Asmongold Reacts To The "10 Types of Classic WoW Players" - Nixxiom

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the ten types of classic Wow players all right here we can smell that guys it's that sweet smell of classic World of Warcraft a game that brings out the best in all of us a game that truly brings people together we love this game I love this game hey guys what is up it is mean excited and welcome to a video we're not going to talk about the different kinds of people who play of course Wow from the ragers to the coolest nerds you were ever gonna meet in your life in all my years playing classic from 2004 to today I've met them all so today we're gonna list out all the kinds of people that call classic Azeroth of their home and we're gonna get into some weird stuff let me tell you so let's I'm bad arted number one v I never played this game before what the [ __ ] do I do guy not everybody who is currently playing classic is a veteran so I figured this would be the best there's a lot of those in my raids v I never played this game before yeah I've dealt with a lot of this I an innocent being thrust into the jaws of WoW classic unsure of himself and helpless in an unforgiving world most likely he's a battle for Azeroth player expecting to simply grind through the 60 levels using heirlooms even she will do World quests and LFR runs upon hitting endgame but how exciting willing to be fellas yeah it's very exciting this is me great of constant death struggle and confusion and getting killed at the flight master find quest objectives without the map markers Blizzard provides in the current game he won't know to return to his class trainer to learn new spells and abilities and he will blow all of his gold on the auction house buying new pieces of gear because he doesn't know about that dreaded initial mount cost at level 40 this guy is truly an it's also please if you encounter him while on your travels gank him be supported oh and remind him constantly that he is now a part of a community much larger than himself unless you okay that's alright forsaken players to gank him and devour his corpse that's more like it I like it no go to the I'm gonna quit before level 10 and then rage about how much I hated classic guy you know him from the internet guys from the general discussion of course I know these guys yeah I've been released he trolled we all know these guys YouTube comment sections and the do streams constantly reminding everybody about how bad classic wow really was yeah and how if you enjoy it you're stupid yeah this guy was everywhere spewing his bile god we had there was this one guy and I remember this [ __ ] man he was on my Twitter and every time that would post something about classic he would post a picture of himself caught like his character like stepping on poop and oh did I step in [ __ ] and it was a picture of classic Wow like I feel so bad for those bf a fanboys these bf a fanboys and I cannae I could pull up his Twitter I I can find his Twitter in like a second but I don't want to do that there are people like if I go on my Twitter let me see yeah let's see where is Twitter and I'll look at my posts here okay but take a look at this alright where the [ __ ] was it I think it was this one right okay let me see you down here look at this guy almost as if classic wasn't what everyone thought it would be like you see this kind of stuff I just find going forward is the best way not to stay in the past retail will keep classic wow great knock we told people great not classic in game is finite and leveling isn't what so many streamers made it out to be hence why some of these games just grind gold now that's all there is to do aside from PvP well yeah because its phase 1 man like it's phase one yeah of course it's just I don't know why so many of these guys need to be so intent on expressing why classic sucks you know what I mean it's so it's so sad for me to see and I think really what it is is that they're worried that if classic does do what does well it will kill retail Wow and I think the fact that that's even a possibility for them shows a lot of you know their confidence in the game and how good they really think it is it's really sad to see the way they feel about that way I get off and Beal saying I told you so yeah it's not kids I think it's actually not kids oh I think it's like these people that are actually like emotionally invested in their character and in Warcraft and they like part of them is the game and classic Wow like you guys want like this is like my [ __ ] you know psychology take on it so it's probably stupid but whatever I think that honestly people don't like classic Wow because it forces them to socialize and they're antisocial weird people and they know they'd never success have any success or succeed in classic Wow because they're antisocial weird people that nobody would want to play with and I think the fact that if classic Wilde does well and the game becomes more social and everything then these people are gonna be out of a guild and out of a group that's the way it goes deep down even he knew that he couldn't resist the urge to at least try classic well when it came out yeah because he knows we all know they all eventually did play it he just watched a youtube video from a guy who also didn't play classic talking about how much and just saying that classic Wow sucked and so this guy just going to login most very accurately forsaken rogue and he is going to be dead set on hating this game from the moment he sees the loading screen he'll emerge from that crypt yell out loud that everybody in death knell is a fat loser and then he will begin his adventure factory call it an adventure he will not under stand how pretty where to go he won't talk to a single person but in the end he will reach only around level seven before he quits for good and he goes back to being friends is when this creature will return to the internets leaving comments about how he played classic he got to 60 he killed Ragnar Oh stand how he absolutely hated the game the entire time but he ain't fooling us and you ain't fooling me that's right number three the guy who owned ironically plays a Turin female character the hell is wrong with you I want you to look at that face for one second those triangles of shapes those dragons it's not unpleasant to look at the guy who plays his Turin female Oh hun ironically is the adult version of that kid whose parents bought him fruit barrels and put them in his lunchbox he's lit better version of that kid you knew in middle school whose family didn't have internet so he beat me to the anatomy section of his science textbook he's that guy who bugs coffee and only orders hot chocolate and a slice of bread I don't like it okay that's fine we're just a minute Nick said yeah that's fine you think I'm gonna go to Starbucks and spend $18 on a bottle full of ice there's one time man I went over to Starbucks with rich and we [ __ ] heat let's say he bought a water bottle right let me pour out let's look at how much water or actually you know what I would drink I'll drink as much of this as I can and I'll show you how much actual coffee was in here okay that's about it the entire rest of it was ice everything I was [ __ ] ice like rich finished it in like 30 seconds and you know how much it was eight dollars eight [ __ ] dollars for ice like he was literally he's been understanding eight dollars for ice so yeah at least hot chocolate doesn't have ice in it bonding the bread though I agree with that and unless it's special bread yeah that's true a dollar it's it's NASA it's premium no listen dude and it's like also you can't like if you're ever buying a drink always ask for a white ice don't pay for water now that should you he's weird okay number four the I actually played vanilla so let me tell you all about it oh guy this guy is as the name suggests someone who actually played Wow but they actually did in the day but they did tell you he's gonna go out of his way to remind you of that's the best part often as he possibly can is they didn't even fluctuation you're in whether you're doing a quest a dungeon a battleground or whatever this guy will be quick to bring up his fond old memories of doing this back in the good old days he will tell you all about his first time getting cactus apple surprise in Durrett are the first day alright alright this this yeah this does sound like me okay but it's different because you guys are like the audience I'm supposed to tell stories and [ __ ] right so it's different because I'm not like I'm not imposing this like I don't go in like a random raid and tell people this [ __ ] I just keep it to myself but yeah obviously on my stream I talk about it that's completely different and it doesn't count at all okay so let's not get too high to too much many to be ahead of ourselves time he got lost in whaling caverns and the first time he got his mechanical Yeti now he means well and he's just trying to help by showing that he's knowledgeable yeah but sometimes he comes off as snobby and really full of himself especially if he has a YouTube channel but you forgive him because he has a really sexy beard and a coolest [ __ ] shirt that's fine the point is yeah who played the game back in the day very pleased reliving the good old times very Pro have it's fun to a point of course yeah then kick his ass cuz he's kind of annoying number 5 the old-school hardcore role player oh jeez let me tell you right now it ain't just Raiders and PV peers that oh speaking of role play boys I went over to Goodwill look at this [ __ ] I got look at this [ __ ] I got I'm 29 years old [ __ ] I'm not something off the ceiling okay look an eyesore dude [ __ ] I did it again okay yes I bought this massive [ __ ] sword watch I'll do I'll do full screen let me do full screen I'm gonna hit it right there okay oh yes I bought this it was so so listen is Susan faded for me to get look how long the sword is watch I'll show you will call big it is look how big this [ __ ] is doing I'm so happy well I got this I have my helmet right there it's amazing well I can [ __ ] chop anything I want look at that dude look at that dude I can do whatever the [ __ ] this sword is amazing now it's plastic so I can't hit things too hard with it but that's okay like I'm [ __ ] them I'm like Aragorn can forward to classic Wow it's the role players as well guys for years people have been criticizing blizzards lore decisions with the game's universe and so to be able to go back and relive that fresh ooh straight at a war cry from her again it's delicious the Lich King still sits atop the Frozen Throne yep Illidan is you dozy in Outland and all those baddies of old are still alive and kickin ready to do damage at a moment's notice and you know what it's freaking awesome the old-school but a manual player has spent years to play as a shaman enthralls new horde of course Night Elf who is coming to thralls new war in this alliance with the lesser races or to be a forsaken struggling to find their place in the ruins of Lordaeron a former civilization even after all that waiting you've all that patience and all those preparations for role-playing in classic Wow he's stuck in here still gonna end up in gold Shire some things just never change wait gold Shire and you know what I kind of like it hey you know I like this video by hitting that like button down below you get some free I know hoon for it okay okay good that's right all right why you guys want me to put on the helmet why should a bit of depression and sadness and hatred and self-pity why do you want me to put on the helmet so much let me just put on the helmet I guess shut the [ __ ] up all right just give me a second all right oh [ __ ] okay all right there you happy is this good you guys set you guys you guys satisfied now okay all right let's go ahead we'll keep going through the video all right guys give me a minute that's right true number six the quiet antisocial void abyss of depression and sadness and hatred and self-pity player classic Wow is a game that time has moved to indication with other players working together to overcome challenges wait what you want me to get the sword too all right all right just give me a minute take this off I'm I just kind of knowing all right like this is this good I'm like uh I don't know I feel like it's not supposed to match like this what do you guys think oh good or not I'm like I'm a dangerous warrior now watch out for me whoa [ __ ] okay alright that's a little bit much man alright watch I'm trying to do I try and do a sword thing again one more time alright some music for this [Music] [Music] [Music] and thank you for that I yeah of course I mean listen I'll go out I'll show you guys some sword techniques maybe next time I do an IRL stream okay all right here we go why are you so fat I'm not fat relax making friends during the process but there are some people who break this formula yeah some who don't speak to anybody who live on the outskirts of society and who are like ghosts within the world this is kind of like my mom out there being these players don't want to talk with anybody that's right they don't want to make friends no they'll never speak to you no matter how much you speak to them never now because of this they will never get to experience succeeding in an elite quest line with a group and they don't care dungeon nor see the inn that doesn't matter to them but in a strange way that's okay for them they'll level slower and die more often but somehow they manage to get by some say these people are just sad souls in real life unwilling to care even in classic while others say this is kind of sad themselves they refuse to talk to anybody Oh God I guess we'll never know guys yeah as their enter button pulled my hamstring shall forever remain silent number seven the eternal neckbeard virgin gamer guy back in 2004 when classic Wow came out this dude was at the front of the line for the midnight release dusting off the cheeto dust from his fingers he reached out grass burning Thursday bombed out of his dreams ran home installed it on his coffee stained PC now he has been playing the game ever since all those years ago he was a lonely man in a single bedroom apartment with no friends no real family attachments no girlfriend and a job working at Food Lion as a cashier okay I didn't have a job 15 years later I did not have a dog it's been that's not still a dude in a single bedroom apartment with no friends no family no girlfriend in the same job working at Food Lion nothing has changed however now he has a level 120 female night elf warrior named sakura-chan in battle for Azeroth and you know what he is remaking her in classic Wow determined to relive those good old days which aren't all that different from the current days in his life that's right but you get the idea somewhere in the game lonely and fondling his female night off character so just watch out for him fellas he's kind of creepy yeah look to him what are you table right the alt aholic now this might come as a surprise to some people but not everybody is trying to rush to level 60 and for what an idiot people are what we call ulta holux in classic Wow for those who just keep making new characters leveling them up to a certain point and then abandoning them to make another new character now why do they do us well classic Wow offers a lot in terms of different gameplay for different character classes unique class quests and different zones and areas you explore depending on I've got three different characters for actually that reason some people just have a thing for making new characters to really take in the world as a whole rather than through the lens of a single avatar another reason is because well they don't really like the endgame in mmo's they like leveling meeting people doing dungeons finding quests and exploring the world that is that's actually kind of true I feel like once you hit in the game people are people I think are a lot more self-serving an end game than they are a while leveling I think people are more friendly and willing to work together while leveling than in in the game because it's like an in-game like oh sorry while you're leveling you'll help somebody with a dungeon because you still get experience out of that dungeon it's like god I might as well go do the dungeon I still get experience out of it even if I don't get the quest but once you're sixty it's like broad oh I'm watching Netflix man I hit 60 I didn't hit 60 go over on some [ __ ] ass dungeon dude that's only your experience no no I'm actually the reason I'm actually speaking from my girlfriend is he's current right I've seen worse she said she had much better time like leveling and like doing things while she was leveling and like making friends and playing with them and then she said once everybody hit 60 they just kind of stopped walking on as much and I didn't hang out as much kinda it it's a little depressing yeah it's a little bit depressing man level 60 content sucks what level 60 content isn't out yet really I mean we have to raids and a scuffed honor system with no battlegrounds like everything is [ __ ] man it's just completely [ __ ] what makes the game funny BW I want BW l 260 you know what I mean no I want [ __ ] BW on alte holic you could say but just because I'm currently leveling over 20 different tunes you don't mean I got a problem okay yeah you hear me I don't have a problem number 9 the streamer fanboy do you have friends do you have friends well screw them do you have family who wants to play classic Wow with you yeah well screw them too why play your favourite video game with your favorite people in your life when you could instead roll on the same server as a twitch streamer and be a part of their massive sperg fast community join a community of people who you don't know anything about aside from the fact you are all fans of the same live streamer and their crappy jokes oh we want people to see us and to laugh at us what now anyway Turin Oh obviously torn female oh not to be fair towards the [ __ ] create some pretty epic and fun events on the servers that they play on that's true but guys let's be honest you shouldn't make playing on a streamer server your number one priority when it comes to enjoying this game yeah I think you should server want to know that you are there for the community and not just for a single person that not everybody has heard of it just it really diminishes your value as a player and a member of the community if that's who you are know just I want you guys to understand something alright if you are on the streamer server you're playing classic while because of me just don't follow me around in game or good man like you do that weird ass [ __ ] and if you're gonna do that man just like Naomi like fifty gold a week or something because that way I won't be as annoyed by you because I know that I'm getting something out of it okay so so listen like that's basically uh that's basically what you gotta do alright so many people are in Olympus like that they only engage with me listen guys like you guys that are in Olympus to do this just stop like we had that we had a question in my officer meeting or sorry my I love his guild meeting Oh will you join other ray groups to give everybody a personal feel and get a chance to play with you and I'm like [ __ ] no I'm not going to do that if you join the guild just to play with me like it's here's why I wanted people to join Olympus is because I thought that we could have the biggest coolest most badass community that was possible that's why I wanted it like I don't want everybody just to be like a [ __ ] you know like no boost me I could know I can do that with people that aren't in my guild why do I need to have people and my guild to boost me like I can get people from any we get any guild to boost me I don't need to have them in my guild yeah it doesn't make sense you just want the look yeah no it's not a big deal at all III just wanted to have a huge ass community of people that's the main thing man like guys just like step outside the bubble of just watching my stream and doing things with me and play the game and really you know enjoy the game for what it is that's the way it looks like man play the game how you want yeah but yeah be a blind stream or fanboy when playing that's what I think anyway and to number 10 the try heart there is a person who takes classic Wow way too seriously a person whose entire existence revolves around rating PvP and just no lifing the game as much as possible this is the trihard this is the guy who rushes to level 60 as fast as possible he can just use all of the content in the game within a week why is it my character there's nothing to do because you beat every so easy this is the guy who is gonna kick you from his guild just because you decided to play as a paladin's are completely you let's [ __ ] this is the guy that believes that if your guild can't do molten core in less than 30 minutes you all are a bunch of losers yeah and he'll remind you it often - oh you big your ass I will extra trihard is someone who just doesn't make Azeroth a friendly and enjoyable place to be in now sure there's a place for people who are hardcore about the game and that's fine but when it gets to a point that the hard Cornus becomes [ __ ] Ness you're just ruining the community as a whole on a sidenote hydro part is also usually named David in real life for some reason and he lives in Ohio y ou know just how it is okay and that day friends are 10 types of people who play oh yeah for crafts from the smelly to the sensual I think we covered most of them I hope to the sensual he helped paint a picture for you in regards to who plays this game and what to expect if you - that was so good that is so good button if you want be sure to hit the bell wow button because okay that is if you want I wonder if he was even doing that on purpose never trust a known player or someone who plays as a torn female or a role player they tell you to meet them in gold Shire it's just right you get the idea you'll get out of here the video is over I'll see ya I'm fine you know what that was a good one [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 782,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold nixxiom, classic wow players, nixxiom wow, nixxiom classic wow, classic world of warcraft, asmongold classic, wow top 10, classic wow top 10, asmongold top 10
Id: pIaO3vur8fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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