but it needs to be said these are issues that if you'll kill the game and as long as i continue to care about it i'll keep bringing it up titan forging would still be in the game if people didn't speak up about it that's right i'm so glad that people stuck on blizzard about that because i hated that [ __ ] bring back wrath i think that wrath gear was interesting i think bc gear when did they normalize all the spell all the different types of spell damage was that in wrath that was in that was in wrath i think like yeah the the pre-patch for wrath where gear stopped having like shadow spell damage on it like in cata what wrath gear had shadow damage on it i don't remember that at all like yeah what wrath gear did shadow damage greens oh so just greens gear so but there's no raid gear that did this okay so that was about it but hey take it for what it is at the end of the day it's just another neckbeard's opinion with that spell power yeah i like spell power this is a good video farewell that is jennifer no we're about to do jennifer now we hope you enjoyed it apparently just got released and uh or it just got discovered so we're gonna do that yes we are about to do the uh we're about to do jennifer it's a cat by the way we're going to do the cat i feel everyone thinks blizzard should adapt to the game on our business who knew it changes the game everyone loses their mind well that's like you say let the kids play and everybody agrees with it but then you say let the kids play with knives and people say wait a minute let's not do that because it's actually not as simple as just a binary just oh well because we're doing this thing then players should automatically adapt to it there's more nuance to the conversation than just everything blizzard does is right or wrong that's what it comes down to that's what's my opinion is yeah it's a blanket statement exactly that's what i'm really trying to say but regardless i uh i do think that gear and classic it's it's more interesting probably than most of the gear in retail i think retail does have its share of interesting and cool pieces of gear like the things that you got from the uh like the crucible of storms that gave you different effects and they gave you cool little things like that that you could do too so i think that really just like looking at what made classic gear interesting and then trying to add a few more stats and things to balance would probably make it cooler than what we have now because like right now it's like four stats and that's it that's it and it's just got to be more interesting than that man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 812,995
Rating: 4.8673558 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold madseasonshow, asmongold madseason, asmongold mad season, asmongold classic wow, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, madseasonshow, mad season, classic wow madseasonshow, madseasonshow wow, asmongold classic, asmongold wow classic, madseason balanced, wow perfectly balanced, asmongold wow balanced, classic wow balanced, world of warcraft balance
Id: 0l9aS3hoV2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 53sec (2573 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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