THE STRANGERS: PREY AT NIGHT - A Horror Movie So Dumb It's Hilarious

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thanks to simplisafe for sponsoring this video do you guys remember the movie the strangers it was kind of a big deal when it came out i thought it was okay it wasn't great it had some creepy moments it was a very mediocre horror movie in my eyes but still a fun movie to watch with your friends and i didn't really think anything of it but then they decided to make a sequel and there's really only one reason for this money the original strangers had a budget of 9 million and it made over 82 million worldwide so yeah it was a pretty successful movie they actually spent 4 million less dollars on this movie it had a 5 million budget but it made much less money at just over 31 million worldwide so it wasn't a failure but it wasn't a huge success either i think the only reason people watch these movies is because of the creepy masks that these people are wearing like yeah these girls look kind of scary in these masks then there's like the scarecrow wannabe guy who just wears like a bag over his head the sequel is one of the funniest horror movies i've ever seen it's not trying to be funny it's just so stupid in its execution you're gonna see what i mean like i'm gonna skip most of the beginning of this movie because all the fun parts are at the end and oh my god the characters are so stupid i'm gonna quickly go over what happens in the very beginning a little girl knocks on the door of this old couple's trailer they're like oh who are you and it's one of the strangers and they end up killing this old couple the main characters of this movie make up a small family the father mike the mom cindy their daughter kinsey and their son luke basically they're going on vacation a very strange low budget vacation at a trailer park i don't know maybe there's like hiking trails or something it's it's weird apparently this family knows this old couple i'm not sure how i don't care so the mother left a message for the old couple telling them that they're going to be on their way and so the strangers after killing them listen to the message and start preparing for their arrival so they show up at this old couple's shop cindy goes in and finds a note that tells them that they have a trailer ready for them why would cindy assume that there would be a note in there for them if it says closed i mean there's clearly a sign there that says closed and all the lights are off why would she think there's anything in there for her it's not really smart for the strangers to do that right why wouldn't the strangers take the sign down and turn the light on wouldn't it make more sense for the note to be like on the front door for them to find if they weren't in the shop like what's stopping people from going there and stealing their stuff if the doors are open anyway so they go to their trailer and this young girl knocks on their door and they answer it and they're like oh who the hell are you she asks for someone named tamara and they're like yeah we don't know that person so bye felicia mike wants this trip to be device free so he asks everybody to give him their phone so they're unable to use them during their stay oh come on can we just have one last evening where you're not on your phones don't use your phones kids they're bad for you you're you're addicted to them and it's you get off twitter that's probably good advice actually kenzie has a little bit of a hissy fit and ends up leaving the trailer so the parents have luke go out and look for kinsey but they don't think to give him his phone that's weird like she doesn't have a phone on her so they're unable to call her wouldn't it make more sense to send luke out with his phone so you can call him just in case they lose their way or something not very responsible parents are they and then this girl knocks on their door again hey it's me for a second time is tamara here and the parents were like uh what the hell you were just here like 10 minutes ago and then just walks away and they're like yeah that was weird the strangers are not as subtle as they were in the first movie i like how the parents didn't think to call the police immediately after this weird-ass girl knocked on their door the second time like that is weird as hell i'm calling the police immediately after that i'm in the middle of nowhere and this person does this to me kenzie and luke find a trailer with its door open and they're like hey let's go inside that's a good idea so they do they go inside and they find the dead elderly couple and they start freaking out so they start walking back home and they run into their parents so kenzie and luke tell their parents that they just found a dead elderly couple and they're very convincing i'm not i'm not messing with you i swear but the dad decides he wants to see these dead people for himself you know screw going back to our trailer as a group and getting our phones and calling the police instead we're going to split up the guys are going to go back to the trailer where the dead people are for whatever reason and the girls are going to go back to their trailer so that was a very dumb decision on their part it's a smart idea to let the girls go back to the trailer where the creepy girl was knocking by themselves that's what i would do if i had a daughter and a wife that i loved to death i would send them back to the creepy girl so i can go look at the dead people and the parents didn't bring their phones either they just left them back in their trailer like yeah i get you're here to like enjoy the nature or something but it's night time and people are separated wouldn't you want to be able to contact each other doesn't that make sense i guess not oh and get this the parents left their trailer to look for their kids without locking the trailer so the strangers went into their trailer while they were gone and broke their phones i think it would have been better just to like you know take their phones just smashing them up a bit doesn't mean that they won't work like they can still use siri and stuff i guess they wanted to do this to freak them out or something and then one of the strangers comes out of nowhere i guess she just wanted to chill there and wait for them to come back but what if all of them came back you know she knows that there's four people staying here two of them being men she could be easily overpowered if all four of them came back but i guess she decided to take that risk somehow cindy is able to call the police anyway and of course there's bad service so they don't really hear her the stranger approaches them with a knife there's two of them and they could probably overpower this girl if they just jumped her right i mean yeah one of them might have been injured but i'm assuming they could still overpower her but they don't they see the stranger and they start freaking out kinsey and cindy then close themselves off in a bathroom and cindy helps kinsey escape through like a hatch in the roof so kenji is like sitting there in the hatch and looking down at her mom and her mom is looking up at her and the stranger gets into the bathroom and just stabs the mom as the mom's looking up at her daughter she just kind of stands there and takes it she doesn't try to defend herself or anything like there must have been something in that bathroom to use against her like a plunger for example smack her with a plunger that's kind of gross i'm sure she would be uh pretty disturbed by that i mean she's wearing a mask already so her vision is kind of impaired so you kind of already have an advantage over this girl just grab the hand with the knife in it you know what i mean like is it that hard but yeah i guess just let her kill you that's an easy option and they just scream and scream and scream lots of screaming it's so funny how this stranger kills her too she kind of just like nonchalantly walks in and goes okay i guess you're dead now mike and luke find their way to the trailer with the dead elderly couple in it and why would mike want to take luke to see these dead people again you're traumatizing your son for a second time and not only that it's a crime scene call the cops and tell them about these dead people don't go there and disturb the crime scene and move stuff call the cops get your phones call the cops get any phone call the cops and have them come and they'll do their thing okay your dummies you don't want to go in there and investigate it yourself and then mike goes hey call the police do you have your phone on you we're gonna call the cops when he was the one that collected their phones from them earlier what are you kidding me bro so yeah i guess they walked all the way there to verify what kinsey and luke already saw so that's cool i guess the movie needed to separate them somehow you know to make them easier to kill but i'm sure they could have thought up a better way to do it than this so mike finds a gun in the trailer with the old people in it so they're good now right like surely that just solved all their problems they're armed they don't have to worry about anything just walk around with the gun and shoot anybody that's a threat to you surely they won't make any stupid choices right surely the movie won't make the gun disappear out of nowhere surely that won't happen so the guys are like okay so this trip was kind of pointless aside from this gun that we found which is pretty cool so they go back to their trailer and find cindy dead in the bathroom whoops probably shouldn't have split up that was a bad idea so the two guys take the van to go searching for kinsey wait are you telling me that they had a van this whole time that they could have just driven away with as soon as they found out that there's dead people here and a very creepy girl here wow so they probably should have left right away right that's weird it's also kind of strange right that the strangers found the time to go into their trailer and break all their phones but didn't slash the tires of their escape vehicle what that's like a very basic thing that every psychopath does if they want to kill someone they disable their means of escape right but they don't in this movie so luke and mike are driving around you know like kenzie where are you kinsey and then a brick comes out of nowhere and hits the windshield so i guess one of them like lobbed a brick at the car and it freaks out mike so they crash i don't know why they wouldn't just hit the brake instead of you know the acceleration i guess mike just doesn't have any control over his feet he's just like oh god just press on the acceleration so kinsey is running away from the strangers and she finds herself in this tube thing i'm not sure what it is don't make fun of me i'd it's it's a tube it's like a [ __ ] a cylinder what is it it's a tube thing so yeah kenzie's just kind of like chilling in this tube thing and hilariously one of the strangers was already in there leave us alone but we've just started so she was just kind of like chilling in this tube waiting for kinsey to go in there how could they have possibly known that she would go in there they have incredibly good foresight they have a crystal ball somewhere that tells them where these people will end up going she could very easily kill kenzie right now you know she has no idea you're in there just stab her but she doesn't she just wants to scare her i guess so she's like hey peek-a-boo i'm here and kenzie freaks out and runs away i guess that's something that these strangers like to do they like to taunt their prey and scare them that's part of the fun but it's kind of annoying to chase them around everywhere right kinsey could very easily escape shouldn't they like try and capture these people and then taunt them you know and then get your rocks off that they're all scared like they did in the original hey guys it's elvis from the future here i hope you're enjoying the review you wouldn't want just any random stranger coming into 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today oh and they also come with this sign as soon as someone sees that sign they're not gonna do anything to your home so yeah please go to elvisthealien and make sure your home is safe for you and your family all alright guys thanks for listening to the ad and thanks to simply safe for sponsoring this video and on with the review so mike is severely injured from the car crash luke is all good though mike gives the gun to luke and he has him leave him there in the car and go look for kinsey which is very smart i guess he's just committing suicide then cool that works so the baghead stranger guy joins mike in his car he's just kind of like sitting there and he turns the radio on to make it more romantic while he's sitting there 18 naked cowboys in the shower he takes out this little ice pick thing and he's like hey look at this and he stabs mike with it just once mike just kind of sits there and he starts screaming i guess both of his arms and legs are broken because he doesn't really move at all he doesn't try to defend himself in any way he's just like yep i'm here and so are you let's just do this thing let's let's dance baby shove that ice pick into me i dare ya and so he does and then the stranger's like really obsessed with the blood for some reason he's like looking at it like oh that's cool he's leaking on me that's interesting that's what happens when you stab someone right wow kinsey finds herself at a random trailer and lo and behold a stranger is there waiting again [Music] that crystal ball that they have is very handy how do they possibly know where she's going it's so annoying like how are they always one step ahead of her they're always like at the spot she's going to before she gets there surely there must be like many places she could go right she could like run into the woods she could run into the street she could go into the trailer but the stranger chose the trailer because i guess they just assumed that she would want to chill in the trailer she wouldn't want to run and try and find someone to save her she would want to run for cover in a trailer and they were right i guess so the stranger stabs kinsey and luke shows up immediately afterwards with the gun and he points it at the stranger and he just doesn't want to kill the stranger that just stabbed his sister so that's interesting he just kind of like runs away like he's about to shoot her in this scene but just doesn't so that's cool remember that fighting scene in star wars where like that guy's blade just vanishes out of thin air to make sense for the choreography to work for the scene yeah well the same thing kind of happens in this movie except they just expect you to forget about the gun that luke has that's kind of weird luke has it in his hand during this scene you can see it in his hand while they're running but in the next scene it's just gone now it's not in his hand i don't see it in his pants where'd he put it up his ass did he just throw it on the grass i guess he just didn't want the gun and yeah that's it the gun is just gone now like the most useful tool you could possibly have in this scenario it just vanishes while they were filming did they just forget that luke had a gun when they were recording the next scene like i'm so instead of just running and running and running like they should be doing luke and kenzie go to another trailer and decide to chat for a little bit this is when the baghead dude smashes through the trailer with his truck it's supposed to be like oh my god type moment you know like wow these guys are willing to do anything to scare these people i mean that could have gone terribly wrong for this stranger but i guess it just worked out for him that he could just smash right through it lucky him i guess so yeah they run away again luke tells kinsey to hide and he goes to the shop to use the phone in the shop to call the police but remember the strangers have a crystal ball and they know where these people are at all times so they know that luke is at this shop so right after he calls the police they cut the phone lines i don't know why they didn't cut the phone lines before but i guess they decided to cut it at the exact moment that someone called the police it's much more creepy that way if they wait until someone's in the process of calling the police and then snip it right then oh my god i don't know if police can track a landline like that but i guess the strangers wanted to take that risk and surely the cops could have tracked the cell phone that called them earlier right whatever so luke doesn't have his gun anymore so he finds a golf club instead i guess that works he finds himself by a pool and the woman stranger rushes at him and he just like bonks her in the head when she's running at him and she collapses it's [ __ ] hilarious just don't just splats on the ground you kind of feel bad for her in that moment like damn that's a fail right there it's funny because she had more than enough time to kill him in the scene prior to this he had his back turned to her and she could have easily stabbed him but she just didn't why do these professional killers suck so much at killing people i don't get it so the baghead stranger comes out and he's like hey luke you're you're meanie you killed my girlfriend so he starts swinging at her with his axe one thing leads to another and they end up falling into the pool they're struggling with each other and luke ends up dropping his knife and instead of going for the knife he decides to uh swim away and run away so the stranger just you know picks up the knife and swims up to luke and stabs him he's like whoa okay that was easy so luke is just laying there in the pool bleeding out in the pool so kinsey limps her way to the pool because i guess her spidey senses told her where luke was she pulls him to safety despite her wound very strange she can walk mostly fine now remember before when she was like really struggling to move well i guess she just shook off the pain because she's limping around like it's nobody's business now would have been nice if they both just ran away when luke had the gun before but that would be too convenient kenzie puts luke somewhere and she's like all right just wait here we're gonna be separated again because that always works out it worked out before it's gonna work out now so she's limping around and she coincidentally walks straight in front of a cop car and the cop car stops and he's like yo what's going on and kenzie's like wow this is very convenient i can't believe that i just happened to come across a police officer and kenzie speaks to him in such a way that both her and the cop miss the stranger that walks right up behind the cop and slits his throat like it worked out perfectly in the stranger's favor if they spoke to each other in any other way then they would have seen the stranger coming but i guess the movie needed them to spin around like that in a weird way that isn't natural at all so the cop would be facing away from the stranger you know it doesn't even make sense because kenzie would definitely have seen the stranger approach him but i guess he was talking to her like really up close so it was impairing her vision they were like they're pretty much like making out with each other like hey don't look don't look and if you just had your throat slit shouldn't your first instinct be to like go for your gun and and shoot the person that did that to you i mean you'd probably want to hold your throat too like you have two hands just hold your throat and then go for your gun and aim it like this and then pull trigger like this don't just like sit there and die that doesn't really help anyone and if you look at the cops face it's like he dies instantly as soon as she cuts his throat his eyes just like roll back like oh he's just dead he's dead now he's whoop he's a gunner dead i know you're pretty much [ __ ] if you get your throat slit but still kinsey freaks out and goes into the cop car the cop had the keys and they weren't in the car so clearly the stranger has the advantage right now she has the keys and she can just bend over and pick up the gun that's on the cop but she doesn't do that because the strangers like to kill people with knives and axes and that's it so the stranger follows kinsey into the car and starts like slashing away at her stabbing would probably be more effective right now but slash away girl you do you kinsey just kicks her away and she's like oh wow look a shotgun and she picks it up and shoots a hole straight through this girl if i were the stranger in this situation and i saw kinsey going for a shotgun i would try to grab the shotgun or run away one of the two what i wouldn't do is stand there like a deer in headlights and let her blast a gaping hole directly through my sternum but hey everyone's different so baghead takes his truck and rams it into the back of the police car that kinsey is sitting in i guess he just loves to ram into things with his truck he's got a hard-on for ramming things not in that way but this is hilarious because he does so much more damage to the truck than he does to the cop car after being rammed by this truck she doesn't try and use the shotgun on him which is very odd i guess she's kind of in a daze right like she just got rammed by another car but still you still got brains use them you're getting attacked again get the shotgun get anything but she decides to do neither of those things she sits there and mr baghead drives up next to her and he's like hey what's good and then he drives away conveniently the cop car doesn't start now i'm not sure how ramming it in the rear would make the engine stop working but yeah it just stopped working okay so the baghead dude takes the truck and drives around the cop car and it's pretty clear that he's going to ram her again but she decides not to exit the vehicle with her shotgun instead she decides to keep on trying to get the car to run if i was in her position and there was a problem with the ignition i would take the shotgun and exit the vehicle and start shooting at this guy and use my own car as cover so baghead drives his truck into the cop car again t-bones it kinsey is somehow still fine so the stranger's truck is now stuck on the cop car like they're stuck together somehow kind of like in star wars episode one where like the pod racers are stuck together the stranger guy doesn't decide to lead the truck with his axe and attack this girl instead he just keeps backing up and backing up backing up backing up back in he's like oh one of these days this thing will come loose there's gas from these vehicles leaking all over the place so kinsey takes out a zippo lights it and throws it at the pile of gasoline beneath these cars and they explode in flames so yeah this guy's a goner right nope hilariously the stranger is fine and he starts driving after kinsey instead of easily just squishing her with his truck he just slowly follows her so she's crawling away on a bridge and the truck is behind her like inching behind her he isn't squishing her for some odd reason and she could easily just like roll off the side of the bridge and escape but i guess going off the side of the bridge is more risky than being squished by a burning truck with a psychopath inside it so in this scene the stranger decides to stop the truck you know put it in park he gets out of the truck and he's like hey i'm gonna kill you with my axe and then he just like passes out and falls over how is this truck still running by the way it's on fire the entire truck is on fire how is this thing still like what i'm oh my god kenzie just kind of like sits there and watches him i guess she's just as stunned as i was like wow this guy is a complete idiot and weirdo very strange psychopath that just wants to taunt me as much as he possibly can he wants to taunt me and terrify me but never hurt me he just wants to be like creepy you know so kinsey waddles her way to the road and another car is driving by and she's like hey stop i'm being attacked the baghead dude comes out of nowhere again with his axe i'm not sure how he knows where she is like what the hell why do these people have like the spidey sense crystal ball thing like they have a radar like call of duty radar thing that has a little bleep that shows where she is how do they know what anyway so miraculously he follows her he starts chasing her with his axe the people in the car try to drive away kinsey jumps into the bed the truck before they drive away baghead man is very determined to kill kinsey at all costs even if it means climbing on the bed of a moving truck and using your axe to kill her in there when he is suffering from extreme burns and lots of wounds yeah he's really determined to kill this girl kinsey just smacks him and he falls off the truck oh and i guess luke is still alive somehow yeah kinsey got him to a hospital remember when he was bleeding out with a massive back wound in a pool and then kinsey left him to bleed out in some random trailer i guess she came back for him and brought him to a hospital and he miraculously survived that was a lot of blood in that pool i guess luke has a bunch of blood reserves you know if you lose some he's got some backups you just put some more blood in there so the movie ends with kenzie and luke in the hospital and someone knocking on the door to their hospital room like oh my god the the baghead dude who is like pretty much dead at this point is after you again oh no it probably wasn't him it's just like ptsd but oh my god it's so stupid i've been filming for more than an hour talking about all the dumb [ __ ] in this movie alright guys that will do it thank you so much for watching if you have any other movie that you'd like me to check out please put it in the comment section down below if you like this sweater it's pretty dope you can get it at along with a bunch of other cool stuff get it before it's sold out because there's limited stock of everything for those that don't know i've been streaming on twitch a lot lately and i'm live right now so if you want to watch go to alien the link is in the description and come chill for a little bit thanks for watching the video guys i really appreciate it and i'll see you guys in the next one and always remember to keep your doors locked because you never know if there's a killer with a crystal ball waiting to stab you [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 975,288
Rating: 4.9424038 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, horror movie, movie review, the strangers, the strangers: prey at night
Id: aZj1a4TdcAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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