Asmongold LOSES IT While Dealing With Drama In The Olympus 9 Guild - Classic WoW

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No one! I repeat no one fucking cares!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Andilee 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

why is stuff like this allowed here?

i mean lets spam the damn sub with every streamers drama/bullshit, lets see how that works out

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/schultzche 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m so weary of seeing this Neckbeards goofy face all over this sub. I did actually click on this video to see what it was - and there hasn’t been a more obviously made up and badly acted piece of drama since Leeroy Jenkins

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/smellmycheese1 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Seems like an ad

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/DrNitr0s 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Get this trash out of here.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/StaviStopit 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Birdcaged 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's beyond me why people prefer to watch other people playing a game instead of playing it themselves... Worse still is paying for it.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ConfidentMongoose 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

WOW! Redditor LOSES IT while beating off to ASMONGOLD!!! (GONE WRONG!!) (REAL!!!)

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/pamuke 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Zippo-Cat 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
I just want to say we will not be led by weak officers we are a strong you we are a noble guild we will not allow weakness we'll let this nine we will rule the streets hello I am the new GM of olympus 9 that's right Chet 9 9 9 our government our guild had no government or structure leading up to our guilt being ninjas I have installed a new regime in Olympus nine to make this guild great again I surround myself with the best and brightest people and I mean they are great huge huge win for Olympus nine we will be offering our assistance to other Olympus guilds but for a price we want three gold per day and also better trade deals make Olympus nine great again jigsaw 2020 I'm not gonna let this happen and I'm not gonna let my guild go [ __ ] I'm not gonna let Olympus 9 go rogue Olympus 9 is not going to go rogue on me a message jigsaw right now the old regime allowed our guild bank to be ninja'd they were weak officers I will lead this guild with an iron fist and weak people will not be allowed to run this powerful guild hello can you hear me hey what's up yeah I can hear you going off not much men Oh what about you I just want to say we will not be led by weak officers we are strong guild we are a noble guild will never allow anybody to ninja or he'll think ever didn't you allow that I was not officer at the time well then what are you doing to fix the problem aid GM to fix the problem well wait a minute like so who has the [ __ ] who has the [ __ ] Gill bang [ __ ] he Jie quit left that was a character named guild bank it isn't like their work G GM's name was okay okay let me explain this okay let me explain this there is this is not a raiding guild there was no guild bank someone had a level one bank vault and they with that level one bank all they created the guild originally they are the founder the founding father of olympus nine on their level one bank cult they they never even leveled it to five to pick up and chanting it was a level one it was a shitty bank halt it wasn't even a good one when they were the guild master the glorious leader of olympus five okay what we we needed leader to be passed to someone who is actually active not a level one bank cult so they were pestered with messages and he got on one day and he just passed it someone random jigsaw is that random person and and I just want it for for context here when he says he's gonna make the guild strong he's a level 21 male human priest you don't want your rates to be strong I'm more into PvP but anyways this guy had failed are there's warlocks in PvP yeah okay go ahead this guy has failed us now he wants free control of this guild I want better trade deals I want more gold I want to lead with an iron you want to lose Allen fish okay okay so number one just so I can get this understood just just just like how God picks Kings back in world history that guy picked me for GM and I was the chosen one you just were on at three in the morning like because no one chose you this is ridiculous what the [ __ ] sure we will not allow weakness know what there's nine unless someone tries fearing you hey it's - OIG kicked you we will rule the streets the guild leader or CBS or my cuz you're bad you know let Ironforge know storm or gamar oh well you walk helplessly on the street corner as a living we hope it's not our tyrant like why are you even doing guild dry why don't you like deadlines just so I can understand what's going on here so number one there was a guild master of the guild that was a guilt that was called guild bank but he wasn't actually the guild bank yes that's true that's correct and then this guy [ __ ] we got annoyed after a while and transferred leadership over to jigsaw like at 2:00 in the morning these people are salt D to the tea can I get salt in chap who use salt please what is d to the T what is D and T stands for click police clap okay so you want to negotiate better trade deals is that right yes all on my guild to prosper okay okay up there with Olympus one well what are you doing to make the guild prospect I've installed a new regime of officers that are real officers not weak officers hurting we being able to farm gold so we take this server over with asthma that's good lead I want you to do that I want you to take over the server and farm roles and do all that kind of stuff but don't you feel like you're gonna be it a little bit of a disadvantage doing that whenever you're a little twenty one human priests like I mean my first goals what is what are you doing here what are your leadership key like qualities first and foremost we got to build a wall that's we just got to build a wall don't eyeball your building is your built all around Olympus nine nobody's gonna be getting in hey hey that's the first step for greatness what's the second step then is to talk out new trade deals okay well yeah and charge people for our services because we're against what services are you providing at level 21 we didn't provide any services what processes what professions do you have can you please not have the weak officers please listen if it upsets you just ignore them it's fun it's okay I mean do we have Nancy Pelosi in this chat come on is that really what you want I didn't think so so you wanted to go she ate a better trade deal for olympus yes oh cuts why don't we negotiate that's there so I would like Baris to come in here he's an ally of mine did discord yes please do not allow Faris into the chat what what do you hope to accomplish by having Faris in they don't check I feel like I have a group of people that are against me and I was like an ally thank you relate to the situation have now allowing weak people in Olympus okay I can see a lot of drama from okay okay let's go ahead yeah Farah says his internet sucks you can't join so you're your ally seems to be seems to be abandoning you listen we don't want to impeach you as the guild master but we can't actually did because we're going for okay I mean just looking at the map of Azeroth can you really appeal to me what'd you say I said look at the map of Azeroth look at the guild I'm in everybody wants me to be GM they don't want weak leaders I thought about that but like the considering I'm getting a request to join oh five frog nine members faster than I can handle I doubt that to be true okay 60 70 members okay so um let me ask you a question do you respect democracy yeah to to a sort no sit say how what what do you mean to a sort I more believe in a republic than amok all hail the Republic public is partially a democracy too though right so like if there's a majority of people mute you would go with what they vote with yeah but the people are in discord right now got voted out so they have no jurisdiction and to what speech that or what's beauty you're right we got kicked out by someone who got injured in we don't appreciate the implication true okay all right so let's put it to a vote I'm gonna let your own guild vote on you if you should be the GM or not there's one vote no they say another person says no another person says no get him out I vote no I mean no no no be gone absolutely no a vote no for the love of God get him out of here no get him out no get him out and get him out no no no no yes say yes my boy no please no [ __ ] this guy embarrassing no we need a woman Guildmaster okay it was their time it's her time all right settle down Holly so if if you respect democracy and your entire guild is voting against you where does this leave us I haven't campaign yet whoever says yes and Gil chat will be officers of this we will all be officers you can't make everybody an officer if everybody's an officer that nobody's an officer we don't need idiots in Oh nine is the chillest guild like that you can't promote everybody up to being an officer because if you do then it's not gonna matter and everybody's gonna be a member and then nobody will be an officer so so you clearly don't respect democracy is that right in this situation everything yet split between yes and no yes there agree that noted yes doesn't he'll disappear there's about three people that wanted you to be GM at about eighty people that didn't want you to be GM so here's this situation here's the negotiation do you want to negotiate here I mean yeah he did he said he's stuck gonna build he's not gonna build as many bombs his people so stomping come what do you mean I want kim jeong-hoon that do we see a guy's [ __ ] hair and and creme Drago and wins elections he wins every election you actually left me the week we're talking in the president a little harder why don't you uh listen it's it's fine okay so he does win elections you're right but nobody else runs in those elections so listen that's my point I win I will leave this guilt like it or not I will leave with an iron fist I will not let weak people in the skills if you believe you belong with those weak officers leave now I will build a stronger guild a more powerful guild but you'll be excommunicated from Olympus so you'll be known as Lou bidding this entire server so neither I know what you're thinking right now okay here's the negotiation I think that you shouldn't leave it up to the people as a firm believer in democracy you should leave it up to the people and allow them to choose their new leader in place of that gracious behavior everyone here can agree to allow you to remain as officer and you can still lead the guild with an iron fist but there's somebody needs to be somebody else with GM but that's it seems agreeable yeah sure now we can do this okay I'll be President someone will be the house Co GM and we'll rule like a republic why don't you do this how about you be President and somebody else can be CEO so you're still president I mean you're good you can be President like you can be president right now but there needs to be somebody else with GM I don't want to impeach you it seems as though the entire guild is not a fan of your behaviors they're not happy you the other guild the guild bank or the guild whatever it is has gotten away we're not gonna let this happen if you wanna do you want to uphold the honorable name of olympus do you want to enforce weak leadership and which people steal from the skill and take from the skill and don't respect this skill do you want that who stole from the guild it's no one we can just invited last night's ball they still time he was invite his last nice they stole time from us huh we could be rebuilding a building for a better future but these weak leadership's try to give me in discord in their little group their little group that they designed for themselves and try to give me over GM through pressure through peer pressure and I said no and I G kicked them and I will not allow that and well if it's 9:00 I will rule there is no democracy we are great okay and I will make this guild great again I will make this guild great again okay come on side I come outside of storming come on Silas for me come on you can do it you plan on quick to move well tell him not to oh no I told them now all right let's go all right the other officers who are the other officers the former officers a lump is gnawing there's a super again okay what's your character names Sudbury I mean I'm in a group with them if you okay inviting him later so jigsaw your concern is weak leadership is that right yes I have installed a new group of officers and they're great officers we don't need these old office okay all my officers of my guild before the states I'll duel him okay you know what yeah yeah let's see all the officers of your guild but let's fun let's see that let's see the officers of your bill biscuit head this one of your officers here is level eight this guidance called you a [ __ ] jigsaw this guy just called you a [ __ ] [ __ ] he wants to do with you you let this [ __ ] in hell do you let this [ __ ] in your guild dude who is his biscuit head would you promote well he just wait why'd you delete him wait what the [ __ ] you just deleted him we just go he's going now what the [ __ ] me rule okay yeah all right listen as we can see here there are no other officers that are willing to come out and represent you you are alone you have no allies you were sitting on a throne of lies on a guild that you have in incorrectly been given leadership of you say you honor democracy and you ignore the votes you say your honor strength so honor to this duel one of the former officers of Olympus nine for ownership of the gilt I'll take that offer I will not take that I think you're the strongest then let's put your put away let's go away I call the shots here you said husband gold leader you said you said that you and your officers to come out here the only guy that came out here there's a level eight that called you a [ __ ] [ __ ] and then he logged off no he didn't he got G kicked out of the game he longed to [ __ ] off listen if you want to be part if you want to be part of the Olympus killed we will allow you to remain within the guilt you're a good man with good intentions but we need the guild to be led by somebody that we can trust we need to guild to be led by somebody who's higher level than 21 well we will get your gear okay okay jigsaw how about this have you ever inspected yourself okay put on the right gloves you know we know you have the wrong gloves on where's the right gloves okay when do you plan on hitting level 60 before the dueling tournament this is like three weeks to do yes now beat Shadow Creek okay well we'll be looking forward to that so here's what's gonna happen I will give you one more deal here's the deal give us Guildmaster back yeah and in return I will buy you some better gear for your character because gods know you [ __ ] need it it's a good deal good deal pretty fair and 500 gold I don't have [ __ ] and coche just getting greedy son 50 goalies don't speak does mean okay okay 500 gold not sure socialist regime that you want to put in Olympus nein okay okay there's no socialism in Olympus nine nor hot right now it's a dictator 500 no I have officers 500 gold so does Kim Jong yet though uh were they out there 500 gold yeah they didn't show up 500 gold is too much money if I buy you the items what are you gonna do with the money I might tell you what you're gonna do with the money you're gonna spend more [ __ ] money on agility gear and we don't want to have that happen it's [ __ ] embarrassing you're near your the deal master the [ __ ] guild you weren't grey pants the [ __ ] is somebody gonna think if they see a level level 21 priest who's a guild master of an Olympus guild with a great [ __ ] pants I buy you this greatness Dave will not that's exactly that's the last thing that they will think is that something that you can negotiate on I will buy you gear you will get geared up and after that you will transfer Geum I think the socialist regime can come up with some gold to give me they like to dig in other people's pocket so you're gonna dig in my pocket no that's literally what you're saying you you were actually you or it you are promoting socialism right now you know do a trade deal I'm trading my GM or my gold and here open also want to make o GM also okay I'll give you six gold it's not gonna do it I'll give you nine gold nine gold I started out I started out about five hundred I'll go down to three hundred not gonna happen that's too much I will do nine gold I will do nine gold okay good wait I am Rick Harrison in this negotiation you are the honor I say 300 gold you don't even have a guild Tabard I will give you nine gold and my guild Tabard off of my back I will give you my tavern I got a guild I burn now looks like that negotiations off the table we need gold for our guild and I demand 300 gold and Co GM it's just not worth it bro it's much cheaper let's communicate everyone out and we invite them in the pot yes okay yeah I'm Leifer officer from o2 I kind of figured that this might go south yeah I have a guild Chartered drafted right now guild name olympus nine refugees one signature required waiting on your all to sign it if that's right you guys could go to the refugees why you didn't really Olympus night America now we are not accepting the refugees we are building a wall around these weeks supply choices if you must but stay in Olympus nine frozen American you ever consider that America has a country of refugees in our culture so we were built on the backs of immigrants that's true there are plenty of people who emigrated over to olympus nine phone +8 and from other on gilded people and they have all immigrated over into and they were refugees until they came into olympus nine I will do you want refugees go role in the work if you want greatness rolling human in adjoining olympus nine come what about fear word more killed you rolled then that's right your old warfare oh hey I'm a Chad dwarf priest on this vault with the guilt cheddar chartered by the way see leaper knows what he's doing he's not seeing it so here's what we're gonna do but I want to hand it to the one of these people I I mean I will do I'll do my deal I will give you six gold to transfer the guilt six gold to honor you want me to give you 200 gold say it's a say you want me to give you 200 or and code yeah yeah okay how about this I will give you 10 10 gold it's not 200 but I think it's reasonable the fact is that every moment that you do this is in a moment that you're not sitting in wetlands and you're not ready and levelling up for your dueling tournament do you want to win the Dueling tournament are you gonna be able to beat C do ya with this hand of Ragnaros not with your gray [ __ ] pants or not probably the other pod fans come on yeah pause um I'm not gonna be at a warlock either have fear word you're not gonna beat anybody and you know that that's why you won't duel anyone you're afraid to exceed it is I think CD will win okay you know what but I think alright sigh walk over here is one of the former Olympus former guild masters or officers excuse me I've Olympus 9sy walk is of all 26 you are 21 dual sigh wha if you beat Psylocke I will give you 200 gold yeah I'll give you 200 gold right now since [ __ ] kicked me out of discord no that wasn't Psylocke since I'll kick you a discord one and that was razzle Rosie oh so this is a way for you to get your 200 gold if you win this duel if you win this - I'll let you keep GM I'll give you 200 gold but if you lose you lose and you give up GM and you get ten gold I'll do one hundred and fifty gold in gear final offer one hundred and fifty golden gear sure if you beat if you if you win the duel I'll give you that I will I will give you that if you want to do but you have to win the door come on if you want to be if you want to be a leader of the guild if you want to stand up for the guild if you want to represent Olympus you have to lead by example and you're not leading by example right now I want out put everything on the line say what I will not put everything on the line on the duel when I'm five or six levels lower because you know you're gonna let here be idiotic I'm not weak like these officers I will not take that deal I'm not a fool listen I'm smart okay Knightly not docks muggers do ok you think you can lead the guild I'm gonna ask you a series of questions to test your competency as a guild leader and is a vanilla player if you can answer three of these five questions right I'll give you a hundred gold go ahead you got to answer quick you ready okay what are the names of the four horsemen and next Romans all right nice try nice try I can literally I could really hear your keys typing no that's me pressing the button to push the top okay okay what will work for me the answer or no not now because somebody already messaged you the [ __ ] answer didn't nice now yes yes everybody knows it listen all right let's see here name all the bosses in molten core nice not even one it nothing I've been playing this game for two weeks and I can name most of them okay what kind of damage disco tunes beam do in a q40 all right 700 750 damage I'm gonna call for a vote of no cost of no confidence if you are part of olympus 9 and you you have a you want to make a vote of no confidence for jigsaw put I in your / say right now type I on say jigsaw you can't run away from your problems come back over here these are your constituents you have one final choice jigsaw it's clear that you're not necessarily the most educated in rating counters do you want me to ask you a question that you might actually know I knew those questions I'm just keeping my silence even so my guns on the deal 200 gold here okay so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna log over I'm gonna log over and you can transfer GM over to me and I will handle this situation as a leader of Olympus and I will take care of this problem I can see that this is obviously very stressful for you I think it would be better for everyone if you did the right thing and you transfer GM over to me you did the right thing your officers have abandoned you you've promoted you've promoted to other what is extra rank why did you promote more people to extra rank why is it also officers misspelled he didn't know ask for officer office seared okay that's not me that was the old GM I've only been GM for know you did that you don't have to lie to 24 hours now you got G kick and now you're salty took the crappy Fuji in the point yeah I think kicks she's the GM v are you a French lover is that that sounds like the French spelling I do need office Siri jigsaw definitely be a yellow vest okay gasp shirt let's preacher dick soft no long the carbon the time has come for you to do the right thing the time has come for you to do what's right for the guild and what's right for Olympus as a whole chicks all the time has come for you to really because your power is GM and move back and become an officer of the guild and help the guild become strong but let somebody else lead who is more understood and more well versed in the game your gear will be taken care of your responsibilities and duties and the effort that you've put in to maintain this guild and make this guild as good as it can be those efforts will not be forgotten and I promise that if they if you pass GM I will tell them not to kick you a hundred gold in gear no the jerk saw I I'm not much I don't like to negotiate with threats I don't like to do that I've gone down steadily every time these aren't threats I mean in negotiation you reach an agreement you come to an agreement here's an agreement that is the art of the deal if you want to see some real art of the deal transfer gee my 50 gold if you don't I'll put a bounty on your head and every screen shot somebody Sims in discord of their horde character of killing your character I'll give 10 subs to my channel 50 gold will not be kicked which I'll probably will be mm-hmm just take the Goldman 1650 go and I'll run you through stockades twice hey it keeps getting better that's what's doing sounds good okay yeah go ahead there's a lot of people saying they give me a hundred goal if I hold out oh yeah yeah you got competition yeah oh yeah alright I'll give you a million goal that's just as valuable is that they're saying all right I need the gold no I'm a man of my word I've never I need I need 30 gold up no I wouldn't do it I'd wait until after know what does not would not steal from you live on his channel though seriously he probably would I can tell that this guild means a lot to you and you care a lot about the safety and the well-being of its members he was in it for only three hours before being promoted to GM yes you got kicked so quit crying let me announce man the ghost I'll trade you 50 gold pass me over gyms I need to see some of that it's all my other care come and have to log over like what this isn't like brocco bomb give them Iran five hundred million goal I need my gold up front no it actually is exactly just like rock obama doing iran five hundred million gold because whenever he did that remember how recent he did it for no reason everybody said getting for no reason on a promise it's exactly like that actually that's why i'm not following that example know i'm Obama your iran it's not the other way around your Iran right now your Iran and North Korea twenty gold of front and then GM jewel okay okay okay come on yourself where are you heading toward you right now okay all right 20 gold I will not give up guild leadership I will reign this town this city this has erupted we don't have time for weakness [ __ ] them horde if they try to come give me I am Azeroth he once good ok jigsaw ok jigsaw I'm gonna I'll go over right now I would we're gonna pretend like you didn't say that I'm gonna pretend like you didn't say that jigsaw I'm gonna get back over I'm gonna get back on by their [ __ ] character and you're gonna prop me up to [ __ ] GM and if you don't I'm gonna put your goddamn name out there and they're gonna gank the [ __ ] out of you and you're gonna stay over 21 forever and anyone in oh nine will suffer the same fate that's right that's actually no even better anybody in all of this 9 anybody in Olympus 9 I'll have 4 gank them we welcome refugees into Olympus that's right we don't want refugees so if they leave we didn't want those people in the first place we want elite strong players in Olympus nine level 21 human priests and we will hey IG cake to you he fired no yeah we will storming the org take over okay let's go you're too afraid to even do a duel in front of your own capital city there's no way you're gonna even go over to Callum though you even look at organ-y you're gonna start [ __ ] feet you circuit and scared and you know what you don't have fear Ward either so you're gonna you're gonna be even more scared listen Jake's off if you want to hold on to this [ __ ] guild bank and this [ __ ] guilt with a hundred people online they're gonna get ganked and attacked because of you because of you then you can do what you want or you can take my offer right now because of your your insolence we're going to resend any possibility of gold besides the fifty gold that you will be receiving as soon as you trade over GM to me right now MC Raider and guilt 50/50 goal that basically pays for your mouth you're basically getting your mouth paid for because if somebody else is [ __ ] up we will not be treated as fools we will rule and we will rule with power does anyone else want to see something crit this fool for 4k kicked me out of the [ __ ] guild did he really yeah no yeah the [ __ ] guild what was it a libertine yep oh my [ __ ] god alright jigsaw they're remaking a guild Olympus nine refugees no not now I'm back in the guild now so you look at this there already Rhian fighting me back jigsaw see you have no power in your own guild even your own guild mates are usurping your power your own guild mates are undermining your authority you have no power you're not a leader you can leave this guild and you can be part of something that's better than what you're doing right now this is not good this isn't good for you it's not good for me it's not good for the Olympus community to have such strife in the guild you kicked me out of the guild again you know what I'll put a bounty on you if I need to do that look at that I'm getting reinvade advantag illed I've already been reinvented back into the gutter bounty on me like I'm John wick make sure at the hi I've never watched John wick honestly I don't even know what the [ __ ] that is I'm so disturbed right now jig song you had you had you've had an opportunity to do the right thing to be a good person to help your guild and to help your society and your countrymen and you've decided to throw that away for your own pride is that right is that what you're doing No yes I'm making the most powerful skill we won't accept the Bernese we won't accept for socialists we will lead we will lead until you take your meds today take this off please don't talk you have been G kick listen your own guilt is undermining your authority by inviting me back into the guild they don't even respect your authority reflects has just left the guild yeah I'm getting a lot of people requesting invites to Olympus five can whisper razzle everybody who's an Olympus nine right that yield not everybody who's an Olympus nine right now who wants jigsaw to step down type in Gil Chet impeach jigsaw now or if you want to seek refuge in another guild list for me and right over here jumping around like a mage it's not good it is not looking good jigsaw your walls are closing in on you your if you all want to go to the refugee you go ahead oh good look what happened to Britain look what happened to Great Britain all I'm saying is brexit do you know who the real refugee guild was it was America and you you're King [ __ ] George you're not doing ten your King George I don't think that sir I don't think it's a good comparison Esmond your George had you're just George yeah there you go he's more like George of the jungle I think or maybe Curious George you're not sure it's gonna be George of the jungle I'm pretty goddamn soon if you want to be out there all by yourself dealin [ __ ] nothing nobody in your guilt nobody playin with you being level 21 with gray goddamn [ __ ] pants you got gray pants jigsaw you're trying to level up and talk about being strong bro you don't even have a [ __ ] you don't have a clue dude do you even have your talent points put in I don't even know I would genuinely I'm not sure do the right thing make the guild stronger if you want to make the guild stronger step down do what you need to do everybody is leaving the guild good they're asking to leave the guilt Jake softly we've negotiated with you if we have a hundred and five people online we are strong they had a thousand people before this how many people yet know each one hundred and four hundred and three leave hundred and two the refugee 101 but we all know I'm real Gil is Olympus nine nine nine 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 do you want this to keep happening dick sir we will rebuild and make I'll let this nine great again going you'll have to because it's certainly not great right now this is what I like to call a hostile takeover this is what happens to somebody with their own personal agenda joins a guild and wants to impose their own kind of you know whatever the [ __ ] they want to do and they know wait a second go ahead we had weak leadership that allowed this guild to come to plea trash I kicked those people they were not worthy in this all of you anyway they started a refugee you know your arpita's weak thud everyone knows your real master a person who can kick anymore we don't hey hey hey shut your face you are literally a level 21 no one who would not even fool me so you're cool fine whine whine whine cry cry cry guess what I'm getting things done be quiet yeah yeah are you be able to leave yeah yeah you're getting people to leave and you're getting blacklist congratu-fucking-lations everybody wants to impeach you this is the time that you can come together and do the right thing and still be able to help your guild and do something right but instead you're too consumed by your own pride to realize that this is the wrong decision and we are not going to let our glorious Olympus community be run over by terrorists and by people that are trying to hold the guilds hostage I have given you a good deal the deal you have thrown away in favor of leaving and losing everybody in your guild for no reason to uphold some sense of pride and this is where we are at you're losing people by the second you can make as many alters you want called jig was right it doesn't matter I will take all right I'm gonna go for a smoke because up wait you said you let this guy know Noah Hank you go for your little smoke because nobody wants to hear you but the grown-ups are to talk not people now being kicked out of the guild going dude you sound like a mental patient shut it this preacher I think you guys need to calm down stop Spurgin come on okay listen as I've said before the right decision and a good thing for you to do is clear you know what you must do you know that if you want to bring glory to Olympus you need to have somebody in the guild who's the master who knows what they're doing and that person go ahead say something really quick okay go ahead I have done greatness for this Olympus skills ain't one witness mine wasn't known look olympus nine wasn't known before this we were in the shadows Olympus one and two we have come out of those shadows and now you're on this note and we will now leave we are not the pushovers anymore we're gonna leave this thing we are known we will conquer I have one final offer and after this we will blacklist you and put a bounty on you for the Horde are you willing to hear my offer go ahead your level 21 so is my war walking duel my warlock duel me for leadership a field I'll answer that tomorrow no I can't believe how much of a weak leader you are you're afraid to defend your guild in every single way you don't understand the game you don't understand anything it also appears that you might have a very very fuzzy understanding of history as well we will not let a weakling take over and hold the Olympus name hostage jig softly I'm gonna go ahead I'm the one negotiating the terms here but you tomorrow well I will leave this gilded you'll weed to get out of out of no lead out of the shadows inside garbage into the light whoa are you a traitor no you betraying Olympus right now I'm doing what's best time you're doing what's best for yourself you're only thinking about yourself you're not thinking about your constituents they wanted you out you should be out a person I got gg8 I think what do you want to hear you're yelling dude he's a every time me and our negotiations you have to I mean okay your negotiation skills they suck ass not because I'm still GM of Olympus nein yeah it's just because you're on military nothing yeah king of nothing hey look at that's King George it lost country that's right literally King George you are king George people are leaving your guilt George of the jungle now here's a good negotiation take a stands offer of the fifty gold or even the door I don't make journeys you could be heaven doing G kick I haven't been exactly I'm kind of a big deal actually no so take essence offer or be hunted down everywhere you go I literally have ten for trends right now who's willing to do so you know what I say what are you Mon I'm ready I'm ready to leave my warlock dude and data prepare to do all double [ __ ] 21 war walk what do you mean in day to prepare bring them on I want it on my terms what are your terms these negotiations have ended for today okay I will continue to run this okay everybody Olympus 90 quick everybody quick Hajis with me quickly rebuild this skill don't be in the shadows of other refugees [Music] mcconnell he's holding lumbus nine hostage what are you talking about what what did I just say hasta j-- he's holding the guild hostage 100 gold said to drop the guilt he has a [ __ ] joke okay okay so here's what I'm so there is a guild bank there's a guy named Gil Bank who is the guild leader of olympus 9 but he wasn't actually the guild bank of olympus 9 the guy named Gil Bank who wasn't the guild bank but was the guild leader gave GM to jigsaw listen I'm already bored of this what does he want how much do you want for the go to IG kicks these old officers because they weren't strong enough to lead this kill we are most all bleeding [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I'm leading all the [ __ ] Olympus guilds they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] talking about shaking their [ __ ] Fannie's all around okay exactly exactly they need they need a leader that can lead and not afraid to kick people not afraid to voice their opinions okay dude you do realize multiple people even this morning kids God but you need someone that's always going to be on and around and playing he's not lying yeah so why maybe he just started [ __ ] playing maybe maybe he's new to the game maybe there's a billion different reason he's level 21 picked a human he's a human male who gives a [ __ ] is he doesn't care ward it doesn't matter is he in apes or is he trying to [ __ ] min/max the goddamn game maybe he's just trying to play it and look cool as a human maybe he likes animations better it literally doesn't [ __ ] matter he what matters do you want the guilt backed or not do you want to go back or not we do want the guilt well then listen to him what does he act like what is a reasonable demand here I'm not [ __ ] 200 goals that's ridiculous what do you actually want and we're jigsaw go ahead I want to leave this skills hoji em and I get to pick the other Co GM and I do not want the people that's in this court at the moment in this guild they're too weak they can stay in the refugee grill because sorry we don't stop stop listen to me there's already too many [ __ ] Olympus guilts there's like a billion of them we don't need an olympus refugee eight nine 5xy whatever the [ __ ] okay there's gonna be olympus one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven whatever okay that's what there's gonna be that's right there's no [ __ ] so if you want to be an olympus nine then that's where you should [ __ ] be no [ __ ] refugee guilt that's right you need to be in nine that's right we're going out i think it's a little [ __ ] okay if you've got GM by mistake or by accident you should stay GM that's a little stupid to me i think if you want to lead you can be like a [ __ ] officer and you can be like that the head officer you tell what the other officers to do and who to kick and you can be the person that they go to which to be honest it's actually pretty annoying and it's [ __ ] [ __ ] when you get whispers you think you're gonna like it but you won't well some people do like the power but either way what I'm saying is that he's in league with Ferris I forgot if I told you about that yeah he's at leaves with feriss ferriss is now W o Umba sate and jig is now the GM lump is nine and they're making a coalition can I say something pause I mean he is holding hostage 956 well not any longer but at the beginning of Olympus guild members though it is a big deal it's 956 members of Olympus this what you honored and if it was a big deal then you should have taken better care of who the [ __ ] is gonna be GM and these goddamn guilts you shouldn't rush this happen in the first place oh these [ __ ] issues no weak leadership as I as I said before actually goes back to you McConnell and it actually goes back then whoa what'd I do how can I do anything about somebody who's a GM of one of Olympus guilds and you don't have control over them how could I any of this I don't care about any Olympus members okay so honest about I care about not getting [ __ ] whispered about dumb ass [ __ ] every goddamn day and having to come on stream and say ridiculous [ __ ] in order for this drama to go away oh okay you want this look weak leadership to lead one of your powerful yields no no lays it up down you are the weakest leader I've ever seen you have no [ __ ] understanding of how to lead the guild you don't understand the [ __ ] game you're too weak to even defend the guild and defend your own and not dimension a guild to honor you have no place being a guild leader you should pass guild leadership over to somebody who does and move on become an officer of the guild move up and maybe in time move into the position of actually becoming a guild leader but right now you're not ready for it and you know the best part about that is you know it you know you're not ready for it do the right thing pass over GM and we'll be through with this what it what was this what was the original demand that you wanted for the guild I think I never got a thousand votes waiting and I was 200 yeah - hundreds too much go lower well it's that time boys I gotta walk away from like a negotiation table for the day we can continue this tomorrow same time talk further I let this time he's just rain by me five minutes okay we'll just have to deal tomorrow then or make me the [ __ ] GM of the guilt but he won't give me jammed cuz you're a [ __ ] idiot that's why he actually kicked azmuth out you kicked me out of my own good thank God man okay I my I will give him the 200 when I have to leave this board at the moment okay negotiations tomorrow if you're willing we'll see what onto the table you can message me have a good night yeah you too think about it you left oh thank god I don't even have 200 gold pieces Christ okay I'm just so bored of this this is wasted like in a while okay so here's what we're gonna do we'll blacklist him if you have any board friends tell your horde friends to kill them on the off chance they're already its to play the game already did let your horde friends know its location every single time and they'll be able to hunt them down and we'll go ahead and we'll we'll have to do that I don't like to negotiate this way but sometimes it's what must be done and I really do I like to be a good person and a good person no Faris listen Faris I don't want to hear that what the [ __ ] does too much no it's not it's not now Faris is saying it's too much fairer system your unholy alliance with the jigsaw your unholy alliance with jigsaw is going to end you can lead Olympus eight you're doing just fine is Olympus a two-litre I hate to say it but you're doing just fine but this is not going to happen in another deal [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 834,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold olympus, olympus, asmongold drama, asmongold guild drama, asmongold olympus 9, olympus 9, olympus drama, guild drama, wow drama, classic wow drama, classic wow guild, wow jigsaw, asmongold jigsaw, jigsaw
Id: oH4EJzgp-x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 48sec (4608 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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