Ruining Animal Crossing: New Horizons

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you guys ever look at the top of Isabel's hair and think it looks a little bit like a mustache oh it does look like a moustache she has like a Lorax looking mustache looking hairline I want you guys to take your favorite villagers and mesh them fusion them with the most popular set of characters from Animal Crossing be either Tom milk Isabelle resetti or the like I've never seen this run but I also just found Tom looking at a pretty everybody see that I'm sorry is that a render in the I provides a render on the website no but I'm not gonna die he's like a $1 bill on his belly he's living his Bentley booth who's this penguin friend yes war stare why is the one above him just dead is this like a before and after getting shot or something the one below looks like a Mario 64 penguin it does look a little baby Mars just Homer you just saying Homer lines he said dough and why you a little it's gotta be him the soundboard but it's just for a guy I don't know what I'm making around how about it's not gonna show you it's no good right being how much of you used like Photoshop yeah how much of you signs pops out by out before wait how much of my pop someone saw you before no I just I know I just popped out of penguins eyes one to make I had to get a snack twice this week yeah if only they didn't have all this fuzz I could make this little ring yeah weird animals having frozen yeah [Laughter] turn that upside down so thankful liquefied created oh my god this looks like sorry Isabel I don't think England have all in there okay Goldie I'm afraid I'm doing such a remedial bottom jaw I'm not being able to see your perspectives and just earrings that foreboding lines Cody just hasn't got a button Georgie's looking at me of a solar side don't look at me like that you want to say some food you couldn't you know I think I don't think it's about what agreed but I think you know I don't think they get a say get out here a cute little penguin yeah tone what's up with their face being it just kind of as I created that that face revealed itself to me and I'm just like hello welcome in the world it just looks so smug I don't know what that is but why it why is Isabel so system bugged with that diaper dance isn't elderly do it is it though that step you know like when those older people that bold and they go like a potato like what like the weird shape of a potato you know what I mean I don't you stick their head in the ground anyway myself you stick their head in the ground what are you doing - grandpa virus doing the grandpa whoever Meyers is that maple people laugh at it no are you talking about a funeral in the ground so it grows yeah who's like the red squirrel look into one you try and identify her before I make it too bad now her got a big head twice papi all papi okay cool heads gonna be popular gonna say they're definitely pop some it's devoted I hate the whole verse in a role-playing chat hey fail boat should I break into flame house yo you got this Homer Simpson this is a cloth this will be a good claw morning cool you're ruining it it's a hairstyle I don't know what you're talking about I don't even know how to give this one up it's not legal look at mine mine is not curved sin yeah no ill that's that's Kate that's kaykai's is liquefied Wow oh [Laughter] yeah he just attacked Warner and stuff Sole Mio it's sorry don't do the face that's my inkling sharp she's got the hairstyle nation' honey I missed the crimes like fashion surgically excise I saw somebody said make a demon with only the liquify tool don't you yeah don't worry I'm covering that ground somebody say make a sleep paralysis thing once again covering that heart works harder Tom Nook but liquefied into a bathtub when there's a prom that diverse that's special that unique how could you say no someone is begging to take a dip in atomic ballclub and you're the person to deliver are you really gonna let them down and have you never wanted the tape but take a dip in the Nook [Music] okay you're getting you're doing topic bathtub go for it it's a felt toilet chat please yeah I don't like that suggestion be it being what do you what do you what do you eyeballin from chat I'm doing something with the toilet I don't know what animal oh yeah [Applause] it's animal crossing oh yeah that's the challenge I'll make it fulsome it's a wholesome toilet out of an animal out of a simple what are you talking about yeah only wholesome stuff comes in maybe you like out of a toilet all right here comes the sink you know do it is a bully I just like liquify the breadbox just like chillin you can't leave her hanging that's the best thing I find I am the stand user Oh [Music] how does one even create that's a question I lost myself on the daily at [Laughter] me sitting in the editing room like another thing I say in the editing room yes time to transmute her body out of her head Isabelle you want a snack actually actually gross Isabelle is going to be cupping her hair as it drips into her mouth I have you why are you doing this hard chin all right well she has to catch the water somehow yeah I see what you're going for this is moreover they smug wait wait no it's messed up no no you can't look at that I hate her jaw you know what that's this really yeah that's not how you get yourself a second date how do I like suction his body into what a question suck Tom Nook into the tub yes oh my god was happening on your stream she's crying okay oh there you go Cyrus you have two minutes to photoshop a character make them as cursed as possible you get one last Photoshop take any animal you want make just just ruin them I don't care how I don't care why there's no prompt hurt them okay okay this is a bone a knife is my final product whoa oh my god blam-blam-blam- gentlemen okay I think I'm done my toilet creation dude I'm glad this is a nice convenient toilet because it comes with the toilet paper attached to it yeah it has it to you slide up along your thigh there you go forget to wash your hands no does it like happens when you're taking too long day but creepier looks offend you like why I never I love how you give like the new meaning to liquid fire it liquefied palm milk beckons you to step into his gut come join me in the Nook tub oh my god frogadier's about to punch you in the face he's gonna sit on you now he's gonna put you in a froggy wheelchair drive you into froggy despair dude chick that's making like poems about him okay Gruen cake a slider you know not have grew like a meeting room what have you done hey everybody grew right behind froggy chair and why does this look like the best buddy cop duo I've ever seen in my life you're gonna get what are your thoughts on leg day different Rovers the bus driver he's the one that's like asking you obscure questions what's your favorite color alright you now have a unibrow what yeah just simple questions sir what's your favorite food I don't want to answer anymore oh that mean I got five foot tall don't do this I don't actually know no one knows if the head is inside or if it's part of the fridge oh yeah he's waving his hands this one no your dude Grover no no you're not doing this wait till I stretch his neck this is already stretched dude no it has to be white the big old crane hook Billy billowy G and your sucky sucky good one column row sucky sucky now you've ruined KK slider simply an improvement depending on who you ask I actually can't see the difference I can use the instrument now it just saves some time it saves him say he had no arm his mom always told them to be an instrument of mass destruction I think I got a tap out of this one villager animal crossing + villager minecraft you know what yeah guys here's Marshall he's here to listen to all of your troubles God that uh it was he swallowed it really neatly just like alcohol this is like like questioning why you dated yeah I can just imagine him resituated his name but he can't read you just you're a bunch of like creaking as he turns over to like talk to you unboxing video of a blue Yeti where they're like good product and then they just take a bite out of the Yeti like they just cut off the end of the microphone hmm well hope it tough I think they cooked it a little bit mother yeah he's like you can hear the crunch Electronics against the teeth um let me know when you're ready to start it I'll start the timer all right start timer all right three two one go three minutes I don't have I no longer have time for accuracy no time for hacker scene okay let's do it I mean it's two minutes on the clock if you want to be accurate you're more than welcome I can't be accurate we gotta hear you for accuracy so please that is in the real life hmm what situation would you say that in real life my accuracy when I have a machine gun in my hand whoa oh you feel like a math test or something around sorry the test ends in three minutes uh me going to the bathroom but like I the bus leaves in one minute Oh give him a gun it sounds like something like a hero would say when they're like rating a base just like there's no time for accuracy and then they pull out a machine gun oh I love Sonic the Hedgehog it's like Rambo no time for accuracy okay I seriously Rambo's not like go-to superhero I gotta admit but a punishing Punisher yeah of course there's no time for accuracy yes technically there's ten seconds left what technically technically be ten seconds I mean by technically I mean we literally have no time left ah this is not correct sailboat this is not right not one of my cups villager looks like he's gonna have really dark Wow trying to make his pupils green here here's my minecraft villager like if you cover the top of him he looks like a chill dude which is really big hands but then when you see at the top all I think of this the guy that runs Facebook whatever his name is dr. Berg he's got like the riptile I mean going on I'm sorry I was like that's it's Mouse the middle Oh weepinbell it was doing just fine until you ruined it all I mean that's what we do here what what are they still like it looks like they're looking at the Isabelle dismembered head I have mad and they're like running and their neck tilted all the way back and like it just flopping up and down I'm like fine for balance I think we're all good to go here hey thank you guys for joining me on this escapade of oh of course I don't even know what is that that was a lot more photoshop's that I remember there being made oh my god that was yo let's go with that where he is our descriptor that certainly was a photoshopping segment though that certainly was a photoshopping segment okay the Tommy Bank cow milk maker I believe that's called a cow you take the moon and you take the gun no no no
Channel: Failboat
Views: 988,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, New Horizons, Photoshop, Funny, Switch, New, AC, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Horisons, Isabelle, Tom Nook, Villager
Id: o3asIk-6aDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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