My Full Review of New World after Playing 500+ Hours

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"The smartest AI in the game is the buffalo." Asmongold 2021.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 458 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Arturszee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s spot on for the end game watermark farms, it’s terrible, unchallenging, and unfulfilling. I wish they just made really challenging quests, dungeons, or even heroic versions of lower level dungeons for a chance at a high gs piece of gear.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 407 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Sometimes if you face your character looking up and melee, and you look up into their asshole and swing at them, it will cause your attacks to hit. And the only thing that costs you is your sanity."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Joe_Shroe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

His mansion and furniture analogy was spot on.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 88 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joern16 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Imo a fair video from Asmon. No hate, no over the top fanboy, just fair opinion

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 150 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hatsu58 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Itβ€˜s a good review, I agree with pretty much everything heβ€˜s said.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Galrath91 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

the more you play the game seriously the less you enjoy it.

probably that's why i'm still enjoying it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 196 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iHeisenburger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wait...watermark is per weapon!?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CommanderCookiePants πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I completely agree with most points stated with Asmongold and really like this review. Im not ashamed to admit when New World first came out and Asmongold mentioned most of the problems with the game I just thought he was a no life streamer nitpicking over small details 90% of the player base wont experience. Now that I have been level 60 for a week have gotten around 150 hours and experienced most of this first hand I really agree with him and totally understand hes not just bagging on the game.

New Worlds foundation is great, the visuals and audio are top of the line, the key fundamental mechanics such as player ran auction houses, skilling, and dungeons are all great ideas. The sad part is most of the end game content and the game as a whole is either very repetitive or unpolished. Bugs and exploits have ruined peoples progression and money making methods, end game content like dungeons are extremely expensive to get in with minor challenges. The lack of variety between mob types and npc factions gets stale. open world random events such as Corrupted portals are a really cool feature but become boring with lack of variety between tiers and types and become an easy zerg fest like most end game content. Most open world bosses are just reskins of other bosses in the game.

All in all the core game game style is fun but poorly implemented or unfinished. Though the devs have been very open with communication and have been working at a very fast pace to update the game. The devs progress gives me major hope for this games future and I hope they continue with there hard work.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AvengefulGamer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
uh today is the day of reckoning today is the day of truth and today is the day of justice today i will be doing my official new world review i want to take you through the adventures and the story of a man who's played this game a man who's played this game for over 500 hours a man who's leveled to 60 three times a man who has leveled professions up to 200 crafting 17 000 linen gloves i'd like to talk about all of those things today i like to talk about the highs the lows the goods the bads and also i'd also like to not talk about the things that i don't know i haven't really done a lot of pvp in this game so i want to preface this entire thing by saying that this is going to be primarily a gathering world building pve dungeons in-game character grind centric video i'm not going to talk a whole lot about pvp because i don't [ __ ] understand it that well i don't play it that well so what the [ __ ] do i know and i want to say a couple of things to preface this i think that new world is a game that is in a terrible state but has a great foundation and i think that the new world developers throughout the course of the month or so that the game's been live have actually improved a massive amount of things that the player bases wanted to see now the new world team i think in the past month has communicated more with its player base than every other mmo put together has communicated with its player base in like a year now i want to say with final fantasy final fantasy hasn't needed to do that because there haven't been bugs in its game every [ __ ] day however i do think that the new world team has done their absolute best to try and meet the players expectations that has been the downfall in some ways to what their goals have been the development of new world has effectively been three different games originally it was a survival based uh action rpg with mo elements and this was back in the alpha of the game then after that got released and they did testing and they got feedback they changed the way the game was supposed to be made and they made the game much more of a much more of an mmo that's pvp centric and as i think honestly my opinion of this is that after they saw what happened in phase two in classic wow they changed it to have a lot more of a pve focus and that brings us to the last year of development so a lot of the pve content that you're going to see is going to be content that was created really in the past year and i want to put all that into context so you can understand the amount of time and effort that has gone into that and the amount of progress that has been made for all the people that are huge fans of new world i am among you nobody plays 500 hours of a game that they hate and i would just like to enjoy it a little bit more whenever i'm actually playing the mechanics and today that's what i want to talk about i want to talk about all the positives all the negatives of the game i want to go through examples of those things and i want to show you all what the game really has to offer now this is my character as you guys can see i got 60 on my old server i was the second person to hit level 60 on the server uh i transferred over to this server recently turned out to be a huge [ __ ] mistake because the entire thing is owned by purple and i'm green but that's the way it goes all right let's start off really uh let's talk about the end game progression loops now in game progression loops and new world are the worst in any real game that i've ever played before so the reason why every single player is standing in this particular corner right here behind this tree is that by standing behind this tree it causes the level 64 elite spawn to occur and spawn more frequently and i want to explain why everybody here is actually in this position why they're doing this it's very simple it's for something called the high water mark system and the high water mark system is something that i hope the new world developers were high whenever they thought of basically the way that it works is once you hit level 60 oh wait the mpc finally spawned so now we're going to go over here and this is the combat loop to progression in new worlds so uh i left click this npc multiple times while he runs around like a crack head he's actually not like a crackhead he went into a t-pose because he got stunned in a position that he wasn't programmed into being stunned inside of and after we killed the boss i didn't get any loot or any sort of reward whatsoever because too many other people hit it and i got nothing so what we're going to do now is we're going to move back behind the tree and that way we can get another 200 another two minute respawn i mean to say now the high watermark system is in my opinion one of the worst in-game progression systems that's ever been conceived in an mmo before at level 60 you begin with your watermark system at level 500 and then as time goes on you will loot pieces of gear and as you loot a new piece of gear it has a chance to watermark your prospect of gear that you will loot in the future so you are looting 500 pieces of gear until you loot a 200 piece of sorry a 502 piece of gear and then you have a chance of loading a 504 piece of gear or 503 piece of gear so you have to do all this up to 600. and i've done all this up to 600. i have farmed my high watermark system all the way up to 600. so if anybody is going to say that this system is a [ __ ] in the ass take it from the one who's been dealing with it for a [ __ ] month what you're stuck with what you're what you're doing here is you're just repeating the exact same content over and over so the end game progression loop for people they're farming high watermark is to find a rare spawn that is not actively camped by too many players and then to repeatedly kill that rare spawn ad nauseam you just keep killing it for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and days and weeks and months and eventually you'll finally get a legendary item and then you'll be able to create these legendary items more often because your high water mark level will be higher and this high water mark level is not just something that appeals or applies as a general number this is something that applies for each individual slot so if you have you have a high water mark level for your helmets for your gloves for your legs for your chest piece so you have to progress each and every single one of these up to level 600 and just higher and higher so you can get better rewards now if you thought that was bad it wasn't because you have to do the exact same thing with weapons and each individual weapon has its own unique watermark that you have to progress up to level 600 so not only do you have to loot a bunch of great axes or a bunch of weapons but you have to loot a bunch of great axes and you don't just have to loot a bunch of great x's you have to loot a bunch of weapons that are great axes that happen to be high water mark upgrades and then also hope that you'll get another high water mark upgrade after you those perspective exit uh axes this system is probably the most repetitive and unfun in-game progression system that i've ever dealt with and i don't really know why uh it's in the game and i would like to say that i find it very funny that all of the complaints that i've had in this game were originally dismissed as me being a hater because everybody else was complaining about me was level 25. if you make excuses for bad game design what you get is a bad game and a good example of that is the fact that we just killed this npc again and we got nothing and uh it's okay you know you're not always going to get a good one oh oh look at this um so oh right body blocking uh so new world has had the genius idea of adding body blocking into all areas in the in the game and so anyway if you have a weapon out you cannot have another player pass through you unless you're in a town i can run towards you and this is done for the sake of immersion and i think that the most immersive thing in the world is for me to be able to put away my weapon and then be able to transcend the mortal realm and walk right through people like a ghost so you can actually avoid this body blocking but you have to do it with your weapon put away so i think that any argument for immersion in this case in this situation in this case is just completely out the [ __ ] window whenever that's on the table i think that body blocking has an absolute place in the game in pvp situations but i believe that in every single pve situation this game presents body blocking makes the game worse it makes it less fun to play it creates friction by trying to play with other people and it makes players participation and content actively work against other players participation in the same content the point is and i'm going to take you guys through a few of the end game progression loops in the game and i'll explain pretty much how these things work um so like this is one of the examples of farming for in-game items and i just finished doing this so i'm just going to leave this area right you guys have pretty much got the idea you sit there in the corner and you kill this npc forever and uh then at some point you decide that you have something better to do with your time are there any positives you seem to only be talking about negatives yes that's because i'm in the end game zones so as a general rule i think somebody used a picture maybe my editors can overlay the meme on top of the on top of the screen never put this on youtube but um somebody put a picture of uh it was a horse and the back half of the horse was perfectly drawn it looked like it was drawn by you know salvador dali right and then the first half of the horse they were drawn by a five-year-old and then uh the head i guess was the end game and uh that was drawn by a preschooler and these people here are waiting and this is uh very common in new world uh they're queuing up effectively in this area looking to go into this mine and farm out the chests because basically one of the main in-game progression loops inside of new world is looting chests so the way this works is uh a chest spawns and that's a elite chest usually they're guarded by elites and uh in the process of this you uh you will loot these chests and then they go on cool down for 24 hours and after that 24 hours are up you loot the chest again and that's the whole game now that we've begun the chest run i'm going to go ahead and explain kind of how this works so effectively what you do is you just kill these npcs or you run around them there's a lot of ways yeah i'll explain it like this the smartest ai in this game is the buffalo the buffaloes in this game are smarter than any other ai in the entire game and i'm not kidding the last boss in genesis can spawn boulders that fall on the ground and the last boss can also spawn the boulders on herself and she can kill herself with her own boulders just by the nature of the way that the mechanic works that's the last boss in the game and arguably the hardest dungeon inside of the game so we're going to go ahead and go to our first elite chest here we've got these big boys here and um basically every single npc in this game is repeated about 50 times so if you look at this scorch feign taskmaster if you've ever done the level 25 corruption portals you'd be very familiar with him he's the exact same he's the same thing uh the level 25 npcs are the exact same as the level uh level 65 in pcs and the same npcs that you fight in the tutorial you will be fighting at level 61 uh or level 60 out there in the open world the peacocks yes so there are people that have been uh they've been i uh yes uh we'll use this word they've been bamboozled by amazon into believing that exiles reach or excuse me not exiles reach i've thought about another bamboozle um to believe that um ebon's scale reach is a new zone with with unique npcs the uh chinese guards that are the musketeers are the exact same as the corrupted guards or the musketeers here the large samurai warriors that are using a two-handed sword are the exact same as the large npc that we just killed inside of that cave the tigers are the exact same as the wolves and the other cats in the game like the lynxes the peacocks that look very cool are just turkeys and how do you know that they're just turkeys because they have the exact same loot table they drop poultry and feathers just like turkeys do so now we're going to go over here and fight this guy here this is a scorch fan overlord these npcs are just like the ogres and the corrupted zones and they're just like the brutes so they're really stupid they're really really stupid so like as soon as you aggro him he runs away and obviously if you look at the way that this npc moves uh you'll see that the coating and the neck the way that it's designed is is very lacking playing new world is like riding a bike and you only really need to learn how to ride five or six bikes and each of the different bikes is an npc type and after you do that you're never going to have to worry about anything again oh i'll also show you how smart these npcs are so um this is obviously kind of problematic right i mean this guy's right here i've got two npcs on me it's not good he attacked me twice like i've got to watch out for him because he's guarding this chest with his life all right so um let's go oh let's go with this one too and we'll get this one as well yeah uh i'm smarter than the computer and uh this is pretty much how the game works so now we have the main boss now this boss right here is called the leviathan of the deep so we're gonna go ahead and we're going to fight him and i want to show you exactly how this works as a melee weapon too whenever i want to actually hit him and i want you to look to see how many actually attacks and i'm able to do so i'm not able to hit this npc with most of my attacks and the reason for that is because the npc's collision box is larger than its hitbox because of the scaling see right here as you can see my ma i'm facing onto him i can't move forward anymore but i'm not able to hit the npc and the way this happens is because the scaling for these npcs is the same and by increasing the scale and the size of the npcs it also increased the collision box accordingly and by doing that it caused this problem and this is one of the end game in game outdoor bosses here and uh yeah i think i i want to emphasize this again now that there's not really quite as many npcs around how big of a problem it is that the collision box for the bosses is or some of these larger npcs is larger than their hitbox so you have to sometimes if you face your character looking up in melee and you look up into their [ __ ] and you swing at them it will cause your attacks to hit and the only thing that that costs you is uh your own sanity now another one of the end game activities is corruption portals now the way corruption portals work are very simple uh this is a low-level one is you just go over here and uh you have to kill some npcs in the area and then after a while the portal closes i'm going to just go ahead and do it myself i think also like the one thing that i would like to see added into the game is for them to add a feature that allows you to turn off combat music because i'm sure that you guys have probably had the same experience that i have and you're listening to the nice calming soothing track and you oh this is this is look at this this is the same type of npc that we fought at level 65 and let's see what he's going to do he doesn't attack and then he does another attack okay okay okay so uh this is the same boss or same uh same elite npc that was there at the level 65 area it does have a lot of health there we go all right so he's dead and now we just wait right here and uh i can use this usually these portals take longer than anything else too uh everything else is much faster uh the other types of portals i mean to say and so there are the uh the smaller ones like this one than the larger ones larger ones give obviously better rewards and they require more people so it's pretty simple uh you know what you can expect to do with that so an example of the combat music here is like right here every time that you aggro these ancient npcs please just give us an option and just have a toggle enable combat music and just take the toggle and allow people to turn it off we're going to do garden of genesis this is one of the harder dungeons in the game it's one of the end game dungeons and i want to take you guys through garden of genesis and just kind of explain to you pretty much how it plays so this is garden of genesis i can obtain legendaries from this based off of my watermark so we'll see what we get so this npc here is the exact same as the level 30 npcs so you can see right there he'll cast a couple of different abilities this npc many of the many bosses in the game and by many i mean every single one of them is actually nothing unique or nothing special it's just one of the i don't know why i moved out of my buff there probably because i'm just talking um it is just uh higher health versions of existing mobs there's nothing special about any of these looks pretty boring to be honest and and i think that's really what the issue is is that a lot of these dungeons like if you look at the dungeons from a visual perspective they are incredible these dungeons if you just look at the worlds that uh that they've made this is amazing but the problem is the fact that the it's like you have a brand new like beautiful like million dollar home and inside of the home you have a bunch of stuff that you got from off the side of the road combat feels so generic and boring yeah like so he does a grip he'll like pull you in and uh sometimes he'll also pull out the spear and he'll throw it at somebody at range pretty easy to avoid i wasn't paying attention at the beginning and i got hit by like an idiot but as you can see here he pretty much just like gets a stamina bar depleted and uh then you just wait for him to uh to do that again so based off of the color of the bag you could get a legendary if it's orange like it is there it's green it's a green item so we'll see if we got a legendary here um i got blight seeds so unfortunately not so another little fun fact with the chest is that the chess inside of the dungeons do not scale with your watermark so even though this is an expedition chest the items that i'm going to receive from this chest will be item level 500 502 505 509 504 it's bugged yeah and it's been it's been bugged like this for the entire entire time but yeah doing big dick damage in this game does definitely feel good okay all right here we go here we go here we [ __ ] go nice see this is so [ __ ] fun to me like getting these mobs grouped up and like knowing i'm doing max [ __ ] damage to them is awesome this guy's trying to [ __ ] kill me though i'll just avoid him and this game does uh function the same as like uh iframes and uh in dark souls uh where like basically the uh if you have if you're in the dodge animation your character is effectively immune to damage i don't have any uh oh you cannot trade items inside of expeditions so um if you want to trade like your friend like a coating or like a potion or something like that uh you can't do that because you can't trade items inside of expeditions so this is the last boss this place looks sick yeah this looks awesome right and like again like the lazarus looks even better uh i think lazarus is an even more cool looking area so this boss uh she'll occasionally uh she'll channel something onto somebody it puts like a void zone under them a poison zone that they have to run out of uh she also does like an attack and she'll do a slam it's like a triple attack that slams the last part of the attack another slam right there you can just move right out of it she also does like a a frontal cone like scream thing that can like one shot caster so you don't want to stand in front of her um besides that yeah there's the scream there's a lot of damage um then also besides that she spawns these like little balls i don't really know what the balls do honestly doesn't really matter sometimes she'll target a random range player oh here we go so she cast that on somebody and then it puts like poison on the ground and it didn't cast because we pushed her into a transition she'll turn into this little thing and teleport around you just have to roll out and she spawns two adds you have to kill two and the uh the impact of her coming back up does a lot of damage if you die twice in a boss fight oh you have to roll out of those so she spawns blocks too i'm gonna move out of this so watch what happens so like as this is happening i run and i roll out of it to immune to damage so what we have to do here is just make sure that we uh we get behind the rocks whenever she does the big aoe it's pretty simple here's the big one and so you just get right behind this and it's a pretty simple line of sight mechanic there we go and again like all these mechanics are very very simple like you can [ __ ] them up and they do a lot of damage but they're not really like they're not hard there we go all right oh also sometimes she can spawn the poison underneath her and this victory animation here that locks your character in can kill you scripted i swear it was not scripted usually it's a poison okay all right you guys ready to see the loot all right let's see what we get i'm not seeing any orange items great uh so pretty much what we just did there is we wasted about an hour so we basically just got [ __ ] in the ass yeah anyway let's go back over we're going to go to windsword and we're going to talk about some of the other stuff in the game so the towns and the way that towns progress and the way that they put up you know they put up like this little thing for like the guild the table i think it's called like lena or something uh the guild that that completes or uh takes over the the area i think this is really cool each of the different towns that you go to have these different uh areas that you can craft things in like you go over to the forge and based off of the tier of the forge you're able to level up and you're able to level these up as a town together and through doing that you unlock other items that you can craft with i think this is cool i like this overall i think that the way that the towns are designed to progress over time and for the different work areas to become a higher level based off of how many people are using them i think this is really cool and i like this a lot the towns and being in the towns is really nice one of the negatives about the towns is the fact that a lot of them they're very similar almost all the towns look the same they have the same general layout they're using the same different uh buildings it's it's very very much the same so let's go ahead and take a mental picture of this town right here and uh credit to uh josh dreif hayes for finding this this is like in uh algebra 2 whenever you copy your friend's work and both of you end up failing because it's so obvious that he cheated yeah it's been slightly rotated so uh the towns in general i really like the music in the towns i like the feel and the towns just in general i enjoy the towns i think that they're very very cool like my house is pretty much a [ __ ] but overall it's nice i i wish that there were more reasons to go and uh visit these other houses in the game there's not really a whole lot of them you get to do little small things like milking the cow you can go pick up the honey and i love this this is great like you you get to do this little thing and it's just adds a little bit of flavor to the game and it makes you feel like you're actually interacting with the world uh so leveling in the game although it is extremely repetitive is in general for me nice i you level up in the game basically the best way to level up for anybody who's not 60 yet is to do these missions here on the town board uh you just turn in these different resources and i think that new world does a really great job of actually giving people who are crafters a meaningful way of leveling up you can level up in new world to 60 and do almost no combat whatsoever all you do is you just craft and you gather and the fact that new world has a system for doing that is incredible and i do think the town project boards do get very repetitive and the questing in general um let me explain what the questing is right so there are three quests in the game there is a quest where you have to kill a certain amount of npcs there's a quest where you have to loot a certain amount of boxes and there's also a quest where you have to loot a certain item off of an npc and then to be fair let's just go to number four there's also quests where you have to kill one singular npc inside of that right there that i just explained i have just explained 85 percent of all the quests in the entire game that's it the questing in the game is the most abysmal thing about it and if i were to say what one of the most important things for them to do is the most important things oh here we go here's two more quests that i just randomly picked up search for three chess and defeat five pirates well we've never seen that before have we in my opinion questing would actually be much more enjoyable if the player did not have to run all the way back to the quest giver if all you had to do was go out into the world and complete the quest and then the quest would progress on its own it would actually be okay i feel like a lot of the frustration occurs because you have to spend 10 minutes running to an area and then you have to spend 10 minutes running back and there is already coding in the game that allows you to automatically complete quests once the criteria is met the way that you know that is that if you ever did any of the 580 weapon quest lines they automatically complete and automatically reward you whenever you complete the objectives i i don't care about immersion i don't care about any of this stuff if the immersion comes at the cost of gameplay like for example i find this incredibly immersive i look out at this view and i think this is [ __ ] beautiful i think that the way this game looks the rocks and just looking out over the uh over the vastness of the game i think this is [ __ ] amazing and i love just being in this world and to me that is immersive enough i don't need to have to return the items to the quest i need to just be inside of a world that makes me feel like i'm in a different place than my room and then also like you have the sounds in the game like you know it feels good to do things like this to to mine these things you have like the echoing of the uh of like the mining like all these these very small things that are just game feel things new world has done such an incredible job of being able to just completely nail the atmosphere of the game is incredible the problem is that there's not more of it just in general the uh the areas in the game and i think also another thing that new world does a very good job at and this is like something that's like very small that a lot of people might not really notice but one thing that new world does a very good job at is it does a very good job at [ __ ] teasing you so one example of [ __ ] teasing is the fact that this is a low level zone but there are level 100 trees in this area so whenever you're first leveling and you're first playing the game you get to see those higher level resources that you're not anywhere near being able to uh to cut down but you can see them and it creates a goal in your mind for you to work towards and i think also the way that the trade skills are are done i would like to see another another version of trees yeah special trees like creating more of these different things in the game that you can progress with the one to 100 grind with a lot of professions i think is okay but one of the big things that's missing out is that usually from 100 you don't get anything until you get up to 175 and what this really creates is a devaluation of the tier two resources because so many people are injecting them into the economy by having to farm them through leveling their professions that it injects so many of them that it devalues the resource so much that nobody really wants to sell it so i'd like to talk to you guys a little bit about professions in new world and how they work so let's go back over here okay forge tier two crafting in this game is really good until you get to level about 100 or so and i think after you get to level 100 that's whenever crafting turns into being a massive grind and i want to go ahead and show you guys what that grind looks like is probably one of the worst designed uh one of the worst design progression systems in in in the history of a system so let's go ahead and look at what the best way to level armoring is so in order to create the gloves and get up to level 200 and there are other there are other strategies for this as well but they are all relatively the same you need to craft 17 000 gloves to go from level 50 to level 200 it's like it's just more effective to to grind out the uh the lower tier ones because you don't have to use the reagents so for linen gloves if you want to level all the way up you need to get 277 000 fibers 277 000 rawhide and 69 000 iron ore for an individual achievement this is astronomically high and it sucks and i think that on a fundamental level the way in my mind crafting should work is as you get higher level you want to craft better items the fundamental problem with crafting lower level items and not actually crafting higher level items is bad like whenever you're level 189 or 85 i mean to say here i think that you should be trying to craft the furline dory calcum breastplate that should be the goal that you have you should not be spamming linen gloves just to get higher levels and you go into the more uh the more valuable rewards let's look at a few of these right uh look at whisper of the wood so etched handguard where does etched handguard drop from has anybody received an etched handguard it doesn't drop yes that was a rhetorical question i already knew the answer to it comments has anyone seen this in game where to find this nobody has gotten this item so you have things like this whisper of the wood that literally are uncraftable you can't make this item because the item that you need isn't in the game and the game has been out for an entire month that is incredible how is this how is this not immediately solved what's sad is the fact that more people don't see this for what it is you know what it [ __ ] is it's artificial gating i think that it was all [ __ ] intentional and i think they did it on purpose in order to make people play the game longer and i think that's why they didn't put these in the game too is because they want to artificially extend the gameplay by not adding features into the game and yes this is a conspiracy theory and yes i believe it so we talk about gloves um let's also talk about um let's talk about some of the other crafting uh some of the other resources in the game and uh how basically the uh the bottom-up approach that the pyramid approach they have to crafting uh refining reagents uh sorry not refining reagents but uh uh refining materials causes this so ironhide let's look at ironhead this is a great example ironhide and weirdwood are worth less than rawhide and the way that crafting works i'm going to go ahead and just explain how crafting works so basically in order to craft one iron height you need to have a number of thick thick heights right let's say you need like three or four thick heights and then in order to craft the thick hides you need a bunch of rawhides what happens here is that the t1 resource have infinitely more value than the higher level resources because the higher level resources are being injected into the economy at an equivalent rate at the lower level resources are so the idea of how this is supposed to work and the way this economy is supposed to work is that the tier three resources will be injected into the economy at a much lower rate which will make their value higher and then as you get down into the lower level resources they will be more valuable or sorry less valuable because of how frequently you're able to obtain them do you want to know why let's look at the player base graph this is what the player-based graph probably looks like right now so which one do you think is going to be worth more money organic player behavior injects more iron hide into the economy and it injects more rawhide into the economy than thick hide and because of the organic player behavior it drives down the price of ironhide it drives down the price rawhide and it drives up the price of thick height and ironhide actually has the same problem that ori chalcum does and i'm going to explain what that problem is so this is the highest and most uh the highest level or in the game right there that's the highest level or in the game um see i've got an i've got a dime no what is this i got a nickel and i got a quarter so i've got i i can buy like almost i buy five or six of these so a system like this only really works whenever you have a distribution that works kind of like whenever the population graph is like this right we're like level one and level 60 then it works but whenever the population graph is like this then it doesn't work thoughts on spread storage so um spreading your storage let's talk about that spreading your storage is a great idea in theory and i want to show you how much it costs in order to move things over so in order to move the solvent 261 solvent from first light over the morningdale it will cost me 500 535 gold in order to move 196 iron height over it will cost me 401 gold it is cheaper for me to buy the iron hide than for me to transfer it from the storage shed i have a word for systems like this dog should ask garbage and you know it i know it everybody knows it these storage sheds not being shared inside of the different towns and not being able to move things to different storage sheds this is a doa idea it's a dead-on arrival idea this is a great idea and the moment that it actually goes from being an idea into an actual thing that's whenever it falls apart and i think we should just probably talk about exploiting now and how new world amazon game studios have handled exploiting and how that handling of exploiting will cause or create further exploiting in the future i think that it's been no surprise and it's no secret that exploiting a new world has been a massive problem that has made the game worse for a lot of serious players the reason why exploiting is bad is because it devalues legitimate accomplishments that players have inside of the game so for example i can feel good about farming out a lot of this gear now some people in my company did help me a little bit with this absolutely but a lot of it i was spending right [ __ ] here farming out hemp for hours and hours and hours a day in order to get my armoring up to 200 and i spent a long time i'd say probably 50 70 hours farming out resources for my void bent gear and farming out chests to sell different furnishing recipes et cetera for uh for being able to afford the tolvium and the the void ore etc i spent a long time doing this and if i knew that everybody else that had the armor did not go through the same things that i did in order to get them then that would devalue my accomplishment because i think that in mmos you have to look at the accomplishments that a player makes in the scope of the game as a whole a lot of people want to be able to show off and they want to be able to differentiate themselves from other people and whenever exploits and other things in the game like buying gold devalue the integrity of the game those accomplishments don't mean as much and what ends up happening is that it creates a cycle of apathy and a cycle of resentment not only towards the players that are cheating but more so to the people who are developing the game and also one of the biggest issues is the fact that it encourages more players to do it next time and there is always a uh this was a phrase or a little adage i don't know if this is something that was in all games but i know for sure it was in world of warcraft exploit early exploit often if new world does not take and they have taken by the way but if new world does not continue to take i think this is a better way of saying it if new world does not continue to take an extremely hard-line stance against exploiters against cheaters against anybody who is abusing the game to harm other players the only thing that they're doing is they're ensuring that more people are going to do it next time and that's what happens that's the worst thing about exploiting and the worst thing about cheating is that if you don't punish people for doing it more people start doing it and people will view the integrity of new world as being damaged even a year from now because of the duping features that in many ways amazon has probably already solved anyway so being out in the world and i think just the open world exploration of new world is the best thing about the game i would say that the open world exploration the entry level the first 30 levels of new world is probably the most fun that you're gonna have and i'd also like to show you guys uh one of the better looking zones in the game ebon's scale reach so ebb and scale reach is one of the big reasons why i do actually have hope for the game gaining a larger amount of diversity in terms of design evan scale reach is clearly designed by like uh you know like ancient china or you know like kind of more of the like imperial like asian times you know and uh i think it's just it's very very well done by the way again all of this was created within one year that's whenever they really did like a pivot towards like making more pve content and making more types of unique stuff like this right here uh the the little towers everything here it looks nice like look at that there are few games out there that create vistas and landscapes like this that are this cool yeah this is not just a 2d image like in tour guest you can go on top of this tower there right right where the the tip of my uh my staff is uh there's like a npc there that's just like the last boston dynasty shipyard actually it's just a reskin but you can go up there and evan scale reach is one of the reasons why i have hope for the games oh they're the peacocks yeah these are basically turtles here or sorry not turtles turkeys so we're gonna kill this peacock right here there we go and we'll loot it and it's going to give poultry and feathers just like a turkey and like the uh the npcs here i think look really cool too uh they function the exact same way as a lot of the other npcs in the game so it's not like they're really unique or special or anything but they do look cool and like this part's really the coolest part you go in through here and you've got the [ __ ] the two dragons and everything dude it's so [ __ ] badass it's so [ __ ] cool dude yeah i think one of the main problems that this game has is the fact that there's not enough content period there's not enough mob variety there's not enough weapons there's not enough types of weapons there's not enough types of achievements etc i think that the game is good but people i think in many cases want more of it it's an enjoyable gathering crafting game where you're just able to sit back and relax and play and i think the more seriously you play new world the less you're probably going to enjoy it uh the more that you take the game seriously the more the cracks and the flaws and the problems with the game are going to become more evident and the more that you're just a casual uh you know craft beer drinking bearded dad that just hangs out and plays on friday night whenever his wife's out you're going to enjoy the game it's going to be great but the more seriously you take the game the less enjoyable it's probably going to be what i think new world needs desperately is a road map they need the developers to come on and on this stream even i am willing to give the developers my platform and talk to them about new world and where the the game is going to go i will make a video with them i will do whatever that they want and i just want to have some degree of a road map some degree of a direction for the game because right now they're making a lot of great changes they're making uh they're making things that directly deal with problems that players have like mob variety things like that the trading post not being connected and i think what a lot of us want is we want a what's going to happen in one year are we ever going to see ships like naval combat are we ever going to see when is the desert zone going to come out when are these other zones going to happen when is isabella's layer going to be released which is the dungeon that's in shattered mountains it's not not available yet i think that it would be great for us to just sit down with the developers or the for the developers to sit down with us more so and just explain it like what what was the philosophy behind the development of the game and i really want that so i guess for everybody who's watched this on youtube who's been part of the uh the journey the new world journey i appreciate you all thank you and uh thanks a lot for watching it's been a it's been quite an adventure and as i said i think it's worth the 40 but don't expect something that's uh groundbreaking don't expect uh you know the next generation of mmorpg i think new world has the potential it has a great foundation to be a great game but it's got a lot to it's got a lot to go [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, new world mmorpg, amazon new world, new world first impressions, new world gameplay, asmongold new world, new world, new world review, what is new world, new world first look, asmongold mmorpg, asmongold plays new world, amazon mmorpg, new world 2021, new world bugs, asmongold new world review, new world leveling, new world guide, new world trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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