Asmongold Reacts to "What it's like to be famous" | By Pint

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like with asmr gold he gets to play the character of a sweaty gamer i i swear i swear it's a character i swear i like how people always think that it's completely a character it's like there's no way that a person like me could exist and honestly i don't blame them alrighty what it's like to be famous yeah i know all about this pause the music gentlemen are you ready i remember when i was a kid and my absolute [ __ ] hero wasn't this guy or this guy it was some middle-aged man screaming at minecraft boom and as i got older it is weird isn't it and started watching middle-aged men play world of warcraft instead yeah and then i started watching minecraft youtubers again because it's 2021 right despite my viewing habits staying pretty much the same what has changed is my perspective on this site dude what is it about minecraft that just really gets people that really gets people into it yeah what is it is it just like younger people like it's fun it's chill i don't know it's just easy i don't know it's just crazy to see like the amount of viewership and the people that are really interested in in watching it that's insane man being a kid that would stand youtubers and look at my sub box every five minutes for just another drop of serotonin to being famous baby chapter one pain just kidding chapter one i've been obsessed with youtube since the 2010s as a minecraft gamer kid and honestly looking back on it most of it was pretty cringed yeah they have to admit there was a certain charm to it like a macaroni picture frame you made as a kid it's not good but it's you know it's lovely it is your love this this is love barely edited let's plays of guys just playing a game for 20 minutes content that people poured their souls into was so much rarer i mean of course they're not getting paid for it and sure that definitely still exists but even what you might consider to be lower for content today you have editors and marketers that make it their full-time job and it's for a good cause because i do find myself gobbling up pokeman among us videos like a rabid dog but somehow despite jesus christ what is this oh my god so yeah i mean like these videos here's the thing is like making high quality well-produced videos unless you like doing it you shouldn't do it like unless you you want to do it you shouldn't do it because you won't make the money back probably and it's way more like uh you make more money if you just make regular videos that are lower quality that's just the truth that people grew attached to channels and your content certain creators damn near define my roots in areas of life and video games the early days of exploring don moreau's icy hills your first night in minecraft dying to a skull level mob and not being able to find your body so you delete your character and make a new one it's rose tinted and that's completely fine yeah that [ __ ] goes hand in hand with watching wow crander or nixiem's machinimas or watching your first swifty video where you roll a warrior and try out a one-shot macro that totally doesn't work because you came out like three expansions ago free swifty 20 21. the same goes for anything dude i dude swifty was such a [ __ ] legend you guys have no idea like if you didn't play wow back in 2011 you really have no idea like wow in 2011 is like minecraft is now like everybody was talking about the game everybody was playing the game all the most popular creators were all wow players and it was [ __ ] amazing absolutely [ __ ] amazing like they would bring out a video like athene would bring out a video a swifty would bring out a video dude people be talking about it it's like yeah it was so [ __ ] badass yeah derek mack tyre exactly game i'm sure you can think of some creator that fits the bill in your mind yeah watching sodapoppin kill a dk with a hundred level one matrix i remember this adds to the world it adds to the game it makes you realize holy [ __ ] what what else is possible in this watch that dk sucked game and it's all because someone chose to share their experience i probably wouldn't love wow as much as i do if i didn't spend hours watching even i watched that understand the law because seriously i'm not going to read a [ __ ] book about wow i want to i want to get some [ __ ] in my life like i wouldn't love minecraft i wouldn't love tf2 come to think of it i probably wouldn't have even played half these games if it wasn't for videos on youtube i swear i'm trying to make youtube sound like a good thing by the way and that's part of why i even make videos i want to make things that people can look at in five years and be like hey bro do you remember pint oh yeah yeah that's it that's a typical wow player that makes sense yeah about the it's you know pretty much typical why player and uh look i think that's one of the best things is like i can go back and watch some of my old videos that i actually thought were good videos and not just you know the weekly complaining rune but uh you know like a an actual really good video or something really funny that i did on stream and i'll go back like a year later or two years later and see that again and i'll still feel really good about it oh yeah that was before the incident to think that i have been the reason that people picked up wow i'm so sorry i remember the early days of just trying to figure out what content i was gonna make honestly i think for a solid year i had no clear directions on what my videos would even be about but you know that super normal and honestly every creator i've spoken to is either going through that or has been through it but eventually i figured the best content i could make wouldn't be some big chungus meme perfectly optimized for reddit updates it would be two things exactly what his videos were number one his videos are that but like the thing is their quality the thing is reddit the memes the videos were memes like his videos turned into memes which is the best thing to have happen i want to make videos as good as possible and i want to put myself in my videos rather than being some nameless editor making [ __ ] that anyone could make exactly it is called youtube after all oh the youtube for me it's all about making my content as good as i can make it and i think good content can inspire more than love for a game i'd have never made ten thousand hours a mage without bonnie's classic wow videos exactly oh she follows me on twitter as well as a few other creators who inspired me let's see uber danger captain well what about me what about me whoa what about me man dude what the [ __ ] man [ __ ] man [ __ ] who don't follow me on twitter and where would i be without them probably outside talking to women working a stable job not good these are the kinds of videos that you remember after a year you will remember this video probably way longer than you know bill's update on shadow ants true like these are the videos very true to tell a story and i think we should promote that and absolutely give that some support very true so that's why i like to make long-form story-based content even though it's not you know the easiest and i i true myself all the time right because like it's the same reason why i like my own tweets why would i post it if i didn't like it i mean like why would i do that i mean yeah that's confident that's not yeah that's not being an [ __ ] that's that's confidence that's that's perseverance that's uh uh [ __ ] direction oh pint why didn't why why do you want to make long-form story content why don't you just make minecraft highlight videos smart dream in the thumbnail well that's a very good question of voicing the back of my [ __ ] head leave me alone even though that kind of content isn't always the best financially there's more to creation than shilling for the most money possible but yeah i think that it's difficult to save it easy to produce content it's always vapid and money grabbing a lot of it can still be valuable and there's always those that use that style of content for philanthropy also like i respect the grind bro get that paper you know it's genuinely difficult to upload daily videos of almost any kind of content or even difficult to upload every time it's actually not um what you have to do is you have a twitch channel and you literally just have editors that just randomly post videos of you and uh listen making good content that's why i always do i always do promote anytime somebody who makes irregular content makes a video and it's like a good video i try to promote that video as much as i can because i know the the struggle three uh that said it doesn't need to be a single huge video it could be a series a style of comedy or a specific person that defines a portion of not only how you view a game or a community but parts of your life when i think of germa i don't really think of one big video even though he's had them i think of him as a person consistently over time i'm proud of the parasocial relationship i have with this man ad time rage i always i always hear good things about germa i've never watched them before but i hear a lot of good things about him uh all right let's let's hear uh speaking about uh about good things uh let's hear about uh rage shadow legends gotta legends happy birthday to raid it's their second anniversary still going strong and doing oh better god never you know it's kind of my anniversary too say hello to my wife we're in love my favorite way to pass time is to do dungeons with her and watch as she crushes our enemies everything is fun with her she's my wife by the way out of the over 300 characters to collect she's the one for me you know like what's really funny about this is the fact that in like these types of games i don't doubt that there's probably some sort of marriage system where you can actually i'll turn it off and on again don't worry about it uh there's like a lot of these games where like you can marry your video game characters and that is weird i think that's weird like you shouldn't be able to marry your video that's that it's weird isn't it that is like i remember that had that in fable where you could marry this like blonde girl with [ __ ] huge ass titties and i uh actually i like that game a lot now yeah okay all right i'm kind of seeing someone what yeah people always ask me two things if you could date any champion in the game who would it be and why so yeah it's gotta be elaine uh we've known each other for like two years now smart she's uh she's taken the kids if you could be any champion in the game who would you be and why so yeah it's gotta be elaine and with six weeks of unique events running until the middle of april a clan vs clan tournament hopefully custody of my children and the first ever character in the shadowkin faction it's a great time to give ray to try click my link down below or scan the qr code to get a free epic champion jotun 100k silver and a court hearing with elaine and the kids all of this will be waiting for you here only for the next 30 days i genuinely couldn't make this kind of content without the help of raid so thanks to them add over chapter two i hope you guys um y'all need to know that like content like this like good good content like this would not be possible if you if they didn't uh have the ads in there right like nobody would make it if they couldn't put ads in there and make money off of it that's the reality so i know sometimes people complain about that or whatever um it's like you get what you pay for and if you want to have like low quality you know [ __ ] content then yeah sure don't worry about it but i think that honestly ads in youtube videos like this are completely fine and i genuinely think that the people that complain about them are morons i i think they're just morons because you can just click ahead if you don't like it you know it's not like on tv where they like they pause it and you can't do anything like in a way this sounds funny but um on twitch it's worse than on this is worse this is better than on twitch because on twitch it interrupts your content this you just click forward you don't lose any content character the character that people play has always been interesting to me some youtubers opting to be as authentic as possible and some purposely playing a character most people tend to mix a portion of their real self with the portion of a character that they've created it's accurate for example asmongold who i am clearly simping over on this video he's mostly known for his actually a really good point um the fact is that like i am really uh i i think this is probably the best part of the video because it's where i'm about right uh yeah this is it and i actually remember what i was saying yo wait wait a minute yeah remember what i was saying about male streamers having more sims than female streamers boom right here one and done right there i told you guys same shirt nah streams and for making the youtube algorithm his [ __ ] [ __ ] and who could forget such wise and inspiring quotes such as listen to me i could suck a dick and it wouldn't be gay but his second persona zac raw is much more akin to his real self where he honestly provides some intelligent insights on things like how to run a community [Laughter] i'm a [ __ ] idiot yeah i'm a big [ __ ] idiot huh jeez it's like once you put them together it's just a bunch of stupid [ __ ] you know it's it's kind of bad oh yeah i don't want to get our [Music] quotes such as listen to me i could suck a dick and it wouldn't be gay but his second persona zac raw is much more akin to his real self where he honestly provides some intelligent insights on things like how to run a community i think this character's normal and you can see it in a lot of places on the site hey guys what is up my name is nixiam or for the sake of this video you can call me thomas like jay schlatt who's known for his constant character and bits on his main channel but on his second channel takes questions from fans like i can't get over her should i tell my parents about my depression i love i love channels like this i really always love channels where you just sit there and you're talking and it's just normal and real and raw i like it when it's i like it when it's raw and it feels it's like two dudes that aren't wearing shirts that are talking to each other about their lives like there's nothing that's more fulfilling than that now you guys don't even know if i'm wearing a shirt how do i deal with this i love it although he made the decision to stop uploading to his second channel which i can respect because it's not for everyone to have their lives complete because he started talking about carson and people were [ __ ] pissed off about that and people always try to like there's like a certain type of person that will always try to like figure you out they're going to be like they want to [ __ ] get inside your head and be like you know oh this is this a persona is this a real person what do you mean by this and they try to read into everything they read way too much into things they try to read you and see how you feel and [ __ ] and be like oh well you know i like the real you and not this persona like i'm gonna let you in on a secret okay i act like this in real life too i know it might be a surprise but you know whenever i act like this in real life is whenever i'm surrounded by all my [ __ ] friends and that's why i act like this now because i'm surrounded by all my [ __ ] friends and it's you guys that's [ __ ] why that's why i feel comfortable doing that obviously you know i'm not gonna act like this i go to the grocery store i don't act like this no [ __ ] no but if i get to hang out with my friends and chill hell yeah i do it's like two sides of a person that's how i feel it's an outlet for that type of person that i am farming parasocial relationships listen people watch me that it is what it is like it's it can be weird yeah it can be weird but like overall i'm just a guy who plays video games that's it that's really that's all it is on display to anyone that wants to see there i talked about a minecraft youtuber now let me in let me enter the community please it makes it easier to be funny and it makes it easier to disconnect at the end of the day like with asmr gold he gets to play the character of a sweaty gamer i i swear i swear it's a character i swear but he can interject with his real opinions where he sees fit i like how people always think that it's completely a character like it's completely occasional he doesn't actually not shower all day oh it doesn't actually act like that oh it's not actually like that i genuinely feel like it's coping you know like at a certain point it's actually going right there's no way it's like there's no way that a person like me could exist and honestly i don't blame them like it doesn't it does seem like kind of uh an anomaly but yeah like people are like well how does he you know like obviously streamers make good money why doesn't he care because i don't no man no one man could be this greasy no one man could be this nasty yeah i know i don't mind these like these ads and videos because like if you don't like it you can just click through it and you this is not a rerun okay guys this is absolutely not a rerun i've said this i've said it before yeah i just said that of course i did yeah it's totally not a rerun basically i have in my head my dad does this too do you guys my dad does this [ __ ] all the time it's like basically it's like you have different cards and my dad will be like i remember back whenever we were in the swamp and i'm like yeah and then you know you you shot the snake and then you came home and you got drunk with your friend and then uh you had to drive home and you almost got pulled over right it's like yep that story okay done and like i will know what story my dad is gonna tell within like the first like five words of him telling it and i've actually started doing that the creator does try i'll stop it he's perfect but i think in recent years people have really grown to acquire that authenticity in a world populated by such brain dead marketing it goes a long way listen closely corporations i have the answer to all of your problems how how do we sell more big macs okay i think that feeds back into the good contents actually i'll give mcdonald's a little bit of a secret okay you want to know how to sell a big mac make it taste better it tastes like [ __ ] who the [ __ ] wants to eat a bun in the middle of their hamburger it's stupid like that they're terrible like that's why people don't go to mcdonald's is because the food sucks it's not complicated if you want people to buy your [ __ ] make good [ __ ] so false yeah right yeah right because even if you're making videos exclusively for cloud or to ride the algorithm it's got to be good enough for people to watch and people can smell a lot of that [ __ ] as fake if there's no quality behind it i think it's a spectrum and everyone falls somewhere on it on one end you've got the people who are completely disconnected from the person they are and play 100 a character and then you have like vloggers that are really open and you know people can vary from like day to day or platform to platform and i think with the rise of streaming and highlight videos that's more true than ever here on youtube i can take the time to write where am i on the spectrum actually don't answer that doesn't appear how i want you to perceive me but on i cannot hide who i truly am inside and that makes the distinction between character and self a lot more important you don't want to end up losing yourself and the character that you've become i think because of that there's a level of authenticity in most creators these days that's definitely the appeal of contemporary media for me knowing that they're a real person as they that's the best the best part about this video is how many times i'm in the video like i love it whenever other people talk about me in their videos it's like is that ego like no really man that's not an ego like man what the [ __ ] dude like have you you really trying to say are you really trying to say that that's not gonna make you feel good baldo escobar shut up man what if they talk bad about you uh uh i copy strike it i don't know like i watch it then i get mad about it like that's the way it goes that's really ego i don't think that's like a bad thing though dance for my amusement and of course if you're too much of a character your audience might not relate to you or think you hold an opinion that you don't actually have which can lead to dissonance between the creator and their community and if you're too authentic they might get too attached that feel when you get a gifted sub and he's like hey hey hey hey hey we're just [ __ ] we're 400 subs away from us hitting 20 000 subs together while everybody's [ __ ] cheering each other on [ __ ] spamming gifted subs using their stimulus checks on a multi-fucking millionaire look oh here's how i look at it if people want to give me a sub i love it i appreciate it thank you if not it is what it is people watch that's all i ask just watch like y'all gotta remember this and this is like a little bit of real talk and i gotta say this if you're lonely out there and you're younger and you don't have a lot of money please don't give it to a streamer and don't go give it to a hooker either don't go give it to anybody who's paid to give you attention because it's [ __ ] fake man it's [ __ ] fake it's not real it's not gonna fill the hole that's in you stop doing that don't do that you donate to somebody you like their content you got money to spare fine [ __ ] who cares it's five bucks but if if you say sorry i don't have more money to give you should say sorry i don't have any money to give don't do that give me give me feedback obviously there's no right answer but either way you go you're going to have some kind of hurdles okay sure so you've got this balance of real does that matter well honestly before i started doing youtube i looked at every creator like a character from a tv show but now i now i see them as people disgusting absolutely that ties into the roots on this channel of having no sense of personality or uniqueness outside of the meme edits so i injected character and personality into it at the same time absolutely on youtube the line between my character and my own life is pretty well defined the same character on twitch can be [ __ ] exhausting and i've slowly been figuring out what's right for me figure out the boundaries of what you're okay with sharing like your face or your relationship or your credit card number and mess through your little numbers on the back people are gonna hate you no matter what especially especially you they will yes you and realizing that is when a character stops being a defense mechanism and can start to be used as a tool for creation some people want to bring the world along with them to experience their life and some people just want to get up on stage and make people happy you get to decide how much you do of both [Music] chapter three pain but like for real this time so um here's some [ __ ] yeah people try and be my friend just for clout or look up to me like some god people are scared to be my friend because they think that i'll think that they're clout chasing me i'm scared i i the thing is with me is like this happens but i never have been that's never bothered me whenever i was the whole time i've made youtube videos it's never bothered me if people do that or anything like i grew up uh as like i was like one of the older kids in the neighborhood and i had a lot of younger kids that always looked up to me and so like in a way i have like a very good mentality around that and i'm used to that kind of relationship because i've had it with a lot of you know younger people and uh you know whenever i was a kid right we were kids but i was one of the older kids and so they would look up to me and you know they would like you know want me to do stuff for him and [ __ ] like that and it's like it's normal for me it doesn't bother me and what are they up to now are they little streamers no they're in little cells a lot of them [Applause] my mom sometimes she's like what's whoever doing i'm like i don't know look him up look him up see oh there's a news article written about him from a few years ago good role model hey they didn't listen to everything right yeah it doesn't it doesn't bother me man like it i i hope that um a lot of my friends are kind of out of that that experience but there's a few of them that are still clowning around get to contact or appreciate people that i admire in case they think that i'm clout chasing yeah so if you're a creator hit me up because i'm terrified of doing it i live my entire life in my apartment regardless of the pandemic honestly that one's not too bad and i hate deadlines so youtube's pretty cool it's a job that most people want but unlike most jobs you're faced with sort of a career mortality as the chances are sooner or later almost all youtube channels will die out and that's where almost all the anxiety traces back to the concept that their channel will die their dreams will be crushed only fans will be their only option that's not too bad i mean i'm a i'm a big i'm a big only fans fan i think only fans is good i'm a i'm a i'm pro only fans but yeah i think a lot of people do worry about that and this is like a bit of a real talk conversation let's be honest it's a real talk conversation the fact is that yeah you worry about your channel dying you worry about you know not not hitting certain viewership numbers you worry about not getting to those points and a few days ago i thought to myself i was that was like the gray hair [ __ ] thing i brought up three times today i probably thought about it 300. it's like i cannot stress myself out anymore like i'm not going to stress myself out anymore like i'm only i'm just going to try to be happy and it whatever happens happens and not to be outcome dependent just be me enjoy myself because at the end of the day man it doesn't matter how many [ __ ] people are watching you especially once you get up to the the higher viewership numbers you're making money you're having fun and just keep being you and also like i want to innovate my content i want to do different things uh like this is one of them and like the whole charity event thing like i think this has gone really well and also uh thanks guys like y'all have been amazing today it's crazy like thanks so let's take a creator that makes videos about a certain game okay and then they decide that they don't want to play that game anymore so they're left with an ultimatum leap into the void of hoping to [ __ ] god your audience likes your new [ __ ] or just keep doing what works honestly the answer is to just find a way to do both but changing content is tricky and it's usually met with resistance even if you do it well stir is an old tf2 youtuber and he was faced with a lot of backlash when he tried to branch out this content just because it wasn't tf2 exactly what kind of [ __ ] vid is this you used to be gaming what happened to you sounds like my comments why i spend that much time when that's not even what people want to watch my philosophy was always i'm going to make the next video i make better than the last video i made and eventually i got really good at making videos because i always tried to step it up and make the next one a little bit better yeah the point that eventually team fortress 2 live commentaries became shallow there's nothing there i could be so much more done nobody wanted me to be more exactly but perhaps the biggest sense of challenge sometimes people only want you to be one thing and uh that's okay sometimes like if you like being one thing like there's some people that are totally okay like let's say they love like there's a lot of wild streamers like this they don't want to play any other game they're fine just like getting a thousand viewers making living and then being yeah t1 on the other side right t1 plays [ __ ] league everybody's okay with it and uh but it does suck right and like this is like a definitely it's hard to get any sympathy for this because it's like you have to be an established creator and people are envious of that so a lot of people are some people are so it's hard to get people to see eye to eye with this because it is an enviable position but the truth is like you have a lot of people out there who are uh you know they feel like they're locked in place of doing one thing and it's hard man it's [ __ ] hard to do that and i remember whenever i started watching videos on my stream and talking about like other stuff that isn't just world of warcraft i got a lot of people who were pissed off at me and it was hard for me to deal with that it was like the variety stuff and everything but now i know like obviously i've still i'm not gonna have like as many people like right now that watch me play like any random game than they would with wow but it'll never be like that if i don't keep trying and the fact is that if i go and i look at my analytics here's the truth is that if i go and i look at my analytics anytime i do something new i always get more followers than if i don't do something new that if i do the same thing so whenever i do that new thing and i see a bunch of new people follow the stream those are all people that believe in me doing that new thing and just because everybody that you have doesn't like what you're doing that doesn't mean that everybody that you will have won't like it it's hard to it's hard to balance being delusional and being realistic and having the self-confidence it's a very hard balance between everything on a mortality will be killing them to constantly one-up yourself as you try and make better and better videos eventually you hit a point where your standards are so high it hurts you and even though there's things that you could do you don't because it's not better than the last thing it prevents you from trying new things or branching out in fear of not performing as well yeah and eventually you back yourself into a corner where you end up doing nothing like taking i always find myself coming back to the feeling of like if i haven't posted the next big song or the next big video then i shouldn't post on social media yep and then it snowballs into weeks and then weeks go by and i'm like well i haven't said anything in weeks now now i can't come back if you only complete the things that you know will be better than the last it'll be things that have worked in the past by taking risks you can't guarantee your success right but if you never take risks you're guaranteed to fail and if you do fail it's just youtube man make another video respecting that is the only way that you can sustain this [ __ ] long term and i think it's the only way to be happy because no one wants the same thing forever unless i don't it's titties this video took a long time to make and it's different from my regular content for the first 30 days or so it was [ __ ] through the process of creating it i formed these opinions and observations i lived through the anxieties i felt them and i dealt with them and now here i am with a finished video i hope you got as much out of it as i did because i just made you watch a serious youtube video okay back to the the serious part i don't want to end this video on a bad note because now that you're seeing this i'm not stuck antagonizing over what it could be goddammit i'm proud of what i made as long as the stats are good hey guys i put a lot of time and effort into these videos so if you enjoyed it make sure to smash that [ __ ] if you want to support me more check me out on twitch i'm pint i feel like i have a pretty good twitch stream i do like planned events i have like a highlight channel it's free to watch i've been told i'm a cute boy or a cute girl also i have a discord and a twitter but only join those if you're a fanboy or a goth mommy gf bye here what is dude is like i think i really like the video number one is like i'll give you an example of of this right this is my second channel that i i make videos about and it's like sometimes i'll post a video and it won't do as well as my other videos but i can almost guarantee you that every person that watched that video appreciated it and sometimes you're not going to hit a huge audience or anything like that but the audience that you do hit oh it's only comparatively right this is like 400k and this is a second channel too like this is uh 200 almost 300k 125k 300k 250 200 200 200 right i mean like there's a lot of these that have like close to a million even like this baja blast the first time is almost a million views it's a lot and by the way i want to say um i i am about to do the next giveaway [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 553,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold pint, wow funny, pint wow, pint classic wow, pint asmongold, zackrawrr, pint, asmongold reacts to pint, pint reaction, wow pint, pint classic, asmongold famous, being famous, asmongold being famous, asmongold classic wow, wow classic, classic wow, wow classic pint, classic, asmongold classic
Id: ViVjADTIj_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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