Animal Crossing but stocks

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you wake up Saturday you make yourself some Saturday scrambled eggs and have a glasses Saturday nope wait a second oh god the turnips are expiring tomorrow so here we are the situation is dire and with no other option I booted up my live stream you ready to extort my lovely viewers for cold hard profit but the viewers were ready to extort me too if you guys want to hop in streams like this in the future all you have to do is subscribe to the channel these streams will pop into your sub box they happen ok here we go let's play some it upside down ha ha ha I I'm going to lose a lot of money chat I mean over my head I've made a lot of Gamble's I made a lot of debt I need to sell these turnips I need to cash in my Klout check hey then you guys got it island with 500 really 200 Belle Belle turnip Belle's this is a desperate call for action please help me DM me on discord the price in your dough dough code this is literally an abuse of power that is correct sigasi there's no there's no like debating it I'm literally just abusing my internet status for infinite money it's that simple ok let's try to cancer me more dota codes chop chop jet how strong do you think a villager shoulders are that they can just do this carry this kind of weight with them check the discord DMS can't see this going wrong that one guy 54 with a communist Kermit icon saying there sir their tariffs are selling for 3,000 going swimmingly so far like in exploiting my power for the benefit of myself and purely just with the Bene of myself of myself must be a little bit easier than this I don't I don't trust any of these my choices Pope's posting copypastas like I don't even know what this is we have a guy named MSM X monster handle or owners for 2005 saying 300 but I ain't got animal crossing or online ok this seems like a pretty good DM segment so far Astro is deemed me nothing but asking me to play a piggy alpha trader mode on roblox piggy alpha trader mode by mini toon the piggy is half off by the way it's still on discount it's a game in alpha you know you got it you got to forgive this hold on hold on we got a real one we got a real one chat we got one on the line we got a we got a 197 from a guy named I am well I don't even know what is this but where did you get this shirt it looks like Luigi sat on something that he shouldn't have like whoa oh man have this isn't a name we got an ex ex ex pro 360noscope so we're dealing with a professional I like turnips with cheese and we'll give you 459 I like turnips with cheese and we'll give you 450 now it's like a haiku is it that's a face of someone in the industry this is genuine anxiety what I'm looking at right here innit God does it make me scared what's up with school who is this that's not a turn-up at all there's a lot happening in these PM's right now that there's just a lot to take in let's just go to a lamp if I can find them again no why because they spelled their name with the weird a I can't find them anymore wait I can't just type in lamp they don't exist I type in laughs and it pulls up this dude lamp where are you in the sea call out to me hold on I can barely see them they're waiting for some news like I'm waiting for them I can't get to them come in Sinking what get the lamp ID oh thank you splat us for the encouragement no where are they all right this is like a minigame reach out your hand and I will grab it there's somewhere at the top bill ear there there we got them boys we got lamp on the line lamb now and this provide me your new dodo code see like like lamp gave a price like like 190 that's like a price and like like that's such a there's such a team price there's no way that they could be a beat alright we're all said I'll lamp we're flying in trying to do all know there's three real festive the local time wait no no wait that means Timmy and Tommy are closed wait no don't throw me back into the DMS it's too late it's closed from from the shining no they're closed oh no exploiting my power is really tough it's a really tough back into the DMS Connor mr. mr. Connor with a cute little growls profile picture Oh bite oh but you got it I'll bite into the turnip I'll bite into that gross return it I'll take you I'll swallow al digested and crap it out give me that dodo code boy I really wish I could see any look at this this is chaos in every front this is a 3-way assault on my person this is literally discord this is why this is what the application intended for I'd help me I don't think I don't think that's a no that's a that's a good enough price for me but you know what thanks for the free nightmare I'm walking away like a bandit and emotionally scarred bandit okay that's the next one I am worried the I found someone they have their dodo code let's just trust this you know you know you're gonna get beaned when the person inviting you to the island is named Shrek the almighty overlord all right Shrek you know you haven't done me too too dirty in the past you know shrek has been there for me through the thin and the thin and the thin never forever through the thick sorry Shrek you never came through for me when I was in the thick they have a 433 turn at price and they said so like a lot so we're gonna have to try I'm een obviously the more you say it the more true it is we got a flight for the swamp we're going to Shrek Jeb buckle up get on your suit get on your nice shoes we're going to the swamp alright Shrek yep that's it [Music] guys is it Shrek I'd recognize those ears anywhere drink your complexion has changed ever so slightly well yeah of course dude glad to be here take me to the money Shrek come on a my donkey check why we walk so slowly Shrek are you okay buddy Shrek I feel like I'm falling like a pokemon NPC around don't look at me like that Shrek look man I'm surprised Shrek even has data out there in the swamp doesn't look like you would be hooked up with like any kind of telecom too easily what if he's not Ethernet you really wasn't turning phrases it's not it's a fake it's a fake I've been baited I've been duped I've been duped Shrek no well don't look at me like that don't look at me like what do you mean wait I've listened you I've you betrayed me enough no no you want to show me your house yeah sure let's go check it out of course what's up man right this way right right down here right that's where you live right oh thank you thank you for showing me all the way here looks Trek look Shrek I'll level with you you got enough of a role-play thing going on here oh let's see it alright Shrek alright Shrek I would leave for everyone else I leave for everyone else but you know it Shrek you've got enough of an aesthetic going on here that I'm genuinely curious bring me into the swamp let me sleep into its oils what it's just empty but there's nothing I can't say I'm glad I chose to be here I feel like you guys are exploiting me at this point this way oh you mean we're not even at the right destination yet oh it looks so much oh oh the flooring though looks so much worse from this direction oh my actual God do I hate this what am I looking at what's Shrek backwards Kirk there's no way Shrek backwards is curse I'm sorry I just don't really like my brain has to level with that fact that Shrek backwards is curse huh oh yes Shrek through my wardrobe Shrek life some Fire Emblem both attire the Akatsuki cloak and strike or bill or built a pleat please pick me up nope not next room yep next room is gonna be um out gone goodbye the next room is gonna be the room where I take out where the plane comes and I go we if Shrek goes against us then like I don't know what to do oh I'm just like filter through some of the weird ones take photos of your turret prices it's over it's over for you Bader's yo take a photo of your switch with the turret price we have sorry how many times is that 843 DMS from Lee Lee loopsy Oh hold on one second we have a 175 from from a smug hat King I think at this point we gotta take it that kid wouldn't do me dirty this is a saga where were you and fail boats found adequate prices hold on hold on hold on this one looks more real we have a person named Eclipse eternal they've provided a photo that looks like bad quality so it's not just a photo that was pulled from the internet we have a bunch of 204 s give me the dodo code I'm in I don't have dis score but I have twitch to send you the code I'll bite your money I mean what look look look look someone donated $20 someone donated $20 to let me know that they have belts all right look sigelei up my twitch is slash sailboat streams [Music] whispers okay so on telling me how to whisper on mobile oh oh Virgilia donated her $10 cat how do they whisper on mobile hold on we're gonna work this together as a community we're gonna piece this stuff we're gonna piece this together do we have any twitch experts in my youtube live chat I'm never playing the stock market again tell her to press the jet box icon in the top right corner hold on Deseret the chat box icon in the top right corner segala oh I can't even find a person named sigelei oh I say I think I think we can't do this I appreciate the support but I'm not seeing I'm not seeing what I'm looking for whoa oh I see them they do they do hold on a second they said to them oh please we have a code the DM has gone through there is zero chance this is real I'm going to lose my mind we got a flight sannyasi all right everybody buckle up this ain't no swamp we're going to sand Rossi is this the Golden Age are we on the road paved of turnips oh dude bored the turnip plain for the turn of Paradise we're gonna turn it our lives around here gonna please help me okay the kotas ulc er what's up how's it going you look like you're about to kill me no problem let's see what do we got let's check it out let's check it out are we in the money are we there are we there we're there take every turn of my own it's happened sigelei come through we've done dick Elia the galleon [Music] they've been paved they've been saved where were you when cat came together for my exploitation where is sigelei uh where was the here where is the hero all my whole line come up here thank you and they're just polite sigelei uh come up here we're taking a photo I'm commemorating this no sigelei I gotta see the house I gotta see the house you earn the right sigelei uh you have a halo around their head because you're literally an angel too carefully they're at Europe they have a few work-study a well decorated house not a bit of curse decorations in sight it's just a beautiful home it's just perfect it's a ten out of ten house all around the countertop the whole thing it's it just perfect get some spare halos for you and the rest of your friends on high it's such a such a modest place such a modest well deserved place they have both of Rodney and Limburg okay questionable villager choice but you know what you know what they're humble they take in all kinds they take it all kinds they think involves Limburg and Rodney they have a heart of gold if they're taking in both of these guys diamond they look out for everybody they turn away no one on this island absolutely just a saint thank you very much for having me what a wild stream this is already been [Music] Mikell eeeh thank you for your service you're not dead or anything but you know what I'm respecting you with a tribute what's gone so the moral of our story if you ever playing the stock market don't forget buy on the high and if you don't so he'll cry I'm running out of energy for these streams dude I'm gay no like screaming has aged me ten more eight years than I actually am like an old man Oh they've become a member new I gotta read this off like a new member coming through watching the stream and certainly supporting it too please chat give it up spam some failed chickens in chat because it's our cue and welcomes agalya the fail fleet crew they don't even have a profile picture they're a champion in our hearts
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,204,809
Rating: 4.9576449 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, AC, New Horizons, Switch, but some funny stuff happens, help me, animal crossing new horizons, Turnips, Stalk Market, viewer islands, online, Turnip, Sell, Price
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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