"I'M DONE!" Asmongold Reacts to Bellular UNLEASHED on Blizzard

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believer goes off on oh oh this one here wait which one is better this is the ian all right this is the this is the mauled supreme the mauled supreme yeah i just randomly thought that up okay here we go today is the reaction to the ian interview okay he's already mad that's good i'm so happy i love every philosophy the world of warcraft team spouts and i absolutely think that it's always in line with the player experience yeah they absolutely know what they're doing it's late for him that's why i'm great about the people in charge of world of warcraft right now yeah i completely agree and i also will notice there is or i will say there is a free trial for critically acclaimed mmorpg final fantasy 14. oh no don't get us started this is just the straight up pepsi max like yeah yeah yeah i mean don't get them started so you know not not to fully color uh our you know uh opinions about the ian interview but i mean basically i think it was essentially a complete disaster and was completely out of touch with the player experience and it filled me with what i would call negative uh faith in the team's you know generally that's called despair they're making yeah that's this i call it dread that's the that's the sensation i mean like dude you know we had such a great start to this week yeah we like it's incredible right like next week next week's videos are recorded i right now i'm working in the week after next video so i was feeling you know on top of the world i was thinking oh great he's ahead of this interview with ian cleary blizzard will have wanted to schedule that interview in order to perhaps say some things to preach perhaps you know indicating that blizzard would roughly know that preach could speak to segments of the community who are not particularly happy uh with blizzard and then it turns out nobody just goes in there it's like right mate conduit energy it's great wow imperfect imperfect stuff that up somewhere well you're right it is imperfect um basically dog [ __ ] is an imperfect treat now it it's 180 degrees away from perfect but it is imperfect that's true some don't shine i'm gonna stop it yeah perfect one way to put it yeah honestly this is going to be a slightly mask off situation because uh i think i'm basically done being polite with these guys um yeah fair fair hundred percent mask off oh [ __ ] is he is he about to is he about to pop off oh [ __ ] mask off unleashed bell you were unleashed jesus man i'm not surprised man i'm really not um i'm glad that he's doing it though i am somebody has to and it's important that uh that people have to speak out about this [ __ ] because if he doesn't then who the [ __ ] will like i'll i'll do it here's the problem with me is it i'm such an [ __ ] people won't agree with me because it's me you won't particularly see it what a lot of other people um you're particularly seeing what a lot of what is said publicly but yes i mean it's obviously something that we know has felt uh in the in the in the private realm yeah stuff like that i mean you can all you just aren't stupid you just cannot tell because i don't know what's going on i mean it's not like ian does his interview with preach and then the next day you see oh you know i'm happy asm gold's happy mike's happy no no no you you look at mike's video that's the postmortem it's not what happened we just did and it's basically just like yeah it's post-mortem of a funeral that's what it is yeah it isn't it it's a true post-mortem like really it's actually ironically i i don't think it was an accident that he titled it that cool you know i appreciate talking to you all basically i didn't like it didn't like what he said you see jasmine gold's video responding to it he's like i didn't really like any of that [ __ ] and you know number one is basically just hello world of warcraft's a paid beta test [ __ ] you customer and that's just what it is that's just what it is i mean there it is basic perception of that there it is boys based on what ian said i don't care about any of the pr stuff anymore basically yeah they're obviously completely comfortable with shipping a unpolished not [ __ ] considered not polished game and letting us [ __ ] deal with it while we pay our hard-earned money yeah yep there it is and like yeah bear [ __ ] money the thing yeah obviously that's the problem ah he's right like this is yeah uncaged unleashed masked off yeah everybody [ __ ] knows this is the case and i'm so glad to hear this man i'm so [ __ ] glad to hear this and can you say goodbye to blizzard freebies no man because you know why is half of the [ __ ] development team probably thinks the same damn thing bellower does it's just that they're probably hamstrung by some [ __ ] executive leadership that doesn't want them to do what they what they want to do like you think they're stupid like all the developers that i've talked to personally many of them like they get it a lot of them quit i hope that's not a trend but still a lot of them [ __ ] get it because almost like half of what ian said was basically like oh we're not going to fix the covenant energy says why would you do that if there's a problem with a soul bind we'll just balance it later which i'm just like mate for [ __ ] sake you have said that every single goddamn time you have an issue oh yeah balance that hard fact ability we'll do that later and here's the thing right is they're sitting around [ __ ] rebalancing everything all the time and you ever wonder why it takes so long for 9.1 maybe it's because they're sitting around balancing 18 different abilities with three different conduits with four different covenants nobody asked like and i said this that the [ __ ] before shadow ants even came out that it was going to take so much more [ __ ] time for them to bring out the content because they're sitting around trying to micromanage these little bits of [ __ ] god damn that's that's all vine and then guess what multiple goddamn years pass of world of warcraft the paid beta test yes i'm done with these jokers it's uh i i love when you're talking about balance i love the fact that they've got it's always it's always the same number that ian brings up it's 0.5 percent you know balance it within 0.5 that seems to be like the goal of all time where if it's half a percent no one cares when is here's the problem man is yeah 0.5 percent but there's 20 of them but there's 40 of them that are all balanced within 0.5 percent so you put them all together and you've got a 20 difference you're right every individual one is one thing but there's a bunch of them it's 0.5 plus 0.5 plus 0.5 plus 0.5 plus 0.5 plus 0.5 and then suddenly now we're getting into the 5 and 10 percent mark anything in the game been balanced within 0.5 percent with with with high variance in like because they added back in shadowlands but because of how variants in the same spell works the same [ __ ] spell isn't balanced within 0.5 percent of each other it's like if he is or the boys that's a really good point corruption's in patch 8.3 you don't gotta talk about 0.5 percent yeah yeah i mean i mean i i got that coming boy these are the boys you just put in for freaking corruptions in patch 8.3 you don't gotta talk about 0.5 percent zero that's why i said about like the [ __ ] uh twilight devastation and pvp yeah there's some yeah there's some guinness in that pepsi yeah true bro so you don't [ __ ] nerf something by 50 you don't cut something in half do you know how you you know how you end up cutting something in half is if you didn't measure it the first time you never [ __ ] measured it that's what it was they didn't try this out they didn't test this out they had no idea yeah i mean like i got that coming void in day one from my friend so he's op nicky on our team the other uh that time demon hunter and our guild were doing that lovely made him furious mickey per bastard you know he was almost certainly outplaying me as a demon hunter that didn't matter but you know bad they gave me actually void in day one so i was just sitting there it was so up to the dps absolutely so rusty not playing the game half right whatsoever yeah but yeah it's it's like for that interview it's just everything raked of paid beta it reeked them just being like oh that problem you know oh is this do you have a fundamental problem with the system we've implemented don't worry you're actually you know the reason why you're unhappy we'll fix it in one year our system is not at all that you're unhappy with our system it is in fact that you're unhappy with one or two of the elements of bounds within our system and don't worry we'll balance it to which i'm like blizzard i just don't trust you if you're the starcraft 2 team maybe i trust you to reel in some balance yeah it's like they don't really have a very good uh track record for balancing that's very true but with the bio team it's been some freaking busted stuff every single goddamn patch along it's like forgot god damn it i think about being a kid yeah and when i was a kid yeah like here's how i got my world of warcraft money everyone so my dad he does a conservative company and uh i would go you know i'd help him shovel concrete to you know out of the truck to put in the foundations yeah and all that jazz so you know i'd get my pocket money for doing that and i would buy world of warcraft and now it's like if you do that you just have to mow launch to pay for magic cards absolutely you know look the raiding and the dungeons is all fun yeah but it's like the rest of it's a busted piece of [ __ ] and they just don't know what their goddamn doing and that's exactly that's that's the [ __ ] truth and the problem with that is like the high end players like i think that people that are in like a top 50 top 100 guild even probably don't hate the game and aren't as disinterested with the game as a casual player i genuinely feel like shadowlands has most of its problems for casual players you look at torcast and it's like boys tour gust was fun in alpha of shadowlands when you just let us have absolutely wild abilities and stuff like that what i seem i agree with that i semi disagree boring goddamn chore where we're only doing it for soul ash where it's like the problem is that you should you should be super [ __ ] badass you should be a literal god but the problem is that literal gods need to fight literal god bosses whenever you got up to 472 in alpha tour gast there were no literal god bosses there they were just they were a joke you like one shot the boss like all right so here's player power it goes like this right with torgast and the boss difficulty goes like this so the player just completely outscales the boss and it's not fun anymore that's what that's what the problem is is like tour guest you should have that incredibly powerful character but you should fight incredibly powerful npcs and enemies to beat with that incredibly powerful character even if you do super well you get nothing else in [ __ ] because it's just for the goddamn soul ash soul ash is a boring goddamn resource because i mean it's just soul ash it's just a friggin means to an end so you're never doing tour gas for anything that is at all related to tour gas potential as an awesome piece of content yeah it's hard to it's just goddamn hard to comprehend how much they have shat the bed on and this is the thing that gets me with modern blizzard it's not that they fail in execution it's not that they're failing philosophy it's the [ __ ] ideas boom why are you developing world of warcraft with a friggin ddsm paddle the warcraft with a friggin bdsm paddle yeah because me so yeah maybe he does want to join otk tally cowley everyone dude yeah that's so true like towely is always and i don't even think this is really true towing loves wow and he tries to see things from blizzard's perspective but i don't think talley is like a huge blizzard shill i really don't i think that the reason why people don't like towie is because he was skeptical of classic and he said it wasn't going to change his life the way everybody else did i like tally and even towie came out and made a video and talked about shadow ants yeah even taliesin where where's this [ __ ] where's this thing let me see if i can find it real quick 9.0 has already been out look at the legion patch uh release cycle look at that that's a long time but hey they got to balance those covenant abilities guys we can all sit here and come up with ideas ideas feel like with blizzard it's not even that they execute ideas badly it's that the ideas that that team comes up with are basically just a lot of wank these days they are so goddamn over complex it's like boys you're sitting here thinking you need freaking conduit energy to balance conduits as if it's a massive goddamn problem did you [ __ ] forget that you made conduits that way in the first place and the only person who's getting punished and messed around for what you've done is us the goddamn players yeah and i don't even feel conduits that's the way that i uh that's the way i said it i said this before i was like listen uh blizzard finds problems that players don't have and they solve them with solutions that players don't want so they're like wow this is a problem players are like what we didn't know this was a problem they're like yes surprise it is and uh now we're gonna make it this way they're like wait we don't want that like yeah but we have to fix the problem but there wasn't a problem like yeah there is it's right here look you you just didn't see it because i just play an mm hunter i can just go to my raid i just want to get curved that's it i have actually a [ __ ] blast i have a great time like that that's the thing we're sitting here all this rage and stuff about shadowlands yeah i actually have had a great time with shadowlands because i've known i'm not playing it um any or not not worrying about those conduits i then you know i get a little slip it's a good way to have fun with the game you don't play it that's good yeah i get a little bit of a slaver of dakor who's uh you know he's a co-raid leader with matt and our guild oh that's good you know you've got a little guilt together it's a week but it's really cute that's cute i think it was four nights a week whenever they were doing progress it's down significantly but you know still does everything at the outset of pvp does everything at the highest level possible because that's that's what he does dakor he's [ __ ] turbo nerd when it comes to the wow stuff and that's great uh it's that thing where hmm it's only him and his ilk yeah that notice conduit energy and for them it sucks balls yeah yeah nobody else cares conduit energy whatsoever it's so clear to me that for ninety percent of the player base nobody even knows kind of an energy is a thing yeah but they've just slotted it [ __ ] you see that section of the player base that makes it a success yes 95 people aren't complaining about conduit energy so it's a win it's good it's only five percent but if you like if you and this is obviously not what they should ever do internally yeah but if they rated like uh feedback and stuff based on actual playtime and how much engagement with the game with you know blizzard's desired metrics they will likely find out that the five percent of people or maybe the ten percent of people who are actually complaining about it are the people with the most goddamn time in game yeah of course you know aren't making their own fun like our peers because they spend a lot of time in game and don't have to worry about this [ __ ] either they sure do imagine being an rpg like for the longest time i've felt this like role players have the best time in world of warcraft yeah because their fun is entirely like that girl that that's e that that's getting her unborn baby fist bumps by that weird dude that's giving her sandstone drakes she doesn't probably even know what the [ __ ] conduit energy is that's not it's not a problem for her like the venari reputation bro what's that who's venari yeah what who's who gives a [ __ ] about fenari you know it's the it's old [ __ ] phrase ignorance is bliss he divorced from what the modern wow development team does yeah what an incredible imagine just being able to be in azeroth without the modern wow dev team just throwing it as i sometimes say internally you know throwing a dick in your salad yeah you're sitting there you want to eat your tasty salad just about dick in it and you're like man i don't want that dick in my salad uh it's not the most uh sort of uh universal analogy what is that thing where it's like you know for daca it makes sense because all right let's say not a salad right since it's asthma gold let's say it's some beef stew and there's just a big ol [ __ ] floppy dick in the middle of it and you can try and eat around it you know but it's still there and you can't get away from it being there and that's what it is like bellevuer's just happy playing the game because he's eating around the dick but it's still on the salad it's still in the it's still in the windy's chili he's just eating around it i just want to customize my character why have you put a massive dick in my salad why have you put a dick in my salad that's a great question oh it's like bad really is a great question i'm like when i was in wrath of the lich king i was people like yeah and this is the worst part about it is people are like oh well this dick is almost six inches long it's not like it's 11 inches like in warwick or draenor we're [ __ ] nine and a half like in wide that's like they're all we only have to eat a six inch dick we don't have to eat a six inch dick this patch guys it's always six inches maybe next patch is only gonna be five and a half they're gonna circumcise it sitting there i was listening to you know tb and blue please i was singing my character and female dwarfhunter.com i was reading the just my two copper blog and the warcraft hunters union blog about wowhead you know what i was doing i was there there's glyphs there's glyphs and stuff you put the glyphs in your character there you go your glyphs are on you're a happy boy nice and simple and now they're like oh but if you change your glyphs more than uh you know for freaking three times per unit you know metric time more than arbitrarily acceptable yes if you modify your garters glyphs in a more than arbitrarily acceptable uh you know format then uh oh you're a bad boy and we need the conduit energy system to give you a little spa arbitrarily acceptable and it's just like boys yeah why are you developing world of warcraft with a friggin bdsm paddle yeah it's like there's sometimes where it's like players it's not with a bdsm paddle belly or because if it was a bdsm paddle at least the players would like it it's just a paddle yeah it i i wish it was a bdsm paddle that would have been great like classic wow had a bdsm paddle right like you [ __ ] aggro two mobs boom that's a paddling right there a hundred percent there have been internal discussions about us selling a paddle for otk i i i don't think that we're going to do that i don't think i don't think that's a good idea they just want to move and do something yeah and the wow team comes like don't be doing that you're naughty boy you're a [ __ ] idiot and you're just like man keep it chill we're actually here because we want to play world of warcraft yeah imagine that it's like imagine jumping at the bit to give you money and play your game absolutely stop throwing roblox at us what are you guys doing yeah and that was just the core of the thing with that ian and true you know i like some of the fundamentals of what he was saying i did too onsite or guest racing yeah we're getting a better scoring system in we're doing all that stuff and it's like that was all good yeah but then it's like everybody reveals that they don't have major new cosmetic stuff you know they all have like you know big gear rewards all right i'm just like why not do you know why they don't is it because there's a dick in the salad it's unfortunate but there it is hang on hang on was your team's response to people saying chore ghast for months and months and months yeah just to change the scoring system such that it's still tour gust did you literally not understand did you literally not understand the issues yeah it's like if your mom tells you that um you have to take out the garbage but if you don't do it in 30 seconds she locks the door and you can't go back inside which i mean to be fair would make taking the garbage out to be fair that would make taking the garbage out be more exciting it would it would be more exciting like it would be oh [ __ ] i gotta get out there real quick even the obvious thing no that it was called choregast because people felt like they had to go there like it was a chore yep no how can you possibly misunderstand these most obvious and simple things it's clear that the like not the decision making but like how they logically view problems is very clearly like com they cannot do it in a multifaceted way they cannot look at us and go okay we have one problem here one problem there one problem there let's get all three out of the way they go we have three problems uh we'll do the first one we have three problems and we're gonna solve a fourth one that you don't have guess what geniuses it would take a freaking afternoon to work that out it would take a good time and guess what me you everyone who watches our channel we paid the entire goddamn box price of world of warcraft shadow plants we then paid for our subscription price for all of those months six months yep i'm sorry but it's less fun than it was in the beta test yeah and i mean you guys are probably noticing that's impressive it is impressive they're animated for good goddamn reason world of warcraft is a paid beta test this team i mean i'm not going to say they don't care but they obviously obviously whether it is capability or capacity they don't no they care about the wrong things that's the problem they care they just care about the wrong things whatever it is they need to make world of warcraft not feel like an early access game they don't goddamn have it because what you should want to do as a developer is think about an awesome experience for your player to experience and also i think they do have that i really do i think that there's a bunch of dads like obviously it's kovid now but before there's a bunch of dads sitting in a room with no ventilation all huffing up each other's farts wearing [ __ ] faded jeans and uh comic book t-shirts telling each other about how great their [ __ ] ideas were that's what it [ __ ] that's what it [ __ ] was a hundred percent challenge to overcome you can think about the reward afterwards yeah and like jesus christ in what way is saying oh we don't have a cool enough reward in order to do a mage tower again a justification not to do something that the community has been asking for for i mean that's actually that's a really good point that's a really really really good point what's going on man that's another good point i'm even sitting here thinking like yeah at what stage does like friggin bobby kotick realize what's going on with the freaking world of warcraft community that's what we should do like maybe we should complain to the manager maybe we should go we should go full karen and [ __ ] you know what i should do is i should invest in blizzard we should do a fundraiser to invest in blizzard enough to where they will take a question during the [ __ ] quarterly shareholders report and i will call into blizzard and be like bobby you're our last hope i know i've memed on you pretty much every day for the past two years but this game has got some [ __ ] problems can you please figure it out for us bobby please please figure it out for me man just be like right get the dicks out the salad bobby because this is the most pissed off well you know community of any of uh could you be as pissed off as the call of duty community i'm not sure i you know i was doing it so for the anime challenge you know for a video i basically just want to say right i've been criticizing these world quests and this stuff yeah it's only right that i put two weeks into doing those things exhaustively yeah and it was just like i log in i look at all the stuff in my map i do all those world quests the world quests are all boring there's no pace or rhythm to them they do suck and it's like yeah they take longer that's all that i've noticed they're i'm so glad that believer is actually um he's actually talking about how he really feels about the game rather than just you know doing his videos that are very he's very well mannered he's talking about you know blizzard's design choices and their philosophy but like i i if he if by the end of this video he doesn't throw that drink i'll be disappointed interested or challenged any of any of these things i really want yeah but i think about the past where when i was doing that same sort of gameplay loop yeah right when what was i doing well oh it was quests for the dragon riders uh the the serpent writers and the clown serpents oh turned out there there was like a flow of those things where the more you progress with that rap you got more different quests you did your little races and yeah and sure none of it was peak gameplay yeah actually you know went on giving you an experience within that a crafted experience it was fun but there's none of that anymore it's just this algorithmic asinine [ __ ] of hey an experience within that one more experience um but there's none of that anymore it's just this algorithmic asinine [ __ ] um but there's none of that anymore it's just this algorithmic asinine [ __ ] oh yes that is exactly what it is i i honestly i couldn't have put it any better myself i could it's dog should ask garbage right that's basically that's my version of it it always has been yeah really and i do feel like sometimes they're designing [ __ ] and this is this is where i really think ian has a that's this is what i don't think ian does very well and obviously it might not really be him it just might be the way he communicates and it's other people on the team but i really feel like ian has a weakness in terms of having like kind of that like understanding player psychology hey we've made a bunch of quests we're going to give you x amount per day there you go but there's no craft in it there's no passion in it there's no art in it no it's just stuff to start as good as the system where at least if you give us the friggin oracles and the frenzy heart yeah you can sit there and think well you know this faction they operate this way this quest can lead to that quest maybe you go from this rep to that rep will give you a new thing yeah you know any of those things actually sell you in the player experience right but they don't do that anymore no where is the emotion where is the emotion and i mean i get it there's emotion in say how they tell the story yes they want to do their stuff their big moments with anduin and you know sylvanas i don't think there's a whole lot of emotion with the game either man like that's the thing it's been too much comforting drone no passion i don't think listen i think ian is an incredibly incredibly great raid designer like an encounter designer in terms of making raids i think he is there's he's great listen my understanding is that ian was the lead guy on throne of thunder that's all i need to hear like that that's all i need to hear like there it is so he was yeah he knows what the [ __ ] he's doing with raids and he made legion legion raids were [ __ ] amazing like they were really good nighthold is one of the best raids of all time uh [ __ ] trial of our incredible tomb of sargeras held back by a couple of really bad mechanics overall an incredible raid and taurus was good i just i think outside of raids is the problem and all that stuff and that is all fun and cool and i cannot wait for the end of this raid yeah right because as well as all this like rage and [ __ ] yeah i feel so much if anyone has watched our content this week please kill them they will know that like just about everybody in our team is extremely excited for this right yeah it's going to be cool you know i don't want to say tired it's that thing everybody says oh taran gregory cinematic and uh you know that's all very good he did a lot of the pioneering work there it's important to acknowledge that there's more people than him and i think he would also want us to acknowledge that there's a big team in cdevil works and all that i want to see the cool work they do that goes along with this story but it's like i want to orgasm to be good as well i want the world content to be good as well i imagine like that's the thing is like belly or this is this is casual content man lfr isn't casual content [ __ ] tour guest and world content that's casual [ __ ] and it's it's it's it's a [ __ ] okay just feel like we we we need to stop being okay with this endless paid beta test of world of warcraft see this is the same [ __ ] [ __ ] that i said man it's like players nowadays are so [ __ ] demoralized and cucked out that they don't even really want to call out obvious [ __ ] [ __ ] that happens in the game like there's obvious [ __ ] garbage in the game and people are like oh i really hope that maybe um oh maybe a 9.2 they'll bring back tears like are you kidding me bro like get the [ __ ] out of here like why do we have to wait for a big patch for a bug to get fixed why do we have to wait for a big patch for the game to get better like i want it to get better tomorrow i want to get better like figure it out now put it in the game like i'm sick of just waiting for these arbitrary time periods for the game to get better just fix it immediately [ __ ] it's like they're using here's the worst oh god they're using they're literally using fixing bugs and making systems better they they bring out a system i i [ __ ] think they do this i think they [ __ ] do this i think that they intentionally add in systems and they know the system is [ __ ] up and they know it could be better and they added in the game anyway they say you know what it doesn't [ __ ] matter we're gonna add this into the game anyway and we're gonna put it in and we'll make it better later on and they literally use fixing a bug or fixing a broken system as a way to market their next patch what a [ __ ] where you launch into battle for azeroth their systems are so ill-conceived and we've been telling them that since alpha and beta and yeah it's gone yeah i mean yeah so many of their bfi a ideas were rejected out of hand at blizzcon i remember it was sort of ten problems or some sort of top 10 video we did just after the bfa blizzcon and it called like half the problems that expansion had and uh you know it was because everybody saw it everybody knew it we all saw it it's like that's right saw this happening everybody saw this [ __ ] happening and they're like oh you're gay no you didn't don't know what it's really like maybe just try it out for six months and then we'll see what happens are you kidding me an absolute horseshoe i wish i was a lot harder during that period yeah the person who really took up the sort of champion mantle there is bridge because preach was the guy with bfa who was coming in day one being like blizz listen boys you're gonna have these problems and he was god damn right every single one of them yes of course going to bfa and you're watching every one of those videos for me the glass shot or barely any at any of the time in and it was obviously a paid beta test because none of those systems worked and it wasn't the problem of just execution because you know you're playing early execution's fine right i have no problem if they [ __ ] up the execution i have a problem with the philosophy remember the philosophy is fundamentally like for example if somebody trips and they fall and they accidentally [ __ ] you in the ass right and like one of the starts of the pornos that's a completely different [ __ ] thing than if he shows up in your house and he tells you to bend over because one of them's an accident and the other one is he's you know he's there for business and i care about the philosophy and usually you play an early access game because you're like well the ideas here are good developers exactly you're going to start a battle for azeroth it's like the ideas are bad and the execution's also bad and that was the bfa 8.0 experience and then it took 8.1 to slightly fix things up 8.2 it was 8.2 that really tried to give you some stuff you could play it's good and you're okay good you know osmond gold can log into mcagon every single day in a stream forever and get some mounts whatever cool sure and then you go to patch eight point okay all right i have you know i have you [ __ ] look dude that's not uh but yeah i probably should run mechagon a few times today uh and i also need to get out of the box too so yeah yeah uh anyway three and right when we're beginning to feel like we're getting less of a paid beta test they throw in corruption gear they basically [ __ ] up the entire thing for a few months only to then have to basically redevelop the core reward loop of patch 8.3 such that by the time our guild has got curve and we've done our progression you know nikki on our team has been salty that you know i was the dh who got the good corruptions and he didn't they only fix it after that which means that all that we can remember is the sour taste in our mouth and then we have patch 9.0 and we're like okay we go in we see some cool zones all good we do our initial mythic zero gearing and that's all really awesome and fun because it turns out just doing a dungeon and wow to get some gear is cool because world warcraft is the best hands-down hotkey mmo combat system but you know we log in there and we're like right this this initial pvp gearing system i mean man awesome finally they have given me a reason to hop into those bg's you know i remember thinking it was back at warlords of draenor i was tuning into lore's stream i think he mainly streams uh gta now gloria though the community manager yeah um made stream world of warcraft you know he was gearing up as characters in uh in pvp in in wod and i remember you know watching me like oh yeah yeah that's really fun you know just grind out some bg's get something yeah get your gear it is one of them they do that in the launch of shadow lines and it's awesome it's really fun and the dungeons are all i mean i get it plagued paul could be a pain in the ass but i really like the dungeons of this expansion i i you know most of them are fine i mean anyone who goes there wouldn't know we'll see that you know mythic plus is not something i've dabbled in whatsoever i wouldn't know the ones that we did it was me you dac or minnie and uh some people from guild yeah uh it's one of the easiest that stuff was fun for app for how i did it but like doing the m0 dungeons i thought was awesome really fun so is that weird situation of like you log in your pvp gearing is fun your mythic zero uh gearing is fun it's all sort of working but then the second it goes into the longer term game systems and you're like yeah but why am i doing tour guests and it's the sort of thing where for me for me poor ma that's probably incorrect of whatever language that is who knows french french jesus michael so i would say tour gas would be fine if you only had to do it once a week i i really i really feel strongly about this i actually think tour gas is not that bad if you only have to do it once it's doing it the second time that just really like like imagine you're on 4-2 of your second run of tour guest who on 4-2 of their second run of tour gas to finish their soul lash isn't thinking to themself what am i doing with my life i made a tweet about this and i said games should not waste your time games should make you want to waste your time shadow ends and i think blizzard development overall right now waste your time it used to make you want to waste your time oh so my wow experience is i log in i do an awesome raid that is done by the wow combat designers who make awesome raids with my class that is pretty fun with a group of fun people and it's all you know great and stuff yep but then i hear about what everybody else is doing outside of my bubble and is this pure hellscape of all those like mythic people are sitting there having to tour guest every single week i mean i was content to kill danatherius with an eye level 210 lego and a 158 conduit because i was just there being like yeah sure my raid leaders including him might be pissed off that i put no work into my character but you know what screw you guys i can still basically talk bellyare plays a hunter so uh it doesn't matter where this conduit is because his pet's going to carry him anyway like let's be honest like he doesn't understand the real struggle of a warrior okay is you bust your [ __ ] ass you get 2200 an arena you get your 233 weapon and you get out damage with a moonkin that has every [ __ ] keybind bound to convoke the horseshit charts if i need to i'll watch the other video after yeah i will which i guess you know i mean it's like sort of get good uh that's funny yeah the stream is crazy to which i say you know what i agree yeah purely by playing my class relatively decently i was able to do okay enough numbers that i got to uh you know ignore the annoying things you've always put in the game which is great basically the way i've played wild thus far is just going la la la like completely and utterly wrong but ultimately the best experience yeah like no that's that's completely right like belgium plays the game the way blizzard wants people to play the game belly or is blizzard's target audience people that don't [ __ ] pay attention to the systems at all they just play the game like you can't uh you you can't listen or you can't pay attention to any of that other stuff yeah i played it you know i send my character with every drop so that i could you know get decent gear and do all of that so what i was doing i was doing efficiently yeah but i looked at all those systems like hey what questions want me to do that anime you want me to do those wordpress you want me to do chore cast all the time i played tour gas on alpha i played the good version you're not getting me to do this yeah you know floors yeah long piece of [ __ ] where i never get to build up my character it's like why would i ever play tour gas when i could yeah i grabbed this why would i play up dead cells on foreign ipad connect my xbox controller to it and play dead cells or play hades in my pc why would i ever do that because they hamstrung it and that's the hamstring torque in a way where supergiant or whoever made dead cells in a way where those guys would never hamstring their games these are great videos mods if you're going to link some of bellieur's videos that you just put in on the belly or eclipse channel these are some of the best believer videos i love these [ __ ] videos they are so good they are great [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 942,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold shadowlands, wow shadowlands, shadowlands, shadowlands bellular, bellular wow, asmongold bellular, bellular shadowlands, shadowlands wow, wow 9.1, shadowlands 9.1, wow is dead, wow dying, wow dead, world of warcraft dead, wow 2021, bellular mad, bellular going off, bellular clips, state of wow, blizzard, asmongold blizzard, bellular blizzard, asmongold youtube
Id: o6r9Zx1cQY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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