Asmongold Accused of STEALING WoW Videos - Full Response To Vaulty

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let's just watch it and my understanding is that he is upset that I took a video idea from him and I'm assuming it's the one in the thumbnail and so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna watch it does a video of at I don't normally make but today I found something quite odd an asthma golf video that recently got posted is almost an exact copy of a video that I made on my second channel so the two videos for me and as mongold is basically exploring a European server called blue chiffon which has one of the worst alliance populations out of any server and of course just recently asthma gold that did the same video now I don't think it's the end of the world if someone makes a video idea and makes it into something of their own how I want to say one thing I wanna see I don't really watch this guy's videos I didn't copy his idea like this is just it's just not true I just didn't copy his idea I don't watch this videos 10 copies on you whether the video formats and things said in asmin gold's video is almost identical to my video that I posted a week before so the video begins with me looking at the server list and then being surprised by the low Alliance population of Lucifer on PvP so let's play the clips and see if you can see a bit of a similarity so I was browsing the classic web server list and I came across something quite interesting look at this server Lucifer on PvP look at Lucifer on weights so saying look at Lucifer on is me copying you so if I say look at Lucifer on that's me copying him I can't believe I've been exposed like this guys wait what so Lucy Ron I wonder if there will be a single character on there oh I want to go to Ironforge so I have to make a bull yeah I think this guy's right let's just make this character real quick Wow someone took both here on this server oh my god so I'll make the only Alliance character yeah I did this a joke yeah I do that on every surfer I've done that like a hundred times like yeah III yeah I just said that about thala nose - yeah I I've done that on every on every server I always try to make my name and then somebody took my name and did I make an abbreviation of my name somebody's taking that too and it's a joke every time guys just couldn't give me a break man let's keep it real if my name was taken obviously as when ago would have been taken as well how can he even act like this I know your names taken if I'm not watching your videos this applies it's obvious that his name would have been taken so that's a joke and decides to check out the auction house to see what items and stuff are available so let's check out what can I say one thing like this is deliberately misleading because whenever I originally did that I didn't go to iron for it at the beginning I went over to Stormwind so if I wasn't in a copy his video I would have made it to war for something like that like it so he cut it in a way that implies that the start of my video was the exact same as his video which is not true how about weapons like all weapons okay all weapons do we go into the second page no there's one page of weapons that's that's everything you see here and it fits on one page okay alright what's on your house there's 300 things on the auction house 310 items on the entire auction house once again another thing that happened in my video so I go around and check out any characters I can find of course this happens in asthma angles for as well what do you think that you're gonna do on a dead server like what do you think that you do on a dead server like you go and you look at how many items are on the auction house like this is what I would do on any server I even did this before I'd done it on retail servers as well like if you go and you look at my my other videos like let me see here let me go back to as mongold dead server so let's see why servers dying this is me doing it four months ago and let's see servers are dying this is me doing it six months ago it goes back to retail first time this is classic release this is me yeah I mean like this is just not true I did this is just it's simply not true and like there are only a few things you can do on a dead server and so obviously the first thing you would do is go to the main city huh see how many people are in the main city see you like what's on the auction house because it's an indicative measurement of how many people are using the server and then just look and see if there are any native players on the server so if anything he copied me yeah I mean and I'm not even saying that he copied me either like I'm not even saying that because these are just obvious things that you would do on a dead server it's not like there was any divine insight that vaulty had that led him to believe and come to this brilliant idea of checking the auction house it's just not true sad druid just jumping across tiles to pass time oh my god this is actually sad so because we both said sad that's me copying his video I guy I really feel like this is I really feel like this is stupid and this is so this this video is sad because like you could take a number of other things that are more specific but of course I would say it's sad because it is sad that's like me going up to the the Grand Canyon and saying wow this is really big or me seeing the Leaning Tower of Pisa and thinking damn I hope it doesn't fall over like it's an obvious observation just those four with the only four people in Ironforge there's nobody wait wait oh look at this guy he's level 38 and this one's 60 there's three people here so I think you guys get the idea osmond goals video is remarkably similar to mine but I posted a week before and yeah Osman Gazi is a streamer but this is his official clip channel on YouTube and he runs this channel it's monitor no I don't I I just I actually don't I don't run the video I don't run the channel cat Danny and daily does it as one go run the channel I have no oversight over the channel they upload everything on their own completely independent of me eyes by him but numbers about this channel gets is really crazy definitely the biggest bow channel and I think we can see now I think we can see now why he's making a video just you know I don't maybe it's a coincidence okay as far as I'm concerned this makes him the biggest value tubers well the fact that he is copying videos for me is a little lame especially like you just made the so you think that I watched your video with your channel that has 3,000 subscribers like and like I watched your video and then I decided oh wow this is such a great idea I just what I don't like about what he just did there is he created a premise at the beginning and then right here he just acknowledges his premise as being a fact and this makes him the biggest so listen what he says you know the fact that he is copying videos for me is the fact that he's copying videos there's no fact that I'm copying your videos at all this is an accusation that you made you provided a few examples of similarities between our videos it's like imagine if Bell you were made a video about news and Wow and then I make the same video about the same news and he says I'm copying his video it's completely ridiculous and it's like absolutely untrue like of course it would be the same thing because we'd be talking about the same thing with the same subject and then he just moves on to halfway through the video and didn't he say I don't know if he said earlier he says I don't know if asmin go copy my video and then now he's saying the fact that I copied this video I didn't copy your video little lame especially considering that my second channel volte please has about 3k subscribers yet this video I made did a lot better than usual so this is probably the reason why I asked moon gold decided to make this video as well now I'm not usually someone best very precious about this for our plenty of people that I've taken my thumbnail designs and stuff for my channel and basically just copy their it's not an issue that's what you've done like you know what I've gotten through three minutes of this and I have an insult of the guy which is it's really I'm doing really good guys I'm doing really really good so but can I please say that if you go and you know what after this after the video we'll look at vol T's content and we'll see who's really copying who - for me it is what it is it is YouTube all full the thing about bothers me is about asmin gold homeless certainly watched this video but I posted on volte plays do you really think that your divine insight of going to a dead server is something that I had to find from you do you know where I originally found the idea actually is it if you go back in the vod's and if somebody's gonna clip this on youtube splice this in we look at iron forged up room yeah if we find a low pop the lowest pop PvE server here instead scam was huge and oh my god dude 98.8% with the conversation that I had with s fond weeks ago looking at all the dead servers so I already knew what this was way before you even made your video and just like almost everybody else nobody knows who gives a [ __ ] about your second Channel I'm not watching your second Channel almost nobody is so if you're gonna sit there and make these accusations you should at least figure out if it's true the UK I didn't watch your video almost certainly like what I don't like about this is there's an implication here that this is like a smart thing that he thought of this is like some kind of like like a really great video idea that he had like the the idea is his intellectual property oh wow look at this I came up with the idea to make a video about a dead server like nobody's ever thought of that like I needed to see his video to come up with that idea he just copied the key points of the video because this video Pope's on my tiny channel it would obviously be because those are the points of interest those are the points of interest like see here's why he's mad you can see right here here's why he's mad is because my video got more of used in his video and that's what it's about for him it's about viewership it there's no integrity here at all it's about viewership dude well um has monocled TV yeah despite this he still act surprised when he sees Lucifer wait what wait wait look at Lucifer on waitwhat yeah now I kind of wanted to talk about another issue that I have with this Osman gold clip channel ready ones oh here we go here we go this is it so it actually probably had nothing to do with this here's the real here's the real problem here let's go ahead and move on was half of the videos on this guy's Channel can barely even be considered his own content most of these videos are just him reacting to a full video that another wow you tuber has made and these are videos that take a long time to edit according to fair use you can use other people's content in small amounts to illustrate review or critique something to the point where the content is transformative I'm not sure about watching a 20 minute belly of our video from start to finish constitutes as fair use I'm well even if it doesn't let's assume that it doesn't constitute as fair use bail yours okay with me watching his videos so even if it didn't constitute as fair use and it would be fine like a lot of the people who I watch their videos they are completely fine with me watching every Jews even uber danger told me tweeted at me said yeah I made the video you know I'm waiting for you to watch the end of it and so I watched the video in its entirety and so if you want to have the argument whether if something is fair use or not I think that's more of a legal argument and I don't know really what side of the fence that's gonna fall off on I don't know but I don't think that he knows either the fact is that like it's very hard to say what really is fair use and what isn't and I think that it's contextual and it's a legal definition right neither of us are lawyers but it's just from his perspective he doesn't like the fact that I'm looking I'm watching videos on my stream and also on top of that I think you can use another example is that what was the video the guys channel that we we watched the other day what was his name gorac so now he has 20,000 subscribers whereas like I let a lot of my viewers over to subscribe to his channel whenever he had 5000 subscribers a couple of days ago and so if you want to say that like this this content and like what I'm doing is it's parasitic I think that there are a lot of direct direct ways to prove that wrong and also especially whenever the people themselves don't have a problem with me reacting to their videos so for another counter point for that is that with Taliesin inevitably essen didn't like the community that my stream had and like the way that it brought it into his committee he didn't like that and he asked me not to watch his videos I've never watched a video from Taliesin since then so this isn't like I'm doing it against people's will or anything like that so it's like this is just it's completely it's completely false in every way mean if you tried that with mainstream media content there's no way that he would accept this to be transformative enough for fair use I know asmin will likely defend himself by saying that this is fair use and his reaction transforms it yet I don't know that I'm not saying that because I think that could be true but neither one of us knows that yeah neither one of them yeah that's that's not what I'm saying at all he is so confident of that why doesn't he post a reaction video of Family Guy or episodes from some other big TV show there's no way that he wouldn't get a copyright strike yeah well the reason for that is because those videos have a different way of being monetized those videos are pay-per-view so for example if you're going to watch something and like if you want another contextual example like train watches South Park regularly and that hasn't been a problem but with a lot of these videos if you're watching a movie or something like that the movie itself you have to pay to watch the movie which changes the way that people actually access and the movies monetization schedule the way that you actually make money off of selling that type of a product so the way that this is different is because the videos on YouTube are free to begin with so if you're watching a video on YouTube you're providing a free alternative for something that was originally something that you had to pay for that's the difference between watching something like Family Guy or whatever and watching a youtube video this is a false comparison of a messed up thing is I've got some of the videos about asmin gold posts of him reacting to smaller youtubers and yo get more views for the original video like this review of Warcraft adventures from platinum wow it's really well edited and probably took a good 15 hours to make this video got 43k views after three days and Esmond gold literally sitting there and watching the entire fang gots 120 cave use all monetized to him for all travel sort of snowy forest and he fights these Yeti guys what is um what is platinum Wow is youtuber what is this twitch channel because didn't he tweet at me a few days ago that he was happy that he what he caught he was happy that was like watching his videos what is his twitch or not twitch sorry ah Twitter it's pretty nutty whenever Esmond gol watches your videos on stream thanks buddy so this is the actual reality this is what it really is so platinum Lao is actually completely fine with me doing this and not only is he fine with him with me doing it but by doing it it actually provides a tangible benefit to his channel as evidenced by the actual analytics so this is a situation where everybody wins so I don't think I've ever been in Wow except for in Wrath of the Lich King when they were very similar Yeti guys which I find really interesting because Wrath of the Lich King was released ten years later anyways thrall gets the axe returns to the frost wolves but nas grow I feel like Hassman gold gets away with a lot of stuff that is really shady however when he peel like what what am I getting away with I'm getting away with a lot of stuff that's really Shady what the [ __ ] are you talking about I'm getting away with stuff like that this is a joke I'm like for one I would say the way that I react to videos I don't want to like rate reactions okay but there's a reason why people get mad did I put on a belly or video because of its 18 minutes the reactions gonna be 45 like I pause the video there's a reason why pause champ came from my stream like I spend more time actually talking about the videos and getting into them than almost anybody else like even with this [ __ ] video it's been 5 minutes and I don't know how long I've been watching the I've been doing this but it's been a long [ __ ] time I it's been like at least 10-15 minutes O'Quinn pause is even more and that's fine but what I'm saying is like I feel like I add a lot of insight into videos for the most part right I mean obviously I have reactions aren't really that good of course but for the most part that's the goal that I try to make and to say that I get away with a lot of stuff like what the [ __ ] am I getting away with what am i gay away with I think the only thing that he's really mad about me getting away with is I'm getting away with more viewers than he is go back the layers of sarcasm and irony and you just look at what he does objectively what he does is no better than his react channels from back in the day guys like jinx and stuff who would watch youtubers videos in their entirety with minimal commentary to make lots of money it's just a little lame now I know what some and that's fine though like if you don't like the videos that I'm watching and you don't like the fact that I'm watching videos that's completely his own prerogative to say right if he doesn't like that that's completely okay like he doesn't have to watch the video but I don't think that it's fair for him to say that you know what I'm doing is harmful to other creators whenever there are quantitative examples of the opposite this is not true and on top of that just because you don't like these types of videos it doesn't mean that they shouldn't exist people are going to say they're going to save that as something gold reacting to a youtubers video is actually going to help for youtuber with a shout out now I guess that makes sense in theory however if you actually look at the numbers it doesn't help for youtuber at all I think it actually hurts me YouTube hi Steve I've had asthma and Gould react in one of my videos before and it pretty much converted into no numbers well that's because you had a shitty video I remember your video your video was stupid your opinions were stupid everything you said in the video was stupid and I remember I was intentionally I was more what's the word for it I was more relaxed on calling out how stupid it was because he was another content creator that I didn't previously have any sort of a at any repertoire with so I didn't want to go and say a bunch of bad stuff about this guy I didn't really know it was so I took his opinions and I interpreted them in the most the most generous way possible so the reason why your video didn't get a lot of popularity is because you had a bad video Platinum Lau on the other hand produces quality content which is why whenever my audience sees his content go and watch his content and they say wow this is really nice we like it all of the videos I've ever seen from vaulty are just recycled clickbait why would any go why would anybody go and watch that and then turn around and say oh my god I want to subscribe to this guy and see what you're doing you offer no unique insight to any issues in the game you provide no original content all the things that you're doing are pretty much recycled videos previously from other content creators and the original content that you do have is mediocre so of course they're not gonna translate it into views for you which by the way is the only thing that you obviously care about because you don't deserve them I think this actually hurts youtubers since if people have watched osman golds reaction to a video before the original video yeah they're not going to watch the original video when it comes up in their recommended since they've already seen earth they're not going to watch it again why would he watch Platinum Wales Warcraft adventures with you if you've already seen hasman gold watch it and fall but anyway guys this bit more you can ask the 65 thousand people that did all right just ask them leo is just meant for criticism don't send hate the asmin gold ish just unneeded if you get that's not criticism like spreading lies about me and doing it under a false premise and I stole your video idea is not that's not criticism like technically it is criticism but I think that whenever you think of criticism you think of objective fair analysis this is everything except that this is not objective fair or critical analysis like this guy is a joke like let me only finish the video let's enjoyed this video please drop a like down below and subscribe to the channel this is volte signing out let's let's actually you know what this is really good this is permit let's go ahead and look at this one these bots took over classic Wow and this came out on April 26 let's look at will e classic Wow hello ladies and gents but and bahding has only gotten worse Black Lotus market and and Wow like its immediately let me see body and classic Wow let me see I'll just look up body is there a body academic in classic Wow so this came out one month ago and this is your most recent video here so if you want to talk about stealing videos I think you should look in the mirror like let's be honest almost let's go through the videos here so five items classic wow that make players mad is this the future of wow the rarest mounts in classic wow so this came out two weeks ago rarest mounts in classic Wow oh wow look at that cargos made a video about that a year ago Wow class of all everything you need to know about mounts there's another one right there actually you know what let's see our legendaries good in WoW classic let me see if there's is this one actually new why you will never get a legendary in classic Wow well that turned out to not be true let's see here top five ranked legendary items in classic Wow so this is again five most overpowered items in classic well it's actually his own video there are plenty of videos like this and ideas like this that are used all over the place for you yeah stuff he's already dead no he don't grant him a victim know if somebody goes and they they they say stupid [ __ ] about me then I'm going to respond what can you get from classic wow what can you get from Zul grub in classic Wow like this person right here in my opinion all here's one about me the streamer problem in classic Wow so this is clearly a person who is not biased here so this is using my face again to with recent province coastal community what's going on with streamers of gas man gold yeah he's gonna watch I'm not going to watch his video um I've all T I will do your favor okay you don't like me watching videos rest assured that I will never watch another video about you unless you make it about me now the reason for that there's two reasons number one obviously is because it seems like you don't like it and number two is because your videos don't deserve it they're [ __ ] these are [ __ ] videos this is an example of everything wrong with YouTube like you're doing every single thing if you looked at a dictionary and you tried to find the word bad youtuber you would be number one there would be a picture of you all of your titles or clickbait your content is recycled and stolen from other people you use the red arrows this is shameless you are a completely shameless and the reason for that is because you'd probably don't even give a [ __ ] about the game you only care about it for views and that's why you're so worried and upset whenever somebody else gets more viewership than you do you are a joke of all of the WoW content creators on YouTube I would say you are the worst one absolutely the worst one you provide no insight no interesting commentary your videos are not funny there McDonald's content to be consumed and forgotten the moment that they end and that's all you'll ever be so keep making videos about me and trying to make other people look bad because that's the only way you're gonna get views besides miss directing people in the clicking your videos you're a [ __ ] joke do we have anything else to say is there anything else to say Ian's image is from Bella you are it's a it's not from Bella you are let me see actually that's a good question so let's look at this is this the future of classic Wow actually you know what yeah Bell yer has used that one hasn't he wait a minute no let's keep going no [ __ ] way huh look at it right here boys respond to 8.3 right in the middle and then you have his video right there fastest way to level and classic revealed are you [ __ ] kidding me seven crazy secrets in classic Wow Blizzard hid this it's just it's so obvious the thumbnails alone are a cancer look at the dislikes let me see light strike Jesus Christ this is actually very accurate you took everything for me as well I don't even know you are I wish that was true because unfortunately I do listen I don't like to attack people or talk [ __ ] about people or whatever but you can rest assured if somebody attacks me I'm going to respond especially if it's with a false allegation and fake [ __ ] I don't like doing this it's just that I'm not gonna let somebody sit here and spread lies about me especially whenever they've done it before this guy clearly just doesn't like me that's all there is to it it's practically defamation I'm not gonna sue this guy like I don't I'm not why would I do that he's just a joke I mean every single video idea that I see here like none of these video ideas are original at all like I wonder I think this is probably the only original video idea that he's ever done that's not definition well regardless if it is or not like I'm not going to do that I don't care yeah he won't talk about stealing videos like this is crazy you destroyed his whole career he didn't have a career like is he doesn't have a career like all of his like he doesn't have any loyal viewers people that like him or anything if he did then he would have a lot of viewers on his second channel he doesn't the only views that he gets is by misleading people in the Browse section by clicking videos that seem interesting like that's it he doesn't doesn't have a career this is a clip that one of my viewers one of my viewers brought up to me and he was actually an editor and vaulty I'm assuming approached him it's the first one under coronavirus not okay there we go this one I can probably do twenty-five to fifty dollars a minute to start he says whoa a minute of footage says you want five hundred dollars of video if it's a long video with a lot of editing yes if it's more simple like the one that you posted the one you posted yet no that's why it's arranged that the video he says for sure do some similar merchant splicing for 20 dollars man he said you high and like let's see here we under coronavirus and you want 500 dollars to cut trailers on to a voiceover we under coronavirus Wow [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,081,836
Rating: 4.7987661 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold copied, asmongold copying, asmongold vaulty, vaulty, vaulty wow, vaulty asmongold, wow videos, asmongold classic wow, wow classic, classic wow, classic server, asmongold wow classic, asmongold classic, vaulty drama, wow vaulty, asmongold reacts to vaulty
Id: XdT69ngp-qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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