Animal Crossing but friends

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we're going to fire us this place first yes yes I'm gonna catch myself a bird Oh [Music] Jay from Wawa do you guys want a tour of my very basic island bring us around buddy can I just say real quick from behind boat totally looks like TMG fail boat with the sack I think he was wearing quite as fancy fancy pants but you know I got you covered I got you covered well unfortunately these don't have a rip in them sometimes is packed so much and you know the shorts just can't keep it all together boom ah your failure nice to meet you failure mind if I call you failure look man you know I'm aware of what I am okay yeah Jay vanilluxe way his Stanley Stanley Singh hi hi Stanley well guess what I got guess what I got that you don't got ya Bambino Chef Boyardee or don't reduce you to a friend he guards the house intruders his name's Anthony if he gets hungry he's got toast earnest on their Soyuz host oh we've got yeah but he's a spider go why call the ant to it it's like if you cooled yourself you mini cuz you're a humid Gerald I'm giving him a seizure right now good night Jay I'm sleeping [Music] yeah watch me nail this five roll okay I'm gonna backpack that's thank you actually did a five yell doo doo $200,000 I'll do it again oh okay I'm starting to realize that might not be I don't know dude I think I'm just lucky and you again do it again oh I get I've been cut off there we go I just realized we're best friends fires right yeah oh oh I've got change the line here we go if you're gonna take down something that he loves at least go for his head Wow you managed to capture every single care I give and put it all into a tank this is great virus when I say go we rush them I'm gonna see if I can put the over fish in the thing if you're or fish okay I think you fed him the fishing pole where's there an arrow pointing at your soil what are you wearing I can't express emotions real things Jay better start feeling some things in Yellow Submarine I'm taking a photo of J if you can't make it up I was so upset with how many times I cooked out by these things think you do a rat fish die and I don't get many bells for them so I was like you know what you can suffer for eternity up here on this clip you know what I actually really like that idea I want to do that now oh so there's a barbecue here because you know they need to know that they don't turn them on they need to see that and let the torture thing where you like you turned the light on and off at various times of the day so they don't know what time it is okay wait wait follow me follow me we're gonna jump into a hole so wait you can escape it falls faster by mashing right yes we want to have a UH dare I say a mashing contest three two one go I think I've got a little bit faster I'm gonna put so many branches on the ground J have so much material to craft things my branch has no no I'm gonna produce enough branches you know this one it's nice to meet his people what the heck you just fill it you just walked into the room and fell over sorry three two one who shall I hit fire yeah sticks out man come in knock down the virus come out yeah it's my first time but I'm on it you want have a snack everybody welcome back to the failing 2.5 somebody you get some regular wood too it's not for the job all the wrong get this lighting fix I don't know I think cool fossil all right come sit with me we're actually gonna judge people as they come yeah yeah there's an abandoned baby in a basket makes your big pyramid what I hope you know that you mean to bear no no no no the pyramid over here no no nothing oh this thing to wash my clothes you want some beach I mean like no one ever told me how to use them hold on we got some cool stuff going on down here oh you just found my secret okay okay Kay everybody gather around this is time for some music solo I can't I can't why is there a baby just hanging out here baby you should see her song for the baby not this day yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and I got a very important thing we're gonna have coffee time with Tia theft okay have you got motion so now no I don't feel now can we go and grab some coffee yes coffee time time hey if I rest' mm-hmm Oh seasoning seasoning on your coffee okay this is very specific on how we do this all right what yeah gab you're gonna stand right up here I am okay Pyrus right here sailboat right about here oh thanks oh wait this is in gaps house wait oh you might be in my wife's house right now her makeup stand no big deal I'm sorry it's just like a trap for the bird gab maybe it's hurting on I wanted some bring out the chicken and I was like what's the easiest way you know it's good oh yeah there's definitely Giudice I'm in a museum look man bingo hunt them down no well I gave it my best shot I think mine will have a nice overhead view yeah that perspective real fast oh lordy I can't not wait I got to put on my my Denny's clothing here on their way so good the island looks cute there's a lot of logs what you don't want to take a step in all who's coming in deck okay here we go the trash gun is a bridge I'm not gonna say anything else almost any scary for a family did ever been here before don't worry I'll believe that these same experience as a normal den you see how far as I see Ferris waving at me flamingos and a gigantic hog mouth never seen anything like that I created it for this island dude yo the only thing is you got to give the fog holler a sip what do you think little sip a little drink why are gasoline off the right oh don't hit that don't hit the gasoline no don't do that fires viruses don't virus I promise it's not what it looks like so the secret to this place is you know these walls these big nice crispy jet-black walls this is all the POG mouth this is inside the belly of the beast oh my goodness so welcome to Denny's can I take your order Ferris this is the one seat in the entire restaurant problem I see can you get cute guys bring more jelly manager you can talk to me if you have any questions okay well that was Jake Jake before the fires go out I am sorry I can't stop them all animal go boy this is a nicely shaped what do you mean his name is Fred Oh I want a capo - fires real virus is dead this is just him oh yeah this is the salty sea this is what Chad decorates you have a permit for that emotion the happiness come back here you can't outrun the law of Denny's your lawnmower is not cooperating right now family oh yeah this is the sacrifice burn it's not the sacrifice this is the warning I put out some fish in some frying pans to let them know what happens if they ever dare to approach the island every second you don't find me fail I chop a tree I'll try not to scare him you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna put your poles right on him yeah yeah it's right through doesn't seem to mind it though he's fine with it you know you might have some holes in your small little fish you got it came out but you know she makes them taste better its diet fish less vet more pain how do you like this art by the way yeah it's a beach shot oh it's the beach yeah la is like night sky in the background it is also the lower lip of the POG face we've got a flight for Denny's Oh - yeah it's Denny's ain't you yeah because silly that it plays an animation for every person that joins not gonna lie oh there used to be something else that did this and I guess they're trying to cover it up what is that I just flew over an open mouth and everybody was waving to me I think it was just you what are they open I'm not stepping in it wait come on in dude stop wait wait I can't move things I can't get out I can't move things all your year yes you can I can't it it says it says they can't move things while you're here that was gonna be the key that let's see if you guys gonna pull it back you can't have you done let me throw I'm sorry dude you stuck there now just seconds me then you have my face as well but wait wait wait wait have you seen my smug face that is a smug why did you oh it is smug no next to the fires and defeats the purpose of the word dude gasoline drops from the sky and I'm like I don't want putting this oh no oh my it's the only one chain have a seat buddy nah I don't know about that one chief have a seat I feel like I'm about to get waterboarded took the chair back yeah just like it's gonna to put a sink behind the chair and turn the water on oh by the way I should mention the walls in my place how did you make it black that's where we're standing dude okay I got it it's IML you serious everything in that room is all the center of where we're standing it's the same texture it it's the belly of the beast heads
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,977,149
Rating: 4.9602971 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, AC, New Horizons, The Failing Four, Switch, but some funny stuff happens, Online, Friends, call
Id: d2Vn8QowOCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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