Asmongold Loses His Mind Wiping On ALGALON For 4 Hours | Herald of the Titans (Ulduar)

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why do you do it long man it's so easy you don't stand under the star Reverend you stand under the star it's so easy if it's gonna die you move if there's a red thing under you you poop you just move Reverend just move many of you have never done this fight before now the fight came out ten years ago which of course means that for some reason I remember all of the mechanics that being said however this will still be a challenge defeat I'll go on The Observer at level 80 without anyone in the raid wearing items higher than item level 100 that is the requirement gentlemen every single one of you has been brought here today to accomplish one singular goal to defeat I'll go on The Observer at level 80 every single one of you is going to be challenged here and is going to have to know what to do and how to do this fight I don't want to see any [ __ ] mistakes listen these [ __ ] dudes just shot a rocket into space and if you guys are gonna tell me that you're gonna [ __ ] up a ten year old raid encounter I'm gonna be mad so listen up and let's get this done hunters will be assigned to killing New York's you will be assigned to killing one ordered in between every single cosmic smash cosmic smashes or red circles that spawn under the ground you need to move away from them the farther away from them you are the less damage you take if you're right underneath them they do a large amount of damage to you when they knock you up in the air and you'll die from the fall damage we will one-shot this lets ready check move out of that move out that watch you got watch out next time good job alright let me get four there you go hit it let us get healed let's get healed I'll deal with constellation so let me deal with constellations good job all right I'm pulling this one over kill that last star fill that last star don't pull any more over do not let anybody die now we're gonna have Big Bang very soon I will be staying out for Big Bang everybody go in go in now go in now okay sure wall and last and yeah oh my god be with holy [ __ ] whoa okay alright go back out go back out get ready loss of life unavoidable sometimes that's the way it goes Tony keep it back on me back on me back on me make this happen stay focused get that collapsing star down get those collapsing stars down don't let to die at the same time watch out for that red boy can I that red boy good job hunter good job proud of you okay now there's gonna be two that died here and we're gonna wipe there's there's the white I do what I must now I want you to listen to me I want you to listen to me right now I want to look at yourself turn off your monitor well actually you guys already basically apparently according to that attempt you already had your monitor turned off look at the reflection in the monitor look at your own face and tell yourself I can do this and for the first time ever turn your monitor on because today we're gonna kill this boss that was a great first attempt now if you didn't go in the black [ __ ] you [ __ ] up okay [Music] I do what I must [Music] loss of life unavoidable beware kill it now kill it as fast as we can good job get those heels up get those heels out get those heels out tiny ton tiny ton got a tiny [ __ ] brain because you [ __ ] up the same goddamn are you kidding me boom there is [ __ ] dumbass man what the hell are you doing wake up want you next time look at your bottom side you know the ground underneath you that the red circle was under did knocked you up in the air that you decided not to go ahead and [ __ ] walk dude get out of here he decided not to disengage out of so you wouldn't take fall damage and done what you go ahead and do that next time wash your [ __ ] feet he'll touch I believe this is not the first time that you've died you've died three poles he'll touch we need to talk about Big Bang because in this rate it's not just a theory it's a [ __ ] reality and you're living in a fantasy world I want to look at I want to look at you and I want you to know that I'm looking at you because you're [ __ ] up wasting everybody's goddamn time no more mistakes he'll touch where are you [Music] listen I know you got the classic bring it moves it like one mechanic a minute it's time to turn it up time to go into overdrive we're under a candle which King now time for you to walk inside the Big Bang he'll touch I want you to explain to me I want you to explain the mechanic to me in ray chat we stay out of Big Bang Big Band bad I can see why we're having a problem I do what I've lost beware this fight looks easy to be honest what do you mean it looks easy how could it be easy when there's three mechanics this raid boss is older than some of the people in this track good job good job good job red you're dead how riots then and what be we'll do it again come on I just got an achievement yeah we should have lost an achievement because you just [ __ ] up why did you do it wrong why did you stand in big bang that distract about random achievement okay go back and look watch out rally good job three people getting hit why are you standing under pets it's gonna make it order to see think for yourself kill the next storm come on bring her earth elemental come on to wipe beware loss of life unavoidable stop [ __ ] up this fight is all that stands between you and a title that will never be removed from the game and its importance will never go away you right now have the chance to succeed and get this done or you have the chance to fail and be replaced with somebody who won't the choice is in your hands this boss is easy you've been at it for an hour there are no excuses for mistakes please please let's have one good attempt kill this star immediately then wait for the smashers don't die under that don't be underneath that don't be underneath that you're underneath that you shouldn't have been underneath that but you were underneath that who was that only to stop with this is a raid boss that was designed for people that had computers that have less processing power than your smartphone oh no in power on man come the [ __ ] on like please pay attention at Ellis and Holland empower was there a single mechanic that you did in this entire fight that was correct I do what I must this is humiliating this is sad true epi you were in the two Impala I do what I must Impala do you really think that I'm gonna take your word that you had a mechanic that just decided to malfunction after you stood I watched you stand in two different red circles you really think that that you really think that's what's gonna happen huh Impala and power what what is what is this what is this thing that you do Impala boggers herald of the Titans congratulations in column three years before me Impala that you got the achievement three years before me do you know why you got the achievement three years before me because I got the achievement back in Wrath Village King on my main character and I made this second character to carry retards like you their achievement which is obviously what happened remember you got yours once you shut the [ __ ] up and pay attention wake the [ __ ] up Impala open your eyes I spelled ready check wrong son of a [ __ ] well we do it again we do it again we do it again we do it again we do it again we do it again that we get it done do you want to be like Impala No beware Impala doesn't even want to be like Impala good night or sorry young guy beware I'm so [ __ ] sick of this man I'm so [ __ ] sick of this Furio just [ __ ] wipe points you are our top viewer we cannot afford to have you sucking dick every single attempt for the past five attempts you've been having a competition with yourself on how you can suck the most dick and every single time you've one-upped yourself and you know what you've gotten the silver you've gotten a bronze you've gotten the gold and I'm sick of it epidemic constellations needs to be taken care of more quickly avoiding that I'll go ahead and use spell reflection story uses the damage that I take boom right to the skin moon go look at SpaceX if you want to go to the moon if you want to play Wow get the [ __ ] out of the red boys are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me [Music] vulva we need to repair bot the Reverend was knocked up in the air by the cosmic smash the Reverend let me allow you allow me oh let me allow me to allow you to allow me to let you know something there is an ability that you have that your character can use did will make you take no falling damage it's called levitate okay I'm gonna need a lot of cities real there we go you guys killed another one too early again like I don't know why this [ __ ] keeps happening man like why the [ __ ] do you guys keep [ __ ] this up I don't I don't get it red flung like this you're literally how like you're sucking long stuck I didn't mean just [ __ ] recipes something it summoned me suddenly please [ __ ] man down I tried to make the joke again about dog trust me the way that this guy's been playing I'll just wait for the next opportunity it'll come up real soon hey don't you feel better yes guys Aspen is having a hard time right now can we get some hearts in chat for asmin gold and maybe you know some twitch crimes to cheer them up a little bit guys please yeah look at it look at this shut up shut up look at this guy look at this [ __ ] don't cheer mob guys Jesus Christ thank you guys oh my god this is so bad it's a wipe dude what on the bright side during that attempt yes got like 300 subs I guess that's not true I only got 150 men oh I only had $500 man but that's [ __ ] that's that's my bad I'll try harder next time I didn't know as my everybody makes mr. paleo left hey let's do we have celestial defender okay you're right you're just like immediately Jake did you buy that account don't rest Jake you're a celestial defender but you couldn't even defend yourself from the first star Jake somebody's got some splainin to do you have the title forgetting the server first I haven't done this in 10 years chill [ __ ] out of my rig oh my god all right summon this guy he obviously is gonna pull the boss yeah the room can I have the room this is why I'm feeling service message yeah he pulled the boss it's fine I go ahead and just get another son out do we not have somebody who can summon can can I just have like a anybody that I know that can just come in and clear the trash for us again thought you couldn't have a 120 in your group at all dude don't get trolled no [ __ ] take it easy this is this is very my group this guy no just he's in my group I know it's okay dude just [ __ ] relax man nobody nobody watching wants to see you take another [ __ ] five month break just [ __ ] chill it's just I'll go on okay you're gonna kill it so big okay he's gonna be able to kill these mob sports and not what we don't have to deal with the trash again Esmond what I've got a question for you okay what would you do if someone hacked your account and renamed all of your characters to gay this is our 22nd attempt holy [ __ ] really Jesus gut come on guys oh what a [ __ ] debut oh my god so many things that happened today it's crazy I mean now for this raid obviously nothing's been happening in there dude they've been wiping so much on this goddamn fight the [ __ ] rock it's gonna be at the ISS before they're done with it holy [ __ ] dude I am so [ __ ] sick of seeing the same stupid [ __ ] happen we have been on this boss fight for two [ __ ] hours two [ __ ] hours getting [ __ ] in the ass by I'll go on celestial dick nobody here wants to make it three it's on me it's on me I need all cool all heels on me I need a life cocoon for this big bang I need a life cocoon for this big bang take it home boys take it home the fury of the cosmos I need everything for this Big Bang [Music] you guys are [ __ ] this up so bad just wipe it just [ __ ] wipe it just [ __ ] wipe hi how are you guys doing this wrong you do a start the constellation first took the smash and then a star and then a star then the smash then the star then you're done that's all you do that's all you have to [ __ ] do and you're doing it wrong every [ __ ] time you pop to start immediately after the Big Bang what the [ __ ] you think is going to happen people are going to die how the [ __ ] do you do it right twenty attempts in a row and now after we're this close to dying you start bailing on something that is a base mechanic stop doing it wrong whoever the [ __ ] is killing the stars early it's driving me crazy I'm not mad I'm just disappointed [Music] what why do you do wrong [ __ ] why do you do it wrong man it's just so easy you don't stand under the star Reverend you stand under the star it's so easy if it's gonna die you move if there's a red thing under you you move you just move Reverend just move do it again buff up alright here we go good job I'll reposition the storms go don't let that stop you from doing damage Gus get that first star down good job be with cosmic smash next to me how the [ __ ] did you get hit by that space how the [ __ ] did you get hit by that stop getting hit it heels out guys get heels out let's go good job now you stop until the next smash goes out B we'll get to smash this should do no damage to the whole raid all right now you get the last star down good okay now we have these things that go out haunt this over good alright get those in position great job this is [ __ ] incredible be with ham gonna pull them through there now don't kill this star until after the big bang don't kill the star until after the big bang okay remember I'm doing this BIGBANG fuel real the cosmos okay good now you ready to kill this next star be will I don't know where it is I can't see it okay let's go I'm gonna rally for this one okay interrupt those constellations and kill them interrupt those constellations and bring them through the portals there we go good interrupt them and kill them stay focused here nobody die be with brenda constellations through the portals bring the constellations through the portals okay I'll do it myself alright guys chill out with the Stars chill out with the Stars but that last one died this is the last one we have to deal with okay funny okay good job all right get this next star or constellation excuse me okay Big Bang this Big Bang is on merging merging does this Big Bang merging does this Big Bang keep that in mind when we pushed it we pushed it okay Gomer Chang do it merging do this one merging do this one I was so worried that he wasn't gonna do it I was so worried kill the boss kill the boss that's why I stay I stayed out because I was always I didn't know what to do there go just go kill the boss kill the boss kill the boss kill the boss push the boss push the boss I'll tank I'll tank just push boss everybody kill boss everybody kill boss be with [Music] we didn't get it we didn't get it [Music] I can't believe it [Music] IIIi can't believe it man it [Music] [Music] pick man are you kidding me dude are you [ __ ] kidding me dude can we got portal get a port of the dollar in yo saw you got the kill dude grats I was busy ranked and they told me that you killed it let it go I did I did coach and we didn't get the achievement McConnell what you heard me why did I I don't know oh no oh no see you wiped for hours you gave up the possibility of having an EU contest what do you need I was doing that tomorrow oh I thought you're doing that today no I'm doing some more oh well it's not as bad dollar on yeah you only wasted like three hours of em do I can't believe I can't believe that you haven't done a heralded and so long like gosh has been probably played months you know the first time you do it and then so long you don't get the achievement after spending hours of life that's insanity it's not fair oh [ __ ] you know what it was what when you invited that dude to help you clear the trash it invalidated your your lockout it doesn't work that way it does a check as soon as you enter the combat with the boss how know the it was a hot fixed it was hot fix lives you know I use 120s lockout to skip to Al go on with your 80s grouped and finished killing I'll go on oh [ __ ] so maybe that was it I told you that one small mistake just inviting the dude to clear trash for you just got you all [ __ ] up the fact that you couldn't spend the five minutes that would have taken to clear the trash oh man you know what that was on the oh man that was on the pole that the guy did the ninja did the ninja pulled it and then you guys wiped you didn't have a summon so you decided to invite some guy to come in and clear the trash but we went in there and we did this boss for four hours and we didn't get our achievement and whether somebody equipped the item or not whether somebody you know did something wrong on the other boss or not this is not fair every single one of you guys deserves the achievement I'm sorry about this dude what you see your chat right now yeah you know why there's famine hearts why it's because you did this man no you didn't get the achievement but you took a ragtag bunch of dummies and you endured four hours of algalon with them taking them through every single step and your community appreciates that man it's not like they think you're [ __ ] stupid you didn't you didn't you can see this happening you did everything you possibly could man your community stands beside you did doesn't even matter well I'll put in the ticket I'll see what Blizzard says and worst case scenario this serves as a lesson to anybody else that ever wants to do this achievement again don't do what we did thanks a lot for watching today guys I really appreciate it peace boys [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 646,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold algalon, asmongold ulduar, asmongold herald of the titans, herald of the titans, herald of the titans achievement, asmongold mcconnell, algalon, ulduar, algalon ulduar, asmongold raid, asmongold achievement, mcconnell wow, mcconnell, algalon achievement, ulduar achievement, asmongold herald, asmongold wipe
Id: GnZX6pM7KcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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