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yo yo get your get your face out of me Punk please don't take a sip not from you up this is what lurks within the cup windfall island are you just dancing in front of this grave dude that's just weird moppy dancing friends is some mysterious tombstone all it shows us down right left then they become night Buffy would rather uh insert SWAPO 15 through the console command Bach do that game settings well that would do it but now oh here we go slow-mo 15 these days may not recognize if you have enabled cheats ah now how about do we haven't for you how to use compat again wait a second Oh hold on a second wait oh come back per chip nope come back here no how do you non fly a walk in size 6 oh here he comes windfall island careful a predator approaches at high speed here we go hello look up blood lunch it's like a jump where am i what what why am i up there the beautiful shot change size 1 oh there we go clothes cam mode whoa oh I see oh this is really cool I gotta know how much power I have goes oh [Music] whoa oh it feels wrong dude I don't like this can we go to the planet what this is so cool what's all the way at the bottom what's something we've never seen well what Oh didn't like that what if we go inside you I don't like that uh makes you feel uncomfortable oh the city on the moon there's people in here dude turn it off this view real fast to turn on my uh online functionality so now my question no cheese cannot be enabled while online functionality is on unless I had to test something yeah I'm just going through I don't see any anything would like with cheats that can be make them work online I don't see any way of making this happen that would be so cool if I could though yeah I there's no I can do like fly right now right wait yeah mode it's working hold on a second this is what I always wanted I always wanted free camming um online multi parties dude we can do like tournaments and races you're right okay everyone to mafia town I have to test the extent of my new power everybody follow the flying Mario here is the race that you guys are gonna be undertaking no hacks no mods nothing like that we're gonna do a nice parkour based race okay here is the route follow my cam you got to make your way all the way over here on top of this house down the slide and the winner is whoever gets to the very top of this flagpole I'd say to the nest actually you know what first person to jump on my head cuz now I just have to do a cam mode yes first person to jump on Mario's head wins it all everyone has to start on the rim of this fountain but can you see me do my emotes um all the way over there you can Oh their cars out the race starts when you see the puffs did you see the puffer fish choking on the carrot here we go and the race has begun whoa oh you already have an immediately or early start from asking this absolutely plow yet missing the jump though has no chance of getting it from this point on je rule so go with a nice side strategy Oh actually the recovery from download there might be an opportunity right now Jade rules closing the gap leading the charge they're swinging over it's Jay rules in the lead all Jay Broyles does it though Jay Brule's the first person to acquire the video game man this is everything I could have wanted remember games are gonna change with hat in time but F right-click spawn a ball here we go so we could technically play keep-away with a ball I'm gonna try something different here here's what's gonna happen we're gonna play a game of keep-away I'm gonna toss the ball I'm gonna have a minute on the clock for you guys here when I say go I'm gonna try and throw the ball and you guys have one minute to keep it in your possession also if you don't have the ball by the end you get banned from the live chat go the game is live the game is live one minute on the clock who has the ball right now is Jay Abe rules with a strong keep away game a couple quick hops just able to keep themselves out of danger from everyone who's been very close pursuit right now no one is the land in a single shot on rules can anyone could test their leak if anyone can test their clairvoyance they have to throw the ball in his underwater wait a second odo rules has it again unable to make the jump though the ball is being dropped no they managed to keep it even still go but now the ball is in MAGIX possession 20 seconds left on the clock with mint silver holding the ball they're just going the water out they cannot be hit no one can smack them in there the potions come out though the ball is fumbled five seconds left on the clock four three two one and it is in possession of math geek in the very end math geek the winner of the ball keep away okay this is so cool but first actually let's see what else we can do with this dev console emerald coast let's go Oh what is this if we're playing a sonic level we gotta go fast all right you know how we go fast I don't know yet give me a second we're gonna find out set speed and then a number it feels so cold arey yo set speed 100 that's gonna be a no for now it's at 100 if it's working it certainly rules it's certainly working ten okay there we go I suppose a little bit better why is he so glassy I guess he got wet from being so big which I know is cool right that's odd you know I take that back my invisible opened up there I am just change player model oh thank you I love that we actually have a mater in chat that's like oh yeah this was going on so do you know why I can't seem to update my set speed 100 a lot lower than base speed okay how about this then oh I'm really crude I'm really moving now wait hold on a second okay hold up wait wait wait hold on a second I mean it's it's almost working okay it's working it's working oh here we go we're going Jett only seems to work in the water oh that's apparently a sub note in this set jumps with a Z changes your jump height default is 540 what about a thousand oh okay so I mean like we just had another digit or two to that yeah there we go what if I just yeah don't worry about the breathing Mario you won't need to do it where we're going what what is that see well slow-mo like 4000 move over lightning McQueen let's do one how about some of for me it's a sonic game now really slow-mo 0.5 you go oh oh that's kind of cool slow-mo 40 yeah we got this what happened did I drown it's just like real sonic does never touch the water it's the birds the birds delete me nope this is a challenge projectile badge I just gotta shoot him down nope got a kind of nope I can get those guys easy this bird this bird stay away buddy ha this bird rng is terrible there we go no no I can't do it dude I need to go ten I need flight control just shoot him down here we go we're fine now wait wait wait oh that's gonna be satisfying you know what that's fine it's fine we probably just in have enough speed here we go now we're talking come on not enough speed you know what completely reasonable not enough huh we're going so fast I can't move the camera it takes forever so is this map happy well I feel like I'm in training mode right now you this is the game I play normally this dev console is gonna ruin hat in time for me motorcycle plus no bonk plus sprint at yeah that that'll do that'll do then slo-mo Ted no bug doesn't help the Jeep also doesn't seem to like it oh wait okay get me out peace I I gotta go like at leat wait oh my god the motion blur I'm moving so fast that the motion blur can't keep up oh here comes the double jump it's happening he is going into the dive he's making his way down things are heating up soon the blood might rush to his head and kill him rush being a relative term look Albert here they come but what else do we have here what is players only players only I see it's time stop as they say is the world I'm moving too fast to the world around me we've hit true Sonic speeds Oh guys that frozen guys have activated the point but I can't move anymore players only but again there we go we're back view mode wireframe oh where am I I got a diamond helmet looks so cool like this I feel like this is like likely this is old wallpaper this is just album art texture density no Bowl cheater complexity city oh oh oh apparently there's some things as mortals we're not meant to see within the Hat and time dev console summon there's give me examples of some things that can summon but it mainly seems to be like badges it sound like summon mob Vienna if we really summon in like Vanessa or something I'd be interested technology has posted a command listen work oh wait a second what other enemies can i summon look out buddy it's coming for you NPC mobster well I guess it'd work I can give them friends no you will never attack me you wouldn't hurt one of your own with you please let mafia go hoppy and stuck in the sand I'll put one mafia man here oh yeah he's going for a swim I'm really going first swim nope no mafia mate I'm sorry oh oh here we go where did he go dude he's like bah bah battlefield or something spawn one at the highest point and then shove him off understood I believe that would be set jumps fifty-five thousand here we go what if we ghosts summon one we push him in Ghost form there they good oh god i hate when applications freeze up up she goes there we go Cheryl I'll make I'll make my way up there yeah I no problem no problem I bet hone is you yeah he certainly seems a little panicked do you wanna play pattycake yeah no problem man well I suppose it works alright well something tells me this isn't exactly right I can't say I've played pattycake too much in my life but I don't think this is how it goes music drop that down a little bit oh here he goes he's going in he's going in I don't think that's how you play pattycake whoa whoa this is an awfully sensual game of batty cake dude but you know social distancing you know keeping your space Oh Oh Mario Mario no Mario look out everyone meet on this grass I'm gonna throw the ball from up top it'll be like a jump ball we're starting with a jump ball I'm gonna spawn a ball all right everybody it begins when you see the ball thrown you have one minute to hold on to it for as long as possible 3 2 1 go the ball is in play is now in possession of snatch your pants just going to immediately right off the clip a strong opening play min silver they're still keeping it going 40 seconds left on the clock not a single person is managed to hit them yet if you get smacked once but still not dropping the ball on the balls been lost in the scramble I'm sure that ball is I thought I don't think anyone has the ball oh there we go they're able to pick it up super dude now with the ball 15 seconds left wait what uh-oh I think someone someone spawned a second ball I pause the game so min Silver's in possession min silver as well as log in Nathan's I'm gonna try something oh I cannot retrieve the ball mean it was in Andrews hands all is a ball on the beach everybody go back to hub we're making our way on over to alpine skyline and what if we gonna have teams - ooh I'm curious to see like how in depth we could go with this everyone meet on this grave Eric oh no okay yeah you know what I'm surprised this is above the grave it should be below the grave do me a favor and be on the ground over there perfect be on the ground over the animals alright go I'm giving them no time to react wait where'd the ball go so hit the ball do you have the ball Oh Jay Bruce has the ball welp I guess that's one way to keep the ball safe maybe this isn't the best place for this game just one more time but on in snatchers domain I'm gonna stand right up here everyone cluster around this purple mushroom over here when I throw the ball the game has begun here we go three two one go alright go balls in the possession of Nathan's what'd you get it out of pig pig drops the ball fumble and Jew holding in with solid possession of the ball thirty seconds left on the clock they're moving though bull balls been hit away oh my the rapid swings coming out here Nathan's picks it up low and makes a mad dash with it gets hit by a car now in the possession of rules doing a nice little fine ramit line run right now keeping themselves just out of the poison ten seconds left on the board still in the hands of rules five four three two one hmm and in the last week we it is been dropped in for Chuck fumble who has it Andrew andrew has it it fumbled at the last second are you all ready 3 2 1 go the ball is in play immediately picked up by Stover now being moved on over into the hands of Andrew Andrew our previous winner snuck it in at the last second Nathan's back being the Balder pick Pig first time with the ball rules a master of movement now in full control they're back with their similar strategy riding the rim then dipping actually back into the forest we have 15 seconds left on the clock a double mushroom bounce you don't see that every day ten seconds left on the board 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and in the end rules has digging it once again I want to try one last race I have a request if everyone could download yeah yeah the the racecourse one I assume you guys have it ready and good and loaded let's head on over to Luigi's circuit four-person race three-person race no person rates it crash it is broken
Channel: Failboat
Views: 781,093
Rating: 4.9460716 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Hat in Time, cheating, dev console, Mods, Mario
Id: Cr4veUrjMUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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