Animal Crossing but illegal

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animal crossing what if the dam is attached in a wheat buying sloths and Fox it sells illegal new Dart that's why it's Bailey it's been like a month since release the caves going through like a midlife crisis I feel bad for it also if you guys want to join it on these live streams as they happen well yeah I do a subscribe and the live streams will pop up in your sub box okay a big time hello there everyone right now to encourage eco-friendly behavior here on Denny's the world is crying oh that's right I'm the egg thief the fan take thief was I believe our our name for them hello what's your name deep with Latin both red and leaf what was blue too busy being the champion to come by for a visit to and welcome what should I call you friend failure this one seems a lot more indicative of the actual name happy name oh I like leaves positivity if anything if anything they definitely got the positivity separate what does everyone in this game have this stupid pose this week is the power stance I did override gabs wedding a year ago however you see shrubs what matters is that they add something to the gun don't worry my garden is covered in fires sacrilege by the way today I'm selling the happiest Rebbe I know he is ezel named after the happy I heard that a shop here which is why I decided to buy weeds from you at a very special hive boy I'll double with the nuke wings are up whoa I'm sorry undercut Timmy I'm here to visit my best friend Timmy's island also if you sell to the raccoon I'll pop your head like a balloon no you think it is rubbery huh bubble yeah you know what it's also out front of the like the sacrifice line like a look everything up like there's literally gas canisters on either side this entire place is not safe and now it's not safe for your eyes or double stack in the shrubs chat are we are we all down for the idea of a one day time travel to check out red I just want I just want to get the event it's a frustration why can't they just be a way I can't like lock things yeah what do you think looks good always glad to decorate this again unrestrained your comes a restrained father don't like don't like it dude restrains a wild child growing up with ADHD feeling like under a strange egg the egg has been cracked the yolk is a menace any time Shelly just wrap things up for now and then go into the to the time and day settings or something like that what what you guys don't like the name of my switch console did it did I know I said to Island people in my apartment I guess they're freaking out well Jessica next door was actually smuggling illegal substances just burst from her Rubin sprint down to three I didn't think they'd find me too soon all I'm looking oh it's nothing major you don't have to worry about I'm just looking for an illegal person hello Isabelle where is the black market and the what Wow is this the beauty of time travel huh whoo whoo ding but I play its cue pretty fast ha ha who would ever get dopamine from seeing something happen immediately instead of waiting an entire 24-hour cycle for example huh hope this doesn't uh awaken anything in me oh hi hello I see you on the map read the egg is ready to purchase a legal craftsmanship go check out look okay I could do that fast [Music] your this year your you just standing out front right out front of Tom nooks office hi the names red I work in sales and you are ah and your failures what a great name intelligent strong I can re tell who are you gonna be pal hey a back off your weird will your back a little amps are you even going further kiss okay go back no not pals family but you look to me like Sony's got an eye for art I mean with the way you're dressed thirdly artistic for only 4980 bells you'll be the proud owner of your very own academic painting then you'll work out yourself so you know what I got you covered buddy he looks like a trustworthy fella check it out I bought I have bought some legally obtained art pieces for you is that an academic painting and the genuine article no less weights real weight that was legally obtained art wow what a trustworthy guy okay I show up tomorrow Blazers Ted well note next to it where'd you get that art failure your next boat yo can I donate him help I have the slingshot pointing at him don't run buddy don't run buddy go back to the start of fail boat back before it all began and the channel okay we're back on Thursday can you believe it then he's got to go ahead to expand a museum when did that happen when did now happen feel like I'm action replaying my Pokemon games oh this art exhibit was wonderful God they really did so good I'm sorry is this a yeah they really just include everything in this drawing don't they wow they really does include everything in this drawing don't they glad this is the first thing I own does this game now have a higher maturity rating than doom has it finally gone full circle wanna look at a few thing I've got both art and furniture let's see if you got my cousin's discount you win Beverly you sold me some beautiful art before it was completely genuine - how could I ever mistrust you Oh travel sequence well it just jumps into the ocean but we're a fake art no no no chat see I was once like that to where I thought it didn't seem right but you know what Rayman once told me if he owns a boat hey I don't remember the rest of the car yeah we might get stabbed no would love it loving so the whole you know uh meet me out back your Island don't tell your parents vibe you got going on down here they're the Mona Lisa here I want a closer look : she looks a little angry Oh second no no no no no this Mona Lisa Ariel you idiot you idiot ray come here look let me see this for a second ya see rookie mistake you bought the Mika Lisa no come on red I'm just I'm just disappointing you on this one this the easiest one to spot of the mall nose right here notice right here right it says it says Vincent now won't you tell me at the top your head need me a single flower vase so his name is Vincent maybe a single one I mean just look at this one this bouquet of dying sunflowers looks more like a Esteban the Denny's discount on top of the cousins discount this thing is on the value menu god I love going to Denny's and looking at the value I mean you get such great items as like the infinite pancakes the chicken tenders special and of course the Emperor of China I don't know I think the real one has a higher polygon count hmm I'm gonna go with this one her head looks like a big chunk look why is my egg shining what happened to me what have you done to me red yeah go my man it's a mystic statue all yours buddy here's one pause to see a mystic statue up close like this what you know it's a little weird that your name is red but you'll look all orange you know what I haven't asked right here why don't we take that accent do you think the whole lack of reddish you're real fast buddy oh no watching me through my webcam ready to send me some miles we're getting duped by a fox please take some comfort in the miles I'm giving you boy thanks Nick oh he's there for me oh my did you just get rejected by the girl you've had a crush on for five years that's too bad my friend yes yes here's 1,000 miles to ease your pain and loneliness and now suddenly they have a lover perfect this no hold on be good never mind we're gonna put them up top here so look man brain doesn't always act in a hundred percent capacity dare I say not even at one percent capacity sometimes this chugs along and a Hotpoint five okay update rating Oh mmm it's a solid one do fun faces new museum and there's an unexpected side effect of the update too with Bonnie day over the fish of return to the oceans the flowers are in full bloom we can now place bushes nature's healing eggs are the virus this is the new character everyone's talking about huh I don't get it god I'm so dumb hello the museum can now display more specimens than ever before that's a powerful so if you possess yourself in possession of a piece of art you possess yourself and hold on if you barf in possession of yourself I think I am by all means please do show it to me if you find yourself in possession of so else's soul give it to me your bladders open up some kind of different Museum blathers why is there blood slathered around all the museum's Oh blood has been smeared on his face whose blood I am status
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,048,185
Rating: 4.9557056 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, AC, New Horizons, The Failing Four, Switch, but some funny stuff happens, Redd, Lief, Leif, Nature, Update, new, art, Reactions
Id: lqFffAipT0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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