Asmongold Reacts to "FFXIV's 10 Most Prestigious Things to FLEX with" | By Zepla

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so yeah we'll watch this top 10 impressive things for uh for me to do in final fantasy that's really what the video title is you guys don't know that but that's really what the truth is hey buns today we're going to talk about what are the most impressive things that you can flex with in final fantasy 14 now things that's intentionally vague because things can mean anything really it could be a mound could be a gear set it could be a title just anything that is very very prestigious and impressive something that it's clear just by looking at it that this guy no life for the game or got insanely lucky yeah i need to get something else very special or notable about that i need to get these that you can tell because they have this thing can't just be anything that took a long time and not just a rare for the sake of being rare it's got to be more than that something that you look at and go damn this guy like get a lot of disgusting yeah he's got a big deal a good way some major factors that i considered when compiling this list include determined efforts spent so you had to kind of work towards it it's really funny for me to hear this because this is the exact kind of stuff like this list and like these uh the probably like what she's gonna say is like effort how hard it is to get like how good you have to be how rare it is etc right like i did this exact same thing for like all the wow mounts back in the day and i had like a one to ten list for all of them achievements not just something that's temporary that's cool now but maybe won't be so cool later it's always got to be cool and recognizability something that the majority of people i guess people at in game players have been playing a little while they can recognize that and say yes that is cool wow yep that's because that's the thing that gives a big teacher people recognizing that exactly some examples of things that i left out and here's why uh something like the omura yeah the [ __ ] is this it takes a while to get because it means you have to get all your battle jobs to 80. but for me i was able to pretty lazily do it and i think that if you just put enough time doing it it's not very hard at all so i don't think it meets the standard of super duper impressiveness i agree with that i don't think it's that big of a deal either i feel like you could get one job to 80 i'm assuming and what probably like uh three days and also like uh you get like that earring for pre-ordering end walker and you get 30 percent more experience bro like that's so [ __ ] much amounts you get from clearing a savage tier while impressive when the raid is new don't retain that high status forever because later on you can unsync those raids the gear gets better echo gets out and killing the bosses becomes trivial exactly because of that the mounts lose some of the wow factor they had when the raids were new similarly you can unsync old trials making them super easy while you farm for the trial mountain that's right it is cool to get those mounts and the metamounts i think that on unsynced the bosses are pretty much just pinatas so i think that does disqualify them it's like going back and doing old raids making my list of mostest impressivest things as for minions some of them yeah it's like getting invincible or something like that and miss a pandaria like oh yeah this is really cool that you were able to do this but at the end of the day you just it's just it's not that hard but i think that the problem with minions is most people don't know which ones are rare like yeah i think that in compiling this list the notoriety and the general understanding that the thing is rare matters a lot it can't be a really niche that only minion collectors would know that that's so that's what happened with the uh the high smith hyacinth mccall and wow it's like okay everybody has a green bird but there's a purple bird that's worth a lot of money who [ __ ] knows that nobody this thing took you a long time rare for the sake of being rare isn't that good because there's a store mail that is actually very rare according to ethics we collect but it's just rare because nobody wants to buy it so like rarity doesn't always equal good attention because it's just a reason for more like category it's a recall more sense to do it that way uh yes this will be all colored by my personal opinions but i would wager that all these things are things that most people would be very impressed by were you to flex them openly ultimate weapons the ultimate flex so these are from clearing the hardest content in the game the yellow ones are from the unending coil of bahamut ultimate also known as yukob and it also gives the legend title the blue ones are from the weapons refrain yeah it's the ultimate like i i'm gonna get all of these i wanna let you guys know like yeah i am gonna get all of these there there are a lot of people out there who think that this is like i'm not gonna do this or whatever y'all are so dumb like you have no idea the level of like no lifeing that i'm prepared to go through in order to get the purpose that i want to get also known as which gives you the ultimate legend title and the shiny ones with like the time machine stuff and the cogs all over it are um the alexander ultimate one yeah some of the cogs are pretty big too you got some big [ __ ] on some of these those are from the epic alexander ultimate aka team which also gives the perfect legend title i've seen i saw these weapons i thought to myself i will never be able to get one of these weapons like this is way beyond me this is a league far far above what i am personally capable of and that turned out to be not correct you know sometimes seeing things like this in the game they inspire you to make you strive for yeah they make you want to go forward exactly and uh yup that's what these ultimate weapons represent to me having an ultimate weapon is proof that you are good at the game or at least you were able to not be bad for a full 20 minutes the thing is like i have people that like every time or that like that you bought it or whatever how much is it to buy like an ultimate carry it's 400 bucks damn that's like nothing man that's like not you can't it's overpriced as [ __ ] paypal legend yeah that's like nothing oh my god you buy pilots not carries yes still it's nothing yeah kind of more my situation than necromancer chat just self-reported yeah i guess so this would be awesome to have on reaper side note similarly the lone hero title though let's be honest necromancer sounds way cooler these are extremely rare titles that you get from soloing a deep dungeon necromancer is from house the dead and the lone hero is from heaven on high what i want to show you i think we'll help you understand i could get that why this is so insane is this clip from meiji now maybe one that wrote the guide like the guide one to two hundred that i will link below i'll also write to their twitch below their youtube channel okay just for some context palace of the dead to clear it to do the solo clear you have to get to the final floor which is for 200. right and as you progress through it the floors get harder and harder and harder makes sense and here's a clip of what it was like for one of the best pounds of dead players in the world to fight one mob a mimic on a very very high floor floor 192. so you can just look from this clip the level of kiting that is required this thing does a lot of [ __ ] damage constantly you cannot take more than one hit from this thing is this is without steel so steel is a buff that you can get for yourself but i mean a lot of this is about luck you might not have that the holy [ __ ] might not have looted the thing that you can use to get that buff for yourself and in that case you just it's just like a boss pure kiting skill to survive the situation and if you die that's it you know your run is over uh so you have to make it well how the [ __ ] are you supposed to be able to do it if if you're gonna get what if you almost get one saw one shot by a trash mob how the [ __ ] is the boss gonna be any harder very slowly uh it's four content it's an elite mob okay all right maybe i'll try this out sometime or one to floor 200 solo yeah all on your own to get the necromancer title and palace of the dead i actually managed to track down somebody on my data center who has both titles and cleared pals the dead not once but three different times it might have been more uh yeah because i talked to them at the end of june and he said he was still going for more clears then so this is statistics i was like why why are you going for more yeah for real you suffer more you already have the title and he said that he wanted to get back on the leaderboard from machinist as his clear got pushed off so yeah there are rankings clearly he just enjoys the content itself that's what keeps him coming back he said imagine having fun playing a game i've done savage it's hard to compare the two because of the time equipment personal responsibility uh solo uh i guess deep dive that's dd i'm assuming uh requires the later bosses and palace can be tough but like savage follow scripted rotation so you can research ahead of time and prepare deep dungeon oh it's deep okay compared to something like savage a deep dungeon solo calls for a massive time commitment and it's just a huge personal responsibility there's anybody else in there that can help you and he said it's nice knowing that if i mess up it's on me there's no chance of someone else ruining a run uh it could be the game and lag or a bug uh which is why i would die so that's actually not entirely true when i talked to sadie a little while ago he said that he had a scholar run sitting at 110 but i can already see here from the leaderboards that his scholar run is at 186 which is pretty impressive because some jobs like scholar are even harder to do on this than other jobs so he's like added a new level of nightmare mode to something that's already a nightmare mode content like just for the lulz pretty much judy also suggested that i give a shout out to angelus de monas whose name i actually did here a week or two ago when i heard that angelus had holy [ __ ] on every single job sadie said that angelism says streams that are like how to do palace of the dead from one to two hundred that was what the [ __ ] and puts his clears up on youtube as well so i'll link to all that in the description box if you're considering soloing i also asked sadie if there's anything else that he wanted to suggest to you buns who might be considering this and he said do not be disheartened if you die early on in the climb the first few floors can be bad if you're under leveled in palace or if you get ambushed by patrols and have it on high i never played machines before trying out solo deep dungeon and i managed to get there so anybody else watching can't i thought that was really crazy like he didn't even he wasn't even like a pro machinist player and he was able to do this before doing this achievement so that should be encouraging for some of y'all next up this is cool pvp loot so i've kind of put this all in one category that looks good honestly all the amounts are rare since like so few people do the content though i kind of do feel like that is changing lately but that's a subject for another day i kind of wanted to focus more on all of the unobtainable pvp mounts that are super rare like the feast rewards from getting top 100 in the feast these are like the gladiator mountains once the season rewards are out yeah these are like the gladiators you can never get those rewards again so yeah that one looks [ __ ] badass i like that a lot yeah the reward for feast top 100 is not amount but instead really cool armor sets which was the case in season 18 and 19. the samurai and my static micopsy actually has this and all the time like every day people even dm me on twitter to ask where he got this armor because it's super cool and super rare that's really really cool set that that's [ __ ] that's so badass man so how hard would it be for me to get that is it very very hard you can't get it oh cause i yeah yeah i know it's just for like you said samurai and samurai don't use the same gear oh it's gone this one's out of the game okay so like the next set that's like this maybe i should go for it but only it says top 100 that means only 100 people in the game can get this is that right dude that's crazy here and i'm like i'm sorry that ship has sailed yeah i might not get this season 18 dude the cloak is [ __ ] awesome now you cannot get it holy [ __ ] you can do is face your eyes on it modeling these pvp mounts for me here today is risumi himawari from shiva the top mount collector on my data center according to fxv collect so i don't know how accurate it is wow still pretty impressive i asked for assuming if they had to no life pvp to get top 100 for these mounts and they actually said no it's not even that bad in most seasons it takes like 30 to 50 hours of work if you play like two to three hours every day you can spread it out a lot you all should know that season 20 of the feast is underway right now so if you want well that's [ __ ] nothing man that's nothing 50 hours i can do that in a week nobody plays it good that'll make it easier i don't give a [ __ ] i just want to i just want the gear fight me yeah who cares yeah i mean you can i've been doing it i've been doing a good best first time ranking up in pvp it's actually been pretty fun but i bring it up because not not to tell you to fight me but to tell you if you want the soon to be rare amount from season 20. what the dreadnought from ranking in top 100 for this season now would be the time to do the feast you might dread not doing it the tiger mouth also the badass mount from doing hunts that's killing world bosses basically for the tiger you need to kill three thousand a ranks and two thousand s ranks the s ranks being the brutal part because they're often pretty difficult and weird to spawn i know there are some s ranks that to get them to spawn you need to go to their spawn location and just die repeatedly like over and over and over like maybe it'll spawn at some point there's others that you need to go to a small location and eat eat food or drink and they might show up or maybe you need to catch a particular so wait a minute hunt trains yeah but how long are the hunt trains gonna be though yeah like how many do you get in the hunt train like so it's a two-hour hunt train and you get you get 12 npcs okay so 12 what's 3 000 divided by 12 that's a lot that that's a [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] lot man ish or maybe it just has to be during nights of the full moon like it sounds like a joke but yeah that's how a lot of these are so some of them are kind of pain in the ass the triceratops requires you to kill 2 000 a rank elite marks and 1 000 s rank elite marks in shadow bringer's zones who has both of these amounts told me that they went hard for like six months to get these mountains they went hard for six months you went hard what does that entail and it said s ranks can take up to 132 hours to respond you had three copies per zone at shadow bringer's launch and six servers with world travel so you could get 50 realistically every three days and per week something like 100. so yeah 50 s ranks every three days or so for six months they said they were in a discord server for hunts and four different link shells to make sure they get all the call outs to be alerted when there's a hunt to go kill and just imagine that guy man like dude you know what it reminds me of it reminds me of those people that had donald trump on notifications and whenever donald trump wakes up at like 3 30 in the morning and he tweets out oh i can't believe that hillary still isn't in jail i'm gonna put her in jail tomorrow and then immediately like they they get a [ __ ] their their phone starts buzzing because and then it's [ __ ] wakes them up in the middle of the night and they're like sorry honey give me one second i've got to do something and then they [ __ ] open up their little [ __ ] phone and they're like oh [ __ ] you orange piece of [ __ ] i can't believe that you're the president i hate you i can't wait to vote against you again all right [ __ ] you send it then i go back to bed that's the way it feels i feel like it's the same thing like it's like two in the morning you get a phone buzz and it's like uh this thing is up and you've got to go kill it right now don't lie that was you it was me with um there was actually things like this i would have people call me on the phone if like undasta was up or if other npcs were up i would have i i'd have them call me immediately let me know what's going on i suggest you join those i know philippe has been an amazing galleon was another one so i'll put the links to that below back before basically if you want these mounts the hunt is going to become your end game yeah that's that's how you gotta earn your stripes very clever so i feel like if i really wanted to go hard and get all the mounts in this game i would have to play it like eight hours a day 12 hours a day for like a year or a year and a half i think that i'll probably can i farm mounts in wow and final fantasy at the same time that would be [ __ ] crazy i would actually feel like i was doing something with my life if i did that mentor pegasus mount or the ass trope i've seen a few of these 2 000 mentor roulettes now that is a roulette that you can get access to if you're a pve mentor which means you've gotten 1500 commendations you've done a thousand duties and you have a finished crusarium rollquest as a tank a healer and a dps jump you also need to have completed every duty in the game including extreme trials as any of those can pop up in your mentor roulette with some exceptions being ultimate savage current expansion extreme trials and binding coils so the idea behind the mentor roulette is to send mentors into groups where their guidance and advice would be needed most so like groups we've actually had some of those uh some of those individuals in my stream uh that's the funny thing i know all about this but they i guess they watch my stream to complete this achievement so i'm actually gonna try to get the mentor thing as soon as i can because as soon as i can do it that means i'll be able to start working towards that pegasus mount and i think that pegasus mounts [ __ ] cool oh it's who maybe they're struggling yeah maybe they just need someone there to give them a little help right aka serena on reddit said of her experience getting this amount people generally didn't want advice didn't listen to advice if given and sometimes even responded with hostility to tips even if they were performing very poorly so i learned to most of the times violently endure if duties weren't going well well i do that already and i'm not even doing them that's what i want but they did say that in sync extreme fights people were more receptive to advice so i mean i guess getting your ass beat by a grandpa of the cabbage people like teach you a little lesson in humility what are you trying to say what are you trying to say because we wiped on him for an hour like that [ __ ] was hard man why can't we have to do like five mechanics at the same time it was a lot there was that was an hour's a whole hour of wiping i was so upset yeah he had like three tank mechanics i was going crazy i was gonna lose my mind they said that synced extremes counted for about ten percent of the duties they completed towards their astro amount they said it always took a lot of time and effort and typically ran for the full 60 minutes my clear rate for synced extremes was pretty that's crazy like i remember i did garuda i random queued garuda for extreme we did it in one try i'm not even kidding i i don't know actually wait a minute we might have wiped once that's not true because i remember this the second time i had more health yeah no so we yeah we wiped once never mind yeah we wiped once it was on extreme we just went in there and did it that was it decent i took the time to type out and teach the fight mechanics almost every time i got queued into an extreme and i would try to coach players who were struggling in the fight against many if not most teachers were pretty receptive and understanding about anything expect the mechanics however there were also many many lost causes times where no amount of instruction or guidance would be sufficient to get a team to clear i asked rasumi here about their experience getting this mount and they said i set aside like five months and did it all day until i was done on good days i got around 60 to 80 roulettes and on bad days i got like 10. it really depends on the content you get on that day cereba yoko here also got the astro and told me that they had been doing it more casually like five or ten times a week sarifa said i only went inventory so wait a minute so you have three leaves per day before you get punished right so if you wanted to mend maxis couldn't you just wait until you get like an hour-long one and then save the leaves for that one you only get one oh [ __ ] you only get one oh my god mentors only get one that's smart though i mean because like listen the thing is the the way that i think right is like how can i take advantage of a system and manipulate it into giving me something that's not supposed to that's why mentors have a bad rap yeah that's smart but if i'm in a daddy mood more bull the blue mage mount so to get this one you must be in a fully blue mage group with silence echo turned on an undersized party turned off you have to do binding coil of bahamut turned five second coil of bahamut turned four final coil of bahamut turned four then in alexander burden of the father savage burden of the sun savage and soul of the creator savage again it cannot be unsynced so that's one of the things that i think gives this mountain the staying power it's always cool because it will always require effort i asked my friend ramyan who you see here on the marble how they were writing the difficulty of these blue mage raids compared to doing the raid normally on savage and they said that in general the blue mage savages are a bit easier for blue mages as we can cheat mechanics it can vary i said if it's not that bad then why don't we see more people doing it like is it just hard to find a blue it's like harold the titans and wow like you don't see that title a whole lot because you have to take so much specific planning to get it like for example like there are plenty of things that are just like adjacent it's like okay you just go over there you go get this item right even if it's hard to do but like with this you have to like level up an entire new job you have to like train all the abilities you have to get eight or like i guess seven other people that have the exact same mindset as you you have to get online at the same time learn these fights that people forgot about with like the coils [ __ ] so i think that's what it is it's that uh you have to invest so much deliberate time in order to get this i'm gonna get this fan group and they said yeah i'm gonna go out and hunt down a group for it in discord i have recently seen a small trend of people gathering up in party finder but they wait a long time but who knows in the time before in walker there may be more blue mages doing it the legacy stuff i'm gonna do that includes the legacy tattoo the legacy gubu or the legacy chocobo so annie pretty much played the game when it was asked when everybody was like don't play that game yup it's not a good game you're like i'm not gonna listen to you i'm gonna play that game anyway well now you have cool stuff to show for it according to this post on the ff14 subreddit the game actually punished players who put any effort into playing it if you earned too much xp you got fatigue and basically you earned less and less xp until they had this in wow too uh before they brought out wow they had this exact thing and they took it out of the game super early on burn to zero the only thing you could do was stop playing the game you paid for yeah and was paying monthly before that the game actually punished you for playing it which is just impressive of course it's smart more impressive because you've had to put up with an impressive amount of [ __ ] i asked my friend here to tell me what 1.0 was like and they said i can't describe how many big giant enemy crabs i killed in la nasha to finally get high enough to go to karthus and then i went there and it was [ __ ] empty like literally nothing there just green hills and forests with occasional moms there were like two or three hamlets across this gigantic map and that's it no quests no nothing yeah legacy chocobo is ultra rare because you had to not only play 1.0 but you had to pay for 90 days like have a three-month sub that was active before the game ended like before the end of 1.0 they basically promised people it joke about that they would be able to ride after the game came back but now that the game is it's funny that they did that because that's exactly what wow does right but it's like wow like the big payoff of final fantasy is the game's like way better and you get a few really cool cinematics the payoff for wow is you find out that there's a bunch of [ __ ] uh molesters and everybody quits the game well one person actually cried on reddit i thought this post was really funny they said jealousy of legacy players is making me not want to play what an idiot does anyone else feel the same does anyone have advice or a different way to think about it there's people that um there's people that think about that with wow right is that there's like all these fomo mounts and [ __ ] like that in the game and they don't want to uh they get frustrated and demoralized because they know oh i'll never have this or i'll never have that or whatever so it's kind of sad but there it is look imagine having something on your character that somebody else wanted so bad that they're ready to uninstall the game like they're just not even enjoying the game anymore because all they can think about is that thing that you have that they don't have like wow a mansion in a good spot honestly getting a house at all is pretty big achievement in the current situation with housing but getting a large house in a good spot that is a rare opportunity that's a door that doesn't open every day but what is a good spot so should i buy my own house what do you guys think should i buy my own i think i should buy my own house i need to get a lot of money though and have people uh have people give me money so i can do it well um not facing any other houses but i would think like on top of a cliff maybe overlooking the having a nice view it's so funny because probably team players are always like we need neighborhoods so we can be around other players houses okay well where's your house well not in front of anyone else's house they're going to ruin it yeah they want to make it special exactly so right now yeah because the housing system is terrible and there's nowhere near enough supply for the demand it's extremely hard to get a house at all as i said i personally never seen a large house so it's just like austin ever except like maybe when the residential district is brand new so i think the people with the large plots probably got them when the ward opened or they were insanely lucky now they did confirm that just like real life they will be adding a lottery system which believe it or not the lottery will be more fair if that gives you an idea of just how jacked the current system is so if you really want a large house so i'd have to have somebody like i don't know if i'd want to have my own house like can you have other people go in your house and basically like clean it for you and decorate it and [ __ ] or do you have to do that yourself because if i oh you can okay all right cool because like to me uh cat maids yeah yeah yeah okay that's cool because i don't want to have to spend a whole lot of time dealing with it okay yeah you little cat girl mates have them do all the work for me and then meanwhile i just uh i just do what i want well i would suggest go to a mansion that's owned by an fc and just knock on the door and ask if daddy wore bucks will adopt you the gill sink mounds there are two of them at the 50 million gill mound gilded mikoshi and the 25 million gill mount the golden vessel of ranka now who has both of these said that they rarely use the ronca one because it's less fancy yeah it's too small the gilded mean coaster amount and they said they get positive comments on it all the time i even got invited to a g pose session once so it's a 50 million is that right rich has the 50 million gold mount oh my god oh my [ __ ] god like i not hard to get what the [ __ ] i just why am i not surprised man oh why am i not he got donated though it doesn't count it doesn't matter if it doesn't count like half the people that probably had them out bought the gold or [ __ ] did some other cheesy [ __ ] to get it like let me tell you guys something like if you want to like at the very elite of completionism everybody that at the very at the lead of completionism is scamming or cheating or skimming [ __ ] that they shouldn't be skimming like it's the same with wow in like every regard there's like some sort of [ __ ] that they're doing they're merging all the counts they're doing this form with three different characters at the same time that are merged on the same battlenet account they're buying gold uh they're buying wow tokens like there's every person that i know that's at the top of the leaderboards for uh for like mounts and stuff like that did some cheesy [ __ ] to get there it doesn't necessarily mean that they're breaking the tos but they did some cheesy [ __ ] to provide the confetti for a party picture they said that they had made a lot of guilt being an early adopter to the baja content selling tons of fragments and also selling mounts and minions from unreal trials i asked did it break the bank for you to buy it or was this like pocket change for you right like basically ashley are you rich yeah yeah they said buying both mounts took away like 30 percent of my total wealth that's a lot of [ __ ] money to eat stale bread yeah on a dawn mount this is from an absurd amount of crafting and gathering in the firmament card for a while this mount was so rare i had to go to a jp server to find the i saw that video i knew of who had the mount for my mountain video the tyrannodon requires 500 000 points towards your skyward score on every single crafter and gatherer job now a friend of mine vlithra has gotten it and told me that it was probably about three months of grinding the crafting part honestly aren't that bad they said it's the gathering part that takes time and i asked how many hours a day like would you say this is an estimate but i'd say around 550 to 650 hours so six to seven hours a day oh come on i thought this was a hardcore amount what do you mean you do that in a month you do that in a month are you kidding me that's such a joke dude 30 hours a day yeah if you need to yeah come on man you got to get serious level up all the crafters it's still super rare yeah i guess it is pretty rare i think that if i was like a if final fantasy was like my main game i would i would literally make a two-year plan to farm out every single one of these mounts on average i think that with the passing of time yeah people have been able to get this mount but it's still one of the rarest ones like if we're looking at fxv collect it's beat only by mounts that are unobtainable i mean it represents this colossal achievement and that's why it's really cool for me though i don't really craft or gather hardcore so if i were to get it i guess my playstyle would have to drastically change so those are the 10 sort of categories of things that i think are most impressive to flex with in palm springs do you have any of these are there any things that you think i should have included on this list that i did not and why do you think that because i thought through this very carefully you know considering all the factors long-lasting prestige it has to be not just rare but also oh yeah notable recognizable you know so let me know what you think in the comments section down below let me know if maybe you have tips for other people that are going for some of this stuff if you like this video please consider supporting the channel on patreon or on twitch you can also support the channel for free or by sharing this video with your fellow warriors of light thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time there's the video have i seen the cerberus mount yeah i've seen a lot of these i definitely have look i'm going to tell you guys like i will get any of these items if i want to get any of these i just get it man like i feel like the main one that i want is i want this [ __ ] armor dude all the time like look at this [ __ ] dude this armor is so [ __ ] badass if they add a new set like this i might actually go for it now the triceratops is cool but i do think the tiger is is a little bit cooler personally i i just i don't know i like it more i think it's more interesting uh this one right here is okay i i want to have the mount the season 10. wait let me see uh season 10. no way no way dude no [ __ ] way fourth picture no [ __ ] way dude oh my god like so i did do i have to do this now like this is crazy holy [ __ ] this armor looks badass wait holy how the [ __ ] do i get that [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,022,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, ff14 vs wow, final fantasy vs wow, wow refugee, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, zepla ffxiv, asmongold zepla, zepla asmongold, zepla ff14, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, ffxiv unobtainable, ffxiv mounts, ffxiv items, ffxiv achievment, ffxiv titles, ffxiv most
Id: zgLza8LtEOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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