Asmongold Traumatic Return To Retail World of Warcraft

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due to her pregnancy her bus was also enlarged each breast was easily larger than her own head her rear was also massive as well easily dwarfing nose of the rears of Eucerin Alexstrasza self-formed she often only wears a top that barely covers her bust leaving her massive belly bare for all to see and a tiny pair of panties to struggle to cover much of her rear hi how may I help you log off oh my god let them have fun as Mon know they're not allowed to have fun fun is against the rules today okay okay we'll get that boy space six is already out how about that Wow we're in the game now holy [ __ ] and this is crazy well I haven't yeah I'm gonna point this in so long but I got this oh [Music] my god wow oh my god it's the cosmic sperm this is amazing retail rewards holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what does it do like no there's an orb but what is the orb do I'm clicking on it and left-click I'm clicking on nothing's happening it's just a piece of [ __ ] it spawns an NPC way what the [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] is this X Oreos eternal traveler gather echoes of mortality from living creatures hail mortal for untold ages my kindness traversed a myriad of dreams in reality we have to behold phenomena that you cannot begin to comprehend but there's much of us learn of what awaits you on the horizons the power of death is on the rise the veil weakens between your world and the shadow ends when a mortal life expires an echo of it remains behind the most powerful mortals leave behind the most responded echoes gather echoes of mortality from living creatures and I get the ensemble you know what I you know what I haven't done ever since classic came out you know I haven't done I haven't opened my box hey let me woke up Jeremy wait do I even want to do that [Music] he's got every not man he's got every mountain again it's got every [ __ ] Mountain the game and I'm sitting here like a loser and I don't have every mount in the game but this is embarrassing man well I don't have gmod I don't have [ __ ] albino Raptor this sucks I don't have the king's rest mount he bet oh and he has the mecca gan peacekeeper you know how we got the mecca gan peacekeeper don't let jay Ramy [ __ ] fool you okay you know how he got the metric on peacekeeper this [ __ ] had spur ward in my chat trade it to him yeah he's laughing in check yeah it's real [ __ ] funny and this was after he called me out on Twitter for saying that I had my viewers give give me mouse he gets the mecca gone peacekeeper I'm gonna look myself up I don't want to look myself up I'm gonna look my I don't want I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it right now [Music] [Music] this is embarrassing this is so [ __ ] embarrassing I want to check the black money action house and I want to see if they have the [ __ ] I want to see if they have one of the mounts on there right now I have two million gold let me see how much the while token is what the [ __ ] its 200k 190 by 200 and kit 200k holy [ __ ] [ __ ] wait retail is poppin off let me wait let me look at the servers let me see how many people are on these servers this is insane [Music] all these full realms what the [ __ ] [Music] Wow holy [ __ ] okay let me go let me go let me check something okay all right uh let's say I'll get on beardy boy I want to see how many people are online okay okay it's a pretty good amount of not not really er it's not that many people here this is not actually the capital city of Midgard Gold shires the capital city of moon garden I'm gonna go ahead and take a look and we'll see how many people are over there okay like there actually aren't as many degenerates here she's in a guild called gogo dancers Wow um Wow drain ik dairy company drain ik dairy company and her name is pre golly I wonder if she's pregnant preg alley the changed class broodmother hyper pregnant [Music] about [Music] the woman beef Oh give me a minute guys give me a minute [Music] [Music] the woman all right stop gonna stop him stop the woman before looked like something out of one's imagination really I wonder why she was a massive woman first and foremost both in height and size though that alone was not all to her her hair was a bright blonde that was kept short barely down to her shoulders in length her eyes were too bright golden orbs it always seemed to be watching those around her her skin was a pale grayish tone with hints of red when warm it was flawless and nature showing no blemishes your blemishes for scars though would on occasion streak with jolts of energy that would be seen dancing along her skin akin to a reflection of water she had many tattoo on her that shimmered in a bright gold with pure holy energy her most noticeable feature however are those of her bust rear and belly she obvious she was obviously pregnant with something massive as her belly was most of her entire size as one could assume she was it has anybody lost yet was at the tail end of pregnancy with a high number of children due to her pregnancy her bus was also enlarged each breast was easily larger than her own head her rear was also massive as well easily dwarfing nose of the rears of Yasur and Alexstrasza self forms that's very good comparison play guard on her legs are all so freakin strong making it no wonder how she managed to carry yourself around her armor was quite revealing as being a state of hyper pregnancy made it hard for any to fit nicely she often only wears a top that barely covers her bust leaving her massive belly bare for all to see and a tiny pair of panties to struggle to cover much of her rear [Music] okay [Music] all right okay [Music] let's see what she says this is retail ha let's see if she sends me a message by the way my TRP is way better oh yeah I bet it is yeah I really bet it is let's see what your weird [ __ ] is um okay I'm a [ __ ] mug at the moment can't be [ __ ] to change it holy [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] oh my God look at this look at the amount of information in the detail is put into this this is incredible oh my god this is scary almost I'm not gonna read all this there's no [ __ ] way I'm gonna read all this um oh my god did she send me a message um okay there's at least there's nobody down here which is always a good thing to see I always check down here so retail Wow has not changed this is blizzards audience you know all those people that are excited about Volterra here's one right here hi-yah we know your uncle ruckus get the [ __ ] out of the way how may I help you log off this is just it says this is incredible guys this is truly incredible this is what the game is nowadays this is what you get walk off yeah did she send me a message back visited Prague oli send me a message back I think that she left let me see it she leave or not and then like her guild name is draining dairy company like oh my god oh my god let them have fun as Mun no they're not allowed to have fun fun is against the rules today okay I will open up the box this is the first box opening that we've done in three months there it is [Music] is it good or not it's gonna not no it's not you shut the [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] no it's not the sort no it's [Music] what what the [ __ ] it's war Forge nope that's not how it works that's 70,000 damage that's [ __ ] insane like no that's the 70,000 damage like like on-demand trinket that's really good what the [ __ ] I don't know what I'm gonna use that for but at least I have it now okay oh I've got this one too let me open up this box alright I've got another box [Music] there it is been a long time coming you know why I didn't have this mount before this is one of my better stories it's a feel-good story many years ago a young asmin Gould had to buy wards of Draenor not only for himself but also for his mother now I only had the money to buy and afford one collector's edition and when I made the decision I thought back to the time that my mom at the end of my naxxramas rape every single every single Tuesday or Wednesday whenever we would finish the raid in Wrath of the Lich King she would go with me and use her druid summon his summon Anzu and that many years ago she helped me get the Raven war and I thought about that and so instead of buying it for myself I bought her the Dred Raven and I got heard of the collector's edition because it's basically the same mount there's a long time to come a long long time ago let me search right now and I'm gonna see how many people are on retail slash 217 people online in Stormwind too late um let's see iron forge wait okay there's 50 people in burr Alice this is the belt that I need in classic and somehow I got it in retail Wow does that mean that I ruined my chances I feel like I kind of did [ __ ] man yeah I ruined my chances dude this is crazy there's nobody in Blackrock Mountain it's so weird to fly in here and there's not like a hundred people looking to [ __ ] with you you just go right into molten core transport me to the molten core look we this the Giants were changed way old they change the models and everything the fire wards are different - Wow holy [ __ ] Oh Evan the flame imps are different is anything the same as classic the core hounds have been changed - wait Oh Lucifer and still sucks doesn't he but to the looser front wait how did I kill him who just died yeah he just randomly died and I got robbed of volatile power how about that that's crazy yeah I literally just looked at Lucifer on a died and that way are there more core hounds in concurrent Wow what the [ __ ] look at them all he just whirlwind them down oh there's magma door there's magma Oh boom there it is he's dead Knight Slayer pants how about that guys dude I bet you okay look how good I am at this game man I'm so good how you one-shotting everything what am I missing I got some really good drops in classic and I'm finally able to do it man plays look at me I'm fully [ __ ] two or three doubt holy [ __ ] okay I [ __ ] up okay just a minute and and well wobba does 34,000 damage and look at Gehenna it's like compared to Hennis to all of the other mobs in the instance but got [ __ ] ugly he is and I all these other high-res models and then you have Gehenna look at him he looks like a [ __ ] idiot alright [Music] I know you guys are wiping on this current Wow so I want to give you a tip on how to beat the boss okay gone and look there's the new guard right there are you guys look there's brand-new gar they actually changed gar man I wish whenever I'm at I remember the old guard OOD who remembers the old gar am I about to get a binding I don't want to kill him because if I get a binding if I get a binding that I'm gonna be so upset yeah okay all right all right banish this start now I just jump on him and he dies what boom dead boo that [ __ ] up okay here we go binding dude that's some good loot man what the [ __ ] that's actually really good loot obsidian edge Boyd man igniting cord and helm of might wow I actually think that nuke arounds look pretty good what do you guys think about that you guys like him or not yeah I think they look pretty good let's actually look at all the new models and we'll compare it to the old models and tell me which one you guys like more so the new crowns are superior I'm just gonna kill that one for now I'll find you another one oh they're all right there's Baron Geddon okay all right there's the new lava elementals what do you guys think about these right here yeah this is all new all new molten core I actually liked it better or worse okay everybody says better most people are saying better I can see why you people are saying better I kind of like them I like their hands look at the hands the hands look really [ __ ] badass look at that and you know let's look at the fire elements those I think the fire almost those are the most badass ones look at them dude oh [ __ ] okay get them out of here and then there's Baron Geddon we'll get that big boy look at that big boy right there now watch out wait another one in another obsidian edged blade Wow oh no I thought I was about to pop up dude I was so [ __ ] ready for that man holy [ __ ] okay yeah nice binding exactly okay Wow lots of legacy raids in shadow lands who cares oh and it shows you how much help the mobs have wait two robes of volatile power what a raid guys what an incredible raid this is just this is just out of this world guys this is Wow what what an incredible adventure and and I'm just I'm moving so fast look at the pace okay now let's look at golem AG what do you guys think do you guys like the new the new lava elementals classic reforged most it son better yeah I'd say it probably does got him a beat his dick okay wait - man igniting cords - Wow oh wait oh my god I've never gotten this on classic I got the pets oh man dude I got the pet and somebody says uh lava it doesn't make sense for fire elementals to have muscle definition do you know what else oh also doesn't make sense fire elementals okay alright remember we've got it we've got to make sure that we we killed them as soon as they get to 50% health all right Oh God it's okay guys we're safe all right um okay start DPS now good job good job guys we got him we beat him good job okay I beat the game slash played you guys want to see my slash played this is a character I've had since the Nilla Wow here we go [Music] 1030 days slash plate and also that's only on one character there it is my total slash blade across all of my characters on my account is one thousand three hundred and eighty one days slash played now let's go ahead and do a little bit of math okay so we'll open up the let's open up calculator so that's six hours every single day [Music] six hours every single day I put well okay let's see what's in the it what's in the chest fireproof cloak cauterizing there that's healing power oh my god wait I got four new pets what the [ __ ] wow it's a little sperm Ling I've got my sperm Ling's look at that it's so adorable oh that's good that's great I would name him sperm Ling but I'm pretty sure somebody would report me this is not what I think it is right [Music] great now Gil bonus oh my god Sylvanas as a Murloc let's go [Music] okay all right just give me a second here one second where oh wait I'm come back I'm coming back all right I'm going back I'm going back over there guys just fine don't worry about it listen we might have had a setback that's okay I just had to practice that's all [Music] [Music] all right we're gonna bout to get it double crown of destruction spinal Reaper wait what the [ __ ] that I dropped oh my god dude we have the eye drop what look I just equipped it oh my god look at this we had the [ __ ] sulfurous drop Wow oh dude we got so for us that's incredible isn't it so first first Ryan dude and all I had to do was loot the item holy [ __ ] dude I wish I got this in [ __ ] current and classically that would've been great that's just worth so much money man what the [ __ ] I can't believe I got spinal Reaper to drop man okay just a second I'll use I'll use so first and I'll hit something with it okay yeah yeah let's go pre-built - yeah it came pre-built man the thing that's like retail right it's like Blizzard saw that like people want to have a legendary weapon but didn't want to put into any work into the legendary weapon right I'd take too long so Blizzard decided you know what like we'll just give people the legendary weapon that way they don't have to you know like cuz they have real jobs and I gotta work have time for that [ __ ] you know we'll get that this is crazy let me do it real quick I have nine minutes to do bwl the server is shutting down in nine minutes how fast am i yeah meet me and bwl alright here we go guys unlocking a window alright servers shutdown in seven minutes that's gonna take me like [ __ ] five minutes even to get over to beat up you all holy [ __ ] come on come on come on I'm going as fast as I can alright four minutes 45 seconds put my hand on the orb come on no no I double-clicked it's ruined and no nice Kahn's liking me no no no no no no no you know I'm stunned this is ridiculous okay got it okay destroying the eggs no no no okay got it God he's dead all right where do I go which way this way okay am i charged this way all I'm gonna do is talk to the guy talking to him else tries no okay good all right three minutes 15 seconds 30 minutes 15 seconds stop okay all right come to come to me come to me we add the OT RP where you at he's on his way all right I'm gonna rate your transmog right now it's the same wine it's got me quick what the [ __ ] that's awesome Roman Vika what the [ __ ] that's really really good I like that a lot that's actually awesome I'm gonna Dominus screenshot that you ain't come to the competition with that sir I've got to get ready don't man you're man enough to come with me for this go let me kill me kill Vale all right there's Vale bales dead Phil's dead okay I'm going going as fast as I can as fast as I can two minutes watch this Otis now we're going fast now we're going real fast skipping all the trash it's not worth it got him fire more down pulling him both drag instead [ __ ] on days it does matter I can jump one minute [Music] crow Magus see ya [Music] now we got in the ferry last boss [Music] we go running around here gotta go fast 30 seconds I've made no mistakes there is 15 seconds [Music] why would they why would they do maintenance on the one day I was gonna play the game why would they do that of all the days that I was gonna play the game this is the one day I wanted to play retail the one day and is this really what they're gonna do to me they're gonna shut down all the [ __ ] realms can at least get on classic [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 459,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold wow, asmongold funny, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold retail, asmongold retail wow, retail wow, retail world of warcraft, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic wow, retail, classic wow, wow classic, classic retail, classic wow retail, asmongold returns to retail
Id: 985pC1NFPOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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