Shadowlands Is NOT Ready! Asmongold reacts to the Truth Behind Class Balance & Feedback | Stoopzz

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and you can even see here that one of the first questions in this q a is you promised us better communication but this was back i didn't even read it oh no oh my god what is going on man it's perhaps one of the most that's a great i really like this scene this is see this is yeah this is great ever made on this channel and i urge you to watch the video in its entirety if you have the time to do so and i urge you also to share it with a friend if you think they would find it informative or interesting um because i think this supersedes anything that i've done in terms of like pdp vendors as it affects the game as a whole and it's something that we need to be talking about as a community let's get into it i'm a little nervous making this video i'm going to be honest because i don't want to upset anyone and i have to say it right now please do not use this video to harbor hate towards the development team i have no idea if they do if you do that like i sort of got like people that get mad at the developers and like start a bunch of [ __ ] at the developers are the biggest dumbest [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] like if you do that i [ __ ] hate you because you know what happens whenever you do that you won't know what happens then they stop talking to us because they're like god these guys are [ __ ] with that being said let's talk about balancing really quickly for those of you that are wondering is blizzard going to pull it off there's a lot of conversation can they balance covenants and just newsflash guys no they are never going to balance covenants classes it just doesn't exist i mean that's been around in the game forever like world of warcraft is an mmo with tons of different variables it's never going to be balanced and even more so over the past you know recent expansions with like legion bfa and now shadowland because of these broad-powered systems they make it extra hard to of course keep everything in check it's just gotten exponentially worse over time i would say that's probably true because these bar powered systems they require a ton of time to properly implement they're not easy to get up and running and the issue with these are is that these systems they don't stay around past one expansion right like i don't like that i feel like back it's like in in bc going into wrath i knew that i was taking everything in bc into wrath and like into cataclysm i felt like i was taking everything that i had in wrath into cataclysm and i was becoming like more powerful and stronger as the game went on and now i don't really ever get that feeling it's kind of disappointing man the wheel every time they try to do these yeah you had it in legion bfa now you're getting it in shadow land big truth and the problem with these systems are is that they take away they take the attention away from the classes themselves right exactly wizard has to focus so much time on balancing legendaries and artifact weapons from legion or azerite traits essences and corruptions that they don't get the time to correct all the fundamental problems with certain classes a great example is the class that many of you hate and that's the demon hunter batman the class was literally created i remember being at blizzcon and there was a little thing where they were showing the demon hunter and announcing it and they were saying like easy to play or great for beginner players now i'm sure that was the intention of course also because they just used these bar powered systems to kind of complete the class where other classes had tons of time to kind of flesh out all the issues and have a more solid rotation and in legion they kind of revamped a lot of classes well yeah i mean it's obvious that demon hunter is made for idiots like i mean and this isn't like a meme it has like three abilities i'm sorry but it's just way easier to play a demon hunter than other classes that's all there is to it it just it [ __ ] is get mad it's a fortnight class no because fortnite you need more keybinds to play fortnite than you do to play a demon hunter like you need more keybinds to play like hungry hungry hippos then you need to play a demon hunter it's insane you could play a demon hunter on a [ __ ] super nintendo controller i'm not even kidding some of those classes again that were revamped it's not just a demon hunter relied on these systems to feel complete leaving them in bfa to feel very bad and and just incomplete in the wind walker monk and the in the monk class in general is an example of that we're going to break those down but in bfa we had azerite traits essences and corruptions and then going into shadow lands we have even more borrowed power systems with covenants soul binds conduits and legendaries and that's going to take away the attention from the classes now the problem with this is again is that blizzard is very slow to correct some of these class issues right there's this horrible narrative that blizzard is out of touch with the community the developers have no idea what they're doing that's what people are talking about but where does this come from you know why it comes from making 50 changes in damage differentials that's where it comes from that that's where i think so like whenever you nerf something by half then it's like oh they don't know what they're doing yeah pretty yeah that's pretty much what i would think too actually is this is this made up is this not real is this just hate towards blizzard that the community is creating this narrative and blizzard's doing nothing really to address it let's go into that so first thing that we're going to look at here the monk shadowlands feedback forms okay so a while ago i made a video i think was two videos ago where i discussed um you know solutions to the the pvp vendors and blizzard kind of responded on twitter they did that was great the leads reward designer said that they don't have time to watch videos and they would prefer written summaries so then i went ahead and said all right guys i want you all to go to the forums and post your feedback there because that's where they don't have time to watch videos what are you doing like i feel like videos are better than written summaries in a lot of ways because you can watch or listen to a video while you're doing something else faster to read i don't know like to me i guess to me i'd rather usually i will watch a video while i'm doing something else but whatever or it's not that i want the feedback to be posted that's where they're looking that's what that's what they're checking so i can see what they're saying okay this is the monk feedback form and this was created for all classes on april 9th and it states here in this thread we're discussing month class changes coming in shadow lands this is the this initial post will be updated periodically throughout the shadowlands test absolutely check back here for information about further updates to this class as you love to hear it okay the top reply to this comment is literally come on man it takes 20 seconds to think of something to make mystery for good please say something and that is the key point of this thread didn't respond to the keck w but [ __ ] pepe ants laughing and crying at the same time because of the ridiculousness of the situation [ __ ] all of the feedback here yeah and these are like thesis papers i mean some of these like they're insane like these guys put more work into their forum posts that i ever put into an essay like i have written essays like i've actually i have never written a better essay than what i wrote about wow like in school i'm like yes so uh in the book the guy basically had this problem and so that's actually an algorithm world war ii and so uh uh basically uh that's pretty much how it happened and uh can i get an a i don't want to be here next week that's it but like when it's wow like i've got [ __ ] cross references sources footnotes and everything through some of these and they're so in depth of all the bugs with the class and issues with the class and blizzard finally responded four months later so some classes got responses right away and some classes got responses four months later now blizzard what they don't do what they need to start doing and we're gonna get to this later i have a lot of examples of this they need to start just saying thanks for your feedback wow you guys are killing it with the feedback like we're taking all this into consideration that's a good point to look at keep it coming or think you know just just a simple line but they finally got changes after four months this is but by the way this is like a month and a half before the expansion even launches when they got their first reply and then if you go down to the bottom here you can see all of the bugs that still these are all of them holy [ __ ] exist with the monk class today healings orbs are not in the game like at all expel harm doesn't summon healing orbs wait these are actually soothing breath doesn't heal those are big bugs like that's not like oh you know this one ability has this weird interaction that if you attack with an absorbed shield that you know doesn't do damage no oh my god like the ability that's supposed to heal doesn't heal hey these are these are all of them i mean they are look at all the bugs conduit issues legendary bug issues again powered systems and then just class issues spell and talent bug issues that still exist in the game and if you go to the very bottom even when they address it here today this morning 15 minutes ago they put out a post saying that they've correct some of the issues they fixed a couple bugs work in progress aware of the balance concerns the walker monks about do with 200 weapons we're considering different options this is what they need to do all the time on a bi-weekly basis or on a monthly basis there's no reason to do big war for a game that you pay 15 a month for there's no reason that it takes four months to respond one time four it's like okay all right uh uh we get so basically we got a uh there's a person made a forum post that said that there's a bug in the game so uh i talked to martha and she's gonna set up a meeting actually she needs to talk to uh you know ian's secretary and then they're gonna have to talk about whenever we can set up a meeting and then we can get together and talk about possible solutions for this and then after we have that meeting we'll have to have another meeting with the programmers and explain to them our vision of the game and how we feel like the game isn't exactly you know existing in the same way that it should be and then oh next week uh uh you know bill's got that week off so we're not going to get anything done that week it is what it is right so then the week after that uh then we've got to have bill come back so we need to have another meeting to catch bill up on what he missed last week and then also by that time uh we've got to reevaluate the situation and we've got the new patch and it's like at a certain point you get to this this is like this corporate bloat that just makes it impossible to do anything like why is this my actual work yeah like no nothing ever gets done like you have path of exile it's like oh hi suck oh really chris is like oh really okay all right well yeah okay all right they suck let's change it all right let's change there's a hot fix there you go that's it it's not just fix it like okay all right yeah yeah they're good but like yeah drain the swamp like [ __ ] break down these artificial barriers of communication and and and [ __ ] that the company has because it makes the company impossible to work and make decisions in an agile way like that's obviously what's happening it's annoying you haven't actually got about shout outs do you think there might be another decade of content in store yeah of course four months 120 days to get a response yeah about all of the feedback i mean if you want people to provide written feedback oh my god incentivize it right yeah here's another post that i found i was just stumbling across stumbling against the forums and you can see here that we are begging you to communicate we know you love this game as much as your players so they're trying to be nice yeah talk to your players that's all we're asking for if it's too late to brainstorm ideas with your player base that's all right but at least an open dialogue i want to go back to the idea that i had with blizzard a long time ago and that has to do with blizzard doing the monday afternoon meetings and this is the blizzard monday afternoon meeting where ian maybe j allen brack probably not him right because he's busy with a lot of other stuff and like maybe a few of the other guys on the wow team and like josh allen you know community manager they get together and they take out some lawn chairs in the back of the blizzard headquarters and they bring out uh you know a few packs of beer and they just sit around and get drunk and ask and answer questions about the game and talk about where the game's going they just sit out there and they they're just drinking and they just talk about the game and do this like every other monday like i really think that that would probably be like the best thing that blizzard could possibly do to make the game good because you can guarantee that like if ian got drunk he'd probably say some stupid ass [ __ ] about the game and we'd be like ian i [ __ ] knew it see we knew you were doing this [ __ ] now stop doing it hr and relations teams wouldn't let them yeah because of artificial [ __ ] red tape that they created it's just stupid like there's no reason like yeah it's just stupid like nobody cares about that [ __ ] like all this like artificial pr problems nobody cares like nobody really cares like there's like three people on twitter they're like i don't like this who gives a [ __ ] that is one thing that they need to learn i know blizzard has this philosophy where they like to not discuss things until they have like an idea in mind or they don't like to um you know release anything until it's kind of polished or completed that's fine when you're regularly updating the game but when it takes you four months and you haven't said anything you need to say something that policy doesn't work when it takes you four months to not even acknowledge the feedback and to me it's such an issue i mean even here for example there is a podcast here where salute back if you want to check that out i'll have a link to the info box or link to the in the info box below if you want to check this video out for yourself they're essentially saying this guy abilito here he was saying during this podcast that he's been doing bug fixes and q and a testing for this you know first shadowlands for the month class for months for mystery versus jesus for months and he hasn't heard anything and they were just saying that if all they got was just feedback that they're they are they are reading through these responses and in these forum posts yeah they'd feel much better about it right whether because like here's the thing is that you don't even know like this guy this is a [ __ ] like this is an unpaid internship no it's not an unpaid internship this is an unpaid full-time job like this dude is playing the game all the [ __ ] time and he's getting this information to him and they can't say thanks or hey yeah we're fixing this you know razer gore the untamed the first boss in bwl so for about five years razor worthy untamed after he died would still summon mobs indefinitely for the entire time you could be in the raid for like an hour and he would just keep summoning more and more mobs and it would never go away and then so there was this other that was a bug and then oh there's the other bug that whenever you kill them even after you destroyed all the eggs sometimes he'd still blow up and kill you surprise you know and this is what would happen i it was absolutely f it's absolutely [ __ ] insane like really i don't even know what the [ __ ] to say about it man i'm so frustrated about this because it's like you you know what this is you know what the [ __ ] this is you know what's gonna happen and they don't fix this [ __ ] there's been bugs in the game for like 10 years five years they're five years just probably only five years is important now what i want to talk about now is what's the big deal with monks for example right yeah what's the mention earlier that borrowed powered systems really affect blizzard's ability to balance the game it affects their ability to correct a lot of the underlying issues with the classes because they have to spend so much time on on these like covenants and these soul bonds yeah these conduits and these legendaries because they've created all these problems that they now have to solve that they would have never had to create or deal with if they had just focused on making the classes better but now they're creating all these secondary systems that are taking all their development time away from actually making the core of the game better azerite traits these essences these corruptions that's where all the tuning goes it doesn't go towards the classes and this is a very amazing that is a big shot here that he put up what is this and you can see that this is if you look here this is miss river monk performance over the last six raid tiers because there's so many issues with the class it doesn't bring anything valuable it revival is pretty cool i i like revival is a great ability and that's literally it mana issues there's like bugs with the class there's so many fundamental problems with the class and it stayed at the bottom by a considerable amount i mean i'm not even talking between like holy palette and wrestler druid we're talking about monk being at the very bottom except in battle for the lore where they did pretty you know i mean they did pretty well he was about to say they did pretty well but he stopped himself because it's like he didn't do pretty well they did pretty well compared to how well they did on the other tiers like bod was actually really well balanced whenever you look at it there that's really really good balance uh but the the rest of this is like you know not not really amazing imagine being a miss weaver right now it's like you've been cucked for six tears in a row and you're just going for seven they pretty well they did okay but they don't bring the utility that a lot of these other classes bring there's like zero damage reduction if you look at you know restoration gentlemen being on par with them here they bring way more utility to the raid than mystery monks do so they're just like the bottom of the barrel healer and they the same exists for wind walker monks you saw all of those bugs that i just showed you and i'm going to show you the wow head the wow head meters here this is wind walker monk performance you can see here it's at the very bottom for nia lotha if i go to eternal palace it's also going to be at the very bottom for an entire expansion if i go to battle for the zara lore it's at the bottom of the barrel for the entire expansion see like here's yeah wind walkers suck i mean that's and that's good that's what they they should suck because monks are stupid but the thing is that if they're gonna make the class suck like i've always been a fan it's like here's what i think they should do just new patch log on and the monk class is just grayed out it's not in the game anymore and you get a free reroll to any class you want with the same gear and you just play you play a new class and just take just take it just take it out the game like i'd do everybody a favor it'd be great and the only only monk class i'm okay with or monks back is brewmaster i think brewmaster is cool miss weaver and windwalker is [ __ ] annoying uh regardless yeah it's like they shouldn't just make it suck like this though this is just sad and this doesn't just exist yeah in pve the same goes for pvp okay right in pvp you have the same issues with a lot of classes where certain specs stay at the top and don't get addressed and certain specs stay at the very bottom and stay back for an entire expansion like two years you're not warriors there's not any tuning look at warriors like look at look at the destro warlocks like look at that destro warlocks are just dominating the entire [ __ ] expansion except for the very beginning the very beginning they weren't really well they're they're above healers like and healers should have like just by definition more representation because there's less of them to choose from so each class would you'd have more representation right but no destruction warlocks are just these unkillable gods that do max damage it's insane look it says february 2020 uh yeah oh wow that's right they weren't good once there was one point where they weren't good and then the entire rest of the expansion they were completely dominant we're going to do to address these issues so here we go so this is battle for azure all right season 4 3v3 arena representation spec representation above 2200 so this is a good just little middle gauging point to see like what specs are you know doing well and what specs you're just not seeing and you can see here that this was the longest season i think in wow's history if i'm not mistaken it was about nine it's gonna be about nine months uh i think season construction warlock i'm not sure for months was unchecked as just the most ridiculous class i think we've ever seen in wow way more probably some examples of other classes that got close but i would argue that bfa warlock that's just way more created so many problems in pvp and it stayed like if i knew this [ __ ] was gonna happen i would have just re-rolled to my to my warlock like i would have just done pvp on my warlock i said [ __ ] it man like if if this is gonna be that much better like what the hell am i doing playing on this dog [ __ ] ass character there's no reason to do that man i don't understand it at all not warlock is brain dead yeah that's why i'd want to play it checked for months and it's still been unchecked the only reason why it comes down here is that rogue mage kind of starts to come up and then you also have you know fire mage coming up just still below mage lock and then you have a mage and then all these classes kind of just play together and they're just miles ahead better than all the other classes but during this entire time we didn't see any patch notes that really addressed the warlock problem until like the very end and there were such minor tunings that they didn't really do anything and if they had been regular tunings and not focused on azerite traits essences or corruptions then we'd probably have a lot more yeah have a much more balanced game for both very true and so real okay but there are also some specs that just stay bad for the entire expansion so when they talk about meaningful choice of your covenants what is meaningful because it means if you're good or not it's simple this is the look let's look at the bottom here this is the arcane dream [ __ ] this is a nightmare that's a [ __ ] nightmare like that's at the very bottom like he's getting over represented by like tanks it's sad man it's just [ __ ] sad like they need to oh this is crazy that's not really the meaningful choice because it at the end of the day you can kind of just switch those around like it's a two-week little question they're talking about people saying pull the rip cord i feel like the more important fundamental problems are the classes like yeah the fact that marksmanship hunter has stayed bad so if you see here on the screen you can see that at zero percent representation as the marksmanship hunter and this goes all the way to uh the end here all the way throughout the entire season i can move my camera here for you if you'd like all the way wait yeah i just realized that they put red on the second page yeah look at rep paladins rep paladins are just [ __ ] trash look at them they're all the way down there at the bottom and like here's what's so crazy about it is that the top like the difference i feel like i'm bernie sanders right now the difference between me and a rep paladin like that the one percent of classes like the warlocks the mages the the rogues like there are so [ __ ] baldi's shut up bald [ __ ] stupid at shut the [ __ ] up like they've they're so far above the rest of us that we don't even compete like it's like the same difference between like me like my class and of the worst arcane arcane is basically the worst class right there is a bigger difference between just me and a fire mage than me and the worst class and fire mages are like the second above me like this balance is [ __ ] insane like it's just some classes are just way [ __ ] better they're way over represented do you think they should do class balance faster yes they need to do class balance faster yes wait till the end you have marksmanship hunter at the very bottom and the classes that it's associated with are tank classes tank specs protection warrior blood decay you also have a flexion warlock that stayed back for the entire expansion um you know brewmaster vengeance demon hunter that's not how it should be if you're not if you're not familiar with pvp no dps spec should be that low in comparison to tank specs now you do have like randomly like prop paladin that'll come out but it's pretty funny to me whenever a tank gets over represented it has more representation than dps class in arena it's just you know really goes to show it's like man they're really uh they're really doing a good job actually has high representation yeah like fury warrior and then even an enhancement shaman like enhancement shaman stayed back enhancement what do you mean where is it it's like right here at 0.5 again it's not like they didn't know about these issues right because i'm sure blizzard has these statistics if arena has these statistics i'm sure blizzard has these statistics right some way but again they want written feedback and and maybe they want to hear from the community so let's talk about written feedback let's see if anyone complained about these problems on the forums well if we go to the forms here you can clearly see it's alliance destiny to be destroyed this expansion just like how they destroyed horde warcraft 1 and 2. well that's because the horde and warcraft 1 and 2 were the bad guys like that doesn't count the alliance have always been the good guys the hordes have always been the bad guys and then they tried to change it in warcraft 3 because they thought it would be more interesting like the horde were just they were the antagonists the alliance were the good guys that's all there was to it what a stupid nerf dash joe destroyer um getting destro nerfed desha fire is insane so destro nerfs is destro is there still a possibility or a question mark destroyer fixes required destroy well the thing is like obviously you're gonna have people asking for destruction to get nerfed right it's like you take a chaos bolt for 300k right in the [ __ ] face and the next thing you're doing is going to the forums okay like obviously that's [ __ ] ridiculous and the idea that this is balanced for like only high-end players is not true at all like this completely dominates the tournaments as well i remember watching a tournament and it was like destruction warlock fire mage against another comp it really doesn't matter what the other comp was right and you could tell within a minute and a half of the game that the other team was going to lose you knew they were going to lose and the match lasted for like 12 minutes but you knew it was gonna happen and they were sitting there running around the [ __ ] pillars thinking that they were gonna have an opening for damage and then you know they finally think they're gonna kill them and they use one of their dozen cooldowns to make it to where they don't die it's just [ __ ] insane man they want written feedback because they can bury it videos get huge circulation no i think that there is like a certain degree of of uh of like kind of justification of them wanting written feedback i think that's fine but overall i do prefer uh i do absolutely prefer like being able to just make a video and i think they should be doing it they should be able to do both they don't need to fix anything if sheeps keep giving them money nah it's a bad that's a bad way to do things fixed destro i mean it gets to a place where it's like i don't even understand everything is there in front of you how do you incentivize written feedback yep when you're not even responding to any of it there's no responses there's no hey we've heard you now what we used to get we used to get these q and a's like other games yeah uh expansion we're going to talk about that we used to get we used to get you know uh like responses to the issues and you can see yeah it's like ian every six months every three months he'd come in and he'd be like well here's what we're going to do with allied races you know and like no master looters not coming back because we want to save money on tickets that's what it is yeah i mean i don't know why they didn't do this more like why they're not doing this with shadowhands more like we haven't really gotten hardly any updates at all about shadowhands like answering questions at all i genuinely think it's a bad idea for them not to do things like this because whenever they do something like this it does give people that are playing the game there are a lot of people out there who are thinking to themselves i don't know if i want to play shadow wins because it seems like the game could be unfinished i think there's a lot of people that feel that way and if they came out and started talking to people more and giving people a sense of of like feeling like yeah this is you know we're we're listening we're trying to make the game better i think those people would feel more confident and buying the game and they're not doing it i don't understand they don't have the budget for q a bro they don't even have the budget to pay their q a here there's a this by the way i want to point this out this isn't again i'm not poking any fun i'm sure they're aware of this yeah you don't want this dislike ratio on your q a videos i mean it doesn't look good just from a pr standpoint like this doesn't really look good it just doesn't when you have that many likes to likes i mean of course no it does not people that are negative and there's probably some you know you have a uh diablo immortal thing happening somewhat at the same time yeah this is like a month immortal and you can even see here that one of the first questions in this q a is you promised us better communication but this was back i didn't even read it oh no oh my god what is going on man like i don't understand man can't have a negative dislike ratio that bro that's true they don't have negative dislike ratios in their q a videos anymore because they don't do them problem solved you don't gotta worry about it there's no negative dislike ratio at all in 2018 smart december 14 2018. now if you look at the beginning of the expansion yeah people weren't that unhappy about you know we were getting regular q and a's it was the start of the expansion these bars they had more hair like can really like look at look at the difference in their hair like [ __ ] bfa literally made like part of their hair like look at that but holy [ __ ] bro oh my god game gordon there's a tier 3 sub i appreciate that oh no maybe it's the lighting but you know it's certainly funny to see you know we were getting regular q and a's yeah it was the start of the expansion yeah powered systems hadn't really bled out the game too much yet yeah as the expansion went on and we were getting them from march then april and then june and then july all in 2018 mind you but then something happens around here where it gets really bad right it gets really bad players are frustrated they want better communication what's going on there's all these issues with the game it's very apparent that these issues are a result of all these systems that they've been trying to balance and they're not fixing the issues with the classes and and just game design they're just focused on making these systems work which just they don't work yeah they don't work i don't anyway so then we can go forward now we can go forward and then in march we get our last official q a and this was the last time march 23rd look at man they look so concerned they're like [ __ ] man it's like it's like you sit down and like listen guys man we saw you take the cookies we saw your [ __ ] hand in the jar there's your fingerprints on the inside of the jar we know you got the cookies and they're gonna look exactly like that man exactly like that 2019 not march 2020 this is march 2019 yeah and this was our last q a and then we actually got a kind of developer update and i prefer this style right so they don't watch came out and he actually started talking about all the issues with the game and look at look at the [ __ ] like dislike ratio so it's not like people are just like oh i hate blizzard i dislike everything about blizzard dislike dislike dislike dislike i don't like them no that's not what's happening at all people watched it they didn't like it that's actually what it is because if it wasn't then you'd see the same like dislike ratio for all the videos and they're different which means that people aren't just doing it based off of some sort of like [ __ ] preconception sorry about this we messed up on this this wasn't done correctly and it had this been something that was more regularly done yeah i think you know responding to some of the the complaints that were really plaguing the game i think they'd get better player response right people would be happy right here for example he responds to a lot of the questions that we're sorry and that we're working better i'm sorry and it was received i've heard that it was received well people enjoyed it and then we get to yeah this so we had one in june and then we have one in october so quite some time to october 2000 i'll watch this okay yeah and this one addressed none of the issues it was just letting you know what's coming in the patch this was so our official last feedback from blizzard was back in and that was okay right i mean like whenever i watched this one and that was good players will never be happy they always move on to another thing to moan about or remove another goal post what do you mean man but i think that it's it's so i i i think you guys just like some of these people like you look at like the dumbest eight people right the dumbest eight people in the comment section there's gonna be one guy man i can't believe blizzard oh [ __ ] wait i forgot to call them what they are now i for i hate how china does all this bad [ __ ] to the game i can't believe they're gonna ruin everything make this [ __ ] pay to win [ __ ] diablo immortal [ __ ] you know free hong kong and like you can't really base the feedback off of those people right it's like kind of saying like oh my community hates me whenever there's like five hate watchers in chat that just keep making new accounts every day on a vpn so like it's not that it's not that big of a thing like yeah you're gonna have dumb people but the community wants kind of the same thing and like really even if like the thing is with the covenants i completely disagree with what blizzard's direction is with the covenants but at least they've gone back and they've refucking they've defended it over and over and over and at this point you know i can respect the fact that they've at least tried to defend their decision you know they've at least tried to defend their decision i think that's a good thing june of 2019 it is and we have october and that's it that was the last time we had actually received any feedback from blizzard now you also have you know your your blue post notes yeah but i want to show you now how much of an issue these bar powered systems have on the game you can see here that when the game was so stale and there were still these issues now i know a lot of people are going to say well after the last patch they're working on the next next expansion i'm sorry that is an outrageous excuse not even is that an excuse because what happens i feel like after the first patch you could just say after the expansion comes out they're working on the next expansion so there's never a point where they can actually fix the problems in the current expansion because they're always thinking about the next one so you can never you never have to you don't have to do that because it's always just the next one that's going to happen this to me is just [ __ ] embarrassing okay it's called being stubborn doesn't deserve respected no it it does like they have they i think that blizzard is completely wrong in the covenant i think they're being stubborn i think they're being naive i think they have no idea what they're talking about but i can respect the fact that they are actually going out of their way to defend what they are doing and make the decisions for the game in the way that they believe okay even though i think that they're [ __ ] wrong i can respect that okay does that make sense so i i don't want to talk about that too much more but overall this is insane this is this is absolutely insane like i i i think the biggest mauled out moment for me like when in bfa did i mauled out the hardest oh wow uh that is a big question i think that the biggest thing for me was whenever ian said and i said this before ian said that the azerite respect cost was a problem so that was like god saying i'm going to yeah i've given everybody original sin but i'm not gonna send down jesus and there's nothing we can do about it hey it is what it is ah yeah that's the way it goes because like he had a problem right because he could just sent out jesus to solve the original sin problem you know jesus died got rid of original sin but blizzard is god send down jesus and just fix the [ __ ] cost if you think that it's a problem you you still need to worry about your current product you still need to make your current customers happy so they stay around for the next expansion right you want to ensure that your current product looks good so the next one is promising right you don't want to have this narrative that well bfa sucked so let's fix it in the next one because that's typically what wow goes for but if you're better about responding to feedback and just doing changes at all with the actual classes you'd have less work going into the next expansion but they don't instead they have to focus on nerfing essences corruption and you can see here that there's tons of tons of tunings that are all based on these borrowed powered systems you can see here like oh wait a minute july 9th class changes nope these aren't class changes the cost of shadow bolt has been reduced by 25 this is to help warlocks stop running out of mana because of the high haste levels the high haste levels due to expedience so that nobody would have expected that of corruption which is it's insane to imagine that class has run out of mana nowadays yeah because they're casting so many spells this is like yeah i i don't think i don't know when the last time i'm seeing a classic construction the only time that we actually got changes two classes and they were very minor i think was back in february if i go all the way down here i can already look through this we got some changes there's some marksmanship hunter buffs frost mage buffs some wind walker buffs you know three percent five percent and these would be great these are actually fun i get it you can't fundamentally redesign a classmate expansion i'm not you know i'm not naive to that but you could do minor tunings every month and you could respond have an intern do it right like you could literally like it's like five months all right guys finally after you know 300 man hours of del uh uh deliberation we've decided that we are going to increase the abilities of enhancement shamans by three percent all right let it go out there let it go out there that's it all right everybody come on come on we're gonna put it out there let them know have an intern write up a little response to some of the issues uh with the game hey we know that these classes are underperforming have that check get checked by higher up and then post it just to have constant communication between you and your community because that is one of the major problems now i actually want to end the video with this okay and i thought this was a great way to end the video this was the april 2020 april fool's blue post if you're not familiar with what this is essentially blizzard every april 1st every full every april fool's day releases a blue post where they talk about like all these little funny jokes and relationships in relationship to like some classes you can see here they have like little funny things about like micro transactions and whatever it's really instances and they're just they're they're just like funny jokes world vein uh now hurts your ears twenty percent less right if you look at death knight death grip never really twisted what it says and cause death rather than mere inconvenience to the target so death grip has been renamed tug throat right they're just little jokes here it's been so long since we had seen anything and i remember shamans yeah in particular were in the worst spot like they weren't good in anything like enhance was bad elemental was bad they were barely good in pvp i mean enhance has been horrible in pvp for so long but yeah all of those classes were just awful i mean i'm not trying to be mean when i say this but they have the audacity to write up a little funny thing and they had the time to do all of this but then they if you go down to shaman they literally said no adjustments needed and i just i [ __ ] them dude i mean i just [ __ ] them dude i don't understand it i mean yeah it is what it is man that's like a horrible pr move man like you're really gonna do take the time to do this when the state of the game was at an all-time low and then you're gonna say no adjustments needed i mean that's that's just wrong man i know for a lot of other classes it's like all right if i didn't it's already a joke well that's the thing is like they didn't need to make a joke in the april fool's post because the class balance notes for the actual class were funny enough yeah they didn't need to do it it's like just play the class yeah i mean that's all there is to it because it's probably funny but i mean come on so i wanted to show you guys all of this and kind of break everything down and not just show you like the broken abilities that are one shot on people right right show you that this has been a problem for a really long time yeah and the point of this video is not to say that it's you know it's a doomsday video i'm super excited for shadowlands i can't wait to play shadowlands there's a lot of good things about the game that i'm excited about same thing yeah big thing so true you know just new concepts in general i love how the transmogs look like the appearance a lot of the armor sets look great leveling it's fun the dungeons feel fun the raids look cool like everything's gonna be fun but i really want at least at the bare minimum blizzard to do a better job here's the thing right is like we have to like the game because a lot of us have played wow for 15 years we really don't even like video games we just like wow and so if this game sucks there's nothing else for us to do like that's it that's it it's that's all that's all there is like we have to go outside you have to like make friends in real life like maybe learn how to play soccer or something no i don't want to do that i want to sit in my room play video games what the hell is going on yeah we have to make the game good we want to make it as good as possible because it's all we [ __ ] do applying to feedback you know we go above and beyond as a community to help this game get better yeah and i am not trying to be mean when i say this but we need to hold them more accountable and they didn't need to do a better job i mean i know at blizzcon they had that little thing where they said they were going to do a better job and i'm sure that wasn't responsible for the other stuff that was going on the bad press there we go all right they're going to do a better job this meaningful choice thing i mean honestly then like i said earlier the real meaningful choice is picking your class they said they were going to do a better job guys long one and at the rate at which we get changes in this game you can end up in the dumpster it can absolutely end up in the dumpster for a long time and you want to play this game somewhat competitive you know you better pick the right class or good luck anyways i just wanted to share that all with you guys today i hope you found the video helpful more informative please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed it let me know your thoughts let me know your frustrations uh you know share this video with somebody that you think would enjoy or find it uh useful or informative i really appreciate you guys time thanks to all the new subscribers and i'll see you guys in the next one i just i don't get i don't get it man i really don't [ __ ] get it but does it feel like a heroin addict well the thing is no it's like it's not like that big like here's the thing it's like wow is like such a big core part of like a lot of people's lives it's like this is the game they play they played this game forever there's no other game that's really like wow so it's not like you know if cod sucks you just go play like apex legends or you go play pub g or you go play like uh you know rainbow six or something like that so you don't get to go if like if league sucks you just go and you play uh woody con you go and you play dota or like heroes of the storm or something like that there's no other game that's really like wow like final fantasy doesn't really play like wow does realistically it does not so i don't think final fantasy is a good comparison it's not the same type of thing never played it how do you know because i've watched the game like i've watched a number of hours of game play through it i think i can you know make an assumption at that point what the game plays like i know i think that's pretty fair um brizzard crap another stoops video i guess you're so caught up in the fight to bring back pvp gear vendors we couldn't even focus on our problems with class balance and borrowed power now you just need to write everything down that you said in the video because blizzard needs fit and feedback apparently [Music] foreign
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 345,926
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, wow shadowlands, shadowlands, shadowlands beta, asmongold shadowlands, shadowlands release, stoopzz, asmongold stoopzz, stoopzz shadowlands, shadowlands changes, shadowlands covenants, covenants, shadowlands classes, shadowlands class changes
Id: ezsL9i7sicA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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