Asmongold Obtains SECRET Mount by SOLOing a Dungeon | Slime Serpent (Shadowlands)

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what the [ __ ] oh my god i have to solo the dungeon on heroic it's not easy either are you kidding me hard man you're doing it now yeah i'm on the doctor let's [ __ ] go dude let's go i'm going to beat mcconnell to it let's go i'm going in now what's about to happen what's about to happen is i'm about to get the special rare amount they're a secret mount that's been added into the game in bfa and nobody figured out how to get it until right now okay boys i'm nervous i am very nervous how much health does some of these bosses have over 500 000 oh my god oh my god this is going to be so hard to do this thing's got 90 000 health i'm dead there's no way i can do this man there's no way okay oh my god i'm taking so much damage oh my god okay all right all right focusing killing this mob right now there's one all right he's dead okay yeah yeah we'll be fine we'll be fine it's this is totally fine okay camera's dead all right let me fix that in a minute give me one second okay killing him and fixing camera camera yeah this is this is a myth plus dungeon it's got the camera affix okay so i have to get through all of these mobs holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] and look at the look at the health like they're doing so much damage to me can a warrior even do this yeah dude i don't know asman gold i know i know true true very true people look up to you bro so many people i i'm unfortunately aware of that okay let me heal up and i'll try it again you can skip this trash yeah great idea what happens whenever i die do i have to skip them again that's the problem you can run through the middle uh i don't know about that i've never done that before okay now i have to beat this boss here like i'm just guessing okay let's kill this guy dude these mobs are like hard to kill man holy [ __ ] i mean i guess it's a five man dungeon but still holy [ __ ] gotta avoid that i couldn't even okay avoiding these i'll go ahead and put this up kill these adds there we go nice and getting myself some heels perfect okay i have to do for there's no way there's no way there's no there's no way i can do this like i i i i genuinely think that i can't do it i i will do what i need to skip it oh i can just run past this boss okay yeah i can skip this boss alright that makes sense yeah that does make sense okay i will do that okay so i'll skip that boss okay slimy morsels don't these heal him i think they heal him right yeah he's getting [ __ ] healed [ __ ] okay i guess i just have to kill him before these things get to him i don't know okay killing this guy right now perfect good now we're just going to go ahead and go around this actually let me just kill these right now so i don't have to run through them again okay there we go these are all dead perfect alrighty now we're past the first boss we're making progress okay where do i need to go here okay skip the second boss as well i should be able to do that let me see if i can go around here is left a better path okay i can try left instead okay and it looks like this bird aggroed to me so you only have to solo the last two bosses 100 okay that sounds good so that's all i need to do is just solo the last two bosses that's good to know and i will do that bird wants to die bird wants to get his ass beat and that's exactly what's happening dude nothing in here is stunnable holy [ __ ] all right we got it that's a lot of [ __ ] mobs i've never done this in mythic plus before wait no i've done it once okay so maybe i go around oh i see yeah i go around uh what does this do okay let's go um moving out of that there we go okay good moving out of this killing this guy wait why is he going where's he going where's he going he's running wait what [ __ ] i'm dead i'm 100 dead got it okay never mind i'm fine holy [ __ ] metamorphosis what are they turning into what the hell uh okay it doesn't matter they're all dead good all right we're just fine no mistakes no problems okay and then i have to fight these guys next wait oh this is the bird isn't it yeah all right let's go ahead and just pull these guys over here then and how do these work uh i guess i should just like stun them right now oh god okay getting out of that wait what that oh it gripped me in oh that's so stupid that's so that's so dumb i got gripped in like that okay i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine yeah i'm fine i didn't die okay now i guess i should pull this next slime here okay here we go yeah i don't believe that 450 oh my god oh my god okay okay let's stay focused gentlemen let's stay focused i'm gonna hit the big dub okay all right watching after this good now i have to watch out for this guy next okay so what i'm gonna do is this i'm gonna go over to here and i'm going to wait until these guys almost expire and then i'm going to wait and drag them on top of the boss or actually i could just pull the boss over here right oh no here we go here we go okay perfect nice got it i tagged him okay interrupting that there we go nice and then he's dead perfect and now i just have to kill these guys amazing skill i haven't done this before so it's been a very long time i'll try to figure it out my my my best job possible right i'll do whatever i can okay so these are all dead now i need to go around these bosses um i guess i'll go down over here okay um can i go over here no all right let's go down over here and there we go alright that's super easy okay all right now it begins now who's that we go left is that it okay let me go left i didn't know that okay uh yeah i'll go over here jump out of that and i'll just wait here for a second one percent maximum life okay going through here again just wanted to say llk joke aside thank you i am so happy that mccool is here more often love you too someone said they're glad that you're here more often mcconnell uh okay all right here we go gentlemen this is going to be a uh probably a complete [ __ ] show i'm going to be honest this is probably going to be a complete [ __ ] show but we'll do what we can uh i think i can beat the first boss or sorry third boss oh it has oh my god it has so much health man it has so much health oh man all right here we go let's kill these guys and killing him stunning bats wait storming all these guys down i should be fine here i think let's see if i am or not okay that one's dead and this one's dead good and the stealth lings are up which is fine with me i'll go ahead and just get all the stufflings out peeling myself up as much as i can there we go okay good and healing myself again there we go perfect [ __ ] perfect i'm totally fine okay all right we're here let's do it focusing i'm assuming this is probably physical damage yeah god damn it [ __ ] man oh my god there's no way how the [ __ ] can i do this do you know how to play prawn no i've never played prague but i feel like i have to i have to try and play prague i'm gonna respect the pro right now for the first time ever all right yeah i've never used this okay let's try and do this okay focusing right now thunderclap him does thunderclap do anything now no it doesn't okay i'm doing actually really big damage doing huge damage right now okay reflecting okay good there we go let's go to this one now okay we'll go to that one all right now we focus and we win we focus and we win we kill each one of these individually we focus and we win there's a stun the stun is fine i'm gonna heal myself up there it is big dick big dick yes i can do this i can do i can do this i can beat his ass i can beat his ass yes stunning these this is it this is my this is my dude this is me this is me right now this is me okay killing these mobs killing myself this is 100 me this is 100 me this is all me let's go taking it home this is the easiest win of my life there we go there we go there we go easy easy easy easy easy easy easiest easy reflecting yes yes come on i've got to kill these [ __ ] give me a second there it is he's dead killing myself okay i'm fine i wonder if i can reflect that i don't know if i can i'm just me i probably can this is in dude this is it this is where i win i knew it i knew i could win okay and jump over there pop these two back yeah there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go all right staying focused i never die i never die i never do anything wrong i do it right every time i do not make mistakes i get the [ __ ] mouth let's go drinking i don't give a [ __ ] i'm drinking out of that let's go there we go killing these excellent skill killing that one got him healing myself again bond assassins okay i don't have the next thing not to wait for this reflect okay i'm going to take a little bit of damage here it's fine it's completely fine it's completely fine it's completely fine it's complete guys it's completely fine got it there it is there it is take it home take it on boys stunned again it doesn't matter stuns do not matter this is 100 like there's no way i can die literally no way i can die hitting that one hitting this one there it is nice reflecting healing let me see if i can reflect okay never mind never mind never mind okay good killing these real quick to make sure i'm on top staying on top always on top good please please let me do this okay reflecting okay i couldn't reflect nevermind got it i'll jump to the last one just a minute slash cast door of shadows oh [ __ ] okay give me a minute [ __ ] why i was trying to i don't have it i spelled it wrong okay finishing it right now finishing it right now good good good good okay i should probably be able to kill them right now kill her right now but i'm going to play it safe because that's what's gotten me this far so we're just going to play it safe playing it very very safe good okay it's about to die all right you got it easy now that's the hard part okay this is where i went okay let's see this [ __ ] mount okay fingers crossed guys let's see if i can do this dude this uh this condemn thing does a lot of damage that's crazy i didn't realize like dude is prot good is prop warrior good or is this just really easy because i feel like uh i feel like i'm killing it man it's very good it's heroic no no i know i know i'm just saying like is it good because it seems like it's good okay and this guy changed into it what's this pestilence bowl what the [ __ ] is that oh i'm dying wait i'm actually dying dude prot sucks what the [ __ ] okay i don't know where that guy went so i'm just going to skip away all right healing myself killing myself again there we go kite no i'm fine don't worry about it he does 500 all damage increases it doesn't matter okay let's do it again okay reflecting that see all i need to do is just kill these adds and that's literally it it's such an easy boss yeah this is a hundred percent like so so easy now that i know what to do and how to play i thought prop was gonna be harder to learn how to play it really wasn't okay last one you guys ready to see me get my mount god i cannot wait man this is like the final mail muncher mount and i don't have it slime sir what are you guys pepe laughing for like i'm gonna pop off and kill it easily like last boss is a joke what do you mean don't worry about it it's gonna be a joke oh the [ __ ] dude the music all right or skipping the [ __ ] music okay guys the time is now let's go i don't know what this boss does i'm going to assume it's easy so i'm not gonna do any mechanics at all okay i have to soak this i guess do i have to kill these ads what's infectious rain inflicts disease damage oh that's not a big deal okay so i just have to kill this passively that that'll die on its own there's no reason to worry about it okay oh the wait there's two ads wait what uh oh oh okay okay okay this that's fine that's fine that's fine it's fine okay i'll get in that there we go everything's okay we're totally good boys we're totally good we are okay that's really bad all right let's pop some cds let's find out what happens if i don't stand in one of these well it didn't do anything who cares yeah it doesn't matter okay let's just see oh yeah actually it does do a lot yeah that does actually kind of do a lot never mind yeah okay oh my god i don't have the damage i'm actually [ __ ] man i i i'm so i'm so [ __ ] i'm actually so [ __ ] like this is over for me okay killing this one there we go nice all right there's a heel and i'll soak that one and get ready to soak this one here got it and got it i'm gonna just absorb that one okay killing that one now good perfect okay she went all right all right perfect perfect all right i got it i got it i got it okay this is super super easy guys super super easy this is the recovery face there we go there we go this is how we win use health pots no i don't want to use the health pot yet there's no reason to okay that'll die on its own there's no reason to worry about it okay big damage on this first one here okay and i think i should just i don't know what i should attack first that's what i'm not sure about like should i attack the boss or should i attack the ads i genuinely don't know i think i should just kill ads i think killing ads is a smart idea and then the boss will just like slowly die because there's no enrage timer on her i'm pretty sure so it doesn't really matter if it takes a long time okay i'm gonna reflect that just to reduce magic damage taken this is so easy this is so easy dude this is dude this is a 100 me this is 100 me i know i'm gonna beat this all i have to do is do literally the exact same thing i've only done this dungeon like twice my whole life so i'm a little bit unclear of like how exactly it plays out so i don't know if there's anything new that happens later on okay i already have avatar avatar up okay killing this guy here i'll keep the buff on him i need to use more thunderclaps there we go there we [ __ ] go there we [ __ ] go nice nice i'm staying at full health now this boss is taking a while but it's okay is it better for it to take a while or is it better for my run back to take a while doesn't matter i'm going to kill the boss right here no no mistakes nothing stupid is going to go wrong can i stun these no i can't all right it's good to know that at least okay that's really bad now we have another one spawning are they speeding up in spawn are they are they spawning faster now [ __ ] man if they're speeding up faster like that's actually really bad for me okay let me pop cds no okay we'll see killing that one there we go that's big numbers that's so big numbers that helps me out a lot okay perfect and now i kill this one so easy absolutely so easy boy i can all i can already imagine myself riding the mountain i i can already like i know like oh it's a nice mountain is it it's it's so good oh man dude oh man it's gonna be so good it is going to be so good boys man it was so easy i can't believe people are i can't put i cannot believe people are struggling with this it's like this is crazy this is like one of the easiest [ __ ] free mounts i've ever seen in my life and i'm looking this chat these people are just like they they can't do it they just can't [ __ ] sell away really yeah it's embarrassing well i don't know i mean like how could a rogue do it for example i bet a rogue could probably have such a hard time doing this uh gee i don't know any rogues ever heard of [ __ ] evasion just [ __ ] use even dumbasses oh the whole time just have evasion up all the time god what a bunch of [ __ ] bad players i don't know man i'm pretty sure it doesn't work the two-minute cd i mean but does it last for two minutes evasion doesn't last for two minutes sometimes it feels like it does but i'm pretty sure it doesn't boyce boyce here it is and i completed a world quest and i completed actually it's not even a world that's the quest all righty you all ready to see it y'all ready for this i'm assuming it's up here right like i don't know how to get back okay it's probably up here there she is oh my god what up youtube youtube there it is boys there it is what a [ __ ] day okay all right go ahead well you ruined it okay all righty boys is it time okay curious slime serpent and what do i do petting the slime serpent to uh to anybody uh out there right now that's trying to solve this and having issues uh just [ __ ] get good [ __ ] come outside let's hang let's [ __ ] there it is boys all right okay all right let me head back holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] it's a new [ __ ] male muncher okay so we'll go outside and we'll see where mcconnell is why do you have to solo it because uh that's what you have to do that's why that's the rule is you have to do the boss solo and the last two bosses at least not all of them but just the last two bosses dude imagine what it would be like to be the first guy that discovers something like this to me i think that would be just so it was a hunter of course of course it was a hunter like of course it was a hunter he was probably just soloing it thinking it was a non-elite mob he was just accidentally soloing a five-man boss that's what they are give me one second here let me go ahead and find this did you john heroic mythic i did it on heroic man there it [ __ ] is boys there it [ __ ] is boys but you know what i like about it is the fact that you can't get carried to this you have to solo it i mean you can get carried by playing a hunter but like besides that yeah you can't get carried you have to do this on your own and do it right well not right now yeah yeah not right now it's already very common no man these are listen no no no no man listen think about anybody who's sitting at home at 3 p.m on a saturday afternoon playing world of warcraft okay these types of people are these are the elite champions these are the defenders of azeroth these are the champions of azeroth or azeroth's champion actually okay look at this look at them all holy [ __ ] look at that dude look at that you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,631,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, wow secret, wow puzzle, secret mount, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, asmongold secret mount, asmongold shadowlands, asmongold mount, shadowlands secret, shadowlands secret mount, slime serpent, shadowlands slime serpent, slime serpent guide, slime serpent mount, wow slime serpent, shadowlands mount, solo dungeon, asmongold solo, asmongold dungeon, wow solo
Id: MaWUBpbiMcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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