Animal Crossing but explode

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you wake up it's 4 am on a thursday you should not be awake at 4 am on a thursday you waddle your little 4 foot long legs over to the window to see the cause of your awakening hog champ hog champ and questionable fireworks of isabel as far as the eye can see it's the lord forsaken you whisper under your breath and it dawns on you it dawns on you like the sun dawns upon the fresh morning sky honey run animal crossing has been updated animal crossing but if you weren't satisfied with filling your lungs with water now you can burn to death too in this fun summer update also i wanted to give you guys a heads up i'm working on a video that turns animal crossing into a hardcore permadeath experience with island deleting it all so if you're new and you want to witness the type of suffering and a legitimate regret that animal crossing has never seen before subscribe and that'll be coming up soon right now on denny's it's 702 p.m it's 7-2 please let me talk let's see what the world has for pogs oh there we go man people didn't miss a beat did they the update just came out oh well i don't want to know what this one is let's take over a word on today's stream and we'll check back with it later i like smug we'll see what kind of faces you guys can come up with and later on in the stream we'll come back and and raid them oh oh they're starting what's up everybody hold on i don't mean to make this tricky for you oh he's passing he's coming sparklers oh thank you what's up hazel what you got going on there blue sparkler hold yeah oh i didn't want to talk with you i was trying to be social i was trying to set things on fire oh it's adorable just setting this radio on fire i can't stop it how do i stop it it's running out no ah life bleeding as it always will be been a while hey what's poppin mitzi the sky what's poppin is the sky failure see one of my viewers someone mentioned that maybe isabel was the wrong choice to be the firework representative have you ever seen a dog in a fireworks display the fireworks show sorry about that have it couple that's just every single animal yeah you know exactly the island's in a panic come by and enjoy the fireworks festival anyway yeah you can also get sparklers it's a bulb bumper i imagine that's gotta be a little yeah you're two steps away from red's raffle fabulous prizes every ticket's a winner let's see what we get for tickets people to number ten you've won your very own yellow balloon way to pull that ticket how you like to pull another for 500 bells oh buddy dude i got my whole bank account ready to unlock these items send me back into gotcha hello hold on a second are you trying to light this thing on fire okay okay red why why would he be trying to ignite this thing i guess not everything is a winner after all huh you put that man into so much debt he's trying to bring you down with him that was beautiful look how much we got dude what the heck is happening here benny did fight benedict snapped he cracked like one of his eggs you know when you usually blow on them they're like that's some weak sauce oh i like blowing dudes this is cute you're still on him benedict what this is this isn't even a bit at this point benedict has been here for five minutes uh i mean it's it's a little confused what's got the spirit green balloon here we go now i have been told that there's something that can happen here oh speaking of balloons ah what why did you do that that was my father oh don't worry about it we're just gonna have a lot of fun you and me come on baby trip fall in your face do it bo i'm staying on my feet right now hold on can i just run until i trip can i can i trip cinematically what's falling face first into the dirt without a camera and people there to laugh at you oh that was that was a great shot one more time one more time for the people at home we'll go frame by frame really analyze the play you're right here i'm looking super joyous i'm coming in front and center then right here you can make out right right here is where it all falls apart there it is you could pinpoint the exact the moment he knew he was in trouble bring it back and there he goes and there it goes actually yeah the fact that you can now like situate a camera and walk into any room oh this is actually really nice this shot is inc this shot is aesthetic i feel like you can feel like minecraft machinimas with this take off the shoes my goodness you animals oh god stop stop back up back up bilbo no dude i'm gonna open up every one of my streams for now and just hey oh oh cool ah ah yes more this is actually so cool i love these little things give me a candle firework candle firework red if you give me one more bad ticket i promise you will not like where i stick it so isabelle i'm not sure if you know this about me but i happen to have a few custom designs isabel i got this great idea i got this amazing idea it's a guy going share your firework design idea you can make sequences isabelle's like huh i'm not paid enough for this but sure i guess are they doing it already it is they're working already look it's minecraft literally there it is there's the green screen cinematic as heck look at just an eye exploding we have to make a very special one chat there's someone in my life that i want to dedicate this to hey betty when you look up at the night sky you ever wonder at any time isabelle run them again hey betty when you look up at the night sky do you ever wonder what it means replace the whole arsenal i know you just spent all that time getting ready with the other one but this look man i gotta drive the message home every second that these fireworks don't explode is another second that biddy is on the island oh that's cute i mean sort of slicing my eye oh whoop what's happening here benedict you're picking a fight with everybody tonight aren't you then i think that a couple too many drinks right here he's trying to burn down a red stall picking a fight with mitsy which you do not want to pick a fight with mitzi will mess you up have you seen her little side eye glare i guess we just oh there it is oh it looks so creepy is it the giant dissolving pog face is so troubling god bless denny's home of the pancake oh my god that's awesome oh oh those are some smug stars can you lay the firework indoors you know what that's a good point can you career fountain firework we got some work to do no you can't activate them oh too fat i was gonna drop them inside of like bitty's house and activate them and just see what we could have happen you know see see what will happen toss a live grenade in her house and you know see if it pops oh bubbles i knew i was forgetting something how do these work that's cute are they already used up what you one blow per bubbles oh my gosh no kidding is being sold for red red you still you sold me like a a bubble canister with only like one percent of the remaining blows left in it let's check in with this one you guys certainly pump these out didn't you this one's just a working damn art it looks like gooey is like a five o'clock shadow poor guy hasn't shaved in a while as he hit the court quarantine's getting the gooey i think i'm ready to start dreaming at some point if i'm not already dreaming already another one you're really having a lot of these ideas lately aren't you fail though yeah you could say that [Music] it looks so bad i love i adore it wait no no no wait dude over two years ago the very first time i had the wooden blade gooey on the channel i said his smile lights up the night sky it took over 700 long days but finally gooey's smile has actually lit up the night sky [Music] ah what do i do about this one look at them going to die [Music] hey what's up that don't look at me like that ugly don't fight it don't fight it don't fight it who even are you who even are you just carmen no no just carbon
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,063,443
Rating: 4.9641142 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, Fireworks, update, Summer, Summer Update 2, New, New features, Sleep, Dream, nintendo, switch, New Horizons, but some funny stuff happens
Id: bKvCXrB7k1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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