Asmongold Lets Chat Decide Who Gets The LOOT - Molten Core Raid - Classic WoW

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listen up your ragtag bunch of dick suckers this is your first time in molten core this is your first time for many of you stepping into the depths of the greatest rate of all time every item in this raid will be determined by twitch chat voting on it every piece of loot that drops twitch chat will decide the person who receives it and the people that don't now guys this gives you a very very important responsibility I want to hear I promise and [ __ ] put your hand on your Bible right here [Music] repeat after me I solemnly swear I solemnly swear to uphold the values of classic World of Warcraft and to make sure to distribute loot in an ethical and fair way the power bestowed upon me by asmin gold will not be misused amen yeah that's fine with me [Music] all right who needs alright new coal all right dropping dots symma fire T squad yeah T spawn alright so we've got our pole right here wait we're now Simha fires wanting to a fire hazard wait how do you know he has it we will not be giving it to somebody who already has it okay Seema fire the chat will remember this no the chat will remember this that's fine you want to do this it's okay all right dropping Docs receives the first item go come on you can do this Keeler's you need to dispel but it's not hard good job that's a [ __ ] one shot would be besides any of this other [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] one shot that's amazing like we did great good job guys I'm so proud of you [Music] our canis boots are canis boots who wants them okay all right I'm just gonna put all the majors on the list okay just give me a second okay our canis boots gentlemen go ahead and get ready to side our canis boots Eliseo clouds let's see who's next maldo scare Oh Daryl all right show dispels well okay our show the spells let me show dispels right now uh more oh wait okay dispels resources dispels there are dispels all right Jarvis and magic whis wait can I not make any oh wait I can only do top five let me strawpoll it okay there you go let's go ahead and use the results okay and the votes are in Matt Wow Wow magic whiz okay what all right so let's look at damage done this is damage done right here okay you guys see it all uh no you can't at all okay let me move it over give me a second there wait oh [ __ ] okay that's damage done down to bottom there mages didn't really do a whole lot of the arcana's boots magic was congratulations bellhart woofs we'll just go ahead and we'll do that which one for this okay okay so yeah this is the damage that's the Warlock damage okay dropping dots let's see here dropping dots pulse stim a fire so if I aren't lime client East one uh symma fire uh let's see what about this alright lifeline okay and subscribers can vote twice all right there's the poll right there let's look at it view results dropping dots Wow do you guys think dropping dots deserves it the most okay everyone move in don't pull yet don't pull yet let's go let's go mom let's go no it's time all right savage tank is tanking all right we need heels we need heels Gil those tanks he oars come on Gil those tanks burn him down get away from that fire yeah it's okay I guess probably not a good idea to use that trinket right whenever you know there's a fear that's gonna go out but that's fine right there right there what's the really good wood okay all right medallion of steadfast might who needs it Pass Savage tank Pass savage tank is there anybody else all right just pests and savage tank wanted our tanks need it okay all right passing the savage tank so pass is a DPS warrior and savage tank is the tank though and Alliance hero Alliance hero also needs it okay guys you guys ready can I trust you can I trust you or not yes okay good here we go let's get the results Savage Wow Savage tank holy [ __ ] damn damn damaged tank you guys all want to see this this guy get it okay Savage tank by order of the chat you have bestowed upon you the medallion of steadfast might congratulations okay strike let's just get this one out of the way all right strikers mark all right let's see how many people want this I'm gonna assume a lot if you'll want it so we're gonna do we're gonna have to do probably strawpoll for this one okay oh is it right here okay let's do strawpoll for this one hey uh me Rogue boy let's see who else okay guys you guys ready now before I link the poll I want to say something this is my best in slot item this is something I really really want I really want to get this item so if you could please vote for me please vote from you guys I it would mean a lot alright let's go I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna link it right here okay and then there's the damage meter right there you guys can see it okay actually if you guys see it for now yeah you can okay there's our damage meter right there that's all for that's all for magnetar right there actually some of that splainin okay yeah let's just just from a good mark okay good rigged what a mean rig Wow Wow guys I want to say that I really appreciate all the hard work and everything that I put in its right for me well wait a minute no no no yeah you guys voted for me to get it everybody voted for me to get it what do you expect I mean am I supposed to just turn around and say that oh well I shouldn't get it now that's unfair we made the rules everybody made the rules we decided on that everyone agreed on it paid voters listen man it's not that simple the fact is that everybody voted for me this is the way democracy works do you guys hate democracy do you hate America I hope not there's nothing wrong with this thank God for this thank you so much guys I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you all right the Obsidian edged blade okay who's ready to ruin somebody's night by voting for some dumb [ __ ] person that doesn't deserve it all right let's find out voting right now there you go work with the votes Wow Wow this Luke council is actually very fair I don't even know what to say but you guys are actually being very fair and ethical about this I'm kind of confused honestly like I don't even know what to expect so Beatrice is gonna get the sword holy [ __ ] Beatrice one of our top damage for the boss he says so nice that's right this nice congratulations man good job I'm proud of you let's keep moving what's time oh [ __ ] we pulled we pulled let's go let's go let's go let's go stay focused stay focused okay wait yeah there's a Rend on the boss wait who's using Ren who the [ __ ] uses Ren what does who is it dark see link uses rent is there more than one okay and and also Alliance sure was both using they're both using rent okay guys let's get ready and we're gonna roll these off all right here's what the healing is before I go ahead and do any more that is what the healing is and this is for the gloves of prophecy chat get ready to decide give me one second now I wanna make sure everybody else is there okay we got them all right creating a poll there it is show dispels okay let me show the spells let's see resources dispels oh well there are no dispels on kindness it's just a D curse yeah it's just a D curse there's no dispel ok damage done all right here you guys go let's roll it off there we go voice damage taken from rain of fire ok damn it roar away damage taken from rain of fire let me go ahead and do that alright damage taken and let's see that's damage taken from a rain of fire hey you guys didn't see the priest right there they're doing pretty good alright let's see what people are gonna vote with Wow Pope John Pope John holy [ __ ] ok congratulations Pope John he's ahead all right man this is for you good job dude I'm proud of you giant stalkers boots go ahead and put it in there all right shat let's go ahead we're gonna look at the damage again ok that's what the damage is right there here it is decide right here make the decision do the right thing Wow say yongi Oh okay okay okay it's a little bit back and forth that's fine with me let's see this is a pretty close tie looks like chaeyoung he's gonna be getting the boots uh-huh we'll give him a second hole on the side all right Shay yongi you get it congratulations buddy good job jack you made the right decision go ruff go go go go pick him up pick him up pick him up pick him up pick him up let's get those banishes boys how many people are alive our mate are my raid frames bugged they must be bugged but let me reach the new road on a reload alright you guys ready to see the loop binding white man what the [ __ ] okay alright everybody everybody let's all relax everyone calm down relax to make sure we get this done okay now all right think about this [Music] alright alright alright okay now okay guys listen listen I want to let everybody know I love you very much okay first thing giant stuff let's roll let's get the giant soccer out of the way let's get the giant soccer out of the way I really love the chat I never spend any time off stream talking to my girlfriend about how dumb my chat is I never complained to her about my chat or spend time off stream resenting everybody in chat sometimes I never do that it never happens I want to let you know that I care about you guys so much and you're so important to me and I really really care about this sword I mean I can really care about you guys I really care about you guys man okay so I care tell them that after the sword not before you can tell it for a dagger daggers not that good okay all right all right let's see yeah you guys can kill the ads you want but like just uh hunters giant stalkers helmet hunters let's see it who wants it okay let me go ahead and pull this up and wait chaeyoung he is the only one that wants it wait chaeyoung he just immediately gets the helmet because both of them already have it Congrats okay okay brutality Boyd Wow yo that's crazy I was the only person that wanted it that is insane dude I'm the only but nobody in chat and everybody else said pass all right rogue boy all right number one I guess that's gonna have to be me we're all like listen it's the way it goes all right passwords excellent all right che here's the thing guys I want just give 200 subs wait so I literally have to bribe you guys to vote for me I have to bribe you guys to vote for me about 10 subs how about 10 subs 10 subs that's it a hundred subs guys can we just go 250 but I want you understand 50 subs that's two hundred and fifty dollars man all right all right here we go wait it didn't count my own vote for myself wait didn't count the vote for myself all bro dude don't everybody voted for me man oh my god that's crazy thank you guys so much dude looks like I'm gonna win it how about that that's amazing okay listen I'll link it only kid okay I'm only controlling Oh Oh bran dude Oh Mandor I got the brutality blade Wow okay just give me a second guys [Music] what a great showing I want to I want to appreciate everybody here wait literally to peep 22 people voted for bossy I really do I appreciate it so much this is something that I'm so glad that I was able to do thank you guys so much I really appreciate you I really do thank you so much now we have the gut core Ripper a revote what do you think this is a US election we don't have recount you don't have revote this is tits the way it goes you can't revote listen if you want let me go here all right got gore Ripper who wants to gut gore Ripper we're gonna go over the next one got gore Ripper pull option me okay is anybody else want it okay lure bossy wants it too wait wait what wait you guys want the dagger wait what the [ __ ] do you guys actually want them okay or bossy and pests but all right now listen now want to talk about these daggers okay once you understand something here's what you need to remember about this dagger in me just remember who here has been sitting it working so hard every day to bring you the best content possible look at that dagger look how cute I look Oh that'll be good all right don't give it think about think about think about the right person whenever you're doing this okay here we go both come on vote for me man vote for me boys both of me all right I wanted to do a revote now we're gonna do a revote okay was it Ward bossy okay all right we're Revo ting we're Revo ting because that was that was not fair that was not fair we're Revo ting Revo ting right now Revo D revote rebuilt vote for me vote for me you Tess congratulations now by what let me tell you something tell you something about me and doing Luke Council and influencing decisions I was never good at math I was never good at English I was never good at any subject in school I never cared about it I never cared about a single one of them I never gave a [ __ ] but one thing that I always really cared about one thing that I was always truly passionate about was psychology and mental manipulation I knew that by rolling the brutality blade off first people would vote for me more often I did it on purpose because I wanted to brutality blade more don't forget who's in control here okay oh there it is there we got sword man yes yes dude this is the place do you stand with living bomb you stand here you're wrong if you stand here you're wrong if you stand here you're wrong if you stand right here you're wrong here is wrong this is another wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong still wrong almost right but still wrong wrong wrong right this is exactly where you stand all right go pull boss let's get this done done the fury makes your sword rogue wait I could have Thunder figure and two characters one man all right dear dear run out Jim Alliance duro taunt off of him good alliance you rollin out that's wrong that's wrong you're in the wrong spot you were in the wrong spot you're not supposed to be there you're supposed to be where the other guy died okay good there it is boys there it is please be good please be good Wow Wow you thought you were in the spot go stand at the spot everybody else go stand at the spot Hawaiians here oh don't move no Alliance here we go back to where you were go back to where you were no go back to where you were no no no no come back come back come out over here no you were over here buddy come here come right over here I want to make sure everybody knows exactly what's going on here yep there you are running into the wall so how is it that everybody else every other person in the race somehow managed to figure out to stand at the corner there but you just all by yourself had a problem doing that well what was it exactly that caused that guys I'm just I'm really just confused okay yeah great job guys at least we killed the boss all right what's this is a plate pair of gloves this is the damage for the boss right here when we go and show you guys the boss that is the damage of the boss right here okay make your decisions and decide who you're going to give the items to yeah Wow Wow holy [ __ ] Alliance hero well the chat decided the chat has decided congratulations Alliance hero fell hard shoulder pads wait da pinned Dotson's i'ma fire both past what what about lime fight this is he wanted let me let me look at his gear okay I need him oh so he's the only warlock so he's just automatically gonna get the shoulders Wow ok whyme fight congratulations there you go good job chat we again distributed a loot and the most fair and ethical way possible by a random vote from people who actually probably don't even play the game go [Music] good job alright keep it up come on alright we got really lucky with that uh with that thing there grace you should've stayed out in the yield wait ghosts karo make sure your max range men that's not max range you gonna find out why cuz you just got hit there we go all right move out good Curtis Knight Slayer boots night Slayer boots bellhart slippers bro warlocks dropping docs needs it who else needs it lime fine needs it who else needs it Saima fire all right dropping dots and lime fine there we go go boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat Volvo let's see it dropping dogs dropping dogs all right doing pretty damn well man it looks like he's gonna be getting the boots great job man I'm proud of you you're a good person now the Cenarion gloves boom Z and night kid do either one of you need the scenario and gloves boom Z you need it we're about night what about you naked can I get the to your gloves all right so we have a moon bully a moon boy versus night kid night kid is the moon boy boom Z is ironically the the Heuer okay [Music] all right one sip boom Z slightly ahead of moon boy oh wait moon boys turning it around moon boys turning it around holy [ __ ] alright alright we'll wait a little bit longer for the results wait boom Z's coming out ahead now now he's 4% ahead that yeah 4% ahead alright 1% ahead okay we're gonna give it to boom Z boom Z should probably get it because he's actually rest oh and it gives a healing power versus uh you know not healing power so boom Z actually should get this this is a good thing yeah let's go boom Z is going to get it wait now people are voting for night kid do we have to do a coin flip but still a coin flip there we go heads is boom Z Hales oh wait night kid 1 wait night kiddo wait so moon boy is actually gonna come out of something with an item we're gonna give moon boy an item okay it is what it is moon boy congratulations alright and this is gonna go to me as well that's trolling oh they can do that it's possible for them to do that well gentlemen we got a great rate we've worked very hard we've worked so hard but it's time for us to call the day way did somebody leave the guild wait what boom she left the guild why'd you leave the guild no why'd you leave he gave off Spectre our main spec in the near 5050 what did I say I would do I said I would let chat decide he says but I'm not staying any guilt that does that I mean this isn't necessarily a guild event like I want this is a stream event hi this is not a guild sanctioned raid well it's apparently expects to get gear every raid what yeah it was nested on a guild sanctioned raid this is a stream pug that I made with the express intent of having this loot system because I thought it would be funny everybody knew that going into it leaving the guild because the stream didn't pick you to be the special boy trust me I understand I didn't get the dagger it's the way it goes I think you should have gotten the two for the record and until next time boys [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 217,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, wow classic, classic wow, asmongold molten core, molten core, asmongold loot, asmongold chat, asmongold chat loot, asmongold molten core loot, molten core raid, classic wow loot, classic wow molten core, molten core loot, asmongold mc loot, wow molten core, mc raid, classic wow raid
Id: Nau5HqW1nVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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