The Link's Awakening Experience

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do all all bubbles bow link whoa I forgot about this oh boy should have been carried metal items on you buddy I learned that from breath of the wild I'm gonna meet that gurgling jug like five more times Oh Oh No oh my god it's an elf his fashion sucks and he's dead to the credits bum bum thank you for playing Link's Awakening here's an unrelated egg nobody won back to my speedrun of Link's Awakening uh time I think I think that was like a one missable one second run that's probably a world record isn't that way too much okay okay so they call you out on it you repel yo you feel back propel enemies with it back rival game series going back into your clothing by the way I'm finding that red hat of yours will give me the truth Taryn I know who you really are show me those overalls if grass it's grass come on Linc I believe in you it's literally foliage nobody could say yeah give it a try oh my god see you might think that that's a mustache but that's actually a giant sausage that he just constantly has in his mouth he's been not all the way at it for like 50 years that's a fishy little buddy I got the attendant rupees pointedly you're short of rupees don't worry about you can just come back when you have more okay no problem Oh woof all goodness a man's got a leash hey don't die don't hit the chicken but a hostile little house this is it looks like why does her face actually look like a me nose hold on a minute why does her feet don't ignore the expression on why is her face look like ah this me nose you see this thing you see this me nose remember that same dang thing is ageless same thing he has the face of aminos oh you're you're a challenge oh you're a chump good jump that you don't have a chain do they grow the chains how does that work oh I can just move you around can you hurt me oh you're just playing oh never mind I love you now oh you're just a good boy I've never been able to like play with a chain shop before this game is fantastic I like this place anymore whoa oh my god nothing like a real scream my man actually just died it out so I just think clang when I walk into them I see his forehead is just made of metal hey hey spin me spin me spin me I love this game sound so far this game sound inside is actually 10 out of 10 listen to them this I think grows door of a little noise oh so pleasant out where sea urchins don't touch it with your bare hands I like oh you can push Gordo's no I'm just saying dee dee dee's are gonna hate this matchup in the future this is some sacred knowledge you're telling me Kirby his only weakness is that he doesn't have armor buddy get my pink puffball some people some some metal please hey look a murder weapon you found a sword it must be yours because as your name engraved on it I was like oh that's awesome for you but I'm so happy whoa why is the Gorda just an eyes emoji I love it so much whoa that's awesome it yeah I love just pull some Gordo I I'm sorry I'm really sorry I didn't think it would kill you oh I actually feel bad I'd like personified that Gordo and then I just murdered him okay oh my I need his heart and move on with my life I guess Kirby conditioned me wrong I don't want to kill them I love them I can push them around control Z ctrl V oh god Phil though control Z hurry hello mysterious force moblins ahead they're not friendly I'll just see about that I'll look at you oh you're a cute little piggy you only throw in eight directions all that makes it so much easier oh I really hope that we could be friends okay bleed lead for my health Oh what are you oh my little choo-choo friend I will free you I will get you out of there do not worry I will get you out hey I'll come back later got a good beat going on those were cool my nose is very sensitive like pink powder yeah how sensitive are you to swords like there you're not icky you just gonna keep on doing the little I don't let me stop you buddy you're gonna be thanks to me what hey hey Oh why would you do that you anger me you anger me raccoon a little do you know your stupid little animal I have a map yeah that's why I thought that's what I thought too turns all I need oh oh oh you're looking look at this leg creeper Oh God okay I deserved that one oh these are push rocks all right I don't see okay so so we're talking so we're talking let me really flex my brain here all right right I give up eat the rocks is my life chat well I got him it that's a unique opinion that I hadn't thought of so far pulling the rock no that's like two IQ grab some salt though take a crunch out of it consume the rock alright sure nutrient full so we got over here uh crazy crazy Tracy oh you know they're bad when you write them on a sign oh no how crazy do you have to be to get a written caution about your home literally just posted in the middle of the forest Oh your nose is five feet long kind of crazy uh okay that mean I okay now now I'm a little bit more up to speed here hey hey hey oh oh she's going in oh I don't want to know what I just got that's okay I'm gonna feed it to the rat he might need some magic powder the poor things been running into jars for the last like five minutes use it on your enemies and see what happens I see I see MIT made his rock be gone maybe one of uses of powder begun magical done to him oh now he's really a me I'm a change blob and that's not all I have to say I've made him sentient now that I have lips I fantasize about playing one of the islands few silent there's three hot local hits you don't have lips that's a distinct light wonderful don't get shot with a fireball buddy this is so cool yeah I really thought he was gonna become you know a little bit more sentient maybe we could have a nice conversation you know exchange dreams and aspirations steady died okay I'm gonna say I'm trying the witch in court anyway get out of here I'm really I want I got it no really led me on up one of us you want to mess you want to mess you want to mess you wanna mess pop it up oh god oh whoa what there's Mario I knew it I knew it I know this French I was trying to sabotage my own dang Mario couldn't let me have the game of the years breath of the wild really really had to try and sabotage me underhand and mr. plumber underhanded mess with me mess with me I dare you yeah oh come on everything explodes with this stupid powder use the powder on chicken please use it on the chicken for roebucks expect to read today but no I got it okay powders bogus man look at these little guys y'all yeah high energy what you do quite a zoom on nothing can I help you 2d I can't jump Oh jump you got the rock feather yet okay okay okay oh all thing I'll probably get that rock feather from up here I can't tell you why I think that whoo hey hey we can jump now nutty oh I'm sorry should I just go I don't know man when I walk in the room and a two pile of gum starts smiling at me like I'm gonna extra fries at the bottom of the McDonald's bag you know why just get a little bit psyched out it's all I'm saying whatever happens when I throw the magic on this skeleton huh you know I expect some a little bit more interesting it's a burger is this what they mean by fighting bad eating habits a lot of burgers wack what kind of strange burgers are they making in this place he's finally starting it warm goodness you telling me this bird was retired that was cold looks like i'll sesame-seed you later man looks like the battles bun let us progress over to the next area good I'll get a little bit steamed buddies fancy what's a callow full moon callow scuse me I forgot that there was like a whole musical instrument theme in this game [Music] wait guys no hold on guys I that supposed to say Castle I think I put the wrong song this is for real they all went to the house yeah they did something to powwows house no you mess with bow-wow you mess do you mess with bow-wow you mess with bow-wow Oh you better start running right bow now I have a piece of sympathy for anything in this forest any more community stupid mably you messed with the wrong Chain Chomp do what I gotta admit it looks a little bit different but I'm really enjoying the John wick video games so far Oh madlyn hideout Oh okay boys let's get rid of them oh you wanna miss I let's set a new world record you guys are as ugly as your choice in battle music listen to this so I'm just like following a xylophone and just keep it exported as an mp3 Christ okay oh water you get try me try me try me try me mess mess mess mess I dare you mess I dare you I dare you yeah now what now what if I keep doing this where you're gonna ever go you're gonna be stuck here for life as I slowly where-where-where away of your rib cage a fate worse than death try me try me I'll take you to the face I don't care right now you think I care try me good aim buddy na aim you mess with the wrong person going slowly my friend I'll get you out of there I have the change um I can take him for a walk oh I'm so happy oh he's the best boy I've ever seen in my life I don't think I want to return him now Oh even he's looking at the L her baby's just having a bite out of the wall ah at this point I don't know that's tough tompa tomp um my boy yeah I know he smells great doesn't he no it's a medium Debenham Bow Wow Bow Wow bed Bow Wow look he might look like a snack but don't let her lead him don't bake see me whoa Bow Wow oh I got a piece of power in his name is Bow Wow that's right get him out get him out get him boy yeah he literally ate them this is the best friend I could ever have I love them look see one right in for that chance all right Bow Wow this might be where we have to part hey there I'm sorry you brought my baby back would you be a dear and take him for a walk oh I can take him for a walk my baby boy take em for a walk no I'm just gonna take him I see why he was like he was dog nap he's adorable easy easy bow-wow bow-wow it's just a bird oh well please don't kill it well bow a bow drop it drop it bow out put it down oh no Bow Wow that helped me bail out thank you buddy you eat me now I'll eat you call it the circle of life why okay turns taking a nap at home I don't know how we can sleep on such a nice day makes you want to sing a song yes this is the ballot of the Rufus [Music] I'm adding like a trapeze to the background whoa that's some composure hello I'll be eating this where I'm going hey bring it up to me like that no I don't have the father the ability to get that don't steal I'm not gonna steal the shovel people I'd be a bad influence for bow-wow if I did that instead I'm gonna go murder some people and you know take their money and then purchase it through those you know lawful legal system come on Chad I'm not an animal Oh oh my god it's Yoshi please help me this isn't a joke please say they kidnapped me I don't know what game I'm in he told me to pay up I didn't have any money man I did I did I had to do what they said I wish I could do anything but I'm stuck here lifeless until you save me please please oh god help me no please walk quickly like this oh I'm coming from my boy I'll save you buddy Oh God his butts hanging out okay okay it's got it clogging feels a little too realistic for my heart that's adorable eat it bow-wow eat it in front of him yes right don't eat him all right now time for my rating of this game because up until this point up until before bow-wow the pre bow-wow arc okay now I got about a 6 out of 10 I don't know man that those little jitters of 30:58 15fps and threw me out of it you know but now that we got our chain chopped finis it's an easy battle Wow this mirror this menu sounds suspiciously fun like I am actually attracted to this menu I don't know how it's gonna go down like when I change my facebook relationship status but it's a bad joke I don't even get it
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,065,995
Rating: 4.944488 out of 5
Keywords: Link's Awakening, Switch, Failboat, Link, Awakening, funny stuff happens, highlights, but help me, the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda: links awakening, zelda links awakening, links awakening switch, legend of zelda, Chain Chomp, Zelda
Id: R_ah-BGkYeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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