Among Us but real

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jesus you're all you're all like bloodied what do you mean hacker has been dead for seven years what oh geez easy there easy there hey subscribe if you want to watch these youtube streams with everyone else i feel like i'm a little out of place with the avatars that everyone has on right now you can't even hey that's my drink thank you for the custom color i appreciate that it's my drink come back here [Music] cheers buddy down the hatch rock paper scissors shoot let's go easy wins easy wins let's go hacker how are you so tall always works how are you so short you know what your fires cheers what do you see i'm trying to what do you see in this brick wall here for you a couple of winners oh it's a mirror you got to turn it on oh you sure check on ouija how many drinks have you had so far buddy uh i just felt i just like phantom felt you that was very strange is a real thing yeah some people get that they they have like an actual reaction to that i don't like that i like backed up into viruses like belly have you made any jesus careful hacker he's armed good god hello kermit hi hi nice to meet you too pekko oh my god it's pekko hello pekko i'm five feet tall in real life oh okay so this is about like there's two hi how are you how do you call me [Music] christ kermit the frog here i feel like i'm the impostor right now i don't know i don't want to out myself but be kermit become kermit how do you clone models oh oh clone public avatar am i becoming kermit oh my goodness the weird little fingers my left controller has broken kermit kermit the frog your thing i will use my fingers i will cut them off eat my fingers eat my fingers so that way they may heal yours give them a taste warning kermit the frog is about to say a profanity this is not a bit this is not a joke if you are a child please seek immediate shelter also there might be one or two more throughout the video oh my god that's so [ __ ] delicious would you like to eat my fingers yes it will heal you let me consume [Music] becoming becoming kermit eat my fingers and become a kermit eat my fingers and become a kermit my neighbors are going to be genuinely concerned for me [Music] oh here we go i think i missed it [Applause] okay let me stand up for this oh jesus she no longer has med base can um i was with ouija that entire time in admin ross also joined in with us on at admin a little bit later on yeah that was i ran i ran away from him because it was scary yeah we went in here [Music] okay okay okay so so ross couldn't have like gone by okay so let's eliminate a couple people here ouija could have done it i couldn't have done it you couldn't have done it ross couldn't have done it me or virus it's not adriana so so the chopping block currently is adriana giwi bug and ichi 02. hello oh my god they're a little terrifying so i was running up from storage cafeteria weapons i saw kiwi running down to admin i stopped doubled back and saw you walking out of the hallway that fires just discovered their body in don't forget you have to do a really good yell as you fall would you like you came in here with a lot of gusts though i gotta admit okay listen listen luigi just told me that he killed hacker oh we told you what luigi told me that he killed hacker should we call him meeting on that no i wouldn't call him meeting jess yet i'm suss of a few people here i'm like big sets of a few people here chad am i muted right now all right i'm muted i don't think it's adriana judging by the people that were around before and how desbug was reacting to that interaction there i think it i think it's just bug it's probably not her it's probably not her wait why is there anybody wait a second wait a second bug how did you get here i walked in you walked in maybe [Music] [Music] oh so the the two people that we hadn't cleared from that first round and i'm going back to that and maybe i shouldn't stick so strongly on that were uh bug and adriana now i was watching adriana do a lot of tasks for a lot of time i don't think it's him virus would have killed me five times i have been doing nothing but tasks and walking around with me ross i feel would do something like me i feel like he would do a stronger play i'm incredibly successful youtube guys right now i if i had to go with a gun pick right now i would say bug but just because i have the least knowledge on you right now i think i think honestly that wait where are people people saw people saw ichi kill so it's not both of us was kiwi's buddy no we definitely got hit with issue we definitely got here i i am fairly confident okay so ross who did you vote for you he voted for you he's totally ross yeah all right goodbye yeah it's here all right we're going uh family jewels right there oh voting ends in negative two what i couldn't vote for call that button call that button i'm going to do this task real quick i i really think i really i think i think it's dust bugs buddy were you okay with what he did he told me to push the buttons oh no no it's a button were you okay with what he did rather than talk about that were you okay vote him off you want him okay because that i'm not i'm not allowing that if you weren't okay with that yeah all right i'm not i'm sorry but that was look at that caught in the act you know what maybe it's fail but trying to think no dude no no no this this is this is my fun i was okay see i was sucks of him and i was suss of well of adrian and this and this is why we don't allow those types of actions bug what do you have to say for yourself that was just terrible if we're gonna keep it we're gonna keep a meme voting i'm gonna i'm gonna start you through this i'm obsessed with you i was such a viewer i told you that five times and he said it like three times well i wanted to make sure now that we've cleared the ice and that the game is over i want to make sure that there was no like lying next time it's all about freaking people out guys yeah listen if you are streaming under no circumstances can you accidentally go into this portal that is a public lobby uh yeah i forgot the lyrics i'm sorry this didn't make the top 20 charts on spotify this is so great i can like stroke my i could be like quiet i love this this is incredible shut up yo chat high five [ __ ] don't go in there no no no no don't go into the filthy pub no bug bug you're playing with firebug bug you're playing with fire bug don't do that bug it's dangerous stuff in there bugs you ever seen like sid from toy story yeah dude that'll make him look like a joke compared to what they'll do to you in there yo hit that like button oh get the likes no bring back the likes give me those give me those cut no give me i need something i those them first hit me with those likes i'm ready for them that's a love that's love it's too much yes yes yes yes there we go hey what's up wow you have a great mario oh my god i can do this thing i can finally do the thing i can finally do the thing hold on hello lost soul virtual youtube it seems you have died it seems you have died an unfortunate tragic death i don't oh is this the part where i get to go to another world that's right we get to bring you to another world but that would be too hard on its own we get to bring you over to another world with magic fantasy and anything you like with one item of your choice that's really creepy one item of your choice as you can see the lights might be a good option nagla welcome hello i am the goddess between life and death we have i guess two adventures have died today we get i i will get to bring you to another world with one item of your choice can that item be my dignity uh i'm sorry you've lost that a long time ago it has to be a new item you can't choose something that you've already owned [ __ ] time hello brother brother [Music] do they do they want an invite oh my god thank you there it is there it is clone public avatar give me my hands make them real yes we currently have 10 people and you're the 10th so you have to stay for now welcome dave oh my god what the [ __ ] you cannot leave now i have you dave you can't leave he's squishy hello can you can you stop walking into me to do stuff like that because i just see hands from either side of me and i'm just like what's wrong with me nothing brother nothing's wrong with you dance [Music] oh here we go hello my boy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait first first i want to join you how do i become blue expressions my boy oh my god let's go come on understood [Music] yes yes father can you get it from there i'm not sure [Music] i'm doing it i'm doing it let's go go [Music] hello [Music] i found a body thank you father information my sons sounds good it's okay don't worry i'm here to protect you [Music] thank you thank you father thank you father it will be cold out there don't worry i'll find you i will find you oxygen let's go let's go [Music] follow father get out of here to the other one okay hello i cannot reach this okay thank you hello hello wait i've lost father i've lost father i've lost father i just seen jinbe going into the you were born incomplete understood you're the killer no not you you're the killer oh god oh no i'm gonna die why it wasn't me [Music] let me grab your finger jinbei as my final request [Music] goodbye goodbye that was fun does virus know that you guys are the imposter he probably figured out how it was me see what was the issue with you was i couldn't kill you and so i mashed trigger and i killed and reported and i'm like well i guess here we are now look at him up there [Music] he killed virus well [Music] wait we might just win this actual demon babies hold on i'm blocking the screen let's go the children the children we won father boys oh yeah yeah put them up put them up put them up put them up put them down grab a shin bug grab a shin grab a shoe i've got him mess them up that was very fun
Channel: Failboat
Views: 465,902
Rating: 4.9683557 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Among Us, Among Us VR, VR Chat, Fyrus, OctolingHacker, Nogla, Rubberninja, Rubberross, Weegeethegod, Adriana, FamilyJules, Altrive, Pikmin 4, Giwi, Desbug, Ichi, VR
Id: srtpssjPtTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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