Asmongold Luckiest Molten Core Run - All The Loot - Classic WoW

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it's better than okay I'm pulling now pulling now on boss all right big dig big dick third this is dead will drop right old plow Bart rolling Cenarion boots blasting casual content why not dude Talya yo Congrats oh let me show rolls sorry my bad okay so we got Talia all right congrats Talia okay they may want this everyone's yeah no [ __ ] that's the way it goes boys you win some you lose some all right hopefully I'll get the next pair for DiBiase yeah yeah all right let's go there it is solo who gets it Wow we got spell power weapon holy [ __ ] so wait so Bo's not here this is a bo P okay so Ozzy Ozzy 49 yo Congrats Ozzy nice job dude that's your five piece Congrats Ozzy let me go ahead and pull this up holy [ __ ] alright here we go let's roll this one off pants a prophecy prophetic pants what do we got I start making a prophecy set I've already got my braces of prophecy I could get my pants of prophecy - Derrick needs those well then why didn't he roll okay let me see here yo roll on this you should want Earthshaker okay yeah who hasn't chanting there's no way all right burning Rob with the 78 can anybody beat the 78 okay burning Rob 78 nice job okay Congrats bro okay so four legs I'm just gonna go ahead and give this to uh okay who wants to be our enchanter for the guild we need a guild enchanter who wants to be a second guild enchanter coz I want to make sure that we have that I've been in Roy's raid since elantra no way that that's fine dude you like I just like as long as you're in the guild and you have the enchant that's all there's to it we haven't in channa was through spell power already okay I'm gonna give it to Agra wait okay [Music] okay all right they're waiting to decide what they want to what they want to do with the item I'm not sure yet honestly any greeters I don't know why I think that's so funny like that that any greeters sing just it always gets me man I think that shit's hilarious it's your call okay Agra is trying to decide I'm just gonna loot if Agra can get this I'm just gonna have Agra disenchant this that's fine hi girls been enchanting since day one okay it's Royce in Olympus one now yeah as far as I know he is yeah he's an Olympus one but it's my call I get it great okay I'm gonna give this to uh to Agra then this is a a license to make money a nagger by the way I just want to let you know that as in thanks to you giving me that item I will expect to have a free enchant a free enchant on my warriors as rusong mage Boyd just because I did loot that to you on it I didn't vendor it you know so just if you want to pay it forward a little bit let me know it's a little bit much oh is that a rogue boy belt no it's not that's a fox lair belt it seems he's got a 46 yeah Fox there with the 46 Congrats bro there you go taking these guys there it is Oh everybody got deseed wait are they trying to deceive me off the servers again oh my [ __ ] god dude my god i swirly I'm gonna be so mad this dagger okay wait should I even roll okay sorceress dagger sorceress dagger fate with the six fate locket Paulo yet with the 24 Paulo with the 24 name it boy with the 83 Wow boy why don't you hold on to this dagger so if you can roll for the mage wait if it drops and if you don't get it obviously you're something like weird thing where you went both of them you can just trade the dagger away since it's not like enchanted or anything alright give me a second all right well he's gonna probably get that there we go and while bringing gauntlets while bringing gauntlets does anyone to bring anyone want to bring the wall okay no I guess not all right so we'll go ahead and trade that over to Agra was this supposed to be an emo this is [ __ ] sad like I don't want to look at that that's actually just sad yeah dating me for money you know I like to take her out and treat her take her out in nice places couple days ago I took her off to Goodwill and I bought myself a sword my sword right here yeah so she's really living the high life that's the way it works guys keep coping okay where do we have here aka Fox lair 36 congratulations I'm proud of you [ __ ] we're pulling okay I got it reserved smoke oh look I did can you see what happens bindings of the wine super okay so alright okay here's the thing we'll roll off the ark anus crown uh you need the Hat there you go they're rolling the Hat now remember this I'm swords at the moment but I have dagger in the bank peach pit oh wait no first second I thought you were being serious boy with the ninety-eight boy congratulations man can I buy that for 500g uh okay all right well I'll bring your helm next boom well I'll bring her helm let's see it you're going for tips you actually go for the the daggers best onslaught with under Furion OTPs I'm not a I don't give a [ __ ] man honestly like I don't care let's see the only thing that I really care about Palladino Kat [ __ ] you [ __ ] you we're gonna have to Paladini yeah oh the crown for maid okay alright Paladini there you go craps okay so Oh inventories full inventory spool alright so roll for this that role for these gloves if you are daggers Hamlet the 57 him left the 57 him do you want those I feel like that should probably go to the road way is 62 oh I read that at 52 I'm sorry I'm sorry I read that in 52 all right aka Fox here congratulations okay um does anybody need the healing power for the for the thing the blonde bro I didn't read it [Music] agra with the eight okay congratulations Agra imagine being agra right now okay we're gonna give it to Agra yeah I think we should consolidate patterns to one person giving a bunch of different people the pattern seems like a bad idea uh agreeing okay yeah we're gonna give a tagger actually nobody said we're good but I'm gonna pull anyway that's a lot plus a lot of damage on this took right there okay wait Smitty stole aggro I'm just gonna I'm not even gonna move him like who cares good job binding binding binding right here I was just kidding I mean it wasn't gonna drop everybody knew that help me please the 74 help me please with the 74 help me please the 74 can anybody beat a 74 I guess not our canis Mansell help me please congratulations Pinkley to Jessica with the five gifted canoe subs I appreciate that very much Ben thank you thank you thank you I appreciate that a lot okay well bring her shoulders roll quite choppy Oh with the 55 does anybody else want this garbage I guess life shop is the only one that wants it all right there we go okay good job boys we'll go in just keep pulling look at that that is so good that is so [ __ ] good man that's actually amazing yeah I really think so I think it's awesome you you really think this is gonna be a wipe what are you [ __ ] crazy I'm gonna wipe on this boss the [ __ ] are we gonna wipe on Shazzer oh give me a break like listen guys you need to have some [ __ ] faith like this this raid is a joke on them I'm pulling them out pull them out people die who cares who cares yeah just pull him away and he's dead hmm what was the hardest raid in Wow Oh hardest rate in WoW let me think hardest raid in a while does anybody want these I guess maybe not okay flame Walker legs let's see let's nobody wants it okay alright Tucker with the 55 Bob jr. with the 64 Bob jr. with the 64 Bob jr. with the 64 congratulations Bob jr. it seems to me like tomb of Sargeras was probably the bob senior will be proud he would be a graham gonna give that to you to disenchant Oh flame Walker okay go to him there you go rats alright drink so much soda and not gain a pound I burned calories due to excessive masturbation simple and appreciate a good play another one Wow okay another [ __ ] belt scuba swith a 92 scuba Congrats dude plate [ __ ] I feel like I want to play the game because I'm like I don't want to sit in a queue and I don't think that's really healthy in a way but uh you know I think that's the way a lot of you'll probably feel I mean accused of pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] let's be honest gain we're gonna die here I might okay I'm good okay you whoa all right I'm gonna roll no one roll no one roll no one roll no no guys what to add to okay am I actually gonna win the bracers with a 1 i literally roll the [ __ ] one burning Rob do you actually want the bracers let me roll off the other shoulders to God you actually want them all right man little prophecy fauna with the 85 he has them doesn't he I don't know I'm trying to see guys for DPS it's like an off spec role burning Rob is like burning Rob main spec DPS you know he is right okay and let's see oh fauna gets prophecy right yeah Vonnegut's prophecy no he's tanked okay so alright whatever okay congratulations spawn out and look at that dude cooked two times in one raid dude two times in one raid okay let's go yeah we're wasting time I only pull this [ __ ] get done okay God Oh Oh my god oh dude easy [ __ ] you my man hey my man dude hey hey are you listen a Yahweh my man [Music] [Music] alright boys I'm going I'm going I'm going whoa what the [ __ ] I'm gone dude hey okay okay okay okay um breast plate let's go roll it off roll it off let's go I'm done dude this is a shameless MC man you think I give a [ __ ] this is American server hell no dude okay Ashley Johnson congrats on his just piece that's a big boy right there okay um big dicks accurate scope so any 300 engineers 300 engineers feign death with the 100 Wow okay all right next fell hard ropes fell hard ropes let's go wait they both rolled in 85 paid and I see reroll paint a nice eerie roll paint 66 that's the way it goes ooh I have my weekly coin oh you get two or you want to use your bonus roll coin that's artifact power buddy sorry about that okay all right let's go to the next boss I think that's everything all right fine fine fine all right star chicken wait I see roll the 49 that's a consolation prize isn't it wait I said well I see wrote a 49 [ __ ] yeah dude Congrats wait slow ball goes with a 79 slow bow with the 79 slobo slobo the guiding stave of wisdom [Music] look slobo alright alright things we ready to pull guys is that like we're good right yeah I think we're good okay uh yeah we're not missing anything yeah everything's good okay hi say hi fan D hi hope you had fun last night it's best in slot for resto chat okay all right all right I'm just gonna trade this so I don't I'm worried that I will actually forget okay here we go okay the minute just a minute all right let me get the other one oh dude I didn't ridiculous [ __ ] damage there okay give me the boots give me the boots give me the boots corporal him corporal him are you ready to receive the eye of divinity for the epic benediction quest oh there he is he's probably wearing all of his best gear right now to level 55 priest we brought him in here just for this one item congratulations him I bestow upon you something you completely did not earn but trust me man I can relate Congrats buddy alright fire guard soldiers pull these off go rolling off roam off let's do it burning Rob with the nine burning Rob with the nine start chicken with the 86 we're gonna give that to burning Rob that's what that's [ __ ] star chicken we're not gonna give that to you okay you should just be walking you're here star chicken [ __ ] moonkin by erisa yeah I know I haven't - alright this is a big ring increases healing done by spells and effects by 4646 spell damage that only applies to healing [Music] boss Eric collectors 45 Eric electrodes an 85 era collector with the 85 Canadians me if I fought with the 46 I shop here on 35 pouty with a 49 Eric electric is gonna be winning it slobo with the 70 Eric electric congratulations man that's one of our master sergeants and Gil be proud of you you're a good boy in a great champion everybody does ready [Music] it's time [Music] the one moment I wait for every [ __ ] week the one moment this is my time to get my [ __ ] perps the one item that I need behold Ratner roast the bone river's edge boys who was ancient when this world was young please bow before him okay oh I've got fired [Music] [Music] infadoos oh I put on my fire assistance uh my they there's our sanctum and seek to steal them to my very lair you have failed me executives just so please drop something please drop something good five four don't stand on top of me what the [ __ ] okay deep dick let me get a gross how does Smitty do some of the aggro I've got every parry do it I keep getting Perry dude Tawney again it's mine get aggro now dude every get every [ __ ] pool is a parry ok so many better watch out man [ __ ] ok alright when we get back over to here ok Smitty Smitty wants to get aggro that's fine you know what that's okay with me I'll just go with the DPS actually you know what [ __ ] [ __ ] he wants to do this to me that's fine I'm happy I'm and this is I'm happy now now I can just DPS I'm just gonna I'm just gonna DPS all time good [ __ ] okay I got it are you doing Tony we're playing who's the tank the answer everyone okay go ahead okay I'm gonna go back in here all right all right all right listen I'm uh pop this okay y'all read it you already see some numbers you already see some numbers food do it see what happens see what happens nobody can beat me I can't get got I can't get beat I can never get beat come on give me the [ __ ] give me the [ __ ] sword give me the belt give me something there it is I did really well shut up shut up stop stop stop stop [Music] [Music] roll roll that one off does anybody want this dog should ask garbage who counts it to yourself so you can be proper maintain a Beaulieu council both of them guys wait y'all think I should will count to myself both of the items damn y'all for real no the funny thing about that I was being the same thing dude I was in the same exact thing dictator relevant name okay let's see Paladini Congrats okay judgment like plates oh you pass okay whatever all right judgment like plates Paladini with the 53 Madden crazy with the 41 Paladini with the 53 powerdine with the 53 okay [Music] [Music] okay [Music] okay besan slot all game for main tanks so what you're saying is it's for hunters that's right do you line that's right man Besant slot main tank ring forever listen I think I should get it too but there's other people that want the ring I'm not gonna loot that [ __ ] to myself hold on ring okay come to disk for rank okay wait let me let me do the legs first two minors the ocean okay what's up hey averages well looking at the ring that's all I was thinking about the ring - what are we thinking about doing about it's a tough one because essentially tanks is just as this so that's the call to make just where it goes and who can roll since here dual wield fury it makes just as much sense for you to roll on it does anybody okay so I can roll I mean so we just have everybody rolling sounds clearly gonna use it for the rest of the games I just wanna say I'm 1% of hit cap so you're 1% well then this is a 2% ring you don't need that it's too much is wasted yeah yeah I'm sorry it doesn't have hit cap unbelievable all right all right so we're gonna what we're gonna roll it off right everyone who can use it I think should roll unless anyone disagrees it there's nobody here thinks I should have saluted to myself man okay I see how it is no I'm sorry miss sorry all right all right let's go let's go let's see his rolls-royce wow what an easy I'll be posting this to Reddit shortly it was a pleasure Oh guys [ __ ] gone Wow progress okay alright we'll see if lightning strike twice so this is between me and courage right for the wakes yeah I've already got those what courage already have them happen all right so Sam I just rollin for myself no I used to okay you have the lace okay burning Rob has the lake's courage doesn't have them right courage doesn't out I'm just making sure okay yeah yeah that's my okay courage that the 92 was for the lakes right yeah I was gonna like if I was back to my own scumbag days I'd be like man you didn't roll whenever I caught you rolled early dude that doesn't count no Congrats man that's awesome that means I'll get him next I mean so apparently we have somebody that's about to craft their legendary so I gotta get ready and do that take the portal to iron and forge Kara legend yeah yeah good raid boys great rate yeah really good [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 270,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, asmongold highlights, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, molten core, asmongold molten core, wow molten core, asmongold loot, classic wow loot, molten core loot, jokerd, jokerd ninja loot, asmongold jokerd, asmongold ninja, asmongold ninja loot, asmongold ninja looting, classic wow ninja, classic wow ninja loot, asmongold ragnaros, ragnaros, classic wow ragnaros, ragnaros loot
Id: rgdgMmte0ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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