Kirby but dont lose

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I want my villagers so I bet their lives in a kirby air ride gauntlet my buddy yes and I have a series called coeur boys where we do a bunch of Kirby co-op stuff and before playing air ride we made a simple bet with each other winner gets to make the loser bully one of their Animal Crossing villagers but gold be the first to win five games of normal air ride after playing a few practice games in some way hard trash talk the stakes were higher than any previous air ride race ever probably also this event was streamed live on my youtube channel if you want to catch the future ones live you just got to subscribe and then it'll pop up into your sub box okay here we go are you gonna steal my country and that's crazy good metal on wood I'm gonna bomb Oh God you'll catch that no longer down push the button ah do anything anything hey how about that huh wait get out of the way what it's is one one of the games let's steal Valley I forget which one this one was you know with your all-rounder oh oh you're fighting me in the air yeah okay okay let's do it you don't use the show yeah I keep I'm so used to the other one no I'm gonna keep bouncing hold on one second see you later get in the water oh you're dumb don't forget you have to be in the water for this baby no this is so great you're gonna be beating up a village ha ha I'm gonna beam up you are you behind me sit whoa you're getting closer than I like Oh faster he's right there in the water hurry hurry no it's alright for me yeah it's too late for you boy it's too late for you hold my guys yeah god it's not good for me dude I got to try some things dude I have to try some things I wanna women yeah yeah you are yeah yeah yeah I'd use glyphosate's right come on go faster please what's happening to me I got pushed backwards you're already on a lap yup right behind me no I know I know I know come on give me the saw mrs. I missed the boost this thing you're looking good I gotta admit this is good oh hey no if I win this one you have to win every single race I gotta go real weird here I don't remember the stage do we ever play oh no I remember the stage we both used to swear up star here he's old Oh what the heck hey hey what's up what I have no idea how I think about cars I mean what my my car is it good no the speed Oh sailboat now I can't yeah I definitely can't hear you feel boat but it's okay Yuri I don't think I need to hear you scream oh my god oh oh I like I'm talking to myself oh my God he's just having fun Amy returns returns see you later loser oh okay come on come on come on come on knowing missile missile about come on I miss my belly yeah yeah yeah hmm I got it freeze him I gotta freeze him I got it let's go let's go hello hello I can hear you now all right sick it's not over yet I gotta make one heck of a comeback though yeah you do this will show you it might it might just show me if you had a booth it's so fast already he's already know oh my god whoa I can't control this was a mistake can you hear me now yeah I can't I'm surprised you can hear me from how far back you are I might have a very slight lead not at all good sir ghostly wake you up curry oh he's like hey so who shut up I'm way in the egg I know I like it Oh dragon good let's go oh dude display everything the other still kind of close dude the comeback oh here we go buddy here we go buddy not gonna lose that's so unfair oh my god he's going so quick get the scope yeah yeah ah yeah you like that you like when I scream no dude oh my I am Linda what's up Clemmy oh yeah you're a pole like it rolls rehearse what happened no I hit a wall it's over its game yet yay boosts yes I I'm blind I've the line come on oh dang it I gotta win the next two you gotta win the next two just to tie it up oh my god I'm not missing this one up you're both go into a destroyed yeah I I'm not messing this one up I hate you I couldn't hear the go no no stop Oh No like this I'm what is happening wandered why is all this happening to me no what are these girls doing here think about it for a good long time no you're doing the pink oh I remember when I was on the pegs oh my god oh oh I still gotta tie it this is not a game for you to lose this is a game for me too all right checking nights I gotta win this one I gotta win this well I'm seeing my thing chair you ready my boy I'm ready my boy really ran if I if I win if I win what will random for uh for the last force it's going so quick but it's okay I'm right behind you and behind me is where you can stay yeah come oh yeah yeah I'll see you later some real bad just happened to me yeah know what you were talking all that mess get back here nope nope yes yes this is exactly what I needed oh it looks like you're having a bit of trouble man no oh Joe no wake up no I wanted that one you fool you fool what that boosted me into the air allowing me to freely turn without stopping no no no no no no no no no no no get him wait I'm not gonna let you win this fail boat yes no I miss I want to rewatch that where we I want to rewatch this thing replay I lost three years in a row with wack stars I found my one had to make the whole run back and I lose to that I already know who I want you to beat up oh boy hold on hold on I'm pulling I'm pulling back up the stream I want to watch that vibe back what did you do is that when I'm catching up to you right there like you like perfect turn yeah oh my I absolutely despise you I mooned ripe edge I absolutely despise well we got a boot up Animal Crossing let's see those villages boy I want to see that list yeah oh that's a nice little um don't worry about me I'm gonna wear the mask so they don't know who's in them no take it off I want them to look into your eyes what is that bunny at the top that's Carmen was that she uh Wendy J which one does he know about yet quiet don't you dare betray me in this final hour Oh for my house I love bitty all video your favorite I I was there when you got Betty it's got Carmen or windy okay it's a Carmen or windy Oh who's it that's windy oh oh wait a minute oh yeah I'm not I'm not tipping you off at all who I like wait a minute where's Carmen yo Carmen Carmen please tell me you're not home no wait actually Carmen's I mean like if you can't beat her up when she's in the house can you the carbon-carbon stay inside totally go outside Carmen I've never seen this villager she looks so cute can you pull out your net in there beer up in our own house home invasion oh no I don't like that oh okay pick your villager pick your villager and then beat-up windy beautifully I got something else for Carmen next time Oh next time I want the Sheep I wanted to cry push her around first and then beat her with it do you realize anything you do to me this thing I will Harbor oh yeah oh yeah I didn't say but if I went again guess who's gonna get the net again I spent a year doubled on Wendy hey stop your shoving watch out if you want it yeah now beat her with a net oh well GG she's already angry Oh No yeah no I don't want it ya know do it do it before she get get bitter in the alley she's in the alley now forget it oh yeah yeah a dialog boxes again Wow failure what's your dad no no no it's saving quit save it quick don't talk to it ah I want her to stay mad and then you could go back in any wasn't sure gassing me oh yeah you're just crying and beating her with it no good that's terrible I feel so good we're seeing a lot of yeah a lot of you beat her into amnesia that's never got about it oh that's a cute one I'm gonna head up get beat up oh my god it's sincerely great to have you back at the channel my friend it was very nice I really had fun truly next week I'll make sure I can ruin that that's what teaming you want ketchup you're dirty you're filthy if there's one thing you're gonna lose in if there's one thing you're gonna lose in this weekend it's gonna be that [Music] a young team Mayo I'm team a oh dude if I beat you in this as well that's unfortunate for you that's I hate you plug yourself though hey guys I make an awesome animal crossing content and I beat fail but at Kirby games a lot
Channel: Failboat
Views: 425,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Kirby, Kirby air ride, Animal Crossing, Race, Kirboys, Etce, versus, challenge
Id: 0pkn-rqXWws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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