Asmongold Amazed By UberDanger's New WoW Girlfriends - Swockwickdus Classic WoW Adventures - PART 3

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last episode was all about world exploration of questing getting our mounts at forty and engineering so today the primary focus is dungeons to be dating guns and lots of dungeons by the way I've realized that I hate these three minute prolongs so let's cut to the chase and stop beating around the bush let's activate the altar of the keepers and summon the stone men who kill each one they blow up so when he sees into wild Betterman will hide behind the pillars personally I chose to face tank every explosion like a crow when the last mob get our whole party wiped dried reports die at for toxicity when he called me bad may have white good [ __ ] up someone riled up a mob of dark forms after which and I wouldn't believe this we wiped Wow again the way I surprised no one's really to blame we're all equally at fault here that's usually what the person does evade the altar of Arcadia's and I got to be honest this is probably the coolest boss thus far guys badass is a sick dungeon botha matically and in the same i'll have a damage of six sense of humor to design this fight arcadia slowly summons these tiny useless Stoneman one by one yeah suddenly when you expected the least two giant elite mods zoom in and alter katar experience for the worse after walking a moderate described to be ganked right in front of the entrance to the dungeon by a stun locking rogue leading us to walk yet another moderate distance it appears that the mobs have all respond and it is for this very reason that world of warcraft is by bastards and for [ __ ] anyways this took I suppose to complete the fight you actually don't attack him you just drag him all the way upstairs yup H is for the elite mobs to reach you and you can defeat ARCA dance in the meantime as last thing makes a lot easier doesn't it oh that's good then that's the adventure of swole thickest morons and Mardon you better believe is there anyone else that goes there's no sodas coolest [ __ ] in fact let me tell you about it basically what happened is that in fur Alice I made the executive decision to say may [ __ ] this [ __ ] we're gonna do another dungeon I teamed up with some players I meant let's go robot chicken escort mission in tenaris that's good my now level 60 friend Larry oh I was [ __ ] stay Wow only five minutes Vince's all [ __ ] why are the best in [ __ ] gloves for my level that's a really good one we shop some great rats and [ __ ] up some zombies yeah then walk up this giant flight of stairs and execute the executioner free the cage Fox and now begins the kerfuffle in this watchdog segment that unlike most of the games doesn't this is where parts of the game I love the [ __ ] we defeat hordes of enemies and after a drawn-out hard-fought battle we emerge victorious of course at which point the people we saved betray us bastards you make quick work of ours I never never understood that and course and scalp em watch out for the snakes finally we reach the end of sulfur act when garzillo emerges from the water I so absolute conviction we smite him from this plane of existence the Beast has been difference admittedly a well-oiled machine that individuals are pretty buggers but together Grandpa Joe is no problem come a hand there was not a single hiccup and it was easily one of the cleanest dungeon runs thus far all my party being mega overleveled probably held by avarice now well that's traveling to the southernmost tip of Kalimdor ago because by completing the guardzilla quest i'm granted the carrot on a stick which lets me move 3% faster whilst mountain vanilla WoW is monotonous and 15 years old so I made the executive decision to diminish the game's lifespan then goods trained world Warcraft professionals taught me about a secret jump there's one single pixel that'll allow you to get on the Cajun gadget Zayn leaving you just out of range of the gadgets and bruisers no repercussions oh by these fine gentlemen who showed me how it's really done yeah after dying to some pirates I left tenaris that great game yet again made the mistake of exploring Newlands in Spain now I made my way from duskwood through dead wind pass landing me in the swamp of Sorrows a name I would come to find accurately described the state of affairs around these parts although the WoW wake you said it was appropriate for my level there's barely any quests here that means no robbery of rare levels a giant sunken temple which happens to have a [ __ ] player on it who rudely informed me that I shouldn't be in this God forsaken place with all my armor now in the red and my hearthstone on cooldown I made the journey back to that's the classic experience right there my armor and flew to Menethil Harbor where I met up with Larry who taught me how to use macros I made one single macro to switch in suppressor Karstens and activate berserker rage excited that i fund them okay that's good optimal setup by the way check out this glory shadow of me and my tiger can do I don't know how many [ __ ] times did I took screenshot to myself with like the sun shining and like how there's the Rays that go around your character and you feel like you're [ __ ] Jesus dude it's so good man it is so good I'm sick of this game anyways I leveled my engineering to artisan level and crafted a handful of useful tools you see in a while your character has two trinket slots and at the expense of a moderate amount of gold engineers have access to devices that can circumstantially be incredibly useful I made the Nova shrink ray which makes my enemy tiny and weak the net o matic projector which I should get engineering and that I think I should that'll allow me to access good ideas and get banned by Blizzard these bothersome furries came up to me and bothered me they kept asking other questions and all this stuff however Larry made them disappear by layering me always a game Larry Larry it outside iron there it is but I had an ace up my sleeve an ultimate move if you what server is the I force which we are I suppose you could say I had one in the chamber I was gonna learn my opponent outside of the ring and trap him with my net letting me win the duel even if I'm way lower level in Undergear sadly the net backfired and I captured myself leaving me at the mercy of an absolute whooping I had enough of PvP yeah Brian alderman again with this role-playing dwarf who would type drinking every time he sat down to drink we nailed the whole dungeon without a single mistake and drink he was an absolute [ __ ] god of the skin ranky taught me how to use the rasp emo drinking I then won the role for the treasure chest landing me a pair of completely trash brace Wow go on Congrats tears - no monetary gain it summarized about 10 hours of my life even with PvP trinket free action potions and a level advantage I still don't beat mages 1v1 in world PvP I never well don't know if I'm enough of a man to level to a point where I'd have fair grounds on which to review wild classic and yes I still ninja loot chests without rolling for them it's worth that I'm telling you I may always do that this whole [ __ ] that people have about oh well I'm gonna go ahead and you know [ __ ] not what we call it not enough to Saoirse you always just loot the chest and the way that I do chest is I loot it and if it has something good on it I link it and I'm like alright let's roll on the item like I know that's not what most people do but that's the way I've played it for a long [ __ ] time sub mode yeah we had some BOTS mods are doing with the bots golf like a bandit then I made its hailer turn my mage weave cloth it's a mage weave Balt at which point Mirage Mach approached me with a dubious offer I was materials that I could purchase in the arc oh wow what I would describe oh wow I'm CRO maizing monetary setback he would enchant my fiery war axe with a fiery enchant making it a fiery fiery war axe a fiery fiery horse that's great I [ __ ] love this game man I know it's a bit of a circle jerk but despite all its flaws this game is genuinely rewarding at times but all these negligible pieces of information are there is that compared to what I'm about to tell you a few days later is the very moment in time where I would cross paths with my soon-to-be new ygf I met Amiri in strangle for veil she'd been mailing me for weeks and had finally managed to find they're not even enjoying the solar water body experience she was a godsend together we could mounted nearly every single quest and still [ __ ] is he doing after which we got a smash such a [ __ ] game we're just watching new players play the game it's really funny like you just think about all the things in the game that are just complete [ __ ] [ __ ] like you just go to attack something it's a Miss and then they hit you at a crit and then you attack them again it's a parry and then you finally kill the mob after like running back from your corpse for five minutes and you wooed them and he doesn't drop the item that you need and you need ten and you have three and then you finally finish the entire quest two hours later and you go back to the town and you're like okay I've gotten this done and you're a hunter and they give you cloth bracelet that have intellect on them or better yet cloth bracers that have strength on them it's oh and you don't get hardly any experience either and you know what you do you keep playing because you're in it now you're level 44 you're not gonna quit now you're so close you're gonna sit there and endure this until level 60 and you'll hate your life the entire time and then you think that it level 60 it's gonna get better it won't but you keep playing anyway because I've already invested 300 hours into this character there's no way I'm gonna quit now I've already got 260 I've got to keep playing I have to keep playing I'm already 60 I can't stop it's it's great like WoW is probably the best example of the sunk cost fallacy at work what the [ __ ] am I doing with my life nobody knows in an excited delirium I decide it's a ditch Elizabeth for being disloyal and low-level it's entirely unacceptable real life and that she's not actively carrying me through the game it was cute while it lasted boys later [ __ ] three silver [Music] sad amiri on the other hand now that's a banging Wow gf let me tell you whenever I draw were weaker all right worried letters in my mailbox whenever I do log in or go anywhere she immediately appears next to me ready to fight for my life or die trying always wrong gifts in form of potions and elixirs for she is and she's a guardian angel she loves killing horn players she's a guardian a malaria boomer for not revealing his age that's perfect prior to this rat in Azeroth now oh wow - some would find it creepy that I'm logged in for less than two seconds before the DM lands Jonathan where have you been did you get my message but I see this as the very level of dedication necessary to be a top-shelf certified S Plus five-star Wow gf now I could talk about the Halloween event there are people do the [ __ ] to me dude every day I log in and they message me they're like bro dude you're on early today man what up dude hey hey you know what I do never respond never [ __ ] respond because the moment that you respond they're like that's my boy dude I'm gonna keep messaging you every [ __ ] day like it sounds like an [ __ ] thing but listen I'm an antisocial [ __ ] man like I I'm not introverted I just never like to see anyone and I like to sit in my room all by myself and dark listening to heavy metal playing World of Warcraft okay I'm not introverted I just like being alone all the time that's it like there's never a better mood that I'm in then if my friends cancel plans like yeah man we're not gonna go out tonight like really really you're not gonna go all man bro dude I was looking dude man wanted to go down to 6th Street and be next to the guy with the snake and the drunk people and the guy that probably has a gun Wow dude it's too bad we're not gonna go down oh and then we don't to go to the club that you you get a hearing a hearing disorder from you can't talk to anyone oh man that's the drinks are only eight dollars therefore a shot oh dude I guess we're really gonna miss out today [ __ ] okay guys I guess I'm just gonna have to stay in today it's too bad how we got these horrendous dwarf masks about how Iran's Ulfric again with a group of skeletons but honestly all those tails are benign compared to our journey tomorrow dawn [Music] that music music expensive it [Music] [Music] I love this song listen to allow sharing now experienced wild players it's more than standing and heading may look at that and think to themselves moonglade winter spring and feralas what in God's name does any of those places have to do with Mara Don well allow me to explain how I well and truly [ __ ] the bed and made a crucial mistake now I'll up and admit it I [ __ ] hated the mid-level forty grind as a warrior every basically boiled down to inefficiently questing in saneras and stranglethorn Vale or running sulfur rack and alderman no matter how you look at it it's just cookie clicker with extra steps so I was ecstatic to reach level 46 because that meant I could run more Adan I wanted to make sure to pick up all the quests for the dungeon so I looked them up on the WoW wiki many of them can be picked up in Tesla's but there was one that I had to travel quite far form I flew to Menethil Harbor and sailed to dark shore from where I went down into ashenvale the southeast London of Azeroth yumm there I went on words up into fel would you see I had my eyes set on moonglade or I'd pick up the final Mardon quest I'm young past this quest marker with perfect focus knowing fun well that it's more efficient to stay on the task at hand than do every quest I see try reach the fair bulk stronghold I'm humbled yet again it's not a default I'm at war with the fur bones considering a surprise managed to fight any single one of them clearly I'd have to find another way into moonglade Amira joins up with me and being the perfect ygf that she is she informs me that to ally with the furball I'd need optimization funny enough wouldn't you believe it that's absolutely 46 passed earlier I don't know man in vanilla WoW is very rewarding they're all basically boils down it's very complex but it basically boils down to killing the same enemy over and over and over again so now we start doing the fur balls dirty work and apparently the only way to become friends with these savages is to win the territorial land with their enemies are we young the good guys at this point or is this indeed what weak cowards would describe as morally abrupt I'm sure the little bit of balls but let's be real I installed questi a long time ago [ __ ] reading every quest in this game yeah that was fun five minutes managed to go from hostile to unfriendly granting a safe passage through the stronghold I'm surprised dip started dawning on yeah it's crazy Westy showed absolutely no quest signs anywhere in moonglade after a quick double take on the WoW wiki it turns out this is where the quest ends it starts in desolace as a new player finding this out was very disappointing I'm single other dungeon Bar None has got their quest spread all over Azeroth and for whatever reason the only dungeon where I truly bothered to pick up every single quest and travel to mind you literally halfway across the world probably took a dungeon that conveniently has all the questions in the same place right that's right engine yeah it's awesome boy alright going here may have been foolish but it was intelligent compared to my next move you see I boldly presumed that moonglade doesn't have a flight path seeing as the flight master I found was only four druids taking the hearth does it also be inefficient all set in iron I have no idea is quite far from desolace where we're headed amiri and i right all the way back to the furball stronghold and make our way through the endgame zone yeah I have no idea when we finally never [ __ ] go there I get yet another taste of the delicious first time while playing experience getting killed I didn't have any connecting flight paths to winterspring and therefore I wasn't able to fly anywhere as it turns out I'm laughing haha there is a flight path and moonglade what is Rachel required to fly from the drinkin game just happens to be random location out in the woods that no one may randomly run into so I go all the way back to moonglade and pick up said flight path then fly to desolace where i meet up with the miry and the best part was that at 5 a.m. our odds of getting a party from auradon were close to null so I humbly come to terms with the fact that I spent an entire night getting to fly paths and some reputation then big grudgingly turn off my computer but then after though I rose to the occasion in front see that's the thing is he logs off he's like I hate this game I'm done I'm tired with it and then the next day he gets up he's like well what am I gonna do well same thing I do every day and you log back on you just log back on like there's nothing else to do like that's why I get it like I don't I really don't know what people who don't play World of Warcraft 18 hours a day do with their lives I I don't know like did they just go out and like talk like I they go to work well I mean all right besides work right yeah of course they go to work like what do you do with your free time if you're not spending it playing video games all day it's just it's such a weird concept to me because me and everybody that I know that's all we do we go home from school or whatever and we just play video games all day it's great and I can't imagine any other life finally started playing with my guilties you see our old guild who shams Not Be Named had merged with a couple other guilds to form prevent the deadliest [ __ ] group of Raving Azeroth assassins on the plane [ __ ] it's pretty bad Nicola psyched to be part of an active guild that actually has their [ __ ] together I even went on this corner with my fellow double while route are more Adan crusade what a [ __ ] girl my god dude I just I really like one thing that I really think my stream is missing is besides BOTS mods if you can besides BOTS is being able to go and voice chat without needing to worry about getting bad I would love to be able to just sit there and voice chat and just [ __ ] with people all day long and people can say whatever they want it's fine I love that it's so exciting and I wish it was more of a thing come - or no notions asked as the advertiser guideline I don't think it has been cut from the video yeah you need to know is that Maradona is a fantastic dungeon in prevents is absolutely the best guild on EU noggin foggers all right the exception of buying GF but that's neither over there if the peace of God l9 team up with four dungeons are irredeemable bastards who are lowly intelligent at best when my prevents guilties our Azeroth guerrilla soldiers their [ __ ] raid hardened world of warcraft primates they got this [ __ ] on lock now through the dungeons of princess thor Andris watch out for the deadly farts and watch out she throws a rock yeah it's very hard to deal we kill her in hopes of getting me the black stone ring balls undisputedly the best ring warriors can wear until several content updates come that's a big one dude I cannot wait to get the rod grip to try and finish the Obi no Crocs kill boots for a myriad oh why the Wayne was very loyal when my guild EES made advances after Ron [ __ ] we turn our party into a raid party so we can effectively reset the dungeon by logging out and back in the people knew their [ __ ] all times and sulfur on black stone bring an absolute powerhouse of a bow then I asked my experienced wonderful erratic temperamental assertive bang in WoW GF show me the world as per the ancient rituals the bonding is not complete before she takes me on a journey when she took me to Don Moreau I began to suspect that this was a ripoff of the wetlands run but I should have known that my trust was far from misplaced she brought me through the valley of kings to a menacing locked gate that leads to the searing gorge the key one would have to undertake a trilogy of quests oh I was done to him perfect she's mastered lock-picking oh wow the lockpick the massive gate is the ride headfirst into the searing gorge oh that's right I had only been able to observe from the air the head always intrigued me as own weight that is absolutely ruthless and filled with horde players I was about to take their ADHD medication yeah we weren't gonna take it line to the game the second we saw nut buddy we jumped him they fluttered me leaving me incapacitated able to only watch them beat up my Wow GF whilst I cowered in the extremely disrespectful when they kills an eery it invoked my primal [ __ ] hatred with pure skill and absolute determination I crypt nut buddy twice ending his moai existence his friend bang noise slows me and flees this is gonna be counted for PvP manually didn't get the memo I'm lost hurt at this game I use my macro sorry go click on her stance letting me intercept his coward a magic clean double he's getting away fiery war axe oh dude victorious Wow better believe we came there corpses God I'm glad I picked Night Elf stealth frontflips you move really hard [ __ ] tiger for a mount anyone not God clearly on the wrong side [ __ ] got him speaking of being on the wrong side of history this country mostly took us out even though he had nothing to do with our kerfuffle that's right that I would go on to forgive bang Doan quest on and peace free honor estimates how good of a [ __ ] person I am he went on to let a guy out of a locked bathroom I question how we ended up in that predicament in the first place but when I get over 5,000 XP for little to no work to the time desk and you clearly goes on I just take the progress turn around and walk away this is how you play World of Warcraft you leave your trusted companion to die so you can loot the scroll of course West get hit with a regularly occurring 22nd polymorph ah once you finally 20 seconds cc's vanilla is a great game important the goddamn quest with your primaries gonna die early complete the quest but get interrupted once more then die that's good you could have probably killed had you work together finally yeah the walk of shame we've been back to iron forge to six gold Pope ow to level up my abilities all right to be honest I forgot was even a part of the game he vowed to be my personal Alchemist I got my boy sending me godlike weapons and there any potions my city's getting me ask me all experiences as aussolas or not this lucky she even got me homemade cheese yes is gracious we teamed up with Larry on his second character which made me feel a little bit iffy about my own progress not just had he leveled his gnome warrior 260 he was also approaching my level on a paladin granted it's the easiest class to come on the game it's basically an Azeroth runescape simulator if there's one class which is actually just standing and hitting then that class would be paladin speaking of the patented conceit I was wrong vanilla WoW is not just standing and hitting yeah it's a big jump that's a whole element that I left out of my previous stage okay and I can see now yeah there's a whole dimension of gameplay that I had overlooked you have to jump at the same time as the attack of the miry in the secret orange we summon this dragon honest it's been over a hundred hours of game time since I followed the plotline of this game yeah I have no idea who this dragon is or what he does for all I know he same the first time that I figured out that the guy was the dragon was actually in classic Wow every other time that I did the quest line I never could complete it because I didn't know that you had to click the staff in front of him in order to keep doing the quest so I could never get to the end of the quest line I never knew what would happen you'd be the final boss or maybe he's our friend all I know is I don't ask any questions I take the XP and walk away I would go on so jump in the lava and die naturally my grass man jumped in as well to make me feel better it goes back to the age-old saying if your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it yeah if you want to be a top-shelf certified five-star Wow GF the answer is yes no hesitation almost immediately o XP finished off a bunch of quests and then travel to stranglethorn Vale to take a shot at the arena chest I'm sure that'll go well is there potentially spoils of battle but if you actually spit out less hours to loot it and get the arena master twelve times that's a lot turn them in for the arena Grand Master trinket I see half decent yeah that's pretty good this game in one of these days I'll get the moment the chest spawns I agreed for it only to be fumbled by a priest with his cursed spells I have no idea what they do but they interrupted my looting it didn't mean a group of the arena is so scummy having two bodyguards skanking on my behalf to loot the chest aka ya CENTAC Esmond gold experience and I'm a goner hiya bandit to celebrate our absolute victory we decided to sail out for adventure sadly my brain lent lukewarm IQ an absolute piss-poor hand-eye coordination I fall off the boat when it takes off most people would be surprised to find out that I have accessed the forbidden knowledge I merge with the boat and start frivolously skipping across the water one that was you underestimated my power all along what the [ __ ] unstoppable look at the technique the grace the dignity what though the time I faked being a really bad beginner at this game when deep down and warmed up [ __ ] is this is actually the greatest of all time at Roulette how the hell is he doing magically that the [ __ ] champion is what I'm telling you I've never seen your [ __ ] energy oh my god the clinton - crazy fire in my belly what do you take me for a goddamn [ __ ] casual no I'm the greatest then I laid into Kalimdor losing all my momentum incredibly unfortunate along with me my ego are buried and see I have dreamed of a glorious death and battle with demons gods or even drawing my last breath killing horde players yes in my final moments I'm cold alone and I have no one to blame but myself moral of the story [ __ ] trash 15 year old games you can't even boat skip literally unplayable game sucks dan sucks dick what a bunch of trash [Music] [Applause] so this video was actually really good I didn't really know what to think about it or anything like that but the video was genuinely good people push me to watch these videos for a while I'm not logged in as mom where's your Wow girlfriend [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 844,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, asmongold adventures, asmongold classic, uberdanger, uber danger, uberdanger wow, uberdanger classic wow, uberdanger asmongold, Swockwickdus, Swockwickdus uberdanger, Swockwickdus classic wow, asmongold swockwickdus, uberdanger classic
Id: yBGkX1hd7EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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