The First Ever CROSS-FACTION WoW Transmog Competition

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this is the first time that we have ever done a horde and alliance transmog competition first individual here fearless spectator skate john from the early shift this guy's been in a lot of my runs before and obviously here he is again he's got one of the mr pandaria tabards on those shoulders there come from i believe that is uh no feet picks oh yeah that's good uh yeah let's keep it that way um i think that's the uh that's the heroic version of the paladin uh tomb of sargeras set those gloves right there are blacksmithing gloves from burning crusade that belt there comes from i think that's a cataclysm or miss pandaria belt those leggings there are the wrath recolor leggings from the burning crusade five-man heroic dungeons and this sword here is called the great sword of frozen hells which is a random drop from throne of thunder bosses this is a relatively good set i like it it's okay i think the chess piece there is a um i think that's the dragon soul paladin chess piece i'm not 100 sure on that all right skate john let's see the mount okay thought was just mog it's all right it's alright yes it is a mount yeah everybody always needs to have a mount always so swift zulean tiger obviously this is a flex let's be real everybody knows it this is a flex trying to show off that he has it it's a big deal very few people have this it's expensive i farmed about back in the day i do not honestly i think his set [ __ ] sucks like i'm going to be i'm going to be totally [ __ ] honest there we go like i i think this is just the worst [ __ ] step i've ever seen in my goddamn life he's riding on bobby he bought the big oh my god why what are you doing oh my god bobby thanks you man yeah he really appreciates that man yeah he he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna know who you are man whatever all the mounts yeah i know you [ __ ] have all the mounts this guy beat me on a mountain off before good job let me look at the next one tron blinks the fearless oh that's a staff from [ __ ] wad i think that's from uh i thought bruce right it's either from highmaul or uh blackrock foundry i don't remember which one the tavern from the court of the harvesters the shoulders from also blackrock foundry the gloves there from i believe that is the horde version of the cruel gladiators gloves that were the reskin from tier vi the boots there are the uh i think those are the renowned version of not renowned excuse me uh those are the buyable version of the vinthir gloves or sorry boots there holy [ __ ] this is a yeah he is a fire lands andy but he doesn't have any gear from fire winds and that help that helmet there is the tier 11 heroic version of the mage helmet god this is this is nice this is a firelands andy without being a fireland zandy yes i am impressed this looks really really good god damn it looks good yeah he's using a horde only transmog too that's nice now now fearless i'm gonna be honest i am not fearless i am afraid that you're gonna get on a shitty mount tron i'm really afraid of that you're not gonna do that to me are you what do you guys think i think this is decent i think that okay so i i don't think that mount is like any extra points i think it looks really good it matches the theme very well is it something that just completely comes out of left field and is like super amazing i think the mount is a nine and the transmog is also a nine like this looks really [ __ ] good uh i bet this guy's probably playing frost right no he's actually a fire mage okay yeah never mind yes this is a very good fire mage transmog i like it a lot really good job tron i'm proud of you good work patient patient vaca bowling area [ __ ] is this [ __ ] the shoulders there from [ __ ] cataclysm dungeons the gloves and the boots there from the first and also the legs from the first uh pvp tier i think that might be pvp tier of shadowlands the belt there from i think xerath mortis the weapon which is a trash drop from dragon soul the shield that's from five man dungeons and warlords of draenor what the [ __ ] is this supposed to be this mount better be amazing listen listen i'm gonna be honest with you baker this set is really really on the edge and it's it's about to fall off the edge i'm gonna be honest if you get on a mouth that is bad i might have to kick you out of the whole raid oh baker go ahead let's see [Music] that's what i was thinking i'm gonna be honest faker i think that this mount is not bad enough to get you kicked out of the raid but it's bad enough for me to think that you probably should this is not a good combination the only thing that this mount matches is your shield and your horns yeah this is the pinnacle of a 12 year old tauren player veka you've got to do a better job this just simply isn't acceptable this is 2022. we're not looking at these clown sets anymore and getting impressed you're making the horde look bad yep [Music] the horde only version of the elite gladiator gear from dominic gladiator season for his shoulders and his gloves the chest piece and the legs and also the boots there all from heroic castle nathria as well as the belt the helmet there that drops from uh that's the tier helmet from firelands for the actually normal mode version and the offset recolor drops from or not recoil or the any tier or any class can use it drops from a list resort and then the axe right there oh my god [Music] although i don't think that's the elite version of what of the legion gear i think it is because doesn't the non-elite version is is this the elite or non-elite version serathin i think that it's the elite version because it has the uh the effects that come out of it uh i'm not sure it's non-elite i told you it's not the elite version [ __ ] okay never mind all right i'm not used to a lot of the horde items i have to say i'm gonna be real i [ __ ] love this like i i really i i think this is [ __ ] amazing man i never would have thought with anything yeah like that helmet dude like nobody ever [ __ ] matches this helmet with anything like this helmet yeah it's like one of those things that like nothing can ever match with it it's like the uh the [ __ ] helmet from lei shin nobody can ever find anything enough to fit with it yeah exactly no you're gonna trigger me that don't there's a few sets that are good but not that many like yeah not that many now serathan i really really really love this set this is probably my favorite set that i've seen so far and i swear to [ __ ] god if you get on a bad mount i will be legitimately angry with you serathan get on your mount yeah i like his cloak too that's a cool cloak it's called origin you can get on the auction house okay let's let's look let's put some perspective into this [Music] let's put some perspective into this oh oh dude this is good oh i i feel like oh i feel like oh that's a that is nice the axe makes it work the axe does make it work i i think so like i actually i don't think this is an l mount now obviously it's a very big mount big mounts generally do not get perceived well in the competitions however i think this set like straight up i think this is a 10 to 10 set i love it matches the axe and the cloak outlines with the mount okay that's impressive i like that a lot okay yeah this is really really really [ __ ] good man yeah this is amazing insane set yeah like let me see uh yeah can you get off the mount real quick yeah i really like this a lot dude i think it's [ __ ] amazing vaca left yeah i know trust me he he had to thank you sir yeah this set i i just i can't get over how good this is i really really like this set of lines i'm a little mad that i can't i can't do that because the dk items a little bit oh well i would 100 steal this this is a great idea fist bumbo from the guild dragon d's nuts all right so he's got the shoulders and the and the gloves there from the you know that's the antorus what's that there now i think that's actually is this guy horde as well i'm not even really sure but um no he's not i i'm gonna be real like i think this looks pretty damn good he's got the swords there with the sinful illusion enchant with the chess piece like i mean that looks pretty badass like it's simple yeah it's not sinful no is it the other one it's the other [ __ ] one that looks just like it okay it's called sin rash sin wrath oh excuse me yeah that's what matters okay look i like this a lot man i really really do like obviously we've seen a lot of people using the antaurus and i think actually this is one of the pvp versions but i'm not 100 on it because it's a monk set but i really like it i think it looks really good what do you guys think red equals win no it's just a coincidence okay guys that's how it looks it's looking like red equals it is a little bit yeah all right fist this is a really cool set i like it a lot i really like the weapons i think the weapons are [ __ ] amazing yeah the weapon yeah the chat is very skeptical fist you have to get on a good mount here if you want to get a chance at getting in the top five undead blanchy i understand it i understand it too yeah like i feel like we haven't had a mount we haven't had a mount transmog combo that like really elevates it like every single one has been like either neutral or like it made it a little bit worse but it wasn't really that big of a deal this was like oh i got a red mog i need a red mount yeah yeah that's what happened the only good thing about this is the fact that the eyes here match with the sin wrath enchant that's the only good thing with like the uh with the effect everything else is kind of okay fist tombow you tried i think your set looks pretty good but i don't know about the smell also one little small thing i want to point out is that your shoulders have this like green kind of thing coming off it yeah that kind of it kind of [ __ ] it up a little bit it does i didn't even see that yeah you're right he all spread out a little bit oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no oh god come on please don't be [ __ ] the mystiteer and the scythe uh first boss helmet from mythic the shoulders there that are the heaving pauldrons of protection which are a boe that drops in bastion of twilight which is tier 11. uh the gloves there which are the recolored version of i think the paladin gloves from firelands that you can get from island expeditions obviously the gavel of the jailer and then the boots and the legs also from t year 11 dk set to me this is a an amazing set just on the fact that those what that weapon right now is extremely hard to get a good mog for and i think he's done an exceptional job that's true that's true it's one of those items that like if you even have a set that even slightly looks good with this mog that's [ __ ] impressive and i'm gonna be honest i'm impressed i think this looks really good i like it a lot jibu jibu you're not going to get on a bad mount are you you're not going to get on a bad mount he says oh no he's not all right you're not going too good two choices nope nope nope nope nope first one first one is is your choice you only have one choice one shot do not miss your chance to blow that's pretty [ __ ] good that's good like that's actually really [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] yeah that's that's actually really really good god damn what what do you guys think like yeah i think this is amazing holy [ __ ] now that's not good yes it is it looks really good it's really nice yeah especially with like the eyes and the eyes on him like it looks so good man what are you crazy this is a big dick mount good job gebu i'm proud of you this is what we like to see out of curiosity what was the other one yeah yeah let's see the other one yeah let's see if you made the good or the more good decision yep definitely best decision absolutely best decision if you had gotten on invincible we would have just laughed at you mike i'm gonna be honest like most people don't have transmogs that match invincible and i'm actually really glad that you went on that instead trash mount doesn't match at all it does it absolutely matches oh by the way in case anyone was curious you have the uh gavel uh if you have full tier three warrior and you throw the sinful enchant on it from the the glad uh achievement matches perfectly it's amazing it's great stuff really yep you can try it uh okay okay just give me a sec i want to see this uh okay oh jeez you can just go to your sets and [ __ ] i don't have the bracers um okay so then you have the weapon two ended maces okay uh let's see here i i yeah i gotta see this now throw the sinful enchant on it told you oh man oh man uh that looks pretty good i might have to do that yeah i might have to i have to get the mace first i don't have it yet that looks cool yeah it [ __ ] does it looks amazing looks sick all right let's look at the next one leones the imported so uh it looks like this transmog got imported from 2014 whenever transmog first came out or 2012 actually whenever transmog first came out and people were just putting random [ __ ] together i i don't know like i have no i'm not sure where to begin so the shoulders here are actually from legion and so is the belt the weapon obviously is doom hammer and this axe is a very specific axe this axe comes from um warlords of draenor gold challenge modes and all the rest of the pieces are just random assorted [ __ ] uh mostly legion uh male items so leone's this set sucks big fat dicks [Music] get on your mouth i'm not even gonna comment on this one yeah just get on your mouth this is a this is a dick sucking set get off get off it get off him out get out get get get off and out that's the drake of the north wind get off in why did you do this to me get out why did you do this to me what were you thinking and they said the horde has honor this is what we get out of the first uh horde and alliance transmog competition we have this [ __ ] sad let's go to the next one dragon slayer allendar from the guild northern watch chess piece and legs from i believe that's the sanctum set for uh uh for for hunters or for male users the bow there comes from i believe or draenor the shoulders and the gloves there are from trial of valor and so is the belt i kind of like this like i'm going to be honest i i really kind of like this now what does this tell me whenever i feel like the the sanctum gear that came out four years after the [ __ ] uh trial of our gear looks worse i don't know what to say about that but listen i think this looks really cool this is yeah it's very very clean this is an extremely clean transmog allendar please don't do this to us go ahead get on your mount even the title matches it yes dragon slayer yeah you're right oh hmm i wha i don't know like i feel like it it's like it's not like you don't like it i like all right so the color is [ __ ] flawless maybe my expectations were too high maybe i thought that it was supposed to be better than it was gooder you know but i think that overall it does look good for colors the colors match perfectly i like it a lot now people who don't like it are red andes no no no i i think this looks good like the colors are great the only concern that i have is it doesn't really match the theme in the same way that everything else does but i do think it looks good go ahead i i understand people's uh trepidation with the mouth because the shoulders have a green glow right and the eyes and the mouth are like a bluish like deathly like thing right and so that's that throws it off a little bit um but the thing is the armor on the guy and the mount match pretty much perfectly they do and yeah a little biased because i think those mounts are awesome i think they're [ __ ] amazing yeah i love them i i do have to say like yeah the armor on it like the color on the armor matches his chain mail perfectly and i think that's impressive yeah this is good even though the theme isn't really the same good job allendar good job professor corona healer from the guild the barnyard so uh wha what is this this looks like a guy that goes to the comic shop and argues with the people there about superman like what the [ __ ] is this yeah i mean really like yeah this is the kind of guy that goes to the comic book store and he [ __ ] starts arguments about how powerful superman is with the person who works there let's be honest i'm the one your wife is cheating with you with okay you know what this guy definitely plays final fantasy for sure you think do you play final fantasy corona [Music] nah he says he doesn't he's lying he says he doesn't play it there's no way like all right i think the set like the the realism for the set is great i mean he's even got wait those are like my shoes holy [ __ ] i just realized that those are like my moccasins oh my god it's like he's tr he's transmogging me in 20 years what the [ __ ] he also has your hair guys no he doesn't that that's not no all right corona go ahead go ahead get on your mouth let's see the mount [Music] big dick mount corona big dick mount [Music] why did you do this what why did you do this is it supposed to be mitch jones like is this supposed to be like a cosplay of me or something like that because there's like rats in my house like what what is [Music] what what what what are you doing here why are you doing this to me [Music] go ahead tell me what what was your goal with this transmog son [Music] corona hello hello come on this is the realism transmog nobody else doesn't like me i i get it i mean i get the realism transmog you got a t-shirt some jeans and some shoes right i get that but if you're going for realism wouldn't you ride a horse at least a horse exists i i mean it's i wanted to try something different everybody goes cringe try hard edgy stuff you're right i mean to be fair this is a realism set and we have not seen anything like this before nobody has ever tried nobody has ever tried to do this in my uh in my competitions before he's just a troll no he's a goblin um but listen i uh i i like it i i do like it i i think that if you look at it from like a realism perspective you actually you did pretty well [Music] very realistic incredibly realistic corona well done fail strider blocky two months ago you were in my transmog competition and you stood over there with a green set am i right that's what i thought i remember this i'm gonna be honest i think this set looks decent enough uh it it does like i i like it now is it it reminds me it's like if you combined prophet valen and durotan in warlords of draenor this is what you would get you've got obviously like the [ __ ] legion shoulders that helmet there this staff is from wod i think this belt right here is from i think that's legion that's like the tier vi offset set uh or sorry offset belt like i think this is decent enough is it amazing i mean i think it could be amazing like yeah belts and triple cigarettes yeah that's the tier sex offset that's what i'm saying yeah from from legion um this is decent enough blocky i i in general like this yeah it looks looks pretty good purple does not equal wind but it might blocking it's time boy talon the blessed fel pressure yo so does they like it oh my god like i i i mean this is like he's matching the crystals yeah he's got that [ __ ] he's got the matching crystal crack rocks like this is amazing i i really like this i think this is actually unironically good like yeah crystal the crystal like yeah holy [ __ ] [ __ ] man this is great yeah i mean i actually think this is the first mount that was actually picked without the like this is the first mount that somebody had their eyes open whenever they decided what mount they were going to use yeah yeah yeah this is actually a good idea blocky good job i'm proud of you great blocky it's uh uh i i don't know if you can but if you can throw the the earth water or light water whatever that yellow enchant is on your weapon that'd be good too yeah i think actually i don't know does that one show the enchant i don't even know if it does i don't think it does all right let's see if it does very drain i said it is he's doing it right now we're gonna see what this is i'm not sure yet so we're gonna find out know what about the blue guy we're going to get to it we're going to get to it it's all right we're going to get to everybody shattrath point yeah it's too bad okay i'm a pleb i don't have it oh my god okay all right all right blocky okay let's go on to the next guy okay uh uh nuku nuku the insane from the guild road runners and you are a cat isn't that nice come on let's see the transmog what the [ __ ] huh so horde navy dress uniform yo if that's how they dress in the navy i it wouldn't it wouldn't surprise me no i mean i shoulders are weird i i dude all right this is the kind of set this is so [ __ ] ridiculous i want you to i want to see your i want to see your your mount i want to see your mount because i cannot believe this set's going to work i think this set is doa so this is what you like to call a flexor now this mount right here is the swift horde wolf this wolf came from the trial of the grand crusader tin man by completing try uh the [ __ ] doing it without wiping uh tribute to insanity that's what it was i got this mount myself that's how i know what it is tribute to insanity so yes it would drop from 10 man nuku nuku that's why you came in yes you came in to flex on the smell is that right can you please give me one other reason why this mount works other than the fact that you're trying to flex seal he says seal team six didn't they get like shot down or something no they got uh the [ __ ] yeah they got tumors in the brain oh well [ __ ] but that yeah that sucks you can complete it listen i'm going to be honest they don't exist i have no idea what nuku they killed bin laden hell yeah brother you got that right brother yeah hell yeah listen the mount [ __ ] sucks okay it doesn't match at all this is a hundred percent of flex mount and yes the set does look good but i'm pretty sure this isn't what tauren would use in the navy but i i have no [ __ ] idea yeah i i don't know let's go back over look at the next one no it doesn't yeah challen the lightbringer from the guild dragon scale expedition whoa okay okay all right so we've got obviously uh those boots right there i think those boots are from the vin theater as well uh the gloves there i think those are tear set gloves for a priest i think that's from i think that's legion i don't remember exactly where that's from the shoulders and the helmet there are from the old war tears set the tabat there is from the tabard of the argent dawn or the the [ __ ] argent crusade or whatever the hell it was all right it's a 3.3 tabard go ahead dude this mark is busting holy [ __ ] is it really busting though dude i think this mog kicks ass i mean it's it's pretty good like what do you guys think is it is it that good i mean maybe it is i mean the lantern is good the like floating in the air is good i mean i like the belt i mean about i think that's like a nighthold belt or something you have you never seen a non-purple nightborne if you want me to be totally honest with you no i have not i only see purple nightbornes let's see the pvp that's what i thought it's the same set um go ahead get on your mount come on why did you do this to yourself why why why did you why did you why did you commit this act of violence against yourself he says nightborne construct it's not a nightborne construct they say in the quest that the construct is not actually the it's so timeless they don't even know where it came from i read that yeah so that's not even true you want to try again you were so close like yeah yeah i read the quest sticks i'm joking yes [Music] this is the worst mount combination that i've ever seen in my entire life there has never been another time that a person has gotten on a mount and ruined their chances that much if you had just got on this mount okay this is a bfa mount it's not a big deal this is a sandy whatever the [ __ ] yeah sandy nightsaber you bought this from the little [ __ ] bfa uh like little world quest things now you would have probably done pretty well but this is just this is fine this is acceptable the other one is just ahead of the curve [ __ ] way better yeah challenge you've got to try better next time come on i'm sorry i'm so upset you wasted that perfect transmog on on uh with this [ __ ] mount now no one can ever come into another competition with an amazing mog like that and give it another shot you had you have one shot with your transmog with a good mount and that's it no one else in the history or in the future will ever be able to do it again and you [ __ ] ruined it that is too [ __ ] bad shelling shelling it it really could have been a lot better please mcconnell i love you though good luck let's go ahead and go to the next one q1 of water on from the guild law enforcement if this small gets too many pieces from one same set i can change to my arms one i wear this one just for funsies so he's got obviously this is a lot of like this is i like this actually i think this is really interesting because it's an alliance transmog set but it's using very few pieces that are actually alliance themed it's only the shoulders and the belt and the legs that are actually alliance themed transmog pieces and all the rest of the pieces are like usually like mostly xerath mortise items actually like the gloves and like the weapons and the boots there like i really kind of like this the helmets from opulence and battle of a desire lore i think this looks pretty good guys yeah that's the uh carrion armor it's oh it's carrying oh oh yes yes no you're totally right you are right um i don't haven't done carrying yet so i'm not sure and that's the gilnean tabard as well i like this i i i feel like there is a chance that this mount could suck like i feel like what you're gonna go i'm not gonna actually i'm not gonna give him any ideas i'm not going to give him any ideas yep yep all right q1 let's see it i like it simple you're going to get on a regular horse oh oh oh okay all right you know what i actually think this isn't that bad yeah okay this is actually a good idea the reason why i like it the most is the fact that it's not what i had expected him to do because like if people always can i show my arms one yeah sure this is a really really nice set i like it a lot yeah yeah we can look at your arms one i just really really like the other off pieces especially like the shoulders and all that like looking like that the gloves don't look that great but everything else is pretty decent oh wow wow i this actually looks pretty [ __ ] good and like dude the reformed ash kandi that is a [ __ ] nobody ever uses that nope nope holy [ __ ] yeah this coupon this is a good one yeah um i feel like yeah both of these sets i don't know about the tabard but maybe it does work because the other dragon changes title too yeah he did i like this good job come on you have a mount for that one or no get on if you want right to slay dragons in the next expansion true okay ah now it's not really that good uh i think that's just one of the mounts a quart sin runner oh yeah okay that one i guess is probably from somewhere on rev draft i don't really know where that one is from actually i just bought that's like one of the ones you just buy and never think about it again midnight from kara maybe it's really hard to say what will go with it i have no idea that does actually oh all right that looks really yeah that looks really really [ __ ] good i kind of like the other set more but i do think this looks badass yeah uh good job cool one now let's go to the next one okay i'll separate a little bit collab of the nightfall now whenever you say collab if i said this is one of the shittiest sets that i've seen i think i would be underselling it oh i think this is one of the lowest effort worst transmog sets that i've seen all year all you did is you put together a number of pieces from the last season of bfa and then you put that shitty [ __ ] dagger on that comes from ashara's eternal palace and i think this little what's this from the uh i i don't even i think this is from uh just like a random green in storm star uh storm song valley with this weird face mask i don't like this i think that it's so boring it's so bad yes yes yeah good job kieran get away now i think this looks automatically way back i think the face mask really sucked and this does look better however i have a feeling that you're gonna get on a mount that's even worse i i have a feeling that you have not reached the pinnacle of your failure yet i want you to get on your mount prove me wrong you know what this one reminds me a lot of it reminds me a lot of those girls on twitter who only post screenshots of their wow characters and they always have these like goofy [ __ ] transmogs on riding around on a horse or a unicorn you remind me of one of those girls damn that's what you did you did that to me right now let's go to the next one move over a little bit so we have full cinder here um as you guys know uh demon hunters are very very edgy okay like very very very edgy you've got to keep that in mind so it's got obviously like those are the rogue shoulders there the belts there from i think that's a rogue set and uh i think that's actually the first set in legion same with the helmet as well that's the mythic version so this is a very very edgy boy i like it i think that it looks pretty decent but i'm not really sure if it's gonna be a winner okay yeah i i don't know what do you think it's carmine it has nothing to do with carmine it doesn't look like carmine at all like you're crazy if you think it looks like carmine this looks decent but not amazing paul sender full center very edgy just get on your [ __ ] now just get on your [ __ ] edgy mount get on your edgy [ __ ] now let's go come on yeah to be fair i actually think this mount with this set looks really good yeah like i actually think this looks really good like of any meme that i was gonna give to this set i think that this this mount actually dispels the meme like it's actually so good that i don't think that you are you have no longer you are no longer an edgy 14 year old i am impressed by this yeah if this is enough this is actually a saved set i really like like the weapons and like the red [ __ ] on the weapons and like the the mount itself this is really really good man i'm proud of you good job i thought there was no redemption for this at all but um just like illidan you're probably favorite character in the game it turns out there is good job full center good job make chickens i wish i could this is going to be a [ __ ] stupid scent like this is going to be yep oh my god you know when you come in here with [ __ ] like that like just know that you are taking the spot of someone that you know has been clamoring to get in to one of these competitions for possibly years and you're coming in here with a [ __ ] dumb oh my god he's you see he's he's don't yeah he's trying to promote the sponsor to try to get me to give him a better placing yeah i i see what you're doing i see what you're doing and it makes sense this guy loves buying stuff and you know what the thing is there was no 75 percent sale like there was for razer products whenever he kick him please please kick him let's let's do an accounting first the mount was 25 the helmet was 15 okay because you know he didn't get with prime he probably had this [ __ ] since mom the chest like you realize every piece of gear he has is a separate store set right the helmet is from the store the gloves are from the [ __ ] store the back pieces from the [ __ ] store the belt is from the store like we're talking about you guys are looking at a hundred [ __ ] dollars this transmog cost him a hundred [ __ ] see this is when i when i spurge out about like people getting the pre-orders and whatever and there's people in chat saying oh i pre-ordered i pre-ordered it yeah a lot of them are just trolling to to get a reaction but there are people just like this guy that actually do pre-order and buy these store mounts and buy transmogs and [ __ ] like that for the reaction mcchickens that's this guy get on the green one do you if do you have the green one do you have the pre-order amount come on told you i told you this right here is the target audience right here guys you know he's just sitting there giggling to himself just laughing he thinks it's super funny to give billionaires more money like he's just he's just laughing his ass he's got so many of them he's got every collector's edition mountain he's got all the store mounts he's got all of the store transmogs check the achievements oh wait okay let me check the achievements all right let me double check oh he's got oh he's got the [ __ ] oh he's got the he's got the bull oh wait he's actually got a pet from the store too will this ever stop he's just like yeah he subscribed until 2032. oh my [ __ ] god this is insane wow that's super cool man so um how much money how much money did your transmog set cost and like how much money did all that i just this is what we're up against okay guys almost enough to buy a razer keyboard there you go you got the gloves the belt the chest piece the [ __ ] helmet every storm out in the game guys what's the pet's name it's name is razer all right we're not gonna kick him out because he's at least trying to help out our sponsor what yeah we're not going to kick him out yeah we're going to sell out we're going to let him we're going to let him stay in the raid because i'm going to be honest if if you are not helping us out with this [ __ ] sponsor you would be [ __ ] out of here you would be [ __ ] out of here and you know it yeah there it is actually but yeah exactly we're doing it you can you can buy this stuff with gold uh did you buy it for gold or real money yeah that's a good question did you buy it for gold or real money hell no [Laughter] credit card hell yeah man big [ __ ] money oh my god i just man and look what we've got next wow uh is this what i think it is yep all right hi asman what what the [ __ ] so those are that oh my god like i love this this is [ __ ] badass holy [ __ ] by the way i got a hundred a hundy who who who gave me a hundred subs oh santa cough some of the 100 gifted subs thank you so much man i appreciate that sorry i was molding about the about the storm out their store at the store everything yeah it was me if that was not you that was not you oh no shot that was you in chat like is that actually you gifting subs by the way i have a lot to say about this guy's transmog no sag okay yeah he spent all his money on [ __ ] store mounts all right go ahead do it thank you so much man this transmog is easily if this doesn't get top five i will i will think less of you i i i think that there is a very very low chance that it doesn't get top five i actually think this is an incredible [ __ ] set like the combination of like those warlock shoulders with like all of the like priestess helmets and [ __ ] like that from uh a bfa i love this like this guy looks like he's ready to carve out the heart of a virgin and roll their dead corpse down the [ __ ] stairs this is amazing i [ __ ] love it yeah this is so good like yeah absolutely chill out this is being sponsored bro there you go guys well that's what they used to do i mean it's not my what is it my problem that i [ __ ] that they did that i mean listen it looks [ __ ] badass tyrion i [ __ ] love it man i absolutely [ __ ] love it tyrion you had better not get on a bad mount oh my god i swear to [ __ ] god if you get on a bad mount i'm going to be furious with you uh i will be absolutely [ __ ] fear aren't many amounts to look good with this set but i do have one okay [Music] i actually think that's good it is good yeah i actually think that's good the problem is like there are no mounts he's right there are like no mounts that go with this set so we went with something with a co that matched the theme of the colors and i think that this mount matches the theme of the colors pretty much perfectly so i'm actually going to consider this a w yeah this is actually a w go ahead does the raptor match it the raptor which raptor uh swift rizachi no shot what no shotgun another two right yes one of the two has to match that uh maybe do you have the raptor from the new za or sorry new zg that drops from bloodlord mandokir the the red one the armored razaji raptor because if you had that one i'd be curious to see what it would look like but i don't know if it does it's a new player the bfa collectors one um oh oh my god holy [ __ ] oh my god does anybody have that any of y'all horde boards does any of y'all hoard boys have that bro bring it over here bring it over here get off the mountain he's a lion so like it doesn't work yeah does any of y'all have that [ __ ] i don't know what it's called bro uh it's like that [ __ ] v it sounds like something like a [ __ ] v or some [ __ ] like somebody has to have it right does somebody have it [ __ ] dude one of you [ __ ] idiots pre-ordered bfa gilded yeah guilt yeah there it is there's a v uh okay all right all right get get next get next to him oh bro like that's it oh boy that would have been oh my god oh my god oh my god dude that would have been but he's a lion so we can't even get that because that's horde only like we got that [ __ ] [ __ ] like so that was it oh that's so good listen i'm not gonna hold it against you because you literally like you are being held back by literal [ __ ] racism yes okay like it's not this is not your fault okay you did a good job this is a great set i'm proud of you let's go to the next one what the [ __ ] the chess piece from is that the heroic warlock chess piece from throne of thunder with the shoulders there from like i mean i feel like the shoulders like i love the chest piece i think the chest piece is a w chess piece i [ __ ] love it uh even like the back piece with like those shoulders is [ __ ] amazing and like even that dude the dagger looks good like oh my god i feel like this is man here's the thing okay i think this is this is the knockoff brand of the first one that we looked at from the other side yeah i mean it's just i really like this chess piece it's so ornate and like so well put together i think it's badass that belt right there is really cool i think that comes from hellfire citadel for mages i don't i'm not 100 on that i love the [ __ ] dagger all right b no we go let's see y'all mount bino get up on it we ain't doing none of that french [ __ ] this is america what about louisiana dude i don't know what do you mean i don't know is that a place in louisiana i have no [ __ ] idea i don't know listen bay nope be no close enough all right i'm gonna be real i think that we have seen too many sen sin runner blanche's if i see another person get on the sin runner blanchy and it doesn't make their set [ __ ] amazing i am going to kick you out of the goddamn raid like i'm sick of seeing this [ __ ] mount it looks like [ __ ] it doesn't match it has nothing to do with anything else it's garbage you should have would have been better if i went first no it wouldn't have been uh it it's it's no i'm not i've got we had an enough of this [ __ ] okay i'm not gonna deal with it all right here we go let's see what the next one is what's this wow an uber drink uber danger trans monk what is this is this some [ __ ] final fantasy [ __ ] like what are you trying to do here what yeah what are you trying to do here oh oh man how did you get that uh effect on your back oh how'd you get that how'd that happen what's that what's that how like damn so this [ __ ] just happens to anybody huh like is it like a toy or like what is it that really caused that to happen oh man i wonder bino [ __ ] out of here hunt master not take a seat friend draenor awaits [Music] and just like draenor it's empty all right nadu i'm gonna be real i think that your helmet and shoulder combo is one of the coolest helmet and shoulder combos that i've ever seen i absolutely [ __ ] love it i think this is one of the coolest things that i have seen in a long time so this is a combination of the uh hunter tier 14 set right here for this shoulder and then this shoulder and this helmet is part of another set i think this is [ __ ] phenomenal the weapon is a little bit weird uh this weapon is the primal gladiator's great sword and the leggings the gloves and the boots there are from the trial of our set and then the belt there is from legion as well uh i i feel like this is a man like i i really like this set like i like this helmet and shoulder combo it's one of my favorite shoulders in the whole game like i really like this a lot man [ __ ] badass set yeah it's this is a this is a good set it's a good set seven out of ten i like it a lot nadu i am biased in your favor you have to be trying to lose stop putting this on me stop stop putting this on me it's annoying if you guys see who's putting it on me i'll kick them out of the way stop it it just interrupts everything all right nadu go ahead get on your mount that's good that's actually good uh this is the iron side war wolf i honestly like there's so many of these [ __ ] things i don't even know where this one comes from yeah i have no idea where this one comes from like there's like 50 other ones i would know i actually don't know this one uh yeah i have no cures no i think that's the garden steel maw uh yeah i i don't know it's just i feel like this is perfect like this is exactly what i would have expected i like this a lot what do you guys think seven out of ten could be better i feel like the mount could maybe be a little bit better but i think this is sufficient this is decent enough eyes match the eyes do match that's actually a very good point bro i'm always this personal taste just for me but i'm always disappointed with male transmog like i don't know what it is but it's never flashy it's never really caught my eye it's always like very subdued i i don't know personally i'm not i just i it's hard for me to get like i don't know a lot of the male transmog doesn't look that good you're right about that but i think this is going to be a lot better i love the shoulder and helmet combo like i might actually be so biased like i love it i think it's so perfect we'll have to see what else we have but this is actually a good job i like it a lot i really love that helmet this is really cool now that's cool this is actually really [ __ ] cool holy [ __ ] okay that's mail i like um wow wait what the [ __ ] are those weapons uh those weapons are [ __ ] uh let me see if i can read them and remember uh i actually don't know uh bonelash paw i have no [ __ ] idea where those weapons are from the tabard of flame as well look at that it's it's the tavern i think the tavern is not ideal dude i love the [ __ ] helmet i think the helmet is amazing man uh battle desire war mythic apparently actually you know what that does ring a bell i think so maybe from the third boss maybe yeah is it from third boss or something like that because i remember like vaguely seeing this um all the rest of the pieces like this is partly like the legendary set from sanctum actually no i think this is this is sanctum or is this [ __ ] castle nathri i think this actually might be castle matthew um caulker on dark shaman oh the other one sinful yeah it's the first tier i really think this is good and he's also got the dark shaman shoulders over there i love this helmet god damn bro this is really good yeah i i think this is pretty good this is totally [ __ ] out of left field all right mud lust let's see the [ __ ] let's see the [ __ ] mount this is so good i love it nothing matches but it doesn't match in a way that does match you wouldn't understand you wouldn't get it yeah um i think this is decent like i'm not a huge fan of the spider but like what do you guys think uh yeah i think this looks pretty good overall it's not awful it's it's pretty good what do you guys think good or not mounts match i get it with the mask yeah this looks great man mother lust i'm proud of you the mask in the in the spider face true actually true yeah that's a very good point holy [ __ ] yeah i like this this is scary as [ __ ] yeah it looks pretty decent man good job mud list let's go look at the next one it's the mask yeah exactly [Music] what the [ __ ] fearless spectator kecky w what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] the [ __ ] ulduar shoulders the the belt that's like wait that's the that's the heroic version of the throne of thunder warrior belt the leggings and boots from [ __ ] wrath into chess pieces from a dungeon wrath give it a chance what the [ __ ] is this oh come on just give it a chance just look at it absorb it understand it all right i'm going to close my eyes and i think about it for like three seconds real quick yeah it still sucks yep still sucks keckie kecky w taylor park task force let's see the mount let's see them out i'm not a big fan of this one guys uh cassang ago what the [ __ ] does that mean i'm gonna be honest i'm not a fan i'm not a fan at all of this i think that it's a bit of an l transmog the mount doesn't make any sense this guy definitely is i still have hair yeah of course you do because you're [ __ ] 15 years old i i don't want to [ __ ] hear your [ __ ] kecky w [ __ ] you let's go to the next one name yourself after a twitch emote captain danish ah and i'm glad we got in the transponder cards my birthday tomorrow so this is the right trade okay that's good yep there we go there we go get chat to feel sorry for you it looks like this guy came straight out of belliore's game i think it looks decent right you've got the kulterin chess piece the gun right there i think that guns comes from tolberat i'm not even under not tolbert uh sorry told the gore uh some words i got my left shoulder from the beast that i killed the whole crew took my left eye i like that that's good and like you've got a little bit of a uh you know like the asymmetrical uh thing going on every single piece nothing is from the same set so not a single piece of gear is from the same set what do you guys think about this i i believe that that's true yeah because the belt right there is from bfa the leggings and the boots are i think are also i think the boots are from like uh [ __ ] cata or something like that chess piece is obviously from the uh yeah it's inspect for confirmation no we believe you we know this i'll be honest this is one of the best like grungy captains yeah uh i lost my [ __ ] eyeball like translucent i've seen a long time it's good yeah this is yeah this is the guy that uh you know he doesn't shower for a month okay when he's out at sea i like it a lot this is great i also have a survival version well let's see the mount version first i like the axe but let's see the mount oh that is okay okay all right that looks really good god damn like i'm gonna be honest like that actually looks really good i i was like not really 100 sold on this but uh yeah this is a it's a pay-to-win game guys what can i say um and uh the show actually to be fair this one was uh again this was a uh [ __ ] uh six-month reward so he's probably just six months up but this is so badass i just had an amazing idea yeah what if you could go back in time and award the dread wake mount as the meta for getting the [ __ ] done in bfa kind of like vail strider but that would require like yeah that would be a super cool idea wow imagine if they had something that was rewarding in the actual game can't imagine that good job danish psy the faceless one i really really like this i'm gonna be totally honest i think this is [ __ ] amazing that that uh that chess piece here i think this is the tin man version of the um robes of the umbral brute i actually don't know where that's from i thought that was from a tin man and uh i thought that was where the [ __ ] is that chess piece from because i know the shoulders are the offset tier five the helmet there is from mr pandari it's old war okay so i was right it's a tin man version of the warlock set from old war okay good i was worried that i got one wrong and then obviously the the uh the weapon there is the affliction warlock weapon my favorite thing about this is the gloves the gloves are what makes this set good and it's like they're so small but like if you had a different pair of gloves it wouldn't really look that good the gloves tie everything together and they put the colors in the right way the scythe is sick too yeah it's the one that i used on my warlock back in the day too this is [ __ ] bad ass sci guy nine eyes yo don't use this mog for uh destro yeah yeah this is 100 an affliction transmog yeah maybe only affliction don't use it for anything else absolutely get on your mouth that looks pretty good pretty good i'm gonna be honest that looks pretty [ __ ] good like for such a unique color theme etc i i think that looks really really really good now obviously it's not the thing is that like you don't have a lot of these like aquamarine like teal colors in the game these are basically the only two pieces that you could have ever possibly combined with that i think this looks really [ __ ] good this could absolutely be the horseman of pestilence let's [ __ ] be honest it looks really good i like it a lot yeah a bright color mount no i don't think so i think this looks really good especially with the rest of his set i'm a big fan of this i think it looks really really awesome triceratops mount from mop no no i completely disagree with that i think this is one of the best choices you could have made and i think it looks great good job psy guy nice great job amazing solyndra of darnassus from the guild eminent failure wow that's crazy that his guild name is titled after what's going to happen to his chances at winning this transmog competition wow isn't that such a surprise using that dog [ __ ] ass [ __ ] helmet what were you thinking using that [ __ ] ass helmet like i don't remember what what tier this set was from it was [ __ ] garbage the shoulders they are from fire lands the weapons there i think these come from a burning crusade five-man dungeon maybe a wrath one the darnass ass tabard what the [ __ ] is this supposed to be what are you doing it's a darnassus [ __ ] transmog it's a night out it trans like obviously netherville this is tier four that's right tier [ __ ] four about the helmet i think the helmet is pretty dope but it doesn't matter the tabard is not i i get the whole theme it's darn as i know whatever it's just very black it's just black i don't know listen maybe sylvanas was right whoa get on your mouth don't say that dude steve dunes is gonna get a boner to be fair this is the amount that i think everybody expected him to get on or some variant of this now i want you to think about how many gold things you have on your armor besides the darn ass ass tabard nothing maybe the hilt of your weapon i think that i'm gonna be honest i'm triggered by that helmet i i think that it sucks i think that it sucks i think it doesn't match at all yeah i'm not a fan uh yeah i'm not about it that's it it goes well at the moment but it's still ass that's what i was thinking absolutely let's go to the next one monsky the darkener from the guild power word friendship sup uh asthma mccool been waiting to get in one of these for three years but i'm not here to impress you i'm here to impress chat and i'm here to win all right all righty well what do you think what do you guys think i'm not gonna say anything i'm not gonna say anything [Music] i'm gonna be real i think this is [ __ ] awesome it's just good i think this is [ __ ] awesome i do like i actually like so he's straight up he comes in here he tells me he doesn't even care about our opinion he's here for the chat this guy's got like the [ __ ] those are the shoulders the gloves and the legs there or sorry the uh the belt there from the [ __ ] uh that's the legion set for demon hunters he's got this little backpack here this looks like a super soaker backpack it comes from maldraxis rares it's like the [ __ ] the bubble blood or whatever the [ __ ] his name is i think this is amazing it like he's actually using cursed vision of sargeras and it's not cringe yeah in a good way in it that's so hard to do that's crazy like every cursed vision of sargeras transmog is [ __ ] cringe he's a monk mosky what weapons do you have number one and number two yeah because we can't see the weapons that looks so [ __ ] good that's badass now number two what mouth i want to see the weapons in the mouth wait what where's the mouth where the mountain you can though can't what you can't what look at my weapons oh he's they are invisible oh it's the monk specific thing where it's like the uh i i know what it is he bought it from like a trainer or something like that when he's leveling so he fights with his hands only yeah holy [ __ ] oh all right mosky with disappearance oh my gosh oh my god okay okay okay all right top five secured for me anyway that that is a pretty nice one yeah all right that's good enough green equals win clearly i i like it a lot obviously i think this is a mount that matches really well with the set it looks great good [ __ ] job monkey i'm gonna be honest man like you came in here you didn't give a [ __ ] and you're doing pretty well i think you've got a good chance at uh maybe getting in the top five yeah he's already sponsored by razer a good [ __ ] point okay uh muskie good job man all right let's go back over we'll look at the other ones oh wow i hope you're well first time being in one of these all right let's go easy on him let's go easy on him the helmet is i really like the helmet i really do the chesapeake sarah from battle of bizarre lore okay that's good the shoulders there from the [ __ ] sanctum raid and then the scythe that i think that scientist from [ __ ] uh isn't that from like xerath mortis or something no that's the legion no [ __ ] shot it's legion no [ __ ] shot it's legion it is legion holy really you didn't know i've never seen what's going on with you i didn't know that one i've never seen that one i didn't unlock that that was from apparently it's from [ __ ] uh is it pvp or something i don't know oh my god i do like this i'm gonna be honest though i don't know if it's good enough to really say that it's a winner or a top five until we see them out i think the mount is really going to decide whether this is is is a contender or not come on the fact is that these mounts are really cool i love these mounts however there is literally nothing about your set that reflects this mount there is nothing that has to do with nothing that it does at all it's just irrelevant so i'm sorry to say but i'm not that big of a fan not his thing yeah it's just not that big of a thing guys like it's his eyes yeah it's just it's not about it although monkey if you take a look monksy maybe you should go get this mount too like this amount would be good for you to be a good idea billy billy okay listen that one's not good either you're gonna have to keep trying man better luck next time donut famed slayer of the banished one whoa that is a big dick title okay okay all right well he's a lion so that means that he killed it yesterday okay so we've got to keep that in mind now whenever i look at this set this is obviously the blood-borne hunter set i i feel like if you're talking about a demon hunter and he's got the bloodborne hunter set this is pretty decent like i i've got to say though i i am not overly astonished with the quality of this set i like it i think that's very good but i don't think that this set is like this set isn't going to change my life you know what i mean it's just pretty pretty good donut i really like the helmet i do too i love the [ __ ] helmet the helmet's amazing bloodborne is one of my favorite games midnight i think maybe midnight i don't i don't know what he's gonna get on let's see donut come on okay dude okay dude yeah wow all right so he's got the gladiator mount oh it isn't that [ __ ] nice so he's gotta go out here dude yeah get on yours real quick i i don't want to like i mean i you know we're in the middle of transport competition it's not mount off right i mean so like i can't i still have time i don't have time to do that uh yeah serious i i don't know it's so many i've gotten so many amounts recently i lost count right i'm not sure i'm gonna be real this is one of the first times in this competition where we've had an okay set get a lot better because of the mouth like am i wrong like this is [ __ ] amazing okay yeah we got him yeah this is really really good dude that's really this guy's kind of enchanted fame slayer and glad that's pretty good that this guy's good player this guy plays the video game imagine that yeah i really like this a lot i don't think midnight would have been better i think this is [ __ ] badass do you remember day one sanctum raid um i try not to but yes i do i remember it's right whenever i started playing final fantasy and everybody in the entire chat the whole time is talking about how final fantasy titan normal mode was better than all the fights and sanctum i remember that very clearly yeah it was really [ __ ] funny all right let's go back this is good job donut i'm proud of you really good remember what you said to me give me a minute what did i say to you you threatened to kick me out of the raid and guild yeah that probably happened yeah yeah i i can imagine that happened yeah i can see that sure uh yeah there we go so i threatened to kick him out there we go yep there we go and apparently he left the guild and it was the best decision he ever made that was the best thing he ever did well i set him on a course of greatness i said i might kick you out of a normal right this dude turns around [ __ ] fame slayer gladiator this changed his life holy [ __ ] dude oh man all right all right donut that's a that's a whole lot of time ago yeah how you like me now yeah good job that's good to see actually life-changing there it is man guys he's not gonna win he's not gonna win oh this is a fusion set it's a fusion set guys it's a it's a fusion set um tiger panda plus bone scythe yes with bone scythe i don't okay let's just do this okay let's just do this okay okay this is not brf anymore this is this we're in 2022 not 2016. it's been six years this guy has been coming to my transmog competitions ever since i used to hold them in black hands crucible after blackrock foundry mythic like i would tell them i'm like i will reward you guys and do a transmog comp if you kill black and mythic and then they're like oh boy i don't know where to oh i'm off the edge oh can you rape me anyway this is it man oh gee as [ __ ] this is the tiger panda go ahead the mog in my opinion is good i'm sorry it's good this is a good mog it's just good i like it the colors work well it's it's it's thematic it i like it it's not just because it's tiger panda i know it's a meme i know whatever blah blah blah the mog looks good if you can't acknowledge that then you are truly biased and you should not be judging transmog competitions in my opinion this mount is more undead than the game is i think it looks okay i will admit that it is a decent transmog i don't want to admit this i don't want to come to terms with this but it is true mcconnell you're right thank you tiger panda please get on the mount please be a bad mom please be bad please be a bad now what uh what was ever basic [ __ ] road oh no oh thank god thank god okay oh man oh man i was so worried i was so worried bro like i was so worried the black war tiger like what is this i'm never done never stop that's yeah that's what you get why tiger panda this is what he did for you guys that's what you [ __ ] get what's this combo nobody knows probably not even him this is okay but uh you know it could be a little bit better all right the mount could be better the transmog is admittedly really good like i will i will admit that it's really good huntmaster rice carrier now okay so you've got obviously that chess piece right there that's the tier six recolor or the the remake uh the shoulders i really like these shoulders look at these shoulders here that's the tier 14 shaman set with the shoulders there actually that's the fire wins shamans i remember which one exactly with the shoulders and also the gloves here from uh trial of valor with the boots as well and he's also using the artifact power arm for survival uh i i i kind of like it i kind of like it too yeah i i kind of like it like all right let's let's go ahead i wish the belt was a little bit more orange because it's right now it's like a golden yellow or whatever but uh it looks good like the the the left shoulder matches the weapon really well i would say so yeah i i actually think this looks pretty good yeah i am impressed i think this is nice good [ __ ] job man rice i'm proud of you you did a good job now this mount is going to be one of the more important mounts that you're going to get on it's going to be what decides whether you're going to be a winner or a loser go ahead go ahead i have never seen a worse mount in my life he did it because the feathers in the hat in the helm of the raptor that's why that is the worst excuse i've ever heard in my entire life that's why you did it i'm telling you this is one of the worst combinations i have ever seen mike i this actually makes me sick just to even look at it rice carrier you're gonna give me food poisoning all over again just by making me look at your [ __ ] mouth oh nice try just kidding it [ __ ] sucks malaise of the black harvest i've been told my friends to join your qualcomms for years now happy to finally oh okay okay um what do you guys think uh all right so we've got the um uh uh let's see uh basically oh my god okay just cause she's showing thigh you think it's good that's why that's not the only reason that's why you think it's good because you see thigh that's not equal that's not the only reason okay like i think the shoulders in a chest piece match really well together and and the [ __ ] weapon does too that's the artifact weapon from [ __ ] uh i think that's the pvp artifact appearance i'm not sure got it mid-thighs right they're nice all right all right listen okay okay all right guys let's let's go ahead and let's see the mount what do you guys think another midnight huh what do you guys be gone thought no listen yes it's another midnight i think that it's okay now i will have to say i don't think that the mount is like phenomenal like it's obviously it's like one of the it's like the unofficial warlock class mount let's be honest i have to show my flying mount as well yeah sure go on ahead let's see it let's see the flying mount her mount her choice all right so um yeah this is uh i actually think this one's better because it's see-through uh this is a really really good mount i think this is actually this is one of the one one times that i think that blanchie would actually be a good mount yeah to be fair this is good it actually was good yeah exactly good job malaise i'm proud of you you did well you did very well let's see here chroma the savage hero chroma what do you guys think what do you guys think this guy lives in the jungle bro like this is a wide transmog this is like a 100 wad transmog now the only thing that i'm not a fan of is i feel like the shoulders and the helmet are like really small compare like i mean your boots one of your boots is bigger than your entire torso yeah they're [ __ ] massive man like what is this all right chromo let's see the mount yeah kanye boots yeah the boots are [ __ ] the proportions are way off although i think this looks decent let's see it come on there's a tough choice between two mounts one is my ground mount and the other one is flying all right let's see it that was clever how he he un he he dismissed his pet and then he got on the mount of his pet that was clever yeah yeah that was good i like that all right what's the other one let's go ahead and at least see it chroma what do you got for me rp plus one yeah it's an it is a plus one that's decent enough i'm gonna be honest i think this one actually looks really [ __ ] good man this looks [ __ ] badass i wish you had gotten on this one first and i might have actually taken it kind of seriously the transmog is a little bit awkward but overall i think with the mount as well i i like it i think it's decent yeah what do you guys think you guys like it looks insane yeah absolutely let's go to the next one arc mage lego from the guild core so it's not is that a tren no okay so what we have here is the mage transmog this is a mage transmog uh challenge mode helmet and shoulders with the gloves there from i believe antorus as well as the challenge mode belt um is this really super crazy yeah it's almost like a like a final fantasy mage or something go ahead i don't know bro there's something about this that i really like it's just just from the a mage theme i really like this a lot a lot a lot a lot i would i got to see the mount but yeah this is already shaping up to be a really good uh ranking yeah i think that he's going to get on class order oh oh i was right actually yeah i was right that yeah i knew it like i i thought like 100 [ __ ] percent that's what it was going to be that's what it had to be like that was the best combo it's like it was so obvious that was the choice too much challenge mode stuff so like what i like about this is it it's like so mage fantasy yes it's like traditional like bass mage fantasy i like that a lot man it's not too much though it's three pieces yeah it's the belt the shoulders and the helm and that's the maximum allowed for for some set items yeah i think this is decent enough guys belt eye combo sucked me i i think that well the belt and the eye combo with those are the same set like yeah i don't know if you don't like that the staff is you i like the staff because it matches this part of his shoulders that's the reason why i think it's okay because there's more of the blue than there is the red and so he he balanced out the red with the red staff it's actually a good decision i like it good job man g uh lego excuse me uh really good job [Music] this is amazing like this is [ __ ] amazing bro holy [ __ ] bro like how there's no way i'm looking at a good mechagnome transmog no way it actually is like look at his gloves and his boots like this there's no way what the like uh uh uh guys this is this is too much in the name too cyber cobalt i mean this guy isn't like i i wanted to make mechanim work you made it work this is [ __ ] amazing man holy [ __ ] this is good oh my god oh my god this is a like i'm actually going to screenshot this this is so [ __ ] good man god damn how is it how is this even possible i i just i'm so like i'm blown away that this guy actually managed to make the [ __ ] diaper baby [ __ ] amazing i just i can't believe it this is uh this is [ __ ] ridiculous so i'm gonna know yes the belt's called the waste of time mcconnell and i got this on stream whenever it came out oh yeah uh yeah yeah and like the helmet right there i can't think comes from xerath mortis the shoulders there are like the uh offset version of the uh mage set from tomb of sargeras the weapon here is obviously from mechagon and uh let's see here i think the chess piece is from that chess piece is from ashar's eternal palace i believe so that that's where it comes from this is and also like every piece is completely [ __ ] unique cyber cobalt this is it's this is so good please don't [ __ ] it up please don't be please don't have a bad mouth please brother here we go i have a ground mountain a flying mouth both are kind of obvious okay yes oh yeah oh yeah okay hard known mechagon now yes i knew it i i [ __ ] knew it yeah it had to be this is i i mean this is just it it's just it's it's so good it's just it's so like i uh guys i just oh my god why i think yeah she'll open up the razer store right now and start picking out what you want like [ __ ] now jeff's gonna be able to vote yeah chad's gonna be able to vote but like this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] good man i love it good work from both mounts honestly yeah this is phenomenal i love it let's not discount the fact that the the motorcycle actually takes a fair bit of work to get too it does yeah it's actually that's from the mecca done achievement which got nerfed a little bit but it's still ridiculously hard cyber this is [ __ ] incredible great job amazing job my nighthold items for bounce power dropped two weeks ago and fill in the box up all right the helmet and the cloak are [ __ ] phenomenal that is so nice like this color these colors are actually really really well designed look at that like this is this is really really good holy [ __ ] that's amazing uh using obviously like the spear uh that's i believe it's that eager's talon i think and uh the the gloves sorry the gloves their shoulders from legion as well i think these leggings also come from achara's eternal palace chest under the white skin yeah no i saw that as well that looks good and then oh i see with the little jewel in there okay what'd you what'd you say the sphere was it's uh eagles talon i believe brother eagle talon spear okay yeah close enough all right not e girls [Music] talon healthy healthy this is a very unique set of colors i feel like there is no shot that you have a mouth that matches this no i think that you're going to get on i'll say it whenever you do the animation so you can't [ __ ] do do what i say anything should get out feathers on shoulders this is a risk go ahead class overall honestly i feel like this is the from the back this is actually [ __ ] perfect like i'm gonna be real like this is actually [ __ ] perfect from the back like that is really really clean i am impressed about this matches skin tone yeah this is really really really good matches your skin yeah i didn't want to go with glass mount man i'm glad that you didn't this is a better decision than i made this is much better than what i thought this is great muted mal works well with other dark colors yeah it's like i thought it was impossible uh like isn't skin it's a tux dark skin baby okay sure well regardless i think that it's [ __ ] amazing this is really well done healthy i'll be honest the second i saw it i thought it wasn't that good and like now that i see more of it and the mount this is one of the examples of a mount actually making a set elevating like yeah this this mount takes your set from like an eight and takes it to a nine this is really really [ __ ] good man this is what the [ __ ] this is really good too computer what the [ __ ] bro so like that's a [ __ ] the the gloves and the shoulders there uh sorry the gloves and the boots there from sanctum the belt in the in the shoulders from uh what's that the paladin set from uh throwing thunder uh the helmet there from xerath mortis go around the back i want to see the back oh dude like it's not a perfect color match but it's really close yo this that's actually so good yo bro this oh my god yeah yeah that is pretty [ __ ] badass man yeah green equals one baby sponsored by razor there you [ __ ] go and the chess piece is also from xerath mortis as well as well as the legs this is really [ __ ] nice impurities holy [ __ ] guys like i don't know if they're gonna be able to pick the top five holy [ __ ] like this is a screenshot all right our all right there it is yeah for me it's for me like that's so [ __ ] good in purine i don't know if you can find them out to match this i'm gonna be honest like i i don't know if it's even possible i don't know if you can even do it let's see it come on empyrean come on let's look at it in sp and what do you guys think i feel like big mounts a lot of people don't like big mounts but for the colors and everything i actually think this looks decent enough what do you all think i'm mad i'm mad i don't have that mount because it looks really good with that why didn't you just get it that [ __ ] was easy i was playing gta man yeah that happened for like two years and so yeah i i think it looks good it looks like a boss yeah this guy looks really good i really really really like your transmog the mount is like ats whatever but the transmog is really cool this is super awesome good job is that the lfr version yes that's the lfr version because the normal mode version is uh i think the heroic is the like it's like the the brownish and like the blue and then yeah i think this is elephant i gotta go get that right now that's so good i'm surprised you don't have it it's amazing what is this [ __ ] scuffed milhouse mana storm is this a real transmog yo the helm with the yo the helm with the shoulders matches the oh my god yo the last do dude the last four uh i do oh my god i'm [ __ ] i'm soy facing right now holy [ __ ] i'm starting to feel like the guy oh god oh my god this is so good what the [ __ ] well i see this is amazing i i love it like i mean the fact that you use the these helmets from mists of tier on the side the chess piece is from battle of desire lore the shoulders here are from some [ __ ] tour gaster 9.1 thing i don't know which one exactly this is so good oh you know what they said you know what the bad thing about the set is though this one and also uh g boost set is that they made me mad that we get d we didn't get the throws patch like i'm so disappointed because i bet that armor sets those armor sets would have been [ __ ] clean they would have been so good holy [ __ ] this is amazing i i love this really good job i love that helm i don't know what it is it's just i love that helmet uh this it's like i spent dude the colors are so good this is so like wow what a [ __ ] lineup this has been this is insane great job yc amazing yeah actually last five yeah that last four last five of enemies it's actually true yeah the mage is pretty good dragon saber dragon sagan saber dragon boy he's been in our guild for a long time and he's here he's got that look at that belt right there mcconnell correct me if i'm wrong isn't this the prideful gladiator or grievous gladiators elite belt from mr pandaria uh elite was green oh so it must be tyrannical no that's it's probably oh it's private all right never mind i thought it was one or the other i really kind of like this that's it you really kind of like it oh what i didn't do about this whoa wait why see i forgot about your mouth i totally like yeah he's like moving around he's like [ __ ] nervous he's like what happened my bad jesus christ all right that's top five this is just like oh my god that's another top five for me sorry i just i can't what the [ __ ] dude like what the [ __ ] dude this is so good oh my god these are so hard to decide prop three now this is so so good and which one is this is moss i don't know if i even have that one holy [ __ ] good job dragon being a gentleman uh to make sure we we got our our placing here so this is a mix of some of the nilotha gear uh the warrior tier set uh from dragon soul and the prideful belt with ash khande with blood draining on it this is what we could have had if we had a mythic only version of the deathwing fight back in cataclysm like i'm so disappointed we didn't have that like i think that would have been so much more [ __ ] badass do a top 10 i might have to add in extra people what deathwing should have been yeah exactly like i saw like this one picture like let me see if i can show you guys this picture i was just like so [ __ ] let me see if i can find it real quick and i've been thinking about this picture for like three days now and actually wait a second i've been thinking about it for a while but i don't know where it is i think that okay yeah go ahead i actually copied that mog for a little bit for a few days because i saw i've seen this mog before dragon's worn this before i've seen him show it off on his stream and i did copy and i got two compliments with it so uh okay yeah to me this mug is exceptionally good so it's actually a good set yeah okay all right let me let me let me show you guys the picture i was thinking of whenever i do i did this right because i i saw this [ __ ] and i got so [ __ ] excited about it and i cannot stop thinking about it which is probably why like half of the reason why i like this set see if i can find it here it's a picture of like yeah there we go i got it all right take a look at this [ __ ] right here this looks so [ __ ] cool bro this is what we could have had this right here is what we could have had and i'm so mad that it didn't happen i'm so [ __ ] mad this [ __ ] didn't happen like varian and garrosh [ __ ] double teaming deathwing god damn that would have been [ __ ] badass like just like pure unbridled [ __ ] testosterone moves the chair yeah yeah there's a chair timeline yeah i wish we could do that that would have been great oh my god what am i looking at you're looking at the real war chief of the horde an alliance king the real alliance king going up against deathwing yeah that's it man holy [ __ ] this is so badass man and so yes dragon like there was this first [ __ ] thing that i saw all right let's see the mount definitely no oh hellfire inferno okay okay i like it i think this looks decent i would do definitely world breaker mount but i think infernal is better i'm going to be honest i actually really like the infernal better the reason why i like the infernal better than this one is number one it's not predictable and number two the texturing on the infernal's armor is the exact same like color scheme as the texturing on his shoulders i think that's better yeah i actually think the infernal is unironically better look at this right here see that it looks so much [ __ ] bad yeah that's [ __ ] badass i love it whenever people use the infernal too yeah that's badass good job dragon i like it a lot let's go to the next one what's his name huntardo breaker of chains from the guild challenge accepted well let's see it all right so have you ever been in school and uh you go and your presentation's really not that bad but you do your presentation right after the smartest group of kids in the class do their presentation so like comparatively it's worse like i feel like that's basically what we've got going on here why is that like it's so bright i i don't i honestly don't know yeah it's like way brighter than any like it does not need to be that bright does it have an enchant on it yeah it's it's i i don't know what it it's got the end it's enchanted by literally the sun split come on get on your mount let's see your mount come on hopefully this is going to be a good one we're gonna find out pontardo let's see it [Music] i'm gonna be honest i actually think this mounts really good like i think this is a very good yeah i am the sun it seems that way um this actually looks decent enough yeah actually a great set yeah i think this looks pretty good the mount is a very good combination nice job huntardo captain nitrogasm [Music] honestly i think this looks good like i i really do yeah she's got a karen haircut but it's like so it's like the shattered ashbringer right and like don't you think like the shoulders go really well with like the battle of bizarre lore uh chess piece here you know what i do i'm just mad about what because i want i want to do that transmog like the full set with the shattered ashbringer is amazing but yeah it does look badass [ __ ] man it's so good all right nitro this actually does look pretty badass like i like it a lot it's very well put together good job now nitro let's see the mount [Music] want to use midnight but it's so overused that's good it was it was good yeah wow [Music] the armor on that is perfect for the shoulders holy [ __ ] [Music] pretty good yeah this is actually really good what the [ __ ] uh yeah i like this a lot yeah really good choice absolutely man holy [ __ ] [ __ ] nitro you are you're actually doing pretty well here yeah i like this especially the gloves and everything yeah beauty and the beast yeah a little bit of that sure i like it a lot good [ __ ] job nitro okay let's see here and yes huntardo your set was not awful by the way you're a good boy i didn't want to be mean to you now gentlemen i'm gonna be real we might have to do a top seven yeah this is tough mike this is there are a lot of really really really good sets here and i don't know if we can get all five of them in here we can everybody get on your mounts and we're gonna go around and plan out who our winners are all right um everybody be quiet everybody be quiet just observe think about what you like think about what you don't like this is gonna be really [ __ ] hard oh man this was not the original set you came in with this is not the original set you had yeah you did not have your shoulders on jesus christ [Music] jesus [ __ ] christ it moving yeah just keep in mind i this is this is really oh my god like i i honestly holy [ __ ] like i this is so hard [ __ ] man okay i all right give me a minute god damn [ __ ] okay i've gotta i've gotta pick out who we're gonna have all right okay um yeah this is tough oh [ __ ] okay all right all right all right all right all right let's think about it let's think about it logically and intelligently okay guys we have to make sure that we make the right decision i will do a top five but i will have extra placings for people for you all to vote on with the uh uh for the uh the razer stuff okay because i feel like i will do my top five but i don't i don't feel right not having people that aren't in the listing for that because some of these are just so [ __ ] good man oh my god it's just it's so hard i don't know what to do it is so [ __ ] hard man i can't i don't think i can do seven so it's good that you're it's good that it's your cup yeah now they're gonna be able to get mad at me yeah okay uh i i feel like oh man like i've got all right so i've got i've got four i just don't know who my number five is going to be like who is really standing out on another level man this is so hard for me to decide [ __ ] this is hard for me to decide uh the the only other option is to just pick a winner and then because everybody else was so good that you just everybody's on the same level maybe that's yeah i i feel like yeah no i know what you mean yeah i i do know what you mean okay um all right no no you guys don't want to do that all right all right you guys want to see me rank them okay all right i will rank them this is my top five i have decided what my top five is gentlemen boys and girls individuals this has been the first ever horde and alliance transmog mount off or not mr smile trans mount i guess you could say competition guys some of these sets have been absolutely jesus christ like some of these sets have been absolutely [ __ ] amazing i am astonished and gentlemen today we are going to pick our top five fifth place is going to go to cyginus the fearless one from the guild shattered wings the reason why i'm giving this fifth place is because i think that he took a combination of colors that i've never seen used before and he made it work and fit together in a way that i had never seen i absolutely [ __ ] love this i think that the combination of pieces throughout so many different expansions and having them fit together in such a good way absolutely deserves you fifth place i like it a lot great [ __ ] job man i need to know though what do you think of this mount it's not ideal oh this one you made the right decision not getting on that one but i can see why you got on it it's just announcer so big it's hard to really like put them into context from the perspective fifth place this is like the us election only one chooses yes that's right fourth place is actually gonna go to captain danish i think this is [ __ ] amazing i'm gonna be honest i i really yeah get back on the mount i actually think this is [ __ ] amazing it's really well put together and this is a set that i feel like went so much harder whenever you got on the mount like this set got so much better whenever you got on the mount i love it it is very well put together i think it's great country they're in the us okay they're in america don't worry about it third place third place we had to do it tyrion tyrion fresh hero of desire war i [ __ ] love this set i think it is phenomenal the fact is that having a mount to find and match with this is going to be almost impossible but you did the best job that you possibly could with the colors and i think that you succeeded this is a badass [ __ ] you know high aztec or mayan priest transmog this is so cool i love it great job tyrion really really good job now second place you know it i know it everybody knows it why see the undying it's going to be getting second place this is [ __ ] amazing i love this set i think it fits so well together it is one of the sets that there is really nothing wrong with the set it is [ __ ] amazing i love it great job i agree and i think we all know who's getting first place cyber cobalt this is one of the first times that i have ever seen a mechagnome transmog that is [ __ ] perfect there is nothing about this set that matches at all in terms of like sets this is not a set in any capacity this is completely transformative completely new doing something that many people didn't even thought would think was possible you are getting first place easily the five of you can go up to the top and we're gonna let the chat decide and i'm gonna go through some of the uh in my opinion uh runner-ups elfie you would have been our sixth place and i think that if i was in a different mood you might have actually been in the top five go on up there who else do you guys believe deserves to be up there besides tiger panda [Music] the monk the orc monk all right monksy go on up there go on up there yep that was another one i was gonna pick all right one more you guys get to pick one more person no more than that sup what's going on man [Music] g go i'm thinking uh let's see here the store guy no the store guy is not going over there the pirate guy he already went there like yeah we already got the pirate guy all right um i'm trying to decide guys i'm trying to decide and [ __ ] the last person i have to pick somebody now um all right a lot of people want to see it g go come on up g go come on up that's who dude that's who i was going for yep all right give me a second everybody come on up here all the way up to the top so we can get a good visual on all these sets chat right now gentlemen line up here you guys are going to vote on the winner who's going to get some stuff from the razer from the razer store courtesy of razer let's see it gentlemen go ahead and get on your mounts or not on your mouse i want to just go through each of the different sets okay just so you guys get a good visual on what these sets really are okay you guys are gonna have a decision you're gonna be able to do what you wanna do you decide this is up to you okay error uh 503 back end unavailable collection timeout okay yeah um so i guess that means i win okay never mind here we go lycee seems to be the main winner gentlemen i'm gonna be honest i think cyber cobalt and i think cyber cobalt has a better transmog lycee might have a better mount and transmog combo i feel like they're both like so [ __ ] good they're so like they're both so close like it's really in in my mind like there is not a wrong decision here right there is really not a wrong decision at all and i i like it a lot yeah really [ __ ] nice and let's put these two next to each other this is probably one of the biggest dick transmog competitions we've ever had i'm gonna be totally honest like this is [ __ ] massive let me go over here and i'm gonna see if we can refresh this and look at it again and we'll see if we can see what the final vote is but yc is again at 48 so it's looking very very positively that yc will actually win this guys this has been a uh this has been a tremendous transmog competition this has been probably one of the best and most contentious competitions that we've ever seen and i want to say gentlemen that we have not done a transmog competition in a long time and i'm glad to be back i love doing these they're fun i think that next week we'll probably do another one for the eu because i know a lot of you guys didn't get the chance to uh to watch and we're gonna do the next one for eu i'm excited man i definitely am and thank you guys everybody for coming and being part of this as well why see i i've got to say like so um let me make sure that i know what server you're on um can you whisper me your discord yeah just whisper me your discord i'll screenshot it and we'll sort everything out from there yeah oh rig oh tiger panda says it's rigged yeah yeah right it's not [ __ ] rigged okay this is totally normal why is he going for easy win with the latest armor man i'm sorry about your brain man i'm really sorry it's not your fault man yeah it's not your fault like it's it's not your fault at all yes mesh point add yeah sure actually i need to um uh i need to actually do that give me one second okay i'll win next time yeah you guys did [ __ ] amazing good job uh let's see here stop the count i think that the only like real ad that we have right with razer is they're doing the massive prime sale so if you guys are looking to buy any [ __ ] keyboards mice or anything uh i i think it's like 70 [ __ ] percent off a lot of their stuff so i think it's the link below if the mods can link it and you want to take a look and get some of that stuff and uh yeah i mean i'm really glad that razer is going to be able to do this uh is it going to be a thing every single week where razer gives a giveaway or something like that i don't know but to be honest they've got a ton of [ __ ] money so i don't see why not yeah there you go yeah click the links guys do us a favor help us out and what is this this is a 14 year old that was here yeah sure okay let me move out of the way guys yeah thank you guys all so much fat absorbs the health yeah chill out boys little sender okay and um oh my god wait djibu said he paid mcconnell's top f like 100k to get five top five well you should have paid me jibu yeah you should have paid me that's the wrong person that's not bro that that's your fault although hey if anyone if anyone has a million gold on sargeras alliance i need it real bad because i need to buy some transmog real quick for the for uh and i need to turn it into tears so i can buy uh the or so i can get the trans one so you buy the boys and girls and then yeah they have a million gold just right sargeras alliance please hurry hurry hurry lobbying it's legal true okay let's see if i've got a a message here and um again uh lycee let me know uh maybe off stream or just dm me on discord and we'll sort out making sure that you get your stuff man thank you so much lycee on zul'jin is winning the prize from razer thank you very much leicester thank you razer for sponsoring it and gentlemen i think that we had an incredible [ __ ] stream today did you guys have fun do you guys enjoy yourselves that was a really good one that was a big one oh we we had a lot of fun now i i'm gonna go ahead and run some ads and just do the outro now guys thank you so much for watching today i really appreciate it i plan on being live tomorrow tomorrow is a massive day tomorrow is the day that dragon flight alpha is probably going to come out [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 729,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: q2WrbYbZhRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 42sec (7182 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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