A.M.I. - A Horror Movie So Bad It Hurts

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why do I keep coming across bad horror movies about phones kind of reminds me of when I made that video about all those nun movies they were like for horror movies made about nuns in the same year well the same thing is happening now except with phones I made a video about the atrocity that was selfie man and then there was countdown and now there's this ami or ami for those of you that have seen the movie her I highly recommend that movie by the way it's very good Joaquin Phoenix is amazing in that movie well this movie is kind of like her if you turned her into a horror movie and made it a thousand times worse take all the dramatization out of it take all the good character writing out of it put in some really awful scares actually I don't even think there are any scares in this movie like I can't think of a single time when I actually like oh why oh god what happened you know strip away the convincing AI pretty much everything that made the movie her good is removed and they twist it to make it into a horror movie and they put some killing scenes in there and that's what you get with this movie the movie starts with this random girl walking around in pitch blackness because if there's one thing that we've learned about scary movies is that they can't be scary unless it's in complete darkness you know as long as the viewer can't see anything they don't know what's coming and that's scary so she sees a red light in the forest and that's the scary phone in this movie the creepy phone cuz phones are scary the red light disappears and then she gets attacked the movie is named ami ami and that stands for artificial machine intelligence you know they had to put the m4 machine in the middle to make it into an acronym that sounds like a woman's name it's very important even though artificial intelligence by itself means the exact same thing but then again if they took the ml then it would just be artificial intelligence which is already a really good movie they had to avoid being a good movie by putting the M in the middle and then were shown a school and a bunch of students and one of the first lines of dialogue is every cell first name tonight's practice tomorrow's leg game and they were so proud of this line that they put in the trailer God so there's this blonde girl and her name is Cassie she's the protagonist in this [ __ ] show so she goes to her boyfriend's football practice with her friend and her friends on her phone and she's like say that I'm sexy and you know that this Amy thing is really intelligent because it responded it did what she asked her to do oh my god it's almost like it's like Siri had me unsexy your sex okay Google say that I'm sexy here's a matching video well obviously you know my phone isn't as advanced because it just gave me a video that I can watch instead of actually doing what I asked it to clearly this movie is in the future so basically this anything is like Siri but with a really awful response time it's weird though because they call them Ami's but you can give an Amy a male voice hey coach so in that case would it be called a Matt an m-80 for machine advanced technology see see how I did that it spells out Matt it's her boyfriend sees her in the stands but when practice ends he just kind of ignores her and walks off Wow okay so he's a [ __ ] Cassie's mom was killed in a car accident so she's mourning her and she's having trouble accepting it we get to see a picture of her mom on a cross where the accident happened and she kind of looks like SIA the singer is it just me or I don't know okay Cassie went out for a run and then she finds a random phone on the ground it could be anyone's and the phone just starts talking to her as if she's like its new user or something do you need a friend is there literally no security for this like how does that work when it senses someone does it just automatically go hey hello I want to be your friend that's kind of annoying like what have you brought your phone to a party what do it to every single person that was sitting around that's kind of a strange design choice by the app development team if you ask me but whatever so Cassie leaves the phone and goes home so that night Cassie is hanging out with her friends so her friend starts bragging that she changed the voice of her Amy to someone that she really likes almost got mine to sound exactly like breakfast how can you do that to begin with don't you have to like download the person's voice somehow and in order to do that you need like a lot of instances of them talking and you need to really advanced like program which I'm assuming this Amy thing is but still like that doesn't seem like something that you could do easily but I did it somehow Cassie's dad comes into the room with some random woman and everyone leaves the room except for Cassie's horny friend Sara and Cassie's dad so Sara like flirts with Cassie's dad and then puts her number in his phone because she has some weird vendetta against Cassie because Cassie has a rich family and so she wants to like bang her dad in order to I don't know like it's so weird so Cassie's walking home then she sees a cat he's like oh cute little kitty and she picks it up and then she just starts choking it to death because her brain goes into like psycho mode but then just takes a pill and she's fine now so that was weird so Cassie goes back to the spot where she put the phone before and miraculously the phone is still on after all this time it has a pretty impressive battery but let's just ignore that so she just steals this random phone like she just takes it home it's hers now that kind of reminds me of the movie the drone remember when the guy just like found the random drone and then just took it how come so many of these bad horror movies rely on someone just stealing so Cassie starts using her new Amy but somehow this Amy is able to download her mom's voice entirely and now it just uses her mom's voice like it just posed the voice of her mother out of thin air what you sounded just like her like like dinner mom upload a million videos of her talking on to Facebook or something I don't they don't explain how this technology works at all throughout the entire movie it's so stupid it's like the phone scanned her brain and downloaded all the data from her brain and so it knew to use her mother's voice to manipulate her I just know he's gonna hurt you again whatever so Cassie asks her phone to read her a story so she can go to sleep and she starts calling her Amy her mom and she's like oh I love you mom even though you're just a phone so Cassie is using this Amy thing to cope with her mother's death by like replacing her mother with the phone I don't really have a problem with that per se but I do have a problem with how inexplicable all these events happened Oh a random Fallin that just happened to have this Amy thing on it that my friend was talking about it just happened to be unlocked with no password security plot contrivance is all over the place and then we get this weird like sci-fi futuristic scene of the Amy downloading all this data about what makes a good mother because the amy is gonna use that information to manipulate Cassie you see sacrifices must be made to save your kingdom why is the amy doing this well just don't think about that you idiot so the next day the Amy is obviously still charged you know with its infinite battery life you'd never have to plug it in it's very convenient so Cassie takes her Amy to her mom's grave and she passed one of her pills for her brain condition Cassie was in the same car that her mom was in when the car crashed she survived the crash but it resulted in brain injury so it gave her a crazy case of bipolar and made her super impulsive and aggressive and the phone is like that's pretty strong dosage for someone so good and that's all the Amy ever says to her about the medicine and then she just kind of stops taking it why would she just stop taking her medicine when it take a little bit more convincing from the Amy to make her stop taking this medication that's really important for her you know to function but okay so then there's a bunch of scenes of her hanging out with her Amy you know their bond is getting stronger and stronger she mentions her douchebag friend Liam and her weird [ __ ] friend Sarah to her Amy upon mentioning her friend and boyfriend the Amy automatically knows who she's talking about it's kind of weird how you know that these things I mean I'm assuming it has access to all of Amy's Facebook history just by scanning her face but I'm not sure about that I'm just making up excuses for this movie because I'm desperately trying to make sense of all this and it's kind of weird right that this Amy thing has unrestricted access to everybody's information online especially if it's an advanced AI how come people can just start using this program without any sort of privacy agreement or anything there's no terms of service there's nothing what and Liam's excuse for not hanging out with Cassie is all I have leg day sorry it's leg day at the gym so I can't hang out with you no its leg day Cass I can't tonight because leg day is an all-day activity and we see his legs later on in the movie but it doesn't appear like leg day is doing all that much for you Liam well let's be fair he's just using that as an excuse so he can cheat on her but still so Cassie goes to Sarah's place and she finds out that Liam is cheating on her with Sarah because she watches as Liam struts out of Sarah's plays like a complete goon look at the way he's walking right here Cassie infiltrates Sarah's place and finds Liam's boxers in there oh oh so Cassie's Amy tells Cassie to kill Sarah do it do it so cash is like all right that sounds like a logical thing to do you know I'm not on my meds anymore so I'm insane all of the time literally 24/7 I have no common sense anymore be azimoff my meds so Cassie suffocates Sarah with a pillow just kidding Sarah's alive still so Cassie bashes her over the face with a computer this scene is so weird because we see Cassie feel remorse after killing Sarah with the pillow but then she finds out that Sarah isn't dead but then she just instantly switches back into murder mode like she obviously regretted her decision why would she instantly want to kill her again it makes no sense and why does this Amy thing want Cassie to kill everybody is it just because it's a machine I kind of understand that the amy's purpose is supposed to fill in for the people in your life that you might have missing and obviously Cassie's Amy is supposed to be her mother and you see it downloading all this stuff you know how to protect your child and I'm pretty sure telling your child to murder another person is not protecting them to Ric now I'm not sure what this Amy downloaded but it probably wasn't the right website so Cassie is trying to dispose of Sarah's body in Liam's backyard you know in order to frame Liam which is weird be cuz they show Cassie as someone who loves Liam like she's obsessed with this guy she even makes excuses for him later in the film to her Amy know may know that he's not perfect I just know he's gonna hurt you again I know he's not perfect but nobody is then why is she trying to frame Liam so remember that girl from the beginning of the movie well here's that scene again from Cassie's perspective so upon seeing the stranger Cassie's Amy goes who the hell developed this app John Wayne Gacy so Cassie murders this random girl as well who is this random girl that Cassie just saw in the woods she literally serves no purpose to the plot of this movie she just comes out of nowhere who is she and why is she walking in the middle of the woods randomly when it's pitch-black outside and she just happens to stumble across Cassie her Amy keeps saying all this like stupid stuff like sacrifices must be made to save your kingdom heavy is the head that wears the crown what the hell finally as one does with a wig it was time to liquify the problem I get that Cassie has a brain issue and she's really close to this phone but still it's so stupid how can she see no problem with what she's doing so Cassie has some blood on her hand so she goes home to take a shower so she goes to this outdoor shower and starts rinsing herself off with her clothes on which is kind of strange you would assume she'd want to get rid of these clothes you know like put them in the barrel with the bodies that you just killed and get rid of them because they kind of incriminate you but she decides to bring them home very smart you would assume that this Amy thing that she has would use this big Internet brain you know and download the best way to get away with murder so while Cassie is rinsing the blood off her they show a shot beneath the porch and there's a [ __ ] on a blood coming down on the wall where did all this blood come from I don't know it's so stupid and her Amy just keeps talking about witches and ogres and all this dumb stuff and over the red princess rinsed away her burden that the evil Trench which was no more it's very deep so the next day Cassie smiles in the mirror proud of the murders that she just got away with so at this point she's clearly just a complete psychopath all it took was a phone with her mother's voice to read her a story Wow so she was pretty unhinged at school Cassie finds Liam flirting with her other friend and she gets really angry so to get back at him instead of just breaking up with this guy like she should have done like a really long time ago Cassie goes to his place and she squirts lotion all over some stairs that lead to a hot tub and she calls his name and she's like Liam I'm over here come [ __ ] me in the hot tub Liam Liam like ah hell yeah and he says this verbatim ready to dump the junk Wow cringe Thank You scriptwriters so Liam walks down the stairs and he slips on the lotion the lotion is white and very visible it's not like she's smeared it all over the stairs you know to cover more surface area so he would definitely slip and not see the lotion instead she just leaves it like a bunch of lines not only is it strange that he just happened to step on the one little area where she squirted the lotion but he didn't see the white line on the stairs they even show him looking down the stairs okay whatever so he slips and he breaks his leg he's like oh my god how it hurts and he's screaming right but I guess his dad just didn't hear him maybe his dad was asleep here I go making excuses for the movie again what should have happened is Liam slips right because he's an idiot he didn't see the lotion so his dad comes outside and he's like oh my god what's happening he looks down the stairs he doesn't see the lotion either somehow and he walks down the stairs and slips and he also breaks his leg Liam calls an ambulance the ambulance shows up the EMTs walk outside they see them at the bar on the stairs and they also don't see the lotion ed walk down and rip that's really how it should have gone but anyway so Cassie shows up the next day with a gift for Liam she gives him a new phone with a clue own of her Amy downloaded onto it I even downloaded a clone of Miami on it so the crazy Amy that Cassie has now Liam has it too I wonder what's gonna happen now well I'll spoil it for you nothing nothing happens basically Cassie gave Liam this new phone because she thought that this Amy would convince Liam to be a good guy and treat her well perhaps we should discuss how to properly treat a lady I don't care Cassie isn't only insane she's a complete idiot it's like she doesn't know this person that she's dating at all she's just strangely infatuated with this guy that's a complete [ __ ] to her and if it's so easy just to like download a clone of your Amy on to another device then why would anybody pay for it is it free someone put this insane technology out onto the market for free wow that's very nice of them or maybe this Amy is like a Siri but it only comes on certain devices so the company that makes these devices just decide to give them an insane artificial intelligence that has absolutely no security behind it whatsoever it's very safe so Cassie's weird pedo dad decides to show up outside of Sara's place because she called him before she was killed she was trying to seduce him or whatever and how does he know where Sarah lives as far as I know this was the only conversation that they had on the phone and it didn't show her texting him her address or anything because she got the phone and then started vlogging and then she got interrupted by Cassie who then killed her so I guess Cassie's dad just chose a random house and was very lucky so Sara's a huge weirdo and she was making all these vlogs about her betraying Cassie because she hates Cassie because she's rich it's so stupid it's a really bad character motivation so whenever Cassie gets a new boyfriend or something Sara goes out of her way to blow them or [ __ ] them or something and she makes a blog for I guess herself to make herself feel better so she can watch it later like what is she posting this stuff on YouTube I don't think this stuff would be very well received by a YouTube audience so I'm not sure why she's making these vlogs but she is I know there is a reason Sara's making these vlogs so Cassie's dad can show up out of nowhere without an address and find them and be like oh so my daughter is a serial killer Cassie's father finds like blood on the stairs because Cassie decided not to clean up after her mess very irresponsible murder if you ask me Cassie's dad finds the video that Sara was recording just before she was attacked the phone was just sitting there on a surface recording Sara while she was talking but when Cassie's dad watches the recording it looks like someone has the phone in their hand and they're like recording the attack happening like you can see the camera moving it's so stupid also how is Sara's phone on after all this time it was sitting there recording this entire time and it's still just miraculously on there's so much wrong with this movie that I I'm having trouble trying to find all the little bits this is what Sara said initially when she was recording before she was attacked I've been collecting some souvenirs from her boyfriend's over the past couple years now when we watch the recording back when Cassie's dad finds the phone this is what she says they are completely different and the vlog just randomly starts playing when Cassie's dad picks up the phone you didn't have to press play or anything is so dumb why are phones in this movie so weird they don't have any battery life they never lock they just work randomly at specific moments when the movie wants them to work so now Cassie's dad knows what Cassie did so he confronts her she tries to attack him in the garage but before she can Cassie dad hits her and knocks her out Cassie wakes up in her dad's car Cassie's hands are taped together with duct tape in front of her which pretty much does nothing to inhibit her at all and somehow Cassie still has the earpiece in her ear that she uses for her Amy to talk to her without anybody hearing her Amy Cassie wanker how did stay in her ear when her dad knocked her upside the head anyway so Cassie tries to strangle her dad with her hands but her dad stops her your head injuries making you act like so then Cassie's Amy uses the car's Bluetooth to make a very loud obnoxious noise and her dad decides to stop the car instead of just turning the radio off like why you just turn the radio off so he stops the car he's like freaking out and Cassie just like leaves just kidding you got bamboozled Cassie just opened the door to make her dad think she left the car so her dad would lead the car with the keys in it you know with the car running because that's what you would do so Cassie just goes into the front seat and reverses the car back into her dad why didn't her dad use childĀ“s lock on the backseat doors Wow so Cassie is somehow able to drag the massive body of her dad all the way to the barrel that's behind Liam's house and she puts him in there how did she do this and no one saw well don't think about it doesn't matter okay just don't Cassie's Amy turns red as Cassie kills her father with acid of course it turns red because red is the evil color because red is the color of blood and red is the color of a Sith lightsaber it looks like she poured windshield wiper fluid on him though Ruby calls Cassie over Skype I only know her name is Ruby because when I watched the movie I had subtitles on and it said Ruby as her name when she was speaking otherwise I would have no idea who she was and she asks about Sarah's whereabouts so Ruby's like yo I'll be over there in a little bit see you later Ruby then texts Liam and she's like yo you know where Sarah is and Liam is like log penis go squirt because you know typical dude only thinking about sex and then it shows Cassie trying to defend Liam to her Amy I know he's not perfect but somehow this Amy was able to brainwash Cassie to the point where she kills her own father but she still likes her douchebag boyfriend she's got a soft spot for him for some reason even though he causally cheats on her so then Cassie texts Liam with Sarah's phone that she got from her dad and then Liam you know typical guy he's like PP what's VV about your vajayjay I have boner give me bagina he then tries to get his a me to look up porn you know because horny and then Cassie's a me clone is like no so he just deletes the a me Cassie's a me starts freaking out because the clone got deleted so Cassie cause Liam and she's like did you delete the ami I gave you and he's like yeah because it sucked hey how are you like your new ami ya sucks and this is what really sends her over the edge it wasn't the cheating it was him deleting the ami that she got for him now that's disrespect so then Cassie goes outside to get the ax that's out there the ax is lit by a light from like some unknown source it's like the light that's shown on to a Zelda sword so while Cassie is outside fetching the axe Ruby shows up and she finds Sara's phone unlocked on the counter with the video of Cassie killing Sara ready to play so Ruby picks up the phone and the video starts playing because everything must work automatically in this movie there can't be anything in the plot that works out naturally why wouldn't Cassie have deleted this video her dad showed her that there was video evidence and she had the phone that was the number one thing that was incriminating her and she just decided not to delete it so yeah Ruby saw the video and then Cassie comes in at this exact moment so Ruby drops the phone and gasps she's like alright you're a goner now why didn't Cassie's a me that's so good at manipulation instruct her to delete the video that was incriminating her what it was instructing her about all this other stuff but know that video the number one thing that will put her in jail let's keep that around well of course the video had to be around because how else do these characters find out about what Cassie's doing it has to be from this video it has to be there's no other way that these characters could have found out so bunk with the axe and Ruby yeah she's dead now so at this point Cassie and care about the earpiece so she gets rid of the earpiece we don't see her do it but for whatever reason the other characters can hear her Amy speaking now because it makes the movie creepier if you can hear the Amy speaking to her out loud so instead of using the barrel outside of Liam's place again which was working out perfectly before she decides to burn her house down with Ruby inside of it and she goes to Liam's place because now it's time to kill Liam because he deleted the Amy clone that she gave him that was going over the line so now it's time to die Liam so she goes to Liam's house and she's outside of his window and she pulls out the axe and Liam's like oh my god she's got insane she's gonna kill me Liam changed the voice and personality of his Amy to his football coach coach is important it has his coach's inflection and speech patterns and everything it's pretty much like his coach is inside of his phone hey coach how can this tech do this just don't think about it and it all Meg said so Liam yells to his dad to not let Cassie in but too late she's already in oh crap she's in the house now the front doors were unlocked conveniently so Cassie just waltzes in and plants the axe into Liam's father's head doesn't even seem like he moved he was just sitting there and listened to someone enter his house didn't even care who it was and she's walked over and put the axe into his brain so Cassie goes upstairs with the axe and her little Amy is there like making the whole scene spooky you know being like interrupting your plans for Sarah you're a bad boy Liam I should also mention that Liam was screaming about victory sandwiches when he saw Cassie outside of his window because this movie couldn't get any cheesier Cassie goes upstairs and Liam closes the door to his room and locks it and he tells his phone to call 9-1-1 but it just doesn't know how understand that wow so this is advanced tech you can tell because it doesn't even know how to call 9-1-1 when you ask it to what are you telling me that literally Siri is more helpful during emergencies during this confrontation scene there's this dumb shining moment when Cassie uses the axe to chop the door she enters the room and she's like oh my god Liam he jumped out the window so he must have two broken legs now but instead Liam was just underneath his bed eventually they both find themselves downstairs and Liam is trying to manipulate Cassie right he's like oh I love you listen to your heart not the Machine listen to your heart and somehow this is working on Cassie okay it's not like every single action in his life was proving otherwise I mean yeah just forget about all that disloyalty and everything remember in the beginning when he completely ignored you when you were sitting there in the stands yeah just ignore it just ignore it so she just stands there like an idiot as Liam takes the axe away from her beasts are with it and then chops her legs so I remember when nine-one-one wasn't working before well now it's working thanks movie funny how things just work when the movie wants them to work so Liam calls 9-1-1 and he's just laying there on the floor as Cassie crawls towards him with a knife he just kind of lays there as she stabs him to death I know that he has a broken leg but she's the one that's seriously injured right now and he's obviously more fit than she is I mean he plays football but yeah just just lay there just lay there bro that's the solution right now why is he so weak all of a sudden I'm so confused so yeah she just stabs him in the mouth and he dies it's like the silliest way to kill someone ever he just kind of sits there while she does it to like yeah just put it in I won't resist in the next scene we see Cassie talking to her shrink they were talking about oh my god Liam is such a terrible person I can't believe he would kill so many people so I guess they just think that Liam's an insane person I know that the barrel was in his backyard and everything and I know his dad was a dick but if they look up his activity on the Internet none of it would point towards murder and the axe is from Cassie's house and has some of Ruby DNA on it so if Liam did all this he would have had to have killed Cassie's dad without her noticing gone to Cassies house without Cassie there with Ruby there to kill Ruby there which is very strange and then burn the house down go back home kill his dad and injure Cassie all while being a [ __ ] his leg was broken this entire time how could he have killed people and then drag their bodies to this barrel in his backyard when he has one leg so nine months later it shows Cassie at a dinner table with an Amy of her dad and Amy of her mom and an Amy of Liam oh there's one more there's an Amy of their baby of Liam and Cassie's baby they have a little phone baby in a crib so stupid it's been nine months and nobody knows about this weird girl and her phone family and where did the Amy tech come from they completely ignored that this entire movie they didn't even bother explaining how these Amy's work they just work and whose phone was it that Cassie found I guess that doesn't matter that should be the model for this movie it just happened because it happened all right guys I guess that will do it thank you so much for watching this was somehow worse than countdown and selfie man well I'm impressed if you guys know of any other movies I should make a video on then please leave them in the comment section down below I'll so guess what new season of alien clothing available now season 7 we got a whole bunch of new clothes over there including this shirt that I'm wearing right now it's called ghost boys it's dope it has these little ghost dudes all over it even on the back yeah you can even get this hat there so I guess if you want to cosplay as me then go to alien clothing guys no but seriously we got a bunch of cool stuff over there so go check it out that'll do it guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 2,293,797
Rating: 4.9520674 out of 5
Keywords: a.m.i. movie, a.m.i. review, movie review, a horror movie so bad it hurts, elvis the alien horror movie, elvis the alien, elvisthealien, ami, ami review, artificial machine intelligence
Id: -RUfHnl5ooU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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