Animal Crossing but I made Fall Guys

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i like that hazel has wandered onto the pug i'll take care of her all right no no no animal crossing but i made a huge mini game tournament and invited six wonderful idiots to compete in a best of five to see which team will take the least face first bites out of my island this project of mine here took weeks to get set up and edited so if you like what you see here today consider subscribing because i'd love to do more of these sometime soon come on out team number one maybe there they are we're gonna win i'm feeling pretty pog today feeling pretty pug you're standing on the pug so you know it's seeps in through your souls bluegrass the stakes are high our skill is higher i'm fighting for my paycheck you have dan has the right to take it the moment i lose i need this so your loss is my financial victory yes blue gotcha blue my mom is watching right now and she said if i don't win she's going to ground me and i'm not going to game anymore and it's i'm going to be very sad uh woohoo ah you know i'm i'm ready to win today octoling hacker too eye doctor what are you fighting for here today well i i haven't slept for several days because what's better there's a demon possessing my sewing machine and he wakes up in the middle of the night and just starts sewing he said if i won then he would leave me alone so it looks like she's got quite a situation going on in her life look look into my eyes please feel free to to introduce yourself that's a yellow card mister my cat is currently being held hostage in a remote part of brazil and if i lose he's wearing a maid costume oh my god also if i lose uh eternal darkness falls upon the earth so let's win boys oh my gosh is that related to the cat or is that like a separate thing altogether um my friends have me at gunpoint please help i was just promised there'd be chicken nuggets here what what's your game plan psychological torture [Laughter] as you can probably glean this tournament is seen around fall guys with an inspiration like that it's important to find the best way to keep their bowling ball shaped heads firmly within the dirt so i gave the contestants some seductive and form fitting headwear this wasn't destroyed that causes them to randomly trip when they sprint getting getting to the event will be the first challenge no uh-huh how do i say this please i don't have a ladder you don't have a ladder no no no no no careful careful careful careful it might compromise the various holes around the event [Music] graceful game number one tiptoe a race to the finish with a helpful invisible bridge hidden amongst the pitfalls at the end you must sit yourself on the three thrones composed of the rarest material in animal crossing rocks you must get at least two members of your team seated in order to win and begin someone make a right right right there you go we have a good start though we have a good start we have a good start not that okay frog i see the path the path is being made the path is being made oh oh keep going up here follow him follow him follow him no that way no it's definitely not that way though we can make it though we can make it we can make it why did i do that i'm making moves i'm making backup backup backup like moses splitting the c's yes go up yes yes oh i'm so good i'm so good i'm so good never mind okay okay go all right go right right right all right [Music] oh we are in it now this is so evil they're gonna get oh god oh god they're up ahead guys guys guys right up here right up here yeah okay it's a complete shutout blue team has taken the full game that's a pitfall bye this next game was suggested by my subscribers a game that recently made its rounds on twitter thanks to the japanese youtube channel taikichi we will be playing kick me in the face also known as soccer but i am the ball all right guys let's go before we start what did you say the name of this game was called oh kick me in the face oh could we call this fail ball instead hopefully i'd like the ring to kick me in the face [Laughter] three two one [Music] [Music] no i'm drifting i'm drifting i'm gonna un-stick myself laser hacker move up move on ah there it is first point to blue team go get i wouldn't call myself the popular kid in middle school i mean look at me now oh no here we go [Music] well first game never heard of it at least we have to imagine losing can we have a team we have a timeout we have a timeout please break into your team rooms respectively all right you guys push i'll be the wedge in between angle it down downwards and i think we have much more control over it we focus on offense you go and grief them this is a good plan we're not going to play back rules we're going to take them down [Laughter] three we'll remember the plan what a lot of partners go strategy score score [Music] [Music] it could all be over right this second ever since i was a child this has been my calling come on consider your dreams once again scoring on themselves in a truly miraculous fashion one that i don't think we've ever seen in the spirit of competition bro i can't hear you over the sound of their w right now i have to ask you guys a very important question who here is musically talented oh i quote trump after four days of time because today we're gonna be playing musical chairs it's a little non-regulation if you like to play that way i'm not going to throw shots but we like to play it serious here the person who does not find a stool gets killed on the spot oh god cool oh so it's merciful exactly go [Music] wait just not walking what yo move up unless you must walk you must walk go faster oh this is my chair oh you betrayed me blue member please sit out of the next chair round [Music] [Applause] [Music] this entire one and two section is a giant circle you must walk a giant circle around both the one and the two oh god oh okay well that is like an oval it's not called musical circles octoling hacker well get get this interference out this isn't musical sharks either go benedict might come into play we're not entirely sure yet i was born in page 56 of the musical chairs oh oh oh oh oh you you got this slapping blue team in the face go i know i got i got quite the song going imagine tripping well a little little ditty from [Music] beethoven one red and one blue the final stool who will take it you did a really good job all right taylor versus octoly what the heck is that the curse of king tut you just coughed up a locus um sorry go red team you hurt my friends i won't let their deaths go in vain remember the baseball bat i gave you kneecaps straight to the kneecap this is stressful oh no there it is ready jump walks away murder him with another red team is now up 2-1 tournament point their way but now would just be the perfect time for tragedy to strike we had been overlooking one very glaring issue with this online tournament nintendo's internet practices [Music] are really dumb the next mini game it will test your artistic skills oh no i can do that enter enter it's on you open up your phones it heads the custom design we will be having an art showcase you can't edit them yeah you can't edit when you're visiting different islands dan wait can you not edit your own designs you can't it's over you're gone wait you can't hold on hold on hold on does everyone have a way to draw yes yes okay get out your arm-based applications and call your emergency service of choice it's time to have an art attack it could be pen and pencil it could be ms paint it could be it could be minecraft you want to if you want to build that up real quick minecraft minecraft all on you all on youtube all works of art are accepted in this house my live chat i have a very important question for you what should be their prompt today oh god who said moom i'm banning them oh that's oh i like this this is such a good problem you have to draw the king tut mask as a twitch emoticon whatever that inspiration that sparks in your in your soul you guys will have a total of five minutes to get this drawing done all right do not don't worry please go to your team rooms and keep an eye on my animal crossing character all right i am drawing king tut making a pog face with stan's eye oh my god hog wait what is the quagsire one where it just said why did it have to be an art challenge dude you have to let the art speak i literally brought out my tablet for this and the game has begun oh my i'm not prepared for this hold on look at them look at all these stairs these unblinking unwavering thousand yard glares what could they be drawing right now what could be happening on their end of the world when their pen touches the paper okay let's go and check in team ready how you guys feeling [Music] i don't know how you guys doing oh awful this looks this is the worst thing i've ever drawn okay so as we can see both teams playing at their peak performance oh my god this looks terrible i have colored pencils and everything crap my brush isn't changing this is the worst thing i've ever made perfect one minute warning one minute one minute warning one minute warning one minute morning oh man so they're they're still killing it glad to know guys yeah i'm actually kind of proud of the drawing wait i'm gonna run out battery oh my god you know what this might be my best work yet two one all right that's game oh time's up oh my god oh my gosh how do you guys feel about your creations excellent so everyone's confident i love to see it team one please send in your first sacrifice what they got a little bit like a beard thing going on this looks like the creation of a new galaxy this is basically uh king tut poggers that i whipped up oh my god oh and it's signed it's a true work of art oh all right light why even try just take it okay it is another sleeve though is that what the kids call pogging these now blue team you have some stiff competition if you do not win this you're losing the team battle everything rides upon what you have put on the paper please first member of team two present your artwork don't worry in ourselves i gotta talk first you do this okay oh they i think we just included oh you're catering to the chat we got this one i appreciate that you included the entire nile river in their nose like that thing just goes the snake is also colon oh the snake is it actually feels like king tut is pogging at me just by looking at it just crawled through the screen and just paused don't look behind you i show to you it's not fully colored but i tried my best i showed you mon king s oh oh my god it's homer simpson i think before we begin i want to give each team a moment to talk directly to the live chat please team one you have 30 seconds we put sands we put sands in ours and you guys said sands therefore you should pick us i just wanted to thank chat for this wonderful opportunity to win in this game on failboat's channel i'm just so grateful chat you better vote for us right i swear to god all right time team two you have 30 seconds to talk to the live chat go you know us we choose these red nerds in the chat copying us i did moom for the culture what did they do they did ms paint abominations that were made by a second grader time time time here we go the battle begins oh here we go the same thing was funny though it was for the bit there's still time for team one put team blue takes it go here in this current live call who you're familiar with a super smash brothers crew battle and suddenly it's the final mini gaming i'm disappointed at the lack of falling honestly so it's time for a tournament to end the tournament the rules are simple but i made them more complex because i'm a mediocre host and a full-time annoyance two players enter and must push their adversary into one of the surrounding pitfalls however each player has two lives to work with before disqualification once they're out the next member of their team tags in first team to follow total of six times loses the event i know where opponents but i hope you know i will decimate you excuse me please move slowly inside the please move slowly inside the ring oh my goodness we're going to be out of pitfalls before the game even begins don't worry i have eight and a liver i will punt you like the baby across the field i will punch you like a fail plush oh bringing my branding into this begin go scrub no come on oh come on buddy are we having trouble can we play trouble oh your baby this is very cool this is very close buddy win win go [Music] bro beat him up raid went down first red went down first gets out first please leave out the hole that you that you fell in how many lives do i have currently slightly flawed come out this bottom area you don't have to outbrawn him just outsmart him shouldn't be too hard go break his ankles kick him in the shin give him the good old one two pull on his ponytail get him oh that oh i don't know that would be a foul oh is that a violation the ponytail thing was too much [Music] over here ooh red team wants to go over here who you wanna fall into the state come on no it's an even game once again go you're each on your laptop throw the script into the wall of fire i swear on my wheezes oh there it is how you feeling you need to eliminate two people if you want to take home this w do you think you can do it i gotta try i gotta try it it's all riding on the on me okay i'll get you the big box of nuggies if you win this big boxes i was promised my nuggies and i'm going to do what it takes to get a thousand good boy points all the nuggets you want as much as i hate you right now i wish you the best duel and all honorable put her into the underworld this game of honor begins in three two one go the battle between honor and nuggies nuggies flows through my veins first remember what the nuggies what yo laser is like fire this is your element you know what you're going to be after put them down put them down like the dogs game begins in three later you got this one two one go yo squirrel let's go why are you barefoot dog oh no what you're saying what's your rain raining he tied my shoes together but i'm not even wearing shoes oh you guys go come on taylor halo listen if you forfeit i'll buy you a lifetime supply of nuggets dude what he technically did not fall into a pitfall and this is his whole sumo i'm about to punch a hole in my monitor nothing no rule was technically broken please re-enter the ring well no rule was broken but your lungs might have been all right what what the hell interferes sorry about it from halo suplex someone into the ring oh my god you want to go you want to follow suit you saw what i did to them get off my cushion game begins in three two one go go oh [Music] have taken it home this joke is over now if you guys don't know fall guys it's a battle royale there can truly only be one victory oh my god oh uh so this is where i murder you guys oh my goodness oops wait no wait that was the wrong hat what would you give me i think it was like i'm the winner today boys welcome to the true final game fail mountain there might not be a mountain but at work with me the title is too good to pass up on they must race upon the entire outer edge of the island step directly upon the quivering vulnerable eyeball in the top right corner of the map and finally they'll conclude their journey at the denny's where they will sit upon the bench to feast upon the pancakes thus claiming them the tournament this is the final event also for the fun of it i decided to give the losing team permission to interfere with the race however they see fit you have worked together as a single unit this entire time now you are fighting amongst each other any betraying words you want to say about your former teammates frog ender you two have assisted me greatly i'm waiting for bm but know that there is no greater prize to me than chicken nuggets just play the game okay okay three two one go golf all the ambush the ambush from the cultists put the man through the sprinkler system there still on the stand still on the stand choosing to not go for pull strats pulse the normal way oh taylor taylor came back into the race with the pulse rat cheater oh a checkpoint get him oh oh here comes the big race it's ender's game to win oh no oh no the path is blocked we have oh the routing is gonna get complicated wait you can do that that one's illegal is that anyone's game who will sit in the chair who will take it [Music] let's go after every struggle after every roadblock after every face full of dirt they have willingly halo halo and most importantly blue team has taken it away in the very put your hands up congratulations to everybody here um i want my nuggets yellow here you go the crown oh no he took it i can't run through the flowers this is this is not okay this is the skull if you trample the flowers i'll trample your skull the real winner is laser with the paper crown well honestly it wasn't a challenge dude this whole game was easy okay that was the demon in my sewing machine yo i'm gonna actually just on the side sounded like a lawn mower starting up run hey this is a fun little project for me if this gets more eyes on what i do i'll happily do a lot more too so if you knew when you liked all that consider subscribing okay i'm gonna go like about other things bye
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,876,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, Fall Guys, Tournament, First, Minigame, New, Switch, but some funny stuff happens, experience, winner, animal crossing new horizons, fall guy, Nintendo
Id: sa7SRFnX9VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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