The EPIC Finale! Asmongold Defeats Bahamut | FFXIV Raid

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all right moving back in uh okay there he is i'm back on him i'm back on him i got him holy [ __ ] gentlemen boys and girls champions i believe i believe that it's time to finish the [ __ ] coils of baphomet there's two of them man i can't believe that there's still two almost whole again yeah yeah that's right that's [ __ ] right main bridge just a giant ass [ __ ] dragon massive dude is staggering oh yeah it's a boss imagine how grandfather stood against such a monstrosity look at that that's a giant it's bigger than deathwing let us disable the coil and move on holy [ __ ] said oh [ __ ] grandfather so this is like they're great there's like the two like the the two kids with like white hair this is like their grandfather who was killed uh fighting this guy like somehow like he's in prison and he's like regenerating he's like controlling his mind does it have like a good backstory just like wow a good backstory yeah it does it's good wow you were foolish to disregard my warning oh my god are you so convinced of your own righteousness tis the rightness of our path that led us to return aorzia will never be safe whilst muhammad remains to threaten all we hold dear what of the hero who gave his life in defense of the realm do you truly dispute the justice of your cause my poor ignorant grandchildren your world is shaped by naught but recent conflict listen and i will speak to you of justice so my mom was watching the stream i guess and then cody comes over and immediately [ __ ] starts talking to uh goes over and started talking to my mom all right let's see here it was in the twilight of the third astro era the southern land of suffered invasion at the hands of the alagon empire what the [ __ ] with no atrocity oh yeah for their purpose the forces of alec were unstoppable in their advance damn desperate for salvation the dragons prayed to one of their first brood to their ancestor bahamut infused by the power of their fervent supplications bahamut there's a lot of people pointing this was from the abyss of death and took wing as the merisitian's newborn god damn so this is like so baphomet is like the dr the god of dragons is that it okay yeah damn i once summoned the twelve in an attempt to forestall the advent of the seventh umbral era what then did the dragons of mericidia do that i did not wherefore what the [ __ ] is it dude this does sound cool yeah he's one of the brooded dragons yeah tis man's over-weaning belief in his own prophecy that blinds him to the economists of his condition and the truth of his own tyranny as long as man is suffered to remain the dragons shall never be at peace [ __ ] so the dragons the dragon and man are like they're gonna fight each other forever god damn only when the plague of people has been expunged shall the children of lord bahamut be free then shall the world know true justice oh [ __ ] stop it grandfather would never say something his belief that people were worth saving never faltered damn he had faith in their strength that they could stand together and push back against the darkness seeking to shape them yeah true a false hope tis folly to place one's faith in soul florida race so he's like mind controlled by the dragon i'm assuming stand together and like this is a dragon speaking to agree on which to reaction to face if history teaches us anything it is that man cannot find common ground between his own two feet jesus this guy's brutal twins whose veins run with the same blood struggle to fathom each other's reasoning you hide your differing agendas behind the convenient banner of eorzea's salvation given your obvious self-interest thanks can you truly claim no kinship with the oligarchs and though i hope they might bring you closer to it seemed that the twin grimoires bestowed upon you were a wasted gesture oh wow that's sad there may well be truth in your judgment of ali saying but such a one-sided tirade bemoaning the evils of man rings false coming from the lips of arkham nuisal true tell me do you champion the cause of dragons because muhammad compels you as his thrall yeah it's a good point or is it because you yourself have transcended the limits of man's existence wait what the [ __ ] what does that even mean ah so the possibility did not escape your notice what i prayed for and what i have become these are the keys that unlock the truth behind a aussie's rebirth what the [ __ ] what is this dude if you would have them then you must needs take them by force come run this divine form asunder and claim your answers damn so he turns into the phoenix oh [ __ ] okay so okay wow that's why i had to rewatch i'm all right all right that's good [Music] he has become a primal yeah wait what the [ __ ] it is difficult i know but you must accept it that entity is no phantom or imposter it is our beloved grandson what the [ __ ] grandpa went crazy that doesn't look like a grandpa to me it looks like a [ __ ] bird please for his sake and for ours you must defeat our grandfather damn that's sad [Music] all right guys listen up we had a little bit of a hiccup there we had to go back and watch the cinematic again but let's talk about how this mechanic is gonna work now i'm gonna go in here i'm gonna pull the boss with a cool down and then we're gonna be okay no mistakes boys no mistakes all right i got my cooldown up right there [Music] okay now i should have this up and i should not die because i've got a lot of health and it's very unlikely that i will die here nice okay i survived it dude that's so much [ __ ] damage man oh my god okay and we've got a tank swap for that obviously okay blackfire what does this do okay i'm running away okay i'll pull these ads what the [ __ ] how does this work okay i spread out for this spreading out for this cast there we go nice okay that's very easy to avoid there very easy to avoid okay and all those should be dead perfect okay and for the reset i'll go ahead and get the next one god dump up on cooldowns i can see that man uh he's doing some big dick damage like right now i'm just trying to understand it i know i'm not using any cds i'm just trying to figure out what needs to be done so how do i know whenever he's gonna cast the big attack though come on playing some unforgiven is this it this wasn't it was it no it wasn't [ __ ] it was something else okay we got the red sag was it red fire maybe no it wasn't red fire either [ __ ] revelation oh maybe it's revelation oh it's revelation yeah that's the cast that's the [ __ ] cast okay that's fine we're good yeah we're totally fine yep uh-huh all right flames of unforgiveness we'll get ready for that one again okay picking up the ad okay guys let's do what we can [ __ ] it's an easy win guys the easiest one of my life let's go and that's a lot of damage that is all holy [ __ ] all right so let's let's go ahead make sure you don't stack for blackfire and then don't run into them after they spawn okay i understand now i didn't know that okay good and that's a lot of [ __ ] damage that is a lot of [ __ ] jesus christ i thought that it dropped whenever the cast ended and because the cast ended i thought it worked the same way that other ground effects worked at the moment at the cast end it would snapshot your location that is not true blackfire again i'm gonna move all the way out here until it spawns there we go alrighty and now we get back on boss i move away here [Music] okay hp penalty this is good right and so i i hit it yeah i hit it there right okay that's what i have to do yeah okay good so now we all right oh that's easy wait that's that's easy holy [ __ ] okay good that's all we have to do all right let's go guys let's go oh yeah wasn't there like an ad or some [ __ ] yeah i forgot about that mr bird yeah let's get on mr bird here okay we'll get rid of him just real quick and i'll be good nice nice good [ __ ] job all right and i'm gonna taunt right now and get back on this [Music] good job guys keep it up 65 percent uh i probably need all right dominic's got it dominic's got it we're good [Music] there's a red ball watch out for that okay we're gonna be going into the transition very very soon revolution again and i don't think he's gonna get [ __ ] dude dominic got deleted holy [ __ ] okay all right we can rest dominic it's not a big deal [Music] okay there we go dominic's back up we're fine all right we stay away from this middle circle it's fine we've recovered everything's fine everything's fine okay flames of rebirth let's pick up the ads um pick up the ads there okay picking up that ad got it i should have that ad running to me okay it's not running to me i don't know why okay so what do these adds do does every flames of rebirth cast heal them wait a second let me see if that's how it works no okay never mind good that's that's one down that's one down let me taunt that one off turning that one off moving them away good all right it's dps check it's okay yeah we can do that nope wait [ __ ] okay yeah it's reborn please just [ __ ] die okay this one's down good so what yeah yeah all right now i'll just go over here i'll kill these for now save a little bit of time so each one is is reborn is that right white no it's not a white it's not white what do you mean yeah no it's not a wipe guys everything's totally fine this is totally fine we'll probably be okay for like one more we have to push it on this one right here we have to kill him come on guys you can do this got it nice [ __ ] nice good job guys all right i'll pick him back up right now good job good job good job brenda purgatory what the [ __ ] is this i have no idea what this is fountain of fire that sounds like a bad time i'm gonna use it i'm gonna use a [ __ ] thing okay 48 you guys got it stay focused guys there's an ad revelation jesus that's a lot of [ __ ] damage okay do what you need to guys do what you need to okay those are apparently like i guess ads that like chase at you so i face in a certain direction okay dominic's got it good job dominic okay yeah face these away do not be standing in these do not be standing in these yeah yeah so that the birds code the uh they'll go to a random person and then they they charge at them so you have to like face them away from the raid dude this is crazy i i think that we can kill it here though i actually do i think this is the aoe attack yeah okay oh watch watch the red [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this watch your [ __ ] watch watch where we're facing boys [Music] jesus christ okay avoid these good good nice job nice [ __ ] job mr bird is mr bird is back get back on mr bird nice job everybody spread out that was really really good guys that was really really good take it home boys let's go that's about it yeah we're about to get it okay stay focused now dominic is gonna have to tank one of these here it's about to happen there's revelation i'm getting ready to taunt good job great job dominic i'm tawning off of you taunting off of you dominic let's go guys keep up with the mechanic oh boy okay that's good yep cue up with the mechanics watch raid awareness rate awareness guys you guys got it use your cds at three percent limit break the boss at three percent limit break the boss hit it now hit it now take it home boys take it home let's go i hear it i hear it wow holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] grandfather is truly gone this time but better it end this way than the alternative yeah i would say so that's probably a good thing my dear sweet granddaughter wait what the [ __ ] is going on oh he's back now and he's p was he purified what the [ __ ] he looks different yeah he didn't have the eyes or the glowing on his head yeah grandfather bro this is a trick i must thank you warrior of light without your valor yeah i might never get broken free of bahamut's control that's me by the way guys yeah that's me these last few moments are mine to live as the man i once was holy [ __ ] this is all that i wanted yet now that it is happening i find myself struggling to believe it is it really you what the [ __ ] how do they even know it's not a joke like wow grandfather pray forgive me my insolence it was not my intent to demean you damn that's right [ __ ] you little redditer suck a dick forgive you i am proud of you child you were wise enough to deduce the manner of creature i had become alfie no ali say if any here should beg forgiveness it is i damn this is a lot this is a lot to happen i must ask will you tell us what we found during the calamity well we saw it he says yes yes yes of course you have come far to hear the truth okay now what let us then begin the tale at the battle of cartanello where clashed the forces of the guardian empire and the aorzian alliance that was the that was the original cinematic it was there in the sky [Music] what the [ __ ] so that yeah so they kept this dragon inside of like a like a death star like moon to harvest him for his power and he finally broke out and destroyed the whole world and then this guy had to like put him back like in in like a prison and he's telling us what actually happened to contain this avatar of destruction kind of yeah i called upon the twelve to aid me in the creation of a prison of isa yeah oh we're not skipping boys but bahamut would not be caged by such feeble bars too vast was his might to fierce his ray was that why he died like what the [ __ ] little choice remained to me i use the last of my strength to entrust our hope unto the future and prepare to meet my end what the [ __ ] yeah that's awesome he closed his eyes wait what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] so this is the dragon [Music] holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my [ __ ] god what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh my [ __ ] guys oh my [ __ ] god that is so [ __ ] bad that's so badass this guy 1v1 the dragon basically that's dude that's oh my god as you have no doubt surmised i did not perish when the cave yeah well then what happened the essences of the twelve was destroyed the sky was filled this drifting energy responded to the prayers of those fighting below and to my own desperate wish that the dying realm be saved by infusing me with the power of a primal what i became the immortal phoenix ancient symbol of rebirth rising into the sky i struck bahamut with all my newfound strength the blow shattered his earthly form and a shower of ether rained down upon the land dude that's so cool holy [ __ ] that's the realm reborn yeah i guess literal god yeah oh my god holy [ __ ] done i relinquished my hold on that staggering energy desirous that it should be returned to the realm without delay damn and thus began your existence as the elder primals thrall wow i cannot help but wonder at his will to survive though he was all but obliterated muhammad found a way to seize the power you surrendered that would explain why part of his physical form survived to be entombed underground holy [ __ ] man yeah that's what kept him alive it would also explain why aorzia was so terribly warped even as the land sought to restore itself the returning flow of ether was cut off ah very good when his grip on existence was once again secured bahamut did not cease his feast until he had consumed every last moat of ether that yet floated in the air wow and still he was not fully restored yeah because he's so [ __ ] big you must remember that by this time much of the freed ether had already returned to the land that which remained was not sufficient to reconstruct so that was how the realm was reborn by all the ether that was uh that was destroyed is that it holy [ __ ] that's so crazy but there did not need to be not for a being sustained by the marvels of alagon technology oh my god as long as some piece of bahamut persists the coils will seek it out and continue their regenerative task i guess so yeah the fragments of dalamot appear motionless from the surface but deep beneath the ground they had been searching tunneling through rock and soiled what is this prisoner and as you have observed for yourselves they found his heart warrior of light heed me you must put a stop to bahamut's regeneration so i have to defeat the drag oh my god oh [ __ ] dude [ __ ] dude so that's why he was stuck there oh yeah yeah that's wait what the [ __ ] oh he turned it off what is this this portal will take you to the final internment hulk it is time for the tale of bahamut and his part in the calamity to come to an end alvino alize pray wow your hopes and dreams must no longer be an extension of mine you must needs find your own reason to fight for this realm your own meaning in this sea of chaos damn man dude this is so like it's family yeah it's family oh my god yeah you're right that's crazy man this is such a good cinematic will you do that for me [Music] see this fight to its culmination which is also your strength in which i have faith [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] yeah dude [Music] damn she's crying for everything pray take your rest grandfather you deserve it wow oh my god dude this is there are records of an art that allowed one to summon the power of a primal from the essence of its demise and though i am no true primal all that i have left i give to you alfino ali my darling grandchildren may light's blessings ever keep and protect you oh my god oh my [ __ ] god dude [Music] holy [ __ ] our task remains undone jesus christ oh wow oh wow wow wow that was so so good man that was just that was so so good i love it so we gotta beat the dragon now [ __ ] all right let's go i turned up the music guys what the [ __ ] the burning heart oh my god this is it this is [ __ ] it boys it was a long and arduous road but at last we reach its end okay oh no he is not yet home i did not think him capable what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude oh she's good she's good i had thought it finally over yeah surprise i will not survive another blast oh my god no is this how i honor my promised grandfather you must needs find your own what is holy [ __ ] your own meaning in this sea of chaos will you do that for me oh my god he has an anime flashback true will grandfather in fact i believe i already have oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that reason has been with me all along guiding me eorzea's blade of light shearing through endless shrouds of darkness water which we are all capable of which i am capable damn muhammad you have wreaked enough havoc i will not let your wrathful fires consume all that we know and love oh my god she's dangerous oh that's the shield that he did in the cinematic how long i have waited to hear you say that you have found your resolve at last wow let me join my strength to yours so these are the books their grandfather gave them in this moment our purpose has become one oh wow what is this what is this dude it's family yeah wait okay they turned it into a bible what the [ __ ] this last task is yours warrior of night you must destroy mohammed's crystal core okay let's do it i'm ready let's [ __ ] go what is this [ __ ] wait what the wait what the [ __ ] what we went right into him into the belly of the beast oh my god oh my god [Music] is [Music] all right all right okay so let's try one thing right now can i maybe i can fall off and die i don't know if that works or not okay so um all right i think we just go ahead and we just we just give this a pull and see what happens gentlemen we've come this far we've gone through every single one of these coils at minimum item level with echo turned off with many people who have never been here before and some of you like myself who just started beginning to play this game other of you you're very veteran you've played this game many times you're very experienced you know what to do and today it's the end [Applause] holy [ __ ] dude that's so [ __ ] badass that is so [ __ ] badass all right let's do it okay okay there's like a drag this doesn't seem that bad this doesn't seem that bad at all okay to move out of that that's easy no problem there okay just does the breath that's no problem it's 10 health flatten is the tank swap okay i didn't know what the mechanic was now i do okay there's a lot of damage it's okay i i knew it was going to be one of them i just didn't know which one okay you got to move out with those debuffs what do those things do okay they spawn just different debuffs it's not a big deal okay good that's a lot of [ __ ] damage man that is a lot of [ __ ] damage we should be fine though it's not a big deal we're doing great keep it up i'll just use my uh my big cool down for the next one it shouldn't be a big deal what is that how should i even know that's gonna happen i i really don't know when that's gonna happen okay wait what happened to oh dominic taunted oh i'm dumb i didn't even notice that okay all right dominic should be fine there we should be good i'll have my cds up for the next one it's okay yeah i could have taken the second one then okay what is holy [ __ ] [Music] okay i got this one i got that one we're fine good all right we probably always should kill ads first okay obviously there's a connector okay that's really bad [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] alright boys i know what to do okay there we go all right this is the second phase [Music] good i'll move them away as much as i can oh no it's fine it's fine it's fine all righty uh i don't know if i can survive this next one i'll need a big shield for the next one if it goes off [Music] okay oh he's doing a lot of [ __ ] damage okay using that using this oh i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good all right we should be fine guys there it is there it is there it is easy game easy game there's the flares okay obviously i guess we have to like soak those before they get into the melee nice mega flare again all right good and that's where we spread out that's easy to avoid no problem come on i can't survive this i'm gonna die if this is a tank mechanic probably oh it's a different one it's the same thing that nail boss did so i assumed it's the same thing okay uh let's see what do i have up for the next one i have last stand for sure i'll need a shield for it if i only have last stand hopefully i give it a little bit longer and i can use my uh my vengeance too we'll see what happens see i have last okay i have last stand then this i should be fine yeah no way i'm not fine oh boy that's a lot of damage but i didn't die that's a lot of damage but i didn't die i'll try and stay away from that attack i don't want to get hit by that i'm already taking a ton of [ __ ] damage no it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine i can tank it but i i can handle a voice i can handle it i can do it okay there's the big damage nice okay what's he doing stay with the group okay i don't know maybe i shouldn't stay with the group oh um okay uh okay that's no problem okay i just move out with that okay oh oh all right i'll get this one i'm getting that one let's see what's this here combust okay i'm assuming i have to face these away they're doing tails they're using tails okay i'm going to face them this way then nice good job we got it boys we got it getting that ad okay i don't know how i lost that aggro but whatever okay we'll just aoe these down this seems like an ad part of the fight nice good [ __ ] job boys okay where's mr dragon oh okay that's big boys big boys big boys big boys okay this should be fine do we tank them like this i don't know if we do or not but we just are okay both these are dead good this doesn't seem not bad at all this is totally okay okay i have to stand here okay shouldn't i move out of that should we move out of that because he does a charge what what i'm so confused what i did wrong there okay all right i got the ad [Music] that was the worst decision i've ever made in my entire life that was that actually that was it that was the worst decision i've ever made my whole life i've never made a worse decision than that ever that's the worst one the positive thing though guys is it only gets better from there there's no way it can ever get worse than that i'm gonna pick up the other rad okay i'm gonna get up the blood of mercadia okay let me actually just get this one here okay picking that one up and let me just pick that one up too there we go all righty got that one and we picked that one up too got it dude look at all these ads holy [ __ ] i think it's probably about time for us to do a um a situation here uh i've got a i've got home gang up so if i die it's okay okay two one uh-oh [Music] yes yes come on get everybody up everybody up get everybody up get me up whenever we can get me up wherever we can kill the high health once oh jesus christ holy [ __ ] [Music] oh my god oh my god these ads dude these [ __ ] ads dude these [ __ ] ads dude okay all right we're gonna be fine there we go big dick damage big dick damage let's go sad man it'll get rezzed in a transition it's gonna be totally okay [Music] yeah this is totally [ __ ] fine guys everything is a hundred percent good okay gigaflare perfect alrighty and that's just aoe damage not a big deal easiest fight in the game okay there's a dragon and there's this guy alright okay now i'm back in all right perfect we lost the healer but it's okay guys it's fine it's fine we're doing great [Music] what tawny okay picking this guy up i'll actually get the other one let me get the other one okay i got it oh my god dude there's so many [ __ ] ads how many [ __ ] ads are there this is insane we need to kill that first ad man that's what it is okay i'm taunting all oh my god three [ __ ] ads the red dragon eats the mosquitoes well [ __ ] which heals him and gives him damage boost so we can't we have to kill them before okay kill dominic's first and i will make sure that the ad is separated and dominic can pick up the mosquitoes whenever they spawn and then i'll hold the other ad away from the mosquitoes okay that should be fine okay we're still waiting on the mosquitoes so i can't pull them over all right i killed this guy right now using my cd there we go nice okay and now i can pull this one over because the mosquitoes don't do anything to these ads great job guys keep it up there we go there we go it's the blue thing the blue thing you guys know what that means come on we got it boys nice nice nice boys good job we're in it we're in it we got it boys we got it this all right all right pulling them away i'll get this one too i'm getting that one too it's okay it's okay okay kill that good job good job good job good job dominic i'm gonna pick up this one here okay nice nice nice this is it boys take it home okay you get back over to him i can pick this one up i'll watch mosquitoes i don't know when when it's a good time to use the transition to the [ __ ] this stuff uh my cooldowns oh wait is this it did we beat it did we beat it oh [ __ ] okay all right moving back in okay do it all right i'm doing it it's up holy [ __ ] oh my god i [ __ ] did it boys there he is i'm back on him i'm back on him i got him okay holy [ __ ] okay i got it i got it i got it get dominic up i'll use my cd for the next one it's okay let's go boys let's [ __ ] go take it home nice that's not good oh can we get a res can we get a res can we get a rest can we recover from this can we recover from this [Music] there's a rez going out rest going out come on come on you guys can do this you guys can do this it's okay it's okay sad good okay gentlemen i'll be at three seconds sounds good all right boys let's do it doing it now holy [ __ ] that's so badass i put a rock wall up damn got him i got his ass i got his ass i got it i got it i got there we go i can't get got i cannot get got okay i soaked this all right dominic you get that side i'll get this side okay is this the soap got it okay i picked it up good we get soaked soaks soaks [Music] okay so we have to we we pick those up and then remain uh spread out from other people easy okay avoiding that cash i think that should be good yeah i'm good okay there's the triple okay got it no problem just get get me up get me up it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine [Music] okay he's got it he's got he's death saving he's death saving he's death saving good job dominic good job dominic i'll taunt off of you [Applause] i got it i got it i got it i got it man i got it man good job everybody focus let's do this let's [ __ ] do this [Music] nice using cds we've got it boys get the healers up get the [ __ ] healers up i can survive i will not die get those healers up get those [ __ ] healers up get those [ __ ] healers up go go i'm taking rest i'm taking rest i'm taking rest we don't give up we never surrender we never surrender it's okay we got it let's go gigaflare he's reprised he's reprised survive survive there it is let's go i'm death saving now death saving now my voice is going let's go let's go let's go nice nice yes [Music] keep it up keep it up next one we use everything [Music] mega flare let's do it got it okay my stand i don't have a whole lot of cds i'm gonna be honest i don't have a whole lot of cds for the next one i think the chances of me dying are about like 88.9 percent very high very high chances [Music] okay one two three got it let's do it get it dominic yes yes come on come on get him kill him kill him yes yes yes and yes dude oh my god we beat his ass [Music] jesus christ hey guys um you know i was thinking that uh you know uh i mean it seems like it'd be a good idea you know because i did main tank right i mean it seems like a good idea that i take the the chess piece here it would be really it would be really cool to have i mean don't get me wrong it would be very wait what's this [Music] oh that's so [ __ ] cool man oh my god wow that's [ __ ] badass god damn [Music] i didn't take that okay i didn't i didn't take that that's not that was not me man oh my god gentlemen that's the whole [ __ ] raid we beat the entire raid oh bro it looks so good all right bro where you get that drip where you get that drip son god damn god damn bro look at that he's styling oh my god all right you you did yeah i did do it i did you see the yeah you see that chess piece that's right that's right god dude i love that chest p i love it so much it's so it reminds me of the cataclysm tier seven or sorry tier 11 heroic set man cataclysm cataclysmic gladiator [ __ ] paladin set that was one of my favorite sets in the whole game and i remember back then it reminded me so much about oh man that's just like final fantasy and now i'm playing final fantasy and i have something that just looks like it one task remains what does it be do we have to this is more loot is there more loot for me does more loot remain with this last coil disabled there shall be not left to bind mohammed to this world his beloved children will finally know peace we're going to pull the ethernet cable on him you're getting kicked out of the server bahama we're kicking them off the server you're getting [ __ ] banned what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] wow and it just dissolves wait get the crack rocks quick holy [ __ ] he's gone tis done he is truly gone i said dead ass [ __ ] you knew didn't you you knew what grandfather had become yeah he looked it up ahead of time on youtube no i was not certain but from all i had gleaned it seemed a distinct possibility makes sense yeah he saw it on reddit the scene people describe of the battle of cartina was one of unimaginable devastation and is through the combined prayers of the desperate and an abundant source of ether that primals are born i merely put two and two so everybody praying in that opening cinematic that gave the guy all the blue [ __ ] turned him into a primal and that's when whenever he went through it dude that's actually so badass man that's so cool i always thought that element of like the uh that trope and like the whole like relationship between like gods and worshipers where like the worshipers give the gods the power i know this is true in like uh greek mythology some in some cases i find that very interesting and very very cool i like that a lot and you consider that a sufficient explanation more to it the circle of life symbiotic relationship [Music] well however you stumbled across your theory it was this revelation that made you wary of my attachment to grandfather true you feared that in my obsession i would fall under his primal sway is that why you decided to join us to pull me back should i show signs of wavering yes pray forgive me sister i wished only to protect you yet i see now that i needn't have doubted the strength of your conviction damn so he didn't even he thought she thought she was gonna [ __ ] up may i ask you a question what do you now intend to do with the truth you have uncovered which particular truth was that brother the fact that desperate prayer gave rise to the primal phoenix that this new god was responsible for setting eorzea on the path to rebirth oh of course so he became the phoenix and he was because the phoenix is a symbol of rebirth right because the phoenix dies and it's like reborn and flame and that's the realm reborn yeah i i don't know why i didn't really think of that like at the same time so okay damn should such a tale become common knowledge people would soon offer up their prayers in earnest they would beseech phoenix to complete the healing that was begun yet as you and i know all too well the very act of calling forth this savior would do more harm to the land than good yeah because it's not good you don't want the primals okay it's primal playing primal whack-a-mole remember we cannot encourage such warship for this very reason her grandfather forced to return as an ether draining primal would undo all that he had worked to protect oh so if they pray for him they bring him back it's the same as effort and all the rest of them was the key that unlocked the truth of the calamity see i didn't know if that was the case because he said he like relinquished his power as a primal so i didn't know if he was still technically one or not like could this happen again so i was a little bit uncertain about that [Music] but keys may also serve to seal doors that were best left unopened it's like a half and half i guess let your love now guide your actions and lock away deep inside the fate of both grandfather and bahamut damn so it's a secret [Music] [Music] i understand what must be done what do we got to do now need not know the truth for it to be saved true they don't know they don't know [ __ ] that the elder primal is banished to return no more that is enough show is [Music] oh i'm smiling it's like yeah yeah let us make our way back to the surface poor oriande must be beside himself with worry who the [ __ ] is that okay let's go back over there holy [ __ ] so we actually deleted him god damn bro like oh my god dude this chess piece i looks mad i look good i have no doubt the alpha and i will do an emerald job concealing the truth of the calamity and such truths were revealed in those dark depths we'll never see the light of day i i myself agree that it must be so yeah it's like what [Music] but the thought that the people who are easier shall shall forever remain ignorant of their savior of your deeds the injustice of it is almost too much for me to bear wait she's already gonna [ __ ] go and blab the truth is this yeah he's like wait what the [ __ ] he's like nah brah nah bro i don't look i got my chest piece this enough how typical of you asthma gold ever the hero even so i cannot deny that i feel better for your reassurance true very true i don't blame her i want to show you that i will never forget you were the one who freed grandfather's soul and saved eurasia from baphomet's wrath and through those great deeds who will never be remembered in song their consequences will be felt forevermore by every soul who calls this realm home damn i look good i don't even give a [ __ ] about the dialogue bro like ah man i look good man god i got that full power i do i look good look at that oh man that's so [ __ ] cool to be honest i wish it had two wings on it because like the other one's a little bit too small yes this spot will do wait what what what what the hell is this [Music] for grandfather nail and for the dragons of arcadia for all of those who were taken by the calamity oh [Music] wow at long last our struggle with baphomet is over we got his ass too we beat him a new realm given new life through the prayers and sacrifices of countless souls may look towards a brighter future [Music] with the dust of our adventures settled i shall embark on a journey i mean to find my own reason to fight for auresia and when i do i will fight with all my being uh have you seen the loot that some of these bosses drop are you kidding me look at the chess piece that i have you've done so much for my asmr gold one day i hope to be able to repay you in [Music] kind she looks kind of young i'm not gonna make any jokes i have no doubt that i'll be uh uh that you will do to continue to help me in needs and grow ever stronger in doing so yeah i just i don't know like what the what the lord in the game is right i mean not gonna play any games okay um i shall i shall endeavor to do the same and if the twelve are kind i hope one day to become aurezia's sword in darkness as you are come what it may you may rest assured that i uh will not be out done by alpha okay all right true [Music] yay good job good job when we next meet i promise that i will not disappoint you [Music] till that day i fare you well my friend and thank you from the bottom of my [Music] heart [Music] wow clanks thanks for five subs bro dude look how good my chest piece looks man god damn god damn i look good man i think this is my favorite chess piece i've i've had in this game it won't be one of my favorites in like oh 5 000 cold great [ __ ] i got five grand for saving the realm of defeating baphomet all right well it's better than wow like you do all that oh wow look at it oh wow oh you earned it all right so is this the the final witness the final [ __ ] witness boys let me get a screenshot right here oh it like it doesn't show them okay there we go holy [ __ ] wow [ __ ] yes dude [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 600,766
Rating: 4.9415169 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, asmongold ffxiv raid, coils of bahamut, bahamut, ffxiv bahamut, asmongold bahamut, final coil, bahamut coils, asmongold final coil of bahamut, bahamut finale, flames of truth, ffxiv cinematic, flames of truth cinematic, asmongold flames of truth
Id: Ie_pfhUgfmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 17sec (4217 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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