Asmongold Can't Believe The Top 10 Myths of World of Warcraft - MadSeasonShow

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there we go top ten Weston water I was 15 years old and my daughter's got any legends have been created yes I'm are true and some are half true and others downright ridiculous it's a tale is oldest I'm going back to the days of the Loch Ness monster that one's real foot I I know him he can save Eris in Final Fantasy 7 there's a nudity code for Tomb Raider the other wrestler Mac in the first Morse code for Jim well because the freezer max which truncates error macros appears in the Diagnostics menu have the arcade copy of the game as you'd imagine the world of warcraft has had its fair share of miscreated throughout the years yep most of these will be covering will be from classic not really intentional it's just a single Tiger the game being known everything it was much easier to believe all of this stuff yeah and also a memos just but I believed a lot of stupid [ __ ] back guns are more likely to believe that there are these super hidden secrets to be discovered since the genre as a whole is on such a massive scale today it's easy to say that oh that's stupid who would believe that yeah it is easy to say that before everything was gone over 4,000 times with a fine-tooth comb this stuff was actually believable yeah but without any further delay these are the top 10 myths of World of Warcraft I used this one now turning small and working our way I thought number 10 on our list is that the molten core was made in one wait I actually thought that was true this is partly true Dean wait yeah well I was rated in one week by the great gen stats from the world of warcraft diary he describes his one-week escapades and making the iconic kiss I thought that was true did you know that there was originally a path from Gollum eggs room to magma dar it was only taken out after Jeff Kaplan deemed that it would make the raid to circular preferring instead a more linear layout Wow so the environment was created in one week that could have been a little fun there into the raid holy [ __ ] I didn't know that something I'm guilty of spreading myself so Jeff's made the rake take longer in the upcoming weeks Jeff Kaplan did all of the spawning and creature placement wait a second that means that every single [ __ ] time did I have to deal with those respawning lava elementals and the [ __ ] flame walkers every week that's because of Jeff every week Jeff [ __ ] me in the ass I know that the boss fights Bob [ __ ] sit up all of the lewd and pet niggle and Alex a frosty avi handled the quests and attunement to the raid Wow all this doesn't make it any less impressive though yeah the rate as a whole had deserves a spot in the Hall of Fame taking into account the new ground that it broke in spite of the tight window Gonzaga was created for number nine we have glaive weapon types pre Allegiant as you know ever since the Luton expansion and release of the demon hunter class the globe type weapon is now obtainable in-game and before that in the Burning Crusade and we had the was it though even prior to that well there's an artifact watching in the game for these faithful to glaive weapons yeah why it just wasn't usable why player there's some ninja stuff right there it just adds only cooler than that I'm gonna name my character some variation of Legolas or Sasuke and do wield these puppies like I said it's tied all the way back in the release of the gate up there were a handful of NPCs who held these fabled weapons typically Night Elves such as the Darnassus guards or this boss found entire this stupid piece of [ __ ] drop my wiping some members all people would farm him over and over in hopes of that ultra rare grave drought but it was all for naught it didn't help that there were indeed a grave weapons what a [ __ ] me the [ __ ] would do that I'm still of the sword type the work leaves to the SN I for Dana mind do you know I wonder like back in the day I wonder if people thought ribbon dares death charger was one of these things because it was just so ridiculously rare that there are probably servers that didn't even have it and that might have actually happened like yeah they didn't even yeah what are the stats yeah those were really really good stats especially for a vanilla Wow you know and yeah people might have actually thought and thought and there's thought in a word Fontan no it's not okay I didn't think so anyway so uh they might have thought and that it is now the ribbond heirs death charger actually wasn't even a real mount it's crazy that's it at the time and you could even combine them together and to form the twin blades of azmuth it's like portal wide zoomed by the fury of Illidan and she gained 1400 attack power and against demons and 20% more hit chance and 30% more haste there is also the glaive of the defender a legendary quality item more designed for tanking and having a proc that reduces damage by 75% what supplicants as you'd imagine that these items became the 10 seconds what the [ __ ] that's insanely good oh my god it has armor a Joe egg this is if they add classic Plus content I want to see this [ __ ] sword in the game man I want to use it like in Crete region standard shaken by melee attacks French accent spells is 75% that's a [ __ ] proc shield-wall a proc shield-wall holy [ __ ] dude that's so good as you'd imagine that these items became the objective of a massive scavenger hunt players turn every ride all bad even explored the dormant Dark Portal found in the Blasted Lands I'd rip Illidan you name it people have tried it it was never meant to be as these items were indeed only found in the game files do you know which one I really hope that he adds oh if you if you go through life you go stand in the thing right behind gold mag you can see Ragnaros just have to go right up in there and walk right in the cracks and you can see Ragnar rules and then you know you got people run out there and it takes like three thousand damage every quarter second so it just immediately [ __ ] deletes you and a number eight we have ranked 15 in classic World of Warcraft and get rank for every myth stems from a bit of truth which is the case with this entry all right classic World War I obtained a little a sporting system we started at Rank 1 and depending on how many honor points you farmed every week you would drink up and gain access to powerful items no consumables yep and even access to a special building and even the local defense channel absolutely drinks 12 through 13 you'd get your purple armor said and at 14 the weapons along with some nifty titles I wore lured for the Horde and Grand Marshal for the Alliance however there's believed to be one more rank even higher called City protector Oh Alliance should get that because they're always in the city yeah we do have ranked 15 it's it's it's automatically given out to every alliance in the city go over to iron forge you see city protectors everywhere now what do you mean Nazis nuts not a myth just log on and find out then if you grinded enough and ring 14 he would eventually reach this which ended up being false yeah like I said most myths have a bit of truth to them this rank was indeed planned to be in the game and was even briefly in blizzards PvP guide on the official website to obtain this you'd have to be the number one player and honor farmed for the previous week and of course maintained that for as long as he wanted to keep the rank Wow if you were successful you would earn the prestigious titles listed here and would even gain the ability to teleport to your races major city so Darnassus for Night Elf players under city friends it's [ __ ] amazing I guess those again protect our Stormwind overlord of orga more thane of Ironforge high sentinel of Darnassus death lord of the Undercity chieftain of thunder bluff avenger of norma gun that sounds stupid of indra of no morgan who the [ __ ] would want that buddhu boss of singe in a voodoo boss imagine if the voodoo boss was like a like a warrior or something I don't know I'd be I'd be a little bit a little bit disappointing then and so on I guess that they figured that the system was a bit too hard yeah you be Bob Soames over the limit exactly rank 14 instead and the city protector rank was lost to the ether you know it was pretty troublesome though because people still believed it existed and of the way that the honor system worked back then to rank up you'd have to get more honor than other players of your faction so you'd have this ring for still grinding on or like crazy for the man exist all my god which made it hard to further there was a player named Kurama on the dagger spine server who held rank 14 forever for over six months in hopes of getting ranked 15 yeah he's not alive anymore it's not that he died he just became one with the game he didn't he didn't die he just deceived he received and elevated himself to a higher level of consciousness I really hope they give that kind NPC yeah he became the game he is the game ranked 14 imagine after six months imagine like the fourth like that the tenth week of that like three months in and every Tuesday you wake up and you're like am I still GM yeah I am and then you check to see if you're [ __ ] if you're City defender and you're not like imagine I want to I wonder what the last week was like for him I would love to interview this person this is [ __ ] hilarious he still plays I found his armory wait what what the [ __ ] really oh my god holy [ __ ] five hundred and thirty six thousand kills do you know what the funny thing about that is he probably got all those in vanilla he probably got all those in [ __ ] vanilla man and he's actually still playing the game dude I need to ask this guy would his slash plate is man I bet he's gonna make me look like a [ __ ] noob that that is insane yeah he's alive as honorable kills leaderboard yeah it's insane dude pairen okay well all I had 1 million yeah I know about that dude the players trinka and there's a lot of drama going around because it was such a hardcore grind whoring players to play around the clock pretty much it was quite common to account sure even that's getting off-topic so ring no it's not at number 8 at number 7 we have artifact items in vanilla similar to the glaive section these finally sir I released some Legion but until then there were hints that these items in the game yep in their original item that was like big white official website it was listed with the other tears of Lou and that's poor common uncommon rare epic legendary and artifact as you can see and the color was undecided and then later changed to red and eventually just peach color and with all of the data mined items just like those graves people I see you know I lose I'm how to obtain them they didn't matter that in July of 2005 Blizzard updated their page to save they're not yet implemented that didn't stop players from scouring every corner of the world even in ghost for him yeah I've done the same stupid [ __ ] dude I think that I mean like what would it be like if they added like a new I wish they added a new level of difficulty for pieces of like gear and they make the gear like the the armor or like the weapon or whatever they make it red and the questline would make the scepter of the shifting sands look like a joke it would take like literally two hours or two not two hours two years to even get through the quest line yeah primal ancient basically yeah it would be [ __ ] ridiculous oh I've seen some people with a lot of HKS I see not on Dixie I know exactly that guy's retells up okay other artifact quality items would be Alex's ring of audacity which increases your defense by a thousand and you can consider yourself born-again hardcore probably a reference to Alex of Frosty avi he was a quest designer for the game back then he also had Martin Thunder which was a one-handed mace with some resistances and a non use effect that kills all enemies within 30 yards of you I need that in resin Martin theory which miraculously did manage to find its way into it yeah I was the old war thing I've told the store before yeah I won't be super detailed here but to sum it up an accident a GM sent this to a player named a karate chop the bacchanal edge server who then used it to clear through all of the wrath of the lich king raids and during the eldercare yep he was quickly caught the item was removed and he was immediately it's got Bayon as for the rest of his white doses of those not in the raid those who were online were suspended temporarily in a frantic effort of damage control yep yeah screw that dude questing in Elwin damn cheater so [ __ ] not technically a myth since it was obtained for Jim extraordinary series of you I would abandon a guy he was still a pretty big myth in the game overhaul and at number 6 we have Kara's Anne is in trouble this is a pretty big claim but the myth itself never got too much it is the Crimson herbal right too high on the list okay of course this would be another vanilla myth and as carosone was released in the Burning Crusade expansion yeah it was believed by many to be in trouble or at least interacted with in some way I mean it even has an instance portal and taking a look at the nearby cares on crypts there has to be more than meets the eye with this place yeah it's like something the computer games article from March of 2005 issue 172 it even gives a preview of Kara's Sam has an upcoming raid so naturally players thought that it would be a thing in classic or that she never did that would been awesome those who managed to glitch through the game however found that the boils master show and as for the article there were plans for cares and to be released in classic but due to one reason or another it was pushed back to the burn Seyed and coming in at number five we have an oldie but a goodie back then there were many theories on how loot drops were determined in the game I use distinct this drop this loot the idea is that it has to be seated from different variables and there are many theories understand what was in yeah I used to think this through budget at the role of honor or even the first person to zone into a raid had an influence on volute tables like we had good luck with drops with player X as the raid leader and bad luck with y us so we should always have X as the leader or he should zone it first to the radius so we get I I rationalized this one time a long time ago I think it's like BC I said that because my character usually has like legendary drops enabled that I need to be the leader of the raids and that worked really well because that also allowed me to get myself master water and this is like actually like this was so long ago I don't remember exactly like how the logic worked or whatever but I just wanted to be leader I didn't even think I'm asked to go didn't anything I just wanted to kick people out that I thought sucked like that's what was I don't even think I'm a solute or ninja or anything I just like I wanted to kick people out who I thought were bad at the game the good traps and guilts were quite strict with it my guild in particular would remake the entire raid if someone was foolish enough to Zone in before the designated person which was a pain since the rates of 40 man and he had to have everyone so now I'm so [ __ ] stupid dude Emmanuel Erie invited the right people again and then rebuffed it took forever but I guess it was something that they felt strongly enough to waste 20 minutes of valuable rating time yeah that's about right was of course never revealed just what influences the loot in the game and what doesn't and it's something that's died it ever since he had been tied first full think release and next we have the Bengal tiger up until the Cataclysm expansion joggers rumored to be a hidden tiger mount in the game it exists in the Ganga files and hey look they're even screenshots of it this time I'm pretty badass are the earth in search of this mount this time focusing their efforts and the strangle for veil zone it's right there on the relation of Bengal tigers the case is there that's that connection eventually through some tricky out-of-bounds jumping alone cave was found in these mountains this was so was never designed for players to be able to read yeah there's quite a lot of detail put into it you had this that's the Bengal tiger but under torches and crates scattered about yeah in this cave which holds these tarps so they actually did give this the Bengal tiger to somebody there is a genuine Bengal tiger in the game so there was a girl that apparently got it from the make-a-wish Foundation and they gave her the Bengal tiger so there you go guys if you want the tiger you know very go that that's how it's done I was gonna get to do that yeah exactly why these tarps must be made of Bengal tiger hide player said and thus all my tiger cave was born it was rumored that under certain conditions it only spawns at certain times maybe once a year oh maybe need to have this KP quit to see the input Tiger strike not be harder and have a tiger tamed as a ped yep hmm maybe just maybe it was a mount that was planned but it was just eventually scrapped and the screenshots going around or from the beta of the game and never made it to release that must have been it I mean I because I could private summers and no matter what players did the Bengal tiger cave yielded no Bengal tiger no getting into the final three here though my mom thought we have the emerald dream my mom actually thought this does of course exist in the lore as described by the while pedia it's a vast ever-changing spirit she thought it was in this era of boundaries about the physical world yeah and it represents how Azeroth would be if intelligent beings had not altered its surface basically a utopia of sorts yeah it was referenced in various ways even in classic Utah suffered a serving storm let's watch period from the training during the scepter of the shifting sands okay I always believed that it actually existed within the game somewhere and that she could some it actually did well it turns out that it does exist but like with many others in the list it's only in the game files exactly it was being worked on throughout that is the mode dream right there and it was believed to be a high-level zone for players to adventure him and the druid class in particular would have a close link to it in 2003 Jeff Kaplan the lead game designer said that it was in the works and that it was shaping up to be extremely cool the zone was meant to be endgame it was very large and it's never happened man this really is before release in 2003 so on the game launched players eventually asked the question well where is it in classic fashion Blizzard maintained radio silence which prompted many rumors and even hoaxes on how to enter the Emerald Dream false directions being posted yep oh yeah just keep slim out into the ocean that's all it's somewhere over there just keep going yep just keep goals have people exploring the zone were posted some of which providing no context one of the most popular exploration videos back then was by dopefish who showed himself exploring various places the emerald dream included what there was closed that it was all done on a private server I believe yeah they didn't stop people from trying to figure out ways to reach in and this so you gonna RP walk in there and then [ __ ] cut it into the Emerald Dream the portal and some simple video editing he's in it's a name it world buses were always believe it's so [ __ ] funny dude have been the intent I kids back they weren't used to being lied to on the internet you know they weren't used to just like being just reflexively skeptical and so some kid would probably see that and get himself killed eight times trying to walk through one of the [ __ ] world bosses to get into this portal only to finally get there and walk right through and turn around and then [ __ ] what's his name Aramis where the [ __ ] his name is is gonna just attack them through the goddamn the portal right it's pretty funny to think about that on the internet nobody knows you're lying no exactly dude Aramis what were the what are their names Terry are I think there's one of them yeah Emma yeah it's amorous yeah the only reason I know it's Mrs is [ __ ] a theme okay well is the theme is that is immerse you in one of them [ __ ] dude I don't even remember it's on the real servers now it's been so long as only on September 2006 after the announcement of the Burning Crusade expansion yeah that Blizzard broke their silence on the matter and confirmed that it's not in the game and also that there are no plans for it as of yet between then and now players have flirted with you do a demo various quests and even visiting the corrupted Emerald nightmare raid in the Legion expansion yep but to this day we've yet to see a full representation of the fabled zone and in similar fashion another one from classic here is that you could enter the Outland the funny thing about these is this is the orc homeworld of Draenor the only the best part about this is that the best myths are grounded in reality and there are actually places that you can go to and see Outland in vanilla Wow and if you can mix the myth of the game with like kind of the reality I think that's really where it comes because if you can get people to believe it halfway and if you can prove half of it people will just want to believe the other half corrupted by the Burning Legion and it served as a stage for a cat goats campaign and work walk this myth of course ended with the Burning Crusade expansion cinematic dude I remember that wind but it was believed that she could somehow enter the twisted realm far before then yeah I mean the Dark Portal was in the game so it was inevitable that were searched for ways to enter it or at least come up with outlandish theories or rumors - yeah hidden zone as I said any for most myths are based off of some truth well I thought that [ __ ] was real back in with this one what do you mean we're plans for players to enter the Outland in vanilla world Warcraft I mean why have the Dark Portal on the login screen right but due to one reason or another it was scrapped and saved for later either they ran out of time or they just didn't expect just how successful the game is I don't think any I don't see so then maybe they said let's just save it for another expansion however it's just like the Emerald Dream this is a diversion of the Outlander this is the original Outlander is not actually accessible by the players yeah this would later become the hellfire peninsula yep and as you can see this be honor hold work Edgar and company took residence and the salon has a lot of similarities to the final version that we received it had a huge amount of work to put into it considering that it never saw the light of day it's this morning in all these new zones of fishers an iteration video if they did Classic Plus would you guys want to see them take these old uh these old zones that were kind of like ideas and take what the old files were and then just iterate on them and recreate them into an actual game boy I would love to see them do that and like the dragon Isles and like Terra's and Crips etc man that'd be [ __ ] cool dude like I would love to see how the original iteration of the Mount Hyjal raid yeah yeah dude pole I don't know if that'd be a pole but like I would love to see them take like the original stuff that people used to see in like these videos and take that exact content and then build that into something even bigger and release it for classic pause I feel like that would just be like [ __ ] nostalgia overload for people they'll be like the best combination of like nostalgia with like also it's like finding out that a unicorn is real I think that's what would be I would be like finding finding out that the unicorn is real and players food and odd at the unseen lands nostalgia must be away in there maybe if I tried to go through the portal on a level 47 naked gnome with nothing but a banana in my inventory mmm back to the drawing board there was also another version hidden away in the dead my intestines yep this exists to this day actually we've walked through the wall with slow fall you can reach another work-in-progress of what's referred to as the old Outland wait what and another red herring you can do it in the game now tourism in the depths you could find a dark portal wait don't we already have been in the blasted lamps well how do you explain this screenshot then what you're looking at is underwater dark portal found in the waters do it you guys want me to do it it was removed and alpha version of world of work I'll do it if you want and stop players from exploring the waters and searching for some remnants of the portal okay the answer was simple though back in the alphab the game every instance had the Dark Portal as a placeholder at some point it seems like for sometimes for underwater I'll do it after this or it's located in the zone but for some reason probably time y'all do it ended up being scrapped the screenshot remained though and the zone would become one of many focal points players search the Outland they just basically you reuse the asset of the Dark Portal somewhere else and they decided not to do that to make the drunk portal more unique it's not really that amazing but as much as we look back and number one is gonna be a shimmering like that players did to enter these I already know what this one was understandable because it was actually referenced number one is the at Rehema through the corrupted ashbringer even which leads me to number one on her list and that's the thought that you could obtain the legendary purified ashbringer and classic World of Warcraft come on how could this not be number one yep the ashbringer I know I know the former High Lord had the silver eye syndrome Oh green yonder when he fell at the hands of his son he along with his weapon that became corrupted Andrew made to serve Kel'Thuzad in death he was one of the Four Horsemen which was a bus fight in the next Ram is 40 men raid in vanilla and on the drop table players could loot the corrupted ashbringer to wield for themselves a sword came with the verse I'm gonna get that effects including creepy whoppers from the last I'll be the first person to get that dude it's gonna be great yeah has like whispers and all kinds of other crazy she had to do clipped the argent dawn faction would become hostile to you so you had to put it away how interview entered their hub and on the flip side if you entered the cathedral wing of the Scarlet - they were all infinitely you trigger a special event I forgot Adama be awesome takes revenge on his son young into a hidden chamber on the side and talking to the undead Inquisitor Fairbanks yep he provides some information on the cursed sword and he ultimately tells players to find his other son a more devout and pious man he may never meet it is rumored that he is able to build the ashbringer anew without requiring the old Balkan laid and that here I [ __ ] thought it was gonna happen in BC dude I remember trying to think man I've got to get the [ __ ] ashbringer in vanilla so I can get the actual ashbringer in BC but never happened besides in the Outland the set off the biggest scavenger hunt in the game's history yep like I said players tried every way possible to zoom through the dormant portal yep another removed portal into Shara there is a joke book that dropped from the out red valley battleground called Matt Pagels sort of help with the rest page missing it reads and so the out real find the legendary sword of the Scarlet high lord hash bringer ain't it amazing what you run into in an ordinary day well people ran with that which prompted players to then fish for it in the waters right underneath the bridge where Alexandros met his end yep there are NPCs who referenced in and even a day to mind a legendary version of the blade itself so it was no wonder that players are scouring every corner of the world of posts we were so dawn exist in the game in early 2006 where the community manager he anacs stated that they'll only add in after casters received their legendary so once the next ramus came out and they got an T ish and now that corrupted ashbringer players thought that it was in-game and it was just super hidden them yep it's of course when the Burning Crusade lunched everyone scram to find the last son have alexandros mograine but even still after going over every zone see fine-tooth comb he was nowhere to be found that's such a disappointment man dude it would've been so badass if they had done that like imagine an item that you [ __ ] improve over expansions I couldn't even imagine like Blizzard doing something like that big that'd be [ __ ] insane dude roll back yeah I was better than it was never added I don't know it was at it actually but just in general I don't know I think that'd be really [ __ ] cool and I've requested that heroines no not like heroines okay like something that's really hard to get like they can't do that in current Wow because the whole progression system is broken so there's no way you can be like all well then you want to have like all this it just it would not work in current Wow unfortunately but yeah there it is maybe see in Tara car for so it's a blacksmith what's this year NBC and Tara go for it was the blacksmith of honour hold who was mega tease to be the son of alexandros mograine name David Wain oh yeah he's for a blacksmith inquests see I thought that the guy who was gonna purify ashbringer was uh what's his name son tur aliens son the guy in honor hold but obviously that never [ __ ] happened and it was only in the wrath of the lich king expansion when tyrion fordring got the entrepreneur and lor did most players give up on their quest yep ultimately as you know we did eventually see the Astra protect weapon and the Legion expansion everybody anticlimactic however has every single Paladin gutted hey wasn't this supposed to be a fabled ultra powerful mythical weapon that's why everybody gets it well maybe there's a sale going on or something everybody's altar pal that's still during the time it goes down as one of the biggest myths in game's history with Blizzard themselves we've been referencing it you can unlock the alternate corrupted appearance of the blade and the whole process referenced all of the ridiculous things that others did and their hunt for the ashbringer mcconnell is one of the people they figure this out killing these slimes back in the Darklands talking to random npcs and yes even fishing in the waters outside a Stratholme so i guess everything came full circle after all yep but that's about it this concludes the top 10 minute of World of Warcraft some understandable and some downright ridiculous I would say was I hope that you found the video entertaining liked it if you liked it this was pretty amazing one yeah I peace I feel like there's like so much history about like wow that's like like if you played the game for that long you just remember like vaguely like all these dumbass things in the game hope you enjoy it's great dude [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 1,134,794
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold madseason, asmongold madseasonshow, madseason, madseasonshow, madseason wow, madseasonshow wow, wow top 10, asmongold top 10, madseason top 10, top 10 myths, wow top 10 myths, asmongold top 10 myths, madseason top 10 myths, world of warcraft myths, world of warcraft top 10
Id: 7FTufpZNPP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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