Animal Crossing but drown friends

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hey how you doing today tucked into bed hanging out at your computer that's nice hey you ever wanted to drown someone animal crossing racing but due to the new update we can't outrace within the ocean I openly invite to my Street viewers to come on by my Island and battle each other in a no-holds-barred swim off to see which of my viewers would have the greatest chance of surviving the eventual flooding of the earth in like 30 years so sit back place your bets subscribe if you would rather drown in questionable content with even more questionable thumbnails than water and welcome aboard the fail boat please sit yourselves upon the POG arey guys okay no what is that is that your hand please everyone enter into the water come on in free everyone go to my left for formate straight line starting from my left the lid the lid the lid I will be waiting here with my fishing rod all you have to do is touch the bobber and you win are you ready okay yes oh cool I'm going to die tonight three two one go they're off they're off also don't go on land if you go on land your YouTube account will be instantly man you know this fish better move fish look out look out here they come I think it's time to throw in the first hazard yeah as they come down to the lower area so far we have our facemask friend in the lead hey check guess what in order to continue on you must touch this bobber you must touch this bobber you must touch it and then you must continue continue the race is still going you must touch the bobber every contestant touch the bomber the race goes on alright we're going into the final area the dock should be coming up guess what it's another bobber checkpoint touch the bobber to continue oh boy Oh No Oh No people can't even reinter no continue on it looks like the winner will be it is the man with the feather followed by the two yellow swimmers the man with the feather willow takes the game first one to mount the toilet wins starting three two one go and they're off and they're off and oh god I get it the competitions already fierce in an attempt to gain true speed four of our racers have formed into one larger racer and as sure as the Earth continues to spin around the Sun I will continue to ruin the integrity of this race with a phat bomb oh oh those are a lot of people in the front there's a lot of people in the front who have not hit that bobber Oh No all right you're fine man in the feather you're fine you're fine you fit you beat you checkpoint all right all right oh I missed the winner they were too fast they've already taken a dump it was scrub he's too quick let me please please face that let him let it let him free let him free you must enter this space in order to win race begins in three two one go Barry okay no gimmicks this time there's no fishing rod seats it's just a strict race oh god they're already conjoining what dissection beautiful they're in perfect form a beautiful synchrony oh oh they're coming up to the top they're coming up to the top who is it gonna be it is the man in the mask taking it yet again I think if we can add a little bit more a full lap first enter the ring what first to order at Denny's it's Pancake percent we create our own speed ruts okay okay here's what's gonna happen here is the route you must run the perimeter you must start going left re-enter only on this one little sandy area then you must go into a footrace all the way over to the Denny's and see yourself in this exact feat it is the race for the pancakes contestants are you go go countdown no countdown the race is on the first act wins so far man with a mask in first look quite literally on his trail and his back is the Frog himself exiting the water course we have mass followed by frog masked man with a feather in wreath girl with to meet them at the Denny's the gonna beef who is it gonna be the man with the Frog is in a significant lead oh it's completely robbed it was the man in the mask who took it sniping the pancakes before they even get the opportunity to have a nibble thank you for the gold this is a bribe I mean oh another game I can't believe in a last-second play Robert wait so so far we have man with a feather followed by scrub followed by Robert incredible just incredible everyone please follow me I think only one person can enter at a time yeah right let's see what happens think it's stuck in the load zone okay what what is that what is that oh really the one Oh [Music] who is this it's the demon of a thousand faces Oh he also swims he also takes up scooping as a hobby you must start anywhere within the brick you must jump into the water from this exact bridge let's add one right what extra element into this you must then tag Mitsy you don't have to hit her with a net you would just have to run into her after you've tagged mitzi you have to hop in the shell whoever enters the shell first wins all right Mitsy start running three two one go credible place oh and they're off oh no all the man with a feather immediately at the deficit is in the lead already spooking the fish Mitsy you're in prime boppin position it's not even gonna be a contest all misty on the run and she's going you have to Bob Missy and then enter the shell and that is no competition scrub takes yet another game what's the final race is it the whole island you guys have raced from point A to point B but now you must race the entire seat pop into the water and form a line everything before this was just a warm-up you must go from this location all the way down here you have to get to the corner exit tag Wendy re-enter at the nearest part of the water what should be the next thing that's it oh you have to enter into the dummy zone no I know you had to do you have to enter into the dummy zone and take a photo of yourself in the dummy zone you must go all the way to the camera app emote take a photo of yourself in the dummy zone hmm I've never seen a shark before an animal crossing cool you must exit past this rock you have to put out any one of the fires all you have to do is put out one fire I'm not even remember the rules this way you have to take out your ladder footrace all the way over to the red spot re-enter the water and from then it's a no gimmick no-holds-barred no gimmick I think I said that twice race all the way around get to the get to this rock and the winner is the person that stands on the stage the race begins in 3 2 1 go first leg of the journey is entering the corner of this island all - coming around there coming around all you guys gotta do is bop Wendy and Reese summers wherever you like man with a feather currently and it definitively now race all the way to the right your next goal is to take a photo of yourself in the dummy zone all right oh the babies the babies of 8 nothing yet yes so what everybody fishing-rod checkpoint hit the bobber hit the bobber and proceed you must hit the bobber man with the feathers getting muscled out oh no that's super bad for man with a feather alright the racers have been shuffled after this dock we submerge and go into the dummy zone jokes on you though another bobber Check Point he wouldn't he did it right now it is the lady with the reef she's opening her phone again a photo they got a photo they got their emote they got their photo it's anyone's game right now by that I mean is a huge leap then to put out one fire everyone ice to put out one fire now it's the climb and they're off the foot race is going pretty well so far let's make sure to get a topper a top and view of it danza struggling to figure out where to go everyone's trampling my flowers glad to see there's a little bit of struggling but it is the man in the bunny ears who has a definitively right now man with a feathers hard struggling all this is looking very very not good for our remaining contestants it is between the man with the bunny ears in wreaths lady wait oh I don't know oh I don't know it's hey let's get a little bit close we'll see let's see oh it's looking pretty neck-and-neck I'll throw that one bobber checkpoint in a fair location you have to hit the bomber to continue okay okay the Bob our checkpoint has been activated it's all coming down to this the bunny ears has the lead but reef lady has the inside lane right now this is looking like it is going to go to bunny ears up they go bunny ears on the final run and there we go our winners of the entire tournament everyone clear the way clear the way for the other people freeze lady I still not touched the stage you must go onto the stage says the skeleton takes second reef lady take third and the man with a feather coming in at the very end and there we have it everybody the final race and then completed tell me you swam all that distance how did you do it how did you train what kind of lazy got how hard can you kick you know what FairPoint so you learn via failure all that time taking water into your lungs has powered you up has gotten you used to the feeling of drowning because you drowned so much you drowned yourself to go faster incredible an inspiration to us all I'm dying to do one more thing though one more thing everybody please equip a swimsuit so we're quietly left no no all the rewards all the prizes if you quietly leave no one keeps anything oh all the rewards my bribes I took so many bribes I mean no their rewards well I mean at least everyone's here right now filling cuted because the code was still available we have one last entry wait a second it's not over yet who's it gonna be it's out from Pikmin from and everyone else vs. out from animal comes from from Pikmin they're coming up with they come with a high end gear a confident smile and a gazing stare or a cheer but yeah five minutes on the clock to collect as many deep sequences as possible it begins in three two one oh you're an elf go elf is so confident elf doesn't even need to go are they typing Rachel a plow ladder what kind of advance please though they go to their this elf oh where you're going buddy there's not a bubble to be seen over here a muscle I already know what those look like thanks though Animal Crossing and the winner is two is a time Robert and out no way Oh twelve how we're gonna have a battle of the three for the final win Robert Alf and scrub enter into the ring if you're competing if you are not competing please do now into the into the ring yes man oh I've removed one of the fires I hate this game you have two lives after you fall into a hole do not move the game will start when I ring the bell three two one go your lives wolf that's one life lost are you and your elf versus scrub oh my god this is a fierce battle oh it's rotate fit you're pushing your luck but you're lucky there's 100 bells here distract me three two one go Oh Scopus Emilio full health keeping their stock however unfortunately I believe that is gonna be Robert out of the competition it is now a 1v1 please leave please Lee you've lost your both your stocks you are dead now oh my god everyone's hidden everyone free to what go this is a battle to disturbed a doll rubs will you take it away you get the supreme victory Alf the new contender will use night meat in the final hour [Music] the original winners taking it home help you try your hardest just like the game but you are not able to take it in the end scrubs win and that everybody is the competition would you like to do and session pay scrubs I actually checked my eat my ate my inventory after the weird disconnect but I still had things so I imagine he still had his stuff they didn't get it nevermind what I'm not paid I didn't get it well all's well that ends well be able to fix that oh oh there's a bug in the Diddy's you get it yeah I got him I got him what bug what bug bug I'm gonna see a bug did you didn't see you didn't see a bug did you health inspector oh no bug to be seen bugs to be seen right here we go see we're clean not a bug to be found
Channel: Failboat
Views: 920,499
Rating: 4.9662719 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, Summer, New, New update, seasonal, swim, drown, dive, Switch, but some funny stuff happens, New Horizons, ACNH, Online, Friends, Multiplayer
Id: CptSCTfTZgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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