Animal Crossing but idiots

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hide-and-seek a game created in the Stone Age as a means of teaching our children to hide from natural predators oh wait you heard that last video well turns out that session where we were just slapping each other our Nets had so much banter I couldn't fit it all into one video so I just threw it into this one instead this video was brought to you by myself literally III I have a plush now somehow that's only around for like three more weeks so go buy one and see how far you can punch to go buy one and see how far you can punt it all right video time okay this Orval have two eyebrows or one really thick one like are the lines the eyebrows or is it like like a like a popping vein just went from having an eyebrow to having like a I mean he is also pretty chubby no we can't even clap all he can do is like can slap their like sphere hands into each other and make whatever [Music] I have a chance of choking on the little parts inside wow it's not healthy for you hurts a little Bell things they're like hopping around oh right yeah yeah I mean I'm not judging failed but are you in - lettuce choking I mean I drink you my personal life separate from what I put on strong face in your islands I'm kicking out boomers I know I don't okay well we've sworn into the ocean then I know is Goldie Judy Goldie Goldie Judy anchor and rolled and Wally the res the rest of my Island wait nobody's going oh yeah no I got so I've just been standing here like an idiot waiting for my girl to come to prom stood up by seven people simultaneously I'm coming dad don't worry I'm glad here Thank You fine yeah ah someone's on the way here I wonder who it is wonder who it is wonder who it is well there it is now me just kidding [Music] oh you really ought to be going that for a second lead you want to fart mama I'm very proud of my son he's doing really well for himself what happened to the mouth look I had to fill it in with something oh I I have to edit all the things to have a little bit of transparency but I couldn't complete any time so I just filled it up with something dude I would I would actually sell out so hard for Denny's by Denny's and just show him Denny's commercial I would like cry while we're all doing the a dream I will leave the chat for a very brief moment do a very bad joke and then I'll be back all right awesome why we love you there he goes we all hide up behind the pogs when gab gets here okay no I'm looking at you dude I'm lit up the top right of the screen that neither do they run away it's okay I'll get cold in front of you oh that's good probably cuz I'm not wearing pants and I should fix that yeah incredibly intimidating welcome everybody to Denny's by the way hello hi Deniz are we gonna do well you're not supposed to roll in the sushi okay crossing menuing it's cuz Dodos forget everything if thank you I the dough toasters are just dumb cuz they're extinct they that they don't remember - two years [Music] did you just assume their population everything the light touches man everything man I ate I can say that everything that the light touches is touched by the light I shouldn't bring somebody turned him off no more sounds like tennis Mario Tennis you know throw a paddy with your racket you know my father so as you can see there's fires there's fail boat there's an empty chair and there's being may seem homage hmm I see mama wha what a [Music] messy mama you know is okay he's a little bit mama starves it's cooking mama couldn't make it over well I mean she didn't make it over a bit like the worst way possible you know most explosive way possible bloody didn't scraps I love the pyramid that you got had to get that I could eat it wasn't a balloon [Laughter] ancient Egypt was like we gotta send him this so they bagged it up and just flew it over to you yes ancient Egypt said to the future please send them a pyramid can you imagine just like what's that on the horizon buh-buh-buh-buh-buh it's actually like a hundred feet any direction you can sit with us J if you want I'm watching my favorite show bamboo my favorite Disney movie bastard everybody quiet the best parts coming up it's the part of a bamboo mom died [Music] you better put on a show for me I'm bamboo baby let's hide the baby a bow on my one life goes another one oh my god [Laughter] oh my god Wow a multitude of act up somebody's right for ring fit anchor I hope you don't mind my umbrella saw bleeding into your skull right now yeah fix it a little bit before the eyes imma do wait I need to do that so it stands still hey yeah I was looking for one smart smart smart that doesn't do anything Ferris listen I just wanted to feel included again hey it's for the more an increased amount of al really did you see increased amount of electricity morale yeah that's good dude that's good stuff
Channel: Failboat
Views: 737,511
Rating: 4.9677949 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, New Horizons, AC, Online, Friends, Minigame, Hide and Seek, Podcast
Id: MQ--Tz2aMcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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