Asmongold Interviews FFXIV ERPers Selling Their Bodies for Gils

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so if you're like do you check if it's like a girl or does it just do people just not care yeah you kind of just have to like look at the character and just be like huh well i hope it's not a dude that's about to blow me or something so it's kind of like it doesn't even matter if they're erp with a dude they don't even give a [ __ ] like that's crazy man and let's try this out here okay so these are all houses and all of these houses are owned by real people like people actually own these [ __ ] houses themselves look at this all right we're gonna go inside so there's a whole [ __ ] house in here and like this is basically a nightclub that they've got going on right here man so you can come over here and these are like basically um it's disney night tonight apparently so if you come down here look at this look at this dude it's like a whole dance place and everything like this and apparently um so apparently there are rooms where people are taken if people pay gill to erp [Music] so there's special little rooms that you can go to and that's like at the doors up there i'll show you guys that in a minute okay guys it's not the cosby suite okay guys chill out so if you go to the additional chambers and they have different uh different uh um uh different uh um oh my god oh boy wow um get their jobs how much do you pay people we pay 500 000 per night 500 000 uh 500 000 per night man that is ridiculous dude holy [ __ ] so so how does this work oh she's targeting me she's waving at me now uh this is going well yeah why is there a watermelon yeah i don't know this is crazy uh they'll ask you if you need some alone time they would take you to a room and act stuff out oh wow oh my god wait oh [ __ ] child support i'm getting out of here real quick all right all right we're gonna go to another room get yeah yeah get we're getting out of here real quick sorry guys it's so funny cringe and cute oh my god wait romina this isn't the romina from classic wow is it no way no [ __ ] way they nod at me [Music] oh my god what the [ __ ] is this with a little cat face on and they're just sitting there waiting for you you know oh my god i should interview one of these girls that does this and i should like really ask them uh what what the scope of it is you know what i mean like what does this really mean what the [ __ ] there's like a little hot tub here and everything a couch interview yeah a casting couch exactly and they actually just get in the hot tub and everything too what is this game see as i said i think that this is why a lot of people really like the game is it they have these like rp events and it's not just the cat girls right i mean obviously the cat girls are the cat girls are a big part of it like let's be honest they're definitely a big part of it however um there's a number of other things about it that just make it special it's like you have all of these tools that you can uh that you can interact with other people in right and you give people the ability to have the look they're changing their clothes to like go and sit in the hot tub it's like a second life you know what i mean where's your swimsuit your armor's gonna rust we've all been good cat girls please pet us master okay that's close enough yeah there we go so i just imagine like you know adding adding this person onto discord and being like you know well how you know welcome and you know can you tell us a little bit about yourself is it oh yeah my name's ted i'm 34 years old i'm a construction worker in real life and uh this is just what i like to do for fun yo what up yo what's up dude how you doing i'm doing all right man just hanging out so you're a void bunny i am yeah what's up nice to meet you so i gotta say man like this whole adventure and everything about this is just so unreal to me to see all this it's crazy oh yeah for sure it's such a big part of the game and it's something that you don't really get to appreciate until you kind of hit like that max level yeah but it's a big prominent part the community the social aspect of the game is what makes this game in my opinion super special so whenever you uh like how long did this take to get it all put together like the whole house and everything about it uh the the designer that i paid gil for to have this made uh in like my vision she took about two weeks two weeks of uh like kind of like round the clock you know um working with you know add-ons and stuff yeah you're not thinking supposed to but in order for you to actually have certain things lined up in certain ways you kind of have to do that so you had a designer that you paid to come in here and put all this together yeah and um you know i paid her in gil uh designers how much i think for her i think i paid her about 20. 20 million yeah 20 million though holy [ __ ] that is incredible and so uh people come to this pretty regularly and i was looking at some of the uh you showed me the extra rooms that you have up uh upstairs and so how does that work um okay so basically this is the main dance floor um yeah i employ you know there's a greeter at the door that will kind of do like a little macro that say welcome to the club tonight we're doing a 20 million deal lottery tickets are 50k blah blah blah please put away minions and stuff there's also uh myself and my two other managers that i've hired um they will do shouts throughout the uh the evening where we're like hey if you want to spend a little bit of extra gill for some one-on-one time you know approach one of our courtesans courtesans can be identified typically at a venue um with the little uh what i call the little fortune cookie icon over their head it look it's actually called like a material melding icon i'll apply it to myself okay yeah yeah let's see what that is search info so if they have this icon over their head that usually means typically that they're a courtesan um if they have this um this icon over their head why are they why they use that icon i honestly i don't know that this was before my time i only started playing in november like i said so i kind of came into this is what this is just common practice yeah yeah of course that's pretty incredible and you see people that are just walk so it's like you're gonna effectively have like one of these like ladies behind you uh that uh is like walking around with the icon over her head and so how do you um how what happens after that like how does it so do you do you message her does she message you how do this is yeah it can go either way um i'd like to have the staff that i hire be a little bit more proactive with their with their uh economic ventures so hopefully they're they're a little bit more of a go-getter you know why i know some of our quarters and they approach hey hey hon how you doing right right you know you want some like alone time or whatever that you know they have i don't do the erp myself personally because it's just not my cup of tea i just employ the people who do it um so they have there's like a nuance to it so there's a lot more elegance involved when it comes to it but essentially they're kind of offering their services in a not so like obvious way but you kind of get the point that they're trying to you know take the upstairs for like a little one-on-one yeah yeah i get that no it definitely makes sense so um have you ever had somebody that got upset about an erp experience that they had at the club um not not to my knowledge at this venue i have heard stories like in other venues where you know um either the the the patron that is seeking the erp gets a little too weird um actually the first night that i started working here i actually started off as a breeder and kind of made my way up to now the main manager of menu that's impressive first yeah um on the first night of the i i only wish my my my real life goals were as impressive or my real life yeah i feel like that's how most people feel like facts um no but i remember the first night there were some like there were some people that were um really like aggressive toward one particular uh dancer that they took her upstairs and they tried to act out like this weird active shooter situation but it actually got like really cringe and awkward so you know i we also like employed at the time we had like guards and you know the thing with like guards in this game yeah or bouncers they're kind of just like uh they're just just there they're just they don't really they can't really do anything unfortunately we can't you know square enix doesn't give us the ability to actually kick people out of the venue unless it's everybody we can't just outright ban somebody uh what my venue does we have like a zero tolerance for that type of harassment is we actually have a wall of shame and i just put them on blast we link their um we link their lodestone so even if they change so it's like in quirks where they have like the list of the pictures of all the people that are not allowed to be in the store yeah and the thing is when the venue is open those people can still technically get inside but fortunately the square enix uh mods um they're actually really protective of the rp community so yeah i get my entire staff of like 17 people to mass report somebody that's acting on the line of being disrespectful and we kind of just shut that [ __ ] down so you employ 17 people uh yeah i think that's how much we have right now currently wow and so whenever you say employee do all these people have like uh salaries and everything yeah um i pay them 500 000 gil a night starting off just baseline pay and then depending on what else they do i may update we do bonuses if we have a particularly successful like lottery night yeah we turn like a massive profit i give uh we've given them bonuses before whether it's like a million extra [Music] let's go back to the erp thing is that um yeah i uh um do people have it's weird for me to ask this right but brother all right so if you're like do you check if it's like a girl or does it just do people just not care um i think common practice is to um respect the character visual rather than interrogate a lot of people don't even share that type of information so what you're saying is they just don't even care yeah i mean a lot of dudes will come in here looking for like female companionship and they don't know that it's probably another dude doing stuff like but they don't care so they they get into it and they don't even care that they don't care or they just try to suppress that and try not to let it impede and they're yeah yeah it's just yeah i mean yeah yeah you kind of just have to like look at the character and just be like huh well i hope it's not a dude that's about to blow me or something so it's kind of yeah hope for the best oh my god wow um i mean also women women women buy court services too this isn't just guys doing it you know really and yeah i know i know women will either pay for like a met we we also employ male coordinates to appeal um to female gamers yes or your famous characters um and you know one of the one of the wonderful things about this community is it's so you know lgbtq plus friendly that uh really it's it's it's just all welcoming and it's i you don't really want to pair up erp and wholesome in the same sentence so it's the most wholesome type of erp possible is that right yeah yeah oh absolutely oh my god like i it just there are so many questions that i have and they still get paid too by the way so they they would like a courtesan would get like 500 base paid from us plus they have their own rates for what they do oh really yeah so you know they may charge hey you know i'm gonna do this and that you know it'll cost like a million if you join yeah it's if you join these discords for the venues you can actually see like courtesans like kink preferences and stuff so oh yeah i'm not gonna do this this or that or it's like i don't mess with lalas or anything like that so a lot of reporters actually don't do that like no scat stuff or anything like that they kind of you have to kind of respect their boundary as well yeah over it they can like bounce so yeah i i uh i i i can i can see that uh so what's the average price uh every car has their own rate and the house doesn't actually take a percentage of it i let them keep everything uh a lot of venues is very noble yeah yeah so wholesome still yeah no but a lot of venues actually do take a cut of those earnings uh i let them keep everything uh really just because i'm lazy and i don't want to manage all that extra stuff um but um it varies as some courts have rates as low as like 250k for 30 minutes uh some courts may go up to like a million gil for 30 minutes there are some courts that get essentially bought out for a whole day okay follow me around we're going to have like a like a day-long sort of a weird sub dom you know kink sort of thing play out again it's not something that i try to delve into i hire a manager that uh that handles that aspect of it to kind of keep me away from it it's it's very involved i see that so um they'll pay not only for the erp but for other stuff too like following them around and everything like that yeah um they pay for you know just company they pay for yeah whatever they want them to do and as long as the um as long as the court that is offering that service is okay with it and they feel comfortable with it then they'll kind of kind of go through with it so yeah i mean i haven't heard any um anything from my courts that say you know there was like some sort of like abuse or anything they usually do get paid out again people are respectful in that regard when it comes to uh you know uh making sure that they do pay up for the services that they receive wow that is just that is absolutely incredible yeah we have dancers too that can just dance and like map dances um again it's just if somebody's just having like a bad crappy day they kind of come here they can talk to like a court sometimes they won't even charge them you know it just depends on the situation again it's just a a whole you know uh a whole like experience so they literally have there's like the this is the video game version of paying a hooker to listen to you cry yeah kind of i mean i suppose yeah there have been there have been occasions where people come and they they want to vet they need somebody to vent with and you know we're happy to provide them for sure wow and and real friendships can come from that too it's not like hey just because you're paying doesn't mean you can't be like your friend or something of course i mean absolutely um that i i don't yeah i don't see why it wouldn't uh this is just incredible i didn't know like the uh i think to me like i didn't know the depth did it really existed and i think that's what's so incredible to me is to see the depth that like that really happens with even like with the erp there's like apparently like a huge amount of like nuance to it there's a huge amount of uh like rules to it and everything right um yeah i mean it's and it's all just kind of stuff that you know you don't just like pick up one day you just kind of like learn it over time you're like hey yeah acceptable behavior this isn't and again the uh the final fantasy community has kind of just like implemented this over the years so that generally it's actually pretty respectful for the most part you know we have performers um that can come out um you know like next week we actually have three performers that i'm paying uh like a multi-box bards that are playing like real songs like whether it's like ac dc or like metallica center sandman or like um like like that they do elaborate elaborate um you know musical performances we also have another group coming out that actually choreographs in-game dancing to like real life like hit songs which is actually mind-blowing uh we'll be posting them next week so you're welcome to come out next weekend and take advantage and just take a look at that if you're interested that is unreal yeah it's it's it's a sight to see and it's something that i don't think any game offers other than this game uh and it just shows this how passionate people are about this rp aspect yeah um i see that i mean i feel like they're very passionate absolutely i think that's what's so incredible about it is to see like the amount of people that really do this and just how like it doesn't even matter if like it doesn't even matter if they're erp with a dude they don't even give a [ __ ] like that's crazy man oh my god yeah that's uh there's no um yeah there's no there's no rules i mean as long as you're respectful to your you know your fellow gamer i mean and they're okay with it you do you do you and they'll do what they want to do and you have fun at the end of the day that's what gaming is all about so wow so i guess this is a uh this is a very very um eye-opening experience and what you're saying is there's like a bunch of other places that are exactly like this too it's not like this is the only one oh no man there's there's like countless there's small venues that do small get-togethers like yeah shops that are like rp there's like day bars there's other venues like mine that are large that have like giveaways raffles you name it dance parties performers coming out and it's not even just a weekend it's an everyday thing obviously there's peak hours peak times you know fridays and saturdays like being like one of the biggest most trafficked uh venue times or whatever um but yeah man like the uh the this aspect of this game is so wild and it's so popular especially in the world that the game is in for not new players but for you know people that have ordered clear content yeah they have like coven and stuff it kind of gives them that social interaction that they may otherwise be missing out so they don't yeah they don't go to the club in real life because of coven so they show up over here is that right i mean yeah i mean i know i know a lot of them from you know the ones that i've spoken to yeah wow so if you go outside are there people that are like waiting outside to get in yeah yeah there can be whenever it's at capacity yeah there can be a line forming or they're just chilling that's why we put seating outside we make the lawn and nice food so how many people like how many people do you have by just waiting outside to get into the club um i mean on a regular night most people can't easily get into the club um on the you know on the last saturday of every month when we do our big party where we're like last month we did a 75 million giveaway um we had to move the party outside yeah there was no way we had 200 plus people just chilling outside of course yeah and you know we don't want to keep them from just like being able to enjoy the performers that we have so i was just like hey you know okay let's go outside we'll do the party up whatever it'll be messy but it'll be fun oh wow um this is just yeah i mean i i i'm really just like i mean just even reading some of the names and everything it's just really um uh it's really eye-opening i think that's amazing it's really island yeah the bunny girls are very eye-opening for sure i see that and i think this is a good part of the game though to be honest i really do i think this is a really cool part of the game because it keeps people engaged and it's like nobody else does this no nobody and and it's what makes this game unique i don't think anyone can do this on this type of skill you know you'll have your gold shire in and moon guard or whatever and that is like that might come close to some of the stuff that we can pull off here in this game yeah there's more level of customization in that sort of scenario so this is kind of just like on a whole another level and i think that's why so many people are drawn to it not just because of like you know outside gameplay are all of these houses or many of these other houses other clubs um no they can be private residences they might be other clubs i don't know uh in this particular ward where you're in ward 16 i'm sorry to tennis yeah i don't know how many other venues i think we might be the only one um but yeah they're all player owned um each each property can be owned by one person and they can you know grant access that's why like last night i got on my sergeant tennis i had permissions i can't actually you know change lighting or do any sort of editing on void money that's why i was all right but but yeah all these homes are owned by individual players you know smalls range from like you know two to four million gill or five million people mediums get up there at the 10 million gil and like a large venue could cost it you know just by itself you know around 50 million kill housing right now is extremely limited um it's very hard to get a house the way the house system kind of works is actually it blows it's the same thing here in austin yeah yeah yeah you have to camp out a placard and it's put on a random timer that it then becomes available randomly throughout a 72-hour time period so you have to kind of keep spamming the placard and camp it out and hope you don't lose it to like you know somebody else but there can be like dozens of people crowding a sim a single placard in order to get you know the opportunity to purchase a house yeah i see that like some of these houses so is there are there like massive houses or is large just like the biggest that you can get large like the mansion that you were in previously yeah or the one that my venue is um that's the biggest you can get okay yeah there are mediums and then they're small so you can also get an fc room apartment in your fc aka guild or you can buy an apartment you know at uh in one of these uh housing wards and i think the apartment is only like 500k so like the do you have to pay taxes on the apartment no no no no it's it's just a one-time purchase um however homeowners do need to remain active i think the game sells or demolishes your house if you're inactive for over a month oh wow so yeah um so there is that thing to consider but yeah it's it's very difficult to get a house so i'm really interested to see how the game will implement this new uh teased lottery system that they're going to be offering uh in and walker so we'll see how that goes there's just not a lot of information right so so there are some guys here like there's this guy do people dress like this guy is obviously dressed up like a pimp okay he's like literally riding on a peacock like i mean this guy is his name's literally his name is literally a pimp named kirobak oh yeah i mean if you're saying if he has like a gaggle of ladies that follow him around i mean i can't say i don't know who this individual is but i mean i'll be i mean we got yeah he might be looking to employ some uh some ladies for his own you know for his own activities his name is a pimp named slickback yeah oh my god i can't believe this this is incredible wow this is a whole uh it's a lifestyle i think that's what's so interesting to me is that people do this and they just like are there people that log on every day and like they're like level like 53 or something and they don't even care about playing the game in any sort of like a meaningful way they just broke 100 100 yeah like no jokes like there are people that i know have started playing this game and they discover this aspect of the game and they can't finish the story yeah i know one guy like that too yeah yeah yeah so um yeah it's it's it's insane um and it can be its own element of the game you can literally play this game for just the social aspect and not do anything as long as you have like the housing awards unlocked kind of like how we unlocked it last night yeah because you have that man you have like endless possibilities for you know just like regular uh you know evening activities whether it's like just hanging out with the boys dancing or whatever or you know paying for some special loving this has really been illuminating i'll be honest i i didn't uh well i woke up this morning i didn't really expect that i was gonna have this kind of an experience but at this point i can't imagine that i wouldn't have i am just like i i'm just in shock honestly of how extravagant and complex this is like this is crazy people are legit passionate about it you know like i mentioned you know they will like fly yeah they will make flyers for their venues they will hire actual professional graphic designers yeah to make elaborate websites you know venues that have like their own like card websites which is like free website uh that you can make but you know they'll have like their bar menu listed on there they'll have like courtesan profiles or dancer profiles people get into it man and it's something that they can be really passionate about and you know under the right you know leadership each venue can thrive and just do like really wonderful things for the community as a whole i can see that and um what does square enix think about the whole erp thing i mean they know about it i bet they do yeah there's no way they don't um i don't know it's just a it's a matter of it is what it is yeah i mean i think erp or any sort of thing like that you'll find in any game i mean you found it in wow you'll sure did yeah you'll find it in like slow tour or whatever yeah how you might find it in pubg who knows but yeah i don't know where it is um but uh yeah those guys are so weird true yeah crazy honestly yeah for sure i am just so like i'm really in shock about this whole situation and like just everything about it and everything it's just it's incredible for me to see this and to see like how much time and investment people put into this is like really really cool like i i love it so yeah thanks a lot for showing it to me man this is [ __ ] great yeah i hope to see you come out to not just my venue but other venues i mean you'll find good content there i have a feeling that i will yeah well thanks a lot for coming on and talking to me about this this is just uh it's a lot to take in let's just say that it's a lot to take in yeah my courts say that a lot too but i hope you have a good time and you know i hope you enjoy the game man yep youtube um i'll uh i'll talk to you later man take it easy oh my god oh my god guys i don't even know what to say this is just so crazy that's void bunny wow uh that was awesome like what's so cool about it is that you can go around and see other people's houses and stuff like that i think that's what's so cool to me personally is like you can go around and just look and all of these places here like all of this here these are all houses that are heavily contested by real people that want to live in and decorate these houses that's what's so unreal about it to me is that it's that popular and that big like you want to buy a house there's no way i'm going to be able to buy a house man listen as much as i would like to buy a house my house in this game would probably look worse than my house in real life and that's hard to do like that's about a house writing competition i will do that i absolutely will i'm looking forward to that even and like i think this is what the um like it's it sounds crazy right but like games that have like erp in them and we got harambe there right like games that have this stuff in them this is what makes the game special right like it's stuff like this and remember your room recreation yes somebody recreated my own room in the in uh in final fantasy uh it's nuts man yeah this is why people log on this is the social aspect that the game uh that like i mean wow had this for a long time right it's like people would do this but like the thing with wow and this is what i think people are saying about the engine he is like this game just has so many other tools to to do stuff like you can do so much more stuff in this game with the tools that it gives you and i think that's what makes it so special can you visit your own room i don't even know where it was i thought it was like on another data center or something like that i i can't say for sure but i'm pretty certain that's what it was and so can i just go in a random house and wait i'm just wait i'm just walking in somebody's house oh my god oh my god they have the door unlocked i just walked in yeah holy [ __ ] and you go upstairs oh wow that is incredible wait is this a person no no that's just a random thing a bathtub yeah look at these houses like oh my god and there's like a little place to draw is that right let me zoom in here look at that jesus make a going out glamour outfit i mean do i even need to what is this oh wow wow oh look at that look at that dude this is so crazy [Music] it's group fun yeah it's group fun that's exactly it everyone's just riding the house yeah i know that i mean obviously we're just looking around okay there's not a whole lot that we're even able to do wait you can wait there's a downstairs holy [ __ ] there's so much in here wow so i guess that's the shadowbringers one this is the wait which one is this i don't even oh that's the stormblood one i'm pretty or no no that's the heavensward one because it's got that guy on there and her wow and this must be the stormblood one holy [ __ ] yeah these houses are just so extravagant man and to think that like somebody put all this work putting all this together you know what i think they should do like it would be really funny for me to see the spoilers there's no spoilers i mean it's just it is what it is you can fill the aquarium with fish yeah i know that you can apparently like uh voidbunder showed me like a house that he did for somebody who um wanted all the tanks to have sharks in them so we went down there and there was just like 50 sharks in there sign their guest book oh yeah is there a guest book let me see if there is one it is okay is it full oh it's full that's too bad you're famous oh my god there's people nice dude but look people are even positive this has been a home invasion and you've been robbed good luck finding out what was taken beautiful and elegant there's no green oh i can do it um there we go boys i it is kind of funny that like a bunch of people just randomly broken like we randomly broke into somebody's house had a party and then after having a party we write our name on the wall and then we leave so can you go in all of these houses let me see if i can go in this one here entrance enter the estate hall oh wow it was a shop i can go in this one look at this holy [ __ ] wow well who's this oh [ __ ] um okay um and this is a smaller house and this is i guess where you sleep dude this is insane in my opinion i think that an end walker i really hope they expand this a lot more because this is what i consider to be this is the true end game okay guys it's it's better like it makes it better whenever people would rather play the game than exist in real life that's what the goal is that's obviously what the goal is boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 682,968
Rating: 4.9175467 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, wow rp, asmongold rp, asmongold roleplayer, selling her body, asmongold interview, rp, roleplaying, wow roleplaying, asmongold FFXIV, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, erp, ffxiv erp, final fantasy xiv rp, ffxiv rp, ffxiv erp interview
Id: XUO7dzy-0Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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