Asmongold Reacts to "10,000 Hours of Mage" | By Pint (Classic WoW)

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ten thousand hours of mage so this has been a video a lot of people have recommended to me before and i haven't seen it i i put it in my watch later because i knew that i would eventually watch it and here we are video sec [Music] have to yeah the layer after boys hello i'm pint the best mage player in the whole world let me ask you what do you think of when you think of a mage big damage no easy gold farming no great at pvp absolutely not well while that is true it's not all sunny skies and free pool to an outside observer there is no downside to free water and food but all majors know firsthand that being cursed to role players a sentient ai trapped inside of a vending machine for eight hours a day is really gonna start making you question your self-worth by the end of this video you're gonna understand exactly what it's like to be a mage a zion's heart thousand wisdom upon [Music] of mage what is this how'd that even hit him so with the release of classic world of warcraft you decide to give your relationship with blizzard another shot and i swear it's not going to be abusive this time because he he loves me deep down he'll never do that now to ready yourself for a grand future you need to pick your class now you could spend a bunch of time researching and comparing classes to find what's right for you absolutely world of warcraft classic what is the best class in the game replace that tr wait what's this traps and also big hentai pictures please thanks google you know sometimes these kinds of things have a way of working themselves out this guy's a degenerate yeah exactly holy [ __ ] uh yeah listen if you want to do that you just get in fact since my class was such a brilliant person is it offensive yes what makes it offensive i don't know but i read on reddit that it was offensive and so it's offensive okay yeah i i i heard somebody like there's one time there was a convention somebody said it and some guy got mad but i never really took it seriously most difficult decision i'd have to make was which color pigtails were the cutest and then i was ready for launch and that my friends is where the mage experience truly starts to pick up all right how about that leveling if you're somehow unfamiliar with the major leveling experience let me sum it up for you what a while many great philosophers have made a mage i believe that my interpretation is the most eloquent of all okay all right let's hear it this shit's [ __ ] tight [Music] launch week was easily one of the best experiences i've ever had in gaming and i haven't eaten games on steam wait what holy [ __ ] ever had in gaming and i own all the sakura game wow that's crazy so this guy's like a weave or but not a [ __ ] gay bear um it all holds such a dear place classic wow man so dear that i almost forgot about the 20 000 player during that first week or so leveling resembled a swarm of diseased rats it was a great experience very polite rats laying waste to a small indie company's crop field the primal savage nature hardwired into mankind's dna so as popular as i am i knew i was going to have to spend as much time as i could leveling alone luckily that mage excels with this with fat aoe damage as early as level 21 you have no need to concern yourself with mortal concepts such as friends when you have crowd control 13 hours to kill and some low-fi hip-hop beats to relax daddy too that my friends are five-star gourmet recipes for success how it feels to aoe grind yeah it's [ __ ] amazing like i remember the first video i ever watched about wow in my whole life was a fax monkey video of him aoe grinding and i saw him doing that yeah okay that's me dude dude that's me the [ __ ] yeah and it had the brim full of ash of uh song right that's where i got it from yeah that's where i got my playlist i faced off against facts monkey in rbgs and he beat me and i was happy i was happy whenever i lost man it was the funniest [ __ ] thing how is it 10 000 hours of mage if the video is only um 20 minutes long shut up [ __ ] nobody asked you anything you've been playing mage for a little while huh oh wow and you just gotta prove blizzard yeah how about you go try it out in that pack of knolls over there all right here we go [Music] but sometimes try as you might social interaction with other players is inevitable sooner or later you might want to come out of that shell of yours and make a few oh my god friends luckily major leveling is just as good with other players as it is so yeah it's overpowering your ability to polymorph for slow mobs and rip aggro from the tank every pool die and still end up doing more damage than anyone else in a dungeon makes you a valuable asset or at least that's what i keep telling myself yeah something you know i gotta say despite the amount of utility mage brings to the table dungeon groups tend not to like us very much i can definitely say that i've had my fair share of experiences that ended in ah who needs those melee classes anyway there's no way dude yeah dude whenever we were in [ __ ] uh whenever we were leveling dead we only had mages like they're all spell queef groups it's like if you're not a mage you weren't getting into the group this is [ __ ] this is literally [ __ ] age propaganda he's lying like this is him lying right mage propaganda here it's insane perfect group unfortunately with so many people attracted to such a class this led to the rise of mage misogyny as if overnight playing a mage became almost synonymous with being a dumb [ __ ] i wonder why so what if they can't figure out their one button rotation so what if they keep pulling when the healer has no mana [ __ ] mages are the new hunters they say something like that have you no empathy they're there don't listen to them but it wasn't long before people look down on you just for being a frosty boy your problems do not matter you are a mage you have it so much easier than everyone else it's true and to that it's even mercado it's mcconnell's character almost that's literally me yeah well it's true like mages like they're ridiculously good for leveling they have always really good damage and raids uh they can make their own water they can solo grind gold like they're just they you need to take them down a peg yep you have no re if you play a mage in classic you have no reason to cry at all oh oh i gotta make some water and food oh yeah guess what warlocks have to go farm shards for 18 hours a day to do their [ __ ] for hailstones and summons and [ __ ] what are you crying about shut the [ __ ] up you play a mage and to that i say yes we do have it easier thank you and goodbye [Music] during my leveling experience i found a new hobby killing people oh that's fun i wish i could no code of ethics i will kill anyone anywhere children animals old people doesn't matter i just love killing some days i'd just log on and i wouldn't even level i just looked for victories to fuel my insatiable thirst for blood and around this time i was starting to get some clowns so i had a real target on my back mr bojangles if you were alliance on white man trying to farm devil soul leather in the first couple months of classic the mere mention of bojangles was enough to make you pack up your bags oh wait you're dead and he took your leather boohoo this dude was an angoro crater 24 hours a day seven days a week and he wasn't even a fat virgin he got mad [ __ ] what a chad this guy was like the first level 60 rogue on the [ __ ] server yeah and he had so much gold dude he was filthy rich yeah the dick leveling up was really [ __ ] good this is clever as hell man i like it a lot it's a great video he was making thousands per day maybe he even made a shitload of money in real life from selling all of his gold yeah anyone stop this outrageous man could any soul survive his rampage an overpower yeah me now i could show you some big shatter crits or tell you how cool ice block is and it's pretty i like how like the actual like the reality here like he's playing it off like he's 2v1 in these guys but the fact is that they're both green level to him and like the higher level warrior is helping his friend and they waited for them to pull gorelash for him to then go in there and [ __ ] both of them over and get them killed while they're doing the bother doing the fight right this isn't some sort of like [ __ ] like 300 iq attempt there it's the same thing with the with the the gorillas he waited for them to run over there and like run out of mana after fighting all the gorillas and then he just shows up and kills them and he shows the clip of himself targeting the character that has a higher level than him to imply that he's that much better than both of the players combined this guy's very clever man i love this video a lot this guy's super smart tell you how cool ice block is and it's pretty [ __ ] cool yeah but i think that the best way for you to understand mage pvp is to show you okay so without further ado i give you my legendary level 46 encounter with the fabled bojangles level 40 so i'm pvping with my good pal thought cheeto and i noticed that my party my tusky's been killed so i head over to his body to see if i can help him escape or something but something doesn't feel quite right there's no one around how how could he died and that's when it happened oh no oh it's [ __ ] about gender issues i dismount and use my blink move but he's right on my tail so i have to use frost nova now rogues have a bit of a habit of vanishing when you know over them so i'll start casting a fight he vanished okay oh a couple of good hits down and i'm done okay it's time for my hand he vanishes a perfectly timed ice block protects me from dangerous that is not good i keep him off my back and luckily crippling poison doesn't prove and look at his gear i try to get a fat pulley but ah i'm blind so it all comes down to this i sit in blind and i win the reset i'm spamming blink as fast as i can he's gonna get it dude he's gonna he resisted the [ __ ] kidney holy [ __ ] dude or sorry yeah the girl wow now you might think that running away isn't really considered a victory but at least i didn't die and that was enough to gain the respect of bojangles and his peers while all my friends were getting ganked in mental harbor i was laughing sailing the seven seas definitely not being killed by him the next attempt didn't happen now you may be wondering what this has to do with mage so let's look at the situation so like he got outplayed by a level 46 mage and for the rest of his time playing the game this is what he has to deal with if i was a druid so i'm walking through pharaoh listen ah no [ __ ] no ah [ __ ] no i mean if you think about it the only thing majors can't really do is heal or go invisible but with bandages anyone can heal and you can always use an invisibility potion to get away with some mischief if you need i'd like to see a rogue is a black wow it's insane how much one single player can contribute to a fight in classic pvp this exactly man [ __ ] off that's a video that i know what this video is of this is a video of them [ __ ] beating us because they have more people this they had to show the clip of me losing that what a bunch of [ __ ] man that clip by veneruki was what made me make the final decision to play major [ __ ] man the way pvp works in contribute to a fight in classic pvp this exact clip by veneruki was what made me make the final what [ __ ] [ __ ] dude like this is exactly played by me this is this yeah this is taken out of context 100 dude let's be real decision to play mage anyway the way pvp works in classic is a matter of rock paper scissors road to scissors warriors or rocks warlocks are [ __ ] nukes that never die holy [ __ ] yeah that's true anyway here are the matchups oh yikes not looking too hot right well if you assume you're a little better than the other player or you have to jump in them you're probably going to beat all of these classes because it's kind of an even match and you can even beat some classes like a shadow priest if you're smart enough to outplay them yeah wait wait cut no no no now admittedly most classes have weak and strong match-ups but major's special first of all surviving an encounter with a good rogue is something that few other classes can boast but most importantly you destroy warriors oh [ __ ] you man foot man no now all right so let's talk about this it's not true like if i go and i have a free action potion and by the time [ __ ] i get all my aq gear i'm gonna have so much stamina that the majors are gonna run out of health trying to run out of mana trying to kill me well i will be i will become power consumer by the way well that yeah you'll just get cheap wait for them they have to sheep you afterwards this this is some [ __ ] no wonder you guys want me to watch this man [ __ ] this [ __ ] often have very large egos to compensate for their tiny swords and warriors out in the wild don't have the easiest of lives but nothing no brings me more joy than crushing their macho ego with my tiny nomen address what [ __ ] the most popular classes you're probably going to be winning a lot more fights as you're going to be encountering more of them than any other class oh come on that comes at a cost my dear friend because when you look at a mages weaknesses you will see something truly terrifying what is it no no no not warlocks and shadow priests everyone dies to those i'm talking about this little [ __ ] right here yeah that's right major losers to the worst that's about right yeah see i can't imagine somebody who plays a druid on ironically man like who plays a druid i i just ah dude i just i i it's so weird class in the game he [ __ ] heard me druid means i [ __ ] said it just as easily as you can destroy a warrior's ego a druid can be waiting there to ravage shred and mangle yours yeah what the upside is that druids are the least popular clowns that will actually pose a threat to you or even oh my god now it's pretty [ __ ] common knowledge that majors aoe is one of the major selling points of the class yeah something seeing a group of enemies all stacked up in one nice clump is enough to make any mage arcane explode all over their keyboard even though it's about the generally the side with more players will tend to win but nature has a better chance of any other to escape or win these fights take this clip for example okay i'm level 57 all right and for some reason i'm afk on this dirt road when suddenly these two scallywags come along thinking they can tango and stun me as he thinks i'm a free kill so i blink out of that classic move the priest dots me up but i get a polymorph off and begin i managed to leave combat and mount up but it's not over yet ladies and gentlemen as i see my opponent is a fast boy while i'm stuck with just a basic chicken i scramble to find my carrot on a stick to gain any ground i can oh my god it seems all hope is lost as khal rogo is pursuing me on his epic war horse and i know it's only a matter of time but what's this a level 35 rogue named gangster and western plaguelands why my eyes must be deceiving me oh however i don't know if that actually matters because your average people oh [ __ ] man he just hits him with the gouge and like the thing is like that's a hitting on somebody who's level [ __ ] 60. like the chance of that [ __ ] getting parried is so high what a [ __ ] legend man watch it again some playgrounds my eyes must be deceived look at him dude boom for the [ __ ] alliance however that actually matters because your average pvp experience is gonna look something like this [Applause] yeah yeah well you forgot about arguing and discord with people after you lose a game against a pre-made in narathy basin unless of course you join a pre-made which is gonna directly [ __ ] conflict with your raiding and gold farming because you need to switch specs every single time you want to do a different task if you want to raise your spend 50 gold oh you're on pvp 50 year old [ __ ] it's not fair i am really not imagine what it's like being a warrior but i do love pvp that's why i started classic in the first place so is this it am i just destined to sit in bgs all day ranking my life away yes yes but actually no for a long time this script was just gonna harp on how terrible the ranking system was and how honor made pvp feel bad especially because i wrote it just after i gave up on ranking but after a much nice break i have discovered that you in fact do not need to be farming honor for pvp to be worth your time you can in fact do it for fun that's not true okay let me tell you no amount of honor is gonna be killing some kid out in the world and then messaging him on discord telling him what a [ __ ] idiot he is and white means a pretty high pop server so you're not going to run out of targets anytime soon so rise up friends reject ranking embrace true pvp you don't need to rank anymore because of the [ __ ] aq gear dude like you don't even need to do that like it's like you could need to you needed to rank back in a day but like now like you don't really have to anymore it's not as important [ __ ] mages i've always hated mages they're scum absolute scum lest we forget the early days of phase two those were the days man [ __ ] man that was the worst time ever man look at them all [Music] oh [ __ ] i like how there's just more and more people that just start you know start showing up [Music] holy [ __ ] man [Music] jesus dude raiding oh yeah this is gonna be a pretty long chapter huh oh my god like the the highest yo actually yeah it was a short chapter damn this guy i was able to predict this video pretty [ __ ] well i i guess so uh i always saw how it works yeah it's insane man we'll do yeah we're gonna do fall guys after this chill out now i'm sure you've heard that mage has one of the easiest times with gold farming but what literally every single person failed to [ __ ] mention is that gold farming is the most boring thing in the world yeah and that is also true uh today we're going to be doing a girl farm for a ten thousand gold per hour and uh by the end of it you're gonna [ __ ] kill yourself holy [ __ ] if you mess up and get even slightly too close to mobs you're just dead yeah it sucks maybe this is more of a personal gripe but being european playing on a us server didn't help much either oh yeah that my biggest issue with gold farming is that it requires your full attention i just want to binge watch youtube while playing video games all day is this too much to ask that's what i do my life is so hard if only there was a way to make gold without even moving screaming what can i start streaming can you give me a portal to stormwind i will tip you three gold no no you know the price oh geez okay i guess schlupp schlopp schlaps laugh club show shlop mel mel discovering that i could make a full-time business by selling my gamer girl p was truly a turning point some days i would just log on to wow and not move an inch just selling water are you really a mage if you don't create 12 pages of lore about your life as a vending machine complete yeah that's about right i mean wait what the [ __ ] i'm i don't know if i can even read that but yeah there was like gamer girl people yeah there were like there's like a mage on like my server was talking about selling gamer girl mage water and [ __ ] oh it was really [ __ ] popular with a deviant art character drawing with huge tits and a tragic backstory but also dark powers my personal vending machine original role play character please do not steal was a young gnome girl trying to make her way in the world with just a camera and an internet connection subscribe to my gnomely fans for more information [Music] look man if you're gonna sit in one spot for 12 hours a day at least have some fun with it but this is i want to just also emphasize the fact that the spot that he's standing in is one of the spots that i told people he's actually supposed to stand on the other side but it's one of the spots that i told people to stand at uh in my how to be an elitist video no no no mages mages do stand on that yeah i know that but like i made that video like six years ago so i'm just saying i'm just [ __ ] saying in one spot for 12 hours a day at least have some fun with it but this is where my tale takes a dark turn ladies and gentlemen i did something truly unspeakable [Laughter] i thought to myself hey if i can make gold without moving why can't i get honor without moving so i went into all sorry valley and that was it i was banned for one whole week at first i was outraged you can't there you go he didn't do that well is this [ __ ] so broken like it's so bad how can you really like i honestly can anybody who account shared or anybody who bought it in classic wow for pvp for honor system i don't hold that against them at all the system sucks and they're doing what they can they're doing what they can i don't hold that hairline shut up man shut up because it meant i was going to miss two raids but this of course led me to the true mage end game i quit the game for six months yeah this is actually the end that's the classic weapon game i'm speaking to you as a reformed man my time in slammer has given me plenty of space to reflect that's good i used to spend a lot of time optimizing the fun out of the game with hours of ranking or getting world buffs for passes i was angry a lot of the time at my raid members for not playing optimally or getting my [ __ ] loot and then one day i quit i had had enough for a long time i did nothing and just chalked wow up as a bad game yeah then i realized my entire time in classic wow every decision i made the friends i chose the guilds i joined the class i made was all to fuel my incredibly fragile ego to confirm that yes i am in fact good at this 15 year old video game and god damn it i will prove it and that makes me a better person than you i'm sure you've met plenty of me i i guess this guy must go on the classic while read it it's like me yeah really that's simple did i just roll this class not because it was right for me but because i saw van rookie bang some scrub out did i pick this clap what do you mean right for me but because i saw van rookie bang some scrub out this class not because it was right for me but because i saw van rookie should i pick this class just because a guide said it was good can i even make decisions for myself anymore no classic wow just been so elaborate railroad where i followed the masses for big numbers yeah am i just a sheep yes am i real oh no no i'm not real a mage would never reflect on their inner personal demons but then i came back and i played the game for just a week i did some random bgs for fun i hung out with i like how what is obviously like the endearing uh the endearing part of the game is like the first combat and the first gameplay that you see about endearing gameplay is him killing two level 35s in hillsbrad foothills with the onixia buff like that's like you know he comes back to the game he's like ah you know what he kills them you know what this game's not too bad after all i did some random bgs for fun i hung out with my friends pvping i did a couple of zg pugs and i realized maybe it wasn't so bad after all so i adopted sort of a new philosophy now i'm a very competitive person so i figured it's time to pass happiness boys [ __ ] i am never getting another [ __ ] world buff in my entire goddamn life so with all the highs and the lows when all the cards are laid out on the table and you can see your entire mage experience so clearly before you ask yourself if you could start over would you do it all over again is mage the best class in the game yes it is i'm leveling my second mage it's pont on white main p-o-n-c send me gold please tell me about that too like and subscribe bye what's wrong with you hi it's me pint long long time no see wait he made that video the classic wow dude oh if you enjoyed this video yeah you did go check out my patreon i make editing tutorials and [ __ ] over there now for excuses i had to build a computer halfway through this video and my [ __ ] mic broke and this style of content took way longer to make than i thought it would i rewrote the skit script like five times and on top of all that i was lazy so i [ __ ] promise i won't take as long next time i thank you for sticking around man thank you for watching this this much this far i took a big risk with the style of content cool bye what a great video i love this video i'm even gonna like and subscribe to it i'm going to link you guys the video this is a really well done video i like it what yeah i'm actually going to like this is oh he spent 20 it's a 20 minute video man but he he he tried to use yeah but he knew you were going to react and he tried to use that to try to get gold for his characters man well i mean how could i complain about that whenever he does the same thing i do the same thing like that's okay oh yeah i can't wait for asmon bald to react to this oh that's great dude maybe he will inflate his puny sub count hey hey you know i lost 7 000 subs whenever i took a break man that was i call him look at this guy i call him ass munch roll get stick bug dazmon horse teeth man [ __ ] dude [ __ ] okay yeah ass man this guy's andrew dude man listen andrew he's got his head he's had he's got his head screwed on straight what's wrong with this guy the bald one approaches like everybody makes this maldo baldo aldo baldo oh my god dude this is crazy man uh it took them two weeks yeah i know that man they say only weird boys play as females and mmos what did he say what's he says oh jesus christ [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,698,038
Rating: 4.8088646 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold classic, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold pint, classic experience, wow experience, wow leveling, wow pvp, wow gold, classic leveling, classic pvp, classic gold, wow funny, wow memes, belle delphine, belle delphine meme, pint wow, pint classic wow, pint asmongold, classic wow memes
Id: XzPooNabGDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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