SKINS - A Movie So Twisted I Had to Make This Video

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do you ever wonder what it would be like if your [ __ ] and your mouth swaps places what well look no further because there's a movie about that exact thing yeah it's called skins unsurprisingly i had a bunch of people ask me to make a video on this movie and it's pretty clear to me why because it's kind of weird i think it's probably the weirdest movie of 2020 if i had to put a label on it yeah that would be it this movie is so weird it rivals border remember the movie border that i reviewed about the troll woman this one's weirder than that this is definitely one of the strangest movies i've ever seen skins is a spanish film the director and writer is eduardo casanova he's the brains behind such projects such as eat my [ __ ] and bath time that has this as the promo art so i'm sure that i am in for a treat with skins with the tiny bit that i knew about this movie i knew that i had to record my reaction to it so i sat my wife down and we both watched this together and yeah our reactions are probably exactly what you'd expect they plop a bunch of not normal people together in a movie and then they try and teach the viewer a lesson you know don't judge people just because they look weird i mean i don't remember ever seeing a girl with an [ __ ] for a mouth and i don't think that's possible but yeah i'll keep that in mind it's a dark comedy drama and i think it takes itself a little bit too seriously especially when there's people that look like this in the movie they're trying to convey a serious message here you know how someone is a lot more than just what they appear to be but yeah they decide to do it in a very strange and unorthodox way that i haven't seen before i wouldn't say this movie is bad per se it has great cinematography it's a very stylish movie you know delores umbridge from harry potter remember her office how it was like super pink and there were kittens everywhere well that's this entire movie there's pinks and purples everywhere it's a very stylish movie it's kind of in the same vein as like a wes anderson film if a psychopath was directing a wes anderson film and there's great acting all around i do think the shock factors and the dark comedy kind of diminish the overall message of the film but there's definitely worse examples out there this is one of those branching path movies where they don't have one protagonist they have like seven and they all have their own journeys and sometimes their paths will intertwine the movie starts by introducing us to a middle-aged man in a brothel and not just any brothel if there's a certain type of person you want to have sex with well this brothel can accommodate you that means exactly what you think it means deformed people children whatever you want and this guy is clearly ashamed of himself he answers the phone to find out that his wife just gave birth and he's in a brothel trying to pick out a child to have sex with yeah that's how this movie is beginning very interesting you can tell we're in for a bit of a ride the procurer is an elderly woman she tries to justify his disgusting urges by making a sweeping generalization about humanity being horrible she tells him that some people were simply born to suffer and there's nothing wrong with that she clearly lacks empathy i mean she must right to work in a place like this and for whatever reason she's completely nude yep this overweight senior woman is nude no reason just for the shock factor there's a lot of instances in this movie where they just show you something to shock you whether it be uh elderly woman boobs an [ __ ] mouth boners you name it so yeah this guy's name is simon and the woman introduces simon to an 11 year old girl she has skin over her eyes and her name is laura she sings him a song afterwards simon tries to make himself feel better by bringing her a gift of two expensive adhesive pink diamond eyes thank god we're not shown what happens next i guess this is not cutie's part two thank christ and then about 10 years pass the next character we meet is samantha she has a butthole for a mouth and a mouth for a butthole [Music] that's a butthole and she literally has a pube beard why doesn't she shave that interesting i like how her chin is just two ass cheeks based on this logic she should have a chin on her ass but uh later we find out that she doesn't so that's weird the characters in this movie will regularly see references to other characters in samantha's case she's watching tv and she sees a pink teddy bear show that becomes relevant later she decides to take a chance of being normal and she goes out to a restaurant without a face covering the person that works here as a waitress is an overweight woman named itsya and she's in a lot of debt upon seeing samantha she can't help but laugh to herself i guess the movie is trying to show us that some people find pleasure in watching other people who were dealt a worse hand than us i guess it just makes us feel better about our own circumstances earlier uh samantha posted a picture of herself on instagram why would she ever do this it's like pretty much asking to be bullied but she does and while she's in the restaurant instagram takes her picture down because it didn't comply with their guidelines i guess instagram thought she posted a picture of her [ __ ] then the waitress serves her her soup the waitress is kind of a [ __ ] she laughs at samantha like to her face [Laughter] not cool you're probably wondering how samantha eats food well i can safely say that it's probably exactly how you would imagine yep she uses a funnel and she just pours the food in to the funnel and puts the end of the funnel in her her mouth you know that's down there so then samantha leaves the diner and she's approached by these two weird-ass bullies their hairstyles are very interesting they kind of resemble that of alison quinn you know the youtuber so they start harassing her she's able to get into her car and she drives away and to top it all off she runs over someone that she didn't even see [Applause] so he must have been like lying in the road or something the next character we meet is ernesto he's shown uh pleasing himself to a picture of his girlfriend who's a deformed girl and then his mother walks in the room are you winning son and uh and she sees what he's doing and what he's looking at and she has a panic attack and of course the movie has to show his flopping boner like he turns around his pants are down and his boner's flopping all over the place come on man and then his mom kicks him out of the house damn way to kink shame mom so the girl that ernesto was uh stroking himself to is named anna and she's cheating on ernesto with this guy named guillermo and guillermo is a burn victim and it shows them banging each other anna just wants to find someone that loves her for the way she is and it seems like guillermo is just settling for anna because he is a burn victim and ernesto is dating anna because he has a fetish for deformed people it's like the weirdest love triangle in existence so then we go back to samantha she's eating dinner with her dad and guess what guys it's her birthday so she's not having a great one and it's about to get much worse while they're eating dinner they had the tv on and they see in the news that a kid was hit by a car and the person just drove away the father expresses that it's truly disgusting that some people would do such a horrible thing samantha obviously feels bad about what she did and her father just keeps unknowingly rubbing it in her face so then her father brings out a cake and yes there are candles lit and yes samantha blows them out i bet you can imagine how she did this [Applause] [Laughter] yeah she farted with her [ __ ] mouth man and then it's gift time and guess what he got for her he got her a [ __ ] unicorn mask you know so she can hide her disgusting ass mouth are you kidding me good job dad i guess he compares his daughter to a unicorn because she's so different from a normal child it turns out that samantha doesn't like her gift who would have thought there's an underlying commonality between all the characters in this movie they're all broken in one way or another whether it be their appearance or they have mental damage there's something wrong with pretty much every character there's another character named christian remember simon from the beginning of the movie yeah it's his kid christian fantasizes about his father who left when he was born and the only thing he knows about simon is that he has a mermaid tattoo his mother took simon just up and leaving them really really hard so over the years she took this anger out on christian so christian is kind of mentally [ __ ] up from all this he developed body integrity identity disorder basically he doesn't believe that his legs belong to him and that he was meant to be a mermaid maybe because of the picture of the tattoo he's like my dad must have been a merman so these legs aren't mine i'm supposed to have a flipper because of this he decides to be wheelchair-bound and he mutilates his legs with a razor blade during a session with his therapist he gets in a heated argument with his mother his mother pulls him off of the wheelchair he falls to the ground and then she sees that he's bleeding she pulls his pants down in front of the therapist revealing a bunch of scars and wounds feeling absolutely humiliated he pulls his pants up and runs away he's so desperate to get rid of his legs that he decides to lay down and let a random passing car run over them so he can finally be rid of them and obviously the person that ran over his legs was samantha christian looks up at samantha and he smiles she's obviously shocked but for the first time in christian's life he feels free and the last time because he ends up dying from these injuries there's a girl with dwarfism named vanessa and she works as a pink bear for a popular kid's television show yes the same show that samantha was watching earlier she's no longer passionate about her job because she knows that people just love the bear they don't love her and she's very lonely and it turns out that she's pregnant and the one thing she wants more than anything is to have a normal baby to have a life that she could never have eventually she finds out that her baby also will have dwarfism heartbroken and not willing to work she decides to stop playing the character he tries to force her to work so he brings her a briefcase full of cash at her place and he's like please come back to work and she's like uh no i'm not doing it so she throws the cash out the window her boss jumps out the window after the cash and guess who sees him fall to his death guillermo the burn victim guillermo picks up the briefcase full of money and hey he's rich now so he has the money to pay for plastic surgery this doesn't sit well with anna because she feels like he should just be comfortable in his own skin just the way she is but everyone's different and everyone has their own journeys and their own mindsets so she decides that they're not good together anymore and she feels like for the first time in her life she's going to try and love herself and be independent and guillermo also goes on a journey of self-love and has the surgery later in the movie samantha is cornered again by these degenerate bullies and they rape her oh i hate it i hate i hate scenes like this so much and you know that they put this scene in there just so they could show her [ __ ] mouth it does lipstick they just had to do that they just had to they had to they had to show the little purple lips on her butthole yeah she put purple lipstick on her butthole i know it's actually her mouth but it's just weird okay i know it kind of goes with the color palette of the movie right everything's purple and pink and whatever but kind of weird so what does she take a mirror and at least it didn't have a scene of her applying the lipstick feeling like she's at the end of her rope and she has no reason to live she heads to a bridge and she's about to jump and then passes out when she wakes up she sees none other than ernesto standing there ernesto now single and heartbroken penniless and homeless is also at the end of his rope so they both met each other at the perfect time because remember guys ernesto has a deformity king so he takes a liking to samantha we meet laura again remember the girl with the skin over her eyes yeah she's older now probably in her mid-20s and she still works at the brothel wow that's a pretty miserable existence and miraculously she still has those diamond eyes somehow nobody has stolen them yet yet one of the people that frequently visit laura is the obese waitress from the diner it's here kind of uses laura as a way to get close to someone and touch someone and be intimate with someone without them seeing her or touching her and it turns out she spent almost all of her money visiting laura so in order to keep visiting her she attempts to steal her diamond eyes someone walks in when she's trying to steal them so she shoves them in her mouth and ends up swallowing them later in the movie she uh tries to [ __ ] them out by shoving a shower head up her ass and turning it on [Laughter] i mean it worked just don't do that at home kids okay if you eat something that's too large just go to the hospital don't do this don't do this okay it won't turn out this way it's here feels guilty so she goes back to visit laura again and she gives the diamond eyes back and laura tells her that she wants to touch her it's years reluctant at first but then allows her to do so and she finds out that it's not so bad eventually they fall in love and they live happily ever after simon from the beginning of the movie only returns to his wife after finding out that his son is dead he finds a picture of his tattoo in his son's belongings and he realizes that leaving his family was directly linked to his son's death and he only left his family because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control his urges and he would end up hurting his son like sexually abusing him when he was young or something the cruel reality being that no matter what he chose the fate of his son was to suffer and in leaving his family he made his ex-wife suffer for many many years and she's still not over it at the very end of the movie samantha and ernesto kiss and it is disturbing they kiss him the only way that they can and that's basically by him tossing her salad uh yeah he just jams his tongue into her bottle about my god this scene took me by his surprise so hard and then we get a shot of christian as a mermaid he's sitting there with his big fin and there's fish falling it's strange the director certainly took an absurdist approach to illustrate his points it's not every day where you get a movie that tries to portray how gross and judgmental people can be but at the same time put in a character like samantha for the purposes of comedy you know like there are clearly scenes in this movie that are made to be gawked at and laughed at by the audience because they're so absurd right it's almost as if that's what the director was going for like hi gotcha audience you're just like these [ __ ] in the movie you're you're laughing at this girl who has an [ __ ] for a mouth and if this is what he was going for i think it's kind of weak because he definitely tried to make you laugh in these scenes like he did a close-up of them like come on man he did it right from the beginning too it was like hey look at this old bat woman look at her body it's completely naked do you like looking at that cause i'm gonna show it to you for like five minutes straight and he throws boners all over the place in this movie it's a strange movie i don't think it's terrible it still has a good message behind it whether it's a comedy or not i would like to say that it wasn't taking itself too seriously but there were definitely some very extreme scenes that kind of make you take the movie seriously it's like a dark dark dark comedy you know like three darks and the comedy's very small dark dark comedy comedy is very subtle can you imagine the actors and actresses accepting the roles to this movie hey so you're gonna be playing a character named samantha okay okay go on you know it's like a typical story about bullying and how you shouldn't judge people based on the way they look oh so they're gonna make me ugly oh no they're putting an [ __ ] on your mouth what so yeah guys that's the movie skins if you have any other movies you'd like me to review please put them in the comment section down below don't forget to check out my clothing line we have awesome shirts just like this hell yeah we dropped a bunch of new stuff a bunch of new hats i think you will like it a lot so go over there and check out what we have and i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye well what did you think of it it was um too much for me [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 1,288,459
Rating: 4.9616241 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, skins movie, pieles, pieles movie review, skins movie review, skins netflix
Id: Oz5TOY9X66k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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