Asmongold Duels People For A Spot In His Olympus Guild - Classic WoW

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I will begin today the trials of Olympus every single individual in the guild that's not a Raider will duel me out in iron-forged they will have the choice to duel either my warrior or my warlock every single one of them the people that fail will be put on probation for one week if they do not succeed the next week or improve drastically they will be removed from the guild you suck at PvP exactly and if they lose to me they're not good enough to be in the guild chanita you've been chosen come here and show us your skills come to meet UNITA [Music] did you pre trap you did okay that's good that's smart good now you're gonna get it Mac strange and you're gonna hit me with a name shot good job you're not kiting backwards you backpedaled away that was a mistake you bombed me that's a bad idea because I already had improved hamstring on you and it would have alleged allowed you to close any distance that was a mistake you routed me again but you didn't wait for the dr shatter mark do you want another chance okay you want to attend do you want to you want to go into this character in my warlock I fight walk yeah sure give me a second okay where's shadow mark all right let's go shadow mark okay so he's backpedaling away I'm gonna run up on him and I'm gonna deadzone him right here okay so now you don't know what's gonna happen you're gonna root I'm gonna move away from that you're not gonna hit me in time well wait how did that fear not go off what the [ __ ] move inside dead zone he's gonna try to win clip me but he's not gonna be able to I'm just gonna fear him there drain life a little bit double drain put this on him to kit nightfall procs I'm gonna hit this trap right here I didn't hit it and this will finish him off oh it's got takes you all [Music] okay so what do you guys think alright shadow mark you're gonna go to probation Gail saunas gonna be next he volunteered to go next chata mark you're on probation okay alright chaos on your necks where's kale son come forward kale ston do you want to duel my warrior or my warlock he wants to duel my warrior ok sounds good I'm ready you didn't make distance to get the second and rate or sorry to get the second charge that was a mistake dumbing a dead zone you right here and that I can go inside of my weapon sling because obviously you're rooted with improved hamstring and then you weren't able to charge back over to me and you also use that too early you didn't use a disarm at all that was a mistake I didn't receive any sunder armors which you obviously had extra rage for you didn't whirlwind me whenever I was out of range that was mistake kale son do you want to go again yes okay alright I'm gonna I'm gonna go a little bit softer on you this time okay I want to see what you can do ready for you you had really bad positioning on the on the first part there okay that's good way to slow just because I say to disarm doesn't mean you automatically disarmed your city and defensive stands too long you use beserker rage for no reason I didn't even fear you I'm just dead zoning you the whole time I'm running out your berserker rage and now you're getting disarmed alright this duels over Gail's on you're getting demoted awful positioning bad gap closing okay there we go this isn't going well it's fine all right terrine this is the level 17 mage okay I'll invite him to the guild welcome to the guild man nice job well played good job man alright next okay so listen alright next one dark Zeus okay dark Zeus this is a mage you realize this is one shot if you lose this duel you're kicked out of the guild right okay let's go [Music] I want to keep myself in combat here but I don't want to waste any rage see he had to do that because he wasted his frost Nova at the beginning what are you gonna do now [Music] dark suits can I just get on my warlock i want to duel you again yeah cuz i want to duel you again okay just one more time let's go domina max range is polymorph because since I said polymorph he's already gonna to play like a bot and try to polymorph me I'll send in the pet no he doesn't know what to do I'm gonna move in here so it was slightly started cast and I can move away again he's routing the pet easy I'll probably switch over to the Pat maybe he used this frost Nova he's gonna try and use probably blink to get over to me no waiting for the blink there it is okay that's good okay it's a potion where's the counterspell where's the counterspell need a lot of work man you need a lot of work okay cold drink okay next I'm ready let's go all right so we starting off the duel I can barely see you I do apologize for that it's kind of annoying so he blinks 10 probably gonna go for the fire blast oh nice nice counter spell nice counter spell hits me with that right there okay that's another route he's gonna go for the cast here decent decent positioning decent positioning good interrupt on that and you're gonna block this yep you are okay good now you're gonna probably wait for your counter still I should not have been interrupted that was a mistake good job bro good job rest him up again rest him up next okay buzz craft you're next actually no buzz craft you're a Raider yeah you don't need to duel I will duel you anyway just to see what you can do but and I will not use death coil against anyone I want to explain this like if I if I can beat you without using death coil or sacrifice because I can beat almost anybody with using desk one sacrifice but like if I can beat you without using death coil or sacrifice that's the problem okay where's this guy again what's his name again who did I just do I forgot what his [ __ ] name was Oh cold drink okay let me try and duel this guy again I was rated 2 and in Reyes is red shadow mark I will deal with that afterwards I forgot that you were Raiden but you do need a lot of work ok so we need to figure that out anyway you're gonna get Rader back no problem ok bro I'm gonna do a cold drink again I'll give them a chance er you are a heard hard duel for me you're right I am a hard duel for you I will not use a death coil you know what I won't use fear either I will not use fear I won't use fear let's go [ __ ] let me turn off my buffs again people buff me cuz yeah let me get mana that's fine just duel me whenever you're ready I'm gonna I'll cook off all the buffs and ever it happens okay just a second okay see if I can get this done alright so he's moving in that's already smart [Music] okay what are you doing oh there we go already smarter now you should have started to duel with me targeted okay so you probably go for a counterspell right there let's see if you will yep there's the counter spell and I can just drain life um I'm silence full time okay that was a good blink but you can't really blinks channels um what do you guys think about that one you spell hunter I don't have fill hunter yeah all right buzz craft really wants to duel me okay buzz craft let's go can I get a heal again guys everybody who wants to duel please come over to here please come over to right here terrible okay check gear that's a good idea let me check this gear hold drink let me look you here come over here please uh you did okay yeah you you did okay I'm not gonna promote you up to Raider or to member but you did okay yeah everybody come over here and that way we have some space for the people that are dueling okay yeah he's in greens yeah I mean wasted here's an agility helmet no but it has like a stamina as I gonna like this damn like the agility is just like a bonus he doesn't have anything that's like incredibly stupid well actually okay you've got one week cold drink you need to improve all right buzz craft let's go where's buzz craft hopefully this mage will show you guys what you need to do okay G Fox top dueling me all right buzz craft let's go this guy's gonna be a lot better don't majors pay attention ah [ __ ] I didn't get my other buff off how's mistake voidwalker resisted that was really good for me okay wait what how did I lose that did I lose that on purpose I I'm confused here I guess I must have messed up there okay I'll read rebuff this okay Oh a resist that's not good for me okay that's good for me it's really good for me [Music] IIIi walked this counterspell already beat him there I was good oh you did what no I obviously didn't have to use death coil or sacrifice or anything like that or even my other thing but yeah you did pretty well that's okay yeah he did pretty well overall I think that was a pretty impressive play by him okay the next champion let's see who it's gonna be accepted this is a mage you're not in a guild all right let's call forth keifa stop holy [ __ ] stop all right what's this guy all right let me do let me duel people pokey W I will put everybody on ignore that stand me with you'll see if you're not in the guild okay I don't want to put you on a on ignore but I will do that if you're if you're doing it for for attention okay please let want me to so I'm going to duel spoo fees come forward boo fees [Music] okay let's go roofies next I said not to do it I said not to do it that's why I'm in it okay let's go who do you want to do my warrior or my walk roofies it's poo fish come on Spooky's yes you can holy [ __ ] like yes of course you can Jesus Christ okay give me a minute yes fine let me log over all right spoof be holy [ __ ] do their stream wait and see there's also brain delay - maybe you know what I'll assume it was all stream wait and see okay alright let's go dueling let's go I'm right here in front okay I'm get targeted me well that was a mistake wasn't it now what what are you gonna do now you're getting dead zoned aren't you that's not good is it you're backpedaling away how's that gonna work there we go okay you finally got it but why did you go into defensive stance if you don't have tactical mastery you lost all your rage finish it long tide alright spoof B's go ahead and rez up spoof YZ again rise up spoof ease okay so backpedal reduces leeway mechanic no but you have to you have to go back and forth for it yeah to trigger it that's why I've done I do it all the time pinch a nerd not right now okay spoof YZ let's talk about what you need to do better okay for one let's look at your gear [Music] need to get a new neck man that necklace isn't very good what come here here Chris 20 gold go buy a hundred go buy a hundred a health in champ for your chess piece go buy a hundred health in champ right now go over there talk to Sobo whenever you're done come on I'm giving you 20 gold boo fees do you want another chance do you want another chance or not haha Oh [Music] okay um alright next let's see who are we gonna pick out of the crowd Nero know you're a little 46 why even hear a bell wrath but you're not in a guild do you want to get invited into the guild bell wrath here this is your application come on all right here's your guild application I'll duel you on my warrior warrior versus mage I don't have engineering oh I'm Wow what is going I'm lagging way too much okay okay um yeah that was really really laggy um what yeah well he blinked into me but like he was still I see like that was really smart I've never seen a mage do that but he got kind of lucky getting two casts off at the beginning there that was really good for him better than the other mages all right Bell wrath all oh okay he wants to duel again let's find he'll get a second chance actually I don't want to give you a second chance like you're just gonna get invited like I don't want to do one of the major like you're in the guild you probably would have won I got kind of lucky with RNG etc right okay let's see all right Bell wrath where are you okay you're getting promoted up to two member there you go all right what the [ __ ] is yap oh the [ __ ] is yap oh okay all right I'll duel him look he's going at max range wait this this hunter and he got wait we'll get this he's going for max range he wink whips me look he's playing well this hunters playing better than like anybody else The Dude's a level 42 hunter put up a better fight than half of the other people there max [ __ ] level guys guys [Music] I know I knew it was paid I know it was pale all right next sibs come to me sips come to me we're or warlock or you're a warlock okay sounds good all right let's go wants to duel my warrior oh man I didn't even see him dude he walked right through there okay goes with the repent he's getting to know much death ray into a stun this is this guy's doing really well and they bombs me out of that okay I'm gonna have to do that and he goes through the route too and I can't get the I can't stop this heal okay Wow oh wait oh I don't I don't have any bandages oh no no no I don't mean bandages oh do I have food okay I'm not to eat food [ __ ] alright I didn't realize that okay okay he's gonna kill me he's actually gonna kill me he's gonna beat me I orangey that's so hard man well I'm you I dodged your last attack okay you did amazing like I'm promoting you but you did really really well whoa let me get the banjos yeah you did [ __ ] great okay yeah I didn't that bad just to heal there okay where's my uh where's this guy yeah you're absolutely getting promoted up okay there we go oh [ __ ] I actually I didn't mean to duel this guy sorry okay I don't know what that was yeah yeah you're [ __ ] awesome okay good good job alright now you can go somewhere else if you don't want to go be your weight and just move back alright next person um crits for tits crits for tits come forward [Music] warrior or warlock warrior or warlock let's try lock okay all right let's go promote him just for the name yeah I guess so all right let me get on my walk he wants to try against my warlock that's fine I do it I can't believe I almost lost to that red paladin like that guy plates like I mean yeah obviously it changed it an engineering drink its but like he chained engineering trinkets that means he he got all that stuff that's awesome okay let's duel yeah he did really well okay here we go [Music] I'm not PvP spec that's fine that was a mistake already that actually helps me because now I'm now I'm able to just keep you in and just seal myself up okay wait how is he absorbing everything yeah it's only put like a pre she'll bottom I'm a little bit confused here yeah how's he how's he get the shield a GM but was it even a GM though okay that's pretty annoying I'm gonna go down there and dot him okay he's gonna actually forfeit yeah he forfeited that one it feared him all the way down worst fear yeah yeah okay so did he have a GM or was that just a priest to pre shielded him yeah that was a pre shield from a priest okay let's go we'll try again try again not a big deal okay yeah that was not a GM a shadow pot Andy yeah hey GM is also just physical damaged yeah I forgot all about that you made a really big mistake with that trap oh sorry yeah that wasn't very good okay let's go I'm almost dead zoning him I'm dead zone him now there it is he's gonna get the art auto shot on me there but not anything else okay do I can do here [Music] and just uh keep trapping him here okay he just kinda auto to me I mean like pain death the fear yeah I mean I would have recast it like that wouldn't been a big deal like feign death thing fears is really hard to do and classic because of the of the spell batching what do you guys think do you want to give them a read or HMOs or doll damage well it's not physical I don't know this matter your stream had delay okay fine nori i'll reinvent you into the guild yeah there we go I'll renovate you into the guild don't cause any more problems okay res crits for tits if he wants another retool okay alright next tag team another hunter tag team come forward tag team boy you're a warlock just at 60 yesterday okay well let me see how you play yeah let me see how you play this I'm not gonna judge you on on your damage or like winning I just want to see how you play I'm gonna do some weird [ __ ] to him okay here we go okay now what I'm dead zone iam here okay he keeps me rooted that's good see ya see he tried to do it didn't work I lost my nightfall one day I didn't really okay now how's he gonna play now what are you doing why did you run yeah all right you're gonna need a lot of work tag-team yeah you need a lot of work let's see like yeah I mean I understand what you're trying to do you just need to work I do a better job at a pair of positioning that's probably the main things get one of these paladin's here check my gear it was oh wait chanita oh nevermind yeah chanita I forgot about this guy I told him I'd do them okay you want to go against my warlock sounds good let's go turn that off what is he doing he's not D cursing or anything what do you what do you expect is gonna happen here what do you what do you think is gonna happen here like I I'm confused he's gonna hit me with that no he didn't okay so let's see what he's gonna do alright so he went he did do it the he's gonna go for the heal right now and he dead oh wait no that was a nature swiftness okay I could refeel right now but I'm not gonna deal with that so he's running himself out of mana that's not good man not good at all okay gonna go for another fear he's almost out of mana so I'm i dot I'm up that way I can just drop a big number on right here Dover okay so uh he's rest oh yeah he was rest oh uh what do you guys think I'll skip this song okay let's give this lonely fine good song he says once he once again all right let's go again now the thing with whenever whenever people want and again whenever people want and again I'm gonna be even harder on you and me again then I was at the beginning okay don't you understand that like I don't even use half my spells okay let's go let's go we're gonna do it again guys please give these people some room [Music] right [Music] now I'm what I'm gonna try to do is I'm not gonna drain man at you I'm gonna try to kill you and if you can survive before I kill you you did well okay if I can get this heal off all right there we go that's really bad for him he's dead [Music] okay that's a nature of swiftness good heel that's good good again good again okay that's a full heel he got himself back up I didn't expect that to happen at all good job good job routing the pet with nature's nature's grasp I like that a lot now you're out of mana he candy curse yeah he's doing okay I'll go and just reef your him here okay gonna use some mana now obviously this is kind of its kind of over for him here and he's gonna go for the heal now obviously I usually would fear the heal or something like that I I think he did pretty well like overall I think that this guy actually did do pretty well like I mean obviously this wasn't an amazing showing this is not an amazing showing of skill but he did relatively well what do you guys think yeah he did well I'm gonna promote you yeah you'll get promoted Jeana you remember a good spirit yeah he did as expected yeah I'd say so he did as expected okay um let's see next let's find out all right components you want to duel me priest or one of my hardest matchups Eldred who's eldress hell death is a hunter okay um you're a hunter all right let's go I'm ready okay I already got that dog on him okay that's good that's good I already got one dog on him now he's gonna try to go to max range here but he's over here he got a he's got a half a half whole thing now he's gonna hit me with this I'm gonna jump here and get inside of his dead zone okay he used shadow resistance trinket or shadow reflecting trinket that's really good for him good really really good really good just dotting him up for a nightfall prop okay and I'm gonna run away now how's he gonna handle this I'm already 20 feet away from you you oh you went in an aspect of the pack you were dead you let ass but why did you put on aspect of the pack whenever you had something attacking you okay yeah that was a mistake okay eldress you did relatively well and you put in effort into engineering I'm gonna give you a promotion you did not play extremely well I want to say that like you could have done better but you did okay algorithm gonna give you a promotion okay good job alright thank me later wait alright stop dueling me guys stop doing me let me choose the duels okay meowing meowing the mage come on good Bolton yeah I know I don't I don't bolt because usually fear breaks off of like a UH like each I think each like stack of damage each take of damage how's it get a chance to break here okay so he's max range my pets a little bit low health so he's gonna try and charge in here and he's gonna go for the route but it won't matter wait oh we got the chod that's really good oh it way he's going for arcane explosion what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] he killed my pet I wasn't ready for that my pet started a duel with half health to be fair but still okay I'm gonna have to all right I'm not gonna summon a new pet right now I could felled on my new pet but I'm not gonna do that okay he's it's over he's dead [Music] there it is that's over I had to cheat a little bit there yeah I had to cheat a little bit there with the death coil meowing you're absolutely getting promoted you did [ __ ] amazing yeah you did really really well okay a great job meowing now obviously like I think that really the best thing about that showing there is the fact that he yeah I cheated is he had like the awareness to focus my pet because my pet was already half health from the last duel and being able to capitalize on that I chose an awareness of another class and it shows a good player so I'm gonna promote him up okay next let's do another let's do another mage stop doing me let me to only choose who I'm gonna duel Paco okay this guy he says that I'm afraid of him cuz he's a mate because he's a rogue okay let's see about that Paco let's duel I'm assuming you want to duel my my warlock now obviously you can do all my my other character going okay let's go ready whenever you are okay that's not good okay okay did I can maybe get the sphere off not quite I should have refreshed my dot there that was mistake on my end he's got trying he's gonna try to reset whiten that you can't reset man oh actually you can got him okay that's smart this is actually gonna [ __ ] him up though because all of this spell knocked back that was Oh what do you guys think actually you know what I'm gonna give I'm gonna promote him I want to promote Paco and here's why is because no cheap shot yeah cuz I broke him out of stealth though well he gets that that's not really as fair as fair as possible right I broke my stealth here's why I'm gonna give him what you guys really don't all right all right all right I'll redo all I'll redo all Paco let's go just give me a second all right Paco go again accept it if you duel me again I'm gonna kick you out of the guild okay [ __ ] off ready whatever I will not try to break you out of stealth I will let you get the opener on me got it okay I try to always get the the dot on him okay I got both dots on him okay he stunned me they're pulling stun okay it's a gouge for another interrupt that's really really good he goes for the bandage that's really not good I get the nightfall proc and he gets the dick puck oh I'm gonna demote you you need to work on your opener what do you guys think what do you guys think about that opener it was at the beginning was pretty strong but yeah it was a let's see here pop go where's pee all right Paco um next needs to work on openers all right you're very good at resetting I want to say that though Paco you did very good job at resetting okay crisper tips you want to redo all okay um well listen mint like I think that you'll probably beat me you might beat me but I want to get to everybody else you've already been promoted like you've already proved your worth okay next um let's see this is guys 55 all right gutsy all right this guy's afk all right trio D treadle let's go treat all doing wait for a warrior four-spot evaded okay well let me see like what do you know you're a fifty hunter I don't want to duel you okay you didn't promote me alright crits I'm gonna promote you right now can i duel your warrior as a druid yeah sure yeah I said that you'd be able to yeah you've been throwed okay good yeah I'm gonna get on my warrior for him okay let's go why you're promoting with duels based on duels issues with how they can read because somebody who's good at dueling can raid well somebody who's good at rating probably can't duel well if you can raid well if you can do well you can probably read well that's why okay and this is mostly like a PvP guild like more than anything alright Torito let's go now let's go rating is a [ __ ] joke yeah like what what do you mean like can I listen to like standing still like I mean come on I'm not gonna try and break him out okay I [ __ ] up there I think it might be a little bit of lag by either way I [ __ ] up really bad for you really bad really bad you did that that's so bad for you okay nature's swiftness healed himself that's smart but now there's nothing else you can do here on that battle shut up that's not gonna work alright Riedl do you want to read oh yeah let's go for a redo okay alright he wants to retool you're you're you you should not be losing that easily you should not be losing that easily at all like this is not acceptable alright try again yeah you have so good you have really really good here my guild is not the problem like I was outside dueling here last night against people with other guilds all the guilds people and every guild are terrible like it's not like he did anything unique it's anything you need to him okay so I'm not gonna use perception obviously I see him got him okay all right that's a good route very good route good job on that positioning great job on that positioning okay now are you gonna keep me in combat you're not gonna keep me in combat that was a mistake are you gonna get that Rudolf you did okay good job but now you've already d yard your routes so whenever I get on you you can't use nature's grasp that that might not be good you refreshed your route again while you're going for the full reset it's going for a full reset okay [Music] good good good good great job great job great job that was a mistake you shouldn't have gone to me okay there we go there it is you cheater yeah that you did pretty well I'm actually gonna promote you yeah you did do pretty well that was a really good that was a very very smart reset yeah that was a very very smart reset it's just that him charging into me right there was a mistake because my intercept was uncool down he could have kept guiding me and I wouldn't have done it been able to do anything all we needed to do was keep me in combat that was what his mistake was okay components priest there sorry um warlock or warrior where's fine okay let's go I'm holy alright let's do it missing promotion yeah is the have Royce didn't do that whenever he gets on okay what's he gonna do where we at alright he's running always running towards me for the fear that's good okay immediately tried to break me out okay now what's he gonna do now he's gonna go for the heal right here right where's the heal wait what the [ __ ] rez backup what the [ __ ] you doing res back up again rest him again rest him again that's embarrassing okay okay that was good well I got really lucky there okay so I immediately did that right there alright let's do what's he gonna do is gonna go for the yield he's going for another Mike you need to stop going offensive man you go offensive so early and you lose you lose control over your health come back next week and give me a PvE trial I don't know how to duel as holy okay you want a PvE trial fine all right here's your PvE trial components don't fear me how long can you heal through my damage I won't interrupt you here's your PvE trial let's go I will not interrupt you heal through my damage [Music] tell me if you guys think he's doing well I will not interrupt you heal through my damaged I don't know if that was fair I mean like what's unfair I don't know that's I don't know like that's all right let me do another one Jesus Christ you're [ __ ] annoying get the [ __ ] away from me okay just a second in fear award no he didn't need to fear award I told him I wouldn't interrupt them alright you have one more chance one more chance components I want to see you win I want to see you come out of head components come on let's go okay there you go okay so I got a proc on him right there [Music] why are you healing yourself right now you're at full health why did you / heal there what are you gonna do now you're gonna fear me okay I'm actually I'm trying so hard to let you win I actually I really have to try to let you win I'm gonna let you full heal and I'm gonna see if you can do any better with this over healing let's let him full heal I really want to see you succeed components but like you're really making it hard for me to let you succeed okay good with the bubble okay all right components I've given you every handicap possible but I'm pretty sure I could have won that duel while Auto attacking okay we're gonna go ahead I'm gonna watch a couple videos and then we're gonna get ready for the raid [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 719,478
Rating: 3.8703194 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, wow classic, classic wow, asmongold olympus, asmongold duels, trials of olympus, olympus, olympus classic wow, olympus guild, asmongold pvp, asmongold classic duels, classic wow duels, wow duels, classic world of warcraft, asmongold guild, asmongold duels viewers, classic duels, olympus trials
Id: 3uhLLPzpdaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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