COUNTDOWN (2019) - A Terrible Horror Movie

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if a phone app existed that told you when you would die down to the second and it was accurate like a hundred percent accurate would you download it would you want to know I think most people wouldn't want to know when they would die you know exactly that's just kind of weird but what I can tell you for sure is that there's a movie about this exact thing and it's called countdown yes because there's basically a movie about anything and everything nowadays if you can think of it there's probably a movie I mean there's a movie called zombeavers I'm not joking it's about zombie beavers maybe I'll make a video about that one day but for now we're talking about this very amazing horror movie countdown it was written and directed by Justin deck literally zero people know who Justin deck is except for the people watching this video so if you're watching this video now you know that Justin deck is a human being and he wrote and directed this movie called countdown so now probably be the first and last time you ever hear of Justin deck this movie stars Elizabeth lael you probably have no idea who that is except when I show her face on screen yeah she's from the very popular Netflix show you that's literally the only thing I know her from apparently she was also in once upon a time and some other stuff that I've never seen but I've only ever seen her in you and in that show her name is Beck and the creepy guy who's stalking her pronounces her name with a very strong K he calls her Beck he's like what are you doing Bette Oh your legs are so nice back what book are you reading back back back back after watching that season I hated the name back because they said it so much and I can't look at this girl's face without thinking back so while I'm talking about this movie I'm just gonna call her back as far as her acting it's okay you know it's nothing special she's decent in the movie the movie starts at a party and all these people are talking about the apps on their phones I need that what's that called so they come across this app called countdown and they're like oh my god it tells you when you're gonna die that's crazy I wonder if it's real so they all download the app and they're like oh look I'm gonna live till I'm 80 or I'm gonna live till I'm 70 but then this one girl downloads it and it says that she'll die in 3 hours he tells her boyfriend that she's going to walk home because she's convinced that she's going to die in a car accident because this app told her that she's gonna die which is completely silly I don't think anybody in their right mind would actually believe the app so some creepy stuff happens to her as she walks home apparently this app like screams at you as it counts down it's really annoying it happens throughout the entire film so she's in a bathroom and she's like oh my god it's counting down I'm gonna die any second and then like she just gets thrown into the ceiling and dies and then we cut to the boyfriend and oh my god he's in a car accident and there's a branch like sticking into the passenger seat where she would have been sitting you can't dodge fate people if you're gonna die it's gonna happen whether it be by a tree or a random ghost that throws you into the ceiling all you gotta do is download the app to find out I was curious so I looked on the app store to see if countdown was an actual app and it is and it's kind of creepy because it looks exactly like the app in the movie it says it's based on the movie countdown I think if they erase that part it would be way creepier I installed it on my phone to see what it would be like and it's pretty much exactly like it is in the movie there's a User Agreement and it has all this weird stuff in there and it says I will die in 41 years so I will be 72 or somebody died so I got quite the life ahead of me right except I uninstalled the app installed it again but this time it told me I have a three hundred and thirty-four days so maybe you get like a 41 year penalty if you uninstall the app and then reinstall it so I only have a year left so it was fun guys then were introduced to BEC she works as a nurse at a hospital where the guy from the car accident gets admitted this dude's name is Evan and he tells her about the app tells me when you're gonna die too seriously and his phone tells him that he will die in 19 hours and that's when his surgery is taking place so he's convinced he'll just die during surgery back needs her birth certificate for taxes or something so she goes to her parents place where we're introduced to her younger sister Jordan and her dad we find out Beck's mom is dead we then get a scene of the guy back at the hospital he's about to have surgery and his phone screams at him because he only has three minutes to live he sees a Grim Reaper looking guy in a mirror as he's walking down a hallway the Grim Reaper thing rushes at him in the mirror and then it cracks he's like oh my goodness so he runs into a stairwell where the lights shut off randomly because we can't have a creepy scene unless the lights are off his phone screams at him again because that's not knowing or anything the door locked behind him so he can't get out and oh my god he hears someone walking up the stairs just kidding they're walking down the stairs oh my god who is it it's a demon version of his dead girlfriend what no no way she then like Michael Jackson walks down the stairs and kills it it's so cringe [Music] Sobek arrives at work again and finds out that Evan killed himself surprisingly out of nowhere the patient died in the stairwell they think you might have jumped she takes his phone because she's convinced that for whatever reason it would have to do with that weird app it's got to be the app she thinks you know there's no way he was depressed or suicidal or something it has to be the app the app killed him because that's what any logical person would think yeah she can't get into his phone so she unlocks it with his corpse I'm not joking it's so weird she literally like forces his eyes open so it'll work with like the face detection she obviously downloaded the app because she believes this thing is legit right and it says that she has a little bit over a day to live oh man that's creepy she walks past a random room has the grim reaper guy in it the same grim reaper thing that was in the mirror no this must be the the grim reaper ghost that developed the app she then gets sexually assaulted by her boss it's such a creepy scene I hate scenes like this the hell is wrong with you you some kind of teeth that tries to tell her manager that she was just assaulted but her manager gets pulled away by you know her boss so she's just like okay I can't tell her then you know she doesn't even bother trying to tell anyone else why didn't she like write an email to the HR department it's so weird she's like okay she got pulled away so now I just won't tell anyone she could at least like write a note to the manager and leave it at the front desk for her or something but she doesn't do anything so Beck tries uninstalling the app but it won't uninstall for some reason there's something in the coding that makes it so this app just won't go away it's stuck on your phone now that's scary she looks up online like oh my god there's so many feel that I've been killed by this app if this app is killing people wouldn't there be a lot of negative reviews actually wouldn't there be a lot of positive reviews because the app does what it says it does it's actually pretty accurate if all these stories were true online about this app you'd assume like the app store would just delete the app but nope she closes her computer and he's a vampire version of Evans sitting on her bed like this guy she just met that has zero significance in her life oh my goodness he's on my bed Beck is so scared of this vampire Evan that she leaves her apartment and sleeps in her car so Beck goes to this phone store and buys a new phone with a new SIM card and everything but get this countdown does not care that you got a new phone and a new SIM card it installs itself onto her phone oh my goodness can you believe it now that's scary it follows her it doesn't matter what kind of phone she has she could buy a flip phone and it would still and it would still find a way it would install itself into the t9 if happened to me I would just buy a flip phone I don't have any apps anymore ha what you gonna do now I mean I probably still die when it says I'm gonna die but I wouldn't know like I won't know the exact second so it wouldn't bother me so a guy that's standing in line at the store when she's there overhears her talking about the app and he's like oh my goodness I also am being haunted by this app gotta go talk to this girl that goes to her car and oh my goodness the Grim Reaper thing it's in the rearview screen it's coming for you but you still have like however many hours but it's it's lurking it's stalking you so all the people that download this app and they're gonna die soon does he just like make visits to all them or can he visit all them at once is he kind of like Santa Claus does you have magical abilities where he can like multiply the demon grabs her face so in a panic she pushes on the acceleration pedal and reverses into this guy's car this sequence is so poorly done they do the entire crash through the screen they don't show any cars hitting each other and when they show them talking they don't even show any damage on any car so this guy yells at her and then the dude that was standing in line comes out and he's like yeah white boy if you don't have the n-word pass then you better get a move-on and then the white boys like dude I don't have an n-word pass so I'm just gonna go I know she hit my car and it's totally her fault and I should get like the insurance and everything but no n-word pass so toodaloo so then this guy talks to beck and he's like I also download the app and I'm gonna die soon too so we should we should talk we find out that this guy's name is Matt so they go to a bar they decide that the answers to the app are in the User Agreement you know because you never read a User Agreement when when you download an app and that was the mistake that they made get it guys because no one ever reads the User Agreement this movie is so hashtag relatable they convinced this insane guy to download the app so they can look at the User Agreement are you crazy you should never accept the terms and conditions without reading them first this movie is so relatable it's insane so they really user agreement like the user shall accept the terms of his or her fate any attempt to use information from countdown to alter the user's fate will be a breach of the User Agreement or something so you can't alter your fate right if you try and change your fate then you'll die anyway that the app will find a way to kill you so they find their way back to the hospital Matt uses a stall to piss which is weird but I'm not a big fan of urinals either so great minds think alike I guess Matt here's a boy crying and he's like yo who is that and then he sees someone with bare feet walking between the stalls but there's walls there what ghosts ghosts bro that's weird lights go out because we can't have a scary scene without the lights going out then this little boy jumps on nowhere I starts punching him and then the lights turn on because the stranger comes out of nowhere and he's like what what's going on good so that happened BEC is summoned to a meeting and the HR department is like your boss tells us that you were that you were coming on to him and that's not cool and we would like to make sure that this doesn't happen again and backs like that's not true he came on to me if this is true why didn't you just come to me right hey try I only tried once though I made no other attempts Beck and Matt then go to a church and nobody is around so they're like oh let's go to the minister's office or the pastor the priest I don't know anything about a church they go to the office where the guy is his name is father John by the way father John is pretty cool because he's listening to panini by little nos X and the scene is a little bit ridiculous I think they're trying to be funny you know a pastor listening to rap music is a little bit weird big time beckoned Matt tell this guy about the app and everything that's happening he then tells beck and matt about a story about a demon named ozan and he torments people that changed their fate you know if a certain thing is supposed to happen that leads to your death but then you do something else ozone comes out of nowhere and kills you when you're supposed to die that's basically what happens ozone somehow found a way to like connect to this phone app and he's killing people when they're supposed to die but only if they download the app and agree to the User Agreement you know demons are really in line with technology nowadays you know they love smart phones and you know smart tech and Tesla's they really like Tesla's hail Satan Elon Musk the pastor is like if I could see the code of the app then I would be able to tell if it's actually Oz in doing this or not what okay okay movie sure if only the pastor could read the code like this guy knows anything about coding he's just assuming that there will be something in the code of the app that will point to a demon okay so then Beck's like remember that random clerk guy from the phone store yeah let's go harass him late at night so they go to the phone store and they just closed and he's walking to his car and they're like hey guy do you know how to hack an app and he's like what who are you you weirdos why are you approaching me I don't know you this is really awkward but he doesn't say that and instead he's like yeah I can hack an app sobbing you know how to hack into an app yeah so then back and Matt are like here have our credit cards and they had this amount of money on them in exchange you will hack this app for me and he's like sure thing will do I would be more likely to look on Craigslist for some random person that knows how to hack apps like why would they assume this random guy at this phone store can hack apps just because he said that he could jailbreak her phone so they go into the store he hacks the app in like five seconds he then goes in and changes the time when BEC Matt and Jordan back sister will die because apparently Beck and Jordan are both going to die around the same time of course she downloaded it it's the same as mine so this guy goes in he's like alright I'm gonna make it so you don't die until you're like 90 or something and he gave himself like 90 plus years when he's already what like 30 years old so he'll be around like 120 when he dies that sounds miserable you'd be a vegetable for like 15 years straight that can Matt decide to stay together that night Matt tells Beck a story about his younger brother when they were younger he took a toy from him or something it's dumb so that little boy that attacked him in the bathroom earlier was a ghost of his little brother who died and guess what his name is his name Jeff my name is Jeff then beck tells Matt about how her mom died in a drunk driving accident no you don't have to sleep on the floor Beck wakes up in the middle of the night and sees someone walking towards the door turns out it was Matt but wait who's in the bed oh my god she was cuddling the demon the whole time Matt help oh wait she was dreaming again what that sequence wasn't scary at all and it was very confusing it's so dumb when movies do this when they have someone wake up and then something happens and then they wake up a second time like what is this inception stop doing this please so their phones scream at them and revert back to the original times that they had before so then we get a scene of Jordan left home alone so the hallway light starts flickering if there's one thing I know about demons they don't like lights or is that vampires [Music] so Jordans afraid so she hides underneath her bed the bed gets pulled away who knows where it went she kinda just gets pulled away and to nowhere then her dead mom pops out nowhere and goes where is she like Batman from The Dark Knight you know when he goes where is she that's what she sounds like Bek arrives at her parents place to retrieve Jordan they all drive back to the church father John opens the door without a shirt on because you know father John he be kind of quirky Doe so somehow they have the code of the app on their phone even though the guy in the phone store hacked it on a computer it doesn't matter so father John being the coding pastor genius that he is looks at the code and he concludes that it's a curse because there's Latin in there and he can read Latin but good news it can be broken with a ritual a protection ritual this father John guy seems strangely ecstatic to help these people out you know he must be really bored this is good this is like really good maybe there's not enough little boys at this church for okay so matt has to miss a lift so they got to act quick right so they paint a big protection rune on the ground and they stand inside it the lights go out because we can't have a scary scene without the light father John utters a bunch of religious mumbo-jumbo and holds out a cross and he's like stay back you dumb demon I got a hand into the movie the demon actually looks really scary he's got those really creepy eyes and he doesn't look like someone I would want to meet in an alleyway late at night so I think they did a good job so ozan is like walking along the edge of the circle and his little Cape thing is it's like burning because he can't enter the circle I guess the Cape is like part of him and if it touches anything religious like it starts burning so I'm getting a lot of vampire vibes the name ozan is kind of cool maybe I'll name my kid ozan so then Matt's phone starts making this ear piercing sound that ever one can hear except for him he's hallucinating or something and he sees his little brother there and this little toy comes out of nowhere the same toy that he stole from him when they were younger or something I was like why do take my toy and he's like sorry bro my bad like and then obviously he steps outside the circle and then ozan grabs his leg and pulls him up the stairs and then the rest of the dumb characters race after him a car comes out of nowhere and hits him and kills him guess you just can't escape fate right kids why do these other people need to stay in the circle if they're not gonna die yet right like ozan is only gonna kill you if it's your time to die isn't that true why would the two girls need to be in the circle couldn't they like try and distract the demon be like help demon over here over here demon I know Matt isn't here he's he's taking a [ __ ] or something but yeah look at me hello Jordan got injured during this whole thing so they go to the hospital and who treats her creepy bossman she looks at her phone and oh my goodness you only got 18 minutes left later beck goes into the office of the creepy guy and she starts hitting on him and he's very confused right he's like what the heck why are you hitting on me i assaulted you and you weren't into it then why you into it now and she's like well I'm just into it now so go meet me in the closed wing because this is totally not trap and I'm gonna bang you in the closed wing because before wasn't into it but now totally into it you can help remember that meeting when I was really angry at you and then you kind of like change the story and may the HR department hate me I don't care still want to bang you so go meet me in the ghost wing I'll be in the clothes wait you should come so this guy's like a complete dumbass and he looks for Becca and Becks like oh yeah and he was like where are you back I want to get my dick wet back so this boss man also download the app and Beck's plan is to kill him before it's his time and in doing so it'll like destroyed the appers thing because he will have died before his time and like break the curse or something I don't know so they end up fighting she injures him and she's like your time is up you rapey [ __ ] I'm not joking that is an actual line from this movie your time's up raping so it looks like whenever she's about to kill him right she's about to inject him with this lethal injection stuff before she can do it the demons like ha ha what do we say to the god of death not today sister and pulls her away you know with the force or something like with his demon powers he like just pulls her away so there's nothing she can do right wrong she threatens to kill herself before it's her time the demon is over there like pestering Jordan and then beckham's are nowhere and she's like I'm gonna kill myself with this lethal injection before it's my time that way the curse will break and I'll save my sister ha ha I'm so noble but the demon could just use his powers to pull the syringe out of her hands right before she could kill herself with it why didn't he just do that but instead the demons like I'm just gonna run the clock on her she has 30 seconds left to live so all I gotta do is pretend like I'm her mom for that 30 seconds and stall her right but then at the last second Bex like lawl no I'm going to kill myself anyway so she injects herself with the syringe at this point she only has 30 seconds left to live but if you look it up online it takes around 7 minutes to die from lethal injection and that's only if you get like the perfect Bane right the demon could definitely still kill her when she was meant to die but she just kind of dies instantly maybe this is like a huge dose I don't know maybe it's not lethal injection I don't know what it is it's just some mystery fluid that she injects into herself I like how the demon is wearing a bag over its head you must be very insecure somehow BEC knew that her sister would be there to revive her so before she did all this she wrote on her arm this is where you need to inject narcan which is like an emergency liquid that you inject into someone when they overdose and mysteriously this antidote and the syringe just kind of like pop at nowhere very convenient so Jordan takes the syringe and fills it up with this narcan stuff and injects it into the circle where where BEC drew on her arm like injected here because this is the prime spot so yeah Beck's alive again she broke the curse hell yeah at the very end of the movie guess what happens BEC gets another notification and guess what it is its countdown again 2.0 the satanic worshiping app development team is is that again and they are hell-bent on getting this app out there for these people how very nice of them hey I mean it's kind of nice knowing when you're gonna die because then you can say goodbye to your loved ones a lot of people just die randomly they have no chance so thank you satanic worshiping app development team very cool I like how at the end the movie it's like oh my god there's another app like Beck is still gonna die holy crap like as if she's just immortal now because she escaped death this one time and they broke the curse though right so is this another curse I thought they had to download the app and agree to the User Agreement and if this is fate right you know you have to die at this moment then they just what broke fate that's weird it wouldn't really be fate then right I don't I don't know and I don't care like who developed this app it's so silly so yeah guys if you're interested go to the App Store and look up countdown and find out when you're gonna die and post how much time you have left in the comments down below and we'll see who's dying next out of all the people who watch this video it's such a stupid premise you know like one day Justin deck walk up and he's like you know what the conjuring was missing a cursed app fear phone now that that would be cool like how did this movie get any sort of funding how did this get a green light Elizabeth Lael you gotta get a better manager why did you agree to this so stupid hey guys this video is brought to you by Ray Cohn I bet you thought I was something else so yeah thanks ray Khan for sponsoring this video did you know that Snoop Dogg and cardi B both use ray Khan I bet you didn't those people are cool and you can be cool too even Melissa Etheridge uses Ray Khan who is that I don't know some other earbuds out there not gonna name them only have like a couple of colors it's pretty lame Ray Khan has a huge variety you can get them in all sorts of fun colors Wow the tiny compact carrying case that your earbuds come in can charge the earbuds four times before you have to charge it up again something I really like about Ray Con is that they're really discreet when you put them in there's no wire and there's no stem ah so you can look cool and fashionable while listening to your favorite music they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands and their latest model the e25 is their best one yet with six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit you just can't go wrong with Ray Khan that's not their slogan I made that go-to by breakin calm /lv see a lien for 15% off your order hey that's a pretty good deal 15% off all you gotta do is go to the link in the description click on it and save some money hell yeah thank you so much great con for sponsoring this video by the way I'm trying to give these reviews a little bit of a silver lining to them so here are three horror movies that I think are great and you should check out the one that's coming [Music] oh yeah guys I guess that would do it thank you so much for watching go to alien clothing calm my personal clothing brand there are some really awesome designs over there that I think you might like and some of them are pretty satanic so that's cool and thank you to all my patrons for keeping this channel alive I love you guys if you know of any other movies that I should review leave them in the comment section down below anyways guys that will do it thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 4,362,035
Rating: 4.9230561 out of 5
Keywords: countdown, countdown movie review, countdown movie, beck from you, beck you, you netflix, elvis the alien, elvisthealien
Id: ttflweWv9Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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