Asmongold Reacts to Warcraft's Most Incompetent King | By Platinum WoW

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warcraft's most incompetent king for the longest time the only thing we knew about gilneas was the impenetrable wall the wall that blocked them off from the rest of the outside world gill night in the cataclysm their defenses crumbled and it was clear that within the secluded kingdom it was not always sunshine and rainbows gilneas downfall was not a sudden collapse like some might think the root of the degeneracy was a slow deterioration because the king and his more than questionable decisions were furries they were furries every man for himself our story begins with the human kingdoms prospering greatly the empire of aerothor had evolved into multiple city-states that flourished into their own separate kingdoms who dominate a good chunk of the continent in its prime the land owned by gilneas was much larger than we know today they held control over parts of silver plateaus foothills and even an island called zoldair a mysterious place we still haven't seen to this day in games and they fight i'm getting all that the point is everybody's doing great jesus until there was seven foot tall roided up orcs from another world that poured out of the dark portal yeah there is that this overwhelming alien threat ram can i ask a question like why didn't they just blow up the dark portal they tried that it's protected by magic oh paged up north and left stormwind city in rubble if this threat wasn't managed these other worldly savages would be on the other kingdom's doorstep next with great haste king terenas menethil met with anduin lothar and organized a meeting with all of the other human kingdoms so they could band together all right good king terenas pleaded for the aid of the other kingdoms and a good majority of them helped with that statement of the kingdom dalaran alterac and gilneas look at him man you just look at him you know they're [ __ ] furries like that is 100 furry behavior sort of it is gen greymane heeded the advice of his two advisors one was the lord darius crowley and the other was lord vincent godfrey man this guy's really not very good at picking friends both of these dudes turned into [ __ ] bosses [ __ ] there was also this guy named baron ashbury but he's also a boss so i'm just not going to include him darius was enthusiastic about the gilnean military lending aid to their sister nations of course it would give them a tight bond with the other kingdoms and they would grow together but lord vincent godfrey he had other plans oh she felt like darius was a bit too optimistic and instead suggested that they only send a very small token force of soldiers to help now despite ghen's boasting of how he had the strongest military in all of the eastern kingdoms he wasn't too thrilled about dealing with other people's problems he took the advice from godfrey and only sent a small fraction of support to help the alliance of lordaeron oh come on again maybe you can just help out a little bit more damn lord greymane please maybe uh nope nope how about you i could see this yeah this is probably about how it happened yeah despite genn's unwillingness to cooperate that was a brahmana won the second war and pushed the orcs back towards the dark portal but again still was not happy during the war one of the kings that was a part of the alliance betrayed them confirming gen's distaste for help why would you betray the alliance to help the orcs like how much of a loser do you have to be think about that like that's why not because they're [ __ ] orcs man they're green and they live in mud hut like what the [ __ ] like you literally live in a castle and you're gonna side with these random [ __ ] dudes it just came in through another dimension [ __ ] that others also gilnean taxpayers had to fork up the gold to pay for orc internment camps in the construction oh we have that now lord greymane started to question why he even joined the alliance in the first place true the only thing that had happened since he joined was he lost a bunch of gold and ended up with a bunch of dead gilneans so lord greymane pulled out of the alliance and focused on securing his kingdom's isolation there it is gilneas looks really cool within lord grey maine's manor he had an epiphany what better way to isolate his kingdom than building a giant wall yes now one would think the reason why you could do would be to build a wall around all the land owned by smarts now the thing is building a wall that big would take a ridiculous a lot of money gold and resources impossible it was lord godfrey's suggestion that the wall be built into the mountainside instead this would make the wall cheaper and more practical since it used the natural land to their advantage the problem i really really don't like how realistic this sounds like it it really it it sounds very realistic you know what i mean like [ __ ] you ever wonder like how never mind problem is that they would be blocking off a good chunk of their citizens from the rest of their kingdom yeah effectively abandoning them in the process but these lands that they would be cutting off were owned by darius crowley that alliance sympathizer oh but you know that's okay genn was confident that crowley would understand his reasoning of course crowley did not understand his [ __ ] in fact he was pretty pissed goddamn so were the people of fraud village the town that was blocked off from the rest of gilman society oh despite the resistance the wall was eventually constructed tensions between crowley and genn were incredibly high not bad they were able to maintain their differences but this barely maintained this wall would be yeah would not last for long i bet not well gilneas was on the cusp of a civil war the scourge was busy invading the lands of lordaeron to the north as the kingdom crumbled to the might of the plague of undead holy [ __ ] they begged the gilneas for aid and the people who once called themselves proud gilmans pounded on the wall assuming that the king they wouldn't let them in give them salvation damn that's [ __ ] up the response they received was silence that's some [ __ ] up [ __ ] [Music] damn order on and ruined he's just sipping tea chilling doing it bloody hell if i knew the scourge would invade i would have planned accordingly whatever tricks you have up your sleeve they better work hard my creatures are not mere tricks i prefer the term very good boys i don't know what you mean they're just dog surely they can't again i must warn you these creatures have an insatiable bloodlust once they are released there is no turning back jesus to be frank with you archmage i have no choice you are my last bastion of hope harugal and i will see it done whatever you wish my lord it's like you can just see everything going bad if you know anything about the game because you just think about how many of these people ended up as bosses in dungeons literally releasing furries what do you think was going to happen unleash the curse this is where the furries the king's discretion archmage aruka unleashed the power of the worgen on the scourge summoning them from an unknown realm he did not truly understand wait what go attack my pets the worgen came from another world what i didn't know that arugal knew the worgen were ferocious but he underestimated they came from the convention center downstairs and once down downtown the worgens frosty was aimed towards the remaining citizens so they just killed everybody they just [ __ ] up huh arugal was driven mad with grief as the worgens killed or infected the remaining survivors with the curse and he just gave up spent the rest of his days crying in shadowfang keep with his worgen that he now called his children oh i am so so sad [Music] oh thank you what are those tissues for [Music] jesus tensions exploded within gilneas when citizens found out about the innocents that were caught in the crossfire that's why you don't have free press so they can't say any bad stuff about you you know like i'm surprised like how'd they even know about that like they should have been doing fake news yeah they they should have put out fake news they they should have said that the people outside turned they were like you know what we like the scourge now yeah this this isn't as realistic anymore active defiance darius sent a small group of gilean soldiers to help with the alliance in the third war without the approval of king greymane greymane was livid at darius's careless decision and considered it an act of treason this sparked an uprising within the city an organization called the north gate rebels sucks darius crowley was their leader they revolted against their king and his team yeah this was the breaking point that spiraled gilneas into a full-blown civil war wow one side was the rebels that was led by darius and the other was the loyalists that sided with their king blood was shed on the streets of the city yeah in the climax of the conflict was when darius and his rebels smuggled in heavy artillery to gilneas with plans of leveling the city if it came to it unfortunately the remaining rebels including darius were captured before they could even use their firepower stupid and were thrown in the stone ward prison stupid the stupid-ass [ __ ] damn it again do you not understand this is your doing you cannot pretend like the outside world doesn't exist you've killed your own people in this pointless escapade for independence and it will only get worse i do what i must to keep gilneas safe you cannot say the same crowley jesus this is ridiculous the gilneans people's blood is on your head there it is again you just put your political opponents in jail and that way you don't have any political opponents problem solved boom there it is are you listening there it is smart the beginning of the end for a small amount of time gilneas had much needed peace but the curse that doomed the lands beyond the wall had found itself within [ __ ] oh you know what george washington come on let me give you a good oh my god wow once again there's been a murder rise within gilneas but for much more horrifying reasons murders labeled as the starlight slasher killings left gilnean people in horror yeah i bet first people assume these murders were committed by the north gate rebellion but there too was whispers that the murders were performed by a mysterious cult that willingly submitted themselves to the worgen curse jesus those are the furries [Music] shut up those are the [ __ ] friends again refused to admit that the worgen has reached the wall it would only lead to utter chaos within the city he wanted to hide the truth from his people but there was no denying the curse had infected the city again made the grave mistake of letting in injured gilnean guards that fought the worgen outside of the wall and now this bizarre rumor was confused was emerging things were getting out of hand yeah again once it seems that way fix the problems he got himself into he'd have to handle it himself [ __ ] yeah get out the shotgun blow the ass was a common occurrence greymane and his closest noble allies that organize hunting parties on every full moon culling the worgen population for sport and for vengeance grey may navigate this beast i reckon you should join us that's the solution is to just run around with shotguns and kill them all right no this one's mine oh i wonder what's gonna happen i wonder what's gonna happen come on you beast damn so this guy just [ __ ] everything up huh bring you into this world and i will take you out of it uh-oh are you into furries my lord grebay are you alright oh so they i need to patch myself up before they find me oh [ __ ] he's trying to hide this back when they had first aid in the game much better ah there you are my lord they touch you uh i'm fine i'm fine bastard almost got me but he didn't lay a scratch on me of course not nope boy me i'm glad you're safe my lord would have to shoot you on sight if that bloody beast got a bite on you true yeah that didn't happen now infected with the curse greymane frequently hides away in his observatory rather than going on what he now deemed as pointless and dangerous hunts things were looking grim for greymane until a surprising new ally appeared on the horizon knight olds from a far distant land traveled to gilneas to help them with the worgen the ancient curse was ultimately their doing thousands and thousands of years ago so they deemed themselves responsible for this place one night very good particular was named belysra and she helped fight back greymane's affliction in secret that's not even the nobles against children or his own wife knew about this partnership with balisra partnership i know what you're thinking no it was a strictly business relationship she just shot the power of the moon at him what and that's not an innuendo she literally did that's not come on it's boring i cannot thank you elves enough perhaps with your aid gilneas can be brought to salvation absolutely and my people can be free once more whatever it takes lord greymane the calderai lord lord the city of gilneas is under siege by the beasts i'm talking bloody hunter oh my god just out of shut up man shut the [ __ ] up no no where the [ __ ] did they come from no my city i need my people evacuated this instant this is a mistake so i'm kind of having second thoughts about this whole helping humans thing yeah let's go home [ __ ] that to be continued all right all right okay yeah yeah yeah okay yeah we're gonna watch part two okay we are obviously going to watch part two previously on guild king greymane left the alliance and built a giant wall to lock off his kingdom away from the outside world yeah when the scourge invaded and attacked the lands of his people that were outside of the wall he helped by unleashing the worgen who killed all the killed everybody his own people well that's the thing right is you don't have to worry about saving your people if you kill them and that way because you know they're dead everything's said everything you know problems solved right i mean it's a sylvanas solution she did the same thing war exploded within gilneas and now the worgen curse has breached the city and his own people's sanity before we discover the fate of greymane and his city that hangs in the balance here's a very quick word from today's sponsor okay what are you balding thankfully the sponsors yeah yeah yeah okay today's video has got your back or the top of your head today's sponsor is keeps finally a solution for fighting oh man pattern baldness in the easiest way come on look at the top of his head man it doesn't matter how lazy you are keeps offers you the easiest access to there's no way delivered to your front door there's no way plus online doctor consultation to make sure you can keep those luscious till the end of time keeps is all about prevention so the sooner you start using the product the more hair you can say so the point is the faster you act the better when you use keeps you'll find out why it has more five-star reviews than any other product and why thousands of maps i think it's kind of funny that for like wow because the audience is so old for the game the [ __ ] it's not like a nord vpn ad or like a skillshare ad it's for balding because that's what's that that's what's relevant to the audience you know what i mean like that's what they want to hear about balding uh life insurance and you know like the the the cheapest cost [ __ ] subaru minivan so they can drive around their [ __ ] family their bald ass head trust keeps for their hair loss prevention if you're ready to take action and prevent hair loss go to platinum or click the link the description to receive 50 off in our first order that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash platinum the ad is over evacuation i want the perimeter secured oh that's oh i know this is the [ __ ] this is the beginning part no one gets out yeah we protected gilneas from the scourge we protected gilneas during the north gate rebellion we will protect gilneas from whatever this new threat may be this guy's a really great he's a really great leader i sure hope he uh he turns out to be okay when the working wave first consumed the city the original plan was to just quarantine the sections of the city and keep the organ contained boy you you got a license yeah yeah it didn't work gilneas was still in a weakened state from the civil war so their defenses were rather insignificant the plan quickly changed no longer was this a quarantine this was an evacuation yeah and if greymane wanted his people to escape he needed all the help he could get and that meant recruiting an old ally arugal incredibly crowded they've breached the city look i know we have not been on the best of terms me throwing you in jail and all that but we have been allies in the past friends even just a mistake look i'm i'm here to say sorry and please yeah please help us yeah he's not too happy now again he's pissed during the civil war it was labeled as a monster a terrorist even terrible all for trying to defend my people from your tyranny awful what i do is not for you it is to restore the people's faith in the crowley name hey wait up i have cannons stashed away in the military district oh we'll hold up in the cathedral grab their attention and the rest of our people can flee damn crowey's got a plan okay surprise [ __ ] damn is an idiot he's released from prison to fight for gilneas once more that's crazy and the player character got into fist fights with pharaoh wolfman on top of the prison yeah recover the smuggled cannons that were originally supposed to be used for the civil war and traveled to the cathedral to blast away as many organs as they could oh i did this question unfortunately darius and his men were later overrun by the worgen yeah their status is unknown oh [ __ ] yeah that was the gilneas starting thing probably swole as [ __ ] yeah dude crowley's a badass combating the curse but darius crowley's sacrifice was not in vain the citizens kind of sacked capital with their king found solace in a nearby coastal town called dusk haven here they would get their bearings and organize their next steps in controlling this curse during their time in dusk haven a breakthrough was discovered crennan master alchemist brewed an incredible serum to combat the worgen curse the potion did not revert the curse but it merely restrained their bloodthirsty tendencies that's good in theory cursed citizens would still retain their shreds of humanity if they drank the serum but this was quite the controversial decision to make people like lord vincent godfrey had nothing but hatred for the worgen fighting alongside the very creatures that destroyed their city yeah a gamble he was willing to take that's right the fact of the matter was they didn't really have much of an option a sizable portion of their population was already marked with the curse wounds inflicted by the worgen slowly morphed over time the skin around the bite marks would turn a sickly black and blue and by the end tufts of thick hair would be growing around the edges [Music] [Applause] another one's turning get the restraints that's not good so they just put them in a [ __ ] jail oh this is what happens to the player i remember this come on just take the give it up it's time to put this one down jesus it's protocol tell me godfrey when crowley and his men stayed in the city so that we could live where they following protocol wow didn't think so actually making credit and double the dosage jesus open wide you furry bastard report all worgen sightings to city watch [ __ ] oh please don't hurt me although the serum was not it's like you think about this you got a guy [ __ ] walking around that's a werewolf with a suit on and a top hat that'd be pretty stressful it would right especially whenever you just got done having them kill everybody it's like for me imagine if you had like wasps that were the size of people but they weren't actually going to sting you like even if even if they weren't going to sting me i would still be freaked i would just stay inside i would i would just stay i'd be like you know what [ __ ] this i'm just gonna stay inside yeah y'all thought they were being stupid until i did the wasp analogy huh yeah that's [ __ ] up a perfect solution to the curse that worked for now but somehow someway things got worse for the gilnean people how could they possibly get worse [Music] that [ __ ] sylvanas god damn it once again undead monstrosities organized another assault but this time it was different these undead fought under the horde banner and when they caught word that gilneas was crippled by the war game uh oh they decided to strike the irony of this situation was a lot of the forsaken that were attacking were originally citizens of lordaeron you know the city again refused to help and hid behind his wall when the scourge originally invaded you know things have a way of coming back around the forsaken war machine invaded the gilnean lands from the coast and they were met with meddling defense yeah i wonder but what came next was a blessing but a curse a truly random and extremely unlucky event for both wasn't like an explosion or something like the bomb right oh wait no what was this i thought you like lit a bomb or some [ __ ] no this forsaken invasion was done during the cataclysm so far off in a whole different part of azeroth there is a giant dragon that set off a bunch of natural disasters all over the [ __ ] catechism of course is collapsing into the ocean leaving both sides to suffer wow tragic murky death hello how are you i'm under the water please help me but that was the least of their problems the cataclysm also busted the grey main wall wide open letting the forsaken pour into gilneas and they quickly took the city jesus what the frick godfrey how can we be this this unlucky yeah we [ __ ] up the refugees we need to move god damn so once again the refugees and their king found themselves looking for a place of solace once again they hastily packed their things and retreated to another town called stormglen where they could lay low to plan their next steps the beast within oh okay that's the since the change i find i prefer my meat rare now raw even perhaps struggling what the [ __ ] [Music] oh he's got my hairstyle look at that nearby stormglenn there was a dark forest called the black walt if you remember the quest area here this was the location where gray main was first bit by organ and now it's the place where the knights reside who came to help the humans with the curse some of the first worgen to be helped were actually darius crowley and his followers who now walk does morgan after their sacrifice in the city it seemed they somehow managed to escape yeah you can tell us because of the eye patch point is the night elves came to help because of their complicated history the curse was originally an ancient druid form that embodied the great spirit golden the druids that shifted into this form became blood crazed and began hunting friend and foe these druids attempted to control the curse but instead dude the night elves [ __ ] so much stuff up man you think about it right i mean they [ __ ] up remember the whole well of eternity situation that was not good and then after that they have the worgen curse as well i mean uh there's like the whole like sundering situ the sun well remember that one there's that that was a [ __ ] up um and then like sylvanas is a night elf and so i mean that that just by itself is a mistake um the naga yeah for yeah remember the naga that's another one um she's a high elf yeah whatever okay yeah they [ __ ] so much stuff up man this is crazy fell into madness and became the first ever worgen oh my god archdruid malfurion took it upon himself to banish these crazed druids into the emerald dream get him out of here thousands of years later the worgen were summoned back to azeroth in order to hunt once again that's a mistake the war can curse affects some worse than others goldrinn's rage is not easily subdued that night elf looks just like my mom's original night elf it's just really funny to see that it has like the same facial markings and [ __ ] i have spent much time and effort in search of a way to cure it let us begin but be warned the spirits that accompany goldrinn may not take kindly to our intrusion okay let's do it the ritual of balance was a way to control the curse and it must be over why didn't they try that at the beginning during the ritual one must drink from three moon wells okay the well of tranquility was to rekindle peace the will of balance was to strike harmony just one human in morgan spirit and lastly the will of fury was to build one's strength finally one must suffer through intense visions of their past forced to confront their doubt and fears their essential oils weigh them down yeah if unsuccessful they will be driven to madness oh but they will forever actually say lasting effects of the curse crowley you and your elven allies are hereby ordered to serve along the king's army uh-oh cursed or not you are still bowed [Music] does this tone speak for you again do you come dwelling as a friend or do you come as a tyrant no old friend i come to you as an equal [Music] [Music] when like you're at a fancy party and you accidentally spill wine on your coat you get angry and you turn to an organ and everyone's like kind of shocked and it's really awkward and then you like turned back to a human but now your clothes are ripped and it's like okay well i'm at a fancy party like what the hell do i do now it's a different kind of party yeah no that sucks man i feel ya true yeah yep you just decided all right bonding session over all gilneans and drive the forsaken from our lands and um could you get me some spare clothes or something before we leave i had to take a piss up right back i didn't even know all this should happen like because the thing is i never read the quest i just knew that they were like werewolves and uh there was a problem with like you know because they're werewolves hey you can't just point the gun at someone help godfrey's kidnapped the king godfrey was a lord who had nothing but hatred for the organ so when he found out his own king is one of these wretched monsters he decided to take matters he's gonna kill his own king the plan was to hold greymane captive and use him to negotiate with the forsaken and save gilneas which wow incredibly dumb plan because what are they going to do with greymane yeah forsaken aren't here just to kill the king they're here for the land and to turn everybody into undead at this point in time greymane isn't a part of the alliance so like the forsaken couldn't use him for leverage to get anything else yeah if anything godfrey would just hand greymane over to the undead they'd say thanks they'd kill greymane and then they'd kill everybody else godfrey is just making it easier for the forsaken to win at this point the only thing is is when the player character frees greymane and godfrey's caught blizzard put as much effort into his death as godfrey did his plan so not a lot no i'd soon a dive and have one of your kind for a king oh oh yeah like dust in the wind right wow okay he's a wizard yeah the battle for gilneas on the eastern side of the city the survivors rallied together the curse that once wreaked chaos among gilneas was now embraced and used as a weapon against the forsaken oh no longer would they hide away on the edges of their lands it was all right to retake what was theirs again son liam greymane led the charge [ __ ] yeah [Music] the forsaken think we're weak a broken people they think we'll roll over just a little little quest text they did how wrong they are oh my god them in the fields until the last trench collapses and the last cannon is silenced we will fight them on the streets until the last shot is fired and when there is no more ammunition we'll crush their skulls with the stones that pave our city we will fight them damn this is serious knuckles are skinned and bloody and our rapiers lay on the ground we should have him as a king not anduin this guy's way better wounded and without hope we will lift our heads in defiance and spit in their faces but we will never surrender [Music] this is a pretty cool battle scene i like it it's really good oh yeah here's the part of quest [Music] this is good it's pretty easy to kill oh [ __ ] oh it's sylvanas of course [Music] of course [Music] once again that [ __ ] [ __ ] should we go into like wolf form oh yeah [Music] god damn rayman's a badass damn no such a waste that arrow's poison was not meant to be spent on your whelp we will meet again damn we did it father we [ __ ] took back our city we took back horde reinforcements are coming quickly we need to retreat wow i didn't even know that's how it happened may the light rust the spirits of our ancestors for they have chosen to allow my son to rest upon this holy ground it is here surrounded by the heroes and patriots of gilneas that's terrible he belongs we'll return liam i swear this to you [ __ ] the lord we must actually sad oh oh by the light oh put some clothes on well i'm a worgen for light's sake i have a perfectly valid excuse fine fine just just please we we need to leave with the night elves before the forsaken catcher good idea to get the [ __ ] out of there and so yeah remain in the golden refugees lost the battle and were forced to flee down lands which were now scarred with blight greymane had lost a great deal friends his kingdom and son and now he's a dog in most of his wardrobe yes he's also a dog but this was not the end of gilneas but merely another chapter the night elves had shown them a bright light perhaps having a thriving kingdom on azeroth does not mean forcing extreme isolation perhaps it is through an alliance with others i'm just glad they found a place that they could stay and you know make their home it does not matter what hardships the gill names in the future they are a resilient people who have learned to adapt to their environment the gilneans have suffered greatly but against all odds gilneas will prevail yeah right i mean [Music] ah look i always thought the worgen were kind of dumb i'm gonna be honest i didn't know greymane was such an idiot but i had no idea that he was like that big of a of a [ __ ] dumb ass you know what i mean so yeah yeah i'll scroll i'll look at the comments of the video okay i'm gonna look at the comments of the video heads to keeps to get 50 off your first order of hair loss treatment okay okay wow i would have never expected that yeah okay i'm 90 percent sure platinum selectively picked the sponsor is the ultimate burn once asmond comes back to streaming and reacting okay yes all right good the oregon starting scenario is so good that's very true i'm sorry but liam's speech has no right to be that good yeah it's really really [ __ ] good let's be honest yeah targeted audience is asthma gold of course i love the way grandma always does sylvanas lee bae stubs his toe this sponsor's probably target audience is asmin gold oh wow very [ __ ] funny dude yeah hilarious this was definitely for especially the sponsor okay yeah i did not see that one coming no you would have never expected that are you balding oh he's not going to like this yeah thanks alison really appreciate that yeah thank you so much very very [ __ ] [Music] clever [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 372,551
Rating: 4.9206619 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold platinum, platinum wow, world of warcraft lore, shadowlands story, platinum wow lore, wow lore, ZackRawrr, asmongld lore, platinum wow asmongold, world of warcraft worst, wow worst, world of warcraft most, wow most, platinum wow most incompetent, platinum wow warcraft, most incompetent king, platinum asmongold, genn greymane, gilneas, gilneas lore
Id: dQHnE81zWw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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