Adding horror to Animal Crossing

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you know i'm feeling in a pretty good mood today let's ruin that yet again for some reason animal crossing but i flew to random viewer islands with one simple request just make it weird oh god these are the worst ones yet also come by and insult me while i'm live and potentially be one of the islands i fly out to i'm like one of the seven people on youtube that streams off youtube itself so if you just subscribe all these streams and everything else will pop into your sub box if they happen or don't and just just watch me suffer anyway it's up to you i'm gonna keep it quick okay sounds good [Music] i'm gonna keep things quick don't worry about it god built me to suffer you're telling me that there's more you're telling me there's other things to see sorry the perfect attraction see now this is a nice unhinged island me house well i can meet me and press the longer i stare at your wallpaper while holding right the longer my eyes scream good house good outdoors straight to the point oh no what is this the mettaton low budget show but first a gift that may help you late ah sure what do we got can't i'm never oh sorry okay yeah of course of course no gift in this game this is immediately back in character you may die but you can get a switch oh i'm in just hand me the waivers what do you need me to sign my guy is this a spin the wheel is this a die you win oh thank god mo moan i mean i thought the reward was a switch but i mean you know who's keeping track it's not like if it landed on black i wouldn't be coming back hey red again what do i win now wait wait you fool run get back here mettaton i heard you missed the underground let me dig you agree so you can get back no screening no it's gritty i got you the set the saddest screening oh this place looks pretty good enough oh my god that eye set look how cold the stair is as they turn why do you have just a giant sandpit in front of your house yeah you ever heard of a litter box sailboat i was right to come here how are you doing yeah what what's your question i got a couple myself it's going good a little bit stressful earlier but glad i can finally find a place i can feel at home in i can really unwind with welcome too yeah [Music] chad is telling me to sniff him i will not sniff him i hate you all i hate you all oh what is in here i hate the heart at the end of your name so much i just had to grab a screenshot of that because this is a memory that lasts forever oh oh we're not here how did it die how did it die mario walked in the room and it just it it just popped it knows what mario has done to people it didn't want to be alive to see it happen to himself oh how did he do that the bugger keeps dying i know the bugger do keep it dying every time i step on a bugger bugger diet it's problem [ __ ] dead did jack get mad at me because that was actually its room it was living there how dare you how dare you bugger is dead now there i am wait we got we got an invite for this next time this is a proper invite what the heck hold on pull it up i've prepared a special show just for you oh i'm sorry i i just blazed right past it's gamer time very fun wowza we have game zone big grass huge well i you had me a game zone do you trust me that has been erased by that terrible eraser that we all used in middle school like screeches because it's down to the metal anyway let's go oh my goodness okay okay okay do you sorry sorry it's not do you i'm an idiot it's triangle oh trident all going through a c-section you would little extra some some double t pi upside down triangle square root of christ imagine having the same stylus available eye roll emoji wow okay imagine looking as good as i do your best look looks as good as me waking up out of bed with nothing with nothing did i stutter oh like in the atmosphere hello looks like you're about to host like a funeral or something look i just want you to look at my this oh god what kill me i'm unfinished you know just lots of little secrets hidden on the ground people watching might notice hey so why is there a knife out here what knife i don't know what you're talking about man that's just one weird looking flower exactly i'm stunned go ahead okay wait wait this chair over here yeah oh my you gave me like like the wooden chair that they give to like freshman year housing in college this truly is a terrifying island also why are there dolls above me yeah there's like five of them aren't there no four four where's the where's the fourth thank you for joining me today uh do you think you'll win do you think you'll lose tell me well i don't know what i'm competing in yet i have three wheels and you're gonna spin the wheel the first room will be this one on the left that doesn't involve me getting my head lobbed off so i'm in it's a number whale you choose one number and you spin it up to three times and you get the number you win okay uh is there a penalty for losing the penalty is not getting money i'm i'm terrified chad i'll leave this one to you and by that i mean i'm removing all responsibility for myself and immediately just pushing it on to other people so that way if i don't succeed it's all on you pick number three my lord understood we're gonna go with number three oh first try you know what i'm roll three again okay you know what it's a it's a multiple of three now there's the second one come with me you spin the wheel and whatever item it uh lands on has a corresponding question that you'll have to answer you get one hint okay all right fair enough let's roll it fish oh that's my favorite one what do you trust the golden rabbit is he the owner of the knife outside i'm gonna assume no don't forget you have a hint sure what's the hint do you trust me guess i'm gonna conclude with the no oh what a shame that's the wrong answer all right so this one seems a little bit more grim compared to the other two spin the wheel and decide your fate if you get the skull you lose if you get the flower you win let's see you get one spin one try so what's the come on what's the penalty for you know the skull you know do it but like at it it'll keep going until you stop it manually whoa i didn't i didn't stop the wheel i didn't stop the wheel it stopped on its own second all right so i've chosen death okay you gotta come with me come to the basement everyone knows the basement is the most trustworthy room in the house ah hi take a seat on the eye please spacious open smells wonderful in here this is lavender what kind of air freshener are you using this is wonderful thank you so very much for joining me today the show was not just for entertainment but rather to bestow upon you a message i have uh looked into your future because i have those powers because i said so you read it i gotta i gotta sniff the fortune telling set no problem i just gave it a whiff myself you will face your fears you will triumph over the obstacles ahead we must look carefully you must find the truth gonna get somebody on twitter tweeting at this you trust me yeah good choice you win correct now i have to go to the bank and get your reward wow i love sacrificial basements hey do you know that you guys know what she's doing in her house well i gotta admit i'm terrified so i asked cautiously what does one have to go through in life to spend five hours coding your animal crossing island and blow up dolls hey how you how are you doing cookie you must be a visitor from another island help yo he does please everywhere i step i have to be careful not to let my foot land in one of the weird latexy mouths i mean what i expect is that is that meant to be me why did you put me in the middle of the vlog dollheads why does it look like i was murdered here it looks like like when there's a murderer there's like dead body tape around him [Music] i've never heard the music do that i've never heard the music too it actually got me i'm actually a little mad that i i i got spooked by that hey hey so what's in here huh dude wait watchers is going spartan it used to just be like healthy snacks and granola bars now it's like if you have a donut you're going to prison i like how the walls and the floors have become a norm that i've gotten used to the point where i don't question it anymore i really don't i really don't like that name your refrigerator do you have a refrigerator oc yo what's your refrigerator oc go post it on twitter make your own refrigerator oc is your refrigerator oc excitable edgy what is this dog stop it dog don't dump the fuel on the gas canister bad boy drop it drop the nitroglycerin what is this it's beautiful you got it in it i've never been proposed to on an animal crossing island before i i just told you guys to just keep it weird and he said just keep us wet looks nice put together it's actually very good stuff hello oh no ah i think someone might snipe the code that's it oh that said i do appreciate this mug evan i actually got scared i actually got scared what just happened that was like the scene in bulk stacks when the stupid daddy thing jumps out of like the bushes did you see me man jumped out of the tree hiked it over a rock and busted through the dodo wall like the kool-aid man go away stream sniper it's okay it's okay they can join us on this little tour you know what you're roped into this so what do we got here i mean you've already terrified me this island looks beautiful but i've already i've already been jump scared see why you have all these things you can make an animal person why they can why make a statue of a mosquito it just sucks oh ew bugger bugger is dead is this just like a living dog hey so the dog isn't living anymore my hat brings the party my tuxedo brings the comedy my boots bring the fashion and my hands bring death ring fit adventure go spot me real quick i could do ah well i can't say my arms are getting stronger but my forehead is made of titanium after like five minutes of training on the bag this is how mario trains to break bricks in the mushroom kingdom we got over here santa i you first you you first evan you you want to see santa evan evan i don't want to see evan evan come back here and see santa hello santa hey thank you yes i know you i i have n yeah i said to suffering like a heart attack evan call 9-1-1 upon us no santa i hate your life alert button but tom nook probably charges like 300 miles per use you've the power to destroy it what is it santa santa claus what am i destroying will i be able to destroy it as much as you're destroying the grammatical structure of these words he is on your phone just checking twitter now awaken your power to detroit now awaken your power to detroit i i evan i'm kind of i don't know yet oh aya i uh awaken to the uh i but with an a at the end i see ring fit adventure santa has blessed me with the power of detroit to destroy ayah it is now cursing me out i will get you removed from the local mall for that kind of language now to the last let's see well first of all so is not abiding by that sign and secondly there's something on the asylum that should not be on this island i don't know what produced this kind of a dump but it needs to be taken down by the nearest national guard because it looks like it would be the third contender in the godzilla versus king kong series no need to follow is this yours is this your salad wrinkle you know i did say to make it weird i i just didn't expect them to bedazzle a dump excuse me i'm just gonna loot this island for all it's worth don't mind me what a charged island oh no oh no okay it's real i was like oh no this is gonna be like a bit or is it gonna be like this is actually really sweet sorry to hear you can't you can't do that you're the top limits you can't envy with me here on our left is a genuinely touching thoughtful memorial for a dear member of my family okay silly faces now quick pick for twitter you've talked about a big rollercoaster here that's a good spot for a screen okay look is is this you want a screenie on my head you get one give me your gold dude you want to know you get this uh message bottle [Music] that's the most forboding thing give me some gold yeah sure here's the gold okay now lie in it see normally you don't need to craft more than one of these things at a time normally you you sort of make one in your you're you're good to go i don't know is it just me some feels unethical about offering a family bundle deal on caskets yeah come on down to cassie's caskets it wouldn't for you get one for your mother get one for your father you're one for the whole family cassie's caskets we know you're dying to get one here here you go what what one order coming up this is how i feel after visiting storybrooke are you are you on my phone oh hello hello oh failure hello get ready for the funniest thing you ever witness oh the funniest thing i've ever witnessed all right all right i'll see you there hello follow uh oh what happened with that text what are they talking about dude we gotta address a couple things the flowers are nice the sky is beautiful and there's active harassment happening in the corners of my screen grab your face [Music] uh-oh face me stop it you shot me in my eye denny's oh not denny's oh i feel like this is the part in the horror movie where they're like don't go in the door and you're you're watching as a viewer just like what do you do why would they follow them why would they go in the door like that clearly they're not trustworthy can't you hear the screams from behind the hey wood okay she got a little bit of blood no shoes in the bathroom i'm sorry i don't want to get it dirty in here huh so what's up robert no you just out of yourself in front of 2724 people now 23 people remove shoes or i will shoot where am i what is this place oh god [Music] wait whoever's talking oh bagel i don't think that's intentional that's a funny little back you got going on there oh god bagel oh oh hello is it time to eat some pancakes whoops oh you dropped the pancakes gotcha yeah ah jfk if i were to describe the situation to someone oh yeah so i went into a not denny's they brought me up to their attic and up there was a cloudy floor where i met jfk and we stood at the wall where faces faces of myself on the floor danced in rhythm one with a basketball on its head four with mouth the gate like i think this is the exact kind of dream to bring up with a therapist so what's that what's that pancake topped with oh i'll have a bite of a butter ah i'll have the whole of the whole i'll have the whole thing thank you for your time the pancakes were wonderful i think wow i just don't think i could have been more stressed by a song i think i found a way i could be more stressed by a song have a little bit of water in them i'm just gonna have this water before i look at this well let's just get this coffee machine started wake myself up a little bit get out of this strange days i've been placed in you know what i mean just stick my head into that thing and see how much it could chug ah stop it no i i see it i see it no i'm following i'm losing my mind why doesn't it shut up why doesn't it shut up i can just be laughing from every corner of my screen i'm so visually overwhelmed and now just i'm just overwhelmed oh i'm not a fan huh it's coming what is coming do you think it's time to go home so in conclusion decoration of the island that's the outside you know we got like an eight out of ten i'd give you like 5 out of 10 service on the pancakes you know you dropped them you still brought you made the recovery the mental scarring you know walk into a room where i'm just bleeding from my eyes covering the floor stepping in my blood i guess you know that's pretty up there on my ever-growing list of life traumatizing events from this series i mean hey no sacrifices that time i think that's a net positive just think that entire island is not a single axe at my head hello incredible and what do we got in here divorce see no sacrifices no axes no pitfalls we've just had bleeding from the eyes and marital problems you guys are getting clever i like it that's a little good angie oh what is this i'm following surprise this is like a boss fight do you know who this is oh it's barrel man rain took barrel i guess a while ago i've forgotten about that no my friend beryl i'm coming for you buddy no wait is it actually sealed i can't even get down he's ag he's stuck here one second i'll hop on down um uh hey wait no hold on no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you're not mannering what would you mean oh god it's it's the cultist no it was a sacrifice it was a sacrifice you tricked me i knew it was too good to be true stop sniffing me i can't muscle my way through that's right i can cheat i'd see you who knew ladders were the number one enemy at cultists another beautiful island [Music] i always like have to ready myself for this for when we finally get the clearance to land because that's when the weird faces start huh froggy chair it's back wow i don't i'm not so sure if i'm allowed to be on a modded island nintendo might not like that oh it's a little gerbil ah what are you doing to him stop are you gonna return the condition when i go to the islands now oh boy okay red done hop on in [Music] wow do i hate that shot oh don't roll me with intrusive thoughts lying awake in bed uh i'm i'm gonna be taking my leave if that is all good with you adding a third either oh did they just like turn do they rage quit animal crossing we're going to we're going to chick-fil-a from denny's to chick-fil-a the most nutritious way to fly you saw how cursed the other islands have been so i thought that instead of an island instead of an island tour we would go get food okay i'm sure this will be uh a nice wholesome animal crossing experience as it always is whenever i go to a restaurant and on animals crossing island oh no hold on a second no wait this is pretty good it's always a good day at chick-fil-a sorry i got ahead of it at filet here let's go get seats all right okay you know what good luck on the job buddy hey i'm just saying you're doing an amazing job if you're looking for a look a little extra lack of pain daddy's always got your cover oh you know he spelled a word wrong he already fits like the perfect portfolio for someone who works at denny's huh nice nice to meet the management i've heard that you work at this place oh what that work in this place yeah there we go i do work at a place called denny's what's it to you it is denny's place it is oh this place has been stealing your business oh doesn't that just suck well where's the drinks where's the guests where's the balloons i realized i was invited to a pity party how do i know this i mean there's no customers i give my people paycheck your people yeah how much you paying that guy in the corner to sit down and chill honestly respectable work condition workers should be allowed to sit down if they're getting a little bit tired oh no you got you guys hear that you guys hear a little chick-fil-a what what was that is that it oh is that a chick is that a chick-fil-a i can barely hear it man rain see our friend out okay you can get up now sir hope you enjoyed your time here it's really friendly you just saw some lighting back there if you can pay for it what a nice rainy day nice little walk we can take down here sos no no sos save our sanity we're working on that for a long time molly we must make the perfect photo realistic down to every last pixel of detail goat okay nice non-cursed design and i didn't notice the blood it's slightly more cursed now what's the worst i could ah that's the living room this is the dying room of course i mean i can't see what else you would do in this room you want to be a sacrifice i'm sitting ready buddy take the wheel i'm gonna check twitter on my way out though okay do it do it do it sacrifice man you can't hold an axe oh how you gonna kill me you're always like sacrifice field bow kill field but we'll do it take me out oh there we go animal crossing but i role play in text-based chat dies cutely kills dodges deflects axe no no alright turn the camera all right chat this is the last one i'm tired i'm scared i'm ready to put it all in the end here give me your worst really bait me in mess me up let's go out on a high note all right no more codes code has been gotten thank you oh so so first of all might have been messing up a little bit by showing the code second of all that's not a real code who posted that you made me type smith i hate you i hate you all i hate you i'm done i'm done no that no that was it that was it that that that that no no no no that's it i'm tapping see you all in strangers for whatever i don't care hey everybody this this video took me a big long time to edit if you like seeing this consider subscribing i would love to do more of these in the future i also have two others in case you haven't seen those two here they are on screen i didn't need to clap but they're there now okay i'm go i'm gonna go eat an hour some bye
Channel: Failboat
Views: 787,547
Rating: 4.9708714 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, AC, New Horizons, Switch, but some funny stuff happens, Online, Friends, call, help me, viewer islands, animal crossing new horizons
Id: EMswdNOaSzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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