Animal Crossing but HIGH IQ

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i have no idea dude you know what kind of weak drugs crossing the fire's got us all together with the goal of raising money to support the black lives matter movement while also tormenting each other with the best tricks and baits we've ever used in hide and seek to help support his efforts all ad revenue from this video will be going straight to the color of change organization and on a personal note i want to ask you to please check out virus and the other wonderful idiots in this video and consider subscribing to them if you enjoy what you see i don't often shout them out directly in videos but they put an egregious amount of time and genuine passion into their content and i want to give them the spotlight before we get into this okay that's enough spotlight i hate them all okay here we go oh yeah watermelon only sees abuse when you guys get here why are you just looting that's pets [Music] oh oh please who's sneaking first um whoever cut down the first tree oh okay anyone join me behind the denny's this is just an open offer what a horrible sentence for slime food wink wink i want some infinite pancakes oh good the chuck e cheese guy with the incredibly saturated hat oh shoot time to scram immediately i didn't have my letter i'm a fool hello you know what i'm i can't be able to find jays i win hide and seek breaking ankles and breaking donation goals ah i despise you i actually despised you oh my god he really put the slip and slide on you bart's never gonna get me i'm gonna ruin this whole round i honestly hate you wow are you circle camping him all right i sold you guys have time we won't let you down buddy i'm he'll never guess this pot get back in the trash where you belong chuck e cheese man what is this [Music] oh thank you for holding a ladder okay welcome you're welcome dude i'm sorry if you want to be if you want to come to the denny's you have to get in the line so you have to get into the line sir no get up run chucky run wait gab has been found nope i've been sneaky the entire time yeah i'm playing the long game you know you're never going to find them oh the long game ends in 19 seconds naked no no oh my god just play the credits hop in the middle hop in the middle this is evil this is evil yo get it get in get in no not like that that literally you're not literally getting in you told me to get in oh god okay just just stay put just stay put yo phil what are you thinking about hi hey what's up hey what's up buddy okay guys careful careful stick to the edge of the ring stick to the edge of the ring no not like that get out brother no oh god oh god we're trapped we gotta go fires get stuck go fire smash run run oh my god never absolutely never go quickly she's talking to kk slider stall her i don't yeah very inconspicuous dude yeah this is the bush okay leave me alone oh no i don't know why gab your face always just looks so innocent in animal crossing maybe it's because you don't have eyebrows and we all have eyebrows that is true yeah actually i just noticed oh hold on if i remove my glasses maybe i do have eyebrows no oh god don't put them on okay okay they're back put them back oh my god you look like a bowling ball oh if you want to download my eyebrows i have them in the able sisters downloading eyebrows you want to download my eyebrows all right oh my god well apparently you can also buy muscles that's that's what they're advertising the able sisters right now oh really oh my god hagrid is running up bam you're smashing the window in i just have to address something oh my god yeah dude a lot changed in that room yo why you looking like one of those fruit of the loom commercials virus virus what's this how do you like my grape muscles you want to know how i feel about your grape muscles fell back oh please don't no no no no no no no no i'll take them off i'll take them off i'll be skinny [Music] give me give me grapes i can't catch it these are these are my hair these are my hair i can't just take it also oh i hate you oh my god i despise you oh my god why would you say why would you here we go all right hey guys guys right over here right over here follow me all right okay i'm following yeah yeah yeah okay i see i see the plan here this is a foolproof plan yeah absolutely i think there's no way it can fail all right ladies and gents thank you for coming to my ted talk today topic of discussion is going to be hide and seek what to do and what not to do step one don't be failboat hey jay how's it going it's great man i'm just really somebody get this fan club off of me trying to track down octoling hacker right now so we're going to another island we're doing this one island again uh we'll we'll change to a different island i guess well let's go to gmo my island has a lot of hiding spots i really want to see your island yeah that's the one oh guys no it's bad people please not again [Laughter] oh god i really like that hacker's got four eyes but only two of them need glasses yeah and only two of them only two of them blink as well the collaterals oh now what do i get two oranges it was eight oranges you oh whoopsie i guess you get none if you're gonna have that attitude this person's been staring at this door for actually the entire time i've been here just go in buddy it's okay [Music] it's her own house well i'm in the perfect spot literally no one's gonna find me ever start that all right okay is everyone ready for the boat round god yes maya says suddenly we must mow the crust right here i was already betrayed his hiding spot i don't know everything's in anarchy did i hear somebody mention earlier oh never mind [Music] the actual anger diy bottle excellent excellent hey oh come out if you want it oh no oh wait bo you're you're seeking i guess is everybody ready yes yes i am yes all right okay okay where would they be i get a feeling somebody's gonna be like at the dock there's always fires at the dock did you get me on my screen you were nowhere near me well now i got you okay dude i now i'm for sure no one's gonna find me this time me i'm in a good spot okay should i run faster no you you're nowhere near me dude i don't believe that for a second okay no i'm i'll be honest you're nowhere near me because even if you were near me you wouldn't be able to find me i think i saw someone so many things [Music] got 20 seconds left i will find jay somehow you are not going to find jay somehow always at the pancake place isn't he's up then out of here yeah i'm at denny's yeah hacker i want i want to see the special cosmetics come out so am i you want to see the big brain [Music] you are so well hidden are you ready fire it i'm as ready as i ever will be okay i didn't see anything so i have done you could just be baiting me right now oh there he is all of you okay i feel like you're all joking me and i haven't actually run past anyone yet that's my head cannon he thinks he has to run past anybody as i go find a new spot okay where if i was a hider where would i be i have no idea dude i'll be on the island no idea definitely not behind the house i'd be right behind you now oh my goodness please you can always see me on stream so you can oh we can see you [Music] [Laughter] oh my goodness hacker genius i promise you we're not doing you dirty [Music] on god i'm not oh no no no there's no ah i'm stressed wow i'm so stressed you're doing great virus you're doing great i believe in you no i haven't i'll shut up [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it was it was beautiful dude i can't believe that worked that must mean that dance the failboat's like in the general vicinity then i dude i've long since moved oh as long as dan doesn't go seeking next uh this hiding spot is is impervious i love animal crossing oh did you get out there i was literally on the street the entire time even after i said i had long since moved i was still there he'll never find me chat we're charities [Music] please [Music] [Laughter] i'm like a centaur dude god that scared me what are you doing man get back off okay what what an awful direction [Music] well that was a bad thing to say [Music] oh he's slowly undressing as we speak wait your pockets are full so you can't take off your pants there's like a logic issue with that no it's oh yeah here you go do they have your name on it then no oh too slow dudes angry [Music] oh sorry i put them here but i can't drop things in the plaza my bad you had something to say and my mom says if you have nothing nice to say then don't play with that why is everybody getting naked gab started it i'll watch for any intruders if i were a hider where would i be far away from you oh got a naked man bumped out of the silo boy do i love animal crossing out of context moments all right i'm not going to find them there's no way oh zucker lives here the running makes impossible jay i love zucker's house thank you oh zucker's house let's have a look what it is from coco have the only houses that are oh wait no oh no i mean i was at soccer's house i mean uh leonardo's house [Laughter] oh guys real quick and the same shot i need to go to the bathroom for two seconds all right okay he leaves his character uh over here get him wait guys guys get ready to push him in i've had many a phone call with spectrum on this guys push him in push him in get him get him okay well i mean i'll make a path what's happening nothing nothing [Music] again one more time gab is seeking okay i can't go to my hiding spot when people are looking like a bloodhound i could kill you you know oh god wow okay okay and i begin the timer five minutes and i have my monstroso hat that is a big beautiful thing i accept my death wait j who is this the blocked in villager julia she's been pre it's been that way for like two weeks i haven't fixed it yet you at least deliver food to her no she has to climb just throw throw grub in the pit julia's house wait no that's a rock oh wait a minute did i see something move no okay i'm starting to think where you might have gone to jay it's a very good thought it's not i mean it is dead out there well i'm not there yet okay come on ladder work oh i found anchor someone edited from one right there no that's a flower never mind but it was moving it's moving you know do you guys want to see my ultimate hiding spot that nobody could ever find no oh i knew it was down here dude i knew it was somewhere because you guys are standing there you have to go around you have to climb up this wall there we go behind the house of old vault yeah fireest virus and gab walked in front of zucker's house behind it well listen guys thank you for joining me to start this stream that was that was a lot of fun dude dude thank you man for having us oh yeah are we wearing so much money already i just got like two youtubers just now we are at 4 400 oh my god [Music] why did we all come out of this place oh what what why are we here virus leave and just like didn't say anything oh that's probably what happened that was that was really weird
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,300,148
Rating: 4.9110513 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, Failboat Animal Crossing, Hide and Seek, Nintendo Switch, new horizons, Minigame, Animal Crossing minigame
Id: BOZbBx_Fbl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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