Asmongold Reacts To "The Biggest Guild Breakers in World of Warcraft" - MadSeasonShow

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[Music] okay hey guys what's up mad season here back with another video for you we've all been through it you've leveled up all the way to the max you started gearing up and the next step is writing or organize pvp if you prefer that organize you need a guild you take to the forums trade chat word of mouth or you ask your friends and find a home that's right for you that's what i did at least way back in the day and i'm happy to say that people i met 15 years ago i still talk to and play with today same thing with me through my guild myself and many others yeah i think that's one of the best things about the game one thing possible through the ever-changing virtual world yep but where my friends have lasted my guild has not and in the game's 15-year lifespan we've all witnessed the rise and fall of thousands of guilds you know whether they be on our server or high-profile professional writing guilds top blank in this video i thought it interesting to cover the biggest skill breakers in world of warcraft okay either for your entertainment or maybe a list of things to avoid for any aspiring guild leaders all right the first thing that comes to mind for many of you i'm sure are raid bosses through the many raids yeah of warcraft yeah i would say so it was so difficult or so frustrating that they not only wiped the raid but also the entire guild some that come to mind for me would be the intro bosses razor guard velastras and the black one larry yeah vale was a guilty simple nature i remember that very clearly classic having a fight such as razor gore that wasn't as simple as wait for three sunders and zerg it was quite a challenge to a lot of people wait really with philip strauss being a pretty tough gear check many guilds who had conquered mc what's the [ __ ] found out that they were just plain [ __ ] when the blackwing lair was released yeah and cracked under the pressure because they didn't have a hunter who knew how to kite is that actually true is it that guilds genuinely had a problem with with razer gore how the [ __ ] not everybody's good at the game yeah but there's a big difference between being good at the game like here here's here's the thing right all right this is being [ __ ] at the game and this is being good at the game and this is basically where you need to be to kill razer gore like you can be [ __ ] at the game and kill razer gore like i i don't understand it's holy [ __ ] dude and who could forget the deadly ending trio of aq40 yeah that's the twin emperors and c'thun yeah these are always really really challenging right i remember this bosses were the ones three times yeah we never wiped again being an unforgiving resist fight that required you to farm level 40 dungeons yep the twin empire i already have my gear being extremely unforgiving a very mechanically complex fight to pull off at the twin emperors like for its time was really hard or else they healed the fall and one only takes physical damage and the other magic damage which was tricky because i thought warriors were the only tanks back then they were ah screw it just spam battle shout and of course we have c'thun it was deemed to be mathematical look who it is even considering the best look who it is for all 40 members with perfect play yeah and being before the age of multiple difficulty settings i really wish they'd show that you couldn't beat it there was no alternative in lack i wish they put out the uh unnerved c'thun on the ptr whenever they add the aq on the ptr because they're probably going to do that i wish they didn't do it at all but if they do aq on a ptr i i wish they'd put the unnerved c'thun i think that'd be really cool to see if people could compete and do it this time i think they could very easily uh but you know i'd be it'll be really interesting to see it good progress like there's no reason not to do it it's just cool and the burning crusade of course hosted many excruciatingly difficult fights yeah that remained unbeaten by 99 of the population 99.9 little nerfs came in i could go through an entire list of raid bosses but this is a subject that's been covered yeah was [ __ ] hard i want to go outside of this realm and talk more about some of the lesser knowledge of not only classic but the current game as well and also include my personal experience having been the right guild from the start of the good one to today starting with the transition red ones are very special leads to 25 men i remember dude [Music] thinking that you could cut your 15 dumbest people out of the raid it's 2000. my guild thought that they could cut the 15 dumbest people out of the raid but the problem is that we didn't have 15 dumb people in the raid we actually had 40. but it was just it was bad it was really [ __ ] bad seven just over two years players have spent in the world of azeroth and they're ready for their next adventure into the outland a round filled with demons of the burning legion and it over by illidan's beautiful time a quarter year 70 new challenges no 39 idiots including rage of course i was really good at the game you were there at the time you couldn't wait that's why we're attack bosses i'm so excited i think i spent all of my not afraid to get behind the rest of my life on lunch i today but what's this twenty-five skill a vanilla rating scene had been pruned no longer i didn't like that take 40 players into one i liked 40 men right rather just 25. i thought they were just like cool atmosphere of wonder and discovery was quickly dashed with the realization that there just weren't enough writing spots to go around yep a problem made worse with the fact that the first rate of the birth socks carries that's fine i liked it besides for only ten players a meager fourth of the roster size you guys were back in karazhan where there was a good group in the bad group the two girls ever had that you had like the a team and the b team and then the a team is killing like prince malkazar and like you know like one shouting nether spite and then the b teams getting mad and like [ __ ] yelling at each other on morrows like our guild like i was the raid leader of the b team and i actually turned it around like i made the b team a lot better but just for like an idea of how bad the b team was the way that i distributed loot was who yelled loud enough on vent got the loot like it was just straight up [ __ ] spur it was a spur grade dude uh [ __ ] uh spur grade it was really fun though we had a good time ella raiders upon hitting level 70 we're excited to explore new ground yeah only to discover that if they weren't part of the click they weren't part of the raid that's right my guild in particular had an a team of officers wall started the raid as soon as they hit 70 leaving the rest of the guild to fend for themselves yep they would take the best tanks the best healers and then you have the clowns the main raid core for olive vanilla while the rest of the peons were left empty-handed it wasn't good the guild but it certainly left a sour taste in people's mouths and led to many members leaving for greener pastures yeah people would be [ __ ] pissed many others the subscription based of the game rose with the burning crusade expansion yeah but it seemed like half or less of the top rating guilds coming out of vanilla would survive the initial pruning depending solely on how the leadership handled the comparatively meager rating roster if the guild was to survive smaller tight-knit clicks would form and if it fell apart from the ashes or those smaller guilds designed for the demonstrating core the i i don't know like that was that was kind of sad whenever you had like a lot of the guilds that just kind of fell apart but i think that like burning crusade rates compared to vanilla raids were much more mechanically challenging and just harder in general especially like karazhan because karazhan you didn't have like 10 people to make up for one guy that was stupid so you had like much more emphasis on individual player responsibility and that's when i think like guilds really started to fall apart because you had a lot of people that just played the game they would just log on and simply push buttons like it wasn't like that like raiding for them was a social experience like the their damage and like hit rating like i you know like that's that's for the nerds to figure out and you know they were focused on their friends and having fun and you know in karazhan having fun got the trash respawning while you were killing a tuneman and then wiping and then literally being able to see your progress in squares on the map like it was so [ __ ] bad burning crusade was the death of the zerg guild [Music] but as i said it depended on the leadership it feels good and people were treated fairly everyone raided and they had a good time which leads me to the next part of the list what healers for god's sakes look for the [ __ ] 30 second fear warning or when it says five seconds till fear get out clear palms you can heal the main tank from outside of the fear range it's not hard this is after tim didn't shot it you are going to dps very very very slowly are you [ __ ] serious you [ __ ] d oh my god i i'm [ __ ] done i'm done i'm [ __ ] leaving we have no reason to lose main tank and i am blaming you because i blame i don't i can [ __ ] do it everyone can do it do it right this is [ __ ] the thing is that guy is probably right the thing is like 95 of tyrannical leadership is actually just a guy that's had it it's it's a it's a man who's just at his wit's end he's been dealing with these same [ __ ] idiots every single week that will continuously they won't get in chance they won't learn the mechanics they won't watch a [ __ ] five minute video and then finally it's like the third week on magmadar you've got 36 people in the raid bill called in sick because his hamster died and his fish drowned and you know like his microwave was broken so he couldn't raid and you're just [ __ ] pissed and it's the third wipe and you saved up all week for a flask and the other tank is using leather with no armor uh no armor kit on it either [Music] if you can honestly just shut the [ __ ] up and let me talk i will don't play like you're just [ __ ] going through the motions you'll get your goddamn loot eventually yep [Music] what i love guilds like this this is my favorite we all know these people you give them a minute amount of power no matter how meager it may be and they turn into genghis khan a destructive warlord who rules with an iron fist consider yourself warned those foolish enough not to listen to his or her commands we had to go but this is my guildmaster back in vanilla uh and not really actually not in vanilla but i mean like uh burning crusade and uh wrath like he would yell at us pretty much every day and um even on off nights whenever we were doing outrage he'd still yell at us then and i feel like whenever i get yelled at in a raid i'm like uh back to normal you know i feel like it's a little bit nostalgic to me it's like i wouldn't want to join a raid it's like if it was a serious guild i wouldn't want to join a raid where people weren't yelling like if you're not yelling you don't care like it's like these people they care about the game that's why they're getting mad if you don't comply and with a smile on your face your time in the guild will be short yeah i mean am i making myself clear is anybody upset by the fact that i'm pointing everybody out and saying that that was a piss-poor [ __ ] job does anybody want anybody i've done worse than that please step up now and tell me why that's it these are people who blessed grip that the world of warcraft at the end of the day that's it it's a video that's nothing and the relationship is raging at magma and an employee than it does a guild except you're not getting paid you show up during these raiding times you sit down clear calms and keep your mouth shut clear let me get this straight forward to you you stupid [ __ ] idiot your healing [ __ ] blows dog [ __ ] i don't know is this a primordius one a bunch of friends cracking open some cold ones on a rainy night and having a good time i think if you get mad like this on classic though you're a [ __ ] like let's be real the game's just so easy that there's no reason for you to get mad like this like there's never a point where where it's really it makes a difference like if you if you're if you're yelling at people in a classic raid right and it's like not like a stream thing or whatever right but like this is just like you being you you're dog [ __ ] at the game like you're absolute dog [ __ ] at the game and on top of being dog [ __ ] at the game you're an idiot rather that of getting things done as fast as possible because no one can stand each other now we're all gonna die up here nice job nice job everybody give the dumbass warlock the [ __ ] clap for not staying for not listening to [ __ ] simple ass [ __ ] these guilds never last because well yeah they do just not fun yeah they do what do you mean these guilds always last these are like those are the best guilds like i would invite my friends over whenever we would do like if it was like the week whenever we would do like ssc attunements for like new raiders and just so we could listen to people do vash wrong just so we could see somebody throw the tainted core to the wrong person and i would [ __ ] put it on speaker and like zach would listen to it cody would listen to it and people would just go ballistic like obviously like yeah you have an [ __ ] that's always an [ __ ] but like the thing is if you have one [ __ ] that did [ __ ] everything up i i feel like as a raid leader in my mind i want to vindicate everybody else in the raid that's thinking what what that's thinking the same thing like this stupid dumb [ __ ] right like obviously i try to be a dick anymore in the raids but if people don't do things right usually now i'm just like okay i kick him out and that's it but like back then i would get a lot more angry i have a good example with my guilt back in the day yeah i was in a semi hardcore writing guild in classic we did all right typically hovering around number two or three for the server and progression depending on the rate tier we were never able to claim number one though that belonged to a guild that we'll call alpha for this video they rated more than us typically we'd do four to five days a week around four showers a night yeah so pretty demanding all right we got beat by a second alpha did seven days a week and eight hours a day and not only that the rating environment was quite harsh you pulled that's real that's why they're outfits take four seconds longer i'm going to have to write you up for this one yep we're senar guild we kicked up our feet a bit during raiding despite the demanding schedule every raid night was genuinely fun to go to because we realized that it was a game at the end of the day and we didn't take ourselves that seriously see like for me i like that perspective but it's a game up until whenever people are doing [ __ ] wrong and as soon as people start doing things wrong to me it's not a game anymore to me i'm not having fun like i like having fun with people that know what they're doing but the priority in my mind is always the success of the team and the success of the of the group right like i want to be in a serious group with people that succeed right that that's just the way that i see it all right so simple damn no excuse well it's like i understand people that just want to kick back their feet and relax but i'm not relaxing whenever i know that i'm wasting my time so it's like there is a lot of middle ground there and i'm more serious than not i guess even though we weren't the best and when the burning crusade launched we had our difficulties our guild ended up thriving and for quite a while i took the number one spot for most of the burning crusade whereas guild alpha broke apart shortly after the expansion's release oh god that wow i am add-on [Music] guys loot your badges your [ __ ] badges on eggshells and are on the cutting edge for so long eventually something's about to break like i said the raid says reduction really tested guilts back then and only the strongest survived and at the end of the day even if you're ahead on progression a tyrannical raiding environment in the long run makes for a weak guild or any wipe or dispute has the potential to set off to self-destruct [Music] yeah that's about right [Music] is this ninja wooding [Music] what's he doing i'm going to kill myself right now dude i've been watching this 100 times man akin to money in real life the bottom line in world of warcraft has always been and always will be lewd it's at the forefront of nearly every activity in the game current or classic you raid for loot dungeon pvp earn gold so you can buy it level profession so you can craft it or betray and use those around you so you can get it who would do that that's why it's just a previous point you suffer through unfundraising environments to obtain and just like money it really brings out the worst of people and will test any guilt today with the advent of personal loot which was released in the misa pandari expansion is really not a big deal and each player has a chance to receive their own personal loan however up until then the bosses only dropped pieces and it was up to the players to decide who gets what the pressure has been lessened over time like i said through the combination of i like blue drama i think it made the game more interesting great size reductions different avenues of obtaining comparable pieces of loot loot drama is at its peak in classic since these raids are the primary means of gearing up that's whenever people get rid of a badge system or currency to serve as an alternative to progress your character if you have a dry spell in the writing scene the loot drama has been something that people vastly understood i remember watching them classically that was so [ __ ] good i have already fallen victim to it yep wait what wait what oh look at that great guild tavern yes dude you of course have the corrupt leadership corps who uses the guilt to gear up themselves another example i have is another guild i actually pkp system can i can i uh can i see something i'm gonna be real here guilds that do this are full of a bunch of baby back [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate guilds to do that that like that gear out like just their little friend group it's so [ __ ] obnoxious and what i really don't like about it more than anything is that they act like that's not what they're doing like they act like oh yeah oh no no we're just doing it to the people that show up the most uh we're part of the i mean we're always in there and it's okay no man like it's i hate the justification for it like if you're gonna take [ __ ] and gear out you and your boys [ __ ] it do it bro but don't come at me with this [ __ ] oh i'm just trying to help everybody out or whatever like if unless you're talking about the main tank i don't really think like maybe you funnel gear to a hunter for his eight piece or something like that for the most part though [ __ ] that dude like i wouldn't if that happened and the guild that i was in i would just immediately j quit like i just she quit like i don't want to be in that i don't want to be a tool for somebody else to just get geared up it just doesn't feel good basically you gain points for killing bosses i was in a guilt like that before usually seen as the quote fair way of dishing out the loot back in the day there's a guild whom the officers went heavily negative into dkp because they asked favors for their members yes for them which they probably did to earn those sweet good boy points or it's like their friend or brother or something like that dude 40 raid they were heavily in the red and they made the mysterious decision to reset dkp across the board that's crazy that's a good idea to get everyone out to zero that is such a good idea it's a new rate here so therefore everyone should start off from square one and for no other reason of course of course it's just by happenstance it just benefited the leadership the most hey the thing that these tyrannical leaders yeah you know what they call that in the real world taxes works the same way leaders don't realize before it's too late is that without the downtrodden members they're kings of nothing yup no matter how big they think themselves they can't solo these raid bosses and if people are consistently treated unfairly they will leave it's that simple case in point the guild did clear through aq40 even killing c'thun which is really impressive back then to finish aq40 in vanilla you had to have some serious dedication with some skilled members like many due to the unfair environment yeah and i'm picking on the leaders here but the members can be just as big of a problem drama and this dude like there was like if you've ever been like a gm of [ __ ] you'd know that it's like there's [ __ ] three people in the guild like imagine the guild has like 50 active members of right graders you need to deal with regularly there's like three people that take up half of your time and usually they have problems with each other because they just play the game so much you just always have to [ __ ] deal with them girls you mean no it's like usually it sounds i'm gonna be honest mcconnell's rule with like how he deals with guild drama is if anybody has drama both people are just removed from the guild immediately like we actually started basically doing that and now we don't have any drama in the guild because if you have a problem you have a problem and you just fix it like it thing is like we're all grown ass men playing this [ __ ] game if there's people that can't handle another grown ass man playing the game in a way they don't like you know unless it's like some crazy bad thing just deal with it or shut the [ __ ] up like that that's the way that i've always looked at it man i thought drama makes it interesting yeah for a stream but i'm not getting paid to deal with it off stream [ __ ] that i'm not gonna deal with those retards [ __ ] no dude like no i i just get rid of that as soon as i can i had to deal with this for years in my old dreams actually to your face they're your best friend yeah maybe get something that they're after and you hear later that they talk about you as if you're this heinous disney-esque villain yep who stole what was rightfully theirs people did the same [ __ ] about like guilty if someone is constantly trashing others in your presence they're probably doing the same to you when you're not around it's sort of like a high school drama except it's even more sad when you realize yeah the primary audience of classic aging 30 year olds yep because it's my life tiny you might not appreciate that you might why would you let it affect you like that it's again it these are what we like to call drama andes and again it's more prolific in classic it seems i think it's true that there are people who are so [ __ ] ridiculous to keep them going it is so [ __ ] ridiculous it's certainly true in world of warcraft and you're making out as if i'm going out of my way to insult you which is not mine is she gonna cry i tell you i feel unprotected by you jesus christ another personal example i can share with you are the oldest since aq40 rage is so large blizzard showed a bit of mercy and put on the loot table a selection of epic mounts that players could use even if they didn't have the epic mounts be trained that's all well and good but uh oh they come in different colors green yellow go for the red one dude and red it just so happens that the red mount has a lower chance to draft than anything else yep there's no difference in functions always go for the red one it's literally just the color well the officers in our guild thought it appropriate that they would be the ones to receive the red mounts first those are some smart guns okay that's fine those are some really smart guys i like that officer fork but makes a lot of sense who could possibly make a big issue out of it oh god yep well it was a big issue there was a certain druid in her guild we had this happen there is loot drama about a red battle tank in wrath of the lich king i swear to god like the same guy that got atiesh did a aq run and he took the [ __ ] they took the red mount from the guild master of this other guild and it was like this massive [ __ ] problem it was hilarious man it might have been bernie crusader so long ago i'll tell you that he went on a huge public rant in guild chat yep ultimatums were given this aggression will not stand he ended up leaving and took a friend or two with him because of a red tint to a monster you don't stand for something you fall for anything the whole situation was ridiculous yeah it was now were the officers completely innocent here probably not this stupid drama andy's like the whole thing's stupid and it just so happens that this mount fiasco was a good method of rooting them out yeah okay stop the noise touching [Music] see ya [Music] kick him out of [Applause] [Music] that you're willing to steal to get what you want who would do that whether the guild was foolish enough to have it on the free-for-all setting or maybe you're the gm and you lose something to yourself in a selfish manner the ninja litter is a classic that spins across any memo not just world of warcraft like the cloud song for example but anyways dude milly that's your name i don't know if it is you need to [ __ ] just calm down a little bit dude i know you're part of the [ __ ] you [ __ ] throw my clown song if i ever find out where you live like i said it's the bottom line in world of warcraft it's a representation of her ever question dedication and summer quest just about anything to get it dude i want to kill this [ __ ] just like many others in this list the likelihood of all of this drama is increased see like this is the thing it's like back in classic like people wanted to kill each other over loot now it's like even if somebody ninja with something or gets something they shouldn't have they're like oh man yeah something like retail they're aw man dude hey it is what it is yo dude i'm happy for you bro like hey you know that's the way the cards that's the way the cards fall and it's like because they don't care but if you want to kill somebody over over a mount you love that game like would you want to kill somebody over an item in a game that you don't care about no think about that going into the game's lifespan you don't [ __ ] with me dude you just don't it certainly has been and certainly will continue to be the breaker hey man it's perfect okay all of these things i've listed at the very least are in control of the mouse that's disgusting if you just act like a rap geez dude these are all avoidable or at least what a [ __ ] nutcase you're willing to stick it out because the game overall is fun right yeah [Music] enter the cataclysm expansion this is actually really true the world of azeroth has been made having been scott this destroyed guilt the world of warcraft is about the most changes it ever has in its history because it made the raids too hard the talent system reworked spells now segregated between specializations the looking for raid system this is the age of modern world of warcraft yep and the beginning of the mass exodus of subscribers that the game still struggles to stymie today because the raids were way [ __ ] harder like if you do like [ __ ] tier 11 raids and then you go back and you do icc raids it's like the difference between normal mode and heroic like it was an entire difficulty jump like it was way [ __ ] harder in cataclysm than it was at all in uh in wrath like maybe besides old war cattle was way too [ __ ] quite like a massive hemorrhage of members and with the game yeah because they're ship bags that couldn't handle it expansion it was meant with this cactus and raised the two hearts from this expansion onwards yeah my guild who went through everything all of vanilla the insanity that was the raiding scene and the burning crusade yep many of these lists will bring up prince sunwell fights such as muro or brutalis pre nerf kill fast fights so extremely challenging that guilds created on launch day of vanilla disbanded over the extreme pressure and frustration dude this boss was [ __ ] ridiculous you need like seven viewers i mean but what's the problem i mean it's so easy was that the con flag i forgot what ability that was dude all the way through the wrath of the lich king expansion yeah over six years of raiding in cataclysm what did us in wasn't this unbeatable challenge it wasn't toxic leadership or drama over 10 and 25 minutes it was just an expansion that wasn't fun for us really we weren't alone i'm not going to go into the reasons why that never happened without i heard it all by now lfr mode electronized class balance over simplification of loot rpg elements out the window and some of the effects that started in wrath i guess actually such as heirloom items now that i think about it my guild did kind of all quit in tier 11. like we got halfway through tier 11 heroic and this is the guild that i was in ever since burning crusade and yeah a lot of them just stopped playing the game [ __ ] this actually happened to my guild wow can find her and too many difficulties in writing this isn't a rant on current world of warcraft the point is that slowly surely this guild that was 100 strong started seeing more and more farewells in the forums as the last logan timers in the list increased more and more and never again would it recover because there simply wasn't a desire to keep playing by enough people thousands of guilds created on launch were in the same boat and too many saw their end in cataclysm and the few that survived would dwindle further and further climaxing i feel like there's like almost no there's no like serious guilt that blizzard steps in the same way there used to be numbers i feel like like the the the mystique and the like prestige of being a good guild went away whenever lfr came out like it just died uh like the last boss i think people really gave a [ __ ] about was ragnaros and firelands and like as soon as that as soon as deathwing came out like nobody cared anymore and i don't know really what well that that's like this is obviously my perspective on it and like this is just like how i've seen it but like killing ragnaros in itself was rewarded before then even on normal it was pretty hard and then on heroic ragnaros it was [ __ ] ridiculous so like changing that and doing it differently is like two completely different things gul'dan uh i i don't know like gold dan was kind of a big deal you're right about that but like it's just like the general like perception i think changed whenever lfr came out or at least it did for me and a lot of my friends a funny bit of irony that the biggest guild breaker in world of warcraft is world of warcraft itself yeah uh that's actually kind of right farewell mortals mythic kill [Music] i don't know really about mythic kj like mythic kj was pretty hard i would say so but it didn't really feel the same way that like heroic ragnaros did [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 843,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold madseasonshow, asmogold mad season, madseasonshow, madseasonshow wow, madseasonshow guild breakers, asmongold guild, asmongold guild breakers, guild breakers, madseasonshow classic wow, mad season, madseasonshow reaction
Id: H11mZpxWQ7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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