Asmongold Reacts to AZEROTH ON FIRE by UberDanger | World of Warcraft Classic

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over 250 hours ago I set out to do one thing and one thing only play Wow classic to a point where I'd have fair grounds on which to review the game a feat that eludes me to this very day personally trust me there are people who think that I can't review the game and I played it for 15 years so it's what he gets I'd argue that at the very least I'd have to reach the max level and kill the final boss I think a strong case for a bare minimum so how exactly did I end up losing all my gold in an iron Forge gambling ring after being roped into a terrible race warm while today's tragic tale starts with the release of phase 2 yep [Music] phase two always simple change killing other players now grains you honor points how about honor rank the better the rewards as a new player I assume though really minor pageant nothing to really worry don't care because I logged on to see Azeroth on fire the entire beautiful world they'd built completely ruined that's not my opinion either just objectively that is a for example I want to go questing in western play glance you're dead after dying a moderate amount of times I finally managed to complete one single clip then on the way to the NPC I died a couple more times no baby the ball they're all running him down he's like level [ __ ] down a hill the guy who gave me the quest alright oh my god we'll have to fly away except they killed the flight master to actually experience with the wild community calls the meaningful journey that's why I do enjoy the part where you're riding through breathtaking areas that clearly stood the test of time and even 15 years after his release still manages to captivate the player and coupled with the legendary music immerse them into this beautiful world two percent of the time I don't enjoy 98 percent of the time where you want to get into Blackrock depths but in that they don't just kill the flight master they'll also can't be actual spear dealer and indefinitely kill you forcing you to log off and come back at 4 a.m. returning to iron forge like a [ __ ] or you could do what I did oh my god is that later perhaps you want to go to [ __ ] Wow let's go to foreign players who all claim that they're the captain now forcing you to take the much more inefficient route by sailing to dark shore now you could get a free teleports as an heiress 176 hours as an artisan engineer the chance would leave your endearing primal aggressive top-shelf certified 5 star bangers Wow GF on her own with all these ball players and speaking of Amiri she remains an absolute animal at this game not just has she been sending me care packages not just the she literally come on nowhere when I'm about to be killed without having communicated something in any way that she was going where I was and she just how long she'd been stealth near me goddamn dude she's pop got her enchanting to 300 much he ashamed all my gear she's perfect but enough about dating let's get back to my yes guys a God with the world's gone awry a regular PvP server can in a single day turn into an RP nightmare hellscape the hardware locking us out of progressing through the endgame content and it was showing in the cities this guy and Ironforge was apparently the new king of the Alliance everyone followed him in acclaim and started spreading lies about how he gave gold to everyone following him it was in the midst of the all's everyone following a moment and rose to the occasion I started advertising in the trade shed I'd help slice little players to carry me through a dungeon I hadn't yet wait a second operator I've got a read they started spreading lies about how he gave Alana rate is less hollowing him it was in the midst of this chaos that I seized the moment and rose to the occasion I started to hot night elf [ __ ] looking for someone the gloriously Carius Andrew lure up where Blackrock Spire hit me up whatever were DTF was DTF mean is that Dallas Fort Worth let me see I think that's Dallas Fort Worth I'll be right back alright we're good we're good DTF equals down the [ __ ] wait what the fall no that's disgusting what a bunch of [ __ ] the advertising in the trade chant pretty much begging for higher level players to carry me through a dungeon disgusting yet tried op er Blackrock Spire which is technically a small raid designed to be completed by ten players rather than five yeah any seasoned wild player will know that at level 53 you're absolutely not up to the task this was an unknowing fool when Rurik approached me eyes I'd say not a word I can sense why you have come you have come to carry me through black your socks rubric laughed at me and proclaimed that he came to call me a milk boy and laugh at my res sickness after someone else boy role playing is an awful party for Arbor Blackrock Spire I actually had to join the train of lunatics for anyone to listen to me I don't know how that works but it's right you got to do what you got to do to get to level 60 am I the only person that like I see this and it just makes me feel good to see this here because you guys get a better picture here see look at all these guys and like if they were just all at Thorian point there wouldn't they wouldn't have to worry about like if it doesn't make any sense to me the way the Alliance do this everybody is in [ __ ] Ironforge and they're complaining about nobody being out in the world because they can't quest and they never go out in the world it's like if you'd go out into the world then you could be out in the world because there'd be enough for you guys out there like I just oh my god like and on my server like to be fair alright I do think that my server has like a bit of a hoard lien right there there are probably more people that are horde who are actively you know doing PPO or whatever I do think that there is a maybe a slight majority but I do not in any way shape or form think it's 60/40 or anything like that it's not 60/40 unfair aleena and on my server its basically fine but on some of these other servers man like you got to go out and [ __ ] at least hold down a zone man at least hold down a [ __ ] zone that works but anyways you got to do what you've got to do to get to level 60 after a handful of unavoidable deaths and a few that could have been avoided had I gone the right lane I finally entered Blackrock Spire Calabar before cybox insists that we remake the party with him as the leader like the psychopath control freak he is the run into these people all the time in Wow oh it's horrible these guys actually have their [ __ ] together so I saw this as an absolute win-win I entered the first room of mobs and with my level 53 aggro range continue to immediately pull every single mom all ten of us get obliterated and probably the worst wife I've ever caused then these live so far cycles actually started domesticating me they put me on the bench they time me out my only privilege was watching them from afar whilst they cleared out the mod what that is until we fought the Beast where I had the brilliant using the Nomi shrink ray the quarterback firing I think I've got a Nomi shrink ray this is oh it worked oh that's not what I was going for I'm so sorry we barely made it went pretty smooth there were two worthwhile drops I could use from the dungeon the blade master leggings that Amiri rolls from the new floor after I accidentally didn't see her message telling that she really needs them and the Brigham girl when my trustworthy company Don it mr. nut rolling that I have been trying to get it for a long time I knew it was a godly item so I know I needed that [ __ ] mega boring sustained back and get carried out lifting a finger I mean that's the thing man you got to make that dude sit through the whole [ __ ] dungeon not being able to play and then you're not gonna give him the loot man he hadn't been able to do anything all dungeon at least some get the loot I mean isn't that what makes sense is not what makes sense boys I don't know how Lessman gold does it eight hours a day but there was one silver lining I jumped on this I come back to stream and this is what I get you know like take a few days off first [ __ ] wild video all watches roasted me less than 10 minutes into the [ __ ] video man what a nut punch man yeah what a nut punch you get the loot though hey that's true corner with a couple of these people and they were actually pretty chill they taught me something that would forever change how I'm play World of Warcraft what is it death rolling the Azeroth equivalent to playing dice it's very simple you can both against each other and you slash roll ten times the amount you bet then your opponent wrote the numbers you got and the first person to hit one loses to begin with I had misunderstood the rules because I am a [ __ ] idiot of all the hundred on my first try and assume that these guys were scammers they give you money what went completely over my head though was Bob gnarly running into unfathomable bad luck oh my god that's rough buddy Bob once I properly understood all these fields of a secret gambling ring in iron form and one learned who was undisputedly the king of gambling I had to know what this was all about dude should we start gambling should we start gambling on stream I feel like this would be something really good for the kids because I know that I have a you know there aren't really a lot of kids that watch my stream but there's a few and if I could just get them addicted to gambling that will help me fulfill my you know my ultimate goal of creating a casino in five years and then it'll be called a Teletubbies casino and it'll be it'll be tailored towards eight-year-olds it'll be the first children's casino ever I wonder what nobody's done that man what why has anybody ever done a children's casino oh yeah actually they have it's called chuck-e-cheese I went to iron for gin and pokemon booster packs this was the first time I would meet pound who I described as a man yeah and II am problem he'd been standing right here several hours a day for nearly two weeks and his name preceded him for a very good reason if you were confirmed to be an honorable gambler who pays up he would take you up on any bet any amount of times Wow cleaned out countless people to show you guys that I didn't fake what you're about to see I'm gonna walk you through every single bet I made but just be warned this isn't happy hour I'm not [ __ ] around I'm goddamn serious I start out with a hundred fifteen gold butts mom's sphaghetti in the back grasshop art out of the script because I wrote way too much ya need to know when I was down to a fraction of my starting bankroll and decided to put it on the line 33 gold zero silver and 79 copper who wants to go the distance he's going always easy gold I rolled a one after which I painstakingly give away all my wealth I had nothing left I started rising to glory I've got a serious here Tony had rolled a four and I somehow missed it enrolled of three these people myself included we're absolutely goddamn serious about the rules so Wow did the role I'll oh he [ __ ] up so I [ __ ] up too I land on a two and boom there it is oh you know me I hold this double this [ __ ] 66 gold I'll do get it's not gambling it's invested yet copper and the markets hot wants to go the distance tonus takes me for a dim-witted casual and rolls one in 36 that's what I'm talking about baby we wanted all whole lot here intelligence actually chased his losses Fox hangers bonus but there's no reason to stop when you're on a roll so it was time for some big big bets me and Baghdad in for the big bucks with a riot gold death roll I roll 719 and by some unholy cur told his rolls of five I bring it down to three then I saw the two and I knew I knew it was all over comas rinses me for a hundred gold now we're down to 26 I immediately went all-in against doctors ADA on a 420 roll I started all that's not good at all missing that is not good at all the two that doctors ADA puts down like a primal animal I run it back and lock out on the 50/50 after which Zeta fails that same coin flip you gotta buy extra gold in the tree it fought at sportsmanship but when you think about it I just spent an hour and a half just a bankrupt myself it's really not a good wait so anyways I lose twenty two Zeta and this is where compound gets overconfident so wait a minute this is better this is better than farming gold this is how I should have farmed a gold I shouldn't have even asked for handouts I'm actually a really good gambler I know some people might not believe this right but I'm very good at gambling like I should just do this like I that's what I should do on my stream man is just to [ __ ] gambling and that's it yeah yeah no I am - remember back whenever we did the roles for the gold that but another horn server and I made like 250,000 gold number that I do because I felt really good about that I even told my mom and I was like this is how I like to gamble and I will do that okay man that's all there is to it i gambling with your dental health no that's not gambling that's like rolling a death roll that goes one to one he wants it to not again clean me out he put his 66 gold against my 33 and offer I simply could not refuse he rolls a 500 roll a four and he rolls a 105 stupid idiot like a portal to Darnassus for a change in scenery alcohol 450 with zeta I win 50 gold this is awesome who's 25 - tonus and decides to quit while I was ahead and go do Blackrock Mountain with some of the people I was gambling with which I'll tell you about into time but here's what happened when I inevitably continued death-rolling for gold I win ten gold against codex bumps it up to 20 and I tell them to make it 25 rock Mary rolls that this kids getting this seems getting people addicted to gambling our business wasn't right I hit a 2 on his two and it's been a pleasure doing business with you or listing nicely at 170 I lose 22 re after which I lose 22 CJ on his first death row laughter I just taught him the game that's how not that you see you should just like shouldn't give him the money be like that's not how the game works because he doesn't know the rules at that point so you could still not give him the money and then be okay so listen I actually really want to do this like I haven't done gambling for oh well I I actually think ionically think gambling is good stream content it's just that whenever you're doing with real money I feel like that's whenever it's kind of bad because it's like you know people get addicted etc but yeah that's the only way done okay gambling is all about manipulating the rules so of course it is like any good gambler like so the way that I gamble is I if I have like $100,000 right I will not gamble I'll make a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and then I'll put as soon as I can make my money back then I'll only gamble the $50,000 that I won and never gamble my initial money you know and that's that's the secret is you never you can never go into the negative you can only go back down to zero yeah that's the note yeah you know when to hold them know when to hold them know when to fold them that's the way it is yeah basics that's basic economics deprave I am the usual gambling klieg had left and I actually had to rope other people into it to keep gambling yeah I win 24 gold over codex with a bit of Nazi luck I win 50 from codex codex wins 50 for me Jukes comes in and drops 15 I grab down from codex because I like a clean number we roll for 11 throwing another 10 that puts us at 180 I'm starting to think this is skill and not luck win 15 gold now time to go big 50 he rolls a five I hit four he hits four I hit three hits - I hit - he is - oh I win twenty five five five I lose twenty five coatings the bastard guys yeah it flips them takes another 20 for me oh now I've spent three hours and I'm exactly where I started yes why said [ __ ] it all at the casino numbers go lower and lower until Jukes had a five I win the 80% rng and sadly he couldn't muster the lock to win a 1 out of money Oh wobbles and that's money right there - not meta which is all many 99 pounds alt another thing to note is that they came back to deathroll at 4:30 in the morning compound and I rolled for a hundred gold we dropped the 666 in the chat after which I roll a 5 the compound rolls of 3 yours truly takes it down to a - now we're in 5050 territory he actually puts a 2 down I don't like that I don't like to look at that at all so what I do is I actually also wanted to down but fart in his face and you already know what the [ __ ] is up Sabri Lord come on Arthur Lock turning dude he loses Barney Fiona drops 25 and finally Roxanne is my fifth win in a row wait what dumb furtively at 400 this guy's a god and I roll 450 with compound roll this guy's a [ __ ] he's a [ __ ] god what's the hell Harding to break him when he lost this role he simply started fleeing naturally I hunted him down and got my money when some rogues then killed Jukes I took it as a sub base to buy the wife for twenty gold a few days later I returned at 2 a.m. the death rolling hustlers don't sit around in their usual spot but I like a lot of good mine I just like how it's a [ __ ] circle man like all the homeless [ __ ] gambling drug addicts that are at the side of 7-eleven trying to flip pennies against the goddamn building and they're sitting there trying to gamble like free chillie that they got from inside the building because they used up all their goddamn money and it's the same thing in iron forward with players dude it's like there's something about gambling that's just fundamentally [ __ ] degenerate wait there's a reason why Islam I'm pretty sure bans gambling like they just they ban that's like nope that's not gonna happen and I mean listen you're making these little circles like this I mean if this is real life man they'd be [ __ ] Paul wearing hoodies with sunglasses and it's it's dusk outside it's already dark but it still got their sunglasses on with the hood on with their [ __ ] money in their pocket and they're smoking cigarettes and it's just it's it's a whole [ __ ] thing man it gambling interest is fundamentally degenerate that's why it's funny to watch and pound over a two-week period he was down over 10,000 gold he had emptied his main and now he was on Dassault pedaling away his last a staff of Jordan incredible item three percent drop chains after weeks of sentence Brad was at the end of the road broken and defeated I couldn't help but pity him in this fiendish stage Wow he was truly at his lowest attempting to sell his last treasured item just so he could have one last hit of dopamine before you go back to solo farming hand of justice for 15 gold per Angra for now and that sold literally blah Blee to you know that he would have to spend many hundreds of hours of his life to even rebuild a fraction of what he once had I saw this man on his knees at his most eggshaker were always were thought to myself take give him nothing but take from him everything the staff was selling in the auction house for 350 gold compound wanted to use it instead of roll-to-roll against someone his friends simply couldn't bring himself to do it to him I knew I had nobody left before I told the broken man I can settle on 160 all you would have to do is type slash roll 1600 [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] hahahahaha I tell these gentlemen I was done you [ __ ] attention ha what's I don't [ __ ] around compound starts taking gold out of his guild bank and racking up debt with his friends cuz he wants to win his staff bank Wow 50 and whatever was left y'all got sucked out when he moved it one out of 27 I feel like the best of the worst thing about classic Wow is the fact that you can create these [ __ ] microcosms of a society that are so degenerate I made this [ __ ] response to sodas tweet yesterday it's like the DeGeneres the degeneracy of classic Wow is part of what makes special because in the real world right you have people that are normal well-adjusted working working adults that are making decisions and changing and directing society and saying who gets to do what and what goes where and what's acceptable and what's not but the difference in classic Wow is that it's the exact opposite you have these degenerate shut-in basement-dwelling morons that are failing out of high school because they just can't stop playing the game they're directing the way that you live your life in this game and it's so degenerate and disgusting that it's a it's like a window into the true nature of people I think it's it's like a [ __ ] it's like a psychological thing man it's so awesome I love it I really really do how's your time off I was great I did nothing lirik announcements on Twitter ok we're gonna look at the lyric announcement and the Tim the tappman announcement and the dr. Lupo announcement everything like that after we finish the video but I don't want to interrupt the video for us to look at the announcements ok guys wow it's a social experiment I love it that is the best part of the game and also the worst part right I think at a certain point it becomes overwhelming and there are negative aspects to it but I think that the fact that people are able to do that is what makes it so special that's what makes it so [ __ ] special man the [ __ ] wants to avenge his friends whose night I clearly ruined and on a 1 to 18 I take a hundred gold from this loser who respond that [ __ ] measurably at five hundred I roll compound for another fifty luck finally seems to be coming his way when he is a fat to sadly for compound I'm a true legend of Azeroth and I rinse him for another fifty I went BRD and started death-rolling there because Y plane engine when you can play real world of warcraft i managed to guys of barely to six hundred gold before my wow GF actually [ __ ] destroys me for fifty after which I go back y'all time for a new group of our sixty gold I drop a - he drops the two - - I drop it - - and it's easy as that folks he decides to raise the stakes two hundred [ __ ] he drops the - I absolutely brings him oh my god this guy is really good at gambling I lost a few smaller bets setting me back to Center six and then a day later whilst compaƱeros down gambling - this mean dwarf named shorty I sell shorty the staff of Jordan for 260 oh my right compounds nose and that's five [ __ ] weight earned a gold earn in less than ten hours go home Chinese gold farmers I'm the goddamn King I'm rubbish Thomas needs to watch this video no this is the only fun for us boring ass game I admit I felt all like that I'd less than a minute later compound asked if I still had his staff but I made it up to him by rolling him for another 50 okay god I love this game so caught a very long story short I would go on some death row every single day instead of leveling for the next week you may not know this about me but I'm very very impulsive and yeah I'll have you know that even within the constraints of the YouTube advertiser guidelines you might get away with saying that I have allegedly many years of experience with respectively online slot machines and Texas Holdem and based on said imaginative experience I would hypothetically know that the only winning move here is to stop playing so somehow I ended up at 1600 gold that's after buying bank space all the sixteen slot bags I wanted getting my crusader enchant sending like two hundred gold to my ygf just come on white middling up all my skills and paying compounds what a man of justice for me four hours after a while I want all the money back I just remain like him it never ends he's simply in too deep but they're still I God you see I have dreams things I wish to do with my life I'm not nice for fake money and Ironforge the system grows ever less capable of regularly dopamine I have to rise above it get some level 60 buy my epic mount leer molten core get percentage hit gear and respective fury warriors so I can no not to it I have to slay countless horde players and finally make a pvp montage in 240p with classic music then and only then can I truly become a legend of azor absolutely so why don't got time for this [ __ ] I got places to be and things to do I'm quick on my feet vicious some would even call me nimble and whilst run the subject of velocity here's something quite interesting okay every race and Wow has exactly the same base move speed yes the myriad of things I did to change that job remember when we did Alderman that's when I started a quest chain that led me on a scavenger hunt across the world Thank You Groberg the miser in the ocean I went to dustwallow marsh to kill Dagon the ravenous and finally I journey to stranglethorn Vale to kill mogh the undying at the level nice describe the process of soloing and weak mobs as trial and error after bringing well of Xillia yeah and of Dagon and the legacy heart watch the ribbon iron forge I do the final part of the quest forbidden knowledge which led me to fail Turin in the badly oh is it sleeping inside why rates me the skull of impending dunno which is an offhand that's under life force and exchange for movement speed in the badlands I also completed another quest incorrectly named this is going to be hard oh yeah it was a very easy quest which got me the nifty stopwatch the trinket that increases my run speed by 40% for ten seconds fast and I crafted the gnomish rocket boots got them enchanted with 8% extra movement speed damn as the cherry on top I got my WoW GF so brew me some swiftness potions writer after spending that good handful hours of my life was the very - student movements beat bonuses they don't stack so I couldn't even do the move on worked so hard for and even if I could it dawns on me that I'm intensely untalented here's a great example I jumped down with a skull of impending doom because I want to look like a swag don gliding fast with my parachute k port I completely forget to Rhea quit my weapon I don't question the fact I'm we're doing three damage and two rounds are to kill masterpiece of a wise oak I also pop retaliation whilst none of the mobs are attacking me during some time and I'm still more often than not the sole reason why we fail miserably with the eastern kingdoms engaging in a plethora of territorial land Wars I decided to switch consonants and hope that the Horde were less prevalent in Kalimdor I went to tenaris and killed an unreasonable amount of thistle shrub do collectors to get the Layton do glance how I have to go ahead it has a 13-point 6550 drop counts and there's literally no way that's true we killed like 200 and God finally dropped I decided to undertake the closest thing to self harm will the Warcraft has to offer a cross continent escort mission I walked to go all the way across the Nerys only for him to be reunited with his wife I was absolutely stuck-up so what is biggest food and generally just starts bitching at her long-lost soul mate been exactly turned in that's the first thing I thought of no wonder he other side of this very special quest I have a rare plant on the other side of the world so I take my heart Stone to iron for actually travel to the hinterlands and collect a mushroom from the bottom of a lake of course then I use my ultrasound transporter to teleport certain areas because absolutely [ __ ] man it'll Harbor due to a minor malfunction I'm turned into a troglodyte once the troglodyte SIA wears off I make sprinkle turn this mushroom into violent powder and she tells me oh cocaine the violet mushroom powder to Maron noggin fogger and right as I turn in the quest for the noggin fogger elixir I hit level 53 at which point I decided to start questioning un'goro crater I jump straight in there from saneras if you have the parachute cape which as it turns you didn't have doesn't work when you're mounted now ride formed correctly the parachute cave will let you gracefully glide through the inactive certain death of a high altitude fall he's gonna die anyway if you do stress test your physique against the harsh perils of gravity yeah no one's going to recover your corpse so enjoy ten minutes of red Cygnus fool another way to do it is activate the Cabot's head later take a chunk of full damage and die to the Terra - yeah and finally here's the actual way to perform the trick I calculate event with absolute maths and perfect precision the joke's on me though I'll still have to wait for a myriad - corpse 1 ha ha ha I love World of Warcraft classic man y'all got children's Goro's semantically diagrams it's this jungle in the horizontal board it definitely feels secluded from the rest of the world and the visor Gambians absolutely immerses you for several minutes at a time Wow until your corpse came to my disgusting horn players I managed to finally artists Ramon now we found worst questing experience of my life I killed these tar lurkers that make you walk really slow I picked up various glowing Kona Kai crystals then I rode all the way to three different pylons there's always the usual extremely rewarding drop rate quests that can take anywhere between 4 minutes and 2 hours more like two hours and four hours yeah that was pretty bad I remember so I never complete the the quest for the pylons because I didn't know the difference between east and west like I didn't know the cardinal direction so like as a kid I could never find some of the pylons III could just like no really I was like sixteen and like it's sixteen you don't know those kinds of things man you nobody [ __ ] knows that who knows that I mean come on let's be real okay uh their compass money well here's the thing guys is that I think that like classic was really hard for me back then because I was just really stupid like I I didn't even know this about myself but like back then I was really dumb like III did so many dumb ass things I was a huge idiot I travel to the middle of the Younger a crater only to realize that was no place for a level 51 Alliance player in Phase two the only redeemable part of my time in Gorham was when I leveled my guns by practicing on various innocent exotic animals a brilliant idea suggested to me by my carnal ruthless fantastic World of Warcraft girlfriend the training actually came in handy ten minutes later in this cave when I was frozen by a mage foam an insecure class in WoW he was they are escaped with a sliver of health should I pull down yet America [ __ ] [ __ ] and finally it's the honor about that broke me I spent 10 minutes climbing the steep walls of the crater determined to reach this bastard quest that seemed so out of the way only to find out obviously it was in a cave and not up here in retrospect I suppose dropping out of high school might not have been an option or a choice but rather it was mine path anyways when I reached the quest mark swag found out that it's a Mick gorilla escort mission but you need a mithril casing to activate it the third guy showed up named Flo Kia he actually wins to me making me pay three [ __ ] gold for a mithril casing after which he immediately to the quest without me at this very moment I'm logged off world of warcraft probably good nine days later I was in stranglethorn Vale with the miry I went to make a cup of tea and set my character to follow him Irie when I came back I was in a house in gold Shire ready to do whatever it is people do in gold Shire I uh I keep the guild Tabard on you already know I'm that guy and all this experience crap sound I leveled my engineering to 265 and crafted a robot chicken that can be so much maybe the gnomish mind-control camp which as the name suggests actually lets you mind-control a humanoid target your results may vary it never was in the gnomish cloaking device which lets me stealth to escape certain death sometimes i also acquired the goblin chakra which lets me shock [ __ ] back to life sometimes I then went to Stormwind where I met an annoying player named white girl Ubu she simply wouldn't stop bothering me so I farted her in the face white girl she was pissed and wanted to duel me for my transgression we went outside Stormwind I brought her down to size and defeated her using only my robot battle chicken after which she'd sit back everything she said having had my pea questing world p1a and godly role-playing I knew it was time for a real ass dog she's getting beat when I was done using black deaths is one of the best dungeons in world of warcraft it isn't as much as I would have loved to [ __ ] on the circle jerk yeah the best thing of all time you see there's a lock door yeah it's genius game design you'd make you think what's behind the door it's replayable as much in lots of [ __ ] on that circle jerk it's really right it's a book I know it's [ __ ] magic I know there's so many different routes and runs you can do every section and boss is memorable the loot is [ __ ] incredible yes not just standing and hitting it's actually [ __ ] difficult and even I have to admit that its replayability is absolutely extensive not go so far as to say that it's replaced deadmines is my favorite dungeon so I've already ran it a dozen times instead of showing you one single run I'm gonna show you clips from respectively the one perfect run I did with my guild and all the other terrible writers areas other people yeah then you'll see the stuff that was contrast between how it can be done and how it should be done I'll get this show on the road already the video is already half an hour long jesus [ __ ] christ you could start buying going the wrong way in dying on the other side of the lava well you can't possibly recover your corpse but still walk all the way just to find that out yeah then die again the rest Cygnus and corpse walk about 20 deaths so final get in the right spot look in tomorrow hear me out you could go the right way install testing your time in charge and closed it is get as much distance as possible out of each course walk Judah long he's been watching my straight trinkets who effectively yes has a dungeon in under 10 minutes you could die in till the smoke of mobs you pull because you didn't wait for the Patrol then at the last second activate the gnomish cloaking device and get [ __ ] to anyways because it's terrible and never works you go through the walk of shame and then you pull all the mobs and die again and you do that again or you could take on a couple enemies at a time and chill out without worrying so yeah they're the easiest part of the dungeon make it to the boss and tank him against the wall no sweat in fact why even do this part when you could run something efficient go straight to arena followed up by anger Forge great job distribution for everyone in your party and a shot of hand of justice speaking of anger Forge yeah you can [ __ ] that up too I don't know how we died in this way didn't die in this we just tried to jump down Atelier ssin way how did I even die there no one knows no but I did die a surprise or perform the lava skip why even fight on the treasure they drop garbage loot swim through the lava damn these guys are smarter my help watch what I do here watch his line watch your line I make perfection frame perfect I told you I run this [ __ ] John and a group a suppressed a trans are slightly under leveled party wipes and we want a reasonable distance to get to play the game again then walk in the next room and get decimated making us walk a moderate open the relic vault get that fat loot [ __ ] that's what it's all about dude we appropriately discussed it was hard how exactly the first time I did the most serious DPS chicks in the game or oh this is the bad group you can tell by looking at them yeah that's the bad group need mage anyways at the end we kill Emperor Thoresen beardy is a [ __ ] phenomenal dungeon I'm definitely not done running it you know what I did say I was done with though death rolling for gold wishes why it should come as a shock to you that I returned to iron forge with high-minded ambitions I was just gonna go for maybe one or two small death rolls just for fun you know before going to bed just chill out a little bit however I suppose you could say I met some poor bets and mismanaged my funds suaq doesn't flinch I determined to win it back I roll most dope for 51:5 that's when he hit me with double or nothing I told oh man have we rolled for a hundred this time I almost immediately lose it exactly the same way by dropping one in five that's 150 gold down the dream he said hundred gold this wasn't an amount I could afford to lose so I tell the man double or nothing I drop a cursed four out of 395 and let's be honest this really wasn't my day I somehow won it all back and I took that as a sign to go for a 500 gold death roll no man no man it was at this point in time that I underwent five judgment and went all in with my 900 gold all or nothing one final bet to end it all [Music] guys listen listen are you kids out there that are watching this only do this if I ask you to do this role against me okay you got to understand ma'am they're gonna take you for all you got you don't get in to gamble and kids don't [ __ ] don't don't get into gambling all right this dude is obviously a hustler man yeah he's a dwarf on the [ __ ] mcconnell strider he's a goddamn hustler you gotta watch out for him [Music] 569 [Music] 29:27 [Music] I don't care what these people think of me [ __ ] this [ __ ] see you guys later and then I logged back in to say whoa wait wait wait dude all the four hey group like that [ __ ] Hey thug life man that's the straight [ __ ] thug life right there [Music] this music gets me into likes thinking about stealing cars or some [ __ ] you know that's great I love it that was a good video that was a good [ __ ] video the best part about that video was the gambling that I I really I I thought that was the best part that was the most wholesome part two minutes of gameplay 31 minutes of gambling your life away wow that sounds like my stream but we just haven't had the two minutes of gameplay yet why isn't the title called gambling addiction here after here after before mauled uh Jesus Christ I mean wow wow that's too bad isn't it watch the video again I just rejoined I know that man this is the way it goes amiri turns out to be a dude now I'm sure that'll happen very very soon man don't worry about that at all the music makes me want to gamble yeah it does it's a great song I like the song actually a lot we shouldn't listen to that here after the hereafter the bald man reacts to it wow I really like this series I actually do someone upload your highlights to the digit you guys want me to check my [ __ ] Twitter I'm gonna check my [ __ ] Twitter shut up I [ __ ] hear you alright we're gonna do it in a minute just get-get just just get get into the relaxed mode alright get into the [ __ ] relaxed mode we're gonna get it done real real quick so just take a break guys we're gonna look at Twitter in just a second all right the video was [ __ ] amazing everybody knows the video was [ __ ] amazing it was great I loved the video did you check Twitter yet we're gonna check Twitter right now now what am I looking for on Twitter [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,790,078
Rating: 4.8117337 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, asmongold classic, uberdanger, uber danger, uberdanger wow, uberdanger classic wow, uberdanger asmongold, Swockwickdus, uberdanger classic, asmongold tv
Id: JgEAetrSHrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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