Asmongold LOSES IT While Watching "What If Asmongold Was A RAID BOSS" - Porcupine Monarch

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what if asmin gold was a raid boss where far in the future now and World of Warcraft is in crisis the danger of not being able to produce new meaningful raid encounters looms on the horizon aware of the services our nation makes an unorthodox move and instead of using lower characters as a concept for rate encounters they reach out outside of the game for inspiration in this video I will tell you about as well as how to defeat one of blizzards newest most unconventional raid bosses in the game yet ok in a mysterious neglected house within one of the many community and virus of one of battle for azeroth's latest news zones as my house right Austin Texas swirls a green border which serves as an occurrence to a yet unexplored raid instance yeah as Mongols lair eternal dwelling resides a solitary raid boss the raids eponymous one a known okay asmin gold asmin Gold's lair is a one boss rate instance we others may choose to enter in three different one bar for normal heroic and mythic take no that is okay turn off the video delete this [ __ ] there's gonna be multiple difficulties for me as a raid boss I don't want anybody killing me on normal mode dude yeah I do like I mean I don't people kill me on normal mode that's embarrassing man I feel like a [ __ ] loser stens does not exist on rate for any difficulty so don't even bother looking for it in there you know what nevermind no I this is good upon entering the dungeon the raid group will find themselves inside a derelict corridor their first order of business is to deal with a sizable group of ads that stand in the way one of the ads this swarm of skittering cockroaches thrives on neglected food and the general hygiene so it's best to make sure that no one waiting that remotely represents filth and not have any food consumables that have been kept my god I'm Torri for longer than a week players who do not meet these conditions will become priority targets to these cockroaches regardless of threat generated Wow the raid must cut a path through the swarm of skittering cockroaches oh as fast as possible this is because once engaged but they respawn it will keep spawning repeatedly and in increasing numbers okay your damage is low okay being over well I just knew it man you just [ __ ] knew it safe zones and one hazard zone entering the hazard zone triggers the cockroach oh this is my room so I guess spawning repeatedly this however stops happening when the whole raid reaches the opposite safe zone at the end of the corridor therefore the goal is to get there as soon as possible okay a mythic difficulty entering a hazard zone also causes the Queen to spawn and so long as she is alive Parker we'll continue to spawn regardless of whether first and so it is crucial that she is dealt with as soon as possible oh my god oh sure small she wields an aura that motivates other colleges around her to be more effective furthermore her presence on the battlefield accelerates the rate at which new cockroaches spawn why it's playing a naxxramas spider winged music stilt with what the fog find themselves climbing up a short unkempt stairway which she eats directly to the eponymous room of the raid instance whereas Mangold himself lies in wait yeah there - this is really the boss fight revolves won most of the encounter consists of avoiding environmental effects which cover the majority of the aircraft logs and movement means everything this is because the whole - this is amazing riddled with piles of neglected fast food boxes that would make even a cleaning lady keel over players throw with a neglected fast yeah probably true see if a debuff called mold spores this debuff can stack for each food box my player walks through take note that a fast food box despond when you topple it but yeah he'll respond soon after it sure well disease debuff which the wind is one every four seconds every day stacks of mold spores they become mind-controlled for 30 seconds and slowly start walking my gold I will soon tell you why so bear with me so I can empower a heroic mode walking over a fast food box three rampant cockroaches who cause a stackable infected bite with each attack the students a small amount of damage every second and increases nature damage taken by two percent for 15 seconds Oh smellable and therefore any cockroaches that spawn should be dealt with quickly before the deep of Escalades I guess so mode 6 rampant cockroaches spawn inside the second core mechanic revolves around the fact that Esmond gold actually shows the encounter fly on his stream let me explain how this works as much there are two factors that a player one attention to first how many viewers are watching asthma cold second some how happy they are with the quality of the stream not at all watching asthma gold is defined by a percentage value of Colonel difficulty modes the fight starts off with 50% of viewer capacity Bosman gold is a neckbeard streamer and therefore the amount of viewers he has at any time throughout the encounter determines whether he is stronger or weaker for every 1% of viewers above the 50% threshold yato gates a half percent increased damage dealt as well as a half percent reduced damage taken okay we were below the 50% right guys protect Maine's become inverse meaning that for every 1% of viewers loss as moogle we deal a half percent less damage and take half that's right more 12 your accounts do less damage key objective is to make sure like this drops down on viewers ideally to zero because it's zero percent as model becomes a dead streamer which doubles the values Wow we're status so this means that we will ultimately deal 50% less damage want to see 50% more Dan oh no layers no no this is not it's also guys this stops - 100 % viewer oh and you don't want in this case as my goal becomes god of twitch which was 50% more damage and receive 50% less damage guarantee to lead to a quick wipe when the fight begins players will see a power bar to split on their screens which shows how many viewers are watching the stream got a attention to the power bar okay the mechanic that determines whether asmin gold gains or loses viewers is built around the entertainment factor in other words how happy are the viewers this is displayed on a second power bar as the number of Mars bar there are a total of five states that as Miguel's viewers can be in ecstatic happy neutral unhappy or angry angry yeah if the viewers are ecstatic the viewer knows ok this is wrong because the angry number if you're watching now decreases by 2% that's not true if they're mad if they're mad they keep watching but if they're the matter they are the longer they watch two percent every nine seconds if they're happy the viewers grow by one percent every nine seconds at neutral nothing happens neutral that way because they're bored Murr decreases by one percent every nine seconds and if they're pissed off the viewer number decreases by two percent every night so uh the objective is simple volume and factor as low as possible prevent it what going above neutral to this to slowly but surely bring down the number this is how to kill my stream stream this will render him increasingly vulnerable and help make the fight easier watch the [ __ ] there are several ways how the entertainment factor is influenced and I will touch on those as I go through the prayers of the encounter also make sure to pay attention to the video lastly there are two important things about asthma goal that should be taken into consideration those are the entirety of the encounter asthma goal is a slayer of furries this means that every source of damage that players can suffer is quadrupled on players that are either borgin vole para or pandaren in players where this is more complicated Mystica showering them if you want to invite them at all yeah don't invite asthma Gould is a slayer of furries as well as weaves this is the same as a slayer furries on normal mode but on the event that someone in the group mentioned talks about naruto is there dead and remotely related to anime you get one shot it but the RAI difficulty this passive about this is very accurate actually this means that if a worgen volterra or a pandaren character is present in the real group as mcgoats starts to fight with a 99% reduced enrage timer causing him to well enrage immediately upon the pool and that's a go wipe players who decide to watch anime while doing this rate I'm nothing difficult to immediately get booted out and get banned from entering as Mongolia for six months that's it the encounter can solve three phases with - intermission phases oh [ __ ] phase one begins immediately upon pulling the boss now begins the fight what the fight starts off with asthma cold bouncing his entry into the arena all right this causes a temporary spike okay Chad's entertainment factor throwing them into the ecstatic state as much and becomes prolific oh oh oh pop jams and whatever else is them excited now isn't this players must act with precision to bring the entertainment factor down as quickly as possible asthma Gould is not stupid and he is aware that focusing on the tanks is an idiot strategy so he only kills EVs unfortunately the video game environment prevents him from cognitively acting that way so like most other in raid bosses he becomes a nice victim to World of Warcraft's programming code and focuses his attacks on a target with the highest threat instead unless asmin goal is heavily swagger stood in the whole way copying a mighty warrior so you think his other attacks would deal a lot of damage he doesn't really pack the muscular density necessary to deal a lot of physical damage so logs and healers can rest easy he doesn't do a lot he will however and quite often okay target this one deals a physical damage and in her scrunched up paper ask me why it just does way more than me Wow and you're good tanks you don't want to aim these papers - once the rest of the group make sure that passed my goal does not face the wall if you're tanking him close - it's gonna bounce off papers can ricochet off the wall and you're guaranteed to hit asthma goal right in the face yes this will disorienting were a little bit for two seconds but it has a tremendously positive impact on the entertainment factor which ends up boosting the stream quality that more viewers will rush in to watch which results in as mogul growing more powerful that's actually true BC with Annabelle owl check chat log a spell that is challenged for 12 seconds and at the end of its duration he expects the chat logs of his current target a lot that he or she is an absolute sperg and banishes the player permanently from the encounter this as a positive impact I do that every day factor so do that every [ __ ] day taunting Esmond gold resets the channel time of these abilities so yeah thanks you gotta make sure that you're always paying attention and cycle through taunts on time anywhere that gold has poor hygiene this means that everyone saw it as Miguel closes with a pungent no quiet radius when a player is hit three times by there's a stack of mold spores is applied to them Wow players are affected by the Nova after the third polls a large eMobile goose spawns Oh Nick beard goose radiates an unavoidable raid white over three seconds that applies a stack of mold spores so on the newest will leave behind a toxic pool at its location so as you stand within the pool for more than one and a half seconds becomes mind-controlled for thirty seconds as if they had 12 stacks of mold spores that's a lot of spores in the mind control the force so what does a mind-controlled player do then well you see asthma has a secret aura about him called idle make gold gold makes me what this does is that every mind controlled player becomes inexorably drawn towards house both forcing them to slowly walk towards him once they get within melee range of the boss a trade window will pop up and begins to funnel his goal straight into asthma Gold's pocket control the best course of action rely on their work full abilities and I sure as hell know make sure that they are wait what do you mean know you want to train me the guard earned cash on heroic mode Oh hygiene is replaced by 14 days later same shirt this means an insight spying mold spores can be third poles it's only been a week guys I'm halfway there instead through Fridays one asthma Gold will periodically perform an armory check on three players of the raid with the exception of care Hanks now in this case two things can happen if the item level of the inspected player is lower than the item level of asthma Gulu table they will receive a humiliation debuff for thirty seconds which reduces the player's damage dealt based on the percentage value of how many people are watching as moogle now this is because the higher also gets roasted by a smile [ __ ] make sure you okay for the fight please if there yeah this is brilliant or higher than that of asthma goals loot table he will proceed to slowly walk towards one of them with gradually increasing movement speed in an attempt to seize their highest item level weapon whether they have it or in their bags yeah players mistake oh my god this happens here's why during oh my god a random neglected fast-food box will stop oh with a golden light which signifies that instead of left over food it actually contains a fresh supply of Wendy's spicy nuggets players must quickly act and navigate through the labyrinth of fast-food boxes and acquire to get the nagas taken position of them they must quickly run and place it in word as mccolts path to distract me 10 seconds putting an end to his attempt at stealing the players precious Luo yeah and what if the raid fails to stop him well what happens doors on which item type asmin gold coming dears yeah Wow that's a big boy if it's a dagger or a fist weapon he gets a 30% attack speed increase if it's a sword he gets 20% increased damage coal arm 15% attack speed and 50% damage dealt most crossbows guns they turn as mccolts auto attack into ranged maces cause asmin goals every 4th attack to stun his target for 3 seconds with an hand just like farm Harrell cast execute every 10 seconds dealing 40% of his current targets maximum health a staff is special as Miguel will use the high amount of intellect stored within the weapon to cure his verbal dyslexia as a matter of fact the Chad loves it when asthma gold screws up spelling a word correctly so he yeah being a staff actually ends up affecting the NGO manufacturer negatively so you can use this to your advantage sometimes a some gold will do something rather unorthodox excited by the thrill of battle as Miguel will not be able to resist but think back to the good old days when he played outside in the streets in the evening role playing a certain top characters from World of Warcraft so takes her this long pink traffic cone that he found on the side of some construction site many years ago starts pretending that he is Lord marrow gar and with the cone held out starts spinning towards a random target oh you guys haven't seen this before oh it's like Oh strat asthma oh look at this I've got it I'll show you guys so you know what this is that's me by the way upward 2010 that's my friend Austin here we go watch this I can't believe you thought of this [Music] that's me yeah yes beers all dropped we used to really put out some seriously great content we because some real something real some real [ __ ] good some good [ __ ] okay let's see how we put up some real good [ __ ] the job is simple the void is AoE yeah be very careful when this happens however as asthma goal can topple over a fast-food box Fifi collides with one while spinning at the end of bone storm the boss starts feeling dizzy and the cellphone to go causes him to clumsily plummet to the ground toppling over any fast food box within the point of impact yeah so make sure that you're keeping him a safe distance away from fast food boxes in general this is your opportunity to negatively impact the entertainment factor here's how shortly before as Miguel Falls one player can stand between the boss and his webcam blocking the view chats gonna be on the edge of their seats wanting to see as Miguel trip over but you prevent them from seeing this and they get pissed off so oh by the way don't and I mean it don't even think about tanking azan go close or within the perimeter of his computer this particular area is marked as a biohazard zone stand in it and you will lose 10% HP every one second in addition to not being able to use any ability whatsoever and last thing and be very careful it's not that bad execute machine healers must keep everyone about 20% health at all times one two and three people at 20% at all times you see someone at 20% HP gonna happen we also okay upon dropping asthma goal to 70% of his maximum HP yeah the first intermission phase begins as Miguel retreats to his computer barricading himself behind an impassable barrier which consists of a large collection of fast-food boxes yeah well actually once ozma gold parks at his computer he begins to entertain twitch chat by reacting to videos the goal is to shatter the barrier and quickly as possible and stop a successfully reacting to a video otherwise the entertainment factor gets boosted on your difficulty attacking the barrier also causes collateral splatter which causes portion of liquid cold and dr. pepper leftovers to leak onto the ground dealing dangerous amount of injury damage to players standing in the point of impact please avoid avoid avoid thinking ass knowing that it is essential for asthma goal to fully react to video because their real-life income depends on it 3 let's rush into the battlefields to make sure that this comes two highlighters it is what you do so because for every 1% of health at the barrier is missing - their attacks should players fail to stop asthma gold on time the ads will hastily update asthma goals fewer amount by 20% from each individual highlight uploaded this not all three highlighters are alive at this time of an upload asthma will receive a 60 percent boost to his number of viewers Wow on mythic difficulty these ads does not spawn instead a single powerful entity is this cat Danny his abilities are the same as that of his predecessors with three exceptions the cross damage is one the summer I know our dearth aking lifeti [ __ ] knew it auto attack which grows in power exponentially Wow tanks beware and lastly instead of adding 20% to the viewer population with an uploaded video highlight it attracts 50% instead Wow so our barrier is destroyed players must interrupt as mcgoats YouTube video reaction immediately no no this triggers face 2 in this part of the encounter as Miguel inherits all of his abilities for phase 1 knowing that the stability and call the stream is in danger a powerful ad rushes to asmin Gold's aid to instill order the whole rent is a responsible mod what does this mean if the entertainment factor is an either unhappy oh my god the ad will attempt to perform a banhammer which improves the entertainment factor of the stream by one level his particular ability he's used quite often should the stream be in jeopardy players must correctly cycle through interrupts to make sure that the man never does not know through however this is not without costume and Hammer causes the ad to earn this bomb this causes the ad to fox news 5 it's about right here interrupting target with 200 increased attack speed tanks must tone the ad quickly before this flurry of attacks is fully Unleashed as it is likely to put a quick end to any non tank target it's not good sometimes throughout phase 2 the ad will perform a volcanic moderation this is an ability with a 15 seconds last time and cannot be interrupted if this is successful everyone in the group gets banned resulting in an immediate wipe we've had that situation one place that happens to want access to Esmond gold specie and acquired footage capturing this particular historic moment the player wielding the footage then must rush in front of the ad the spell becomes interrupted all right however this causes the ads to enter a state of uncontrollable rage and lash out with a rapid flurry of legal sonic waves aimed towards the location riders at all costs no player can stand within the AoE radius of this spell as it deals a tremendous because the encounter marking time azzam gold will announce that he has to retire to the bathroom yeah short time causing him to disappear for 20 seconds sorry guys throughout I just did that the color red will begin casting several twitch Prime's in a series which courses the chats to subscribe and overall improve the entertainment factor of one twitch just like with the banhammer the Rays must cycle through interrupts so ridiculous come to pass this is actually real any player that gets interrupted is this is actually real what the volume should this player collide with another player the player affected by haymaker is stopped and both end up suffering a medium amount of damage as well as having to sit through an 8 second stun stun is very essential that players catch other players as there is the potential player of landing on top of a neglected fast-food ball what's a word on mythic mode stopping another water rescuer to take 800 percent increased damage from future haymakers oh one salesman goal is brought all the way to 30 percent of his HP the second intermission phase begins okay sorry players will have 15 seconds to assume position within the boss encounter area quickly and make sure that stands at least eight I walk back from one another so they can currently be seen on the stream if a place succeed at taking position on time the entertainment factor decreases after the 15 seconds pass all players become immobile and asthma bolts take center stage announcing the beginning of the mount off challenge asthma golden gets on a mound starting off with mounts they're easily obtainable anybody has this iron bound it's very easy to get a very easy to get bad of six seconds I would get mad nor if he will be on the shitty mounts like actually I would get let's go oh and don't even think of using store mounts soon that's right hasn't check that a [ __ ] room a variety of those that are rare to obtain get on the rats dalliance with the final mount guaranteed to be extra rare oh [ __ ] the difficulty scale is different depending on which ocean engaged okay gold a normal hearing mythic difficulty I have explained the normal difficulty version so Ottoman like this on heroic difficulty asthma gold starts mounting up on rarer Mouse much sooner and on mythic difficulty asthma low prioritizes only extra rare and mouths furthermore the time window within which players have the opportunity to get eyes they're also much a heroic mount off difficulty on normal mode we did that actually seconds to react on heroic five seconds mythic four seconds Oh in total asthma gold will cycle through ten mounts so please make sure that everyone in the red has a wide arsenal of mounts as it is essential to what's completing this one face player gets on the wrong mount they get executed resulting therefrom yeah if a player gets on the wrong mount and attempts to vanish from the fight bead by use of vanish or any other means of invisibility the player also dies and with the addition of the entertainment factor being improved as the viewers thrive on the misfortune of cowers after passing through the mount our phase yeah phase three picked about accurate the last phase desperate knowing that his stream is in danger as well as his life asmin gold becomes extremely furious especially ever seeing his good buddy bail yes the ad from phase two disappears all of asthma gold these days with the exception of armory check and oh catalogs with his rage now way over the charts asthma gold skinny body achieves newfound strength what choking the life out of all players who have equipped on them at least one piece of a titan-forged item Oh roars attack speeds increased by 30 percent and his damage is increased by 40 percent asthma bulwark periodically had bought his current target using the destructive strengths achieved after years as hardening extreme against his table the floor beneath him with seismic force Wow this causes intense compression waves to travel through the ground towards all place work all kinds of impacts place should be careful and steer clear and tanks should use this to their advantage as every smash destroys fast-food boxes with each subsequent smash eventually it will grow so high that it becomes unbearable for both the tanks and the healers supreme joblessness players gain access to the window in asthma goats room this window can only total of two times players may click on it to let daylight through causing the boss to become heavily disorientated for 5 seconds and cleansing him of all extra stacks of molding phase 3 as fast as possible before asthma this is ridiculous leaving no space to stand on when the boss reaches 10 percent HP the situation escalates as a last desperate call for survival in the form of reinforcements arrive most of asthma goals buddies arrive on their water work after supplies a pseudo PvP mechanic to the encounters as the ads are copies WoW is played by their respective personalities controlled by somewhat sophisticated AI these must be dealt with through expert coordination whilst keeping balls right there now it's only a question maneuver around everything that is going on thank you so much that's it congratulations you have defeated asmin gold enjoy the loot coat-of-arms Magic the Gathering card tall traffic cone where I want to go back and read this make ass Roth great again hat equip prevents items that you Tyson forging equipped attack all nearby enemies for 9 seconds causing weapon damage plus an additional 5 every 3 seconds so ravager unused two-in-one shampoo bottle merlok costume framed picture of Alex Jones what's the green text here what what's the green text here I gotta see it equip increases your national pride congealed neck peeled neck beard sweat in a bottle yeah we're one upping Bell Delphine here use open a bottle to summon a stationary neckbeard booze which deals 9,000 nature damage every 3 seconds in a 15-yard radius asmin gold's unstable webcam record yourself on your adventures has it changed has a chance to randomly turn off can of dr. pepper increases your haste by 554 10 seconds oh my god asmin gold snack box use take a large bite of something highly caloric increasing your haste by 3000 for 15 seconds using this drink it has a chance of infecting the user with potent rot which deals 5% maximum health and damage every second for 16 seconds layer cockroach teaches you how to summon this companion right Oh God thanks for watching would you like to see more of these videos yeah you like it did you not like it tell me in the comments down below watch me on Twitter discord server for updates and fixes the best never small but growing community etc etc etc next video on the shopping Wow classic edition of the wow Nick beard twists which I'm planning to start making soon so stay tuned always until another time Wow wait are you telling me that can't Danny's not as active as he used to be okay I guess I'll just switch him with daily dose for the mythic phase then right yeah that's about right [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 1,411,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold loses it, asmongold raid boss, porcupine monarch, asmongold porcupine monarch, asmongold porcupine, asmongold boss, asmongold raid, porcupine monarch raid boss, asmongold boss raid, asmongold final boss, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow raid, classic wow boss
Id: 6nFVktg_AV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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